tv U.S. Senate U.S. Senate CSPAN December 5, 2022 2:59pm-7:14pm EST
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analysis. there's no big analysis needed. we'll know in 10 or 15 more seats about the dobbs decision and the seating on abortion is re-deck louis and that's what's cause it had and another thing on minimum wage and two issues, very simple and the dobbs decision and minimum wage and it turns people off and the average person and they had horrible candidates and it was like the guy in pennsylvania and this abortion stands and in florida we had 15 weeks right now and didn't come into play and didn't come into play and any reasonable thing on abortion and
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it cause it is very simple and no deep dive you have to do analysis and stand on abortion. >> we'll release the program at this point to our 145th commitment to covering congress. today's senate lawmakers working on a judicial confirmation vote for doris prior to be u.s. court of appeals judge for the seventh circuit and the senate plans to take audiotape 2023 policy legislation and off the familiar, senate lawmakers are continuing to negotiate on funding the federal government past december 16. we take you live now to the senate here on cspan2. ....
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>> the senate's quick to be holding a confirmation vote for doris pry pryor, senate lawmakers are continuing to negotiate on funding the federal government past december 16th. both the house and the senate plan to take up 2023 defense programs and policy legislation. you're watching live coverage of the senate on c-span2. >> host: zack cohen joining us, he covers congress, talking about the week ahead in congress. thanks for giving us your time. >> guest: sure thing.
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we are less than two weeks away prosecute deadline that congress set for itself to fund the government through september 30th, the end of the fiscal year here in washington. that deadline is coming up, and there's actually not even a bill yet. that's still being written between democrats and republicans in the house and the senate that would fund the military, health programs and everything in between. and this is all the nondiscretionary -- or the discretionary, excuse me, medicare, is social security, that's all covered, but everything else needs to be worked out. those negotiations are still ongoing. we expect to see a bill that either would be start of -- sort of a stopgap measure that could get them past the december 16th deadline and avoid a government shutdown. with democrats in full control of washington it seems unlikely that a shutdown would happen, but a lot of lawmakers are looking for an omnibus, basically a full government spending bill that would fund the government through september 30th.
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>> host: any idea what the top-line bill will look like? >> guest: at this point they haven't agreed how much should go toward defense spending and how much should go toward nondefense spending. obviously, republicans would like to see more spending on defense spending, and once they get past that, then they can figure out what goes to what department, and that really is the first key issue he was to work out. >> host: is the omnibus the main package, is there potential they could pass another package and keep current spending levels at the rate for a year or sor? -- or soing? >> that's right. they have a continuing resolution, basically since september 30th the government. 's been spending at the current level, and again, that expires december 16th. and they could opt to do that again. hay a don't have some form of an agreement for a pull omni bus package -- omnibus package, they
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could pass another c.r., there's pros and cons for the two different parties. obviously, if they take it to a week, that could give them just enough time to come up with a deal. if they kick it to january, republicans take over the house and, certainly, held like a greater say in that -- they would like a greater say in that spending package. the other option is a full-year c.r. saying we're just going to let the government coast in terms of spending decisions, and that has riled up some republicans because that would essentially mean a cut to inflation -- defense spending because inflation is so high. it would mean a real cut to defense spending, and that's something republicans would like to avoid. >> host: i want to ask questions about things to expect in congress this week. 20 the 2-748-8000 for democrats and 202-748-8002 for independents. zack cohen, we've talked a lot in the last couple of weeks about speaker mccarthy and his
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efforts to become house speaker, but as far as chairs of major committees, what should we look out for in the next congress? >> guest: most of the republicans that will chair these committees going into the next two years are going to be the ranking members now. people like michael mccaul is probably going to have the -- to be the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee. there's jockeying, however, for the ways and and means committee enbetween congressman buchanan and congressman smith. there's something called the steering committee, a set of house republicans that include top leadership and rank and file that basically hear arguments from these republicans that would like to chair these committees. and they'll make those decisions, and that'll be up to a rote of the full conference. and -- a vote. and while, certainly, a lot of the work gets done on the floor, committees still are a place where a lot of the nitty-gritty details get worked out.
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we're seeing this in the appropriations process. congresswoman kay granger is likely to be the chair, it'll be the first time in american history where with all a four top appropriators are all going to be women, which is interesting. and so all the decisions will get worked out, and the people who are going to have the greatest say on really the stance of policy issues, that's going to get worked out soon. >> host: house judiciary, what does that look like? >> guest: congressman many jim jordan is the likely chairman. i was talking to jerry nadler, the new york democrat, and i was asking him what do you think you can get done with congressman jordan? he hasn't really had those conversations yet, and i think part of that is because jordan has been very focused on oversight and looking into big tech9 and the department of justice and all of its actions over the last two years. the house judiciary committee would kind of become the locus of the oversight proceedings in congress along with the house oversight committee led by congressman james comer. >> host: i heard it said or
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reported that 40 or 50 things they could be looking into. republicans come up with a strategy to keep the investigations going and not overshadow legislative efforts? >> guest: one of the cliches in congress is we know how to walk and chew gum at the same time. we'll see if that is the case. democrats dealt with this when he were impeaching former president trump not once, but twice, but other committees can focus on other bills. but members of congress can only juggle so much in hair heads at one time and so, certainly, we'll see if republicans -- many of whom are new to governing -- we'll see if they're able to juggle both the oversight as well as legislation that needs to happen. >> host: speaking of speaker mccarthy, he was on the sunday shows yesterday, and he talked about the ndaa. first of all, what's the ndaa? explain that to folks. >> guest: it's the national defense authorization act. it's been going on 60 years. every year congress passes a military policy bill basically saying how many ships are we going to build, how many planes
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are we going to fly, you know? these are the questions that get worked out every year, it's a bipartisan bill. typically you get toish democrats and -- dovish democrats and republicans that vote against it, but it's being worked out behind closed doors now. we could see it drop as soon as today and have a number of key writers many id. mccarthy was talking about -- in it. mccarthy was talking about a major concession to are republicans as they try to get to some sort of a deal. >> host: here's kevin mccarthy from yesterday on fox. >> i did, i had a meeting with the president, and i laid out very clearly what the difference will be with the few republican majority, and we're working through the national defense bill. we will secure lifting that vaccine mandate on our military, because what we're finding is they're kicking out men and women that have been serving. people aren't, they're not meeting their recruitment. i had a consideration with the
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sec -- conversation with the secretary of defense even last night. that's the first victory of having a republican majority. andwood like to have more of those victories, and we should start moving those now. >> host: already calling it a victory. >> guest: exactly. and not even in the majority yet. certainly, house republicans have not had as much power in this particular version of washington because, unlike the senate, house republicans don't have the filibuster. so they haven't really been able to do anything other than protest whatever house speaker nancy pelosi has brought to the floor. but it's very clear that house and senate republicans have been able to work together on this and basically say, look, if you don't include the measure, we're going to be able to stall it and not get it across the floor until the end of the year when republicans will have a bigger stay say. it is a victory for republicans and sill has to get through the senate. this is certainly one of the key writers to watch and one of the most polarizing issues.
