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tv   Washington Journal Daniel Webster  CSPAN  April 28, 2022 12:05am-12:35am EDT

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send me your phone number. i'd rather talk about your issues than read your about your death. >> he's part of the john hopkins gun violence solution. explain the centers mission. the centers >> sure, the mission is to conduct research on the biggest public safety and health problems inan the country gun violence. we were established in 1995 at the john hopkins school of we are interested in all forms of r gun violence. we also are committed to evidence based policy. so,, we recently joined with colleagues who also are adepth
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at taking our research and communicating that effectively to policymakers. >> one form of gun violence getting a lot of attention is mass shootings in the country. the washington post has this set of statistics. 151 massic shootings in the country and that's involving four ore more victims. 151 through april 23 of this yearf compared to 156 last yea. that's significantly higher than in resent years throughout the 2010. what is theth reason, in your mind, for the increase in massor shootings in this country. >> most of the mass shootings that are now being counted begun violence archives are like other shootings that involve fewer victims. massgs shootings can include two
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sets of individuals that are in opposing street crews. it can be domestic violence scenarios in which an estranged boyfriend is going after his former family members or shooting. most mass t shootings really lok much like other forms of gun violence we study and occur on a regular basis. you know, the general pattern is following the overall rate of gun violence we have been seeing that has increased from 2019 to 2020. actually, the largest one year increase in the nations history.
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so, the pattern we see overall is also a seen in mass shooting. >> is there a way to regulate our way-out of the gun violence problems. >> no one solution will be fully effective. based on our research, we have found,d, certain regulations. not allta regulations translate into lives saved. many key gun laws do save lives and that's what our science is set out to do examine how laws differ across the state and how rates of gun violence change. what we find from that is, you know, when we think about our federal laws, there are some huge h gaps that are exploited y people whold shouldn't have gune and the people who profit from
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selling them. our state laws very and some try to address the gaps. when they do, we find, when you extendha background checks to private transfers you have less gun trafficking. you have a large impact in reducing homicides, suicides, and mass shootings. when you couple that with the licensing requirement. beingui able to purchase a handgun. we have to get a license to drive s a motor vehicle. many states decide that applies if you want to buy a handgun. we find those laws are quiet effective in reducing all forms of gun violence. even gun violence between law enforcement and civilians. >> you have to have a license to drive a car. you need insurance to drive a
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car. a questionro from steven lexingn should we mandate gun owners carry insurance. would that decrease gun violence?re >> well, would that decrease gun violence. i can't say whether it would or wouldn't. we haven't done it so we haven't had a opportunity to study it. while it's a very rational idea and concept. there are othere things can do o reduce gun violence. what's going on when we think about policies to address gun violence we can see how much we'll gain from less gun violence and how much burden will wee put-on the gun owners. again, while i think there is a rational for requiring insurance. right now, i think it will be n
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hard to do politically with uncertain outcomes. >> phone lines if you want to join this conversation with daniel webster. it's phone lines as it was last segment. gun owners 202-748-8000. go ahead and start calling in. he's with us until 9:00 a.m. via zoom from john hopkins. lee gets to the heart of the question we have been talkinges about for the past 40 minutes. why w is the u.s. the level we e with this amount of gun violence. >> well, there is not one factor that explains that but clearly an important factor is that our laws arera different from our peers and other high income western democracy.
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the other nations have much more comprehensive regulations of firearms and i think, you know, there is some really interesting studies when you compare other forms of violence anything from schools to referees and aggravated assaults. the united states doesn't standout as an outlier at all. the only metrics that we are normal is lethal violence. our violence is far more lethal than otherth countries. this is principally because our violence is more likely to involve a firearm. i overheard art of the discussion with your previous gust that oh, you know, what is the difference if they didn't get you with a gun they will get
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you with a knife. it's far easier to survive an attack with a knife than gun. that's very well known and documented. while, i don't want knife attacks of course, unhappy if there are some weapons that are far less t lethal. >> what about magazine substitution. states tried to regulate the high capacity magazines. would that have an effect? >> will, we published a study in criminology and public policy that looked at state and federal laws and the degree they are associated with fatal rates of mass shootings. one policy is handgun purchaser lacens. the other policy was bans on large capacity magazines.
