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tv   In Depth Larry Elder  CSPAN  August 31, 2022 8:44pm-10:44pm EDT

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intellectual feast. every saturday american history tv documents america's story. on sunday @booktv brings you the latest in nonfiction books and authors. funding for cspan2 comes in these television companies and more. including comcast progreso you think of this is a community center? no it's way more than that. comcast is part of the 1000 committee centers to create wi-fi enabled so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. comcast, along with these television companies support cspan2 in the public service. >> mary elder, you wrote in your book, showdown, black conservatives scare people. that was in 2002. >> that's right. >> is that true today because her. >> absolutely. bennie thompson the chair of the generous six committee referred to clarence thomas as an uncle
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tom. they scare people because we refute the narrative. black people are eternally oppressed which is what in my opinion the democrats have inducted a black suit believes they could routinely pull that for the democratic party that characterize themselves over and the white hat in that part and the republicans over there where the black cat. >> i do want to read a quote for march 31, 2022. this is from one of your columns. sorry, i do not consider myself a victim of a systemically racist country. i do not believe cops engage in institutional racial profiling. i reject critical race theory and climate change alarmism. i believe taxes are too high regulations to severe in government too big. i support secure borders in pro-life god-fearing and advocate school choice. >> that's it that's exactly it. and i believe elvis is the king. [laughter] >> lick this business about the
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policing engaging in systemic racism it's wrong and it'sis dangerous. many studies show if anything the police are more hesitant, more reluctant to pull it on a black suspect than a white suspect. because of this lie not doing stop question and frisk as a result a bunch of bad guys on the streets who otherwise would be behind bars. those bad guys are committing crimes and killing the very people they care about. >> well, it depends on what you mean by book. i also couple collections of my columns. probably about half a dozen. my favorite book my most recent book is the one about my father. the hard covers: dear father dear's on the paperback is called a lot like meme but at te same book. the one that tells about violette and randolph. >> there my parents my mother's born on a farm in huntsville,ll alabama. my father was born in the back of a house somewhere in athens,
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georgia. my father does not who his father is.s my mother came from a large-scale and very prosperous family foror the firm is in the family during the great depression my mother said we never felt it. we sold excess poultry and vegetables to our neighbors. so my mother my father got married in chattanooga. mention my dad does not know his biological father's. i did nots find that those 25 years old which is write the book i dislike my father growing up intensely as did my two brothers. my father was ill tempered in my opinion. spank this too readily into stharshly in my opinion. and i did not understand why he was so irritable all the time. so unfortunately i desert the café when i'm tendered sold and have to work for the sop you did not like woodworking from either the little café everybody could hear everything and see ndeverything my dad would yell t me if i did something wrong. i'm 15 years old having worked for for five years of age told
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myself the next ten this guy yells at me when to take off the apron and walk out. he yelled at me i didn't have enough nerve to do a pretty old and you didn't have enough to it. finally 15 i had the nerve to do took off the apron walked out. that day the waitress called in sick sowa my dad was there durig rush hour with a restaurant full of people i say full of people you're talking 15 stools but standing room during rush hour. my dad had to handle all by himself. he comes home that night and he was steaming. laying on my bed and my dad walked into my bedroom and said why did you leave? for the first time i spoke back to my father. i said that i got sick and tired of the way you spoke to me and i'm not putting up with that. my father looked at me, he paid me $10 a day plus tips. walked on my bedroom we did not have another conversation for ten years. my dad lived in the same little house. he knew he worked long hours i avoided any type of interaction with them.
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accurate graduate from high school go to college in new england. i go to law school met midwest i would come home to visit my mom of course but make sure my dad and they were not the same room number 25 is old i passed the ohio bar, the california bar but a big law firm a can be the equivalent now one or 50 km 25 or so i y should be living large but i cannot sleep. i know passage of my dad. i'm calling my secretary i'm leaving in cleveland ohio to cancel my plummets and flying to l.a. be back i didn't tell my parents i was coming i didn't want my dad to prepare for this quick ten minute summit i thought we'd have brick ticket to lax i take the cab to the restaurant i don't close at 10:30 i get there at 130 a work of two pieces of luggage my dad sees me hepi shocked she said should put your luggage in the back and said no i'm going to be for five or ten minutes of one type something but it's okay way to be close. i sat there i said don't go off you know how i can go. just give the highlights of things that bothered you.
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i'm going to call him unfair anr too harsh of a father he's going to call me ungrateful son. maybe it will be able to sleep. my dad set down and despite i teed off on him. i spoke nonstop about half an hour. i told every whipping, every spanking when he spanking my cousin elaine came from cleveland how embarrassing that was i told him everything he could possibly tell it and i was done, i was spent. my father just took it. once in a while they'd lean but he just took it. he was done he made as it is that it? 0you didn't speak to me for ten years because of that? let me tell you about my brother. now peter i need to tell you i knew nothing about my dad's life i thought is an only child because my brothers and i never got christmas presents. i met his mom one time outside of the nothing about this man. i didn't care i didn't like him i didn't ask about his life. for the first time i saw my father cry said let me tell you about my father. he says n you are a blessing elder? i said that's on my father's
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last name. i said what? what is your father's name and he said i have no idea, what? never met and paid what question of who is elder" some man might life the logs me three or four years my mother couldn't read nor write is born in the back of the house. she didn't want to work she was ill responsible elder it was an alcoholic physically abusive to me and my brother i tried to stop ande he would beat me. my dad said i came home and is 13 my mom's then boyfriend was long god she sided with the boyfriend threw me out of the house never to return. black boy athens georgia eighth grade dropout at the beginning of the great depression during jim crow. for the next eight hours the man told me about his life. i said then what did you do? where did you go what to do? they're the largest private employer for blacks in those days and traveled out to california and that's how we end up in california before the war. he could walk to the front door
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of a restaurant and was shocked he would get served made a mental note some dell relocate to california pearl harbor my judgment as to why the marines? he said anybody out there in the marines know when going to say two reasons one the gore the action is and i love those uniforms. my dad was a marine first black marine he was stationed in guam. he was a staff sergeant in charge of cooking for the colored soldiers. wars over gaza chad knew that we met and married my mom and got a job as a cook. goes from restaurant to restaurant to restaurant is told to his face were do not hire mit that goes with unemployment office lady says you into the wrong door in each of you through that door when dag is out to the hall through the ... colored only to the very same lady. my dad came home to my mother said this is nonsense i'm going to l.a. get a job as a cook. besides l.a. walks around andlis told you not have any references
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my dad goes to the unemployment office at this time is one door. does he have any things is know what time to open she's is now time to close he said five my dead that i'll be in the church you have something breaks at the freehold they came back the next day sat there for half a day that some outlet for going to what we get to the course of going to want to have a family so job cleaning toilets at nebraska brand of bread my dad did that for ten years to hook up but another janitor job with another bread company generate two full-time jobs cleaning toilets, went to night school to get his ged cook for families on the weekend but that's he was so cranky he never slept 15 minutes or half hour there not just day after day or month after month year after you do that you walk into a house full of three rambunctious boys yelling and screaming the mood are you going
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to be in? my dead son is getting bigger and bigger and bigger i'm getting smaller and smaller and smaller and now i am crying. the end of the eight hours please forgive me for judging you so harshly my dad said don't worry about it you are a kid you didn't know which file divisive given you and your brothers hard work wins. get out of life what you put into it. you cannot control the outcome your 1% control the effort before you moan and groan about what somebody did to her said to go to the nearest mirror look at it and save yourself but that that i have done to change the outcome? and that my dad said matter how hard you work how good your bad things going to happen. how you deal with those bad h things will tell your mother briefly raised a man from that point on and a wonderful relationship that's of the book is all about. tough book to read. exit road itself. it road itself is easiest book i've ever written it was cathartic writing it. as my dad was alive every now
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and then it's a dad what happened here? why did do this? and he would answer and say where you're book about my littlele life placement is to judge her life was epic you just don't know it. soon as the over my dad died. we went viola? >> tough, tough, tough smart. had one year of college she used to tell people she had two years is going through an album a year but she had it all the sudden stops after one year. and asked my mother why and she got upset. it bothered herschel in one year of education. my mother always told my brothers and me the way up and out was through education and hard work. she's to correct my grammar. she corrected scalia's grammar at one time or my mother and i met at a black tie affair. we are sitting there talking a river driving one in a car ins no child where the ball would have gone he said no time for the ball would have went asked me when my mother corrected.
