tv In Depth Larry Elder CSPAN August 12, 2022 6:03pm-8:03pm EDT
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stops and it doesn't matter as that's not what you are really interested in. i think that has to change. the very nature of policing has to change and we need to take that role out of policing. police should be used to investigate crimes and help prevent crimes but i think traffic stops are a major problem. it's a disproportionally focused on people of color.
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>> host: larry elder you wrote in your book "showdown" conservative scare people. is that still true today? >> guest: absolutely. the chair of the janer six committee refer to clarence thomas as --. they scare people because we are received the narrative in the narrative is why people are at the turn of the oppressed them in my opinion they routinely pull that lever for the thematic -- democratic party. >> host: i want to read quote from march 312022 from 1 of your columns. sorry, i don't consider myself a victim of a systemically racist -- i don't believe engage in institutional racial profiling. i reject critical race theory
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and climate change alarmists. i believe taxes are too high regulations are too severe and government is. i support secure borders and god-fearing -- >> guest: that's exactly it. and i believe elvis was the king. it's not only wrong but it's dangerous. there are many studies showing police are more reluctant to pull the trigger on a white suspect that a suspect. not doing stop question and for us and is a result of bunch of killing. >> host: how many books have you written?
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>> guest: well if you -- it depends on what you mean by book but i have a couple of collections of my columns so have the dozen. my favorite book the most recent book is the one about my father. the hardcovers called dear father, dear son. the paper book m is called a lot like me but it's the same book. my mother was born on a farm in huntsville alabama. my father was born in the back of the house somewhere in athens, georgia. my mother came from a large family of very prosperous family. the farm is in the family said during the great depression my mother said we never felt it. we sold excess poultry and vegetables to our neighbors. my mother and my father got married in chattanooga and as i mentioned my dad does not know
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who his biological father is and i didn't find out until i was 25 years old. i dislike my father intensely as did my two brothers. my father was ill tempered in my opinion. and id didn't understand why he was so aired up all the time. and forcefully my dad started a café when i was 10 years old and i had to work for him. i didn't like working for them either. a little café. my dad would yell at me if i did something wrong. i'm 15 years old and i've been working for him for five years and told myself the next time he yells at me i'm going to walk out. he yelled at me and i didn't r have enough nerve to do it and finally 3 of 15 years old to i d the nerve to do it and i walked out. the datata which is called and said my dad was there during rush hour with a restaurant full ?of people and you're talking about standing room during rush
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hour. my dad had to handle it all by himself so he comeses home that night and he was steaming. i'm on my and my dad walked in my bedroom and said why did you leave? is the first time i spoke to my father andak cdebaca sick and tired of the way he spoke to me. my father looked at me and he. me $10 a day plus tips. he. the $100 at me and walked out. my dad worked long hours and i avoided any connection with him to graduate from high school and went to college in new england. i went to law school the midwest and i come home and visit my mom but i would make sure my dad and i were never in the same room. now i'm 25 years of my past the bar and the equivalent of 150 k.. i should be living large but i can't sleep. i know it has to do with myy da.
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i called my secretary and i said cancel my appointment i'm flying to l.a. now be back in three days. ldi didn't tell my parents i was coming because i didn't want to have this quick ten-minute summit for but i get to lax and i take a cab to the restaurant. i walked in with two pieces of luggage. my dad said should i put the luggage in the back and i said no i want to tell you something. i sat there. her and i said don't tee off on the guy. just give them high by two things. i called him an unfair and too harsh of a father and he called me an ungrateful son. my dad sat down and despite my best efforts i spoke nonstop for a half an hour. every slide in every and i told them everything i could possibly tell them. then i was done and i was .
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my father just took it and every now and then he would replenish his coffee but he just took it. when i was done he said you didn't speak to me for 10 years because of that? let me tell you about my father. i knew nothing about my dad's life. i knew he was an only child. i met his mom one time. i knew nothing about this man. i didn't care and i didn't like them so i never asked him about his life. he said let me tell you about my father. your last name is older, it's not my father's last name? >> which her father's last name? b i never met him. i was born in the back of the house and my mother was irresponsible. he was an alcoholic who was abusive to me and my mother.
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i came home when i was 13 years old and my mother's boyfriend is long gone but she sided with my wife -- her boyfriend enter me out of the house h never to return. athens georgia 13 years old eighth-grade dropout. the begin of the great depression during jim crow and for the next eight hours daman told me about his life. i said then what did you do in then where did you go on then what did you do? he traveled to california before the war. he could walk through the front door of a restaurant in get shot. my dad joined the marines and i said why the marines? anybody out there in the marines knows what i will say. they go where the action is in the love uniforms. he was stationed in guam staff
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sergeant in charge of cooking for soldiers. he goeshe to chattanooga to geta job as a h cook. goes from restaurant to restaurant and these told we don't higher -- my dad cause paul and says only to the same door. goes to l.a. walks around in these told you don't have any references. my dad said i need references to make ham and eggs quickly offered to work for free for two weeks if someone gave him a reference. my dad said i'll be in that chair. he sat there for the whole day in the next they have for dinner lady calls him up i've got something i don't know what he wanted. my dad said of course i want to protect the family.
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she said a job cleaning toilets. my dad did that for 10 years and her hook up onto another janitor job with another company. my dad worked two full-time jobs cleaning toilets and was a night school tor. get his ged and word on weekends. that's why he was so. he never slept. 15 minutes here, half-hour there, 45 minutes here week after week, month after month year after year. walking into a house to three rambunctious boys. as my dad is telling me this he's getting bigger and bigger and i'm getting smaller and smaller. now i'm crying. i said dad please forgive me for judging you so harshly and my dad said don't worry about it. you were a kid and you didn't know. just follow the advice i gave you and your brothers, hard work
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wins. you are in 100% control of the effort and go to the nearest mirror and say to yourself what could i've been to change the outcome?k my dad said no matter how hard you work and how good you are bad things will happen. from that point on we were the best of friends for the next 35 years. that's what the book is all about. >> host: it's a tough book to read. was it tough to right? guess what wrote itself. it was cathartic writing it and i wass writing it my dad was alive than dad was life in every now and then, it's a dad what happened here and why did you do this? he would answer and say why are you writing a book about my little life? i said dad your book was big. he had one year college. i was going through the
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yearbooks he had and i stopped andd asked my mother why and she got upset. she only hadul one year of education. my mother always told my brothers and me the way up and out with her education and hard work. she is to correct my grandmother and she corrected vin scully's grandmother. we had a black-tie affair and we are sitting and talking i remember driving in vin scully said don't tell me where the ball would have gone. tommy where the ball went in tomasky why. i mention mentioned it to him he said oh my gosh every now and then my language is bad. getting back to my mom i remember this vividly. we are at our old house. we moved in 1959 to south central los angeles. it was a book of illustrated presents and george washington had big come -- it went from
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every single president and she said very someday you could be in this book if you want to. i never spire to run for office project always finishes in politics and politicians but never political office. that's what she said and fast-forward i ran for governor of california. i got 150,000 individual donors than half of them came from outside of california. in eight weeks when i got into the race wasn't trying to be strategic. arnold's fortune he ran in 2003. i didn't know if i wanted to do it. was coached by a lot of people that i admire by my pastor jack hibbs and the guy that became the chairman of my campaign a longtime filmmaker. then i asked normal people like mike barber and they all wanted me to run. little by little i felt if not
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you, who and if not now, when? i felt i had a page radack and spiritual reason to do it. in eight weeks we raised $22 million in honor placement site is a two-step deal. the first part was gavin newsom had to be recalled. whoever got the most most most votes on their placement site would become governor. there were 45 people in the business side and i got 3.5 million votes. i carried 57 to 58 counties and only one i lost was san francisco by 149 votes. we didn't spend one minute there because we thought it was a lost cause. the reason i'm telling you that is because after i ran for governor a lot of people thought about asking me to consider running for president.
