tv Washington Journal Linda Feldmann CSPAN November 29, 2022 1:24am-2:10am EST
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♪ >> be up-to-date on the latest also is the moderator for the regular newsmakers and policymakers. with us this morning for this segment to talk about what is ahead for the lame-duck and 118h congress. there is a pile of work to get done in the last four weeks. what are the top priorities? >> first of all keeping the government-funded the last continuing resolution went through december 16 they have to fund the government whether through another continuing resolution or a big on the best spending bill are they could kick it down the road
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another week until the 23rd bit members may be look staying here possibly through christmas. >> they have this deadline they set a couple of months ago but this is for spending for the current fiscal year we are in. is there any possibility that would slip in and they kick it further into 118th congress? >> i doubt it because that is a completelydo new ballgame. we have a divided government. democrats have the senate either another tie or one vote majority that the republican majority in the house and that means a whole different calculus to pass anything. host: but there are stumbling blocks in the omnibus spending bill including having to raise the debt ceiling potentially being tagged on and what else are you lookingng at?
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>> in terms of the national defense authorization act needs to go through the funds defense capability are extremely important other things coming up in the lame-duck is that respect for marriage act which is an effort to lock in same-sex marriage this is an offshoot from overturning roe v wade so i think that is a top priority. additional funding for the war in ukraine which can be a little tricky but because someme republicans or democrats a weight. we have so much in this country. host: with that request from the white house is there a chance?
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>> it's possible that nancy pelosi is still speaker. and this is her swansong capping off 20 years leader or as minority leader and and to shepherd and corolla caucus. including the upstart progressives. the nancy pelosi enjoys a lot of respect. and to watch her in action. >> and then let's hear from the listeners.
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you had a headline that said after mid- torrance does anybody have a mandate talking at the bipartisan policy center ari fleischer in what is your sense in that article or your take away for a mandate? >> therehe isn't. so republicans won control of the house but they didn't win the red wave or a huge majority as in the past so the
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democrats beat expectations in the reality is we have divided government so what cann get done? often times nothing sometimes that is a good thing getting a lot of stuff past with votes from the republicans that cost the us government the american taxpayer a lot of money and so what we are looking at is a lot less spending in the second two years bidens term you can see when they lost control the houseet the markets went up becausese of inflation. so there is a positive so a lot of stuff can get done with the other party and bipartisanship can take placeol even when control of the house is very narrow.
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the next two, years maybe not so much. host: so in terms of those moderate members and the problem solvers caucus if you will, what does that look like for the 118? >> there is a lot of sway we may hear a lot of voices whether in the senate or was senator manchin or the young progressives who were wanting to do a lot but with a small majority in both houses any small interest group can demand attention because they are a majority keller. it's interesting to see in the next congress who are the new and existing voices to use the clout that they do have as leverage to get what they want to our block what they don't.
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host: it's almost all decided in the house new york times reporting 213 democrats two races left undecided with california and colorado likely to go republican. so what does it mean for the potential house speaker kevin mccarthy? >> he has to cheer his inner nancy pelosi. [laughter] and corral the votes he needs. only five house republicans are on the record to say no if mccarthy a speaker. that doesn't mean they n won't flip or that he is not the next speaker there's not a clear alternative so what they are doing is using their leverage. >> .