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every now and then my language is bad. i remember this vividly. i'd be seven years or younger went through every single president to highlight, low light when the book was over she closed it and said larry you convinced becky wants too. always been interested in politics and politicians but never political office. half came from outside of california in eight weeks when i got into the race wasn't trying to be strategic and did know if i wanted to do it.
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i mean while as normal people like my barber like the guy that drives me his nameo is ed he hs a limo service for they all wanted me too run. little by little i felt if not you, who question market if not now, when cosmic had a moral and patriotic and spiritual obligation to do it. i didn't want to but i felt like i could make a difference in california. so in eight weeks we raise $22 million. had that happened whoever got the most votes most of all the 45 combined.
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did not spend one dime campaign there at those a lost cause. the reason i'm telling you all of that is because after iran for governor, a lot of people wrote me and asked me too consider running for president i'm not giving it some very strong consideration. isn't thatat i believe i'm going to be able to displace donald trump or ron desantis if they run her but i've got some things to say. the major thing is the breakdown of the american nuclear family. 70% of black children father's marriage and about 40% of all american kids you have hispanic is due 25% of white kids do. forget about elder barack obama once said a kid raised by a father is times were likely to be poor then commit crimes but nine times more likely to drop out of school 20 times% 70%
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today. insert is the welfare state. the welfare cert has a my opinion incentivize women to marry the government and e incentivize man to far and awy the biggest problem we face domestically in america. it's a direct line between that and the fact 85% of black gheighth-graders nationwide cant read or do math proficiency levels that means 85% of black eighth grades are functionallyy illiterate because of the lack of parental supervalu and vice of the houses direct line between that and crime. i want to talk about those things i want to talk about the connection between that of the welfare state. andr i don't frankly feel eithr party including my part of the republican party spent enough time addressing that. we went peaking of a which you wrote in 2010 things you can't say in america. you are talk about these issues back then. and you mentioned the welfare state is the tyranny of the status quo.
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of the status quote as you call it. >> again, it is by far the biggest problem we have in america. there's a book called his father's face for a christian writer. he talks about a prison chaplin who wanted to improve morale at a prison. went to the big companies and said can you give me 500 mother's day cards for free? if that be a good marketing tool and they did pretty ghost of the prison, passes them out and morale did improve. so father's day rolls right you know i'm going with the story to go to the same greeting card company asked for five and are father's day cards be taken to prison that a single inmate, not one wanted to fill one out and set it to his father. not one. if you look at crime, bn of the family, there is a direct correlation between the two. >> how did you do when you ran against gavin newsom? >> i had my toughest time with
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black media. i had a great time with asian-american media, hispanic media, gloria romero, the former democrat senate minority leader crossed party lines and supported me because of the issue of school choice. i had a zoom meeting with 8-10 pastors. about eight or ten pastors. everything was going okay until i said that the police were not engaging in systemic racism. they are not perfect and there are bad cops and you deal with them on a case-by-case basis but the case is that they are mowing down people just because they are black isn't going by that number by the study and they went ballistic. i said the number one problem facing the community is the breakdown of the black family and they didn't agree with me. you are our role models. you are opinion shapers and telling me the number one isproblem and police brutality,t isn't true andty i'm in la and they had back to back black
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police chiefs. it's 40% hispanic, 30% white, brown, 10%, the rest are asian american. that is the representation of the police department exactly and yet when something happens we have a bunch out in the streetet yelling about police brutality. it's nonsense. take baltimore where a few years ago freddie gray died in police custody and incomes the obama administration to investigate whether baltimore is engaging in systemic the same department that about two months earlier the administration gave an award for theirr 21st policing all-black guard policing and in baltimore at the time freddie gray died,gr the mayor was black. the number one and number two people in the police department, the state attorney that brought the charges. there were six cops that were charged. the two of them chose to have the case is tried before a black
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judge who found them, by the way, not guilty. it was majority black. the united states attorney general at the time was black. as was the president. and i'm reminded of the joke wanda sykes once said. she said how are you going to complain about the man when you are the man. it's ridiculous. every major city has or has had a black mayor, black police h chiefs. many have or have had a his schools whonts in were black, and we are talking about i this? it's ridiculous. recently in philadelphia there's ca place called stephanie plac. i'm sure you heard about this. it's an amusement park i never heard about until this incident. one of the characters, the muppet character is walking down high-fiving everybody about these black there's a lot of video that character or others are high-fiving white kids and ignoring the black kids and it appears to be something
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systemic. i don't know. the video went viral, other people began producing video. the park apologized. jesse jackson writes a letter accusing them of systemic racism and requiring the higher more black people, undergo training, that they put black people on the board of directors. a baltimore family that was there sued them for $25 million. i'm looking at all this. i don't doubt that maybe there's thereis something going on here. but philadelphia is on track for more homicides in their history. of the public school teachers in philadelphia, 44% were school-age kids with their own in private schools and nationwide to 6% of the families nationwide because the schools were so bad. did jesse jackson say anything about that? the family suing for 25 million, there were 13 public schools with 0% of the kids that can do
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math at grade level and half a dozen only one person can that's almost half the schools in baltimore the kids are either 0% is sufficient or 1% yet jesse jackson to my knowledge hasn't said a word about that but you let a muppet this a 4-year-old whose parents determine how she reacts and writes a letter demanding all this, that and the other is nonsense. if there was a crime against leadership like al sharpton in my opinion would be in death row. >> host: at what point do you -- raised in south-central do you become conservative? >> guest: there's no moment. my dad was a lifelong republican and said democrats want to give you something for nothing and when you try to get something for nothingng you almost always end up getting nothing for something. my mother was a lifelong democrat and they want to quarrel in a a civil way when we would get together for dinner. my dad worked long hours.
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we didn't often sit down for dinner but we would debate politics and my mother because she was better educated would in my opinion beat him but the older i got the more i realized my dad was using common sense. i was never a victim. i never felt that i was so pressed or that i couldn't do what i needed to doo if i worked hard so that's my orientation. when i took college economics 101 and i learned the down side of the minimum wage that kind of opened me up a little bit i began watching thomas when i was 13-years-old. i never felt like i was a victim. i always believed in america. that made me kind of unpopular with some of the kids. >> host: after the university of michigan law school in cleveland, how did you get into
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the radio business? >> i left the law firm and started a corporation which i did for 14 years. the only thing i wanted to do in my life is be a writer but i also wanted to eat and i know how it is difficult to earn a living being a writer so it was a way to figure out what i want to do. when you graduate law school you might as well have a degree so i went to a big law firm, trial lawyer very successful in my opinion. i have fond memories now they've merged and it's a huge law firm. i began writing op-ed pieces for the newspaper when i started my i was able to do well enough to began writing op-ed pieces. he didn't have a deal. in those days we had things like envelopes and stamps. i would write something, send it to the largest newspaper and get back a little card saying thank oyou but no thank you.