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i'm not giving a strong consideration. doesn't that i believe it will be able to replace ron desantis or donald trump what i think is a major thing is they breakdown of the american nuclear family. 40% of all and kids and -- barack obama once said a kid raised by father is five times more likely to the poor. 20 times more likely to end up in jail. 25% of kids born out of wedlock -- the welfare state hae my opinion incentivize women to the government and men to abandon their financial moral responsibilities far and away the biggest problems we are facing in america. there is a red line between that and the fact that 85% of eighth-graders nationwide cannot read or do math. 85% of them are functionally
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asserted as of the lack of parental supervision and dies in the house. it's a direct line between that and crime. i want to talk about those things and talk about the connection between that of the welfare state. i don't think they feel either party including my republican party expense of the time addressing of. >> host: speaking of which you wrote in 2000 in the 10 things you can't say in america you were talking about these issues back then and you mentioned the welfare state is the tyranny of the status quo. >> guest: again it is by fare the biggest problem we have in america. there's a book called his father's face by a writer andy talks about the prison chaplain who wanted to improve them or i'll out of prison. he went to a greeting card companies as to can you give me
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five and a mother's day card's? he thought it would be good marketing tool. he goes to prison passes them out and morale did improve. father's day rolled around and do you know where i'm going with the story? the same greeting card company iand asked for father's day cas and takes him to prison and not a single inmate went to fill one out and send it to his father, not one. if you look at crime and you look at the breakdown of the family there's ame direct correlation. >> host: larry elder how did you do in your old stomping grounds is el centro when he ran against gavin newsom? >> guest: on the recall site i had my toughest time with media. had a great time with asian-american media and media. the former democrat majority leader still a democrat cross party lines and supported me. i had assumed meeting with eight or 10 pastors. everything was going okay until
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i said that police were not engaging in systemic racism and you deal with them on a case-by-case basis. it's not born out by the studies me what was to pick another one problem facing people is the breakdown of the family and they didn't agree with me. they said you guys are pastors and role models. you guys are opinion shapers and you're telling me the number and problem is police brutality? it's not true. l.a. had back-to-back chief chiefs. l.a. is 40% 30% white and 10% and the rest are asian-americans. that's a representation of the police department. and when something happens you have activists yelling and screaming about please brutality. nonsense. avtake baltimore were a few yeas
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ago freddie gray died in police custody in the van and end comes the obama administration to investigate whether or not baltimore is engaging in systemic racism but does the same department that two months earlier the obama administration gave an award for the 21st au bon guard policing. they celebrated that and ed baltimore at the time were freddie blatt -- freddie gray died the state attorney who brought the charges as black and six were charged three of them were black andin shove to choseo have their cases come before blackn judge found that not guilty. the united states attorney general loretta lynch was black as was the present ands i'm reminded of the she says how do you complain about the man when you are the man? it's just. every major city who has had a black mayor orb lack of police
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chiefs or have or have had super intense public schools who were black and we are talking about this? it's ridiculous. recently in philadelphia there is a place called sesame place. it's an amusement park. i had never heard of it in one of the mothers characters is walking down high-fiving everybody except for these little black girls. it turns out there's a lot of video where that character or other characters the high-fiving white kids. it appears to be something systemic. anyway the video went viral and people began looking at the bit in the park apologizes. jesse jackson demands they hire more black people and undergo sensitivity training and to put black people on the board of directors. the baltimore family that was
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there sued sesame place for $25 million. i don't doubt that there was something going on here but to make it to world war iii and philadelphia soundtrack for more homicides than ever in history and of the public schoolteachers in philadelphia 44% of our school-age kids and put their own kids in private schools as opposed to 10% nationwide in 6% of families nationwide. the jesse jackson said anything about that? there were 13 public high schools and baltimore were 0% of the kids can do math at grade level. that's almost half the schools in baltimore where the kids are 0% proficient in math. jesse jackson to my knowledge has not said a word about that. but some 4-year-old girl whose parents determines how sheer accident he writes a letter,
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it's nonsense. if there was a crime t against leadership for so many people like jesse jackson and al sharpton. >> host: larry elder at what point did you become a conservative or was it after you left? >> guest: there was no moment. my dad was a lifelong republican. my dad always said democrats want something for nothing. when you're trying to get something for nothing you end up gettingr, nothing for something. favorite expression. my mother was a lifelong democrat so they would quarrel in a civil way when we get together for dinner. might dad worked long hours and they would debate politics and my mother because she was better educated in my opinion would him but thene older i got more of hr last my dad was just using common sense and i began siding with my dad and irritated my mom. i was never a victim. i never felt i was oppressed or
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couldn't do what i needed to do if i worked hard that's my orientation. i think when i took college economics 101 and i learned the downside of thee minimum wage that opened me up a little bit and i began watching when i was 13 years old but i was always someone who never felt like a victim. i always believed in america and hard l work and they made me a popular with some of the kids in high school. >> host: after university of michigan law school law firm in cleveland how did you get into the writing business collects >> guest: quite by accident. i left the law firm after three years and started placing lawyers and law firms. i wanted to be a writer and i know how difficult it is to be a writer so going to law school was a way of figuring out what i wanted to do. i go to law school and i graduated law school and i
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myself do something with my degree. i was a trial lawyer a very successful one back then. i have fond memories of my law firm. it's merged into a huge law firm. i began writing op-ed pieces for the newspaper when i started my own firm. i was able -- able to do well enough. in those days we have things like envelopes and stamps. i'd write something and put it in an envelope and send it to the newspaper. i get a card saying thank you. no thank you. finally they publish one. this is almost 40 years ago and i said today in america racism is no longer a major problem if you are card. they published it and i get a phonecall from her radio show. he said i've been told i read
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your column and affected have the come on in talk about a never been on radio before. i was on for the whole hour. that's a long time to keep somebody on the radio. cemost of the calls were black people and i was called an uncle tom and coconut in the antichrist and all sorts of names. it was the longest hour ofs, my life. i remember driving back to my office in thinking i'll never do that again. the station manager called for the city were amazing. i said i was? he said you took it difficult position and use took it with a temperate sense of humor and have you ever thought about doing talk radio? he said i'm going on vacation and i wonder if you would sit in for me.
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over with your wife in coming your wife and coming tomorrow but i said don't i'll do that but i won't change my mind. i mentioned it to her ands she said what to know about talk radio? i said nothing. it's shallow glib and. she said it is. you'd be good at it. so i did it and i heard it. i can give my opinion to make you living out of this? and met some people in it took two years and dennis prager had me on his show. the station manager who is still with us liked me and gave me a two-day audition and he said after the first night he said he want this job and i said thanks and he said go out and have fun. i've been on the radio ever since then. was going to thousand 900 play the race card and liz came out. that book is now called "what's
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race got to do with it?"? why to change? so manyy booksellers were offended by the title and didn't carry it. it went to lax to view the book. it's quite a charge to see your book at the lax bookstore. she happened to be in asian-american late and i said to carry men and she said i was offended by the title. >> did you read the book i wrote it. we found out a lot of people didn't like the title. the reason i titled that was michel moore at a book called men. .. in -- who puts stuff like this in the minds of so many blacks? those who pr >> racism in america, never
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public figures including some sports figures and entertainers, proclaiming to keep it real, questioning the pot and keeping blocks angry and pessimistic and less productive and less proactive in nuzzling to invest in themselves so they felt to see a hopeful future. >> i look at this some years ago and if i were to write that today i would point at the top of that list, barack obama and i am telling you, i was in boston in 2004, when he lit up the arena and give an introductory speech for john kerry and there's north america blue america, and no liberal conservative and it was a great speech i said my producer, this man is going to run for president and i was surprised it happened so quickly in the first time that is on interviewed on 60 minutes, he was a front runner yes on the primary site, hillary was in the front runner but he was getting and steve the correspondent said, obama, ifyo you do not win, libby because of
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race and i was at home telling the back and i said seat with this man says and is he going to give an answer like the way jesse jackson dozen the wake of sharpness both of whom bring for president or you going to say the truth when obama said was, no, if i don't when it will be because i'm not something the american people can embrace i said to myself, hallelujah, i'm not going tono vote for him, tae over healthcare a democrat, but at least will bring us together racially at least stop the nonsense and i wish and give a speech of the black church and again he was in the senate and he talked about how much racism there was and he said, the moses generation, has gotten is 90 percent of the way there pretty in my he said, the joshua generation has to get dozen additional 10 percent and is a fox opinion poll since one and a
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2 percent americans believe that elvis is still alive and some believe that if they sent him a letter he would get it and i thought it was reasonable what he said read what happened coming gets into office and he walks into the oval office into thousand nine, and he is a 70 percent approval even though he got a little more than 52 percent about because of many people in my opinion, said okay, i didn't vote for him but elise he will bring us together racially stop the nonsense the next eight years, he did the opposite and i had a son look like), and acted stupidly,ic ferguson, america racism in america's dna and embrace the black lives matter movement he invited sergeant to the white house over 80 times he did the opposite of what most people thought he would do which is why we left, even though most americans white and black, when human thought the race relationships would improve in box white - under barack obama because of that ridiculous rhetoric and in his last term
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there were two police officers murdered in new york three killed, execution style baton rouge, and $5 all by freedom of black men all of whom were motivated by this like the police are engaging in racism and the like of which flames obama had along with his - and they did damage to my opinion and was of anyone barack obama raised by single mom, phd, any goes to harvard law school columbia for undergraduate, from us obscure state like hawaii any still whining about racism and i get it must be true, eric holder, the ag step - probably making minimum between five and 10 million a year and racecar become a racecar gray started to give a speech, where he talked about racism and donald sterling
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licensing, as around that same time, maybe to get away from him because have his - and eric holder give a speech and he said you know what liked in racism from we have that covered cellulite donald sterling, we pernicious racism we have to do with the red that sees maybe 100 times in the top three things, number one was the movement towards voter photo id, majority black supported it the photo ids and the supreme court and with the supreme court opinion written by john halsey liberal justice, that there wast an interest in election integrity by states passing photo bono ids the majority of the black supported voter id photos the second example he gave his affect the black who commit the same crimes workers will get along longer sentence