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these loans were taken care of and we would have a better economy and then they need to get off their butts. >> so the status so joe biden announced loan forgiveness on student loans a while ago and has been kicking the can down the road. now doing this through june 22d roughly through the end of the current supreme court session. so i think joe biden wants to
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wipe out to 20000 student loans it is a hugely divisive issue a lot of people feel it's completely unfair to those who did not go to college and for those who paid for their children and paid that money and those who paid off their student loans this is an extremely important issue but not an immediate concern and on the basis of whether to have a constitutional right to write off literally billions of dollars a student on debt. host: republican line from new york. >>caller: the previous color earlier was talking about
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biden. i just want to make a comment about that so something that came to mind about the words of wisdom asked not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country you could paraphrase that is not what your government can do for you but what you can do for your country. i go all the way back to reagan that was the best time for me looking back at the achievements but government comes to micromanage our lives all these issues coming up on the show i will deal with that i think it's just time to take a setback i think hopefully they can stop the insanity coming out of the white house if youin get nothing done then
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you are doing everything you have to get back to the basics and do those well. >> can you be more specific? >> go to the border get us a stable currency and those are the type of b things. talk about micro- aggression and transgender leaving the political realm and it doesn't need to be there. that is their monopoly and they have done a lousy job. and those to be done outside of government. host: it is an interesting question because the
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republicans now are gaining some power in the house they promised low were inflation, lowerri crime and border security it is a government function so the real question is to what the government to act or not that what do you want the government to do? certainly with border security that is there and education of the cultural war policies i have spent a lot of time in florida in recent years and the governor there is strong onti this issue it will help him to a landslide victory as i governor and made him a strong contender for the 2024 presidential race. it's what you want the government to do and not do.
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host: part of that republican lead leadershipca in caucus with that to get pass. >> republicans have made clear with the incoming committee chair. and they went to investigate hunter biden and joe biden himself. and also to investigate covid origins. and from afghanistan so we can inspect investigations but the question is if the republicans will overdo it.
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each party has agenda items. and then to energize the base voters and doing for congress to pass legislation or not. host: so thefo rise of the's congresses has been notable. with the impeachment hearings. these congressional committees have subpoena power and they can be quite dramatic. but if that's all they arell doing in the public gets upset. host: when is that special committee expected to release
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the final report? >> sometime this year. and that will cease to exist if they're taking over the house of the clock is ticking. >> springfield massachusetts independent line. >> talk about the constitution with the pursuit of happiness but with the abortion issue why we would still allow people to kill unborn people. why would they think it's all right to kill unborn women if they are woman themselves? so what is your opinion on this?
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host: time that into legislation with the federal abortion proposals come out of the republican house? >> no. that's not going anywhere maybe to the nationwide abortion ban what the caller believes is that life begins at conception it is the killing of a human being. i don't know anybody who thinks this is going anywhere it is interesting to see congress and then the answer is to pass protection for same-sex marriage and interracial marriage because that justice thomas has confirmed those could be
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overturned. and it all comes down to who decides? is it up to the woman? orct doctrine family what kind of role does the government play the government did play a role and it did map out a system for the states to set limits in the courts certainly allowed restrictions and requirements to obtain an abortion and now we are in a completely different landscape i don't see this being resolved anytime soon. host: with thosel leadership elections it is a significant change as the speaker and the majority leader and the majority whip from south carolina what do youhi think their legacy would be from 117th
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congress quick. >> to pull together an extraordinarily t small majority nancy pelosi and her deputies could only afford toos lose a handful of votes they got a lot done and spent a lot of money starting with the american rescue plan and those that have subsidies so i think when the history books are written this will be seen as nancy pelosi swansong but the best performance yet of the ability to lead the small majority. host: james clyburn said yesterday one of the reasons
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previously is any more than southern representation. >> but if it is time for a new generation why do you think it's necessary for you to stay in power is the next generation needing you tou guide them? >> there is a healthy respect. and strength and knowledge. but then to go to far to the east or the west.
