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tv   Washington Journal Tevi Troy  CSPAN  September 8, 2022 1:09am-1:51am EDT

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first guest is with the bipartisan policy center and senior fellow for the organization writing columns for the "washington examiner" taking a looka at how. >> and a lot about the bipartisan policy to find bipartisan solutions to see if they can work through problems and with the presidential leadership initiative and to
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find ways. >> so to take a look at how they investigating that is obvious that was fracture interest. >> i have long said when talk about online books to say this is unprecedented then i go look for president and i look for that with the president. that is my thing and so i decided to seeig other president to have been investigated nothing like the spectacle but thatid includes when they were no longer president and some of them have been posthumous
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but some of them just happened before the in administration is investigated. >> so you start with ulysses s a is in a scandal play and basically he is found that
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these investigations did touch other president in the former president. >> but the idea to go out on skis however they looked at posts presidency. the investors air but once you go to but if you find something you and i if you don't then you exonerate but
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the most obvious was can start looking into whitewater then looking at those different things one —- clinton was guilty but then to remains in office and there is another investigation with clinton
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within jones james comey here is a prosecuted that is a
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great question doesn't have an easy answer. but on both sides of the aisle but this is the political differencesth. >> there was an example of the
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then to say we got the guy on the other side or those that with the president of the presidents asked when i was in
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the white house served in the george w. bushti administration, we have very strict rules but those that are looking at the former president trump got one thing i like they that with trump's
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lawyers in the justice department and with the presidential acted is a problem but it seems like he's
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trying to look for some expect then to masquerading
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provider mustes to give
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with those documents have mar-a-lago there were a festival there
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have been some very interesting and troubling revelations they are having a us —-em-dash of the outside group would have as. >> thank you to c-span has always.
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so then the fbi director announces that also of. >> they told me as well for
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option think theve obligation and it that those forward why
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christmas and white now later? is just then to express regret about the action? >> the diablo whereof. hicks and because of the
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democratp trump campaign. >> we are true pgs
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the then to be wide industries sorry possibility?
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howt are we putting a but just age to circle will focus a decision basically trying to indict a former president on a jaywalking law would not get political support could
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speak with the column that you can find the "washington examiner" that this is a skin or
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that but then please explain the difference. so i'm glad you asked that question. said today words in cancel is different left with and also the attorney general with the through to the president. there is one level every with the independent counsel but the problem is a treat sees independent systems and those investigations have the pursuit of justice is not just fining the indictment that adjudicating if thereis is more thanth indicting. >>t. independent line good morning. >>caller: a fascinating
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topic this morning thank you for putting it on into the guest. looking at these former investigations and the outcomes what we have is a conclusion of the past and today we have this issue with jump on —- trump being so confusedhe by the lies and the social media it is justice sent one —- just a set of facts and documents she should not have a when the government tried to get them back for over a year and he gave some over and retained some and they had to search his property to get them. it's a provably - - pretty straightforward set of facts. and what i am disturbed about in this issue even in the c-span forum callers call in
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and there is no fact checking there wasas c-span because we have a form that is totally nonpartisan you do a good job to present issues from all sides. and you have different issues pertaining exclusively to republican and democratic and would do a good job so in the present these issues it's important to retain fact and those that can state facts and then with those outrageous things. >> i celebrate the one —- c-span yes the colors are not
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fact check that p we are hearing from the american people on the left and on the right and they are saying reflecting that's what's coming outco in their local communities and that up next philadelphia democratic line. >>caller: good morning, c-span. i notice i had a high security
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clearance but thanks to present reagan have
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