tv In Depth Larry Kudlow CSPAN June 2, 2022 7:49pm-8:48pm EDT
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[background noises] >> throughout the day today the house judiciary committee has been debating gun legislation that would raise the age limit to buy certain semi automatic rifles from 18 -- 21. it would also make it a federal offense to import manufacture or possess large capacity ammunition magazines. full health could take up the legislation as early as wednesday. right now we will return to book tv and a conversation with author and foxbusiness host larry kudlow. >> i have been critical of biden. putting that aside, poppa bush temporarily temporarily reversed
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a part of tax cuts and it was a mistake. wootton to the election and -- were session and he lost the election read the book stayed and bill clinton who continue to raise the income tax. again when reagan came and it was 70% but when reagan left it was 20h. poppa bush raised it to 31 with other tax hikes. i believe it bill clinton took it to perhaps 40 i will say. so still below 70. and then george w. bush brought it back down to 35. so basically the tax cut stayed intact. they were not as low as 28. they basically stayed intact the incentive effect stayed in taxa. look again with poppa bush so many of us who help the vice
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president bush and tried to talk him out of raising taxes when he was president we said don't do it, don't do it. he did it and he lost the election. >> richard in brentwood, maryland if you want a fuller explanation a longer answerif of that mr. "kudlow" writes about that pretty extensively in jfk and the reagan revolution. larry kudlow it's funny you and i were talking yesterday you have this happy warrior prasanna on the air. i was a little surprised. >> it is just not my way. i am very critical of biden. it's funny i wasn't at the beginning. i gave him the honeymoon open look at thei took ay leftward lurch and its policies. for me too get personal like that is very unusual. we went book tv in-depth program continues from larry kudlow's library inth connecticut who wat
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to hear from you as well pretty going to give the numbers and how you can participate 202 is area code 748-8200 for the eastern and central time zone's (202)748-8201 a feel of the mountain a pacific time zones if you want to send a text message to mr. "kudlow" (202)748-8903 again that is for text messages only. please include your first name and your city if you would. mr. "kudlow", where did you grow up and who your parents? >> i grew up in englewood, new jersey. irv and ruth "kudlow". he was a businessman, she actually became a very good real estate agent. and i have one younger brother who has lived in hollywood, los angeles, hollywood for many, many decades.
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i love him to death and he is my favorite hollywood liberal. [laughter] >> what is he doing hollywood? lexies is a screenwriter postproduction, does very well for himself. and he is might favorite hollywood liberal. [laughter] younger brother. so when i want to read a quote thisad is from the american abundance you can take it where you want. this was in the introduction. and late november 1995 i had no prospects, no confidence, no ambition, and no sense i could do the job. what was going on? >> i had had my crash and burn sort of hopeless addictions to alcohol and drugs. it was the worst time of my life. it had been building up for several years and it went away.
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i went away to a treatment center in minnesota for fiveve months. to get well, my saintly wife judy who you met set me up their long-term care. in november of 95 is when i got out. and basically what i wrote was kind of true. i wasn't really sure what was going to happen. the most important thing was staying sober. which i have managed to stay sober now for 27 years coming up on 27ng years. which is through god's grace and the greatest blessing of my life. those were tricky times. it seems like a longms time ago. things have in almost every way worked out better than i ever
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dreamed possible there i dream possible. judy and i will have a better remember this i think 35 years married this summer. twenty-seven years sobriety. god has been very good to me. god is been very good to me. and at that point you read that and i was being honest in that book, who knew. i did not know i had no idea. statement what do you remember about the last few months or the first few months at the end of your using? >> blessedly very little to be honest with you. and i still go to 12 step meetings. i'm still very active and twelve-step.y i am very active in my church.
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and ime think about that stuff from time to every now and then, though it works the twelve-step you may be on your anniversary or maybe not you are asked to tell your story in front of the group. i do not want for the viewers but you kind of go back in time a little bit and think about that. you never really want to lose that they were terrible, terrible days. terrible days. the qualification here on c-span but i will say it was the worst moments of my life without any question. and i don't think -- i returned to facee it. i returned to a more spiritual way of looking at the world. and i will also say things that i have learned from the
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twelve-step group have served me very well in my career these last three decades. he served me very well. of course i have been honest about all of this. president trump avenue. i never with held that, i have done interviews on it. actually in the white house, ad the trump white house on may 25 anniversary maloney it was hosting a conference on alcohol and drugs. and it so happened they foundno out, i don't know how it may be one of my ladies but that it was my 25th anniversaryt coming up and she asked me too speak. which i did and at least a general way.
