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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  September 29, 2022 2:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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help has helped them turn the tidest war. we cannot stop now. the heat program is so important. winter is coming upon us. the program is running out of money. while we probably will get more money in the omnibus in december, between now and christmas, there will be a lot of cold days and people are going to need that heat moneyment -- need that heat money. as a result of climate change, we have many more disasters, so we need more help, and this will go to many states in many parts of the country. so i want to thank again senator leahy. i warrant to thank senator shelby. i want to thank the members of the appropriations committee. and i want to thank all the staff, mine and others, who worked so long and hard to get this done. i yield the floor, and ask for the yeas and nays. the presiding officer: is there a sufficient second? there appears to be. understand the previous order, all motions and amendments, other than amendment 5745, are
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withdrawn. amendment 5745 is agreed to. and the bill as amended is considered read a third time. the question occurs on passage of the bill as amended. the clerk will call the roll. vote:
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the pr the presiding officer: on this vote the yeas are 272, -- 72, the nays 25, the 60-vote having been achieved, the bill is passed. mr. schumer: thank you, madam president and congratulations to
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the third circuit, they're gaining an outstanding jurist as of now. can we have order, please? oh, that was the c.r. we did the other thing earlier. it is a great bipartisan bill that is going to help a whole lot of people and we're keeping the government open with ample time. please erase the last remarks and put this in that place. i ask that the senate proceed to s. con. res. 45, submitted earlier today and is at the desk. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. con. res. 45, pricing for -- providing for a correction in the enrollment of h.r. 6633 . the presiding officer: the senate will proceed. mr. schumer: i ask that the current resolution be agreed to and the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i move to proceed
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to reconsider the vote, calendar 670, lisa m. gomez, of new jersey, to be assistant secretary of new jersey was not confirmed. the presiding officer: the question is on the negotiation to the motion to reconsider. all those in favor say aye. all opposed, no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the motion having been agreed to, the senate proceeds to executive session and the clerk will report the nomination. the clerk: nomination, department of labor, lisa m. gomez, of new jersey, to be an assistant secretary. mr. schumer: i move to reconsider the vote by which calendar number 670 was not confirmed. the presiding officer: the question is on the negotiation to reconsider. all those in favor say aye.
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all those opposed say no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it it. the motion is agreed to. the question occurs on confirmation of the nomination upon reconsideration. mr. schumer: i ask for the yeas and nays. the presiding officer: is there a sphirkt second? there is -- sufficient second? there is a sufficient second. the clerk will call the roll. vote:
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the presiding officer: the yeas are 49, the nays are 36, and the nomination is confirmed. under the previous order, the moition to reconsider is -- the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table, and the president will be immediately notified of the senate's actions. mr. tuberville: madam president. the presiding officer: the
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senator from alabama. mr. tuberville: thank you, madam president. over the last few decades, large parts of our daily lives, like work, education, and even personal finance moved online. the emergence of computers, the internet, mobile devices have created a more interconnected world more than ever. but this being connected can also be used by bad actors. the entire world of information is at our fingertips, but also so is cyber crime. because of this, those charged with keeping us safe have the increasingly difficult task of not only protecting us from the rising physical crimes seen in our communities across the country, but also from cyber crime that's impossible to see, is much harder to detect. law enforcement officials in alabama, my state, recognize the problem early and on.
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2006, before we all had smartphones in our pockets, the alabama office before prosecution services and the alabama district attorneys' association saw the need for a more coordinated effort to train law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges in digital evidence. they saw how the digital landscape was and still is constantly evolving and how those in law enforcement needed to keep up. but they also recognized how traditionally the largest departments with the biggest budgets were the only ones who could afford the training necessary to help their officers fight cyber and electronic crime. so, they outlined a plan to bring the training to more of our law enforcement officials and formed a unique and important partnership with the united states secret service to
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create a center for forensics education for state and law enforcement officials. thanks to their innovative thinking, the national computer forensics institute, also nope as ncfi, opened in 2008 under the roof provided by the city of hoover, alabama. the institute had somewhat modest beginnings -- a $4 million budget and only 246 students. but thanks to continued support from congress here on the hill, the computer forensic institute now taps into $13 million annual budget to train more than 4,000 students from across the country every year. to date, more than 19,000 state and local officers, prosecutors, and judges represent all 50 states, have been trained at this institute right in the heart of alabama.
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local and state officials come from all over the country to train in alabama, and then take their newly acquired expertise back to their communities all over. graduates have reported utilizing their training in more than 578,000 digital forensic exams. it's clear this model is working. ncfi graduates are applying their skills to protect their communities all across the country. the national computer forensic institute focuses on teaching officials how to investigate cyber and electronic crime. always accounting, always accounting for emerging technologies and difficult digital capabilities. but they also teach officials how to conduct forensic examinations of computers and mobile devices, a critical component of almost every violent crime investigation.
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thus, the institute gives officers and officials the tools they need to protect americans from both cyber crime and violent crime every day. the pandemic and our related shift to more virtual work and schooling sent cyber crime through the roof, and it continues to rise every day. nsks, according to -- in fact, according to to mcafee, the financial losses due to cyber crime ballooned to almost $1 trillion in 2020 and this number could hit $10.5 trillion by 2025 according to digital research group cybersecurity ventures. but as we know all too well, the risk isn't just financial. cybercriminals can hack pipelines and other key infrastructure systems that are crucial to our daily lives that
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pertains to our national security. officials trained at the ncfi are a part of frontline defense against these attacks. the front line, our local police officers, district attorneys, and state officials, know the people they serve best. i want those protecting my home and my state trained to identify and combat the latest threats, and i'm sure you do as well. in 2019, when cybercriminals threatened the people of olds mar, florida, by attempting to poison the city's water supply, graduates from the ncfi utilized their training to secure the city's infrastructure and compile valuable evidence to keep their citizens safe. in the fall of 2021, a week and a half before schools were open in louisiana, leaders were forced to declare a state of
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emergency due to ransomware attacks on dozens of parish school districts throughout the state. thankfully because of their time spent in hoover, alabama, louisiana state police investigators trained and equipped at the national computing forensic institute responded to the attack. the investigators dis dismantled the l malware and assisted in school networks. all schools within the state started on time and no ransom was paid. and earlier this year, after a madman terrorized shoppers at a grocery store in buffalo, new york, ncfi trained graduates were able to act quickly and support the police in their response. they used what they learned to conduct a forensic exam of a go pro camera and a cell phone used by the shooter. that crucial video evidence is currently being used in the
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prosecution to ensure justice and to protect the victims and their families. all americans deserve to feel safe in their communities, and they deserve to feel safe online while working and learning, banking, whatever they need to do with electronic devices. brave men and women in law enforcement across the country are willing and able to protect americans from all crime, including cybercrime, but they need the tools and resources to continue to do so effectively. while some in congress and the current administration have worked to shrink the size and strength of our law enforcement, i am unapologetic in my support for the men and women in blue. we must continue to provide specialized resources that all of them need to do their jobs. that's why i joined a group of colleagues from both sides of the aisle to introduce the
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national computer forensics institute reauthorization act. this legislation, while passed the senate by unanimous consent this week, would build on the work started in 2017 to strategically combat modern crime and set the national computer forensic institute up for continued service. it also builds on that success by exangd the program's -- by expanding the program's reach beyond state and local officials to federal law enforcement employees. as we know, those attending are defending our national security at the national level should also have access to the latest digital and cybercrime training. the national computer forensic institute is an example of a state's ingenuity and foresight. a group of individuals identifying a gap that needed to
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be filled and providing a service with national benefits. the success of the institute represents the impact state leaders and congress can have on the entire country when we work together to support innovative and pragmatic solutions to our biggest problems. alabama is proud of the national computer forensic institute, and we're proud to provide cutting-edge training to many of americans and our brave law enforcement. as americans across the country face a rise in both violence and cybercrime, i applaud my colleagues for joining me to ensure our first responders have the necessary expertise and training by reauthorizing the national computer forensics institute. madam president, i notice the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll.