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>> host: we'll start off with nelson. he's in florida, republican line. you're on with our guest. go ahead. >> caller: good morning, gentlemen. i really just have one question. is will anyone in the government or is there any kind of a movement in the government to try to deal with the ever-expanding national debt? i believe our national debt is growing somewhere between $1-2 million a minute, and i think that this national debt is perhaps one of the greatest threats that our country is facing. to thank you -- thank you, and i'll take your answer off the air. >> guest: the answer is, yes. republicans especially have been interested in using the upcoming debt limit hike that will need to happen in order to avoid a default on the national debt to enforce -- force some
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concessions, excuse me, on the national debt, on that mandatory spending that isn't being touched in this omnibus package that we've been talking about. things like social security, medicare, medicaid that could go with insolvent in the next couple of years absent some action by congress. and that's going to cause some disagreement with congressional democrats and and, of course, the white house who are would what cuts to social security and medicare would mean for seniors and people who depend on that money. and so over the next six months or so, the government will officially run out of the ability to borrow more money. this is something that happens over and over again, and the treasury department is usually able to extend what's called the x date. and before that x date, you can expect congress to do something to lift or suspend that debt limit, but tied to that republicans are going to demand some key concessions including tackling mandatory spending programs that contribute to the national debt.
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>> host: we hear a lot on this program, particularly from democrats, that republicans want to do certain things can with social security or medicare, elimination or otherwise what's on the table realistically? >> guest: i think there's a bunch of different priorities out there. we were talking to senate majority whip john thune, the number two in the senate, last week and he was saying, look, a lot of republicans would like to do something on this issue. and i think it goes beyond forming some kind of supercommittee or a way to study the issue. they would like to extract some recessions, maybe raising the retirement age, for instance, or privatizing social security. you know, depending on who you ask, folks have different ideas of how to do that, but i think the republicans haven't quite coalesced around what those asks would be depending whether they're coming from budget committee republicans or senator rick scott has his own ideas, outgoing member of republican leadership. and so as they work through those particular asks with
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democrats, that's where you'll start to see -- >> host: in new jersey, democrats' line, this is mitchell. hello. >> caller: good morning, gentlemen. i want to circle back to the debt also. it was my understanding that the tet ceiling -- debt ceiling might be dealt with in the lame duck by the democrats as it seems like it's one of the few pieces of legislative leverage that the republicans will have when they take power mt. house in -- in the house in january. so i'm wondering where are we at with that and what, if anything, has been proposed? >> guest: it seems unlikely at this point that democrats would do mig to raise the debt limit by themselves. the reconciliation process takes weeks and weeks of floor time in the senate, and will just simple my isn't that time anymore. congress is in session officially for the next two
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weeks. they could extend for another week and go right up against christmas and, obviously, four weeks is the end of the year. that would be the hard deadline because at the end of the year, all of legislation in congress resets and has to start at square one. and so there isn't really the time to do a budget reconciliation process that would allow democrats to lift the debt ceiling by themselves. the other issue is democrats, frankly, don't want to do that. they would rather be able to say this is a bipartisan issue, the spending is done by both democrats and republicans, by policies from both parties, and they would like fingerprints from both parties on that panel. and so because there's a couple of months in 2023 where they could tackle this issue, i think it's unlikely that they do mig in the lame duck session -- anything in the lame duck session. >> host: we have a viewer off twitter asking how much for ukraine is going to be spent into the spending bill -- or put into the spending bill? >> guest: i don't know off the
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top of my head, but there's a growing chorus in the republican party saying, wait a second, maybe we should see some oversight of those withs of dollars -- billions of dollars so far to fight off the invasion by russia. but there's bipartisan interest in making sure that ukraine has the military assets it needs in order to rappel those, that -- repel that invasion, so certainly there could be some money -- >> host: and money for disaster relief as well. >> guest: that could happen as well, for sure. >> host: let's hear from, this is from -- apologies, caller. [laughter] this is from janice in louisiana. janice, go ahead. >> caller: hello, mr. cohen. i heard that we built a bomber for $80 billion. is that the true? if -- is that true? if who okayed that? war is stupid is.
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get out of ukraine. respect and care in the usa for others is a must. don't have children you can't take care of. trust in integrity. >> host: okay. thanks, caller. >> guest: it's possible the caller's talking about b-21 that was just unyaled -- unveiled last week. that probably would have been signed off in a previous ndaa. one thing i should mention is, interestingly enough, this particular defense authorization bill is actually $45 billion more than what the biden administration had asked for at the beginning of this year, and so congress is entered in making sure hat military has the sort of -- that the military has the sort of robust spending tested had in the past. >> host: from twitter, why have democrats waited until, quote, the last minute, to work on the budget? >> guest: it's a good question and, you know, it doesn't take
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long to write a spending package. it's basically the same language every year, maybe a couple different paragraphs, you know, taken out, thrown back in. it's mostly just filling in dollar signs. but the key question is political will. and, essentially, i think a lot of these appropriates were waiting to see where control of congress would go and how that would change the balance of power in washington, and that really does seem to be the key holdup at point. so now they know where the balance of power and is, and i think it was likely that republicans were going to take the house all along, but they've only done it by the nay rowests of margins. >> host: a couple of operational things for congress. we heard about the death of virginia congressman don mckeon, what happens now? >> guest: yeah, very tragically passed away after a battle with colorectal cancer, and so now that seat is likely vacant
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through next year. virginia governor glenn youngkin will call a special election that will allow virginia voters in that district to decide who fills that cricket. it's a rather democratic seat, likely a democratic primary would be instructive in who wins that seat, but that's going. to take a couple of months to get worked out and hold a special election with minutes to spare. so we're waiting to see when a special election is called. the congressman's funeral, i believe, is on tuesday, so i imagine there won't be much announcement on it until then. >> host: and as it was on congress last week on capitol hill that new members of congress now had a chance to pick hair office or at least enter the lottery to pick their office. can you explain how that process works? >> guest: sure. seniority really dictatings. you can say i'm happy where i am, or i might like a place a little bigger. if you're one of the 74
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freshmen, you don't have seniority, so what happens is the 74 members that are leaving, they give up their office space, les jockeying by the incumbents for office space, and everything that's left over goes to the freshmen. so what they do is sort of slightly better offices from the not so great offices, they literally pick disks out of ad wooden box, and that was on friday. something of a bipartisan tradition here on capitol hill where members, you know, will all gather in one room. you can send staff to pick the number on your behalf, but most members go themselves because it's fun to do. and if you pick number 1, as max miller from ohio did, you going to pick your office first, and he got a nice office mt. cannon house office building, and if you're somebody who pick last, you'll be stuck somewhere in the longworth building which is not exactly the nice nicest of the three house office buildings. so members are setting up their offices now in hopes of getting
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ready to go before they're sworn in on january 3rd. >> host: from louisiana, republican line, this is julian. hello. julian in louisiana, go ahead. oh, he cropped. let's hear from -- he dropped. let's hear from craig in texas, independents' line. good morning. >> caller: yes, hello. zack, question for you. with as far as government goes and i believe corruption should be applied to every topic and every issue. but as far as defense goes, could you comment on why we can't get an accounting or an audit of what the pentagon spends? i read or heard there may be a trillion dollars missing from the pentagon budget, but we don't know where it goes.
