tv Helen Raleigh Backlash CSPAN October 7, 2022 11:02pm-12:16am EDT
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el >> the academy of the american dream, born and raised in communist china helen came to the us as a college student she didn't know anybody and have less than $100 in her pocket like millions of immigrants with a create a creative on —- creative for freedom her dreams were rich through hard work and scholarship she earned her masters degree of business
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economics from the state university of new york and mba from university of wyoming the author several books including her first book if you haven't read i highly recommend to describe the family struggle to survive under the communist regime. also appearing in "the a wall street journal", fox news national review newsweek and other national media also serving on several boards and commissions in metro denver where she lives with her husband mike those include the colorado state advisory committee to us commission on civil rights what impose on —- impresses me most is her courage and love of america and precious freedom. tote protect and defend the united states of america very seriously by publishing her latest book which is for sale
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in the library her book backlash how china's aggression has backfired shining a spotlight on her tactics of the chinese communist party and is providing a wake-up call to americans who embrace socialist ideologies like those she and her family painfully endured in china. so this display of courage, helen has been ruthlessly attacked on s social media and regularly received hate mail in her inbox even including death threats. but as helen says i simply cannot remain silent on things that matter because as mlk junior went said our lives begin and end the day we become silent about things that matter let's give a warm welcome to heaven raleigh. [applause]
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>> good evening. it's so nice to be back to the steamboat institute and thank you i am a great admirer of all the work the institute has done over the years and for those of you who are here supporting the great institute for those of you who will watch this someday on the yointernet and social media i encourage you to check out this great institution and give your support for those events of freedom for all americans and will keep my remarks short because one thing i love about steamboat institute is it always attracts the most educated so
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every time i speak your get the most thoughtful questions i want the interaction i'm hungry for interaction i want to keep my remarks brief but i want to know what is on your mind for china policy and what you think we should do. so i will focus on three questions in my remarks those who will be why did write this book and the second question is this book talks about aggression so they say really there is backlash but where does the backlash come from so why do i write this book is short answer is like all of
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you i couldn't go anywhere for more than a year but the serious question is an out of frustration i am frustrated because for four decades since nixon visited china and for f four decades and it is based on the need to understand what the communist party really is. the misunderstanding is as well as we engaged the communist party that means if there is a mcdonald's send people will change the routine will change so for the longest of time such as the united
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states but all western democracy with the illusion that as long as we engage in the communist party economically, eventually it will become more like us more open and embrace the democracy so by now we realize that is an allusion that is part of my frustration still not all decision-makers recognize that i'm not saying economic engagement was a bad idea because i myself was a beneficiary so i grew up everything with rations was limited supply to get up three or 4:00 o'clock in the morning to stand in line outside of a
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grocery store to get cooking oil or sugar i remember the first time i went to the mcdonald's first and went and opened in beijing the onlyot thing i got was an apple pie. it was only this big but it took me 20 minutes because i savored every bite. i never had something so sweet and tasty. now i stay away from them. [laughter] but back then i did not care. so to me it wasn't the freedom of liberty it was apple pie inspired me to go to the places that you can have as much sugar as you want. so i am the beneficiary of that economic engagement so what we didgo wrong and i say
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american government and business is we assume unconditional economic engagement would somehow change behaviors we forgot who we are dealing with the true communist party so working at the true character of the communist party it is a party that believes in raw power and to do anything and then do anything to remain in power power is the only justification that's where the communist party has been deeply hostile to democratic values because they see every democrat with free and open election and rule of law and the opposition party we see
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all of the democratic values as challenged to the party's ability to take power and stay in power the communist party will never change will never embrace democracy so we have to treat them as who they really are not who we wish them to be. this is it mostly for the policymakers but when i wrote the book i keep you in mind because we the people need to become educated because the incentive is how do they get reelected? so we need tooel be smart checking out the policies with a constitutional republic.
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and with policy decisions. so here are the issues and that is the form policy dealing with china. and then to say look past the rhetoric to see what what is the form policy that you advocate? and we need to do that. and in conditional economic engagement and also to compromise the democratic values.
