tv Washington Journal Tom Mc Clintock CSPAN April 7, 2022 9:58pm-10:27pm EDT
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continue to be the best nation in the world. 20% of doctors today in the u.s. are foreign-born and engineers, technicians. if we want to be the best of the best in the world, we need to have the skilled workforce. a lot of the workers are foreigners. let's stick to american laws and force u.s. laws and make sure we have predictability. i want america to remain the greatest countrypr in the world, strongest economy in the world and in my opinion, immigrants are a big part of that solution. thank you. >> host: representing the 46th district southern california and serveded in the u.s. senate, u.. house for three terms now. congressman, we appreciate you joining us this morning. >> guest: thank you. >> host: tom mcclintock served in the u.s. house for seven terms now representing a fourth district. welcome to washington journal, congressman.
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as you f may have heard, a lot of conversation this morning about immigration, particularly the administration's move the decision to lift this title 42 immigration policy implemented by the trump administration in the last months of the trump administration. what iss your thought on the biden administration's decision to do that? >> guest: it's going to be a disaster and that is what all the border patrol agents i've talked to have told me. the last line of defense. more than 2 million illegal immigrants apprehended by the border patrol at the southern borders since the administration took office. roughly 1 million were admitted into the country and the other million were turned away because of title 42. when the administration moves they expect to see as many as 18,000 illegal aliens a day entering the country. now that's the entire population of wyoming entering every 32
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days. that's what 18,000's. in 32 days we will admit another wyoming and 32 days after that, and other. last year based on the polling's they believe about 42 million people in latin america and the caribbean alone a plan to come here. no civilization has ever survived this magnitude of illegal migration. .. how are working families held by flooding labor markets and how were community-based agencies making it possible to
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bring in criminal illegal aliens. it makes no sense at all and that's a policy that the day the joe biden took office in democrats took control. reporter: the cdc said the reasoning for the lifting of title 42 and get your reaction after considering current public health and increased availability of tools to buy covid-19, such as highly effective vaccines and therapeutics the cdc director has determined an order
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suspending the right to introduce migrants into the united states is no longer necessary. that's title 42. congressman mcclintock. >> it's a public health measure concerning all kinds of communicable diseases that come into this country. whatever its purpose or justification under this a administration it's the last remaining tool to defend our border. when it goes away we effectively have nothing and that's what the border patrol officers told me time and again when i visited the border. husk of the center progress of this. they are on the other side want to get your thoughts in this too. they said the decision to and title 42 the expulsion policy is thee right one. there was no scientific reasoning behind the order. inch for tech united states are asylum-seekers from covid-19 and instead they say put asylum-seekers at risk by sending them back to countries
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where they face persecution and torture while restricting their right to seek legal protection in the united states. >> that's a document for open borders and i think americans are starting to get a sense of what that means. when we see this illegal as i saidand 1 million illegal immigrants have been brought into this admin country of deliberately by this administration. they are been half a million that have come into the country and the border patrol is then completely overblown. we can admit all people of the world toward country. countries they can't secure their borders we have to enforce immigration laws and borders mean nothing in it for borders
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mean nothing we are no longer a country. as our guest is top -- congressman tom mcclintock and the numbers are (202)748-8000 for democrats and brenda pence and although there's (202)478-8002. is there anything to replace title 42 and what is the administration's plan posts may 23 the deadline or which they are supposed to lift that measure. >> we have no plan. the border wall was nearing completion and on his first day of office biden canceled the border wall. i've been down there. the material is there on-site ready to be put into place you biden put a hault to that and makes the border wall meaningless.