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but you know, you think about it from that point in 1995 to being a very senior presidential advisor that is a long stone's throw but the one could not have happened without the other. could not have happened. and i am very grateful for that. and as i say god has been very good to me. and i try to follow his path. i ain't perfect but i try to follow his path. split let's go back to call jim at rochester, new york you're on with author larry kudlow. >> caller: mr. "kudlow", i am wondering what your opinion is on the u.s. a debt of
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$3 trillion. the unfunded liability we have an social security, that's coming up getting closer and closer. also the 9 trillion-dollar balance sheet the fed has. what kind of effect are we going to have when interest rates begin to return to anything close to normal? it seems to me there is a growing concern -- i think it's the cato institute published a booklet of various editorials called fiscal cliff. they're really very concerning. i'm just wondering what your opinion of it is. i'll take my answer off the air. >> thank you jim, thank you sir brickwork cells are very good questions. they are different. the one is the entitlement question on social security and medicare. i mean the second one is the
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balance sheet of the fed called the monetary base which is just briefly for viewers essentially printing money. the government spends money the federal government spends money. it borrows to finance its spending. that all too frequently the central bank the federal reserve purchases the bonds that uncle sam cells. but when the fed buys those bonds they create money that literally print money that is what central banks do. i could go on and on about it i started my entire professional career and open market operations in new york i learned it back in 1973. but in any case, the entitlement problem is an issue. i don't believe believe there will ever be a default -- social
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security obligations or forio tt matter medicare obligations. at the end of the day it is the government that sells bonds to raise the money. yes, we pay taxes and we have payroll taxes for social security and medicare. but really there is a certain fiction about the particularly on the medicaret, t side. medicare really is not funded anymore by payroll taxes iss mostly funded out of general obligations in this general obligations are financed. so, at some future point somebody in power, in congress or the white house isho going to have to look at that. they're just going to have to look at that. very valuable assistance they need to be preserved in my judgment that could be reformed. there's a number of decent proposals out there to reform social security, reform
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medicare. but we spend more than we take in. that is a generic problem throughout the entire government includes entitlement it's going to have to be looked at. the other point the viewer made, interest rates will return to something more normal it's not going to be zeroey anymore. alreadymo mortgage rates are upo 5%. ten year bond rates are moving to 3%. in my view at least both will go higher because of the inflation and the federal reserve's attempts to stop the inflation. that will add to the burden. the financing of federal debt in general is going to be amo lot more expensive. i will add one other points, these are all reasons why i don't want any more federal spending on domestic discretionary programs. that is why ica said save ameria kill the bill but we do not need $5 trillion worth of domestic spending. we cannot affordnono it.
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it is going to be extremely costly to finance and ultimately it is inflationary. i want to say although i have been an opponent of the biden administration's policies not alone some democrats like larry summers and have also. the point is, we have to come up with no new spending at all. that's why i've been so emphatic about it. it's a matter of common sense when we put it to you that way. i know i am a republican i am conservative on the supply side i get that.