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and after the teeeleven square massacre in 1989 china was still a very weak state the gdp per capita was about $400 per person so we have a lot of economic political revlimid on —- leverage but we did not do that instead the us and all of our allies pretend we don't see them with that continued engagement hoping something will change. guess what cracks for decades later because of the unconditional economy engagement now we are dealing with a authoritarian to reach empowered by our technologies and investments at the expense of our own economic decline and now seeking power not just
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a nation china but also the abomination of how they can have order that is different from the other order from the peace and prosperity from world war ii even know there is a lot of content it is a way to understand center back to the first question. why did i write the book? the second question what aggressions were talking about china and then to describe it as peeling an onion. so we focused on the domestic aggression and with the human rights violation in the persecution as well as the
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mass surveillance assist system i call it the digital prison that the communist party party is building so that is layer one and then licking under the historical content and then they target the persecution of the christians and how do they build the digital fortress? but also to focus t on the softer tactic that is true there are a lot of brutalities imprisonment, forced abortion so also with the soft tactics
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it is about a social contract in today's communist party that as long as i can guarantee then you should not demand for freedom or political rights. is that enough because in this interview i read of the tibetan businessman he is pretty wealthy he told the foreign journalist, yes my standard of living has improved. to cars, several houses i do not lack of anything in the materialk life. but i cannot worship whoever i want. not allowed to openly display the picture of dalai lama. my children do not know how to speak tibetan because they arere
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only taught mandarin not the tibetan culture i applied for passport butct have been rejected multiple times and the government will not let me travel abroad. i have everything except freedom. that is why i say it's very important that we in the west care we should also focus the soft tactics. i describe the soft tactics because they sedate you to think you should be happy you have a roof over your head, food on the table with that's not just to we are as human beings. we wantke more. we need to focus on the hard tactics and the soft tactics when it comes to oppression.
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layer number two is a hotspots for me 91 —- mainland china what's happening in hong kong, taiwan in the south china sea. i will be glad to answer questions aboutti hong kong and taiwan there's a lot of content in the book also i attentionrect your to the south china sea not only to reflect the new tactic but that's dealing with the communist party it's a new tactic with each aggression but we are playing a catch-up game so what's happening on the south china sea? is the initial trial run so it means without using the
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military so if you enable a country to expand its territory without having to fight the traditionalio war. so this work when china expands to the south china sea and with a body of water in southeast asia so 90 percent of the trade goes in china and the several countries including malaysia and vietnam share claims on this body of water so there is a historical dispute of what area is yours versus mine? it's also the area with oil and gas deposits but is a huge deposit of natural resources. you cannd understand why all the country share the body of water with the economic
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interest to maintain their claim so what china did was with the first administration it came up with a genius idea the first occupational island in the south china sea. the united states did not object all the other countries nearby were sure what they were doing but then to make sure we can have a station here to help when fishermen get into trouble or report the weather or shipping so people said okay. that's fine so from the first island within 20 years china reclaimed 3000 acresre of land building that occupational onisland to have runway hangers.
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and then china also declared to establish the district but now it's also china territory so by doing that that claim of the south china sea is now at 90 percent so generally to have the shared international body w of water now it's in their own backyard and now fishermen want to access it with the oil exploration really the coast guard sometimes translated to drive them out to protect china's
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territory. if i build it, it is my a strategy. you can understand that because now based on success of the south china sea we exact the same strategy on land with the disc land border dispute so the magazine foreign policy last month published a stunning discovery. basically with a small country to share borders with can with china even though it is disputed and for the longest time so once they build it is
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there's that basically it's also adjacent to india andde they have been fighting border wars for the last several decades. so china plays the long game which of the three villages that go to the holy land? and then to make a land exchange that i will give you three villages if you give me this area right next to india. they really want the other area. so so far it's a small country doesn't pretend it doesn't know what has happened but the foreign-policy was totally
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shocking and the fact this whole continuous expanding so so far received no objections from the united states over western democracy but with my frustration so that's what we need to know we don't currently have a good strategy to push that back that is the second layer of china mainland. the third layer is about the china global expansion and this is a big area because it covers so many things the economics standpoint launching a huge massive infrastructure so to finance infrastructures
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using china's on suppliers and their own workers really just to borrow money from the chinese bank but if they could not pay back it's a trap so now they have to lease their land or have chinese resources. so it is a genius idea and the obama administration and thought about it it's called the new silk road like so many other things we thought about it was an idea but then we lose focus and shift attention and then put the huge resources behind it and then on the education front from
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the confucius institute and in the program that china is actively approaching scientist as well as researchers in that technology area to say i will pay you and give you tenure of money all you have to do is bring the research that you are currently doing share with us to keep it quiet from your employers. so last year if you read "the wall street journal" for the first time us department of justice charged a harvard chemistry professor that he was sharing his technology with china secretly and by the way he is researching it was not only foundered by harvard
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but the departmentt of defense using our tax dollars with the chinese university and there is huge information worth of china special on the social media and it shows about 50 percent of the retweets of the chinese diplomat treat on —- tweets are favorable to china in about the coronavirus. but 50 percent of the retweets came from paid troll accounts from china.