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mr. carper: madam president. the presiding officer: the senator from delaware. mr. carper: madam president, are we in the middle of a quorum call? the presiding officer: we are.
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mr. carper: i would ask unanimous consent that we vitiate the quorum call. the presiding officer: thank you, madam. madam president, i'm delighted delighted --. mr. carper: i'm delighted to rise today to salute a member of my committee staff who has made invaluable contributions to not just the congress, but to our nation. and not for a couple of months or years but decades. greg dowson, chief counsel for the committee on environment and public works which i'm privileged to chair will be retiring on september 30 following a distinguished career in service to this country of ours. on this occasion, i want to take note of his remarkable legacy and extraordinary service to the people of america. as many of my colleagues will attest, true leaders in this body and true leaders elsewhere are only as good as the team that works for them. i've always said i hire people smarter than me, and that's one of the reasons i've had some
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success. but good leaders, the best leaders are always looking for the best people they can find. for many of us who are elected officials in this body and others, those teams are staff members who too often toil in the background, rarely recognized publicly for their service. and while all the members of the environment and public works committee staff that i'm privileged to lead are wonderful public servants, there are sometimes rare individuals who stand out as having made an extraordinary impact on the american people and on this country as a whole. greg dodson is one of those exceptional people. he has emerged as an invaluable leader in the effort to address the urgent threat of climate change and has dedicated his life to that vital calling. greg first joined this mission as a staff member, a staffer to congressman henry waxman in
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1996. greg followed congressman waxman to the house oversight committee and later the house energy and commerce committee, which henry led. during his nearly 20 years in the house, greg dodson helped lead the team that produced the american clean energy and security act of 2009, a landmark comprehensive climate change and energy bill that passed the house of representatives in june of 2009. he has worked on a number of major legislative achievements, including the american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009, the energy independence and security act of 2007, the energy policy act of 2005, the safe drinking water act amendments of 1996, and many, many more. greg also spearheaded vital congressional oversight and investigative efforts with
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environmental significance, including high-profile inquiries into political interference with climate science, the deep water horizon disaster and the energy market abuses of enron. after his illustrious service in the house of representatives, greg went on to share his wisdom and passion with young people who are eager to follow in his footsteps and protect our planet. in 2017, he became a professor in environmental policy at the university of oregon's environmental and natural resources law center, a role which enabled him to take the lessons of his congressional service and use them to help inform the next generation of legal scholars and environmentalists. it was from there that he came to the environment and public works committee in early 2021 when i was becoming chairman of the committee. and when we began a new congress that year with a new senate majority and a new president who
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was committed to action on addressing climate change and our nation's infrastructure needs, while creating lots of jobs, we knew that epw needed a seasoned, thoughtful counsel who could help guide our committee through this historic time. greg was just the man for the job. as chief counsel, he has played an invaluable role in helping negotiate and craft the transformational bipartisan infrastructure law enacted last year, working to find common ground with our republican colleagues, including remarkably strong climate investments in our infrastructure legislation. he also led the charge on efforts to boost electric vehicle infrastructure, clean up our air and our water, and protect communities who are facing the worst consequences of climate crisis. in addition, greg played a leading role in efforts to boost the clean energy revolution for
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our automotive industry. he worked with me to lay out a vision for how the u.s. environmental protection agency could adopt standards to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the automotive industry and eliminate tailpipe pollution from new cars by 2035. the letter we ultimately sent to michael regan was met with applause from both auto manufacturers and environmental groups alike. and as someone who has been here for a few years, mr. president, that doesn't happen every day. few months after' unveiled our proposal, the biden administration followed up by announcing a new plan that adopted our recommendations for how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars, from trucks while embracing zero emission vehicles. by calling for half the new vehicles sold in the u.s. to be zero-emission vehicles by the year 2030 and adopting a multipollutant approach as we
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recommended, our nation will reap major health benefits for millions of americans while accelerating market trends to the clean cars of the future. this was greg's vision, and it will remain his legacy for years and years to come. in just a few weeks ago greg was here on the senate floor with mary francis, myself and others on our team, our colleagues as well, on the floor for the crowning achievement of his decades of government service on climate crisis. the inflation reduction act, greg's countless hours of work were on that landmark bill were critical to making possible the largest investment in climate in our nation's history. let me just say that again. the inflation reduction act, greg's countless hours of work were on that landmark bill, and
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they were critical to making possible the largest investment, the largest investment in climate in our nation's history. he didn't stop there either. going on to work tirelessly on the methane emission reduction, methanes which is many, many times more harmful than carbon dioxide with respect to climate. an initiative that will have significant impact in our efforts to combat the threat of climate change and safeguard our planet for future generations. throughout all of his dedicated service to our nation and the environment, greg has been just as committed to his family. all of us here in the senate, indeed our nation as a whole are grateful to his wife, genine, and to their two children, dalia and bryce. i believe they're at their home in oregon. we want to thank them, the three of them for generously sharing with us the time and extraordinary talents of their
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husband and their father. and when he wasn't here in washington, d.c. working tirelessly to make history and improve the lives of the american people, greg was at home in an equally important role as husband and dad. those are maybe the two most important roles that all of us can hope for ourselves and also hope he can even devote even more time to them in the days ahead. greg's public service follows his own family's legacy. his father was a navy man like my own dad and many of my uncles. that dedication to greater good, to the betterment of society which ran through his family is a beautiful family legacy that greg continues today. i am deeply grateful, i am deeply grateful for his sage counsel and know he will continue to make this place a better place as he continues to teach at the university of oregon. and so in closing i say to greg
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something that we like to say in the navy when people do extraordinary things with their lives, we day bravo zulu. bravo zulu. thank you, my friend. i billed you fair winds as you prepare to set off on the next set of adventures that lie ahead and know that many members of congress along with their staffs, both past and present, join me in this salute. with that i note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: mr. carper: mr. president, i
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would ask unanimous consent that the quorum call be vitiated. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. carper: mr. president, i have nine, nine requests for committees to meet during today's session of the senate. they have been approved by both the majority and minority leaders. the presiding officer: duly noted. mr. carper: thank you, mr. president. with that i note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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mr. schumer: mr. president. the presiding officer: the majority leader. mr. schumer: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that on the conclusion of morning business -- i ask unanimous consent the quorum be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that upon the conclusion of morning business on tuesday, october 11, the senate proceed to the immediate consideration of h.r. 467, h.r. -- sorry. proceed to the immediate consideration of calendar 467, h.r. 7900. the presiding officer: without objection. so ordered. mr. schumer: now, mr. president, for the information of all senators, the next roll call vote will be on tuesday, november 14, at 5:30 p.m. while we have accomplished a great deal so far, more than any congress in recent memory, and we all should be proud of what we've accomplished, we still
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have much -- we still have much to do and many important bills to consider. proceeding to the nda will save us valuable time and enable us to get more done, but members should be prepared for an extremely, underline extremely, busy agenda in the last two months of this congress. i yield the floor and note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll.