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also in terms of going back to that ppg scandal of sending out all those billions of of dollars, and i've heard nearly 30-50% of that can't be accounted for. is there anybody in government that works on resolving corruption, or is that just a lost cause? >> guest: i do think there's probably a difference between corruption and sort of mismanagement of money. and, yes, there are many dollars that have not really been accounted for by the pentagon and, you know, other federal agencies. this is something i believe senator bernie sanders of vermont is very interested in doing, is awed kitting the pentagon -- auditing the pentagon. and republicans have talked about auditing the principal reserve for the same reason -- the principal reserve. there are the house and senate armed services committees that frequently hold hearings with the top generals and the top
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civilian officials of the pentagon able to ask where did this money go, how did spending on on the particular program go and that does happen. it's classified for national security reasons. and so there is that oversight that does happen of the pentagon's budget. whether it's quite as robust as some would like, that's a different story. >> host: tim in minnesota, independent line. go ahead. >> caller: good morning. i heard mitch -- or mccarthy say something about he's, they want to get rid of the mandate for the soldiers to not have to get vaccinated, and this is some of the -- i'm not calling him stupid, i'm talking about some of the stupidity that's going on in our country. i was in the service, and i hold before me right now my shot record prosecute service -- from the service which says international certificate of
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vaccination. the war machine knows that if you go back to war and infrastructure breaks down, water stops running, the rats come back with lice on them, diseases are going to come back. i had my shot record here in 1982, i was vaccinated against the plague. they vaccinated, incidentally, they vaccinate against things that have been eradicated. i've gotten vaccinated for cholera, yell elope fever, poli- [laughter] >> host: okay, caller, what would you like our guest specifically to address? >> caller: just what i said. thank you for listening. >> guest: -- actually raised is a retiring republican from illinois sits on the january 6th committee and has been rather voc in taking on some of the far right wing of his party, and he said, look, i was in the military and also got the list of shots that the caller was
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talking about. i think the difference this time is, obviously, the covid-19 vaccine was originally authorized for emergency use and didn't have quite the full review that would typically be done for these vaccines. that's no longer the case. now there are covid vaccines that do have full fda authorization and are on the same standing as other vaccines. so certainly there's listen that the military would be interested in making sure that members of the military stay healthy. and one of the key ways to do that is to get the covid vaccine. i've gotten it and i've gotten my boosters for exactly that reason. so there's a national security argument but, obviously, there is a part of the country that is skeptical of these vaccines given the relate kick over the last couple of years -- relate rhetoric. >> host: hakeem jeffries talked about possible things testimony accurates and republicans could do together in the few if congress. let me play you a little bit. >> from my view, the american
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middle class have been under assault for decades. there have been a series of forces con spike -- conspiring against us whether it's outsourcing of good paying american jobs, poorly negotiated trade deals, rise of automation, it's made it difficult for folks to pursue the american dream. that's not a democratic problem -- >> what's the solution? >> >> one, we can build upon the work that has occurred already. inflation reduction act, the infrastructure, investment and jobs act, chips and science act, making sure we bring domestic manufacturing jobs, other jobs back home to the united states of america, implement the historic legislation that has already been put in place and to find common ground to look for other ways to build upon that a great work. >> host: i suppose at this stage is, these are the things you have to say at this point, but what's the reality? >> guest: certainly, congress had more bipartisan wins that
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even concern than even i expected. but there have been bipartisan achievements that, you know, the next democratic leader mentioned that they could build on, you know? hay had the u.s./mexico/canada agreement. it was a bipartisan agreement that sort of reuped nafta and made changes to that, and it was one of the last things the senate did before it started the muster impeachment trial. so even in a highly polarized environment, they did the that. the chips and science act which goes by different names, the u.s. innovation and competition act, basically a massive boost in spending for semiconductor manufacturing and onshoring some of those critical supply chains that members of both party ifs are interested in bolster ising over last couple of years. and so it is certainly possible that in an era of divides -- divided government, you could see legislation get passed. it's not like congress doesn't have some experience even in the
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biden administration of getting stuff done. >> host: this is from kurt, cocoa beach, florida. republican line, last call. go ahead. >> caller: good morning. thanks for taking my callful zack, your answers are crystal clear. you're a very good guest. last week a quest called in and asked a question about the senate being 50 republicans, 48 democrats and 2 independents and how that does not make the senate a majority republican. and you can't have the answer, so i wonder if, zack, you have the answer to that. thanks for your time. >> guest: he's talking about the senators bernie sanders and angus king who are independents that caucus with democrats and that essentially, for organizing purposes, gives democrats the majority. it allows them to rule on procedural questions with the help of vice president kamala harris with the tie-breaking vote being able to create a majority in the senate. that will continue to be the case.
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we're waiting for the results tomorrow in the georgia senate runoff, which we haven't discussed yet, between senator raphael warnock and the republican, herschel walker, and that will determine whether democrats actually have 5 51 seats which gives them a number of advantages including majority over committees and as well as on procedural questions, they could lose a vote if senator joe is manchin, for instance, opposed a bill, he could still get something through if it only requires 50 votes. even if on paper it looks like there were more are republicans. >> host: we saw the senate pass the same-sex legislation last week, when do we expect signage from the president? >> guest: we could see the house pass that tomorrow and hen the senate could sign it later week. usually takes a couple of days for them to sort of prepare the bill for ceremonial purposes. there's an enrollment process which i won't bother getting into, but the house needs to take the it up again and then
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send it to biden for his signature. it's a rather transformative bill. it doesn't cod die the -- codify the supreme court decision, but it would make sure that people who are in same-sex marriages have the right that the supreme court has upheld. >> host: our guests work can be found at b governor thanks for your time. >> guest: anytime. >> host: this is mark goldberg. what is your organization and what's the focus that you have? >> guest: so we are a totally nonpartisan, nonprofit organization in washington that that's focused solely on budget issues. budget's pretty broad, it covers tax policy, some of the leading budget experts, and we're just there to provide information to congress, to the press, to the public. >> host: and in recent days the
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head of your organization, maya macguineas, put out an op-ed calling on congress not to add to the debt in the remaining weeks of this year. can you tell us what the reasoning is? >> guest: look, inflation is basically the highest it's been in 40 years, our debt is approaching record levels of the economy, and all we're asking is for the next three of and a half weeks for congress to not make the situation worse. i think they should be able to go that long. >> host: when you say make the situation worse, what do you mean specificalliesome. >> guest: well, we keep tack passing new tax a cuts and new tax increases. we're not paying for them. and so who is? the grand kids. it's being put on the national credit card. ultimately, we need to reduce deficits. we need about $7 trillion of savings over the next decade just to hold debt as its share of the economy. but i think a good first step would be let's not make it worse worse, and the if very first step for the very last lee and a half weeks of 2022.