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our technology company has been very slow to respond to that even now they are gradually finding what is coming out and closing them but instead of closing them all those lies and retweets give the impression that this may be something legitimate. because they are affiliated with the chinese estate. that is huge with united states and china.
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and so to have a chapter on the pandemic i think really not for all of us but for a i lot of us it was the icing on the cake to explain why we should care about the aggression in the domestic audience. how do they know about the pandemic how doesde the chinese government there was a lot of cover-up in early days now they knew they suppress the scientist in the doctors in the whistleblowers in the media from reporting about it then to interview the citizens
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for what's going on. so it shows first of all for a pandemic the early days of the pandemic is the most crucial time the city you can take action with the limited to the scope half of the chinese government disclosed what they knew about six weeks earlier the pandemic and the scope of the pandemic to be reviewed by 90 percent 90 percent. so it was more transparent so
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that is why when people ask me why should we care because of the pandemic and now you realize the government doesn't care about the well-being of its own people. and then do anything to use stay in power. but that's what we should care about. so let's talk about the backlash i believe there are. and that's what i was writing about it and then i see several sources of the backlash. and of the public opinion so
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pure research and public opinion of the chain is communist leaders president xi dropped 75 percent so because of the pandemic communist party in communist china is actually on unprecedented isolation so to me that is the biggest backlash so with the trump administration i feel they are very friendly to the trump administration we have to give him credit of foreign
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policy. the fact he didn't talk about it as often was the failure of the campaign for reelection. because i mentioned in the book that emmett administration was the first to have secretary pompeo to talk. he's my favorite from the trump administration. it was the first that understood the true nature of the communist party and you heard secretary pompeo talk about it many times so who it really is and for the first time in foreign-policy not only that it was the first administration to with those
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aggression so china has the most powerful army the second largest economy so the cost of anything is very high. so too many of our governments are so afraid because they do not want to bear the cost and to make it known of con founding china so they signed the human rights act they blocked the chinese company in the target the senior communist party official that's never happened before
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so i would call that backlash so at that standpoint you have heard a lot from media especially last year and then nobody follows him but that is not entirely true. many of you have heard about 5g networks but then to have a very deep time with chinese government. and those that are supported by the chinese government and then to build the 5g networks and then the trump
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administration has the allies. so it presents a huge security risk. by the way it has been proved from several allies especially from australia so they have been telling them do not use 5g. under the conservative administration boris johnson last january was saying we will use huawai because it is cheap. but the price was unreasonable nobody could say anything that
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and then actually michael pompeo visited the united kingdom to say they would we will stop sharing intelligence with you. johnson said we will do it because it is cheap. guess what cracks the pandemic happened so the chinese government increases the crackdown of hong kong right in front of our eyes. what is happening is tragic so by may the johnson administration said it will not use huawai to build out the network so then the backlash continued the biden administration with the united kingdom to join together against a few chinese officials over the human rights violation.