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mr. schumer: mr. president? the presiding officer: the majority leader. mr. schumer: i ask unanimous consent that the quorum be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: when i made the anumbers for the information of senators, i said we will return -- the next roll call vote will be on november 14 at 5:30 p.m. that is correct. but that is a monday, not a tuesday. i yield the floor.
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[laughter] >> murdering a hell of a job. one of the things i think is important is that there's a lot of -- over the last six to ten years -- you are coordinating all of these and people understand exactly what's going on and they wonder, can we make it work?
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[inaudible] [inaudible] a lot of people on their line in their lives. [inaudible] [laughter] >> books, i'm here at fema headquarters to thank secretary mayorkas to come down the coast guard and commanding general army corps of engineers and the fema administrator who has become the mvp here. where as well, and entire work. many federal agencies are working, they are always going to be above and beyond danger to
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save lives them most people want to run away. it really matters, healthy survivors in desperate need and that's what we are doing is the focus on helping people directly impacted by hurricane ian. it made landfall yesterday and it's still moving across the state today. this could be of the deadliest hurricanes in florida's history. numbers are still unclear but we are hearing early reports of what may be substantial loss of life. spoken with governors and mayors and commissioners and i've been on the phone with the governor this morning and spoke with commissioners and mayors and they are worried but they are
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doing an incredible job to save their cities and towns and counties, courts and bridges and etc. in the face of serious danger, search and rescue got underway before dawn this morning. people stranded and in desperate shape. water rescue is critical, coast guard deployed dickstein rescue helicopters, 18 rescue boats is the search and rescue teams in florida the governor talked about and what the coast guard is doing this morning. these are dangerous missions and i'm grateful for brave men and women, federal, state and local government working as one team risking their lives to save others and we are going to learn a lot more in the coming hours
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but we know many families are hurting. many are hurting today and our entire country hurts with them. seen so many crises in florida today is the epicenter. we are continuing to see the rainfall, catastrophic storm surges, roads and homes flooded, millions of people without power and thousands hunkered down to schools and centers but wondering what's going to be left when they get to go home, quote unquote home but even if they have a home to go to. some folks have been through this before but that doesn't make it any easier, it makes their anxiety even higher in my opinion. my message to the people and for, america comes together in times like this. we're going to pull together as one america. first thing this morning as i talk to governor desantis and federal support earlier this week i approved his request for
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the pre-landfall emergency declaration provide assistance to the state for emergency protective measures to save lives including search and rescue and shelter and food this morning i approved the governor's most recent request, the major disaster declaration. that means the federal government will cover one 100% to clear debris in all the costs the state has to engage in expand to save lives. the federal government will also cover the majority of the cost to rebuild public buildings like schools. folks in florida who have destroyed or damaged homes, don't have enough insurance, the federal government will provide and 37000 cash 900 the dollars and lost property from automobiles to a lost wedding
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ring think that's what we mean by lost property. we spoke with mayors across the state, the publicans and democrats but told them the same thing, we are here whatever you need, call me directly at the white house. they know how to do that. we will do everything we can to provide what they need to dispatch 1000 fema personnel and pre-position major federal capacity capabilities and supply. that includes millions of liters of water, millions of meals and hundreds of generators, deploying search and rescue teams along with high water vehicles and rescue helicopters to help get survivors to safety. thousands of national guard member have been activated. my direction at the department of defense is providing search capacity in support of the most efforts. i want to say again to everyone, the danger is real.
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please obey all warnings and while waters recede, don't go outside unless have to and it impedes them from doing their job they want to say again oil and gas, do not use the storm as an excuse to raise gas prices. the price of oil dropped in recent weeks, price of gas should be going down as rapidly. it's not. i express the production of only about 160,000 a day impacted by this storm. less than 2% of our country's daily production, small and temporary on oil production and provides no excuse for price at the pump.
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for gas, station companies try to use this storm to raise prices i'll ask officials to look into whether or not price gouging is going up. america is watching, the industry should do the right thing. i expect them to do the right thing. while we see the devastating images in florida, i want to be clear -- to the people of puerto rico we are not going away, i am committed to you and recovery of the island. we will stand by you however long it takes to get it done. i don't folks here and across the federal government work nonstop around-the-clock. that's why finally i want to thank first responders and national guard and coast guard, service members and search and rescue personnel working to get people to safety and restore power, water and phone lines and i want to thank everyone here at fema and other personnel, i've seen you in action across the
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country on the west coast, northwest to the northeast, in louisiana across the country and in the last two weeks we've been working 24/7 no matter what and when emergency happens, fema is there, you deserve gratitude in full support. right now if you're in the national guard to get caught up, you can keep your job but if your fema reserve, that's not the case. that's why this morning i signed into law bipartisan through act, championed by gary peterson in the house. that law will ensure reservists have protection just like military reserve so when you're caught up to help with disaster, you can focus on that mission
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without worrying you might lose your day job or receive another penalty work because of this. it will help people become, get more civilian service others and make the mess stronger and america stronger that's who we are. every time disaster strikes, emergency crews all over the country and across the federal government show up to help like right now in florida. that's america. country of women and men willing to serve and leave their families to help train just family. everyone hard at work in florida deserves our things when conditions allow it, i will go to florida so we don't get in the way. we will do our best to go to florida back as quickly as possible, we are going to build it back, state and local government.