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>> host: there's considerations for ukraine, there's defense spending, there's disaster relief. are all those worthy candidates for us to keep or to are remove from this year's budget or at least whatever is passed for 2022? >> guest: i think many of those are worthy of funding, but if it's good enough to have, it's good enough to pay for. and so when we put more money to ukraine, we can cut spending elsewhere. same for the other stuff. and some of the things they're talking about, frankly, are not a good use of our scarce dollars. >> host: such as what? >> guest: there's talks of bringing back a pause on what's called the medicare sequester. basically, during the pandemic we said we're going to give everybody in medicare a 2% raise in order to support them through this financially hard time. there's talk of bringing that 2% raise back even though the pande mic recession is over.
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>> host: particularly when it comes to topics of the budget for 2023, 202-748-8001 for republicans, 8000 for democrats. and independents, 02-748-8002. text us at 02-748-8003. the center took a look at analysis breaking down three big categories when it comes to debt and deficit and reduction are. you talked about it and you referred to the tax extendses particularly for this -- extensions for this year's budget. can you give us some specifics as far as what that category means? >> guest: yeah. so there are a few little kind of tax credits and deductions that we extend every year. they're very small. but this year there's talk of canceling three parts of the tax cuts and jobs act that actually would have raised money. there's talk of canceling a change that would amortize research expenses, basically say companies have to deduct research expenses over five years instead of one, similar
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talk of expensing for equipment, full and immediate deduction of equipment, and there's talk of getting rid of a pay-for around interest deductibility. we did all of these three things together, it'd be something like $400 billion of tax cuts for corporations. >> host: so that's the criticism, that it's going to corporations many. >> they're expensive and they're not paying for it it's not a great use of money, but the bigger problem is they're not figuring out how to make up the revenue elsewhere. i think there's a good case that we want to continue to reform the corporate tax code so maybe you get to deduct more investment paid for with fewer tax breaks. they're saying let's let corporations have more deductions, pay for it on the national credit card. that's not working anymore. that's why we have such high inflation and why our debt a pod levels. >> host: there's a debate going on about the child tax the credit, and there's an op-ed in
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the "usa today" about putting it back on the table. the authors make the argument that the credit itself is, 25 the % of those who receive it spend it on childcare costs, some of participants at least have spent it on food and other things. these are good things or as far as overall the tax credit, what would you cowith that? >> guest: look, the problem is that it's a tax credit. we want to give kids a tax credit and then make them pay for it mt. future, because we're adding it to the debt. there's bad thing that happens washington which is when one party wants to add to the deficit, the the other party responds and says, okay, so long as we get to add to the deficit for our side. republicans get a tax break for corporations, going to be good for investment, bad for the kids. democrats get an expense pangs of the child tax credit, good for the kids today, bad when they have to pay it back in the future. instead, they should be negotiating how do we have a package that's fully paid for.
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east we cut spending or raise taxes else are. -- elsewhere. >> host: sounds like you're advocating for a balanced budge. >> guest: looking, right now the deficit is $1.4 trillion. i would settle for let's work it down towards a trillion. we get to 500 billion, that's great. what we can't have is our debt continuing to grow faster than the economy. that's not sustainable. >> host: mark goldwine is our guest. we start with ethan in ohio on our independent line. you're on with our guest. go ahead. >> caller: good morning, sir. okay. we've been doing this, i think, for about three decades. we've been running up the debt. i don't know if it was even a trillion dollars back when bush sr. was president. so
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the presiding officer: the republican leader. mr. mcconnell: i ask consent that further proceedings under the quorum call be dispensed with. the presiding officer: we're not in a quorum call. mr. mcconnell: two years into the biden administration the democrats approach to illegal immigration at our nation's borders has failed the american people. last week one news organization reported that daily crossings along our southern border have remained near record highs. last fiscal year alone, more than 2.76 million illegal immigrants came across our southern border, absolutely smashing the previous record high by more than a million. that's almost the equivalent of a full 1% of our total national population encountered on our southern border in just one year. and the problem actually keeps getting worse. reported estimates say that more than 73,000 new got-aways dodged
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border patrol and escaped into our country in just this past november alone. absurdly, the response to this crisis from president biden's team is that everything is fine. everything is fine, go on according to plan. secretary mayorkas said what we were doing is precisely what we're doing this year and we have indeed been executing on the plan. now everybody else in the country calls our functional open borders an emergency and a crisis, but apparently the biden administration calls it mission accomplished. and bear in mind the terrible and unacceptable status quo has come with some emergency covid measures still in place. all this crisis level numbers i just ran through have come with these extra border controls called title 42 actually still
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in effect. now one federal judge is trying to force the biden administration to do what the far left has wanted for months and actually repeal the policy. so the unacceptable crisis level status quo may only be be the warmup act compared to coming attractions. one immigration expert told a reporter, quote, it is definitely, at least in the short run, going to result in many, many more people released into the united states. congressman gonzalez who represents texas' 23rd district says it would be a hurricane for border communities. of course the biden administration officials who claim they have a plan to cope with the removal of title 42 are
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the same people who brought us recordbreaking illegal immigration even with it in place. so make no mistake, the choice between the current border situation and title 42 and an even worse situation without title 42 is a choice between a disaster and a catastrophe. democrats need to stop shuffling deck chairs on the titanic and start looking to the tough, proven, successful policies that allowed the preceding administration to get a handle on the issue, and they need to drop the forgiving attitude to illegal immigration that draws more and more men, women, and children on a dangerous journey to our border every single day. it is inexcusable that the biden administration cares more about getting protested by far-left activists than they do about
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providing a basic level of order and security. everyone knows what steps would improve the situation, the playbook from the prior administration is right there. all the democrats need to do is pick it up. now, on a different matter, two years ago kentucky mourned the sudden death of our friend carol levin barr. at only 39 years old, carol suffered a fatal heart attack likely caused by an illness called value view already a heart disease. she left behind two young daughters and our distinguished congressman andy barr. carol led a devoted life devoted to serving others. last year congressman barr channeled his life into action and wrote a legacy -- the carol act. i introduced a companion bill in
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the senate alongside the senior senator from arizona, and last week the senate passed the carol act by unanimous consent, moving this legislation one step closer to being abouting law. the legislation embodies carol barr's humanitarian spirit. it will encourage new research into heart disease and greater awareness of the illness. eight million americans live with this disease, many without any apparent symptoms. approximately 25,000 of our fellow citizens lose their lives every year, often suddenly. the carol act is dedicated to sparing other families the tragedy that hit the barres. it is a fitting contribute to carol barr's -- it is a fitting tribute to carol barr's legacy. i want to thank all my colleagues for their support and i look forward to enact ago the carol act -- enacting the carol
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mr. schumer: i ask unanimous consent that the quorum be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: we have 26 days left in the calendar year, and there's still a lot we have to do. this week the house is expected to take up the annual defense authorization bill priming the senate to take action perhaps as soon as next week. the senate's work on funding the government also continues. i just finished a meeting with the republican leader about finding a constructive path forward to keep the government funded next fiscal year. leader. mr. -- leader mcconnell and i have been confirmed the importance of getting this done because our troops and national security depends on it. this wednesday the senate will hold another classified briefing on the state of play in ukraine, and i hope that my colleagues recognize how funding the government is inextricably tied, supporting ukraine while protecting vital national security here at home. the two are tied together. so we're going to continue
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negotiations until we get the job done on funding the government. both sides recognize the importance, so both sides must chart a path forward together. the senate is just a few confirmation votes away from reaching another milestone soon. soon we will confirm our 90th federal judge under president biden. i want to thank senator durbin for his diligence and hard work in this area of sending -- of getting nominees appointed to the bench. we vote today on judge number 88, doris pryor, tapped by the president to serve as u.s. circuit judge for the seventh circuit. she'll be the 26th -- the 26th circuit court judge the senate confirms in the last two years. these appointments are critical, even though a conservative majority presides on the supreme court. the bulk of all federal indications are still d. cases are still resolved by circuit court judges.