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i did another one thank you but no thank you. finally, they publish one. and it's about 35 years ago almost 40 years ago where i said today in america racism is no longer a major problem and i outlined the philosophy. i get a phone call from a producer of a radio show. he says i'm the producer of a radio show and i'd like you to come on and talk about it. i said sure i've never been on the radio before. i was on the whole hour and now that i am on radio that's a long time to keep someone on that's never been there. cleveland is 50% black so most of the calls were black people and i was called an uncle tom, oreo, coconut and antichrist and all sorts of names and it was the longest hour of my life. i remember driving back and saying i will never do that again. at the station manager calls and
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says you were amazingti today. you have a good speaking voice. you took difficult positions. have you ever thought about doing talk radio. he said i have a guy going on vacation would use it in for hi, and i said no i don't like yelling at people were being yelled at. he said are you married and at the time i was. he said to talk with your wife and call me tomorrow. i went home and mentioned it and she said what do you know about talk radio. i said nothing other than it seems shallow and stupid. it is, you would be good at it. so i did it and after 20 minutes i heard angels singing. i said my god i could give my opinions and make a living out of this. so i met some people ill, i met ultimately dennis who had me on his show and at the station manager whose name is george, still with us, gave me a two day audition and said after the
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first night he said you want this job, go out, have fun and don't speak so quickly so i've been on the radio ever since and now i'm doing tv. >> host: the book stupid black men how to play the race card and blues came out and is now called what does grace have to do with it. >> guest: so many were offended by the title into didn't carry it. i went to lax to see the book as i did when my books came out. it is a charge to see at the bookstore. the lady happened to be an asian american lady and i said you carry stupid black man and she said no i was offended by the title. i said it did you read the book? no, i didn't like the title. i said i wrote it and she didn't care. we found out a lot of people reacted to the title. the reason i called it that is because michael moore had a title called stupid white men
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where he criticized white men. this doesn't criticize black men it criticizes people for thinking black men are stupid and the messages don't buy into the emotional pool. so i figured i could get away with the title. but mine had such pushback, we named it what's race got to do with it and in order for people like the asian american bookseller to take the book. >> host: from the book you write who puts stuff like this in the minds of so many, sharpton, clinton, liberals about the unfinished business the other public figures including some sports figures and entertainers all claiming to keep it real by stirring the pot and keeping blacks angry, pessimistic, less productive, less reactive and willing to invest in themselves since they fail to see a hopeful future. >> some years ago if i were to write to them today i would put in the top of the list barack
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obama. i'm telling you i was in boston in 2004 when he lit up the arena andod gave the speech. there is no blue or red america. there is no liberal, it was a great speech and well delivered and i said to my producer this man is going to run some day and get elected. i was surprised it happened so quickly. the first time i saw him interviewed on 60 minutes, he wasn't the front runner yet on the primary side, but he was gaining. the correspondent said if you don't win, will it be because of race. i was at home and i leaned back and said let's see what this man says. was he going toin say the truth and what obama said was if i don't win it will be because i
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haven't articulated a division that the american people can embrace and i said hallelujah. i'm not going to vote for him i can't vote for a takeover of healthcare, democrat, but at least it will bring us together racially. it will stop the nonsense. i watched him give a speech at a black church. again he was in the senate and talked about how much racism. there was. he said the mode of the generation has gotten us 90% of the way there. my generation has to give an additional 10%. there was a fox opinion poll in 2002. 8% believed elvis was still alive and if you send a letter he will get it to so 8% of the people have to be kind of written off so i thought it was reasonable but he said. he gets to his office, walks to the oval officee, in january 209 and he is at 70% approval even though he only got a little more than 52%52 of the vote because o
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many people in my opinion said i didn't vote for him, but at least he will bring us together racially and stop the nonsense. if i had a son that looked like trayvon martin, there's a place called ferguson. racism in america's dna, and braced the black lives matter movement over 80 times, he did the opposite of what most people thought he was going to do which is why when he left even though most thought race relations would improve and they were deteriorated under barack obama because of the ridiculous last time there were two police officers murdered execution style in new york. there were three killed execution style in baton rouge and five in dallas all but three different black men all of whom were motivated by this light and the police engaged in systemic
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racism. they did the damage to the country and would someone like barack obama raised by a single mom, she had a phd, goes to harvard, columbia for undergraduate from a state like hawaii and still whining about racism, then i guess it must be true. eric holder i think he's probably making between five to 10 million a year. he talked about pernicious racism. remember when sterling lost hisg team it was around that same time they took it away from him because of the remarks that he made. eric holder gave a speech and said blatant racism, we've got that covered. sterling we've got that covered. it's the pernicious racism that we've got to deal with and i read the speech may be 100
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times. number one was the movement towards voter photo id. majority of blacks report photo id. the supreme court ruled 6-3 with the supreme court opinion written as the most civil justice 6-3 that there was a interest in election integrity by states passing photo variety. the majority of blacks voter id. the second example he gave is the fact that blacks who commit the same crime will get a longer sentence to about 12.5% longer, and he quoted the sentencing commission at the source and it's true. what he didn't say he is the same thing the reason for this is the average black criminal has more convictions which judges take into consideration when they do sentencing. the third thing that he said is black boys are kicked out of schoolol more often than white boys. also true.
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he sued the illinois district years ago when they kicked out a bunch of kids who were fighting after a football game. it turns out they missed like 400 of days where they kicked him out. all white school board. and at the school board points out in their lawsuit no matter the race of the principal, the race of the school board, the black boys are kicked out more than white boys. this is giving the examples and that's all you've got, racism has never been less important in america. i'm not saying it doesn't have t bigots. we know that. we deal with them on a case-by-case basis. however you feel about what derek chauvin did come of it is a zero evidence they did it because he george floyd was black. so let's deal with these things on a case-by-case basis and this is one of the reasons a lot of
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young black men are not complying. i wouldn't either if i thought a cop pulled me over and wasoi gog to do harm. i'm told that by barack obama and so-called blackck leaders. why wouldn't i listen to that, i don't have a father at home to tell me otherwise. say yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am, no ma'am. make sure your left hand is at 10:00 and your right hand at 2:00 and we will deal with it later on. a lot of don't have them telling them that but they hear obama talking about systemic racism. it's making things worse. obama did a great deal of damage and i know that he watches booknotes on c-span and i really hope he's heard this. i tried to reach out and have a conversation because i know he knows what i do. there's a magazine they talked about a pole in the magazine and people were self-described as
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very liberal and asked in 2019 how many unarmed black men did the police kill. half of the liberal people said 1,000. 8% of said 10,000. what about regular liberals? they thought they killed 1,000 unarmed black men. 5% thought they killed 10,000. the answer according to the database is 12. if you are that wrongheaded about withth the police are doig of course you're going to have a fear of them. why would you want to listen to them. this is a level of propaganda the left has allowed people to feel because they want their vote. how do youou get 95% of one grop of people voting a democratic lying about you race relations so you have a lot of people feeling things are much worseha than they are and s a result they are not working as hard as they should. blacks, hispanics.
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if you don't do your homework at night, how do you expect to come out and do wello in the marketplace? there's the relationship between how hard you work and with the relationships are going to be. we are told of the reason you are not where you want to be is because somebody held you back. nonsense. if somebody didn't hold my father back they couldn't possibly hold you back. so pick up your cards no matter what they are and play them to the best of your ability and you can be successful. think tanks on the left and cared about all different thinge but you have the american enterprise institute. they both say you need to do the same thing to get to the middle class. number two, don't have a kid
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until your 20. get a job, don't quit the job, and it's a minimum wage job you will a get a raise. of the weight of the criminal justice system. don't commit crimes. you do those things you will not be poor. if you don't follow the formula there is a good chance that you will be. >> host: good afternoon and welcome to booktv's "in depth" program. we invited one offer onor to tak about his or her body of work. this month is the talkshow host and gubernatorial candidate larry elder. here's a list of his books. beginning in 2000, ten things you can to stay in america came out. that was followed by showdown, asconfronting bias, lies and the special interests that divide america. what's race got to do with it came out in 2009 originally published as stupid a black man.
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double standards a collection of essays. and at the book we discussed a little bit, father and son's journey to reconciliation was his most recent in 2018. if you live in the east and central time zones, (202)748-8201 for those of you in the mountain at pacific time zones and if p you want to senda text message, please include your first name and city if you would. you can send about 2-202-748-8903. plus we have social media sites. just remember@booktv is the address for the social media site in case you want to post a comment or question. earlier today i pulled up a tweet from a gentle man named
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cory stewart and he asks ask him real questions like why does he belong to a party that openly courts white nationalist organizations that would like him dead? >> guest: nonsense. donald trump used a whistle to get in line with this way of thinking. there are 700 counties that voted for obama in 2008 and 2012. 200 of them switched to voted vg for donald trump in 2016. all of a sudden they realized they were racist. the city that most voted for donald trump in 2016 over 100,000 population was texas roughly 80, 85%. shortly after trump got elected, guess which town voted for the first black mayor in 140 years, it's absolute nonsense. the idea that white people
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dislike black people to the point where they would put a racist in the white house and puothers a talkshow host on msn, chris matthews. he wrote a book where he talked about political campaigns, sharp book. he said most white people would never vote for somebody if they thought they were racist. this is chris wallace. he used to be the press secretary for tip o'neill, longtime democrat speaker of the house. a student lover of politics. most people would not vote for somebody they thought was racist. it's nonsense. wh a donald trump wanted to be as a bigot? the end of this guy for four
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years. best economy for black people. he pardoned the first heavyweight champion, 15 year effort led by the documentarian and sylvester stallone. george w. bush and obama didn't pardon him but donald trump did. a very long sentence for a nonviolent a serious drug offense. he put permanent funding for colleges on a ten year basis. he did something called the first step act to allow for the time he ended his term about 5,000 reduced to 70 months. he pushed the enterprise zones to reduced taxes and regulations to improve the black economy. he supported a school choice, but urban black parents and hispanic parents want you to secure the borders at the best way it's been done in decades.