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i'm not masquerading as anything else. i think what you are seeing in the polls that run up to the midterms a matter of common sense, people do not want tot o out this far to the left on everything. whether it'sen government spendg ending fossil fuels or open border or the foreign policy. there is not a campaign commercial. i'm just saying what you have here is that administration us is what i love joe manson so much. by the way i speak assp a former democrat. measures 45 4 or 50 years ago bt i work for ronald reich and the former democrat i work for
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donald trump a former democrat. i have often said that the best republicans are former democrats. not every republican senator that. with me on i say that tongue and cheek but this extremism in the biden administration is being rejected. it just lacks common sense that isis all. you are sitting there and see inflation rate this is before the invasion in ukraine. inflation rate down from less than 2% to 7%. and here they come back with do proposal with the congressional budget office prices at five chilean dollars of spending. another $3 trillion of debt. you see yourself you can't do this. joe manchin was the stand up guy along with kyrsten sinema. i know going on the border is
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not sustainable see a whole bunch don't need to question their motives. can a couple million people coming across the border every year it's not sustainable. just like were not going to end natural gas and fossil fuels there is nothing to replace and people know that. we have a lot of work to do a lot of work to do. most important change be 2024. in order to affectff major refos
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of education or civil rights or what have you you need the white house. you need the white house. i believe you're going to see different occupants in the white house. >> okay july 9, 2019 talking to business i don't see this is a huge problem right now it's quite manageable. talk about the $22.5 trillion debt at that point. july 8, 2019 brickwork still under one 100% of gdp. i did not see it as a big problem. actually it's funny i have a long history of not being a debt monger. in some of my traditional conservative friends don't like
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that. here's the theme of economic growth comes intoic play. you grow in the economy that is my first question.. let's go back this was true in the reagan tax cuts let's go back to the trump tax cut today. his tax cuts were priced out by the congressional budget office in the joint tax committee on a static basis meaning no economic growth. at $1.5 trillion. democrats that will raise the deficit and the debt. tax cuts i might add not only promote growth brought unemployment to record
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low levels but minority unemployment to record low levels. brought poverty to record low levels.o they also paid for themselves. they did not in your one they never said they would. and yes there was a debt increase to finance those taxes. but here we are even through the pandemic from the irs and the treasury show record revenues. corporate tax cuts paid for themselves. this is been the subject of a couple of programs on my foxbusiness show. in the first year or two you may have to borrow money to finance lower tax rate.
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but what i would say whether they are individual rates or corporate rate, business rate you are making an r investment. you aren't making an investment in future growth and prosperity and jobs especially minorities. you are making an investment in middle-class working folks, blue-collar folks. it is worth it to them for a temporary deficit which will increase the debt it is wortht it. down the road everyone will benefit. studies show for example, studies on the left of center the bookings they are not crazy leftist but it's left of center. 80% of the people got tax relief. i supported him and steve mission supported him on this. middle income typical families.
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that was worth it. when he made that statement in 2019 i stick to it. it did not bother me. what bothers me is if you are going to spend a lot of money did not enhance growth that bothers me. that bothers me. i will go back to my experience as a young man in the reagan budget office. reagan was not particularly worried about that. he would say so a little bit. he had two priorities almost a cut/tax rates to rejuvenate the economy. second put money into the defense to defeat soviet communist. temporarily when up so did the
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debt. the economy grew, as i said before nearly three decades worth of prosperity this very thsmall interruptions we defeatd soviet communism. peace through strength. strong at home, strong abroad. week at home, always weak abroad. those are the victims. i learned that from reagan i have never forgotten it has been 40 plus years. i will say to you as a senior trump advisor he believed the same thing. weakness at home breeds weakness dsabroad what did trump do? he/corporate and small business tax a breaks. grew the economy, reinvigorate the economy. unemploymentnt fell. but a lot of money into the defense budget. we had to do that it was china.
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john f. kennedy talked about strength at home, strength abroad. people might forget this it might've been long time ago. kennedy was alive today. i am just saying kennedy wanted growth at home. 5% growth which he got posthumously from his tax cuts. and he fought the soviet union tooth and nail. these are not historical coincidences. these are historical principles at work where the are democrat or a republican. one of my arguments and am going to be honest with you as a former democrat has a long time ago but pat was last democrat i work for and he was not hardly he was half republican. the point i want to w make is this, there was a time when the two parties were a lot closer
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together. then they are today. this far left stuff is being rejected by common sense people throughout the country. and you know what? i have so much faith in america. i'm a hopeless optimist. you know this i'm a hopeless optimist about this country as long as they protect the freedoms the slope far left woke aberration will not last. that is my take. >> next call for larry codebook comes from martin in dayton, ohio. >> hello thanks for having me on third really grateful. i'm listening to "kudlow" for a long time going back to cnbc days. i generally would always listen not always agreed but always listen too. you may want to touch three things immigration, inflation and tax. immigration first of all is a great podcast called macro musings with david beckwith
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here's a little homework to listen to that that can help us. personal immigration is chaotic right now. but we don't have birthright we do not replace our people birth rate is way too low. we actually need immigration to make this a bigger, stronger place. and so you can listen to peopleh who want to have maybe 200 million people in america. we will be just fine with three to 50, three and 60 people in america. that would make us better if you talk about growth that is where you get it. then those people to get them on citizenship, green card they start paying into the system but that is how you solve that problem. ever some reason people on the right you talk about the people on the left that are extreme and they are. it's a lot of extrema wackos on the right to leave got these american the know nothing people. that is going nowhere. secondly inflation. sue and hate you not martin, there is a lot there to play with. we appreciate your calling in.