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however long it takes, we will be there. that's my commitment. i will turn it over to secretary mayorkas. >> puerto rico as well? >> that's my intent. >> thank you very much. our hearts go out to the people in the affected area. our highest priorities preservation of life and safety. dhs working with federal state, local and non- governmental partners to support the needs of the areas that are and may be impacted by hurricane and. i want to think the president for his leadership signing the major disaster declaration that unlocks critical assistance to help jumpstart impacted meridians growth to recovery. fema and the u.s. coast guard focus on lifesaving
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life-sustaining response separations launching recovery missions. the coast guard completed extensive preparations in advance of hurricane ian and minimize impacts of the commerce, ensure public safety and position ourselves for rapid response. currently the coast guard's aircraft, blood response asset and response personnel throughout florida ready for immediate deployment. fema and ready for those who need it most. thousands of personal deployed throughout the department appointment security not only from fema and u.s. coast guard but also cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency and tsa. today i will activate the dhs search capacity so we can bring to bear additional personnel from across the department support disaster survivors in florida. when a catastrophic event hits,
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dhs approaches response and recovery work with full extent of resources and capabilities. our work in support of those affected by the will continue in the days, weeks and months to come. this is not just here today and gone tomorrow, we are here is the president articulated throughout the need of full recovery. in that regard with respect of puerto rico as president mentioned yesterday i approved temporary target jones act waiver to ensure the people of puerto rico sufficient diesel to run generators used for electricity functioning critical facilities as they recover from hurricane fiona. we are in it for the long haul. my pleasure to turn it over to administer dan crystal fema.
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>> i like to begin by thanking the president for being here at fema's national ordination response center, this is the heartbeat of what we do here and where we bring the federal family together, these are amazing public servants. i like to think the president for signing the crew act this morning. find us our dedicated public servants from across the federal family. behind us are dedicated and working tirelessly day in and day out to get help for those who need it most. his servants but the needs of others before their own. in these are the public service we count on to respond to america's worst days. this is what the full force of the federal family looks like here behind me. i'd like to recognize every person here as well as those in the ground in florida and those
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supporting core office in atlanta for the extraordinary efforts they put forth during this historic response. millions of floridians navigating aftermath is one of the most catastrophic events they've experienced. they been in the path of hurricane ian for the lives forever changed and they will simply never be the same. in america woke up this money to images like nabel and cape coral to merge under water across fort myers torn from their foundations and they been found blocked from where they were hurricane ian is a life-threatening storm had expecting the storm to continue
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making its way to georgia, south carolina and north carolina maintaining tropical storm force winds, deadly storm surge and rainfall up to 12 inches. as many have said, hurricane ian will be a storm we talk about for decades but when hurricane ian became a threat, we have the right teams in place ready to answer the call of those who need us most. heroic first responders and search and rescue teams running toward danger to save lives the brave medical teams providing compassionate lifesaving care and emergency managers working side by side to tackle challenge challenge after challenge and our partners the in the critical the data hour after hour and
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voluntary partners providing food and shelter to those who lost everything. thank you, thank you and our nation thanks you. we know next few days are going to be difficult, complex problems we will have to solve but like i said we have the right teams in place ready to help those who need us most. as i shared with the president moments ago search and rescue misconduct are taking place across the impacted areas by land, air and sea. we have teams entering facility like hospital sent about care facilities have the support they need to care for the patient or evacuate them is still needed. we have restoration teams making their way into devastating communities that help bring communities back online and while we are focused on
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lifesaving life-sustaining response operations we are launching recovery mission. in her agency recovery group is planning for long-term recovery needs such as housing, debris removal and critical infrastructure repair as we know it's going to be a complex recovery. as you have heard the president signed overnight major disaster declaration unlocks critical assistance and they jumpstart road to recovery. individuals and families they can register for assistance and begin recovery process are fema apps or call 18621 fema. now that the sun is up and we
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are continuing to do assessments, we will add more individual assistance. the next two days are going to be. we have complex problems to solve but like i said we have the right teams in place ready to help those who need it most and regardless how bad it is i commit to everyone here today fema and our partners across the federal, state and local level remain ready and prepared to help these communities in the greatest time of need. thank you. >> we didn't mention the red cross, they are there and they've stepped up to need to step up. >> your conversation with governor desantis. >> totally relevant but he
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commented me and thanked me for immediate response we had and told me how much he appreciated it and was extremely happy was going on, this is not about our disagreements politically, it's saving lives, homes and businesses. i've talked to them four or five times already and it's not a matter of disagreement. >> is russia responsible the nord stream two pipeline structure? >> let's stick with this. there's a lot of important -- we are here too talk about america thank you. [applause]
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a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from michigan. ms. stabenow: thank you, mr. president. i ask suspension of the quorum call. ifer officer we're not in a quorum call. the presiding officer: well, good. utter he one step ahead of me. ms. stabenow: first as in legislative session is i ask that the execute the order relate to h.r. 8982. the presiding officer: officer the text of the bill be identical to the bill of the introduced bill, the bill is considered read a third time. the question is on passage of the bill. all in favor say aye. those opposed, say no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the bill is passed. under the previous order, the motion is reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table. ms. stabenow: mr. president. thank you, mr. president. i rise today to pay tribute to my longtime staff member, jacqueline schneider. after more than 11 years by my
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side on the agriculture and nutrition and forestry committee, jacqueline is starting a new chapter in they are professional career. and i have absolutely no doubt that she will excel in everything that she does because that's the kind of person jacqueline is. in 2011 when i first became chairwoman of the agriculture and nutrition and forestry committee, jacqueline joined my team as a senior professional staff member, and i was so lucky that she d -- did. she had been working for a congressman from california but she was from michigan, and so it was great to get this michigan native working for our state again. and it was great to have a fellow redhead on the agriculture committee. she quickly became a crucial part of my team. one of the first things you learn about jacqueline is that she's tough. you definitely don't want her to be on the opposite side of the negotiating table from you, and
