tv Public Affairs Events CSPAN September 19, 2022 7:58pm-9:01pm EDT
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and at later, officials discussed the perseverance mars rover mission. >> this week on the c-span networks, the senate homeland security committee holds a hearing tuesday on unaccounted deaths in american prisons. then, on wednesday the same committee considers nomination to be head of the national archives and records administration for the agency's been in the news daily for its role in the fbi's seizure of documents and for president trump. later wednesday federal reserve chair jerome powell holds a press conference. the house and senate are both in session for both chambers are expected to take a short-term spending bill to avert a government shutdown at the end of the month by the senate was about on nominations and a ratification of changes to the global climate treaty. the house plans to take up student loan relief legislation. watching this week alive on the c-span network or on c-span now our free mobile video app. head over too for
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♪ c-span campaign 2022 coverage as your front row seat to the midterm election. watch it as it happens on the campaign trail. speeches, meet and greets, debates and other events during this year's senate, house and gubernatorial races. do not miss a single election moment you can take us with you on the go with c-span now a free mobile video app. visit 2022. your website for all of our midterm election coverage on demand when you miss that live as well as state-by-state maps and charts to track results from every primary. c-span campaign 2022. your unfiltered view of politics. >> we are now here with mother jones washington bureau chief david. he's going to discuss his new book it is titled american psychosis. a historical investigation of how the republican party went
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crazy. good morning david. >> guest: good morning. they would let sartre the provocative title of this book. particulate your use of the word crazy to describe the republican party. why did you title your book this? why did you come to that conclusion may go back to the title psychosis. it is a condition when you're detached from reality and you don't recognize or accept reality. talk about a political psychosis. obviously the manifestation of the millions of americans who believe the election was stolen by donald trump by his big lie. we saw them ransacked the capitol, right over there a year end a half ago. and since then and before than they continued to insist joe biden is not president. there is no legitimate election. they adhere to a variety of i would have to say crazy conspiracy theories about this. that china worked withhi venezua creating a ballots satellites
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the cia run out of italy. without any evidence but even rudy giuliani told the head of the house of representatives in arizona that they had no a evidence.hi they have been saying it evidence free detached from reality situation. that psychosis, crazy is a more generic term for that. so i do think there is a craziness within the republican party. you can even see it less like the past few days when donald trump has come out and endorsed you in on. he has tweeted social truth whatever you call it, a meme of him wearing a cupidity. that is an endorsement of a conspiracy theory that says the world, the united states is being run by a satanic cabal of traffickers and baby eaters. they eat people.
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the democrats, the hollywood byelite the usual suspects. it's completely bonkers. it has led some people to accept violence including murder. and he had the president of the nine states endorsing in the past few days. he is sorta played footsie footsie with that. the point of i my book is, thiss not an aberration but it's nothing anew it may be in escalation or intensification. going back starting with mccarthy's and 70 years ago in the 50s in the late 40s, republican party has always encouraged and exploited far right extremism. this is not been the totality of the party all this time. but it has always been present. sometimes it's waxed and waned and gotten more intense and less intense but some republican leaders have done it more than others. it's always part of the republican dna.
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so i think if we understand that history, we can understand the present moment we have just one republican leader endorsing qanon pretty have the entire republican party endorsing a leader who endorses q and r. mcconnell said donald trump got the nomination again he would support him. so a fellow is out there saying he would possibly pardon the hundreds of trump supporters who beat up and assaulted brutally the police officers up there is now the leader of the republican party has their full instant entire support. that's why talk about crazy. it's all within this longis historical context. >> we know you go back and we'll talk more about that. what do you hope your book contributes to the political conversation? what made you say this needs to be on the record in this way?