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and with the colleges and universities. host: did james clyburn yesterday give the new leadership of the democratic caucus to include from new york and also from massachusetts. >> he makes a good point there are only three people in that upper tier of leadership obviously the south is extremely important and nobody knows better than jim clyburn how to wield that power he was essential to the democratic nomination in 2020 but what we
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are likely to have going forward and also the hispanic male and there is diversity right there and enough to consider the needs during the caucus the independent line. >>caller: i just want to make a comment about the same-sex marriage according to the bible jesus confirmed those held together in marriage should be male and infemale so it should be a permanent intimate bond between a man and a woman so i would like to say it doesn't matter but congress votes on
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but i would like to have your thoughts on that. host: what does the senate do for accommodation of religious viewsat and proposed legislatio? >> they have to take into account the americans that as the caller said only between a man and a woman we had the freedom restoration act which takes into account the views of those who have that belief. and that has been applied to the law that will be dealt with this week we have some important court cases can customer force the baker to bake a cake that has a pro gay marriage expressed on the cake? the answer is no it is what the law says and then how
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people are feeling and how they can behave that is the issue going forward. host: moving forward with that legislation, were you surprised? >> i was. isit is huge. my sense that gay marriage is so accepted now it is remarkable to see how it has changed on that issue and hasn't been that long since bill clinton signed the defensive marriage act and now we have done a 184 a number of reasons most americans feel even if they are personally uncomfortable they see that most people believe it doesn't hurt anybody else if men are married or women are married
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on the one hand you see the thought on abortion is pretty frozen but then that has shifted dramatically. >> signing the defensive marriage act with newt gingrich taking control maybe 50 it was a big majority but after that clinton goes to the center with thee. reform of welfare for example is that defensive marriage act where he goesas toward the republican view to get something passed? >> absolutely that congress with clinton and newt gingrich realizing they stand apart and or each comeone to the middle and get a lot done and that's what they do. host: are there issues in a
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similar situation with the president joe biden and speaker of the house? >> that's a good question. i don't know it depends on what kinds of deals mccarthy has to cut to gain the speakership here he has marjorie taylor green and is considered one of the pro trump upstarts authority has her in his camp. but there is t a bunch of others we don't know and it's too soon to stay on —- to say sense bill clinton was president and has become much more polarized when obama lost o control of congress after his first midterm where he was shellacked.
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his mantra was to sign executive orders i cannot work with these people. it does take to to tango and if the republican leadership in congress will not work with joe biden and vice versa they will not do anything aside from what they have to get done. host: both presidents trump and biden has one —- biden has continue the executive orders so who are the members of congress that you believe deserve your attention focusing on some key members of the 118 quick. >> good question i'm looking at the new members at such an interesting election to see the republicans who want house seats in new york they caught the rest of the country off
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guard and who is willing to play along and those that prevents everything from happening. think we will see the 2024 election has started when one ends the next one begins. so the group of five that say they will vote no with kevin mccarthy those that are in the marjorie taylor group camp. >> and the west point grads and also the republican the michigan and republican of
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texas forged in the same class at the military academy. let's hear from brooklyn maryland on the independent line. >>caller: i have a lot of questions first with the issue of the bible so much effect on gay marriage then why is king david in art class emphasis of his genitals hanging out? so why does the constitution say no discrimination with marital status and then lastly going back toal my original reason for calling was student on forgiveness would that be prejudice as it was back in the day for only white americans served in underprivileged areas got their loans erased what about
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us that was discriminated against because we spoke out against things in the neighborhood but with the coalition but then to reflect all those gay minorities and now we are stuck with that. host: we did talk about student loan forgiveness already. >> it's interesting she feels discriminated because a big impetus for this proposal is that it helps people of color who have a hard time to pay their loans and thosee prospects have diminished because of that the intent of the white house is to help everybody and help all people who have foundnd themselves under crushing debt and they want to have a family and buy a house.