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-- the opposite side from her, and i'm really lucky she was on my side of thetain. and i'll challenge you to find anyone who better understands agriculture issues, the breadth of agricultural issues. but in particular nutrition. jacqueline is a relentless advocate, a relentless advocate for nutrition policies that benefit children, benefit seniors, families, and she played a huge role in our passing the 2014 farm bill and the 2018 farm bill, which has frankly led to many successes now even in implementing those provisions that president biden has done. and many of those we celebrated yesterday at a white house conference on hunger and nutrition and health. she is sea not just technically knowledgeable, she's also
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unflappable and politically salvevestment -- savvy. and america's ag producers and america's families have benefited enormously from her dedication and her hard work. some of the fondest memories i have are from our 2014 trip to africa. it was with members of -- women members of the agriculture committee and another -- a number of other women senators, the first and i think maybe to this date the only all-women senators codel, mr. president, that has been done in the united states senate. over the course of ten days, we visited five countries on two continents. many of our stops were in very rural areas where we met with women farmers, and it was very inspiring. the codel focused on food security, global hunger, and empowering women and girls as
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well as agricultural trade. given her deep knowledge and passion for these issues, jacqueline was an amazing resource for our senate delegation. jacqueline, thank you so much for your dedication and years of hard work on behalf of american agriculture and american families, and i have to say particularly on behalf of michigan. i'm going to miss you as part of the team, and i wish you incredible success and happiness in your new venture. mr. president, i yield the floor. i suggest the absence of a quorum if that is in order. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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thank you all for being here. first on behalf of the entire republican conference i want to say our thoughts and prayers are with everybody in florida as they see the hurricanes continue to move through. we'll do everything in our power to help them get averaged out to governor desantis. a number of authority and members are home now working in their district. as we are in the final hours here of this legislative session
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the american people are continuing to ask can they afford it? they watch what has happened with one-party rule in washington where democrats control the white house, the senate, the house the department of education, the supply-chain and what have they seen? a body of democrats united to spend so much, even when the democrats warned them not to do it. when larry summers the former secretary of treasury told them not to send the $2 trillion that it would harm americans they went forward anyway. and steve rattner adviser to president obama calls it the original sin of inflation. when they attacked american
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energy that said opec the supply. we watch the price of gas rise again to create inflation. when the cries of the democrats who voted to defund the police, to work as hard as they did to elect prosecutors prosecutors to uphold the law we watched crime rise throughout. when they watched the change of policies of our border more than 3.5 million who have come across and fentanyl the number one of our children between the ages of 18 and 45. 300 americans will be poisoned today and died because of fentanyl. that's the equivalent of one airline crashing each and every day in america. but the administration ignores
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it. so what has this one-party rule of democrats brought us? higher prices with inflation. my question to every single american, can you afford to give up one month's wages, an entire month of your wages, can you afford to give that? most everyone would say no. unfortunately entered the democrats that's what they have taken from you. one month as a .3% of your whole year's salary and that's what inflation has done. they told you to continue to have to pay all your bills. only have 11 of 12 months to do it in. we watched the prices of gas go up, inflation rise the borders unsecured and kids left behind because of their policies during the pandemic. the american public is asking us to the question, could you afford it?
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could it be different? republican support for the last year and a half and we have the commitment to america. the policies that create a plan to put us on the new track. the plan for an economy that is strong, or you can fill up your tank and feed your family where paychecks grow and not shrink, a plan for a nation that is safe where communities are did, law enforcement is respected and criminals are prosecuted. it's a plan for his future that is built on freedom where children come first and are taught to dream big. a plan for government that is accountable, for politicians don't get special treatment and americans get answers. the truth is we simply cannot afford two more years of democrat control.
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it is our commitment to the american public, a plan for a new direction to make sure that the next century is the american century. with that i want to introduce steve scalise. [applause] >> thank you kevin and i too want to extend my prayers and thoughts to the people of florida and south carolina as they face the devastation of hurricane ian. we are here today on the backdrop of the capitol as we get ready to go back into our communities around the country and as we go around the country you are hearing the same recurring theme, families are struggling under the weight of big government socialism. with joe biden and nancy pelosi have done in the last two years to ram through trillions in spending, mountains of heavy regulation and more big government socialism it's hurting the lower income families of america.
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it's costing people jobs. it's making it harder for them to put food on the table and people are saying enough is enough. and they are losing hope. the good news is we are providing hope and what the commitment to america represents, we are laying out to the american people a plan, vision for the future bolton served ideas that actually confront these problems that nancy pelosi, joe biden and all the other big government socialist here in washington have done to make things harder for people. we are going to return power back to the people, restore freedom and hope to communities. we are going to get get government out of people's backs and do things like reduce inflation, like bring in energy policy that promotes american energy after we have seen a year and a half of attacks on american energy. when joe biden and nancy pelosi go after american energy it
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fuels higher prices at the pump and people can put less food on the table. we were and prevent -- pennsylvania rolling this out a few days ago we heard from families that are struggling. they talked about how it makes it harder for them to live their normal lives and they talk about the border crisis. we hear from sheriffs like this all the time and unfortunately we hear from corners who tell us thousands of deaths from fentanyl, over 100,000 ovarian people died because joe biden opened the southern border in china makes fentanyl. they know the drug cartels can bring it right across the southern border and it ends up in every community in america which means every community in america is at order town because joe biden will secure the border. republicans if we win the house majority will bring legislation to secure america's border. we are willing to show the country we can do if they give us a republican majority in november and what's interesting is to see the visceral reaction
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that happened literally minutes after we rolled this out. is that nancy pelosi and joe biden not saying they want to work with us to solve these problems. they just went right down the same old failed road of attacking good ideas. they call it maga extremism to lower inflation. nancy pelosi says its it's maga extremism to lower energy costs and to secure america's border. pelosi said this extremism to let parents be involved in their kids education. you know what? if that's what she thinks is extremism maybe it's time for nancy pelosi to go. we are going to fire nancy pelosi and we are going to fight for the american people to restore that hope of the commitment to america to show there's a better way to get this country back on track and restore the american dream for generations to come. without i'm proud to bring up our conference chair a least a sonic.