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he said there are winners and losers. you can push them around because they fear being deployed. most of the illegal aliens have high school or less and these are the people they compete against. one of my friends with the civil rightsio commission says there's probably a million jobs that would otherwise be held by black people because of the presence of illegal aliens and they put about $2,000 worth of downward pressure on the wages every single year. will donald trump stop to that and as a result, the prospects for black and brown people with less education improved. t if this guy is a racist he needs to go back to racism school. >> from the "los angeles times" september 4th, 2021, thect election of donald trump in 2016
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and my opinion was divine intervention. it was a miracle. he is almost a godsend. >> guest: all these pendants including me. the media will slaughter him and go to trump tower. i was shocked at how well he did and how he got people to start thinking long and hard about ewfake news and he secured the border by talking about the wall when it was considered to be racist. now even joe biden is completing parts in arizona. i think would donald trump did is to shape the republican party and get them to grow some cashews and start standing up for their values. i campaigned with him and for him. one quickck story we are in
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cleveland in 2016 and campaigned together at a church. i know what you're going to say what i said about john mccain, not at all. there was a commission called the rob silverman commission and the intel was wrong because the evidence derived. he was the dc bureau chief at sthe time and publicly said to george w. bush lied us to the iraq war. he lied us into the war or a strong possibility that he did. he was shooting at the british and american plans, stealing from the food program. we know he had chemical weapons because he used them on the
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iranians. i went down a whole list but he never said it again and i've learned a donald trump's way of apologizing isn't to say the wrongheaded thing twice. >> host: let's go back to 2021 and here is the current president. i got to run against the real donald trump. [cheering] this year it is the closest thing to a trump clone that i've seen he's leading the other team. a clone of donald trump.
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can you imagine him being governor of the state? you can't let that happen. i woulder rather it be called te clone of donald trump as it was diane "los angeles times" colonist and another set of my views were white supremacist. nancy pelosi did and they all said the same thing. stop the republican takeover. gavin did a great job in a draconian way because of covid and is doing a great job with
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schools. he was doing a great job when for the first time people are leaving california and taking their tax dollars with them. it went to the margin of error and called out the dogs and all this money came in. it turned the thing around but for one shining moment they were
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scared to death. you said you ended up going through des moines which is kind of funny but you said you're going back there.e it's kind of a right of passage if you are running for higher office and i'm giving it some thought. i'm going to do what god wants us to do and i believe god wants us to do this. i had a conversation in dallas a dfew days ago.
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i'm goingai to do what god wants me to do and i said that's how i see it and how i feel. to do nothing more than tell people of color knock it off, play them to the best of your ability and you will be just fine in america and get back toi values, get back to right and wrong if i can do that and wake up a few people and do what i thought obama was going to do then i will have served my purpose. >> i've been there a couple of times. i was there for the premier of the documentary and when she talked about all these people going to the rock boxes with stacks of mail-in ballots don't think they were legitimate mail-in ballots to influence places like cleveland, philadelphia, l atlanta, detroit and i was also there for another
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event to so i've been there for a couple of times. >> host: have you expressed this viewpoint? >> guest: i have not. i have not expressed it. but i'm i not afraid to and i fl that the likelihood of that obama will be the nominees quite -- i'm sorry, i said obama. the likelihood of trump getting the nomination is quite high. ihi would gladly vote for him again. i have some things i want to say and i have my own lane and i'm not going to say anything critical about him. when i ran for governor there were about half a dozen on the replacement aside. we all knew what the issues were
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and if they were sitting at the french laundry restaurant and he was enjoying in person private education, kids were behind in california a. one was the favorite of the republican establishment. the gop did not endorse me. they wanted kevin, two-term mayor of san diego. carried by 31 points was favored with kevin kiley a republican now running for congress. i galvanize the base and when i say that, they didn't endorse anybody officially but the one they wanted was kevin faulkner. so i'm not out there to trash
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donald trump. i think he got a raw deal with the hunter biden story the way ebc, cvs quoted research center. it started but i thought was a ridiculous deal and got a change deal. i thought he did great things but he was trashed by the two to into half-year collusion investigationlf that turned outo be empty. he was incredibly mistreated to so i'm not going to say anything negative aboutga i have some things i want to talk about most notably the breakdown of the family. >> host: final question before we go to kohl's without the deniers and january 6th? >> guest: let me give you a long answerin about that. here's what i find irritating about this whole business of deniers.s. there've been numerous election deniers on the democratic side. hillary for four years referred
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to donald trump as illegitimatea and said it was stolen to the .67% of democrats believed russians changed the vote tallies to get donald trump elected. there was a 1,000 page report looking into the election of 2016, zero evidence a single tally was changed. jay johnson secretary of homeland securityti testified under oath zero evidence it was changed. 67% of democrats believe the russians changed the vote tallies. jay johnson also testified under oath and said we don't know whether or not the interference altered the outcome. we just don't know. there's no interference where there was. 78% according to the poll believe the russian interference altered the outcome in favor of donald trump so a greater percentage of democrats believed 2016 was stolen and republicans
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feel the same way about 2020. the chair of the house january 6 committee in 2005 joined with 85 democrats to refuse to see to the electors in ohio because of the allegation the machines had been tampered with. here he is denying 22,000 in ohio. al gore still to this day believes that it was stolen from him and barbara boxer as did maxine waters. so donald trump does it end is undermining the integrity of the republic but these guys do it and it's not a problem. stacey abrams still says it was stolen from her, no evidence whatsoever, mcauliffe when he ran for governor referred to her as the legitimate governor of georgia, and jimmy carter for crying out loud publicly said he
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believed the russians put trump into the white house in 2016. former president is saying this, so they are election deniers. go to their social media platforms never shut down even though the big lie about 2016 so it's incredibly unfair about donald trump. i mentioned the hunter biden story because it's unfair 16% of the joe biden voters as they had they known about the story they wouldn't have voted for biden. trump winds, not the problem. the election guy at msnbc says 30,000 votes in three states would have changed it to donald trump. let's take three of them. the state attorney used covid as an excuse to send the ballots to every single voter whether they requested one or not. donald trump lost a lawsuit on procedural grounds. the michigan supreme court didn't take up the case leaving
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the appellate ruling 2-1. a judge filed a dissent and said with the secretary of state did was illegal-1 meaning it wasn't ridiculous. pennsylvania all sorts of rules and regulation were broken including accepting mail-in ballots after the deadline. donald trump followed a lawsuit, to left-wing professors thought the lawsuit had merit and predicted the supreme court would take it up and donald trump would win. it does show there was something there. the wisconsin supreme court voted on the procedural grounds but the chief justice of wisconsin supreme court said among other things they were illegal and since they had at the supreme court of wisconsin ruled going forward there was merit in all the lawsuits that donald trump filed. he hired lawyers like a friend
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of mine and rudy giuliani to make legal arguments. there's nothing wrong with hiring a lawyer so this business was orchestrating an insurrection incredibly unfair and on that day he said i want you to go in and patriotically make your voices heard. what part don't you understand but they keep talking about he said fight, flight. to take back america, take back the country.f people say that kind of stuff all the time and two days before that i interviewed the chief of staff of the acting secretary defense and he said i was in the room when donald trump authorized the use of 20,000 national guard's men and women in the event that they are necessary. it's not donald trump's job to deployoy them. they have to be requested and that is the job of nancy pelosi and the capitol hill police and they didn't request but to
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donald trump authorized the availability. who authorizes the availability orchestrating an insurrection it doesn't make sense and i will bet you my household but you may not wanted because it's near hollywood where there's a lot of homeless people. i would bet my house that the attorney general wasn't going to indicted donald trump. >> host: let's take some calls for the offer and talkshow host larry elder. thanks for holding on. please go ahead with your question or comment. >> caller: first of all, thank you so much for taking the opportunity to discuss the topics. i've got to tell you i grew up in private school and graduated with 48 people i can tell you i've always believed my grandfather once told me life ic about choices and opportunity. when i was 15-years-old i was on
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a team program that is later propelled me into doing some work in radio about college, radio, real estate, nascar. i could go on and on. i've listened to so much to what you've said and you're going to laugh at this next comment. the only thing i thought of donald trump did wrong when he came down the tower, it's like diarrhea at the mouth. if he cleaned up some of what he said, and i votedat for him, bui want to know your comments on the opportunities and why is it that you think so many people don't want to do that? they want70 to somebody else to tell them what to do. >> guest: thank you for that. i think a lot of people are afraid of freedom. if you don't get what you want, if you've achieved where you want to go it's on you. that scares a lot of people.