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>> guest: that is very well done during the first third and best interview requests one of the three. that's even better. i want to make a point about inflation. at least part of what they call it just said i agree with. i think immigration is a good thing, not a bad thing. of course america has a great long tradition of immigration. here's what i don't like. i do not like illegal immigration. i do not like open borders. i think that is kind of where w. are. my own views have changed or evolved in the last ten years over this question because i am a strong pro- immigration reform or, but the border crisis, the catastrophe at the border is something we -- and it cannot to continue it is not sustainable
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and all of its many forms. president trump on this basically did two things. one is, he gotof control of the border through the remain in mexico policy. through building a wall policy and through basically a policy where it remained in was basically catch and deport. illegal immigration includes the drug traffic which again crisis point. trafficking comic kid track faking. marketers run these borders we cannot allow t that. i guess my views have been tougher on the border because i'vebe been looking at what's happened on the border in recent years. i think the bidens have made a terrible mistake opening up the border per title 42 for going get rid of that replace it with
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something else like fentanyl emergency. the other part of president trump's policies were i will call illegal immigration reform. we had very good plan which we could never get through congress. it will require more elbow grease and probably a new white house and a new congress. there are a number of ways that we can legally, productively, consistent with economic growth allow a million, million plus perhaps illegal immigrants per year i don't have any problem with that. our economy could do it. of course america was founded on immigrants. they were gigantic contributors to our fabulous economic growth over the last several centuries. but today's situation cannot last in my judgment. >> host: what is his comment
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about right wing wackos as he called them the america first. >> i am not sure, i know mark is a pretty smart guy. i'm not sure that right wing wacko is. i don't know. stupid letter from tom in phoenix, tom go ahead. >> caller: hi, thank you for taking my call. and mr. "kudlow", you seem to be a person respectful to everybody. but comments were made my assessment is they are accurate and true. so how bad can they be? anyway save america, kill the bill your education is a service to this country. and will help change things around from the disaster we have now. there's a lot of people on the rights that are writing books
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and talking. their service is greatly appreciated. we need to's be tv like the program we are on. i used to write to the white house office of correspondence of the president ever gets to readts them maybe you can tell . i used to refer to him as the president teacher. and the way he spoke people understood. they got it was pleasant any fancy nancy stuff. i see you do lots of things on the economic side. i appreciate that, thank you. >> thank you tom. >> thank you that's very kind appreciate it. i have aan long history with c-span, proud of it. actually in my book barrick abundant i have my hats off to brian lamb who i think is a giant iconic figure.
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i am honored to be on the show today i'm honored to do business with c-span. >> all of you can answer this tom asked about the president and access or hearing from the public. how often? you have been the oval office twice now. how often does it become a bubble? >> actually with president trump i would say he kept in touch with more people more frequently. he was constantly on thene phon. that is the thing whichwh made t very interesting. but they were having a big highfalutin policy meeting. let's say the economy. we have a meeting in the oval with the t boss. munitions there, i am there, others are there.
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anyway, very important meeting with the boss. some subject would combust it could be taxes that could be trade. could be housing. could beat fossil fuel no into it, okay? so you would start off by were here, they had would launch a lot of these meetings he would listen next thing he would yell out to the outer oval office, can you get me so-and-so? get me so and so on the phone pretty want to talk to them i want to talk to her. he would associate somebody he knew from outside the government might have something to say about the topic. he would put that person on the phone, but the speakerphone on and they join our meeting, okay?
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this would happen with regularity. i know also when we are not informal meetings that he was costly on the phone with people and people you might be surprised. not everyone is a trump supporter. not everyone is a republican. he wanted to get all is many inputs as he could. he's not giving away trade secrets it would not he started randomly calling people for national security meeting, none of that. i'll call them open ended discussions. not decision discussions, which would be governedns by various executive ordinances. but rather open ended discussions kicking stuff around he'd love to bring in people. ceos, sometimes broadcasters. friends. one of the great things and that
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tradition is, do you know what? the so-called experts including us, i guess, we are not always right. wew don't all have all of the wisdom, do you know what i mean? this sort of belt weight thing, credentials and length of service and oh my gosh, it iss nonsense. trump was great at bringing in new blood to pre-trump was greai like getting and staying ingo touch with people who were not in the government. i don't know, some people in the administration weren't frustrated by that i thought it was a great idea. >> by the edge of the same thing in my own niche at my level if i had something cook and i like to hear from so-and-so, so-and-so. i've been around the block for a long time. i know peoplepe out there that have opinions i am interested in hearing. i loved it when he did that, loved it.