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>> i started the book a year end a couple months ago. i did not expect it to be asth timely and as relevant as it isn't. i think joe biden's speech a few weeks ago tied with the whole maga extremism has on the republican party. and certainly donald trump's recent moves has made it timely. i am a journalist. i've also written histories. i really do believe to understand any warm you are in time you need to seene how you t there. and to understand what to do in that moment in time knowing how you got there is really, really important. some people believe you can flip a switch go back to the good old republican party of some golden days. i think if you read american psychosis elyse i hope you do h you will get the understanding there is not a switch that was
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thrown. this was a continuation republican base has been radicalized. and a somewhat weaponize over a process of decades. few think about where we should go next, how we can have a country and a democracy were 20 or 30%, whatever the number is does not believe in the legitimacy of elections. and now is in the grips of various assorted wacko conspiracy theories. what you do about that? if you see it has been building up to this you can probably come up to better answers than you think it appeared out of nowhere. >> are going to get to some your calls and just a moment print out to go ahead and range of the number democrats your number (202)748-8000. republicans (202)748-8001. independence (202)748-8002. before we go to some of those calls i want to read an excerpt from your book, david the19
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excerpt says in january 1962, william f buckley other conservative luminaries with barry goldwater florida hotel may further discuss what to do about goldwater insisted the group contain kooks and decent conservatives he was opposed to slamming the group. others in the room went to excommunicate from the conservative movement. they cooked up a compromise they denounce the leader of the society but not the society itself. a month later the national review blasted theth leaders vis as far removed from common sense the magazine held the society itself as being a home of dedicated anti-communist. the fundamental mission of the right even encouraging it. when goldwater ran for president in 1964 enthusiastically donated and volunteered for him with all the assistance and other upfront right extremists. goldwater secured thehe nominatn
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in 1964. that is an example you pulled out from the 60s. tell us what you think that teaches us not just about how republican party is moved in this way, but how it got us to where we are today. >> it is really interesting to me. you see goldwater is saying the senator of arizona who was extremely conservative he was a big hero of the conservative movement and became a presidential nominee and 64 running against lyndon johnson. he sang the borchers have the society of far right group f saying in essence comments are taken over everything from the u.s. government, to ptas, to unions, to corporations, to churches. it was sort of like you and on without the baby eating. a lot of people in the republican party were worried they would be tainted by the jon birx society and its paranoia. there wasas goldwater saying the are some good people and are some kooks in it. but we want to keep them inside
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the republican they are door knockers, they are volunteers, they are donating, they are giving us energy. it is votes. if you fast-forward to today you can say it that thinking in the republican party continued for decades with the tea party for instance. donna benard embraced the tea party when the tea party was saying barack obama when he was present at this point, was a secret socialist muslim who want to destroy the american economy so they could impose addict tatian a chance for dictatorship it evident on fox news saying barack obama wanted to set up concentration camps and death panels and jon weiner, sailor sarah palin and others were d going on that show and invalidating this pack of nonsense. they welcomed the tea party into their midst because they were votes. jon weiner indeed got elected house speaker because of tea
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party. it is a direct line from excepting the kooks and 64 for the presidential campaign to jon weiner accepting the tea party in 2009 and 2010, to where we are today with donald trump saying to qanon i am with you. it would let's go to some your calls now first up we have chuck in jefferson, georgia on the republican line. >> good morning. heuer talked about the republican party being crazy. a g few things that normal american people think are crazy. byou want to open -- like the president said the board is secure, which is a lie. you want to defend the police, most of them did. you want no bail for criminals. you want to shut off all of american energies, he went the irs to run around with guns. you want abortion up to nine months. and you think the republicans are crazy? think about all that craziness
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going on. >> it is sad for me too hear i that. because what we are talking about us excuse i am losing my earpiece here. i'll finish answering the question. because a lot of what was just said was disinformation. s most democrats do not want to defend the police there was some black lives matter activists who did call for that. but most democrats do not do that. in fact right now you hear the republicans attack and theck fbi law enforcement is the trump supporters who beat up cops. they beat up cops did not trump once departed the people who did that. so that is not true. the bill that was passed give the irs more money does not send the irs around with guns to knock down peoples doors even though there are republicans saying that to have more audits. what else, no one wants to shut off american energy. biden is talking about
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transitioning to cleaner energy. and having more energy from those sectors. so i don't how to answer this. it does seem there is a conservative media echo system that puts out these memes and themes. and unfortunately not all by it. therefore we cannot have a real conversation. a real debate. okay we talked about defending the place we have instances of police brutality. how to make the police better? how to help the police officers who need training in how to remake the systems work? how to make a good energy system with a mix of energies and move to clean energies. we cannot have that conversation. not when someone is out there saying you don't believe in having energy all you want to do is defend the police. these are conservative talking points aimed at democrats and it's what close the debate. >> host: i'm glad you brought that up because i wanted to ask