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regarding the choices, i am on a sailboat one of my buddies had a sailboat and i'm there with a bunch of other people and one guy happens to be white about 25, 30-years-old complaining about his job, hates his boss, hates his job. i said and what are you going to do about it. he looked like somebody hit him in the head with a two by four. i said are you going to complain about it or do something about it. i forgot about the conversation and 20 years later i get a letter from him that says you may not remember this and then he reminded me of what happened. he started his own business and had a ten or 15 people working for him, became a multimillionaire and he said have you not slapped me in the face and told me i need to taken responsibility, who knows what i would have done so we all need a push. it's one of the hardest things in life. but life is all about as you
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said, opportunity. it's what motivates most people and doing nothing and procrastinating is really quite easy for people to do. it's up to us to play the cards to the best. of our ability. >> host: jim in casper wyoming, good afternoon. >> caller: good afternoon. i've been enjoying your show today. just wanted to ask you i had kind of given up on california and left and was wondering if you're interested in running again seeing you did so well in the recall. you sure made a big impact. >> before we get that answer, give your experience where did you live and where did you move and why? >> caller: i was in tahoe but lived in sacramento for my entire life and about 55 i lived there until 2020 when i got an
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opportunity to move and so it's a beautiful state. met my wife there, a lot of great things. tired of the taxes and the people raising the taxes on themselves, so i decided i needed to find a little more agreement on things. >> guest: thank you for that. in 2003 as i mentioned there was a democrat governor arnold schwarzenegger. from then to now there are 550% more independence and according to "the new york times" in california both democrat there were 33% fewer registered republican and still i ended up getting the replacements but that is just daunting there hasn't been a republican elected in 20 years statewide and win whenthe race was over, a lot ofe
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major rivals grumbled that had larry elder not done this or did this and this he would have one. a reporter interviewed people and they were all sour about how the campaign went. i said let's find out how many run against gavin when he runs come this november if they know what the secret sauce is i'm sure they will jump in again and run against him. not a single one did. the person who d won the primary no name recognition, no money, 1.1 million votes and i got 3.5 million so the math is daunting in california. i understand why people are giving up on california. there's a magazine out about 17 years they ask what's the best state to do business and what's the worst whether or not there is a business friendly atmosphere. and for 17 consecutive years they were voted the number one
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estate. california had been voted the worst. elon musk left. a lot of people are leaving and taking the taxes with them. take elon musk alone. this year will be about 2.5 million in taxes and in california 13.3% state income tax, so you're losing all that money every single year this man is in business, so sooner or later they will hit rock bottom and then and only then do i think that they will rethink the hostility towards republicans and until and unless that happens it will be daunting for any republican to win office statewide so i decided not to do it again. >> host: have you considered leaving? >> guest: i have not. i was born and raised there. the little secret is if you bought a house in the 80s in california, you've got a lot of money and i bought houses my first house i bought was 1986. i bought another in the hollywood hills and so i have a
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lot of equity in my house and i was born and raised there. my friends are there. my pastor is there and i don't want them to chase me out of the state. i'd like to stay and fight to take it back and if i can't do it at that level maybe i cannot the national.el >> host: what is the reaction in hollywood of these days since running for governor et cetera? >> guest: hollywood is interesting with the contributions for politics and 90% go to the democrats. when it was pretty clear i was a serious threat, this article in the reporter about how he called out hollywood to unite against me. however, the underlining people, the normal people in hollywood i go somewhere they look both ways and say i work in hollywood i can't let anybody know how conservative i am or it wouldn't work but i voted for you. i was at my house one time, got a knock on the door it was a
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scout locator. we are going to do a movie next to you and wouldus like to use your property for catering services. it was a movie with annette benning and antonio balderas so i'm on the porch watching. the catering service comes over to me and we start a conversation. so far away no one could possibly hear the conversation. six months later he calls my radio show. do you remember i came to your house and i said yeah. i haven't worked since then. they found out that i knew you and knew i liked you or i wouldn't have come up to you. i haven't worked since then. i had a cord show called moral cord, a judge show. they should have update after the first year but they didn't. the guy that designed my million dollar set was so crafty and gifted the rnc asked him to design the set for the political convention that year and he did. he told me he didn't work for
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two years. he said i'm left-wing, i'm a democrat but because i worked on that set they thought i was republican and when i told them i wasn't they felt that i had somehow committed some kind of sin by working for the rnc even though they paid me a lot of money to design it. that's how intolerant of the community of hollywood is. >> host: alexandria, louisiana. please go ahead with your question or comment. >> eacaller: thanks for booktv and everything. i've been waiting to talk to you. i live in alexandria louisiana. i don't know if you remember a guyro named louis armstrong. he said this is the racist city has ever been in and was never coming back so never performed again in alexandria. that shows you how racist this place can be but what i want to say to you as an african-american i love the
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democratic party -- left a long time ago. i'm 61-years-old and i used to work for the u.s. bureau of prisons at oakdale. they had a riot with the cubans and i came in right after that. they got to saint edwards and stuff and i wasn't going to tolerate that so they eventually brought a warden down and said i threatened to kill a warden and they got rid of me. you are right if you go to jail you can't do anything. i've been trying to clear my name but i want to salute you like i said when you told the story about your father being a tough marine, that really send chills through my bones. i was a military police officer also. >> host: thank you for calling in. anyho comment? >> guest: just thank you for the love. it's not a lot of fun being called an uncle tom or coconut or oreo but if that's is what it
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takes to wake up a few people so they can begin toak appreciate e freedoms that we have and the reason that humans take water tn get here and nations are coming up here if you are in central america coming appear to be systemically racist country it's nonsense. if that's what it takes, fine but i can tell i'm making a difference. i was giving a speech once and often when i'm invited to republican gloves most of the audience is every now and then a handful of black people not because of thesecret handshake or this initiation or password. they just don't come. i'm giving a speech and there's a blackt us man in the back. i would say something and he would shake his hand like this. the speech is over, he walks up to me and says i'm really angry at myself. i had no idea 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock and there is a dropout rate in
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schools. i had a mighty 25% young black men are in activities with criminal records. i had no idea that about the level of educational achievement. he said i thought i was well-informed. i've been watching too much and named a couple of outlets and now i'm going to start opening my mind and reading more of your material. thank you for shaking me up and waking me up and he walked away. >> host: some of those convictions, or those fair? >> guest: i've always felt the war onon drugs should be soughts a public policy issue and not a criminal justice issue. it's okay for somebody next-door to have a martini or two or three or four. i thought we should approach this a different way. >> host: you mentioned that it's tough to be called uncle tom as you said. >> guest: i've gotten so used to it now i will go a few days
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saying what have i done now. >> host: we want to show a little video from that website. when you look at the pictures you get a picture of what it looks like. the providence was in the lives of black americans. black folks were honorable, they had integrity. that's what black people were. we were never taught that america was bad. protesters. hundreds of statues. trying to rewrite history.