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we used to have national economic council would have cabinet lunches every two weeks throughout all of the cabinet agencies and we would invite my predecessor i did it we would invite people outside of the government to speak to us during lunch will go down to the boardroom and it was refreshing. they could say anything they want. we need to hear pre-trump is the same way i thought it was fabulous. experts to be the death of a spirit experts no i don't want experts too many experts just saying. >> every author who appears on in-depth we ask him or her for their favorite books and what they are currently reading here is larry kudlow's list his favorite books include john stanford the investigator, brett baird to rescue the republic, franco meet the president and the freedom fighter, currently
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reading or just read steveat forbes on inflation, brian the emergence of arthur laffer. charles morris tycoons and ryan walters the jagged jazz agent president which of those would like to bring up specifically any of them? or someone to say two things. not to say my favorite books of all times. it's either what i have read or am reading now. i want to say john sanford, i love to read. these are fiction. john sanford book the investigator he has written a million bucks about i love a mystery, cops, cia spies. sanford writes his favorite is lucas davenport. the tenth of the years i've read so many john sanford books i
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really believe i know it lucas davenport very, very well i've been intimately involved in his family. this is a book about lucas davenport daughter and i'm about halfway through it. i w will let you know how that worked. the other one horn to say jamie lee burke who is written about my other favorite cop. a guy name davidda robichaux and louisiana southern louisiana. do not have a copy. i've never met james lee burke i've never met john sanford i would love to meet both of them they are fabulous writers. lucas davenport should meet david robichaux out. the way is a recovering alcoholic and some of his books go into aa meetings that is how good they are. [laughter] i think it's great fun. the other stuff i enjoy it steve forbes who is a very good friend
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a long time collaborator put his book on inflation is terrific i think it is a must read inflation is so very, very important. i wanted to say brett baird wrote a very good book about u.s. grant. i had brett on my tv and my radio shows. excellent book about grant as i said earlier it was one of my favorite presidents. brett baird wrote a despicable brian wrote a terrific book about abraham lincoln and frederick douglass. two opponents off slavery, different styles and different positions. very, very important book he did a good job i really am very keen on the books i brought here. i wasn't sure what the assignment was going to be. the two books i am really keen
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on one is the book about the gilded age which is charlie morris book wherever i putut th. that is the jazz age one. there it is. the tycoons that links to the jazz age for the jazz age book is about warren harding. but i want to group them all together and i'm going to give in opinion here. left wing historians have destroyed these presidents and by the way they tried to destroy gramps although as you toldan mk grant started to move up the list again. click on the c-span list of presidential rankings ... a grant has been moving up steadily. >> guest: deservedly so. not only did he win the civil war the battlefield, but as i said to you yesterday grant was a guy or tried to enforce
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reconstruction of regret was the guy who took on the ku klux klan. and by the way grant ended the civil war income tax and restore the value of the dollar to stop the civil warst inflation. liberal historians don't like gramps they do not like warren g harding. they do not like calvin coolidge. they used to not like ronald reagan but so much materials come out with the reagan and his own hand they realize reagan was quite a policy intellectual. go to the gilded age. the gilded age i'm going to define it as kind of like 1870 , ten or something. give me some a running room on that. i'm actually going to include grant he was president from 68 -- 76. the gilded age was a second
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industrial revolution the gilded age was a phenomenal. of inventions, railroads across the country airplanes, oil, the applications of oil. i brought a list because gosh i was hoping we could go into this stuff. electricity, telegraph automobiles, airplanes, the red cross, i mean come on. they are badmouthing everything made them all out it was about social climbing and stuff like that. they completely miss thepl big picture america became the greatest country in the world economically during the so-called gilded age. that was the second industrial
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revolution at my saintly wife is also a terrific painter, artist, he had the hudson river painters came through. tremendous stuff. steven crane elizabeth the warden horatio the chicago exposition of 1893 hope i get this right. if i don't she will correct me either 1893 or 1896. by the way the wright brothers 1903 was during the gilded age. what charles does it chronicles a few of these guys rockefeller, carnegie and j.p. morgan. i am just saying this is not -- this is an era of american greatness and prosperity with the tens of millions of people getting higher paying jobs. you just cannot ask for more. itit was a tremendous period of literature and a tremendous period of art. that is why i wanted to bring