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you about the concerns misinformation or extremism makes it hard to govern which i know that's a big point in your book. do you think that is the goal of that? do you think that is a byproduct? and what do you think is the solution? >> we could spend a couple hours on this. that is a great question. basically i think disinformation is there primarily to help the person putting it out or toth retain power. that's the first reason whether to vladimir putin, donald trump rv democrat you think is lying, that's the first reason people usehe disinformation. and it gets to the issue is' if this information is having a tremendous influence on our societyy overall. then it becomes harder to govern. to have the debates we need. now, i think there's asymmetry
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in american politics. these are stereotypes but in general democrats want to govern and legislate. look at our communal problems and see what we can do together to the process of government to address these matters. a lot of republicans basically say we don't want government wea want free market we don't want regulations on corporations when it comes to pollution or environmental or union labor workforce standards. we want to get rid of that paradigm and asked government as small as possible you are on your own let things happen. some think that would lead to the best society. others think that's the idea of freedom. and if you have a side that believes that, actually they have an incentive to dismiss and to discredit governments. they make it messy and ugly, that's great they do not want t government to happen.
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representatives. you cannot find on the other side democrats are out there endorsing such extremism. and using it as a fundamentalnt platform to get elected. you may not like their policies, you may think it's crazy to want to tax the state to give parental leave from work or sick leave that is paid. you may think it is crazy to add dental coverage to medicare. okay that's not the crazy him talking about. i'm talking about a party that is solidly moved behind the leaders and ideas that are detached from reality. and easy to disprove impossible to prove too. >> up next we have peter and freehold new jersey on the democratic line, you are on peter. >> good morning.
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and thank you for taking my call. i would like to air a theory i've had for some time. and that isn't democrats seem to be better educated than republicans. and because they are better educated they are a lot easierst acclimated to the challenges of the 21st century. they are more so than republicans are. you can see that in the kind of speech that's used by a lot of trump supporters at these rallies. and even in some of that media that supported. what happens? you tend. [inaudible] in acclimated fully. with leadership. i.e. donald trump.
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it's not meeting to compete with what is a lot of the movement toward radicalism. i would like to know if you agree with that? and make a stand on if you would, thank you. we shoot thank you peter from new jersey the home of bruce springsteen. you brought t up a lot of things that overlap. if we look at the essence of donald trump's movement, make america great again it's backwards looking in some ways. america was once a great and it's no longer great. then you start thinking about what do they mean by that? there've been a lot of studies that show a lot of concern that people had within his movement, his supporters has due to changes in the demographics of america. it's a racial component, and
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maybe it's becoming a more youth oriented society. and that has caused some resentment, grievances and also maybe become a more secular society as well. there's all these factors out there that have triggered concern amongst millions ofll americans. and when donald trump comes along and says make america great again, they talk aboutt a time maybe it wasn't as great maybe is better for them orbu thinking is better for them. i don't know if this is associated that much, i don't know how much it might be with levels of education. but certainly trump at one point said i love low educated voters. if people are not paying close attention to facts and reality, it's easier to convince them of something if it goes along with something they want tome believ. again, i'm harking back to his endorsing of cue in on part you are a highly educated person you
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cannot truly believe there is a botanical ball of baby eating people running the world. and that donald trump is about to be restored as the president of the mass arrests and perhaps live on tv executions. so to some degree education does play into this. there might be deeper factors that are motivating people to believe in things i would say are crazy that they want to believe in. through it let's go to joe in tucson, arizona on the republican line. >> let's talk about the big lie you call yourself a journalist. you and to point out the attack on the capitol. you do not want to talk about the summer of love.. you want to talk about all the police we don't talk about the police they got hurt during the summer of love. let's talk about the whole oppression of hunter biden's
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laptop. if you were a journalist, you would have brought that up. in america would have knownd about a long time ago. guys suppressed okay it yes i call that a stolen election when you've got suppressed and information about the hunter biden laptop. you guys called it false information. let me hearno you now say the first impeachment was based on a lie, sir. let me hear you say the summer of love. sue and there's enough from that caller june address anything he said? >> guest: it just makes me sad. you talk about how donald trump claimed to be elected president when he wasn't. and then insisting on that and try to multiple ways to overturn our democracy.