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[applause] -- a lease stephan make. >> house republicans continue to pray for all of those in hurricane ian's district that path. several 40 members and men they families across america are bracing for this catastrophic disasters it makes its way across the state that across america families are struggling. they are struggling to balance their budgets. seniors including many from my district are draining their savings in the next generation is finding it impossible to afford the american dream. joe biden and house democrats have no plan to address the skyrocketing inflation the highest in my lifetime. they have no plan to secure the border and they have no plan to address the skyrocketing crimes causing chaos in our streets. the american people are smart. they know single party democrat rule has caused these crises. today over 70% of america's
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workers say their wages have fallen behind to the skyrocketing inflation and according to recent polling voters trust republicans over democrats on issue after issue whether it's the economy, whether it's the border, whether it's inflation. it is clear the american people are looking for a new direction and house republicans have a plan. our commitment to america fights back against the democrats radical agenda. it will bring in reckless spending to combat inflation combat inflation pretty well and joe biden's open border policies in an secure seven border p. will rollback democrats soft on crime policies supporting or law enforcement. we will unleash american energy dominance and defend our constitutional freedom. americans cannot afford to live under democrats failed rule anymore and help is on the way. in just 40 days house republicans will fire lame-duck
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speaker nancy pelosi once nancy pelosi once and nancy pelosi wants a brawl hold joe biden accountable for his failed leadership and save america. in a new republican majority we will create an economy that strong a nation that is safe a feature that's built upon freedom and a government that's accountable. this is our commitment to america and i'm honored to introduce our colleague congressman ashley hentgen of iowa. >> morning everyone. we all know last year president biden and speaker pelosi. >> and and and now we are all paying the price of that as inflation away at everyone's paychecks. america cannot support one party rule any longer. one in six americans are behind on their utility bills. grocery prices are up 13.5% annually. iowa farmers are grappling with sky-high fertilizer and food
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prices and mortgage rates at are the highest that they have been since 2008. so while democrats continue to double down on reckless spending including in their foreign to billion-dollar loan debt transfer republicans are working on commonsense policies to help assure our economy for everyone. we are committed to combating inflation regaining american energy independence to bring down the cost of gas and electricity here in america and not in china. we believe you should keep more of your hard-earned money and you know how to spend your money in your paycheck better than the government can. republicans we have a plan to get our economy back on track but first those important steps in doing so we are electing a republican house majority to close president biden's check book and put a check on this administration. we are committed to a strong economy and we are committed to
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working families and committed to a strong america. now it's my honor to introduce my colleague from texas mayra flores. [applause] >> thank you leader mccarthy and fellow colleagues. on june 14 and became the first mexican born congresswoman ever elected in congress and the commitment to america is fighting exactly for that, for the american dream. a nation that is safe that is what all americans want and that's what we will deliver with a commitment to america. as a mother of four children and a representative of the border district i can say the situation we find ourselves in today both as a nation and as a community is disturbing. the status quo cannot stand. we have borders that are being over run with people and drugs of which aren't benefiting drug
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cartels and human smugglers. we have communities where local leaders have abandoned their citizens, citizens that are elected to that position and protecting criminals and gang members over mothers and fathers. places where community leaders have turned their backs on the police in their daily heroic efforts to keep us all safe. we have drugs coming into our community, our schools, our homes destroyed the lives of our children ripping apart the fabric of our country's most valuable treasure our families. this ends here in this ends now. i've been as an elected leader we have a responsibility to lead our communities our country and our youth to a better tomorrow. not only by fixing what ails us today. by positioning ourselves to tackle the challenges of the next 10, 20 or 50 years and it
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starts in november. the commitment to america's not just a roadmap to a better tomorrow, it's a roadmap to a better america. we all want an economy that is strong, nation that is safe and a future built on freedom, government that is accountable do we the people. today we stand in front of you to bring you this. we will get it done and we will make our country more secure and make america the best place to live, work and raise a family. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish]
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[speaking spanish] thank you and god bless america. [applause] we will hear from our colleague congressman burgess owens. [applause] >> i'm the father of six children and 16 grandchildren. my dream is that they one day -- of every past immigration.
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it's always been about children into it's the american way. the family start teaching our children what freedom looks like what it means and where it comes from. a founding father thomas jefferson. house republicans are committed to future built on freedom. for far too many decades or children have been betrayed by an antiquated unfair system to the of the world and prepared angry a country framed by a system focused more on the welfare of your craft and labor union bosses than our precious children. the republican party's commitment to america will get us back on track. to avoid the past and ensure transparency is restored to moms and dads. we'll make it very clear that parents are the primary stakeholders for their children's education. we are going to to assure the that only biological girls can compete in girls sports. it's called good old-school american common sense and fairness.
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we are going to expand education so that every child in america has an opportunity to succeed. the single moms across the country specially those who live in democratic cities of detroit new york baltimore and california. every night there's a child in the poverty cycle. i promise you help is on the way. the republican party's commitment to america will allow him to future an opportunity to look back on november 2022 as her nations turning point. the point at which we once again begin to build our children's future on a foundation of freedom. there'll be a point of clarity for all american children were guarding the vision of martin luther king and regardless of race creed color or city. free at last, free at last,
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thank god almighty free at last. we are on our way. hang in there. [applause] >> thank you burgess. we will now hear from her colleague congressman jamie comer. >> i want to thank my colleagues are coming together as we present america the republican plan to get our country back. across this country americans feel ignored by washington. the biden administration is treated multiple crises that impact their daily lives. with democrats one-party rule in washington there has been absolutely zero accountability. in fact if you look at the house oversight committee we have had zero biden cabinet officials. we haven't even had any high-level biden cabinet administrators in front of the oversight committee but two years ago during the trump administration there were dozens
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and dozens of cabinet officials that came before the committee. as part of our commitment to america republicans are prepared to restore transparency and hold washington accountable. republicans have been pushing for months to hold hearings on the many pressing crises created by the biden administration. inflation remains at a 40 year high. energy prices are rising. the border is open to illicit drugs and illegal immigration. teens are dying from fentanyl. students are behind kind because democrats for so long and many families are stressed wondering how they are going to make ends meet. the biden administration officials and the unaccountable federal bureaucracy will no longer be able to hide behind closed doors. they are going to be held accountable for their actions. house republicans have officially put the biden administration on notice. this is the beginning of this congress house republicans have sent 500 requests for information and documents.
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republicans are united in their effort to conduct oversight and hold the biden white house accountable for its incompetence at home and abroad. since president biden two is democrats have turned up wide-eyed and completely abandon oversight. one nonpartisan group even gave democrats an oversight committee a -- under republican leadership congress will fulfill its conked additional duty to conduct oversight rooting out and fraud abuse and mismanagement of the federal government. when backed by the many tools the many two of the, the gavel the american people will finally get some answers they deserve. america's are telling republicans to deliver efficiency and effectiveness and to protect their taxpayer dollars and americans can count on republicans to hold the biden administration accountable. this is our commitment to america. thank you. [applause]
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c and 40 days americans have the decision. do they want an economy that is strong to make america energy independent to lowering gas prices? the they want a nation that will secure their borders and not defund the police. do they want a future that's built on freedom where you have -- to sustain your kids education. do they want a government that's accountable, check and balance. it will be different and that's our commitment to you. if you and trust us with the majority that's exactly what we'll do. on the very first day our very first bill we will -- the 87,000 irs agents.
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[applause] because your government should be here to help you not to go after you. that's the difference with the new majority. now let's open it up for questions. i'm worried about america. can we afford to continue one-party rule where inflation is taken a higher salary and a board about americans who can't afford electricity costs that are five times higher than 20 million americans can't pay today. 300 will die today because the democrats have opened up the borders to the cartels and now bringing poison from china and killing america. i'm worried about today and can we afford this lost learning these kids that are left behind in my parents simply want to go to a school board meeting the
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doj would call them terrorists. am worried about today that you have no check and balance. we do not know what happened in the last days of the afghanistan which took 13 gold star families. i'm worried about today and will tomorrow be better equipped? the end 40 days we can make a difference. >> i have a great deal of trust in governor desantis. i watched his leadership in the house and i've watched his leadership at a crisis time in the nation. i have no concern of his ability to carry out the election and no concerns about the idea of what he's prepared ahead of time to help the citizens and will do anything in our power to help them as well.