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in the context of mass shootings, it is a policy that is rational and evidence based. most of our shootings do not involve high capacity magazines. it's a factor. there is other research that says the type of gun you are shot with can derm how many get shot and if they will survive or not. >> this is danny out of marquette michigan. good morning. hi, mr. webster, the subject is really a good subject for saving lives. something that'ss effected my family, my extended family is thanksgiving that kills a cutter
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million people we should put our money iss and that's death by medical errors. that trumps and stomps on gun violences. can he address something like that.. >> the focus is gun violence solutions in the country. mr. webster from the center from gun violence solutions studying that pretty deeply. we'll keep the focus on that topic this morning. genene in syracuse on the line r gun owners. >> good morning, your previous guest gave a very cultured and well researched answer for gun violence in the country and it's pretty clear from the way of counting deaths and causes that people having guns legally to
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exercise their second amendment is the best way to take care of that t problem. he didn't mention that. he mentioned less guns is less violence which is wrong. he didn't mention taking away peoples rights t' a gun is taking away a right. it's not something you should have too earn by getting a license. it's in the constitution and pre-existed the constitution according to the people who wrote the constitution. >> mr. webster. >> well, a lot of factual errors there. there is no data that's not born out in the data at all. it's actually the reverse with respect to lethal forms offo
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violence. as it relates to the general question about whether a licensing requirement violates the constitution or second amendment o rights no court has decided that handgun purchaser requirements violates the second amendment.s it's fine if someone would like to have their own thoughts about what the constitutions says or doesn'tha say the way our government works the courts decide that. thus far, no court has determined that a purchaser licensing requirement for firearms might bepu in the secod amendment. >> a questionon from sheila on twitter following up on legal and illegal guns. what percentage of crimes or mass shootings are committed by legal gun owners? >> that's a good question and
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i'mgo sorry to say that the data to answer are not so good. >> i'll refer to this as the everyday shooting. we havee a high rate of shootins throughout the united states. thes, data they are collecting about those we didn't have the criminal history and background on the individuals that commit those and how many were legal to possess their guns and how manyh were not. we did a study looking at people that were incarcerated. basednd on their survey response on their history and ages we were able to look at, you know, what share of the people incarcerated for violent crimes with guns were legal possessors. they went to a gun show or gun
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shop and got the firearm they used. that very tremendously is a cross states and the states with thete weakest standards, actualy the majority, 60% were legal gun owners before theys committed that violent crime with a gun. therelo is a lot of red rick behind legal and illegal gun possess sores. the data is not as clear as what some of the arguments suggest. we know moree about the backgrounds of people that commit fatal mass shootings. most of the individuals that commit the acts could legally purchase the firearm that they used. >> in new york city. this is paul for nongun owners. goodod morning. >> good morning. my question is sort of
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surrounding the issue of gun control laws and the level of gun homicides i have seen on the internet. places like russia, latin america, and africa have very high gunk murder rates, homicide rates. if you look at bangladesh and vietnam that have lower income per capita and also have gun control laws, it's much lower. it's not poverty oriented number one. if you look at the u.s., which has lower gun deaths per person. you compare it to latin america or russia. you find, in fact, russia and latin america have worst gun control laws on average. also, when you discuss oh this state has a higher gun, you
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know, it's more than the look at neighbors in new york city. you will see very specific areas where there isll a higher homice rate. some strange reason that's notice cussed.reason that's not discussed. why is it happening in these communities more. i don't understand why that's left out. i'm antigun but putting people in jail and having a lot of i incarcerations. that's what the laws lead to. let's not pretend that you pass them and you didn't have implications for people. why is the oriented pro gun control like the russia example and what have you.