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and then sent a crowd he knew a his arms. he knew they were armed. and most importantly you can take away everything else. but if you envision donald trump sat for hours in the white house while the capitol was being attacked as a mob of his supporters if he said go to the capitol was trying to block the peaceful transfer of power and he did nothing. he did not pick up the phone. he did not call them to stop. c he is commander-in-chief it's his job to protect the country, protect its government, protect the constitution. he did nothing. i don't think in the history of presidents could you come up with a better example of the abandonment of duty. in this collar, joe from tucsonl does not want to talk about that. you guys want to talk about the attempts to overturn the election? try to flesh state of -- look at
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black lives matter. the protests. he wants to talk about hunter biden's laptop. we are going to have conversations about those things individually. but he will not talk about what donald trump did a more republican party support for political means. whatever happened black lives matter it was not a joe biden tribute to overturn an election. our next collar is terry and a lafayette indiana on the independent line. >> caller: good morning united states. yes i just want to get on this guy here, the vice president and i don't know how many other democrats i have heard are liars. they say the border is closed secure. there's been over 2 million
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people come across that border. you keep lying about it saying there's nobody coming. what a bunch of wires. >> host: let's go to the guy in maryland on the democratic line. >> caller: good morning c-span. there is another book released the same day as yours. have you spoken to your fellow journalist roland martin about his new book, white fear? >> guest: i saw that it came out. he has been busy promoting his i've been busy promoting american psychosis. exit should be here the next 36 hours. taking from the title alone this going to be some overlapping subject topics. you want to comment on the broad topic? >> guest: i've not read his book
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i've been visiting finishing mine in and forgive me i assume he hasn't got to my bike either. one thing i did talk about in the book, i chase seven decades of the gop encouraging and splitting the extremism. as part that i include racism. i glued the story in 1968 when richard nixon was trying to get the presidential nomination the republican presidential nomination he was worried about this guy named ronald reagan just been elected governor of california. he was running a stealth campaign for the presidential nomination. richard nixon, who in years previous had been a supporter of the republican party's relationship with black voters because black voters had been with the replicants for many years because of the legacy of lincoln. they democrats in the south were allied with segregation up until that point in time. but in 68 nixon flips the switch
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returns the table and cutit the deal with thurman was a segregationist, white supremacist senator from south carolina. he basically tells thurman i will place a conservative oppose busing i'll make sure there's a vice president running mate who is acceptable to southern republicans. meaning often segregationist if you support me against ronald reagan. i'm permanent check that deal. nixon told his campaign manager to make sure the seven delegates at the convention got the message under a nixon presidency these are his words, no more pro- negro crab. so here is a guy instead of making a deal the jon birchers he was making a deal with
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braces. and again and again i have noted throughout the book the republican party has made similar accommodations. there turned a blind eye. with donald trump that he was a bushing barack obama was not born in this country. i believed it was a racist conspiracy theory. having not read his book, i would say that there is overlap between the notion i described the story that i tell republican interaction with extremism and republican exploitation of racism. it went let's talk to karen and alabama on the republican line. >> say good morning. we talk about generate six not once at president trump ever say go into the capitol and try to take over the process. he never said that.
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you look on the videos it'll say the capitol police inviting people into the capitol. they invited them into it. people have been acquainted they said they invited us in. then they arrested them for trespassing. but to this day what you neglected to include is that in 2016 all the democrats had president trump wasn't duly elected pretty early clinton to this day will say that election was stolen from her. by an election that she started that whole thing at work with the fbi to take about. >> guest: you know, i didn't expect to feel sad this morning is much as i do. because the amount of justification one has to engage in to look at what happened at the capitol and to absolve trump of responsibility. he was told the crowd was armed. he knew the crowd was angry.