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>> i think our dollar should go further and we should always -- the most important thing in the military is to make sure you have the most and you never have to use it. i've watched what has happened under the biden obama administration before the hypersonic that china and russia pulled ahead of us. it's a real concern. i'm concerned about our troops on the frontlines that they have the resources they need to protect them. we have a lot of people who have served in the military and i think they know what's best for the ability abilities make sure you're protected for future that america is the strongest and will never have to go war. and our commitment to america we thought clearly that we are here to protect children and mothers and we are clear about that. i'm concerned about how
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grassroots the doma crist's opponent how extreme. they no longer support the hi amendment or they will simply say with tax dollars you wouldn't be a corporation for president biden in his 40 years of office here supported the hi amendment that now they are so extreme go-go all the way to have an abortion at birth. i get real concern by that. yes, maam. [inaudible] >> we are going to -- the number and promise it made to make them public is we'll get to von the
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truth will let the truth take us to wherever it goes and will uphold the law and whatever we need to do. yes, maam. we just went through four years of watching a political impeachment. we watched for four years where we learned even today that adam schiff to the mecca in public and now we find out he went to the freshmen democrats to write the article because they knew nancy pelosi would move for him peach minute was all predetermined. we'll uphold the law and we will not play politics with it and we will do whatever is in the nature that the rules and facts take us too. yes, maam. [inaudible] we don't underestimate anything but one thing we do know is we went across this country in the last almost two years and the american public was hurting. they are hurting when it comes
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to the cost of living. everyday when i go to the grocery store and how much it costs. new mothers and fathers can't get baby formula for their children. the price of gas continues to rise and americans have to made the decision on where they can go. their children are being left behind because of the policies that they go to a school board meeting and they are called terrorists simply because they want to have a say in their kids education. a border for 3 million people have come across wary of people on the watch list and fentanyl the number one for people between the ages of 18 and 45. no accountability and if you list the congressman comb or. we have a responsibility. the american people have an opportunity. in 40 days will make this promise to you. we will work for you and not the other way around. it's our commitment to america.
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thank you and god bless. [applause]
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quorum call: first of all you are doing it with a job. you really, really are.
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one of the things i think is so important is there's a lot along the way. you are coordinating all of this. people understand exactly what's going on. they look at the television at the middle of the eye of the storm and they wonder, they wonder if we have coordinated. you all are doing it. you are keeping people's faith in the institutions and cannot work. the government is here to serve man as a working and you are tef people out there on the line and
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risking their lives so thank you, thank you, thank you. folks i'm here at fema headquarters to thank homeland security secretary mayorkas the coast guard meghan and the commanding general of the army corps of engineers lieutenant general spelman and the famed yesterday has become the mvp. and the entire workforce and many other federal agencies working together here. there are always going to be above and beyond moving towards danger to save lives. most people want to run away from it and these guys run toward it. and it really matters. he really matters and they are helping survivors that are in desperate need. that's what we are doing is we focus on delivering help to people directly affected by hurricane ian.
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it made landfall yesterday and it is still moving across the state today. this could need the deadliest hurricane in florida's history. the numbers are still unclear but we are hearing early reports of what may be substantial loss of life. parenthetically i've spoken with governors and the mayors and commissioners and been on the phone with the governors this morning. i spoke with commissioners and mayors and they are worried that every one of them are telling me what an incredible job they have done to save their cities towns and counties and courts bridges etc.. in the face of serious danger search-and-rescue operations got underway before dawn this morning with the people stranded and in desperate shape.
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water rescues critical in the coast guard deployed 16 rescue helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft and 18 rescue boats and crews. and several search-and-rescue teams are stage aborted the governor talked about what the coast guard is doing this might be due to dangerous missions and i'm grateful for the brave women and men federal state and local government working as one team risking their lives to save others and we are going to learn a lot more in the coming hours. we know many families are hurting, many. many are hurting today and our entire country hurts with them. it's been all over the country in florida today at the epicenter. we are continuing to see deadly rainfall catastrophic storm surges roads and homes flooded and we are seeing millions of people without power and thousands hunkered down in
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schools and community centers. they are wondering what's going to be left in what's going to be left when they go home quote unquote home and if that is they have a home to go to prison the folks that have been through this before but that doesn't make it any easier. actually it makes anxiety hired my view. my message to the people of florida and the country at times like this america comes together. we will pull together as one team and one american. the first thing this morning when i talked to governor desantis and offered the fullest federal support earlier this week i approved his request for the pre-landfall emergency declaration to provide direct federal assistance to the state for emergency protective measures to save lives including search-and-rescue shelter and food. earlier this morning approved the governor's most recent request for an expedited disaster declaration. that means the federal government will cover 100% of the cost to clear debris and for
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all the costs the state has to engage in to save lives. the federal government will also cover the majority of the cost of rebuilding public buildings like schools and fire stations. folks in florida who have destroyed or damaged homes if you don't have an adventure and it means the federal government will provide individual assistance of the $37,900 for home repairs and another $37,900 for lost properties and anything from an automobile to a lost wedding ring. that's what i mean by lost property. i've also spoken with mayors across the state republicans and democrats and i told them the same thing, we are here with -- whatever you need calm me directly at the white house. they know how to do that. we'll do everything we can to provide whatever they need. the dispatch over 1000 fema
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personnel and pre-positioned major federal capacity in supplies and that includes millions of liters of water millions of meals and hundreds of generators. they deployed dozens of search-and-rescue teams along with high water vehicles and rescue helicopters to help get survivors to safety. thousands of national guard members have been enacted and at my church and the department of defense is providing the search capacity on multiple fronts to supporters in famous efforts and i want to say again to everyone in en's path the danger is real. please obey all warnings and directions are my emergency officials and while the water is receding don't go outside unless you absolutely have to. it's risky for you and impeach first responders from doing their jobs and i want to say again the oil and gas executives
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do not, do not, do not use the storm as an excuse to raise gasoline prices to gouge the american public. the price of oil has dropped in recent weeks and the price of gas should be going down as rapidly and it's not. my experts inform me the production of only 160,000 barrels a day have been impacted by the storm. that's less than 2% of our countries daily production. it's small and impact on oil production provides no excuse, no excuse for price increases at the pump. not. the gas station companies try to use the storm to raise prices and i'm going to ask officials to look into whether or not price-gouging is going on. america is watching and they should do the right thing. i expect them to do the right thing. while we are saying the devastation in florida i want to
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be clear to the people of puerto rico i am committed to you in the recovery of the island. we will stand by you for a however long it takes to get it done. we know the folks at fame and across the federal government are working nonstop around-the-clock. that's why finally i want to thank the first responders the national guard, the coast guard and service servicemembers and the search-and-rescue personnel are working to get people to safety and to restore power water and phone lines and i want to thank everyone here at fema and other federal personnel. a senior in action all across the country from the west coast to the northwest to the northeast down in louisiana and all across the country and justin last two weeks you have been working 24 sevenths no matter what when an emergency happens schema is always there.