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12.12.5 percent longer and is true, but what he did not say, the sameon said that the reason for this the average black criminal has more convictions than the average white criminal judges take into consideration they do offenses and the third thing that he said is that a black boy kicked out school more often than white boys. also true, he said the decatur illinois school district years ago there were kicked out of into black kids were fighting a football game inll terms of they had 400 dayss out of school with the kicked them out an all-white school board. in the school board points on the lawsuit, and amount of the race of principle, the race of the schoolal board, the race of principle, the lack boys are kicked out more often than white boys and they throughout the lawsuit and this is eric holder the attorney general given three examples of pernicious racism thatl is already, they are all wrong, racism has never been a less important fact in america think that america doesn't have
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biggest, we know that, case-by-case basis and take erica children, however you feel about derek chauvin what he did there is zero evidence that he did because george floyd's black delete prosecutor never argued that he had a racial motive and he was not trying take this in the still with us on a case-by-case basis is my a lot of young black men are not complying i would not complain or five of the copes withholding of undue harm i'm told by eric wallin and barb barack obama so called black leaders why wouldn't i listen to that and i do have a father at home to me otherwise my father to my brothers and me, that of your a stop by the cops, say yes or no sir or yes member no ma'am. and at 10:00 o'clock and right hand 2:00 o'clock make your sure your paperwork in order and ther get a badge number if you mistreated a lot of young black kids don't have people saying that they do here obama talking about systemic racism so why wouldn't i believe it, he's
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making things worse in a moment do great damage and other he watches book notes an in-depth on c-span i really hope he has or doesn't try to reach out to him and have a conversation with him because i know he knows what i know. this magazine called police megan they talk about the pole in the magazine and people self-described asle very liberal routes in 2019, many unarmed black men too the police kill ad half of the very liberal people said 1000, and a percent said 10000, without regular old liberals, 39 percent of the police in 2019, killed 101 percent and the answer according to washington post databases 12 nl, if you're that long had about that but the police are doing and of course you might have this fear of them why we do not want to listen to them as the level of propaganda that the left has allowed people to feel because they want their
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vote to get 95 percent improvement people many black voting for the democratic party is you like and so you have a lot of black people feeling that things are much much worse in the art as a result they're not working as there and hard as they should another follow the does homework at oh, black hispanics, whites and asians. if you do not do your homework at night, how in the world if you expect to come out and do well in the marketplace in the relationship between how hard you work in the results will be pretty all tooto often, we are told the reason you're not where you to be us because somebody held you back nonsense is somebody to novel my father, when every reason to be angry at the world something they couldn't possibly hold you back so knock it off and take advantage of your situation and pick up your carbs no matter what they are and play them to the best of your ability and you can bek successful in think tas on the left and the right disagree about all sorts of things and probably on the left,
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bookings are brookings and on the right you have merkin enterprise institute but they both say that you need to do the same handful of things to leave the middle has number one finish high school., ideally we can read right and don't have a kid until you 20 is holding a married first, get a job and keep a job in oak with the job and get another job and minimum-wage job and get a raise in six months and finally avoid the criminal justice system don't commit a crime company that hundred you will not before if you do the things we don't follow that from others a good chance that you will be heard. >> good afternoon and welcome to book tv in-depth program and this is our monthly author interview calling program, invite one author on to invite is overheard and her body of organismic of his author talkshow host and gubernatorial candidate larry elder and here's
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a list of his books pretty beginning in 2000, ten things that you can't say in america. that was followed by showdown, confronting bias, vice, and the special interest and what ist race got to do with it, came out in 2009, originally published as stupid black men, doubleheaders and collection of his essays came out in 2017, the book we discussed a little bit, hello like me, father to son journey to reconciliation, the most recent and 2018. and this is your chance to participate and talk to mr. elder asking questions about his book etc. (202)748-8200 if you live in the eastern central time zones (202)748-8201, for those of you the mountain and pacific time zones and and if you want to the text, please include your first name, and your city if you what, you can so that you (202)748-8903.
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plus we have some social media sites, just remember that book tv, is our address the social media sites in case you want to post a comment or question and earlier today, mr. elder, one of a tweet and this is from a gentleman stuart, and mr. stewart asked about asking you real questions like why does he belong to party that openly ports white nationalist organizations that would like him dead. >> nonsense. this is the donald trump used a racist dog whistle to get elected mind of thinking there 700 calories that voted for obama in 2008 - 2012 and 200 them switched to voted to afford donald trump 20 ceasing where they did it by some sort of
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realizey themselves and they were racist, the city most tvoted for donald trump, in 20, are over 100,000 publishing in texas, roughly 85 percent heard shortly after trump got elected guess what town voted for his first black mayor in 140 years in texas, that is absolute nonsense and the idea that white people dislike black people to the point where they would put racist in the white house, there's a talkshow host, chris went on scene and are in nbc no no no i think of it in a second. >> i give given you to. >> chris matthew. any read the book called her bald we talked about squiggle campaigns is a short book and he said most white people would never vote for somebody they thought if they felt they were racist and this was chris wallace used to be the press secretary for chip on hill come
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aa long time democrat chris matthews, speaker of the house pretty he is a very astute a politics most white people would never vote for so many who thought they were racist and this is just nonsense and whyto would donald trump wants to be known as a bigot this guy donald trump, for four years, best economy for about people and imparted the first black weight heavyweight champion 15 your effort the documentarian led by them and sylvester simone but trump pardoned him and he got a very long sentence for a nonviolent serious drug offense any with funding for black your bases needed something called the first step back to allow the by the he ended his term about 5000 black men to have their sentences reduced in the post
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enterprise zones, reduce taxes and regulations and distressed areas to improveas the black economy. he supported school choice, when children black parents and hispanic parents want any secured the borders and the best way that is been done in decades and why is that relevant to the black people, person probably is on the mark work on the impact of legal and illegal emanation of anybody in the country and the kindness internet harvard and obviously the big winners are employers who hire people for less money and he pushed him around because they fear having deported thesese looser are unskilled black workers because most of the illegal aliens have high school or less of the people they compete against one of my friends civil rights commission, he's black, he said there's probably a million jobs that would otherwise be held by black people because of the presenceec of the illegal aliens and they quit about $2000 were the downward pressure on wages
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every single use of donald trump stopped that and as a result, the prospects for black and brown people with high school ot less education improved and if this guy is a racist coming he's go back tol. racism school. >> from the los angeles times, september 4th, 2021, the election of donald trump in 2016, in my opinion was divine intervention, he was a miracle that he is almost god sent. >> right well, i mean, who saw that coming. alll of these experts including me when i first heard that he might run i thought that he would not run and he does he'll be in for a few weeks and the medium will solder him in a pacl up and go back to trump tower and i was shocked at how well he did and i was shocked at the way that he got people to start to think long and hard about fake news. any secured the borders by talking aboutut the wall when i
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was considered to be racist and even joe biden is complete parts of the ball in arizona. i think what donald trump did it was to check the republican party up and get them to go from cashews and to start to stand up stfor their values and i am a he huge fan of donald trump and i campaigned with him and for him as a one quick story about him, we were in cleveland in 2016, campaigning together at a church and he said to him, there is one thing that you need to apologize for. this a man who does not like to apologize and he said i know what you're goingou to say, whai said about john mccain and i said not at all come you said that george w. bush lied us into the iraq war is that he did not, there was a commission all the rob silverman commissioner, and intel was wrongfully zero evidence that he lied and he was the dc bureau chief of the associate press at the time any publicly said the george w. bush
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lied about the artwork and democrats to this day believe the w will either he lied us into the war strong possibility that he did this become an article of faith and in his not true. he was shooting in the british and american - no flying zones we know we had chemical weapons and he could've used them on the iranians use them on the cards and i went down a list of reasons why we went to work and he grumbled but he never said it again and landlord the donald trump way of apologizing, he won't say long edits think twice. >> let's go to 2021 again and here is the current president. >> all you know last year got to running is the real donald trump. well, this year the leading
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republican governor is a closest thing to a trump phone that i've ever seen in your state and i really mean it. any's leading the other team, he's the clone of donald trump and can you imagine him being governor of this state. you can't let that happen. >> i think he was referring to you mr. elder. >> i think he was rather become theld clone of the clone of dond trump and others said my views were white supremacist and that's how they won the election peter, biden flew out and campaigned with gavin newsom, barack obama got a commercialvi for gavin newsom and elizabeth
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warren and bernie sanders and kamala harris made comments nancy pelosi get it they all said the same thing. stop the republican takeover from the numbers that gavin newsom was doing a great job on crime because he was not gavin newsom did a great job in covid-19 and state began and then a 49 governors, gavin newsom started doing a great job with schools, the right near the bottom worse than before gavin newsom is doing great job in retaining and attracting people to california when the for the first time in the states and 170 here is become are leaving california taking the tax dollars with thems and i can't think of anything that that man is well right and nobody even tried to defend his record and they also, don't let republican takeover because republicans are unpopular in california, were outnumbered three - one and that is hows they succeeded but he waited to debate me. and i would talk to mr. newsom
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and he never did want to get into the race company called side, there was a margin of error that he was scared and he called off the dogs, all of his money came in from the unions, and from hollywood, snoop dogg even tweeted against we've the snoop dogg supports school choice and he turned the thing around upper one moment they were scared to death which isma why so much of this heavy number cameme out to mccleary elder coming funny because we were talking without enter before the show you had some point problems coming up here and you said you ended up going through des moines, which was pretty funny but you said you're going back there to home point doctor for the devoid savior which is kind of a right of passage if you're thinking about running for higher office i'm giving some thought and a lot of people as i said, have asked me to consider it enemy sound self-serving or modest and i would rather not tt do it over the issues that i want to talk about, school choice of the right out of
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family, the connection between break out of family in crime and the importance of securing the borders and i am not sure there were many people who can speak about these things persuasively and as passionately as i can so i am going to do it i don't want to do what god wants me to do and ibe believe god wants me too this a conversation with ben carson when i was in in dallas a few days ago. then said that i am going to do what god wants me to do and i said that's exactly how i feel. and i feel that i have a patriotic and special obligation to do what i think can help the country and if i can do nothing more but to help people of color, knock it off, pick up the cards and play them to the best of your ability and you will be fine in america. thank get back to the value and get back to the church and get back to right and wrong and if i can just do that and wake of a few people, and do what iat thought that obama was going to do butut refused to do that i wl have served my purpose. >> have you been to mara lago.
