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tv   American History TV  CSPAN  November 13, 2022 7:30am-8:00am EST

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of across the years, the lifetimes of many men from general washington's continental army to the globe, circling army of today, their stretches of continuity, of devotion and of determination and willing sacrifice, which we do well to remember. today's big picture pays particular honor to the americans in uniform, past and
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present, who are a part of that proud heritage. son. adjutant karl. read ground of historic fort mcnair in the nation's capital is a fitting setting for today's tribute to those whose devotion has kept our nation free and here to give motion and melody to that tribute our troops of the old guard, the third united states infantry, and of the united states army band. the third infantry is one of the
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most select units in the united states army. it is older than our nation's constitution and bears on its rules. the names of men who suffered at valley forge and triumphed at yorktown. as the showcase unit of the army. the old guard symbolized the patriots heritage, shared by americans in uniform wherever they may be.
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advancing the colors. the the old guard, fife and drum corps with a medley of authentic revolutionary war tunes. the continental soldier, parading on some village green, marched to the stately colonial cadence of exactly 90 faces to the minute.
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his. power. and. silence and. the. aura o.
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on the 18th of april, 1847, general winfield scott was on the march from vera cruz to mexico city. his force, led by the third infantry, was blocked by an enemy stronghold on the heights of cerro gordo. the third led the charge, which took the position with bayonets fixed. in the end it was those bare blades which decided the matter, and so began a tradition which is a part of the rich fabric which makes up the heritage of the american soldier sound effects, bayonets.
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done in time with a medley of traditional army tunes. muskets in motion and. assembled.
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by. the. and.
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no, no, no, no, no. whoa, whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no, no, no. yes or o. the third infantry drill team. a study in synchronization.
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oh. oh. oh.
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and they come back. the clock like rhythm of precisely. 150 beats to the minute one started does not vary a beat from the beginning of the demonstration to the end.
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i know for. of course. but if there. some details of the teamwork are so smooth that unless one
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watches closely, they may go unnoticed. for example, the moment when the entire team exchanges rifles at once. well, i could. pass. but if another rifle exchanged, this time on the ground. from front to rear of a file of six marching men, a mid-air rifle pass with their bayonet fixed.
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but. hold since revolutionary times much has changed, but discipline, precision, teamwork, the essentials, the unveiling. rebels remain.
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outside. of flag of 13 star the beginning of a visual and musical journey through history and progression of the uniforms and the flags which soldiers have taken into battle. 15 stars and 15 straight louis in new orleans and over fort mchenry in war of 1812. inspiring the words of our national anthem.
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28 stars, 13 stripes, the mexican war, cerro gordo, joyful. thanks to and below them the union blue. fort sumter, appomattox. under a flag of 36 stars, the west won and the nation extended from coast to coast. 46 stars. the spanish american war, san juan hill hill.
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48 stars. the flag, the doughboy took over their chateau carrie belo wood, sammy. again on the 48 stars the battle dress of world war two pearl harbor to manila, tunisia to the rhine, and later korea. today, under 50 stars. the american soldier carries forward his proud heritage of devotion.
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a heritage which through the years has ensured the security of the union, which those 50 stars symbolize. for every one of our 50 stars, there is a colorful state flag. each with a tradition, a meaning of its own. time. of diversity and a harmony which is in itself symbolic of the broad union they represent.
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and. all good as in review. right home. i pass and review a typically terse military whose meaning is this? let the soldiers pass by so that it may be seen what their quality is or are.
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if the military review will reveals what men are. it also recalls from whence they have sprung what it is a fraternal thing, the ceremonial, the pageant of an old and honorable trouble with the ancient way among men of arms, of showing honor to those present and to those who have gone before. across the years, linking the
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lifetime arms of many men, their stretches of continuity, of devotion and of determination and of willing sacrifice. for.
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we do well to remember.
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