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we deserve the nation's gratitude and full support. right now is the national guard is called the beacon so keep your job. if you're a fema reserve that's not the case. that's why earlier this morning i signed into law the bipartisan crew act championed by gary peters and bob portman and john katco and we signed it but that law will ensure fema reservists have job protection just like military do just like military service but when you're called up to help with the disaster you can now focus on that mission without worrying you might lose your job, your day job or receive a penalty from work. that's what the crew act guarantees. it's going to help people to come and gain more civilian reserves out there that will make fema stronger. it will make america stronger or
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that's who we are. every time disaster strikes emergency crews from all over the country, all over the country from across the federal government show up to help like they are doing right now in florida. that's america. a country of women and men willing to serve willing to leave their own families to help a stranger's family. everyone hard at work in florida right now deserves our thanks. when the conditions allow it i will go to florida to thank them personally and we will do our best to build florida back as quickly as possible. we will build it back with the state and local government. however long it takes we are going to be there. that's my commitment. i will now turn it over to secretary mayorkas. steven thank you very much
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mr. president. our hearts go out to the people who benefit did in areas and dh is our highest priority is the preservation of life and safety. dhs is working with their federal, state and local and nongovernmental partners to support the needs of the area that are and may be impacted by hurricane ian. i want to thank the president for his leadership in signing a major disaster declaration that unlocks critical assistance to help jumpstart impacted floridians road to recovery. see my in the united states coast guard are focused on lifesaving and life sustaining response operations and we are launching a recovery mission. the coast guard has completed extensive preparations in advance of hurricane ian to minimize impacts to maritime commerce, ensure public safety and position ourselves for a rapid response. currently the coast guard aircraft cutters flood response
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and response personnel are ready for immediate deployment. fema has people in place ready to help those who need it most. we have thousands of our personnel deployed throughout the department of homeland security not only from fema and the united states coast guard but also from our cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency and tsa. today i will be activating the dhs surge capacity force so that we can bring to bear additional personnel from across the department to support disaster survivors in florida. when a catastrophic event hits dhs oppresses response and recovery work with the full expanse of our resources and capable i ian will continue in the days, weeks and months to come.
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this is not just here today and gone tomorrow. do we are here and as articulated throughout the time for a full recovery and did not regard with respect to puerto rico as the president mentioned yesterday approved a temporary and targeted jones act waiver to ensure the people of puerto rico have sufficient diesel to run generators needed for electricity and the functioning of critical facilities as they recover from hurricane fiona. we are in it for the long-haul. now it's my pleasure to turn it over to administrator criswell a fema. >> thank you mr. secretary. i would first like to begin by thanking the president are being here and meeting them at the national response corp. is response corp. the sun center but but this is the heartbeat of what we do. this is where we bring the federal family together. these are amazing public
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servants. i'd also like to thank the president for signing the crew act earlier this morning. mr. president behind us here for decades -- dedicated public servants have been working tirelessly day in and day out to get help to those who need us most. these are the dedicated public servants of both the needs of others before their own and these are the public servants who we can count on to respond to americans. this is what the full force of the federal family looks like right here behind me. i'd like to recognize every single person here as well as those on the ground in florida and those supporting our regional office in atlanta for the extraordinary efforts that they have put forth during this historic emergency response. we have been brought together here in a moment when millions of floridians are navigating the aftermath of what is going to be
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one of the most catastrophic events they have ever experienced. my heartaches for those people who been in the path of hurricane ian for the lives that have been forever changed and the communities that will simply never be the same. america woke up this morning to images in naples punta gorda and cape coral submerged underwater. homes across fort myers that have been torn from their foundation and boats boats that have been found blocks away from where they were more. hurricane ian is still a very life-threatening storm. we are expecting the storm to continue making its way to georgia, south carolina and into north carolina. maintaining tropical storm force winds, deadly storm surge and rainfall of up to 12 inches. as many have said hurricane ian is going to be a storm that we
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talk about for decades. but from the moment hurricane ian became a threat we already had the right teams in place who were ready to answer the call of those that need us the most. the heroic first responders and search-and-rescue teams that have been running towards danger to save lives to the grave medical team providing compassionate and lifesaving care to the local state and federal merchants the managers working side-by-side to tackle the challenge after challenge to her meteorological partners who have been providing us with critical weather data hour after hour and the voluntary partners providing food and shelter to those who have just lost everything. i thank you, all of you and we thank you and our nation thanks you. we know that the next few days are going to be difficult.
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we have very complex problems that we will have to solve. like i said we have the right teams in place who are ready to help those who need us most. as if they shared with the president just moments ago search-and-rescue missions are already taking place across the impacted areas by land air and sea. we have teams ensuring critical health facilities and adult care facilities to make sure they have the support they need to care for their patients or evacuate them if needed and we have power restoration teams making their way to devastated communities to help bring communities back on line and while we are focused on lifesaving and life sustaining response operations we are launching a recovery mission. an interagency recover group is started planning for the long-term recovery needs such as housing and critical infrastructure repairs. as we know this is going to be a complex recovery.
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as you have heard over to the president signed overnight a major disaster declaration that unlocks critical assistance to help these communities jumpstart their road to recovery. individuals and families right now in charlotte, collier de soto hillsborough lee manatee pinellas and sarasota can now register for assistance and begin their recovery process. you can register by visiting disaster there are fema app or by calling 1-800-621-fema. 1-800-621-we will add more counties. the next few days we are going to be difficult when we have complex problems to solve. like i said we have the right teams in place who are ready to help when it's needed the most regardless of how bad it is we
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commit to everyone here today that fema and our partners across the federal state local level remain ready and repaired to help these communities in their greatest time of need. thank you. >> let me had one more thing. the red cross. the red cross is there and they are always there and they have stepped up and they continue to step up. i want to thank them as well. >> how would you describe your ration chip in your conversation with governor desantis. >> it to revel in. he complimented me and he thanked me for the immediate response and he told me how much he appreciated it and was extremely happy with what's going on. this is not about having to do with their disagreements politically. this is about saving peoples lives homes homes and businesses. that's what this is about. i talk to him were five times are ready and it's not a matter
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of my disagreements with him on other items. >> any news on the rupture the nord stream pipeline? >> there are important international issues that we are here to talk about america. thank you. thank you. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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