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they remain in mexico policy instituted by the trump administration was extremely effective at slowing illegal immigration across the southern border to a trickle andth we weren't forcing border deportations is a lot of required. those three measures are combined secured our borders for the first time in many years. those are the things that joe biden reversed. heran deportation the lowest evr recorded. the administration has been ordered to resume the policy. so far they have refuse refused to do so. >> host: on guzman-loera reports the ukrainian refugees are now the u.s.-mexico border. certainly before then there have been afghanistan refugees at the border and prior to that haitian refugees after the earthquake and other issues. adding significant pressure to the regular stream of migrants that come from central south
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america and mexico. >> that's the consequence of open borders. i encountered a large number of people coming from cuba and from romania came from russia. we turn trump's conditional recall into an unconditional surrender by the taliban. they are three to 5000 of the most dangerous terrorist on the planet held in custody and the taliban force immediately release him. 10 days later one of those terrorists detonated the bomb at kabul airport. we don't know where the other terrorists are but a few of them are coming in to that same open resouthern border. >> host: my question for you and understand understand this as an election-year year that increased pressure would seem to be a bipartisan push to come to
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some sort of immigration and border reform agreement and some sort of measure that would resolve that situation and immigration policy. >> guest: so far the democrats approach has been to pass a measure out of the house that extended amnesty for the 10 million illegal aliens are in the country. that is a population the size of alaska and montana and wyoming, north dakota, south dakota vermont, delaware and rhode island c combined. we had six hearings on the house immigration subcommittee's and five of those six hearings were aimed at increased flow of migration to the country. there's a very sharp division between democrats and republicans on thiss issue but
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the democrats have favored open borders republicans know we have to secure the borders as we did under the trump administration. >> host: we have calls winning the achilles ederly about the borders allowing for illegal labor to come to this country but you think this country has a labor shortage that can be answered in part by immigration? >> guest: this argument is completely false. it's no coincidence that we may secured order blue-collar wages saw their fastest increase in decades. it's the fastest increase in 40 years when we secured our borders. it was very much a blue-collar vote and the gap between rich
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and poor was in those years for the first time in decades so the two are directly related. policy lets get to our callers and we go first to josh in illinois on the democrats line. go ahead. >> caller: hello. i have a few comments and a question at the end. he wanted to talk about labor and people who pay wages. a lot of those immigrants pick the in california and you want americans to do that and have the good costs skyrocket and widget like hotel rooms, do you think they are a ton of people wanting to clean the rooms and get paid $10 an hour? >> guest: that snow argument for ringing in illegal foreign
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labor. if you're worried about prices the market force is very effective. employers have to pay a wage for labor. the market wage will go down dramatically foren everybody. >> host: . she of a final question? >> caller: yeah or they recall the republicans controlling the house, the senate and the president under trump. trump came out with this big beautiful immigration plan and you guys talked about it every time and democrats say they are just open borders. where did that big and beautiful planned though? >> guest: i'm sorry but the
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fact of the matter is we have mexico policy enforcing court-ordered deportations and creating the wall to completion to near completion to stop the final construction. that brought our borders back under control and those were the policies the biden administration reversed on the firstnira day. you are right it has failed to pass out of the house like asylum laws that have the loopholes that this administration has exploited to make our borderses meaningless. let's go let's go to enter new jersey on the independent line. gog ahead. >> caller: good morning congressman. first of all i have a question about are these immigrants coming across the border at the
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screen for contagious diseases? we have a tremendous problem in the united states every day with corona and new viruses and second of all how many of these people come across the borders are ms-13 gang members. out on long island in new york the administration does turn its back on it. it's a tremendous cost to the american people. they are being slaughtered by these gangs and nobody's doing anything anything about it. my question is as a tremendous cost to the hospitals when they come in. they have no health care and they are using charity care which is pushing up the cost of hospitalization. as far as the caller from illinois who said americans aren't going to get food. first of all there is a wage in
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this country that's going up. i think they are so much fake news going on out there and we are being misled. i like your comments. guess i'm not sure i can add to what you party said. the gang situation has become extremely perilous and don't forget the cartel controls the border and they charge $4000 for every migrant coming across the border. they could he charger and -- charging three of $5000. these are impoverished people. how did they enforce those high fees? the gangs become the enforcers to the cartel. that is becoming an increasingly serious of problem. half a million since this
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administration took office. those are the folks we have observed going across the border. we can apprehend because the border patrol was completely overwhelmed. how many of those are terrorist? we have stopped a number of terrorists at the border. those are the ones we can count. once we have not encountered are the ones i really worry about. it's a critically important problem in the point you make regarding a health care system what is that doing to the accessibility to health care and quality health care in this country? was it doing to our education system? this is absolute insanity. no civilization has ever survived without keeping its borders secured.