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>> i was therefore the premier of 2000 meals the documentary when she talked about all these people going to these drop boxes the of mailing ballots don't think you legitimate to influence the election in place like cleveland philadelphia, atlanta detroit and i was therefore that and also for another event so i have been there for a couple of times. >> have you expressed the viewpoint about running to president trump. >> i have not and since marrow lago but am not afraid to and i think frankly that the likelihood obama will be the nominated is likely high sorry, and i say obama, i think the likelihood of trump getting nomination is high and i am fine without i would gladly look and vote for nimrod he said is i have some things that i want to say i might own lane and not
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going to say anything critical about him and by the way when the rent for, governor, for abt a half a dozen major republicans and i did not say a negative thing about a single one of them and it was not because i was a front runner although you become the front runner right away because i didn't want too get into a firing squad we all knew the issues were, crimes and homelessness in the way shut down the government and the french laundry restaurant to not wearing a mask or engaging in social distancing and is owned kids were in person private education and we all knew what the issues work but i did not say a negative thing about them and they did not here to the same principle i one of them in particular was the favorite of the republican establishment, the gop did not endorse me, a state party did not interest me the wanted kevin faulkner, two-term mayor of san diego and kevin mccarthy wanted him. well, carried san diegoed county by 31-point and the other was a
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favorite was kevin kelly coming visibly been, now running for congress in sacramento area carried is by 30ca points prayei galvanize the basin when they realize that, they didn't endorse anybody officially but the one they wanted was kevin faulkner and so i'm not out theo trash donald trump i think heot did a great job as president think he got abroad to deal with the hundred bitinger soaring the way abc and nbc and cbs, reported it read media and 90 percent of the stories were about donald trump was negative even though there were no new worse, economy was great got us out of theit ridiculous until te climate change deal and i thought he did great thanks but he was dogged and trashed right to have your collision investigation and turned out to be empty and the man was incredibly mistreated some no going to say anything negativer about him ron desantis i have nothing and i think that i want talk about most notably -
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>> final question before we goo to calls, what about the election deniers and january 6th. l >> let me give you a long answer about that. here's what i find irritating about this whole business of election deniers, there have been numerous election deniers on the democrat side, hillary for four years referred to donald trump as illegitimate said the election was stolen to the point work if he 7 percent of democrats believed the russians changed vote tallies to get donald trump elected, 1000 basin report looking into the election of 2016, and zero evidence that a single vote tally with change and jay johnson from the secretary homeland security testified under oath, zeroo evidence, that a single vote was changes 67 percent of the democratically the russians changed vote tallies and testified under oath and said, we don't know whether
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another russian interference altered the outcome of the election and you have to have a country where there is no interference in one that was and we can compare the two we can't do that because we don't know it's only 8 percent according to gallup believe the russian interference altered the outcome of the election favored donald trump some greater percent of the democrats believed enticing single stalin republicans on the same way about 2020 and all thing is this, the chair of the house generally six committee in 2005 he joined with 85 democrats to refuse to see collectors in ohio because of the allegations of that the bony machines have been tempered with some no evidence but areas in 2005 election in ohio and al gore, to this day believes the election was stolen from him read and others annexing waters and one of the elections challenge the
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electors of donald trump does it is undermining the integrity of our republican these guys do it is not a problem stacy abram still said her election wass stolen from her and no evidence of it fact check and others in the referred to her as a legitimate governor of georgia and election denier in jimmy carter publicly said that he believed the russians put trump to the white house in 2016, former president of the united states and these guy these guys say election deniers negative past than ever to down even though there's a big lie about 2016, it's incredibly unfair. that is about donald trump mentioned the hunter biden story, 60 percent joe biden's voters say that had they known about that story, they would not have voted and trump winds, not a problem. in the election guy said that 30000 votes in the states would have changed the election to
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donald trump and us just take michigan. the state attorney cemetery estate use covid-19 as an excuse to send a and ballots to every register voters whether they request were not in donald trump at elected any loss on procedural grounds and they didn't take up the case leaving the ruling two - one, enforced and a judge said with the secretary of state did was illegal to dust what it means h that the lawsuit was not ridiculous, pennsylvania, ulcers of rules and regulations were broken including accepting mail and ballots after the deadline. donald trump filed a lawsuit, to left-wing professors, both voted for obama and they predicted the u.s. supreme court went to get and down trip would win and it shows that therehe was something there with confidence and procedural grounds for mastery
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and a don't trump was over the chief justice of wisconsin supreme court comes that among other things of these were illegal drop boxes as is in the supreme court in wisconsin have rules going forward these drop boxes should be illegal and so there was some merit all these lawsuits the donald trump finally all he did was hire lawyers, like a friend of mine and rudy giuliani to make legal arguments same as with the democrats did. ... w that saying he was orchestrating an insurrection was absurd. they keep talking that he say fight. people say that stuff all of the time. and donald trump today's before that interviewed cash patel, the chief of staff of the acting
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secretary. he said i was in the room and in the event they are are necessary. if not my job, donald trump's job to deploy them. they have to be requested. does the job of nancy pelosi in the capitol police. they did not require the use of these truths. donald trump authorize their availability. who authorizes the bill but if he is orchestrating a coup and in selection. it does not make any sense but i will bet you something i will let my house he may not want it it's hollywood there's a lot of homeless people, i would bet my house that merrick garland, the ag is not going to indict donald trump. and if he does, my cousin vinny could get an acquittal. limitless take calls for author coast, please go to their question or comment. with the first of all mr. elder thanks so much for taking the
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opportunity to discuss these very topics. i've got to tell you a few things. i grew upva in private schools. i went to school with lebanese, blacks, puerto ricans, graduated with 48 people i could tell you that. i have always believed my grandfather once told me, he said life is about choices and opportunity. when i was 15 years old i was on a program it later propelled me into doing some work in radio. high school, college, nascar, i could go on and on like you. i have listened to so much of what you've said pretty quite a laugh at this next comment and then i asked my question but the only thing i thought donald trump did wrong when it came he is like diarrhea at the mouth. if he had cleaned up some of what he said. i voted for him, but i want to know your comments on
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opportunities and why is that you think so many people don't want to do that? they let somebody else to tell them what to do pickwick speak got it built to. >> thank you for that. i think a lot of people are afraid of freedom. freedom means if you don't get what youra want, if you have not achieved where you want to go it is on you. look in the mirror and that scares a lot of people. b regarding life being choices, quick story bill, i am on a sailboat in lake erie. live in cleveland when i but he said a sailboat. i'm on there with a bunch of other people. and one guy, happen to be quite about 25 -- 30 years old is complained to me about his job. hates his boss, hates his job. i listen to him for 20 minutes or so when i said what are you going to do about it? he looked as if someone hit him and have the two before you can set the rest of your life and complained about your job are you going to do something about it? i completely forgot about the conversation. twenty years later i get a letter from him he said dear
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larry you may not remember this remind me of what happened on the boat. he started his own business he now ten -- 50 people working for him he became aio multimillionaire, had never been happier if it had you not slap me in the face and told many to take responsibility who knows what it would have so we all need a push beatt overcoming the laziness one of the hardest things in life. but life is all about as you said opportunity. promise of gain in fear of loss is what motivates most people. and it doing nothing and procrastinating is really quite easy for people to do. it is up to us to pick up our cards and play them again to the best of our ability. stu hunt jim, casper wyoming, good afternoon for. >> good afternoon. i've been enjoying your show today. hey, i just wanted to ask you , and it kind of given up on california and left it. i was wondering, larry if you're interested in run again seeing that you did so wellin the a recall? you did not win it but yousi sue made a big impact would you
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think about running for california governor again? >> host: jim before you give us that answer given sure california experience bird worded to win when did you move and why? >> i was born in tahoe but lived in sacramento. i lived there for my entire life. i live there until 2020 and i got an opportunity to move. it was a beautiful state. i met myet wife there. but tired of the taxes, tired of the people raising the taxes on themselves. and so i decided i needed to move somewhere i would find a little more agreement on things. just curious if larry might do that because jim thank you for that. 2003 as i mentioned there is a democratic governor arnold became governor. since then, tilt mount their 5% more registered democrats. this 50% more registered