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so you see the backlash continued and has not become a bigger wave yet at three come from what the electoral because of the change of the administration the biden administration the general approach anything the trump administration was for or against they actually continue the policy was targeted communist party officials of the chinese companies affiliated with the military but the biden administration my concern that demonstrates
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but there is a gap between what they say and what they do so with trump he makes us cringe speaking of the todictators oh she is my friend. so people with you are really lstrong on national security. but the policy is tough as china. with anniversaries like china and russia. so even though the biden administration with the policy
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in china so what happened in the chinese people in the american people in alaska. so the chinese diplomats came in our invitation. andd so what happened with that meeting that basically theth chinese diplomats the talking points and talking about americans have no right or position to talk about any values to have the racial injustice.
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and for the chinese diplomat but the media talking points. but what is disappointing was but the diplomat could not amount to a strong powerful of our country because we use those as talking points for the campaign and four years that's how they talk about america two. so with the same language about what america is truly greater not.
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so how can they do it? so i will and with a quotation from winston churchill. americans will always do the right thing after they tried everything else. [laughter] we aret probably at a state we are trying everything else but i hope that we educate ourselves and if we can go back to do the right thing. thank you. [applause] >> we have received some good question so let's dive right
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in. earlier this year, china foreign ministry announced china is providing free vaccines and 69 countries in commercially exporting at 28 more. the competitors are concerned for the covid-19 vaccine influence will follow. what are your thoughts on the chinese vaccine diplomacy efforts quick. >> that is a really good question. and then to build the reputation. i continue the good news the vaccination diplomacy is not successful because the chinese vaccine the efficiency is only about 60 percent we don't even know if that is accurate. so even their own cdc in china they are not using an american
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vaccine. and then using the booster shot for their citizens to increase the efficiency of the vaccine. but it does show the relentlessness of the communist party. and then to the power of the world's resources. >> do you think it's accurate atto say china has use the covid crisis to gain influence across the globe? >> so the communist party tried to do that especially on ocsocial media so with that
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investigation in china the whole fact-finding and then to come back with nothing. and china tries to blame the us military who brought it so now the series of the lab leak is now a credible scenario thanks to the researchers of individuals around the world. it is truly amazing story. the media established as well a scientist have rejected the whole other theory's everybody set of trump said it must be a
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lie so not only stop talking about it but actively censor anyone or any scientist or onresearchers who wants to talk about it. guess what cracks it is a free market and the power of the individual. so there is a piece on newsweek a couple of weeks ago they are organizing on their own and basically open source information. open to open source information if everything is found online. and then to find credible evidence it is very likely and then lands in the credibility
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and then to be sentenced to death and then to bring it kback to life. i don't think china is winning the pr war even now countries hesitate to challenge china. and then to do more and the investigation to find the origin of the coronavirus. >> what should the us be doing diplomatically on vaccine distribution to reinforce our allies? >> i think the donation program i'm so glad president biden that they share the
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patent not only violated property rights but it is very difficult to make a vaccine. and theyy do not have the facilities so they will have it for free. and with their vaccine diplomacy. it's a much better option. and now we can donate to make a bigger donation. especially in a country like ryindia. a very important ally with a conflict in china especially in asia.
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facing a very serious challenge from covid. >> the chinese communist party is made up of a number of factions between 202,012. each faction had a different agenda what group now controls the party today and why quick. >> because going back to the true nature of the communist party even that wing of the party the goal is to about power. and maybe more are waiting for the market or more tolerant.
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but the bottom line they will never embrace democracy again because it presents a serious but i do have to say president xi before he came to power in 2012 the previous two leaders of the communist party we were relatively tolerant so basically they followed this paramount leader and he launched economic reform and
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we need money and technology to help us view our state. so wait for your time and do not stick your head out or be aggressive if it is not your stage. but the chinese people m experienced a more relatively more open period but that has changed when they came to power under trough and he must have model —- but then also he
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controls all the power is the chairman of everything because he controls everything so going back tomorrow totalitarian. and because the president xi icurrent leader is only sixties and is relatively young said he will make himself president said he will be there a long time he will be president for life. actually it is going the other way. >> so there are 92 million communist party members out of
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one.5 billion people in china. is there a backlash against the programs against their on citizens? >> . >> iam official especially during the pandemic and why did the communist party member did not stack up? even though they are terms of the total population but the party will not just take anyone. but to first be selected in the program and then and then
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to move from that for teenagers and young people and then to demonstrate and then have good grades. and so you will be put in the key position of economy and every key provision so you are groomed to be the leaders and the successors so there is some backlash against communist party members during a pandemicpa there was a story about one hospital in shanghai
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that ledou the evacuation. the chief doctor was mad about the communist party member who did not show up it's very rare for anybody to speak up. i want them all to report to me right now anybody to be on the front line. and then that story was taken down quickly. so i believe they take some but it doesn't get recorded and then they are afraid, especially trying to get the "washington journal" in "the new york times" for that purpose so it's very
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difficult. >> how can we expect to control the ambitions of china if they control the raw materials for renewable energy and we don't want that supply stopped? >> i'm so glad somebody asked about that. dand then to have the will to do it. how many of you have heard about rare earth minerals? if you don't the rare earth minerals are group of 17 minerals that are crucial to the digital economy batteries, electronic cars even for solar panels.