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she will make history as the first woman of color from indiana ever to sit on the circuit. we're making sure our courts reflect the diversity of america. a graduate of the university of central arkansas and indiana school of law, judge pryor served as a clerk for both the 8th circuit court of appeals and for the eastern district of arkansas before turning to public defense. she has also more than a decade of experience as federal prosecutor, focusing on national security and prosecuting individuals who sought aid to terrorist nations. while not involved in donning black robes, she is deeply involved in the indianapolis community, founding youth programs, mentoring future lawyers, and helping the formerly encars rated to enter -- to reenter civilian life. in short, judge pryor has the brains of a jurist and the heart of a public servant, a perfect
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combination for someone serving a lifetime appointment on the bench. i look forward to her confirmation today and democrats will continue making judicial nominations a top priority in the new year. finally, donald trump cannot seem to go a week without doing or saying something disgusting, dishonorable and frankly disqualifying for high office. two ex-would ago it was a -- two weeks ago it was a dinner with a pair of loathful anti-semites. he said, well, i didn't know one of these men was coming. on friday he took his vial nature -- he called for the termination of the constitution of the united states because he lost the 2020 election. aside infrastructure the pettiness and ego of that, it's as if donald trump is on a mission to find new ways to sink lower and lower to the detriment of america. how can anyone hope to take the
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presidential office -- oath of office to preserve and protect the constitution while simultaneously calling for the constitution's termination? it's wholly disqualifying on its face. now that donald trump is being rightfully criticized for attacking the constitution, his response is to double down and deny he ever did so in the fingerprints rather than have the -- in the first place rather than have the decency to own up to it. i'm glad some republicans seem willing to condemn his lunacy but we need more voices filling the silence. we need nothing less than an avalanche of condemnation from republicans. but, sadly is, all we've gotten so far is just a few fluorries here and there. republicans need to speak up because if america doesn't extricate itself from donald trump and his maga ideologies, it could undercut our american way of life. when a former president calls for the termination of the u.s. constitution, there can be no silence, no equivocation, nothing less than total and
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fierce condemnation. so to my republican colleagues, enough is enough. reject maga, reject trump, condemn these awful attacks on the u.s. constitution. i yield the floor. mr. durbin: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from illinois. mr. durbin: at the outset i want to join the majority leader in his kind words related to judge doris pryor, who is seeking a seat on the seventh circuit court of appeals. i ask consent that my statement be made part of the record. the presiding officer: without
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objection. mr. durbin: mr. president, i also ask that the statement that i have here relating to the great news that we received friday, the jobs report showed that our economic recovery under this president is continuing with 263,000 jobs created during the month of november, but more than strong numbers, what caught my attention is that there was very little response from the other side of the aisle. while it is good news -- well, it is good news and i ask to place this statement in the record. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. durbin: mr. president, this is a statement that i've been reluctant to make because it relates to a dear friend of mine and my fellow colleague from illinois, senator duckworth. i'm sure what i'm about to say, she agrees with completely because i've talked to her many times about the subject. but in our state of illinois, we are home to a select group of elective leaders who have done what many people consider to be politically impossible.
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it's a feat that only flee officials have done in history, winning all 102 counties in the state of illinois, from carroll, as we pronounce it, all the way to chicago. even more impressive, there is only one of these three leaders who has continually won by landslide margins in one election after another. his name is jesse white. he has serve served as secretary of state in illinois for more than two decades and really it is no wonder that. ms. hassan: won hearts and -- -- that he has won the hearts and minds s. mr. durbin: he is truly a humble man. he works for the people he loves, the people of illinois. he has been a model of integrity, compassion and unwavingering commitment to public service. later this month, unfortunately for us, he's going to be stepping aside with his
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recordbreaking sixth and final term. there is a simple explanation for his unrriveled record. he really cares for people. he's devoted his life to building a better state for our kids. and he radiates a warmth and sincerity to everybody he meets. it is hard to keep up with him. whenever secretary white enters a room, he won't leave until he shakes every hand, whether it is a foreign dignitary or a person clearing the tables. even cultural barriers don't hold him back. he points with pride to the fact that he can express a greeting in selfen different languages. i think i've heard all seven. i tell you, he is one of the most loyal friends you can count on. when i ran for senate, nobody in chicago knew who i was.
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well, lo and lo and behold, it s secretary jesse white who spent sunday after sunday who introduced me to parishioners. he acted like i was the only one who needed a helping hand. it was an act of generosity i will always remember. really, this is the most consistent theme throughout secretary white's entire career, service to others. in every role secretary white has undertaken, he has done his part to build his beloved community, envisioned by martin luther king, jr. jesse white leaned on the wisdom of dr. king. under dr. king's leadership, secretary white participated in the montgomery boycott.