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it's interesting she feels this is only helping white people. host: washington bureau chief for the christian science monitor. independent line dave from new york, welcome. >> passing in 1996 as a response to hawaii passing out same-sex marriage but that's not the main reason i'm calling if they know about the has to rule and what mccarthy and how he feels about that because i saw something on c-span which was a rules meeting with the majority
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which is a terrible rule that discourages bipartisanship and the house especially when run by republicans to take up bipartisan measures in the senate policy wase okay but only to use that to discourage but that is a misnomer for those bills that would be otherwise past. >> r there has to rule. i actually don't know if kevin mccarthy has been my sense right now he has to in the speakership. my feeling is if he thinks that goes along with
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legislation he will do whatever it takes more likely it would be a blocking thing i cannot see something like the has to rule which is not law or cast in stone. host: as part of the conference rules. >> what do we know of the plans legislatively for the 118h and the legislative plan? period they have identified three things to bring inflation down although it's not clear what a republican held house with the democratic senator can get done with lower crime he has been vague on the border but a lot of
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this is sending messages rather than passing legislation and kevin mccarthy is trying to keep it all together trump has already announced he is running other republicans acting like they will run sue key can be an island of civility within the whole circus whether he can pull that off i don't know he attempted in the past but not sure he has the skills to accomplish anything significant to allow them to have a lot of hearings. host: the headline that congress returns to the past agenda the house majority whip
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said on sunday that one of the priorities is passing the electoral count act which would change in 1887 how congress deals withh presidential elections. will that make it across the finish line quick. >> i don't know but that is huge democrats really want this emerging as a key issue january 6 last year when people storming the capital to clean election was stolen it was written inn such a way to make the language more exact and make it clear with the role of the vice president is ministerial it doesn't havel the power to overturn the results and in sending electors to vote in the electoral college that you
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cannot have the road electors that are decided by the state legislature if they don't like the income in their state so the aim is to make sure we don't go through that again and when the votes have been cast and counted we know who the next president is democratic line new york. >>caller: is there any possibility the members of congress will give up the notion that they are there to win arguments with one another? and then to give something. and then to keep the promises. when you win the election.
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with that legislation or solutions to the problems. and then to address. >> that's a good question. i actually like partisanship. that may sound counterintuitiveve but people have different views and they should feel the freedom to express their opinions with policy proposals. and addressing the issues of the day. but after everybody has said they are piece in the coming together and that was
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discovering those earmarks those that are embedded in legislation but that helps with say greasing the wheel in your engine saying that the earmarks are bad with those preview projects and congressional district sometimes a little bit of spending can win a larger victory. host: also long-term moderator during the pandemic that now back live lawmakers and policymakersd. with a group of reporters how do you determine ys and reporters who get to sit at
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that breakfast? guest: i'm aiming for the people who can draw a big crowd of reporters. i what congressional leaders, committee chairs. they are largely political events. it has to be, i want a bipartisan mix, usually have one at a time. people have thought maybe i should do a common ground thing where i have one from each party and have them shout an issue -- hash out an issue. aiming for people of color, women. i have had nancy pelosi, eric holder, bill clinton, now an activist on gerrymandering. i want people who are interesting who will draw a crowd of reporters and attract c-span to come videotape. host: the ground rules -- guest: and the ground rules for reporters.
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the reporters we invite are up to us. host: do you mix it up? guest: we have a mix of everything, including point of view. we have reported is conservative outlets who come. i have had guests who tell me -- we send them the list of who is coming in advance, and they tell me " i do not want so and so there, " and i say, " i'm sorry, you cannot come." host: and that is all on the record with the reporters. guest: my dear leg colleague gottfried sperling started this -- late colleague gottfried sperling started this. it was 12 reporters, all white men, sitting around a table having a conversation with a
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congressman from illinois. host: one more question for you. we will go to arlene in new smyrna beach, florida on the independent line. caller: good morning. hopefully, things will come back together like the united states of america was several years ago. due to the lack of moral values we are having a problem with, a lot of this -- if anyone listening would look up huhac, harry truman started this. it is the house of something of human activities. just look up huac. it was a court.
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they would put people in court when they found out people were with the communist party. if you open your eyes to communism and marxism, you will see this. my grandparents, got bless their souls, they would roll -- god bless their souls, they would roll over in their grave if they saw a man and a man or a woman and a woman in a marriage today. host: which do you think will come out first? guest: probably the hunter biden investigation because that goes directly to president biden and his ethics. a lot of people say there is not anything to see their, but it has not been investigated. president biden -- hunter biden is under investigation for tax issues, but hunter biden flying
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on air force two to china. it is a huge question. will the republicans be levelheaded about this? will they overreach and go over the top and allow the democrat -- host: it sounds like, from things that james comer has said, that the republican side has already begun that investigation in the minority. guest: the republicans i know say they do not want to hear about hunter biden. they want this to be about joe biden. the republic -- the public does not really care about hunter biden. host: rea
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