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>> the american people know the names and how to go. >> whenever you have something to be proud of, people have less of a chance of controlling you. no country in this world a black person would rather be unless they grow up in this country. >> the reason that it exists is power. to establish that power in
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washington. ♪♪ >> guest: that is the trailer to the sql. uncle tom one came out juneteenth 2020. it cost roughly $500,000 to make. the rule of thumb in hollywood as you can do three times your films cost you've got to hit. uncle tom did almost ten times its cost. i executiveut produced it. director and cowriter along with chad zero jackson helped to write it as did i and it's about the way the socialism, collectivism created legitimate requests for equal rights and
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equal results. the reason for the civil rights all these pastors who believed in judeo-christian values and family. and what we've done over the years is replace god and family with government and that's what uncle tom wanted. and we want anybody and everybody to watch it and you can preorder uncle tom to that comes out august 206th. i'm proud of that work and for all the people out there, just do this, go on imdb and read the reviews. it's almost as if i wrote in my opened my eyes. i didn't know this about the naacp. mlk once said if there's a city with 30% blacks, the percentage of executives in the company
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should be 30%. so the country's 13% blacks should be 13% nba players as opposed to 80%. ridiculous. and so the movie, the first one somebody said is a love letter to america. the second movie is a dear john letter to the collectivists and people like black lives matter who are manipulating people for power as i said earlier. the reason you're able to get 95% and not talk about crime or education, not to talk about work opportunities is because of this lie that america is a systemically racist and that the democratic party has done to black people and uncle tom one and two are trying to undo the damage. >> host: let's go back to calls. please go ahead. >> caller: what is critical race theory and what does it
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mean to him? >> host: what does it mean to you, david? >> guest: i don't know that's why i'm asking the guest. very confused about that issue. >> guest: that's a good question. i'm not sure either. i know that of the components of it are trying to tell young white people that they are oppressors and virtually everything in america thatre you find can be explained because of race and racism. unequal outcomes because of race and racism when 87% of blacks lived below the defined poverty level. twenty years later, 47% data. a 40-point drop. that is the greatest 20 year period of expansion. before the civil rights movement, before the civil rights brown v board of education. why strong families believe in god. >> host: do you know the poverty rate among
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african-americans?er >> guest: around 20% and for white about 10%. .. and i lovee it. but the area and many other people i i know and many of the areas around me are areas of d deep, deep poverty. i would estimate the lower ten or 15% of the populace hispanic americans and african-american
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what i see the problem is since the 60s the rate hasn't gone down. living kevin mccarthy's district.
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people get unhappy because it cap to cap. the students. streets are with tech data with
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an enclosed script for part of. as part of us. they were allowed to stick with it. what i want you in 2010 showed on your professes to limit at least the democratic party makes no pretense of adhering to the founding fathers version of a limited government the trust the people. >> right to free that is i support a convention of states.
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this should be in the amendment to the constitution so that government expansion will be limited to six percentage of the gdp i would prefer no more than 10% with exceptions for war and natural disasters. it goes bigger under president republican and democrats. campaign with the promise to shut down the department of education. when he left the department of ted was bigger than it was before. under george w. bush get the chip program expanded because you need health care for kids. under both parties define the government expanding even during donald trump's campaign. 2016 he said we need to replace obamacare with something better. so one government program isbe better than another government program the way to a plate replaced obamacare f is free markets. more competition. competition improves everything to cheaper, and proved it makes it more accessible. half of the healthcare dollars
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paid for by the government which is inherently inefficient in my opinion the healthcare system is not as good as it could be. we went next call for larry it comes from demetrius in los angeles. please go ahead. demetrius hung up i am sorry. frank from beutler, tennessee. >> hello larry. pleasure to speak with you. you are a breath of fresh air. my quick question is this. so too i'm sorry? you and the topic of your next book orou clicks on the right oe about my mom. a lot of people asked me too write about my mother progressed secretary of state quickly because theca chief justice. she came on my program every friday for one hour. it's a story about that. i asked my dad when it first was coming on the radio. my dad is a man of few words. but when it speaks they count. i coaxed him to come on he did not want to do it from he agreed
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to do it because i leaned on him. might doubt the whole theory about who gives better tips white people, black people, men, women he says the person that tips the best or white men. especially their overweight, don't ask me why breed the worst timbers are black females. he could look at you and you walk into a restaurant and tell you how much you're going to tip and he is almost always reverent have on the first tested dad who's a better pers blacks or whites? my dad said you know i think we can generalize. i said dad, who gives better tips men or women? i don't think you can generalize. it was the longest 15 minutes of my life. during the commercial break i get on the phones a debt when he doing with me? he said i don't want to defend pete people. >> is an aberrant talk radio put mom on the phone. and the cut mom on the phone she said you should have done with
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with me in the first place. my mom would yell at me with this in yelp with that she was a kennedy democrat. she voted twice for georgehe w. bush vote for reagan would not change her party it was emotional. but she felt the democrats had gone off the reservation and she could no longer support them. student wended by a lytton randolph pass? ask my mom died about 15 years ago. my dad died about ten years ago but my dad was nine years older. we assume my dad was going to die before my mom and it was the opposite. the second time i saw my father cry when mom died. they were wonderful. that must've been ten years before they died in at the kitchenn table exorcist picture were showing right now don't if you can see it over here. >> you see that? i don't know what the current beach as i said mom, dad, what did you guys doing your first date they were married 54 years. my mom looked at my dad my dad looked at my mom said you guys don't remember?
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what was dad wearing? mom looked at dad, what was mom where encouragement this is romantic. [laughter] clicks you have lost a brother as weber. >> i did my brother died september 13, 2019. he was my best friend. he was at his computer at 5:00 a.m. in the morning friday the 13th, had a heart attack and died. his two weeks before 70th birthday he and my sister not teresa plan to go to hawaii and he died. about six or eight months after that, their youngest son might nephew named eric was found faced it in his apartment had a hard excess of 38 years old. i believe it was in greece entering grief from the death of his father but my poor sister lost her husband of 37 years and her younger son with the span of eight or nine months. she still having difficulty with it. she was in a support group of people who have lost loved ones.
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she goes regularly some she's in nursing works really hard is really sweet but i and i adore her. what a one -- two punch that she suffered. >> leo is in san diego you are on the larry elder. >> hello mr. elder nice talking to you. my question would be, please correct me at the end of this, correct me if i'm right oro wrong. prior to the election i started receiving mail for three japanese people. now i live alone. i started receiving phone calls, text messages from democrats asking me too vote for people. they called my name doug. my name is not doug. then what happened i found out a young man in los angeles was pulled over with 300 ballots, a gun, and some booze and money.
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okay, so that made me wonderng what is going on. so i looked into it, i come to find out gavin newsom hired approximate 20000 ballot harvesters to collective ballots. so then i looked a little further and i called the county board of supervisors. what i found out was the entire election for the entire united states was based upon the 2010 census. dead people -- make the three japanese people and talking about are all dead. we found out they are dead. >> okay let's eat mr. elder has to say about those. >> there were lots of allegations made during the recall election as r i said all the sudden the recall into the margin of error end up winning by 24 points. a lot of fuel thought that was an anomaly but i've never said the election was stolen have never made that argument. but i do say this. we need to get back to voting on the day of the election.
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the only people should be voting in or mailing and our people disabled. this endless voting voting weeks before the electionss makes 0 cents is too much possibility of fraud. we went to get back to making people feel confident about the election we need to do that. adam one of the republicans on the generally six committee recently said if half the electorate believes a 2020 election was stolen we cannot have a democracy we were referring to 2020. as a said earlier at least that many democrats believe thate by 2016. the way to get it back is manchuria voter id when you show up you show up and vote inth person the way he did when i was a kid. the only reason people would have mail in ballots if they're not going to be in town that day or they are disabled. that's the only way in my opinion to make our election secure enough to get people the confidence they should have. you don't have this mail in ballot step in europe for the most part. that much more stringent requirements than we have.