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he sent an angry mob crowd to theng capitol. that he did nothing when you saw them beating, beating over 100 law enforcement officers. these people who say they are in favor of the cops. i don't understand how they can look at those pictures and say no bigig deal. it is stunning to me. the officers did not invite them in. they use flags as a battering ram's to get past the officers. they were not invited in. he can look at the video of that in the near i'm sitting great for a minute long encapsulation and documentaries in a sense. which is the imagery. every time i see it i feel enraged they thought they were empowered to do this. donald trump sent the matter.
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he did nothing print out what else she said. there's nobody at six in the democratic leadership is that they would not accept the results. they thought the russian intervention way to the table, thumb on the scale for donald trump and hadtr hillary clinton did not tell people to overthrow the government. did not locked onto this stuff. in a final point of this information, the fbi investigation according to the justice department's own inspector general is not triggered by democrat, hillary clinton, it would start of the judgment late. of the ig report says. it is the point of choppy and disinformation the democrats cooked that up. again i don't how we can have conversations if basic facts are
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denied or twisted. what i heard jada say that you feel a little sad this morning. we've got a lot of our conservative scholars who clearly are i think feeling defensive. and also i wanted to ask you, your title alone is very provocative word psychosis and crazy. so my question is, what did you hope -- what do you to get out of it? and, we know there is a lot of misinformation coming from conservative media. what is the remedy for that? >> i think a lot about that. i think one issue its people, like the color we just had are not persuadable. there is enough misinformation or disinformation out there, rightly or conspiratorial websites a look at it, they can
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read. a lot of it through fox news to be honest. i work at fox news many years ago. they have andrc to reinforce but they want to believe. and so a main common article the "new york times" for the "washington post", but something in their papers not going to change their mind about the big five. so i think they are in a minority in this country, donald trump got less votes than joe biden. if you look at the public information most people do not believe the election donald trump. so the rest of the country has to sort of band together and say we cannot reach some of these people. they want to have a legitimate conversation we are happy to engage withh that. but if they are going to stick to their talking points about the big lie just a bite trumps acceptance cumin on and the use of violence trump saying he would pardon that people who
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beat up the cops, they are going to accept that we are going to have to say to a certain degree it you're part of the conversation anymore. that is the sad thing in a tough thing to say. i do not know how you gently deal with i do not know how you gently deal with an ex-president who wants to be president again who does not respect fundamental nddemocratic norms and processe. i think at some point when biden says it's. >> extremism this is moving towards me fascism i think he's being honest. it's going to infuriate some of the callers calling in. pain is dangerous for america. it is up to the patient to make that clear. what were talking this morning with mother jones washington bureau chief about his book
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america psychosis historicalho investigation of how the republican party went crazy. we are taking more of your calls but i just want to remind you of the numbers democrats (202)748-8000. republicans (202)748-8001. independence (202)748-8002. our next collar is a patent in springfield, new hampshire. on the democratic line. x hi, thanks for having me. it's nice to chat with you printed on our call you on twitter think you're terrific. >> i agree with everything. when i look at this i think what you arecr describing runs back o barry goldwater, and runs back to jim crow. it's both deep and wide. i think we have been dealing with it for a long time. i think trump isn't a problem he is symptom and he's basically shouting from the rooftop the republicans have been whispering for a long time.
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he is signaling a way forward. that way forward is dangerous. january 6, number one that's an attempted coup. and number two that was not just a moment in time, thator had ben planned for months. january 6 committee describes that where there is a lot of leverage place on secretaries of state. but for a few of those holding we might be having a very different conversation here. i think the way forward has been charted on the right spray think it's very dangerous territory. trump is a symptom and not necessary a problem we need to get active too counter that. that's my comment and thanks for writing the book. thank you peyton. i think you are right some of trumps a big lie proponents learned a bit of a lesson from the post election and that is we need to be in control of the vote certification system.