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it-month-oldled jesse white in the inspiring leader he is today. in the decade since, he has carried out dr. king's legacy by practicing a mantra that his staff knows all too well, do something good for somebody every day. he was in the general assembly in 1974 and he brought together an ee ee collective -- group. whether his constituents lived on lake shore drive, they all knew jesse white was on his side. in 1982 he began to work on the deeds. in the worth of his former chief of staff and one of my lead employees, margaret hoolahan,
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she said, quote, it was like a social service agency. everybody would line up up outside the office to see if they could help jesse in any way. jesse white would listen and do everything he could to find housing, find a job for someone. he was elected secretary of state in 1998, the first black illinoisan to occupy the office. he transform the office that had been marred in corruption and grew it into an effective agency. he declared he strive to be the best secretary of state we had ever seen and he lived up to that aspiration. he cleaned -- cleaned the office up and made our streets safer by imposing tougher rules and
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regulations for drivers and a teen driving program that has saved lives. his integrity shined every step of the way and he kept the promise he made when he first ran in 1998 that the secretary state's office would be his last stop in the political arena. outside of the political arena, he is recognized as well. he has had a title for 16 years, he's the founder of the jesse while tumblers. he tawrched the team back in -- launched the team and he has recruited more than 18,500 young kids to his tumbling team. their hand springs and black flips entertained crowds around the world. the tumblers have flown through the air at major sporting events
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and made an appearance at president obama inaugurating ral. he has created a safe space for chicago's kids to grow and flourish as long as they maintain decent grades and abstain from drugs and alcohol, he can't wait to get them on his team. tumblers have gone on to become teachers, doctors, and community leaders. one more story about jesse white. it's not something he talks about often. when he was a young man, he was a pretty good baseball player. after he graduated from alabama state, he was recruited by the chicago cubs to play in the minor leagues. his staff tells me he had a lifetime batting average of .291. i should be so lucky, the top average today is .326. on the day he was supposed to
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begin his minor league baseball career, he was drafted into the army. he went to jump school and served in the army's 104th air force division. it may have been the first time that secretary white put service to his country and community over his own self interest. it wouldn't be the last. that's what he dedicated himself to every day. doing his part to build the beloved community, earning a reputation as the state's most beloved. he has defended the rights of those who have been left behind. thank you for your leadership and lifetime of leadership and friendship. loretta and i wish you a long, happy retirement with your daughters glenna, lorane, your son mark and two grandchildren,
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susan and jesse. last friday i went to the irish fellowship luncheon in chicago. it's quite a festive event and i wasn't surprised when that honorary irishman, jesse o'white got the grandish applause of all. you deserved it. i yield the floor and suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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>> this is mark gold wine with the committee for responsible federal budget and serves as senior vice president and senior policy director. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> your organization, what is it and the focus that you have? >> we're a totally nonpartisan, nonprofit organization in washington that's focused solely on budget issues. our budget is broad in the tax policy on board some of the leading budget experts from the left, right and center and we're there to provide information to congress, to the press and public. >> one of the recent -- in recent days the head of your organization put out an op ed calling on congress not to add in the debt in the remaining weeks of this year. can you generalize what you had to say and the reasoning? >> inflation is basically the highest it's been in 40 years. our debt is approaching record levels of the economy, and all we're asking is for the next
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three and a half weeks for congress to not make the situation worse. i think they should be able to go with that law. >> when you say make the situation worse, what do you mean specifically? >> we keep passing new tax cuts and new spending increases and, look, lower taxes and higher spending are fine but we're not paying for them and who is? the grand kids. it's being put on the national credit card. ultimately we need to reduce deficits and we need about $7 trillion of savings over the next decade just to hold debt as a share of the economy. a good first step is not make it worse and a very first step is not make it worse for the very first three and a half weeks of 2022. >> there's consideration in the spending budget for you crane and defense spending and all those worthy candidates and what was passed for 2023. >> if it's good enough to have,
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it's good enough to pay for. putting more money to ukraine, we can cut spending elsewhere or raise the tax elsewhere and same for the other stuff and some of the things they're talk about, frankly are not worthy or a good use of our scars dollars. >> such as what? >> talks of bringing back a cause on the medicare sensorineural quester and during the pandemic -- sequester and during the pandemic we said we'd give everyone a 2% raise to support them through the hard times and talk of bringing 2% raise back even though the economics of the pandemic. the pandemic recession is long since over. our guest till 9:15, ask him questions concerning debt and topics of the budget and (202)748-8001 for republicans, (202)748-2000 for republicans and 207-48-8002 for
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independents. you broke down the categories for looking at things in terms of reduction and talk about and refer that tax extension for this year's budget, can you give us specifics as far as what that means, that category means? >> there's a few talks of canceling three parts of the tax cuts and jobs act that would have raised money. there's talk of have a permanent deductibility. that's corporate tax cuts. >> consideration of corporations
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finally begin to break. last week the house finally passed the justice and mental health collaboration reauthorization act that i authored with senator klobuchar. this bill will continue critical grants for mental health courts, crisis intervention teams, and other programs to promote public safety, improve mental health outcomes, and reduce recidivism. the bill passed the senate unanimously in june, and while i'm disappointed it took so long for the house to act, i'm glad it finally did with overwhelming bipartisan support. last week the house also passed legislation to rename the post office in arlington, texas, not exactly a monumental piece of
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legislation but the important part of it was it honored our friend and former colleague congressman ron wright. this legislation passed the senate with unanimous support. back in may and over the last six months, it's gotten caught up in partisan jockeying in the house. i am glad the house finally advanced this bill so we could honor the incredible life and legacy of congressman wright. as i said, the logjam looks like it's beginning to break, but we still have a ways to go. despite advancing these two overwhelmingly bipartisan bills, the house still refuses to pass another incredible bill, the residential substance use disorder treatment act. senator white house and -- whitehouse and i introduced this bipartisan bill to help incarcerated individuals struggling with drug abuse. there's a well established link
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between drug abuse and crime, and in order for individuals who have been incarcerated, have the best shot at leading healthy and productive lives, they need to break the cycle of addiction. the residential substance abuse treatment program or rsat as it's sometimes called provides individuals treatment for substance disorders. it's coupled with programs to prepare these men and women for reentry and to provide community-based treatment once they are released. our bill updates the program and expands access to treatment in jails and prisons around the country so that we can reduce resith sid vism and build -- recidivism, and build safer, healthier communities. more than two dozen organizations have endorsed this bill, including behavioral
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health groups. it passed the senate with unanimous support last year, but for some unknown reason the house has refused to take it up so far. i can only hope that this will change in the waning days of the 117th congress. as bad as it is to block any of these commonsense bipartisan bills, one of the most confounding is the bill to improve the way police respond to an individual's experiencing a mental health crisis. this has been a major issue, something we have led on here in the congress and why the house refuses to act now is beyond me. but the american people have witnessed one disturbing incident after another in which a seemingly benign encounter with police turned deadly. these have included everything from routine traffic stops to encounters with individuals experiencing a severe mental
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health meltdown. we all agree that deadly force should be a last resort. unfortunately, police officers don't always have the training and the resources they need to defuse dangerous situations. that's why the grants are so important to de-escalate the confrontation. as we all know, our communities ask a lot of our law enforcement officers in addition to fighting crime, they're often the first to respond to domestic disputes, drug overdoses, and, yes, mental health crises. they're expected to function as peace officers, social workers, mental health professionals and a crisis response expert of all stripes. we've tried to lessen the burden on police through bills like the justice and mental health collaboration reauthorization, but those bills alone are not enough. law enforcement has asked congress for more support to improve de-escalation training
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and we need to deliver. that's exactly why i worked with the democratic senator from rhode island to update and reintroduce the law enforcement de-escalation training act. this legislation will ensure that all of our officers have the skills they need to defuse a potentially dangerous situation that could potentially harm them or the person experiencing the crisis. use of force should only come into play when absolutely necessary. and this legislation will provide law enforcement with the ready knowledge of what alternatives exist. it will help train police in de-escalation tactics, the most effective and safest ways to interact with people experiencing mental health or suicide crises, and how to work as part of a crises intervention team. law enforcement has specifically requested this training, and i'm not willing to second-guess them
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when they say these are important techniques to keep their officers and the general public safe. they're certainly not soft on crime policies. this bill has a list of endorsements that is as long as it is diverse. law enforcement group, including the fraternal order of police, the national association of police organizations, and the national sheriffs association have all endorsed this bill. so did the major county sheriffs of america, the major cities chiefs association and the national criminal justice association. this legislation also has the support of major mental health groups, including the national alliance on mental illness, the american psychological association, and the meadows health policy institute. it received the endorsement of folks on the conservative end of the spectrum, such as the american conservative union and the faith and freedom coalition and right on crime.