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see what you talk to going to i was i was state here. potentially exploring the presidential world. if somebody picks up your both the ten things you cannot say in america, showdown, or with the race got to do with it is that anything you have written your like hoops i wish i hadn't written out or i disagree that today? >> i can't think of anything. i reviewed some of my stuff in preparation for your interview, peter and said that's pretty good that pretty well written. i forgot i say that i'm just saying that again. i'm pretty happy with that i think i would have emphasized the importance of true borders more i don't think i mentioned immigration much at all. but no, the country's gotten bigger and bigger in terms of government intrusiveness. i was on fox news once said in 1900 all three levels the government took less than 10% from the american people right now takes about 35%. when you at a value to unfunded
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mandates government takes almost half of what the merc and people produce pretty got a phone call from effective check organization. is there a source for your assertion government all three levels in 1900 as a resource i gave him a source is your source right now government takes about 35% or 32% to give a source reserve source for your assertion put a value to unfunded mandates government takes almost half of the american people can produce? i give them several sources. a piece elder have to write head and meter and indicator right in the center. that's it elder was right government and all three levels in 1900 took less than 10% about 9% elder was right right now government takes about 32% when elders as you put a value in unfunded mandates it's almost half because that is subjective. of course is subjective. economists like leo from ucla and he thanks he said elder understated the amount other foundations like heritage foundation put the number also
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50%. the reasons it subjective is it assumes by george mcgovern he complained about this one time when the governmentt left the senate he started a bed and breakfast. and it went bust. this was a democratic candidate in 1972 per it went bust he wrote a piece about in the wall street journal. he said it wish i would've known how difficult it was to run a business i would've been up better senator pritt always rules and regulations you imposed make it difficult to make a profit. hello? one of those is who is forced to put a security system at his bed and breakfast. is going to have when they won him to put one on this more expensive than the one he thought he needed. does that add value to the business when you say it's a mandate? you cost the whole thing are the party would've gotten much of the party had to pay and the difference between that. there's some subjective things that are involved in it i agree with that. i was so angry that withee the article i contacted the two fact checkers and asked them to come on my program into their credit they did.
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is it elder was right on this one, i was right on that one and wrong on that how come i didn't get two thirds right instead of half right is that new math? nope there's not much i regret having written. >> where can people hear your show is when is it on? part-time at epic tv now. epic it is cable and td at sanskrit new tang in l.a. it's on spectrum. you need to look to find out where it is in your area. also put excerpts up on youtube. it has a website also. urging all people to go too epic tv. it's like nine bucks a month a lot of programming. also documentary and generally six thatt came out that he thought was a pretty powerful documentary for those of you who have been watching the generally six committee hearings. it's another perspective another point of view per. >> dusek do your daily radio show? >> i don't stop doing it as? of may of this year. first time in 30 or haven't done
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a daily radio show per. >> you miss a question or. >> i do i miss the connection i wasn't ready for three hours a day from his 30 years. i'm really enjoying my tv show. i've been flying around america helping candidates take back the house, take back the senate campaign for school choice, get rid of soft on crime das. i need a little more flexibility to do that. reading for three hours today would not allow me too do that. having a good time i'm busier than ever before but uncle tom to his dimension comes up on august 26 another documentary i'm working on code ten biggest liberalized i'm writing a book about the gubernatorial campaign which will hopefully come out sometime nextle year. stuart berry, tampa good afternoon or on with larry elder. >> caller: how are you doing? they had me waiting so long there are so many segments give meus a minute. i live down south okay i am an
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atheist. i believe it's it's there's a lot of uninformed voters and citizens of the united states. i do not prescribe to one particular party and didn't like reagan progressive. you can be all of these things given a particular topic. the uncle tom, they make about you, always need somebody on the inside as well as the outside. so don't worry about the uncle tom thing. people have a problem with educated black men who know how to articulate and communicate. so on that note right there i problem with california want to ask about is the homeless problem. we are one of the richest countries in the world and yet this homeless problem is getting out of hand. i am in the process of writing a
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book it's about capitalism. i believe certain things should not be for profit. those three things are healthcare, education, andti incarceration. going be the number one superpower in the world we cannot have stupid people. we cannot have sick people. note type of attitude to reform prisoners if you make money off of them. >> host: barry we got that point. tells very briefly about yourself. >> like i said i'm from the north. i live in the south. there was a point when i couldn't understand why black people wereti republicans. but once i did my research if you know the history of the parties and how they switched i understand where they are black republicans. if you are from the south the democrats were the party of the slave owners.
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it goes against every fiber of your body to be able to vote democrats. i gave the democrats use the race card it's the only card they use you to understand what i'm saying? >> barry we are going to leave it there. want tog find out a little more biographical information what kind of work you did. the homeless in writing the book notes profit for healthcare education and incarceration records on homeless you are quite right for this is the wealthiest country in the world there is no reason why we should have this kind of problem. but most of the people homeless have mental problems or alcoholic so they are addicted to drugs. that is a spiritual problem. i talked to doctor ben carson when i was running for governor we talked about a plan that he had the trump administration had a second term he had this ready to go it was on federal land have the same regulations and rules you have on other lands
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they were able to build a lot of low-cost small housing. he told meet the mayor of l.a. was on board even governor gavin newsom was on board there was plenty of money to treat people. they would treat people first and then they'd be offered opportunities to live on federal property in these houses that would be built. ben carson believed most of the homeless people would take a people on their offer and be willingly relocated to these areas for federal property is. we've got to do something though. it's gotten worse and worse treatment gavin newsom was mayor of of san francisco he was a two-term mayor he promised to end the homeless problem ines sn francisco before the end of his term. it is worse than ever. when he was lieutenant governor for eight years complaint had nothing to do i suggested maybe he just may be mounted to fulfill his campaign problem to solve the homeless prominent san francisco it's only gotten worse. it's not a housing first problem it is a spiritual problem.
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as a direct relationship between the breakdown of the family on the large number people who ared homeless. but we can address this by dealing withre their mental illness. dealing with alcoholism and building low-cost housing so they have somewhere to go. stu went roger in connecticut please go ahead you are in booko tv. >> caller: larry, thank you so much. i think you are.. outstanding. i have a couple of comments to make and then i will ask a question. here is one of my comments. chuck schumer on may 7 made an impassioned plea before congress commemorating the beating of john lewis coming over the edmund pettis bridge. but they always conveniently's forget to mention the fact he was beaten by democrats. the second thing, i have a
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daughter she does not understand the history. dand in 1969 when there was forced busing louisa day hicks and the democrats of boston greeted the children on the buses with bricks and not only through the bricks at the buses but as the children as well. and that last thing i'm going to say i'm trying to be brief. in 1854 henry david thoreau wrote it as straight slavery in massachusetts. and in the essay he said he admonished the democrats because they were the slaveholders. he admonished the press because the press was sympathetic to the democratic cause. and he said that the press with
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few exceptions is corrupt. my math is correct that's 168 years ago. my question to you is, and i know you are doingn your best. how doy we communicate the history of what has happened to the black community? >> roger we are going to have to leave it there, thank you for that. any comments? ask roger that is why did uncle tom and uncle tom too. if you watch both of these documentaries you will have a full course on exactly the history of these two parties and you're quite right democrats for the party of slavery. were no republican slave owners. we found republican slave owners over the phone and thousand slave owners in the census maybe six or eight might have been republicans.. those started out as democrats the republican party it was a
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party of jim crow democrats i didn't say democratic party but they found that the kkk. and all of these politicians of student front of school doors segregation forever these were all democrats born, raised in all the sudden in the 60s they switch sides. all the people voted against the civil rights democrats voted against it to most notably stronger born democrats they die democrats. republican party is a part of individual responsibility hard work, family, god. and i am urging all of my fellow black to take a good hard look at the history ofof the republin party and now what democratshe have done welfare to essentially attack the black family and replace a government with god and with family. so a different kind of slavers being pushed in my opinion by democrats was the actual slavery they used to push.
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sue and bruce is in california democrats wind go-ahead bruise for. >> hi how are you doing. why did the republicans treat hillary clinton so bad during benghazi? what was the deal about biden's sons? what was the deal about donald trump's 22 people in his cabinet or can some kind of conviction what is up with that? next we are going to leave it there unless you have a comment. >> i have no comments. >> okay neil, prescott arizona you are on the air bridge. >> howdy. i was asked of course at 16 to join the communist party, the black panthers of black irish. the kids did not understand what thatac meant.