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independents. in independence appointed "new york times" in california but democrat. there are 33% fewer registered republicans. still anna getting 9% of their placement but as dids arnold. that is just a daunting that has not been a republican elected in california and 20 or statewide? by the way in the race was over a lot of the major rivals, john cox, others grumbled had larry not done this, not done that or handedness had said that he would've one. reporter told him he interviewed all these people they were sour grapes about how the campaign went. i said let's find out how many of these people run against gavin newsom when he runs for reelection come this november. they note the secret sauces, what larry should have done i'm sure willno jump in again and rn against him. not a single one did. the person with the primary is a guy named brian dolly note name recognition no money. i got 3.59 as i said before that math is daunting in california pete i can understand why people
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are giving up on california for there's a magazine called cl magazine's been around 17 years but for 17 years that ceos what's the best state to do business? the worst, based on taxes, regulations whether or not they have a business from the atmosphere part 17 consecutive years texas has been voted number one state to do business. for 17 consecutive years california has been voted the worst. elon musk left, ben shapiro left, david rubin left. a lot of people are leaving there taken the taxes with them. take elon musk alone, this sure is going to pay about two and a half billion dollars in taxes. in california 13.3% state income tax. you arelo losing all of that money. not just one year but every single year this medicineis business. sooner or later the state is going to hit rock bottom. then and only then do i think democrats are going to rethink their hostilities toward republicans. until and unless that happens will be very daunting for anybl
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republican to win office statewide. i decided not to do it again. we would have you considered leaving? works i have not pressed born and raised there for the dirty little secret if you bought a house in the 80s in california you've got a lot of money in equity. and i bought houses the first house i bought was in 1986. i bought another in the hollywood hills. i've got a lot of equity in my house burns born and raised there, he went to school there, my friends are there, my pastor is there but i do not want them to chase me out of the state. i would like to stay there and fight to take it back. if i cannot do it at that level camay be echoed at the national level. stu what what is the reaction to you in hollywood these days since running for governor et cetera? >> hollywood is an interestingng area. on the contributions, the politics in hollywood 90% go to the democrats. when it was pretty clear i was a serious threat to gavin newsom there's a article in the hollywood reporter about how
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gavin newsom called out hollywood to unite against me. however, the underlying people the normal people in hollywood i go summer they looked both ways they come up to us at work in hollywood i can let anyone how conservative and i wouldn't work but i voted for you. i was at my house one time i got a knock on the door as a scout locator. we're going to do a movie next door she would like to use your property for catering service. we negotiated deal to do that. so is a movie with annette benning i had never seen a movie film before substituting on my porch watching them filled for the catering service comes over to me and says we start having a conversation were so far what no one could possibly of the conversation. six months later he calls might write a short member may have the guy that came to your house i said yes. i haven't worked since then. they found out that i knew you. they knew i liked you otherwise it would have come up to you. i have not worked since then. i can give you story after stor
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after story like that i had a court show called moral corporate best to judge a show ever. that should've re- upped after the first year they didn't. the guy that it's on my said it's a million-dollar set d beautiful set he was so crafty so gifted they asked him to design their set for their political convention that year. he did. told me he did not work for two years but i am gay, and left wing, of a democrat. because i worked on that set they thought i was republican i told him i wasn't they felt i had somehow committed some sort of moral sin by working for theo rnc even though they paid me a lot of money to design their set. that is how intolerant hollywood is. so in cornelius, alexandria, louisiana. please go to their question or comment. >> thanks book tv and everything. i have been waiting to talk deeper i live here in alexandria, louisiana. i don't know if you remember a
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guy named louis armstrong for. >> are you kidding me? k best trumpeter ever. >> there you go. louis armstrong said this is the race to city he had ever been and he was never coming back to alexandria, louisiana. so he never performed again and alexandria. that tells her how outrageous this place can be. but what i want to say to you as an african-american i love the eye left the democratic party a long time ago. sixty-one years old and i used to work for the u.s. of prisons at oakdale where theh had the right there the cubans break came in right after that riot. they@the n word and things like that and i said i was not going to tolerate that stuff. they eventually brought a black awarded dad hurts that i threatened to kill the warden and got rid of me. and you are right, if you go to jail you can't do anything. and so i've been trying to clear my name. but i want to salute you. when you told that story about your father being a tough marine
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that really sent chills through my bones. i was a military police officer. still at art cornelius thank you for calling in. mr. elder in a comment for cornelius? >> thank you for the love. it's not a lot of fun being called an uncle tom a coconut oreo. but if that's what it takes in order for me too wake up a few people so they can begin to appreciate the freedoms that we have, there is a reaven cubans there's a reason haitians are coming up and spin from central are coming to her systemically raised this country is nonsense. if that's what it takes, fiber it little by little i can tellit and making a difference. i am invited to republican clubs to give a speech most of the audience is white. every now and then a handful black people there but not because the secret handshake that requires you to get their initiation dues were passed were they just don't come. i'm giving the speech a black
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man at the back, tall big guy. i would say something huge shake his hand like this is avail seat shake his head. i bet this guy's going to kill me. it's over he walks up to me. he says mr. elder i am really angry at myself. i had no idea 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock red know i did this 50% dropout rate in many of urban schools no ideasc 25% young black men and inner cities have criminal records but i had no idea the percentage of abortions been performed on black females pride no idea about the level of educational achievement. he said i thought i was well-informed but i've been watching too much and name awe couple outlets. and now i'm going to start opening my mind and reading more of your material but thank you so much for shaken me up and waking me up and walked away. we went some of those convictions, trump convictions are those fair? >> i have always felt the war on drugs should be fought as a public policy issue not a criminal justice issue.
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it's okay for somebody next-door to have a martini, two, three, four, you have a joint you've committed a crime. i've always had a problem with that.a i always felt we should approach is a different way. sue and mr. elder, you mentioned it's tough to be called uncle tom and she said. what is not a lot of fun. i have gotten so used to it now but i go a few days without being called in unsocial missive what if i done wrong? [laughter] >> you haveos a website uncle we want to show a little video from that website, tells what this is after plays. ♪ ♪ ♪ when you look at these pictures, you get a sense of what black life it was like for. >> it's a process. ♪ was clearly operate in the lives of black americans. >> throughout history, black
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folks were honorable. they had integrity. that is what black people were. >> we are to america it was bad we were not americans. >> protesters topple statues. >> hundreds of statues are vandalized. >> people try to rewrite history per. >> the american people know these names have to go. >> why is that? >> when ever you have something to be proud of, people have a less of a chance of controlling you. >> races from top to bottom, from right to left. keep them coming back antiblack. >> there is no country in this world a black person is a rather be less course they grow up inun this country per. >> you broke the contract for 400 years. >> filled with the lives that
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are deceptive. >> black lives matter. >> the reason that light exists is power. >> are certain people who use the word and nigro in order to establish that power in washington. that is nearly upon and again that's bigger than heo is. ♪ ♪ ♪ see what larry elder. but that's the trailer to the sequel called uncle tom to print uncle tom one came out in 2020. it cost roughly 5:30 thousand dollars to make with the rule of thumb in hollywood if you can do three times your films cost you've got aim hit. uncle tom did almost ten times as cost. i executive producer, brilliant
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director and cowriter. and shadow jackson helped to write it, as did i. it's all about the way the left marxism, socialism, collectivism and created legitimate quest for equal rights into one for equal results. and it's all about the endgame of black lives matter. these are people trained marxists karl marx a job he said was to be god. the reason for the civil rights over all these pastors who believed in judeo-christian values and believe in family. but we have done over the years, as we have replaced god and family with government. that is what uncle tom wanted uncle talk to her all about printing see uncle one for free good uncle watch it for free. you can preorder uncle tom to which comes out on august 26. i met norma slid proud of the work. for all the people out there,
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just to this. read the reviews. there are hundreds of reviews. the reviews it's almost as if i wrote the micelles. open my eyes, i did not know this about the naacp. i did not know it about mlk. one time said there's a city with 30% blacks the percentage of executives and that company should be 30%, what? the country's 13% black that should be 13% nba players? as opposed 85%? ridiculous. the first one somebody said is a love letter to america. the second movie i say as a dear john letter to marxist, collectivist, people like black lives matter who are manipulating black people for power. i said earlier the reason you're able to get 95% black people to vote one way and not talk about crime, not talk about education, not talk about work opportunities, is because of this lie that america is racist.