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we have huge deposits of rare earth minerals. back in the eighties but then they say we should go to china so that is cheaper to produce over there so basically our businessman showed the chinese how to process the rare earth minerals and then with that extraction. but in recent years china has control 90 percent of the worldwidet rare earth minerals
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supply. not because it has the biggest deposit but the technology of how to extract. so china has been using control. so that is australia as well as japan because japan is very short on all kinds of natural resources. was the goal with those mineral strike in japan and japan realized and could not meet up at the supply of the rare earth minerals.
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for two things, one, the japanese government but with h that rare earth mineral deposit they don't have the technology or the many but then to bring them to the market. and then another thing was the true innovation but then that certain information to refuse their dependency so to find an alternative, is not painful -
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- it is painful. because of the japanese efforts. so now shows the worldwide rare earth minerals 90 is still a lot so this shows you what can be done but the thing is we're businesses and our shows are shortsighted they simply lack the will to say we need to take some financial pain and changing environmental laws or whatever it takes because it is a national security issue. . . . .
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and not worry about the backlash. were going to do this, that's how it will reduce our repent entrant dependency. what's what you think as to how bronco corporations, sports leagues and the nba and that media join the backlash? can that even happen? >> i do not know. [laughter] i've been very frustrated with them. we understand the hypocrisies of our companies. on the one hand they're all for social justice. today the biden administration made juneteenth a federal holiday. that is great. all the companies came out slavery is terrible, which is true. we should celebrate the freedom of slaves. at the same time, the product
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they use the supply chain from china, many of the products from the supply chain right to save laborers. speaking of influence, how could we influence the chinese government or any document commit the chinese people that it's good. we do not even what you supported. it's only going to add our behavior special corporations behavior all they have done two things. one, in which a power regime who doesn't believe anything we embrace. and how the true dominance when the times come that is one thing. another thing is the enhanced part to say delete those things. why should we? it is frustrating. i don't know what the answer is.
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i've written articles criticizing about it. i think as consumers that is over come c in. because of our business, are different communities are dominated by the will of capitalist company. for me too ask you i think because of social many of them on social media. it's important to constantly expose her hypocrisy. challenge any position i can. we can find alternate conservatives are use alternative products services. try not to support them. that's really the only thing i can think of to use the power of our wallet.
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with hypocrisies. >> describe if you can how the chinese communist party directly monitors and controls the average chinese citizen by monitoring essentially all of their activities. in applying a personal score that determines what a person can do. >> yes pretty talk about how china built a digital fortress. i called digital treason and try to control and watch over people. this is digital prison has a subtle element. his facial recognition technology. has 600 million cameras throughout the country. you cannot even tell who you are when you wear a mask you can know where you can hide they know exactly where you are. they can tell you who you are. that's one component.