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if we do not like the weight of vote goes if we think there is something wrong even if we don't have any evidence we could do something about it. to dedicate mastery on a hill for governor in pennsylvania. he will appoint the secretary of state's if he is elected, who will have the power to certify and not certify elections. and arizona you have mark and jim who is a big lie conspiratorial lists. running for secretary of state. there's other people in a like-minded way running for state positions across the country. they want to gain control soey they think fox news or news marks or might tell a guy comes out and says this election wasn stolen, they can then block certification it met would probably be legitimate results. this is incredibly dangerous. because now instead of fighting over what's the best way to deal with our energy needs, our
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economy, we're going to fighting over who won elections. and if one side has reached a conclusion if it feels election was stolen, it was stolen and they don't have to abide by it, that gets to the foundation of the country. we cannot have a country with differing points of view. with sometimes profound differencesce if we cannot legislate them or debate them and process them through the electoral system. and you are right ultimately, the problem is not donald trump. the problem is trump is in. donald trump is one guy. he is a blowhard comes a great marketer, he got elected once. he is one person paid the real problem is there are tens of millions of americans who by what he says when he saysth something that's not true. there are many deep roots to
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that. but that is the issue. not one person leading them. it's the fact when he says what he says people follow. that is ae much harder issue to remedy. w' went let's hear from james in collins, mississippi on the independent line. >> caller: good morning. i understand what you are saying they talk about the black lives matter they talk about hillary clinton. president trump juan they said he was not impeach ms. clint to print president trump said let it go. black lives matter. black bugs and poor white folks have been abused by police officers that the only thing that saved that was the video camera.
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if those nvidia parents would not have come out they would in the '90s, guilmette in the 80s. you did not have people report the violence happening back then. twenty and 21 not just the government that called them one at his foot on its neck. the seven chandra burrell. they ask a question. not even donald trump. it is the politicians that are supporting him. the mccarthy. what's his name, south carolina? lindseyse graham. all of this people are the problem for it's not even that boater sir. it's about to happen should have
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because nobody is holding these politicians. they need to apologize. every republican, every democrat they are releasing information about bar at d.o.j. about being corrupt. we need to call bar and they need to talk to him about releasing that information. because that is a problem right now. though women need to stand up and let them know their bodies. their daughter somebody's i look at queen elizabeth. when she passed you got more women now embolden because this woman. even the ships of their as a queen she was still a woman. she had control over her body but she did the right thing. women need to stand up and speak
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out. it went okay james got your point. let's hear from chuck inn syracuse, new york. he is on the republican line. >> it is unfortunate mr. corn is going to talk about other people's psychosis and misconduct. is not a conservative news site. they quoted a former mother joneses after summer and fall 2014 quit pitching stories involving rape because reactions made them sons uncomfortable. point fingers at everybody else. also frequent guest remember what happened to chris matthews? >> vigilant to respond to that? cooked a story that came out years ago. result result. we can move they went sherry
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democratic line thanks to the book it's great. a man dressed in frappe but that the right. i can put a sticker over it or something. i agree with everything he has to say. it's a shame that this delay. i have been a very conservative southern states. i think i chose to do. i don't think it's going to be able to get this going to be arrested for what he is guilty. i have to say thank you. but just how each state
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republicans conservatives lock about hillary and the payments or just an object's state the wind i is no evidence of an eclectic compromise security. jake had not about that since ie read about that at the time. that is big mistake. let rise in creation. evidence of it being compromised. is that cap could not take his been able to teach you and me and calling in. he's asked about it by the national archives in the abbey, getting step back in the back
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and handling them, they think about is if he left the oval office get with the desk and took it to my blog at this is the in the justice department and fbi to be like our desk back, it is not yours. andd he says no i'm not going o give it to you. there would be no question there's no executive privilege that covers the theft of government material whether it's a desk or papers. yet this is one sign the republican party has totally bent its knee, lost any sense of self-awareness, self regard, self esteem. they all know this is incredibly wrong and dangerous. and not one republican caller who will call up who has called up or will call up of the rest of the show will get on their high horse about that in say this is worse than what we accuse hillary clinton of. we went let's take another collar, kent in philadelphia,
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pennsylvania. calling on the independent line. >> i agree that everything sang. i just want to submit this is not a new phenomenon. this has presented all throughout history all over the world thousands of times. the nazis are probably the most recent example that most people are familiar with. in brazil says the same things. this is not anything new. i live in mexico. the reason i live in mexico is i left the moment installed pumpkin head in his office from a student of his belief in this stuff never ends well. it ends up with millions of innocent people getting killed
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and people who started it and never learn a thing and they go and do it again. all that's all i have to say. one recent wrote the book is i want to talk about the historyer here in america of a politicalar party playing with fire. playing with extremism. you do see with donald trump he kind of adds to that. he adds his creeping a authoritarianism. i read about in my previous book with this admiration for vladimir putin. his admiration in the philippines. other strong man leaders. he is a guy who, i've said again and again and again that is a scary prospect. someone who does not respect democracy. who doesn't want to install some degree of authoritarianism.