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that up. there's lots of good books about this the tycoons is a good place to start. a lot of good books about this. build brand at university of texas has written about this a number of good historians have written about this. liberal historians of slaughtered this age they are wrong, they just missed the point i don't know why. the progressive. under wilson cannot boast anything like this. you have things in the 1920s the jazz age. again people like to kill harding. now there was corruption in the harding administration. but as mr. walter shows had nothing to do with harding. the people that were corrupt got busted they were thrown in jailn how is that harding had nothing to do with that? he was good middle-of-the-road conservative republican senator from ohio the newspaper editor here's the thingg about harding return to normalcy harding again
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i said this earlierr in the shw working with calvin coolidge who with another guy liberals hatege coolidge. coolidge by the way may be the first law and order guy he was the guy that stopped the police strike in massachusetts. he was tough on crime that is a big issueue today. andrew mellon was the quarterback. and they/spending. and they even slashed the federal debt even though i don't care about that as much as some people do. we had unbelievable prosperity in the 1920s again another industrial age. literature, art, everything exploded. and unfortunately herbert hoover came in and even though he was republican and the served. coolidge called him wonder boyho he was a very good businessman. he was a mining engineer.
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ehe did great humanitarian thins in world war i. but as secretary of commerce coolidge had no time for him he was a big government guy. hoover was a big government guy even though he had the hoover institution in stanford is all about free markets m hoover himself took the tax rate 25 -- 65%. and i know there was restrictive tabs during these republican years but not like that. it was a terrible mistake and it turned what was at modest downturn into a major depression and then fdr in my view made it allec worse he kept raising taxs and kept regulating and cap controlling prices. and so i am reading these books. i love the gilded age of stuff personally. if i had it to do over again iha would have liked to have been i
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don't know grover cleveland the democrat is one of my favorites presidents. he was a pro gold spending cutter, would not fathom the income tax, buffalo new york he was mayor of buffalo, present all but five, six, eight years. he's c only got to come back and bean president again i think. like grover cleveland i like u.s. grant. i like warren harding i cispecially like calvin coolidg. i like ronald reagan and i like donaldan trump. stewart wasn't grover cleveland the father off little baby? [laughter] his opponents go after these guys on those grounds for grover cleveland was the last gold democrat. william jennings bryan we could through that another time. and see what we have time i
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think about one or two more calls john is in lakeland, florida. johnny ramos larry kudlow. john are you with us? >> this is john from connecticut. i want to know if you think john kennedy they senator from louisiana would be a good presidential candidate in 2024? >> thank you sir were going to leave it right there we are running short on time. >> he's a very smartoh man the e current center is a very, very smart man i will leave it there. what is he someone you know? when you were in the white house how often did you talk to senators or congressmen constantly? >> constantly. had a lot of deals with senator kennedy. i actually introduced to be spoke here at the big state party fundraiser but i introduced him he was just on my
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tv show recently. he's a very smart guy. >> frank kirkland florida, franky were on the air. >> 's kirk in i filed it mr. "kudlow". >> i apologize. quick to ask a wonderful question mr. "kudlow" i happen to enjoy watching mr. "kudlow" i somewhat agree with some of his positions. some of them i do not. i think the color may be to behind about spending of the trumpp administration. that has always been for me people here the state o of washington we think the republicans drive up the debt. the democrats come in and try to fix that mess. what is mr. "kudlow"'s position on that? and just one more thing, made a
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great argument about robots coming in to take place of workers. made a position they would start workers at a salary there would be no more jobs and outtake myti question there thank you both very much. >> all right, did you get anything out of that you can respond to?g >> robots are not going to replace the workforce for that sum is exaggerated overstated argument. robots will help grow the economy and create jobs just like all these industrial revolution improvements do. called the dales of creative destruction and i'm a great advocate of that. i'm not sure i heard his first question. to it i just cannot hear it clearly enough to put words in his mouth pretty want to do something here in our last five
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minutes. want to go through some headlines and just get your quick take on these for these are from recent newspapers. here's the "new york times" a story on tucker carlson american nationalists. >> i read it quickly tucker's longtime friend of mine who's a very smart guy. he has done a fabulous job as a broadcaster. looks like "new york times" a political hit job to me. >> wall street journal, u.s. economy shrinks 1.4% over here amazon loses money. >> look high inflation again the high inflation the fed is going to have to take away the punchta bowl. the stock market is going to be in for a f rough time the next t i do it to say this, people should buy and own stocks for the long run.