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>> i'd like to respond to that, it's actually a good question. a lot of background was comparing different countries and ratesou of gun violence. that's a whole different conversation. i'd like to focus on the last part which is we know whatever city we are looking at new york, chicago, baltimore, louisville, their gun violence is not equally distributed. there is a lot of good research on that and it's clear from that research that structural racism plays a enormous role in how gun violence is -- the geography of gun violence in the cities. if you put guns in it safest context with lots of resources
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and low stress, i don't expect a lot of harm to occur. when you compound the many stressors and problems of historical racism in the country with the free flowing unregulated gun f laws we tend o have, the violence that occurs and stressors that occur are more likely to lead to gun violence. request respectct to the questin of, well, are these laws going to lead to more incarceration, well, it's really important and essential not to say gun laws.n the laws designed to address the flow of guns from legal to illegal context or underground markets, those are flustering
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laws. there is not much data to suggest a lot of people are going to jailth for violating those crimes. they are more, you know, what i'd refer to primary prevention to public health. others lead to more incarceration and having more to do with legal gun possession and usage. there, i think generally what we know in research you didn't need longs prison sentence to have an effect to deter crime. you need a response so there is some deterent value. i think, it's not just the laws but how they are applied and what we know generally about gun law enforcement like so many other ways we address gun violence. the moren highly focused the moe
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effective and fair it is. so, you didn't need broad stop and frisk all over a neighborhood. youig simply need to know the close enough to communities to know who is behind the gun violence and have your resources focused on the individuals. >> baltimore, maryland. this is micheal on the line. good morning. >> good morning, how arest you? >> good. youme are on with daniel webste. >> i'm a former baltimore police officer thatt used to do crime analysis. a lot of the weapons placed on the streets the gym nals break into peoples houses and they steal the weapons out. once they steal a weapon it's not that the people who actually obtained guns illegally are
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doing the crimes. the ones stealing the weapons. if you have law enforcement of individuals break into homes constantly stealing weapons you will have thatki kind of chaos. not only that in baltimore, there is no reproconcussions. they are repeat offenders and understand talking to the guys on the street, when you are an officer and get close to the guysou on the street. when you talk to them going to jail is almost like going on a family vacation. there is no consequence. they need to make putting people for 100 to 20 years it's like a resort. you must find another way to
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make it harder for them and make them not want to go to jail. when they go and see cousins and uncles, and aunts in jail you create a family reunion. >> mr. webster? >> so, let me address a few things. gun theft is a very import tan problem and we should be more intentional about ways to prevent gun theft by promoting and requiring safe gun storage. what we have in many cities especially in states that made it easy for civilians to carry firearms more guns are stolen out of motor vehicles because it's more guns available and not only from homes but motor vehicles as d well. we need to be intentional about
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that.. theea general idea is that the peoplepl committing violent crie aree not concerned about going o jail, theyy may say that but i honestlybu didn't think any individual free would prefer to be behind bars. so, the most effective approach isis not on law enforcement. youcu need effective law ep forcement on any city or neighborhood. you get the best impact when you complement that with community intervention that try to stir people away, expand their ca
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pasty to respond to provocation and conflicts by alternative and open up opportunities that weren't there before. so, look, this is a very complex problem. i don't want to pretend gun laws will solvela everything. there are a host of things that we can do that will make a difference.. we need law enforcement fair and focused. we need our community violence intervention invested in their and create a true system and infrastructure to make those programs work. >> will new regulations on the so-called ghost guns make as difference? >> absolutely, ghost guns and for those who didn't know these
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are privately made firearms sold through kits you can get online and make yourself or some individuals can do this with 3-d printing. the rate at which these guns are showing up in the hands of criminals. . . . , if we don't do something, that problem will grow much bigger than it is now. this is benefiting no one except people who are violent and the people selling them. they are a threat to communities. we have to respond to that. host: kristin is waiting in south carolina on the line for gun owners. caller: good morning. i'm wondering i am wondering if the solution
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to gun violence it seems like it's a water politic. is gun violence not surrounded by drugs? it seems as though there are many citizens that are gun owners that have never been violent or harmful with their weapons but we need to leave to control drug usage and it seems to be caused by violence with guns. >> one statement you made that's absolutely true is this all about drugs, city after city that actually undertakes careful examination and the motives for
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those shootings find it's not drugs. more commonly these are just conflicts people get into for a whole host t of things. some individuals who are shot or do the shooting may have history but the actual shooting events do not involve anything to do with drugs that have to do with grievances and problems that individuals have and they can't control their responses and have access to a firearm. >> host: codirector of the center for a gun violence solutions. we have to leave it there but if the viewers want to check out somens of the work that you do,t is johnshopkins
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