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the real cause to be the cause of social justice whatever that means parade that's with the democrat party is said to black people. uncle tom one and two are tryinc to undo that damage. >> let's go back to david, tulsa please go ahead. fix what is critical race theory? what does it mean tot him? >> host: what does it mean to you david? >> i don't know that's why i'm asking your guest. i really don't know i'm very confused about that issue. we went thank you sir. so it up that's a really good question britt i am not sure either. i know the proponents of it in my opinion are trying to tell young white people that they are oppressors. and young black people that they are oppressed. in virtually everything in e america that you find you're not happy with can be explained because of race and racism. unequal outcomes can be explained because of race and racism. in fact 1940, 87% of black slid below the poverty line.
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80% for 20 years later , 64, 47% at a 40% drop in 20 years is the greatest 20 a parade of economic for blacks in american history. this is before the civil rights movement, before the civil rights act of 64, 65 before brown versus board of education, why? strong families believe in god. do it what is it today to know offhand the poverty rate among african-americans? >> guest: it's always been up twice asro hybrid by the way the poverty rate was falling steadily and after 65 or so began leveling out. it's been that way ever since britt government had not done anything to get government stayed out of it would be having much lower poverty right now much stronger families. sue and jim from california good afternoon. with a good option thank you for taking my call. it's been fascinated listening to you. my question is that i live in an area that's very beautiful per 11 the southern sierras in a national. and i love it.t but the area and many of the
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people i know and many of the areas around me there is a deep, deep poverty. i would estimate the lower ten -- 15% of the populace. it's mainly white, native american, hispanic american, some african-american. not very many. but it is a very poor area. i what i see the problem is, i don't think anybody cares about thesein people part is you just recently mentioned since the 60s the rate has not gone down. i'm not sure has anything to do with party. i live in mccarthy's district. less people vote for him. he has not been a bad job in my opinion, i don't really think republicans care about the people at the lower end if they can get their votes that's nice. if they can't they don't care about them. the democrats don't care about that much either. they're more worried about electric car credits and thingsw
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like this.ol and solar panels on houses. i know a lot of people, some people whoe have no house a brt i know a lot of people are what i would call substandard housing. see what jim, will get an answer for what you have to say in just a second period but, during the recall election did you support larry elder? what's i supported the recall of gavin newsom. we went thank you: sir. richard dodged the question. on this business of people not caring about the poor, if by that even people care about the results of the money that's being spent on antipoverty programs, he is not wrong. since the mid- 60s we probablyri spent 22 chilean in poverty has one. but on the caring part of the book called who really cares by gabe and arthur c brooks i think you interviewed him. he has been on this program. he was at the time of public policy student at syracuse.
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he was not raised as a conservative. he found out know it it's an academic study and his more generous with their money he thought liberals were he was shocked when the research several times and found it wasn't even close conservatives get far more money, farmer time, former blood then to liberals. for two reasons, one conservatives are more religious. relate they gave just as much there's fewer of them. andnd secondly, most conservatis believe welfare, the poor should be helped a one on one through churches, organizations, not their government they talk the talk of walk the walk. it's interesting i did documentary the ten biggest lies. liberals are more generous than conservatives. turns out it is the opposite it's not even close. this is a narrative that's been pushed by the left andna a lot f people believe. if government got on the welfare business allowed individuals to do and churches to join a think would better place right now.
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>> host: i'm going to read a quote from youou in 2001. the system showdown, your book be the republican party limited government while expanding it. at least the democratic party makes no pretense of adhering to the founding fathers version of eight limited government that trust the people. >> right for that's what i support a convention of states there should be an amendment to the constitution so that government, expansion six percentage of the gdp. i'd purchased over than 10% with exception for war and natural disaster. the government's grown bigger under presence republican or democrat. ronald reagan came in 1980,n campaign with a promise to shut down the department of education. under george w. bush we get the chip program expanded that because after all he need healthcare for kids cannot be cruel and unusual. he explained government
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expanding even under donald trump's campaign. in 2016 said we need to replace obamacare with something better. so one government program is better than another government program? way to replace obamacare is with free market. more competition britt competition improves everything. cheaper, pers equality it makes it more accessible. about half of our healthcare dollars paid for by the government which is inherently inefficient. which is why in the healthcare system is not as good as it could be. we went next call for larry elder comes from los angeles,is please go ahead. demetrius hung up i am sorry. frank, beutler, tennessee. >> caller: hello larry. pleasure to speak with you. you are a breath of fresho air. my quick question is this, i'm sorry? >> 's view of of your next book? which i think i might write one about my mom. a lot of people have asked me too write about my mother.
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pursuit chief justice. some might program every friday for one hour per it's a story about that. i asked my dad when he first got on the radio to come on the radio. my dad is a man of few words. but when he speaks account. i coached him -- coax him to come on he did not to do it from he agreed to do it because i leaned on him. i hold theory about who gives w better tips white people, black people, men, women. and he said the person that tips the best are white men. special they are overweight, do not ask me why. worse chippers are black females. he had this whole thing he could lookoo at you when you walk in s restaurant table kind typically to leave is almost always right. i had him on the first exit dad, who is better to pers boxer whites?r my dad goes i don't think we can generalize. as civil dad, who gives better tips men or women?
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i don't think you can generalize for is the longest 15 minutes of my life. during the commercial work i got on the phone say what you doing to me? he says i don't want to offend people i'm on top rated we are the offending business but mom on the phone. i said mom would you do this question what she said he should've asked me the first place and a star is born. mom is a democrat she don't be about this and guilty about that but she was a country woman who had good common sense. she was a candidate democrat she voted twice for george w. bush. vote for ragan, would not change a party because it was emotional. she felt the democrats had gone off the reservation but she could no longer supportn them. stuart went a viola and randolph pass? >> guest: my mom that are 15 years ago my dad died about ten years ago for mymy dad was a nie years old to be so my dad would die before my mom. it was the opposite. as a second time i saw my father cry, when mom died. they were wonderful. i once asked, it must've been
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ten years before they died him at the kitchen table, peter, so it is a picture showing it off you can sit over here. >> guest: i see that yes. i don't know what occurred me too asked him ime said mom, dad, what did you assume your first date? they're married 54 years. my mom looked at my dad and my dad looked at my mom and said you guys don't remember? i said what was ted wearing? mom looked at dad, what was mom wearing? this is romantic. [laughter] through and you've lost a brother as well. the july did i lost my brother he was my best friend. and he was at his computer at 5:00 a.m. in the morning. friday the 13th, had a heart attack and died. he was two weeks before 70th birthday. he and my sister-in-law, teresay planned to go to hawaii for 17th birthday. and he died. at about six or eight months after that, their youngest son
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might nephew named eric was happy dead in his apartment had a heart attack at 38 years old. and i believe it was agreed from the death of his father paid my poor sister and that lost her husband of 37 years, and her youngest son within a span of eight or nine months. she is still having difficulty with it. she's in a support group people have lost love ones were she goes regularly. she isn't nursing, works really hard but she is really sweet. i adore her. but my god what 81 -- two-point she suffered. do it leo is in san diego you are on with larry elder. >> guest: hello mr. elder, nice talking to you. my question would be, please correct me at the end of this, wanted tell you what happened. wr me if i'm right or wrong. prior to the election he started receiving mail were three japanese people. i live alone.
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i started receiving phone calls, text messages from democrats asking me too vote for people. they called my name doug. my name is not doug. then what happened, i found out that a young man in los angeless was pulled over with 300 ballots, a gun, and some booze and money. okay, that made me wonder what is going on. so i looked into it, i come to find out gavin newsom hired approximately 20000 ballot harvesters to collect ballots. so then i looked a little further and i called my county board of supervisors. at what i found out was the entire election for the entire united states was based upon the 2010 census. the three japanese people i'm talking about, they are all dead we found out they are dead. through it all right leo, let's see what mr. elder has to say about those.