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the factth the market does go dn which is likely because i think the economy is going through stagflation we may be on the front end of a recession next year. people should buy and then a hole on, by the indexes and hold them forever do not try to out trade the market. and again the calvary is coming. stewart "washington post" biden aided plann for ukraine signals deepening war. switch it i did not read that. i will say my view is joe biden has been a dollar short and a day late on helping ukraine. but, i will also say it looks like they are catching up to where they need to be. i'm very impressed with defense secretary lloyd austin about this. and i think the united states should do everything it can. everything it can to help the ukrainians when the war in
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ukraine. not american troops on the ground but everything we should help ukraine win the war and drive the russians out of their territory. we went to milani immediately asked into elon musk. [laughter] >> i did not read the article. i happen to really like elon musk. i really like what he is doing with respect to twitter and his crusades for free speech. and i just think he is a brilliant, brilliant guy. happy to have them on board. they went one final story this is from the "washington post", proud boys member pleads guilty and generate six cooperation deal. generally six but were you? >> i was in my office on the second floor. i did not read that. just make one comment generate six with a rough day for everybody. but i will say this, people who excuse my former boss, donald trump of somehow fermenting
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insurrection or revolution they ought to go back and look at some facts. my friend droits murdoch's wroe about this but others have two. it wassi president trump who ordered ten -- 20000 national guard's people to police the capitol and the city of washington. that order was rejected by the mayor of washington and by the speaker of the house. so for a guy who is trying to promote insurrection don't you think it's odd or dumb people think it's odd he ordered 20000 national guard's people and to protect the city and the capitol? i will just leave that they are. stewart and from insanity once more which is a collection of larry kudlow's columns, september 16, 2017 there is not a racist hateful white supremacist bone and donald trump's body.
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we're going to finish with this quote from larry kudlow to people magazine. i don't believe in retirement by do not understand the word i just adore working. work is a virtue, what else am i going to do? [laughter] >> i don't buy this a racist bone in donald trump's body. i will repeat that. and i could not imagine not working. as long as the lord gives me the strength to work on the opportunities, i will continueor to work. i love it too much. i will just kind of keel over on the set of some tv show and you'll cart me a wait we will be done with that. [laughter] >> larry kudlow thank you for being a book tv. thank you to both of you and your wife judy for hosting us here. >> my saintly wife. >> her saintly wife in the library etiquette. >> salih six presents recorded conversations while in office here many of those conversations
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on c-span new podcast, presidential recordings brickwork season one focus on the presidency of lyndon johnson. you'll hear about the 1964 civil rights act, the 1964 presidential campaign, the gulf of tonkin incident the march on selma and the war in vietnam. not everyone knew they were being recorded. >> certainly johnson's secretaries knew because they were tasked with transcribing many of those conversations. in fact they were the ones who made sure the conversations were taped as johnson would signal to them through an open door between his office and theirs. >> also some blunt talk. >> yes, sir, i want a report of the number of people assigned to kennedy the day he died and the #to me now. if mine are not blessed i want them blessed right quick. if i can't ever go to the bathroom i won't go. i promise you i won't go anywhere i will just stay right behind these black gates. >> presidential recordings find
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interview program, after words, atlanta journal-constitution political editor greg bluestein looks at the event that led to georgia turning purple in the 2020 presidential election. in talks about its significance and future state and national elections. these interview by "washington post" national political reporter eugene scotch. after words is a weekly interview program with relevant guest hosts interviewing top nonfiction authors about their latest work. >> and greg, it is so good to have you here with us to talk about this book is such an important moment in our political history in the state of georgia. i have been fan for a while. obviously foley quite a bit on social media pretty to an honor told to ask you these questions we cannot fit into tweets. cronk john it's good to be here thank you for having me. >> can you tell people not familiar with you, who you are and what you do? and how you got to this position?
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