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another component what they call social assistance. the social assistance if you think did i pay on time, this is part of the system print social credit system is assigned by 1000 data points to each chinese citizen. it measures everything. it measures your shopping activities. i've managed to put in their trash, egg andd their cameras everywhere. so's social media companies and internet companies try to feed so there's a lot of data about you. innocent enough. some of us ate maybe it's not so bad if you cross the red light
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when they shouldn't. not a good idea. but many of them are not. if you accompany with the chinese communist party if you said something about thehe coronavirus that's different from the government narrative, then your points will be deducted, right question record of the consequences? if your behaviors good what the government likes you can probably get a promotion. he may get a better rate, your kids may bete able to walk. but if you're behaving bad by the government's definition, some that you will find out maybe you're not getting that promotion even if you are better employed in that company produced somehow your kids are rejected from a good school. or when you go to that bank comply for the on the not going to give you a good rate. the site in the worst. the worst as you knock on bill
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travel you cannot buy train tickets, you cannot buy airliney tickets. you drive with their own license plate you're going to be stopped. you just cannot go anywhere. you lack ability to travel. that tap many chinese citizens tthey found out they could not attend the they're not allowed to travel. so the social system is really 1984 is really a description been brought to reality. the really sad part is a lot of the technologies they're using now for their digital revenue system were provided by our companies, our technology companies. how china views the southern digital system.
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now they're exporting the system to other authoritarian countries. again, coming back to what have we done? just like the coronavirus, right? we learned only found thewe lab the wuhan lab to do those researchers. you blame the communist party we have all these problems every time it traces back to us. so we need to educate ourselves. we need to know what is going on. we need to know who is telling the truth. we need to demand transparency and accountability for my own limitations in businesses before we point our fingers to the other side. clark's final question, this big and went to wrap up on. you're just alluding to our own
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capabilities and some of those as we were in with dr. fauci and the funding of gain of function research. there appears there has been a cover-up. do you believe the world, the country, the united states and our allies and other countries will eventually come together or some type of effective response, backlash and if you want to called out. do you see the ultimate end game once all the truth finally comes out because hopefully it will. >> the all i am pessimistic that the truth will come out. especially the origin of the coronavirus. because the chinese government is destroying all the evidence. they told the scientist in the lab to take down their database or the data information establish investigation team was in china so they were in china for two weeks. they spent one week quarantined.
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another week they spent a couple of days of sightseeing. when they went to the wuhan lab, and all they was reading the report from the lab. they did not even get to exam a database. they did not get to walk around the lab. the longer the time lapse between when this first happensh versus our research investigation now, the longer the gap is the harder it is for us to find out what truly happened. i am pessimistic about what we were but i do think this is a wake-up call. it has to become a wake-up call for all of us. seriously, if we let this go by and go back to business as usual, then i hate to say this, we deserve it. we deserve the crisis. our government, it's going to happen all over again.
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many of us are going to surrender our leadership it again in exchange of truly comical for all of us. i think we keep pressure on our petition to continue to investigate you hold accountable for what happened with the coronavirus. because again, this is such a worldwide event. very few people can claim there's a public pressure you keep this in the news keep the investigation going. we need to keep that going. we cannot write it off. but they love the most is just go away. do not have to investigate. when you investigate it comes back to point at us. we as a topic up to keep the pressure to give an answer.
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it communicates the g7 past they make an announcement about the coronavirus or they demand answers fromro china. on our own government is how much the gap between what they say versus what they do. the really going to put actions behind those demands? the only to putan action behindn all of us demand it. so really my biggest take away from the coronavirus from support is our biggest take away from the coronavirus is we should have never, never surrendered our liberty. our individual freedom, too demanding truth in one of the founding fathers, i forgot who for those of you who are sick of the exchange for safety, you are going to end up.
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you don't get either. it is not a fair trade. think we learn that painful lesson the last 12 months. as a whole experience was brought back to life really show the power of the visual. it also shows how many have been working. they do not really know more than we do. they pretend to know more than we do. they lie to us. so never, never surrender. we had to keep the focus with our limitations or clicks great notes and uncle we have a round of applause for helen? would like to remind all of you allen's book backlash is for sale in the foyer. she will be signing copies of
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her book. please also watch for announcements about the airing of presentation on c-span book tv series in the coming days and weeks. he enjoyed the sensation of course we would appreciate going to steamboat to support us with your charitable contributions. great trip all across colorado throughout the country with important messages like helen here tonight her own individual liberty and free enterprise. schonfeld steamboat institute of instagram, twitter, facebook. we are always promoting great things like helen to work. and i thank you, now please go out and enjoy the reception and book signing. thank you for coming. [background noises]
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