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>> guest: there are lots of allegations that were made during the recall election. because as i said all the sudden the recall went into the margin of error but he ended up winninr by 24 points. a lot of people thought that was an anomaly. i have never said it was stolen i have never made that argument. but i do say this we need to get back to voting on the day of the election. the only people should s be votg are people who are disabled. this endless voting voting weeks before the election meg 0 cents. there's too much possibility of fraud. we want to get back to make people thought confident we need to do that. adam kinsinger why the republicans on the generate six committee recently said 2020 election we can't have a democracy referring to 2020. as i said earlier at least that many democrats believe that aboutt 2017. the way to back his makeshift butter tv show up. the way he did when i was a kid but the only reason people would
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have mail and belts that they'rl not going to be in town that day for they are disabled but that is the only way in my opinion to make our election secure enough to give people the confidence they shouldpeou have. you don't have this mail and belts in europe for the most part. it when they do they have much more stringent requirements than we have. so when you talk to go entirely to the iowa state fair potentially exploring the presidential world. if somebody picks up your book the ten things you can't say in america, showdown or what's race got to do that, is there anything you have a written you're like hoops, which i had not written that. or i disagree that today? >> i cannot think of anything. in fact i reviewed some of my stuff in preparation forin interview, peter. i said that's pretty good that's pretty well-written. i forgot i said that it you start saying that again very pretty happy with it. i think i would have emphasized the importance of secure borders
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more when it wrote ten things i don't think i mentionk immigration much at all. the country has gotten bigger and bigger in terms of intrusiveness. i was on fox news once said 19 they're all three levels of government took less than 10% of the american people. now takes about 35%. when you added value to unfunded mandates government takes almost half of the with the american people produce. i get a phone call from affect check organization. as our source for your assertion government all three levels of took less than 10%? i gave a source was our source for your assertion now government takes about 35% i gave him a source. is there source for assertion if you put a value to unfunded mandates, public to come as half of the american people can produce? i gave them several sources.s, they wrote a piece, older hack right. they had a meter indicated right in the center. is it elder was right government at all three levels in 1900 less
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than 10%. elder it was right right nowt, government takes about 32% but what elder says you put a value on unfunded mandates, it's almost happy because that is subjective. of course it subjective. economist like leo haney from ucla does elder understated the amount of their foundations but the number also 50%. the reason it is subjective assume you're george mcgovern. he complained about this one time. when he left the senate he started a bed and breakfast. and it went bust. this is a democratic candidate that went bust. he wrote a piece about the wall street journal he said i wish i had known how difficult it was to run a business. i would've been a better senator. all these rules and regulation you impose make it difficult to make a profit. hello? one at them as he is forced to put a security system at his bed and breakfast but he was f going to happen but they want him to put went on that was more expensive than the one he thought he needed.
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so does that add value to the business when you say it's a mandate? or just the part he would have gotten worse the party had to pay? there are some subjective things i agree that paracel angry that with the article i contacted the two fact checkers i asked him to come on my program and to their credit they did. you sit elder was right on this one, is right on that one but wrong on that one. how come i didn't get two thirds right instead of half was at new math? is not very much i regret having written. he went working people hear your show? >> i'm on epic it's on cable into the new tank in l.a. it's on spectrum. he did to look to find out where it is. we also put excerpts up on youtube. i'm urging all people to go to epic tv.
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it's like nine bucks a month. the got a lot of pertinent document and generate six that came out that was a pretty powerful documentary for those who watch the generate six committee hearings for this is another perspective, another point of viewec but. >> you subdue your daily radio show? >> i don't. accepting it as of may of this year. for 7:30 as i have not done it daily radio show progressed you miss that? >> i do i miss the connection. i was on radio for three years today from 30 years. i'm really enjoying my tv show. i'm flying around america top candidates take back the house, take back the senate the campaign for school choice, campaigns get support initiatives for strong families. needle more flexibility do that bring doing on radio three hours a day would not allow me too do that. i'm having a good time. h this year than ever the before. uncle tom two comes out i've documentary i'm working on called tenant biggest liberal lies and i'm writing a book
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about the gubernatorial campaign will hopefully come out sometime next year. to hunt berry, tampa good afternoon. you are on with larry elder. >> caller: they had been waiting so long and so many segments, give me a minute. i live down south, okay? i am atheist. i believe there's a lot of uninformed voters and citizens of the united states. i don't prescribed one particular party. i really don't like labels. you can be given all these things given a particular topic. the uncle tom, they make about you you could strictly say you always need summary on the inside as well as the outside. don't worry about the uncle tom thing.
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you know how to articulate and communicate. so on that note right there, my problem with california went to ask you about is the homeless problem. one of the richest countries in the world and yet this homeless problem is getting out ofou han. i am in the process of writing a book it's about capitalism but i believe certain things should not be for profit. those three things are healthcare, education, and incarceration. i feel like if you want to be the number one superpower in the world, you cannot have stupidsi people. you have no type of attitude to reform prisoners if you make money off of them. two and art berry with got that point. tell us very briefly about yourself. >> like i said i am from from
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the north, live in the south of this point i cannot understand why black people were republicans. but once i did my research if you know the history of the dparties and how they switch, i understand why there are black republicans because if you are from the south, the democrats for the party are the slave ownerss. it goes against every fiber of your body to build to vote democrat. the democrats have used theus racial card is deafly the only card theyse use. barry we are going to leave it there. i want to find out a little more biographical information, what kind of work you did. the homeless in writing the book about no profit for healthcare education and incarceration but. >> on how much or quite right this is the wealthiest country in the world. there is no recently shed this kind of problem. but most of theer people homeles have mental problems, are alcoholics or they are addicted to drugs.
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that is a spiritual problem for a talk to doctor ben carson when i was running for florida governor he talked about a plan he had the trump administration had a second term he had this ready to s on federal land didn't have the same regulations and rules you have on other lands. they're going to build a lot of low-cost small housing. he told meet the mayor was on board even governor gavin newsom was on board. there is plenty of money to treat people pray they treat people first then that would be offered opportunity to live on federal property in these houses that would be built. ben carson believed mostly homeless people would take a people on their offer and beat willingly recall located to these areas were federalde property is. we have to do something though. it has gotten worse and when gavin newsom was mayor of san francisco he was a two term bay are pretty promised to end
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of the homeless problem in san francisco before the end of his term. well, it is worse than ever. he was lieutenant governor he pounded the desk and complained he nothing to do.d i suggested maybe, just maybe he might want to fulfill to solve the homeless problem in san francisco is only gotten worse. asada housing first problem it is a spiritual problem. it's a direct relationship between the breakdown of the family the large number of people who are homeless. we can address this by doing with mental illness and alcoholism and build a low-cost housing to have some place for people to go. stewart roger from connecticut. please go ahead your book tv. >> caller: larry thank you so think you are outstanding. i have a couple of comments to make and then i will ask a question. here's one of my comments. chuck schumer on may 7, made an impassioned plea before congress
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commemorating the beating of john lewis coming over the edmund bridge. but they always conveniently forget to mention the fact that he was beaten by democrats. the second thing, i have a daughter she does not understand the history. and in 1969 when there was a forced busing, hicks and the democrats of boston greeted the children on the buses with the bricks. not only to the bricks at the buses for the children as well. the last thing i'm going to say, i'm trying to be brief. but in 1854 henry wrote an essay slavery in massachusetts.
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in the essay he said he admonished the democrats because they were the slaveholders. he admonished the press because the press was sympathetic to the democratic cause. and he said the press, with few exceptions is corrupted. and if my math is correct about the 168 years ago. my question to you is, and i know you're doing your best and so is vince ellison, how do we communicate the history of what has happened to the black community? >> roger were going to have to leave it there. thank you for that. any comments? speak to roger that is why did uncle tom and uncle tom too. if you watch both ofan these documentaries you will have a full course on exactly the history of these two parties. you are quite right for democrats was a party of
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slavery. there were no republican slave owners. they found some republican slave owners part of the 40000 slaveowners in 1860 census maybe six or eight of them might have been republicans. and started out as democrats. the republican party was a part of jim crow, democrats i didn't say democratic party but democrats out of the kkk. all of these apologists stood in front of school doors like george wallace segregation now, these are all democrat born, raised and died democrats. it is alive and all the sudden in the 60s they switched sides. if you look at all of the people have voted against the civil rightsat after 64, all the democrats voted against it how many of them switch and became republicans question or two outside of that there born democrats and they died democrats. robb of the parties a part ofiv individual responsibility, hard work, family, god.
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and i am urging all of the blacks to take a good hard his look of it republican party and what democrats have done with welfare to essentially attack the black family and replace government with god and family. a different kind of slavers being pushed, and my pain by democrats or actual slavery they used to push. sue and bruce is in el monte, california, democrats line. go ahead bruce. >> caller: how are you doing? why did the republican treat hillary clinton so bad during benghazi? what was the deal about biden's sons? what was the deal about donald trump's 22 people in his cabinet of some kind of conviction what is up with that?