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it has the support of faith-based groups including prison fellowship, the national association of evangelicals and the catholic prison ministry coalition. it's also received the support of the national association of counties which represents local leaders throughout the country. despite this long list of advocates and stakeholders who support this bill and the fact that the senate passed it unanimously, the house for some unknown reason blocked it this last week. while it received majority support, it failed to clear the two-thirds threshold necessary under the house's suspension calendar. many of the people who voted against this bill be the same ones who supported de-escalation training grants multiple times in previous years. and are even on record promoting their support in the media. as recently as two months ago grants for de-escalation
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training were uncontroversial. it's tough to understand what's changed and why anyone would vote against this bill now. it provides the funding and the training that law enforcement disseparately needs and that will help make encounters between law enforcement and people experiencing a mental health crisis much safer for all concerned. it will help build public confidence and trust in our law enforcement agencies and like i said, has the support of a full range of sakeholders. there's no ideological or political reason why people would not support this bill. as members of the senate and members of the congress, across the political spectrum have seen the wisdom of passing this legislation. but i must say anyone who considers themselves pro police or pro law enforcement should be pro this legislation. i'm disappointed as i said that
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the house blocked this bill from heading to the president's desk last week, and i'm hopeful that speaker pelosi and leader hoyer will schedule another vote at a simple majority threshold soon. i look forward to that second vote because as we know, house republicans have been very clear about their support for america's police officers. they wrote out their commitment to america framework which included a commitment to build a nation that is safe. part of that commitment is, and i quote, to oppose all efforts to defund the police, close quote. i stand by that commitment a hundred percent and no one who supports the commitment to america should waiver in their support of law enforcement, including this particular piece of legislation. in order for every american to not only be safe but to feel safe, we need to enact long overdue reforms to ensure police
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are more responsibly serving our community and that is that they have the training and tools they need in order to do their dangerous and difficult job. the law enforcement de-escalation training act will go a long way to give those officers the funding and training that they've requested and that they need in order to do their jobs better. just as house republicans have promised, we must give america's brave law enforcement officers the resources they need in order to protect and serve our communities. madam president, i yield the floor and i'd note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: ...
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>> in recent days, the head of your organization, miami guinness put out an op ed and calling to congress not to add in the remaining weeks of the year. tell us what you said. >> inflation is the highest in 40 years and our debt is approaching record levels of the economy, and all we're asking is for the next three and a half weeks for congress not to make the situation worse. they should be able to go that long. >> when you say make the situation worse, what do you mean specifically? >> we keep passing new tax cuts, new spending increases and lower taxes and higher spending is fine but we're not paying for them? but who is? the grand kids and being put on the national credit card. ultimately we need to reduce deficits and need about $7 trillion of savings over the next decade to hold debt in share of the economy. a good first step would be let's not make it worse and a very first step is not make it worse
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for the very last three and a half weeks of 2022. >> there's defense spending and all those worthy candidates for us to keep in or to remove from this year's budget or whatever is passed for 2023. >> many are worthy oaf funding but if it's good enough to have, it's good enough to pay for and we have cut spending elsewhere and raise the tax cut and same for elsewhere and they're not worth a good use of scars dollars such as -- scarce dollars and bringing back a pause on the medicare sequester and during the pandemic, we said we'll give everybody a medicare 2% raise in order to support them through the financially hard time. there's talk of bringing that 2% raise back even though the economics of the pandemic, the pandemic recession is long since over. >> our guest with us till 9:15 if you want to ask him questions
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concerning the debted and particularly when it comes to topics of the budget for 2023, (202)478-8001 for republican, 8000 for democrats and 8002 for independents. the center took a look at aal sis and breaking down categories of things to look at in terms of debt, deficit and reduction and refer to stacks extension for this year's budget give us specifics as far as what that means, that category mean s? >> yeah, there's a few little kinds of tax credits and deductions we extend every year and very small. this year there's talk of canceling three parts of the tax cuts and jobs act that actually would have raised money. there's talk of canceling a change that would amertize research expenses and say company haves to deduct expenses
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over five years instead of one and similar talk of extending expensive equipment for full media production of equipment and getting rid of pay for around interest deductibility. if we did all three of these things together, we did it on a permanent basis, something like $400 billion or tax cuts for corporations. >> that's the criticism they're going to corporations or is it the other -- >> criticism is they're expensive and not paying for it. it's not necessarily a great use of money but bigger problem is they're not figuring out how to make up the revenue elsewhere.
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>> there's an opportunistic ed and putting it back on the table and there's an argument that the credit ids is 25% and 40% of households paid down debt and some of the participates have spent credit on foot food and other things and these are good things as far as overall in the tax credit and what would you do? >> the tax credit and give kids a tax credit and make them pay in the future because we're adding to the debt. there's a bad thing that happens in washington where one party wants to add to the deficit and other par seizure disorders says as long as we get to add to the deficit for our thing and that's a bit of what may be happening here. republicans get a tax break for corporations and good nor investment, bad for kids and the future. democrats get an expansion of child tax credit, same thing. good for kids today and bad when they pay it back in the future. instead they should be negotiating how do we have a package that's fully paid for
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that we either cut spending, cut other tax breaks or raise taxes elsewhere. >> sounds like you're advocating for things on the state level for a balanced budget. >> not balanced but the deficit is $1.4 trillion. >> again, mark is our guest and if you want to ask questions, we start on the lines. keith is in ohio and live. you're on with the guest, good morning. go ahead. >> good morning, sirs. okay. we've been doing this for about three decades. we've been running up the debt. i don't know if it was even a trillion back when bush was
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president. >> next year we're going to spend more on interest than everything we spent on kids at the federal level. within a decade, interest will eclipse the defense budget within a quarter century and interest on course to be the single largest federal government program, larger than medicare and social security and defense. that's not sustainable. i don't know what the breaking point is. i don't think that we can point to it today and say this is when things break but we're on a path that cannot continue.