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>> host: a question for you carson on twitter what is the republicans plan for holding those accountable for hiring at the end occupied? >> guest: e-verify. you hand your credit card to a clerk that clerk is going to know your credit history. why can't an e-verify mandate being recorded so when they are hiring they will have an instant access to that individuals right to be in the country in the first place. that is absolute essential. if we are going to protect americans. it's illegal to hire an illegal. the problem is it's not being enforced. husband general david democrats support that or oppose e-verify? >> guest: they oppose the mandate. policy let's hear from ray from
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michigan on the republican line. >> caller: yes, good morning. there's an invasion going on with russia right now. joe biden said that bunch of troops over to germany to protect the borderss in ukraine. does he realize that he is the president of the united states and we have borders and why he would not when there are so many people working in washington, really you have 20 times more people than you really need because the more people you have the more confusion you have. everybody has their own opinions and everybody's got their own rights and they will never get along. they are not for us. the federal government is screwed up so bad all they want to do is get thanks for themselves as long as they
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benefit. they really don't give a -- about us. >> host: we will hear from congressman mcclintock to get a response. >> guest: in america the people are sovereign. unlike sovereigns of other countries people don't elect government they collectve hired help and then they watch that help and decide whether to keep it or throw it out and replace it witho someone else. that's what elections are all about. elections are more important thanng they are right now and or country is in such great peril not only with immigration but what the democrats have done to our economy is absolutely shocking. inflation right now up to 80% and you look at your energy
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costs in the foreign-policy debacles in afghanistan. we have got to decide as a people whether we want to continue down this road and see her countries to buy. >> host: on the topic of elections from the "sacramento bee" your headline republican tom mcclintock will run a new congressional district after redistricting. is that present a greater challenge due this year? >> guest: it's the district i representative for 10 years. they are a counties. we picked up a territory of tedesco so i'mer very grateful r that and very grateful to be able to continue to represent the people there. post a let's hear from rayonna democrats line in napa.
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good morning. >> guest: we have the chamber commerce in northern california and they are scared to death of e-verify. that was years ago. you can build the wall they'll fly in and ordered the wallet doesn't matter matter. you have to go after the employer and enforce the laws that we have. you know it and i know it. the chamber commerce is an obstacle of e-verify. what do you say? >> guest: i agree with you and we need to e-verify. >> host: from tampa florida death on the independent line. >> caller: good morning, hi. i think it's quite how the press secretary gets up there in those conferences and says with immigration we need to be compassionate with these people. you aren't even treating the people that are here already
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with compassion and humanity. but how many people are in the streets now they can't eat and don't have a roof over their head and you are bringing morer here? it's not even fathom the will to understand why they are allowing this to happen. it's only hurting our country. it's not helping h our country d health care like you said they get free health care money. that's my money that i have life. for all my my husband works 70 or so we could he goes to the hospital and i to pay a new dollars a month for health insurance. where's the common sense in this? it's what they are doing to this country. thank you. >> guest: there's no common sense and it's our job as americans. ine a democracy sometimes its. we did get the government we vote for and if it's a
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government that doesn't like us it's our job to changeit it. we haven't been struck by act -- some at the. it's a choice and that can change when we give the political willos to do so. it's up to americans to set things right. >> host: we will hear from edward on the republican line in freeport freeport, it i'm sorry keyport, new jersey. edward. we lost edward. sorry about that prince cj is in falls church virginia on the democratsyo line. >> caller: good morning congressman. trump said that sentence about they send us their murderers and and some i suppose. in your opinion what's the break down because over four years
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trump never gave those percentages on rapist murders and good people. secondly where does giving up the 2nd amendment well-regulated militia in terms of our regulated militia for guns to go south of the border. and in your point of view how? >> guest: when you talk about people coming across the order is it a federal crime and illegal to cross the border between poisoned pen très? in that respect every single person who comes across our order in this manner is breaking american law. they know it and that means they are thumbing their nose at americans.
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that's the term that is operated. it's illegal so with respect to the flow of guns across the border my concern right now is that we have seen since his administration took office between those the population the size of the states of montana and wyoming have been in this country since this administration took office. that is not sustainable. we are expecting up to 18,000 that's the population of wyoming every 32 days. that's shocking. it's on this gunner pup in mine and bakersfield californian steven, go ahead. >> caller: mr. mcclintock biden went over to europe and he said this is a new world order so that kind of me out.
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>> guest: i don't know what he means by that and i'm not sure he knows what he means by that. what i've seen from his administration in this country and the open borders policy, economic policies decimating american workers and the current inflation rate is expected to take about $5000 purchasing power of the average family few manage to put away $100,000 toward your retirement with a person inflation rate remains the government is taking 8% of that power to. i look at all of these things and wonder how could this be happening to our country and the answer to that is that we'll be decided in the last election
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thand. >> host: as the house comes a momentarily we didn't ask you your views on administrations policies in ukraine on the ukraine russia war. >> guest: i think it's very important that you provide staff with the tools they need to defend their country. amongg other things we have been sending a lot of surplus aircraft in the middle of the arizona desert. why don't we send them to places like taiwan where they can actually do some good in deterring aggression. >> host: tom: wintuk our guest represents the fourth district of california for seven terms now. thanks for being on the program this morning congressman. >> guest: my pleasure, thanks for having me.
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