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and then promotes a crazy conspiracy theory which is indeed boils down to demonizing and dehumanizing the opposition. so the opposition is not people who are wrong when it comes to policy matters. when he is talking not queuing on it's not people who are wrong because back to mccarthy and his meccas back to the jon birx society. it's people plotting against america. now they add to it they are satanic. they are cannibalistic. trafficking in the basement of washington pizzeria that does not have a basement. you put all of this together and i do think it is a very troubling brew. i am optimistic there are still a lot more americans who don't go along with this and do not buyno this. if they can see this for what it
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is, they can stop it and prevent it from happening and does not have to go the way it's gone in other countries. but i do believe it is a crisis. not enough americans fully understand it yet. it's relentless go to sean's in gainesville new york on the republican line. >> good morning to both of you. do i agree with what you are saying? not in lee's bell tell you what support your right to say it. and i y have to give you a lot f credit for falling at that list of radicals. what they do is they accuse others of what they are actually guilty of. when it comes to groups. i would urge speech or can i interrupt to ask you a question can i stop you there? kind of a nice old trick what you're doing your accusing me of making false accusations.
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can you point out something i've written in my book or online that is demonstratively untrueh question or start to finish my statement question. >> okay just want to give you that opportunity. that's okay sir. what i wanted to say is i like to urge all of my fellow americans whether democrats, republicans, independence, to watch a documentary. >> looked out next to jon and roswell, new mexico. jon is calling as a democrat. >> yes, thank you first i want to say so-called. [inaudible] it up on our brain stripped up
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a ticket to give an example? >> caller: yes you call them ad child molester. but i think you won like $8 million and how about nick's salmon? you called him a racist a little child. >> the young man from kentucky per. >> i didn't say anything about him i do not know what you arelk talking about. ray moore i would commend people to read the "washington post" reporting onme him. it was very, very solid about his inappropriate actions and the accusations that were made against him about his engagements with younger and teenage women but look up the "washington post" but i did not report on that. stuart sue and david any thoughts as we wrap up this interesting segment?sh >> i really wish we could have a good debate with republicans.
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i've been in washington, i've been on c-span since 1987. sometimes a mouth a conservative guest and it's to have an open conversation about the future of the country, what we should be doing now, politics and policy. but it seems to me republicans are being held, frozen by donald trump in the big lie. and nothing else matters. if you can't get past that you cannot talk about the weather if one side says the sky is green and the other side says the sky is blue. it pains me too see that. they are so dug in deep in this period and the republican party which had a chance after januar, kevin mccarthy spoke out against drunk and the attack on january 6 about five adnanoseconds. they made the calculation the base of the party would not go
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along with them they stayed with trump. they had to give up their criticisms. but they had aen moment to sortf break away from this. but instead were more entrenched. that is sad to me. the one reason i think we got here is the history of the darks of the gop which i tell my book american psychosis and i hope people will pick up and read it. i hope if they're interested they will subscribe to my newsletter they confided to because these of the conversations we need to continue to have. sorry, long-winded. but thanks a lot for having me. we went thanks much for joining us. again we been talking with mother jones washington bureau chief david corn for the name of his new book is american psychosis, and historical investigation of how the republican party went crazy. that will be all today from aod "washington journal". we will be back tomorrow at 7:0.
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