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the whole idea asked to join the ira. and that kkk everyone should know they're all democrats but some wasn't beaten to death by gang members on motorcycles because my partner was a black guy on a harley chopper is almost beaten to death that he 75 by a cane. my dad and he was an irish cop. people don't understand the history of california and what happened with democrats and of course i was in the business of firearms and historical artifact sized duns antique and modern. the whole idea of the gun laws were against blacks. and as mr. elder knows everybody's equal under god everybody should be under the second amendmenty equal. >> host: that something about the gun laws should you write
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about that in the ten things you can't say in america bricker asked for the worst supreme court decision ever was a dred scott. if we ruled black people or anything otherle than chattel ty could get guns andha lord knows what they would do to exact revenge on evolution from being a communist is not uncommon. hehe was a marxist enactment of the university of chicago study under the free market guys he was still a marxist. it didn't change until he started working for the department of labor he was tasked with doing a study on the impact of the minimum wage and he came back and said the minimum wage just jobs probably the most antiblack law and that they didn't care. that got him rethinking. my good friend david horwitz the david horwitz freedom center report brett nicholson.
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used to be a marxist work for the black panthers. began to realize what was happening, what people were saying and how they're hurting people activists with a think tank. >> we ask every author to crumbs on this program their favorite books in what they are currently reading. here's what larry elder told us the fountainhead on fire did vanities and every book by thomas soul. >> were did you meet him? >> a man because of c-span's about 25 -- 30 years ago almost four hour radio show. went to broadcast your show
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live. i get a letter dear liberate my wife and i watch the entire four hours, you were magnificent. you explainedu free market principles and a clear persuasive way for you talk to him of the importance of education, the importance of family, i am a fan. are you getting out of us or babe ruth. actually became very good weekend with him where he lives. 1996 video thought we played at five. spice trouble if you would oco contract with america iss as follows number 150% flat faxed no deduction for tax lawyers lobbyists and endangered species
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act. number two, reducing government approximately 80%. less than 2% of americans are farmers of the department of agriculture allows more bureaucrats. what exactly does the small business and farc number to the private but tolerated.ut number three and welfare, i'm talk about welfare the small w in welfare with the big w list all it was the think of as welfare. the biggest efforts of middle-class entitlement programs. oco. >> literate dear you are 26 years later. >> a little less hair now. >> anything you disagree with what you said there?
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>> just how do you help them in the way help them is with it doesn't make independent. there is a book a lot of people tocqueville but we also brought one: memoirs on pauperism. he was able to travel around the world people didn't do a lot of traveling. the greatest number of poppers was a wealthy estate. found out even with the first day no questions asked to welfare. don't know the formula helping people without making them dependent purdue nutmeg government does no questions asked is not the route. do something people been struggling with don't burn this country by mollie hemingway all of which have been covered on book tv. david, thanks for holding saint berg, florida please go to your
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question or comment. >> caller: oh my gosh i could to talk great larry elder. later, good friend of mine joe bell lived in michigan with you. and the biggest cbs correspondent. the school in the 70s. he said this guy has never changed. you are very articulate. comp your christianity. >> my question is, what you just saidid about welfare jfk said welfare was a hand up not a handout. just different things.
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property to the punch and stoke it do you think will be having the subject all thehe time? nonsense. things they do is beyond crazy. how do you get by everyday dealing with that? i forgot the point thank you sir. >> morgan freeman once said we ought not be obsessing with the so much free said this years ago. i'm regarding the wealth or fdr the father of the new deal evena said welfare was a socialar narcotic. there is a poll done in the ellie time to think is 1986. people in poverty rescue billy welfare programs are a stepping stone towards independence or are they a crutch 41% 27 years
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later still asked the numbers were equal. tanya a large number of them causing me too be less self-sufficient brick. >> syrup at spirit about in hollywood have you spoken with them? are you a member of them are good rumor? as an organization the name i will not site of non- liberals in hollywood.r straight up very small. you gett together from time to time and talk. there are more people in hollywood who are conservative under the radar than you know. a lot of them are people you know quite well knew their politics it would not be as popular. that is how oppressive this atmosphere is. example. she has a lot of people in the
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field now she's an interior designer and does very well needed. they're very well but she has a for friends one of them visited her from michigan and brought her daughter. this 13-year-old gorgeous, gorgeous girl is a great deal of work in print in michigan. the idea was she'd come to hollywood. there in the room talking. i was doing something else. i was on the major agencies in hollywoodh . it's pretty muchis easier. i overheard theth mother say one devote for donald trump in 2016. this is right during the election but i got up and i went in the room i said i overheard draco trump supporters she said yes basic do not mention this tomorrow at your meeting.
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is it utilizing the hollywood do you customer she said d no. i did the sum of the most intolerant areas in the world do not mention you support donald trump. trust me. the next issue comes over and the mother thanked me. for the first tendencies agent sat around the table completing each other's sentences on what slb donald trump was. he would not told me what you told me i might've said the wrong thing at the right time and they would not of hired her. when christopher, las vegas please go here if your question for larry elder. >> hello larry how are you pre- >> i am good. >> i am curious. i'm wondering how come you have not been on any of the top black american political shift for interviews? work such as what christopher? roe would, breakfast club news shows i have been watching you, i've been watching you on youtube but i cannot find one single interview done black
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american talkshow host that'sst not conservative. i am just curious as why brick backed i had a debate before the election. i have been on the smiley show a couple times but he was on tbs i also interviewed with him on his radio show pretty on the radio station in l.a. i on that show. art and got to be invited. i'm invited jesse jackson to come up my radio show over 50 time to be 30 years he won't do it. as joy reed invited me on her show? i think during the campaign she did. the reason didn't do it to me other things to do in she hasn't since then. i'd be happy to go on the show always used invite me. when larry elder he spent 25 -- 30 years on radio were people did not see her face is your anonymity level these
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days? >> these days i cannot go anywhere that phone recognizing me. airport, hotel >> where i was i was in des moines as youda mentioned earlier yesterday. some came up to me and sitting at the counter by myself one beaten gentleman to my left two people to the t right. the one unmolested a a day when the to you. how often we can to talk to larry elder? the couple next to me also knew who i was they didn't say thing because they didn't want to be rude. they all took pictures that is the level of fame right now. despite that those, right before the election was over i was under a scotia under a million followers on twitter. "footprint will be bigger.
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i channel on youtube my time channel about 535 followers stopped dead stop there's no question conservative commentators conservative pundits are being shafted by facebook, instagram and twitter. i am an example of that. your questions your level of anonymity? i've been asked about unpleasant people? what about people who don't like you? my 30 years of being a public figure, 35 years i've had to be ten or 15 encounters someone said something really nasty or by and large give you that look. most people don't have it took him up and insulted. most but too polite to do that. i can live without brickwork spouse two hours author and talkshow host larry elder. we appreciate your time here in
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book tv. >> thank you for having me appreciated. >> thank you for being with us as well. next line sunday on in-depth uc barkley governmental studies scholar steven haywood to be our guest to talk about leadership, ronald reagan's political career in the american conservative movement busy author of several books including two volumes age of ligand series. conservative politics in america from joining the conversation with your phone call, facebook comments text and tweets. two. at least six of presents recorded conversations while an office party or many conversations during season two
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of podcast presidential recordings. >> the nixon tapes for their part private conversations part deliberations. one 100% unfiltered. >> let me say the main thing is it will pass. my heart was up to this people at the best of intentions were overzealous. i am sure you know i will tell you if i could've only spent a little more finding a politician last year end less time being president would kick their butts i didn't know what they're doing. >> present recording season to every you get per podcast. oco weekends on cspan2 art intellectual feast. every saturday american history tv documents america's story and on sunday @booktv brings you the latest in nonfiction books and
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authors. funding for cspan2 comes from these television companies and more including charter communications. >> broadband as a force for empowerment. those were charter has invested billions of building infrastructure upgrading technology and communities of big and small. charter is connecting us progress charter communications along with these television companies support cspan2 as a public service. text laura, it is wonderful to be here with you today. it is such an honor to be here and talk about your tme new boo. >> for me too them so happy to be


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