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working out leave it there. unless you have a comment. >> guest: i have no comment. >> caller: a little bit of a history i tried to be a communist in high school. then i was asked at 16 to join the communist party, the black panthers, and black irish the kid did not understand what that meant. the whole idea i was asked toed join the ira and the kkk everybody should know of course are all democrats. i was almost beaten to death by gang members on motorcycles because my partner was a black guy a harley. i was almost beaten to death with a cane. my grandfather went to the first black family in compton, his big house it was an irish cop. people do not understand the history of california and what happened with democrats and republicans. and of course i was in the
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business of firearms and historic artifacts by sold guns, antique and modern. the whole idea of the gun laws were against blacks. everybody is equal under god so everybody should be under the second amendment equal. quickset is something you write about on the top ten things you can't say in america precooked by the worst supreme court decision ever was dred scott chief justice tommy talked about if we ruled black people or anything otheryt than chattel ty can get guns and lord knows what they would do to revenge on the former slave owners. evolution from being a communist is not uncommon. we were talk about thomas is a marxist. even after which the universityu of chicago and studied under thr free market guys he was still a marxist he did not change until he began working for the department of labor. edhe was tasked with doing a sty on impact of the minimum wage
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and came back said that minimum wage destroys jobs. milton freedman said the probably most antiblack while the statutemo books. any presents the evidence and found that they don't care. that got him thinking about his ideology. my good friend david horwich of the freedom center wrote a book called radical son. i think you interviewed him too. used to be a marxist used to work for black panthers. and began to realize what was happening and what people were saying. how it was hurting people. he did a complete 180 is now conservative activist with a think tank. you mentioned tom and we ask every author who comes on this program their favorite books and what they are currently reading. here is what larry elder told us, the fountainhead of human bondage. bonfire demand raised by tom wolfe free to choose, milton
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freedman. and every book by thomas soul. what is yourol relationship to m or where did you meet him? >> admitted because if you admitted because of c-span. i was on c-span 25 -- 30 years almost at a four hour day radio show great c-span came in which a broadcaster show live. i was on fornt four hours. i get a letter from thomas dear larry, my wife and i watch the entire four hours, you werela magnificent. you explain free-market principles and a clear persuasive way. he talked of the importance of education, the importance of family. i am a fan. are you kidding me question what that's like getting a letter from elvis or babe ruth. i wrote him back, we became very good friends but he me too spend a weekend with him up in the bay area where he w lived and we ben good friends ever since then. i was invited to his 80th birthday. see what we are going to show some of that 1996 video that doctor soul saw only played live on c-span.
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>> maestro if you would. ♪ the larry elder contract with america is as follows. number one passé 15% flat tax, no deductions. let's call it let's make tax lawyers and lobbyists and endangered species at. number two, reduce government by approximately 80%. less than 2% of americans are farmers at the department of agriculture still adds more bureaucrats. what exactly does these small business ministration do anyway? other than loan many people to default far greater numbers the private sector would have tolerated? number three, and welfare, and i am talking t about the welfare with a small w and welfare with a big w, the small w as we typically think of as
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the big stuff is middle-class entitlement programs. we went larry elder, there you are 26 years later. >> a little less hair now. [laughter] 's put anything you with what you said there? >> i don't people get the wrong idea about welfare, there's always going to be poor people per the question is how do we help them? it's a way a lot of people read by tocqueville called democracy in america we also wrote one called memoirs. he was able to travel around the world when people didn't do a lot of traveling but he found there's the greatest number or in england in the england was a wealthy estate. england was the first state to give no questions asked welfare but as a result they create more dependency. he said i don't know the formula of helping people making independent, but doing it big government does with no
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questions asked is not the route. this is something people been struggling with for hundreds of years. it's been currently reading larry elder is reading don't burn this country by dave rubin, rigged by mollie hemingway and inflation by steve forbes. all of which have been covered on book tv. david, thank you for holding ste go to their question or comment. >> caller: oh my gosh i get to talk to the great larry elder. larry, a good friend of mine, joe bell, lives in michigan with you. he ended up being a cbs correspondent. his major was journalism. and one time were sitting there watching you, on tv, and he said you are the same as you were when he was in school with you in the 70s. he said this guy has never change. you are very articulate. i respect your candor, your
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christianity. my question is what you just said about will welfare, jfk said welfare was a hand up not a handout. and just different things. i believe, i want to know if you believe this too, if they didn't talk about racism so much, and spoke it do you think will be having the subject all the time? i think it is just so sad. it is common sense of the stuff they do up there is just beyond crazy. how do you get by every day dealing with that? do it all right we got the point thank you sir. >> guest: morgan freeman said we ought not to be obsessing with the sun much but hed said this years ago. and regarding the welfare, fdr the father of the new deal even said welfare was a social
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narcotic. the idea is to get people independent and self-sufficient and not them to be dependent. there is a poll done in the los angeles times and think is 1986, people in poverty were asked, do you believe welfare programs are a stepping stone towards independence? or are they a crutch that creates dependency? 41% it's a crutch a critical dependency only for 31% the other way. twenty years later the numbers were equal. these are people on welfare her telling you a large number of them anyway this has taken what might initiative it is caused me too be left untreated less t self-sufficient. what larry elder is their secret to conservatives in hollywood? have you ever spoken with them? are you a member of them or is that a rumor? >> there is an organization the name of which i will not sites of conservatives. at least non- liberals in hollywood. and it started out very small. and now they're literallyrt hundreds people paid we get together from time to time and talk.
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there are more people in hollywood who are conservative under the rater than you know. and a lot of them are polito quite well and if people knew their politics might not be as popular. that is how oppressive this atmosphere is for a give you a quick example. my girlfriend of around 20 years, nina, as a recovering actress but she knows a lot of people the field. now she's an interior designer does very well. nina perry is her website she does very well she has friends who are actresses. one of them visited her from michigan and brought her daughter. her daughter look like sophia loren. 13-year-old gorgeous, gorgeous girl who's done a great deal of work in print in michigan. but the idea wishing to come to hollywood. there in the room talking i was doing something else.oi they're going to have a meeting with the major agencies in hollywood. you have to miss why the major agencies if you're going to make it part of the hardest part is to get an agent.
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the rest of it is easier after that. and i overheard the mother say that she was going to vote for donald trump in 2016 it was right during the election i got up and went the room and said are you a trump supporter question she said yes. i said do not mention this tomorrow at your meeting she said why? you know anything about hollywood do? she said no i said this when the most intolerant areas in the world. do not mention that you support donald trump. trust me. the next day she comes over the girl by those tired the mother thanked me. she said for the first ten minutes these agents sat on the table completing each other sentences on what slb donald trump was or had you not told me what you told him i said the wrong thing atmp the wrong time they would not of hired her. sue and christopher, las vegas please go ahead with your question or comment fort larry elder. >> hello larry how are you :pretty. >> hello. listen i was just curious.
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i've been following for years and i'm wondering how come you have not been on any of the top black american political shows for interviews? >> such as what? ask the new shows, i have been watching you, i've been watching on youtube. i cannot find one single interview you have done with black american talkshow host it's not conservative. i'm curious why? >> i have had a debate before the election. the smell michelle couple of times i also interviewed with him on his radio show party owns a radio station l.a., i was on that show. by and large i've got to be invited but i've invited jesse jackson, might radio show over 50 times in my 30 years won't do it. maxine waters won't do it. as joy redivided manner show?
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i think during the campaign she did for the reason we didn't do it add to me other things to do she hasn't done since then. i would happy to go on the show all that does invite me. split larry elder easement 25 -- 30 years on radio for people did not see your face necessarily, ran for governor ofri californi. what is your anonymity level these days? quickly states i can't go anywhere without someone recognizing me. airport, hotels, no matter where i was. i was in des moines as you mentioned earlier yesterday. i'mco sitting at a counter eatig by myself a gentleman to my left two people to my right. i was getting up the winter might left that mr. elder didn't want to say anything to you but i am a huge fan praise in the army and we had a long conversation his food came and he's talking exit each year at food as we get cold. he said forget my foot how often can talk to larry elder? terms of people next to me also knew i was afraid they didn't
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want to be rude. we all took pictures. that is the level of fame right now p. despite that though, right before the election was over i was under a scotia under 1 million followers on twitter. since then i've lost about 30,000 followers on twitter. even though my footprint is never been bigger for it every day i was about 100. my channel on youtube, might time channel five and 75 followers, stopped. i have another one it stopped. there is no question that conservative commentators are being shafted by facebook, by instant by twitter. and i am an example of that. her question what what is yourr level of anonymity? i don't have a level of anime to be more wherever i go someone says something to me. often i've been asked but what about unpleasant people question what aboutut people don't like u question a quarter they say? and might 35 years has been a public figure i have had maybe
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ten -- 15 encounters somebody says make nasty or vicious. by and large you get a sense of people don't like you get a look. most people won't come up and insulted but most will too polite to do that. and i can live with that. >> for the past two hours our guest has been authored talkshow host larry elder. we appreciate your time here on cibook tv. >> guest: thank you for having me. the one thank you for being here as well.
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he said he was opposed principle to the wars in the arts and such are to work initiate and embarrass art source. a well-known poet in his own right has been a lot of's father and his relationship we asked to talk about his book, last rites, the death of william. >> author on this episode of book notes plus, book notes plus is available on the c-span now cap or ever you get your podcasts. >> next on book tvs others book program "afterwards", doctor deborah birx, firsthand to the covid-19 health crisis and discusses preventing the next pandemic interviewed by georgetown university law
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