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we need to come together and support the stronger economic growth and can't do it with any one of those things. we put out $7 trillion frame work, not perfect but trying to get the conversation started and takes obstructing cerumen takes -- on healthcare and the carbon tax and it's not sustainable. >> one thing your analysis does is take a look at discretionary spending and topic of social security and medicare. where should those stand as far as your opinion of them? >> well, social security and medicare are headed towards insolvency. medicare by something like 2028 that's in six years and social security in the early 2030s. if we do nothing, the law calls
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for across the board cut. senate is the all hands on deck and medicare there's so much to do and get more value for the dollar in medicare advantage with hospital payments, better incentives around prescription drugs and everything else. rising central security we'll make adjustments and people pay more in payroll taxes at the high end and adjust the benefit formula and should adjust the retirement age very gradually and it's not going to be easy but i promise you it'll be better than the 22% jaire ewe
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advocate against that but raising the debt ceiling. can you describe that? >> that's like saying i'm against overspending but i should pay my credit card whether it comes due. debt ceiling says we're going to pay our bill and don't pay and default on the debt, the same costs of debt will occur in rapid time because interest rate wills go up and people won't trust us anymore and we need to pay for the past debt and pay -l the bill and plan going forward adding to the debt year over year. >> from california, independent line. this is regular, hello. >> yes, hello. good morning. i've been watching you guys for many, many years and my question is concerning the fiscal budget and revenue declining with the legislation, the respect for marriage act. my question is twofold. i'm considering adopting a dog and i'd like to know will i be
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able to marry that dog -- >> leave it there and go to tim in arkansas, democrat's line, hi. >> good morning, gentlemen. i'd like to know once default happens, do we still have to pay the money back or -- cause we're taking care of the world's problems. i mean, basically we spent all that money taking care of the world's problems. so i would say just spend it. >> look, i don't think we're going to default on our debt, tim. we -- our bonds are the backbone of the global economy if we did default on our debt. it wouldn't just cause problems here but around the world as a global financial system and might pus us into a recession. my guess is if we do default, we will immediately regret it and we'll come out and pay all that money back. the truth is we're going to want to borrow again. we're not going to be a country
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as much as some of them who want it that's running a balanced budget every year and we'll need that ability to do borrowing for emergencies and investments. >> some of the growth gains are going out there and the rest of the mixture of the federal reserve that bought a lot of bonds to support the economy during covid and ordinary investors in the united states whether it's mutual funds or whether it's pensions or whether it's your grandma bought you a u.s. savings bond and it's going everywhere and people are collecting the interest but the bad news is we have to pay it and we're paying it at the
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expense of everything else. the expense of education, the expense of defense. the expense of lower taxes. it's a real cost and it's a cost for things we already benefited from in the past. >> from paul. paul is in louisiana issue republican line. hi, you're next. >> yeah, look, talking about stupid things that kansas does. my birthday is in august and when i first got any first check, hi to wait a month or two months till like october for my first check and the very next month november i get a notice telling me i'm going to get a raise. i forgot what it was. only two digits, i don't know what it was. why do they do stupid things like this. pedro, you'll have some nit wit democrat will call in and tell me just to give the money back but i'm talking about the whole center creed la data committee in the aggregate -- enchilada in the aggregate. >> this is from samantha saying it's an added increase and
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saying inflation is hurting american families. go ahead on the larger question. >> thrombocytopenia many reasons, hi-def sitz are partially at -- hi-def sits are -- high deficits are at fault and made the inflation much, much worse. >> from ohio, independent line. dennis, hello. you're next up. good morning. >> good morning. the previous caller is kind of stole my thunder here but i have basically the same question. i mean --
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so difficult that they might as well lock down their devices the way that apple is locking down the iphone. these companies claim that these restrictions make your devices more secure, but they don't apply the same policies to their latops and other similar consumer devices. it is only on the iphone and on the android. why would that be? i don't know for sure, but i do know this -- by locking down their mobile devices, apple and google can force app developers to abide by their terms no matter how harsh those terms may
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be. recently daniel eck, who is the founder and ceo of spotify said, and i'm quoting, over and over again apple gives itself every advantage while at the same time stifling innovation and hurting consumers, end quote. elon musk, now the ceo of twitter, has criticized the 30% tax that apple and google take from developers. what's more, app creators can't go to consumers themselves to offer them a better deal because that kind of contact is forbidden by apple and google in their terms of service. think about it. you can't even reach out to the people that have your app because apple and google forbid you, the developer, from contacting the consumer that is using your app.
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consider the position start-up developers are placed in. imagine trying to get your business off the ground in a market where two major players control access to your potential customers. there's no other market, and you can't negotiate with them, so you're forced to play by the rules that the gatekeepers are forcing on you. under those rules, the gatekeepers control your access to your customers, they use your confidential business information against you and block you from using the features on your customers' p device to give them a better experience. i heard just this story from a tennessean named karen thomas, who is the ceo of agron health in nashville. listen to the way she describes
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how apple held her company's app hostage. and i'm quoting her story. they demanded changes that would eliminate agron's pay functions in the web app and stopped karen from updating her mobile app which was free until she began charging consumers through apple's in-app payment system. this again would let apple take a 30% cut of every subscription agron received. that's the apple tax in action. karen said, and i quote, our app and our mission was set to die at the hands of apple unless our infant company came up with hundreds of thousands of dollars to reconfigure our service delivering -- excuse me --
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reconfigure our service delivery while losing 30% of associated revenue, and we are not alone. end quote. it doesn't matter if you're a start-up or an established company. when it comes to the digital economy, you depend on apple and google to stay alive because they control your access to your customers. they are the gatekeepers of your information. now the open app market act made it out of committee and almost unanimously received that vote, as i said, 20-2. republicans and democrats agree that this is not the way a healthy marketplace should be working. that is why we got that near unanimous vote. this bill needs a vote because
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it will set the fair, clear, and enforceable rules needed to protect competition. it will force big tech to allow third party apps and app stores on their devices. app store owners won't be able to lock developers into in-app payment arrangements anymore, which opens the door to competitive pricing. developers will also be able to keep their confidential business information private. imagine having to share your information. somebody else controls it, and they use your business information to compete against you. and most importantly, the developers will be able to communicate with their customers, which for any business owner is key to creating a strong product or service. i think it has become clear that
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the american people know how much big tech is controlling their lives, but they're no longer content to sit by and let these companies consolidate power, especially at the expense of freedom and basic human rights. over the past few weeks we have watched the chinese people revolt against xi jinping's zero covid lock dowps. much of the coverage has come to us via apps we have downloaded on our phones, but for the protesters in china, their use of tech is a double-edged sword. we know the chinese communist party is using apps and other forms of technology to identify and surveil and ultimately punish the protesters in china. people are being tracked via their virtual private networks and through apps like signal and telegram.
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and for activists with iphones, their options are now even more limited before the protests boiled over, apple made the unbe forgivable choice -- unforgivable choice to disable the airdrop feature in china only. that's right, madam president, only place on the face of the earth that apple decided to disable airdrop was in china, just prior to the protest. this feature was an activist's best friend because it allowed one person to share files with an entire local network with no way the government had to come in and monitor what they were sending. it was a game changer, and apple decided to flip the switch. when reporters asked apple's ceo tim cook last week if he supported the protesters in china, he refused to answer.
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now i agree this is incomprehensible until you remember that china is apple's largest market outside of the united states and it's a major source for apple's supply chain. in fact, both apple and google have a long history of giving owrgt -- authoritarian governments everything that they ask for. last fall both companies acted on moscow's orders and removed an app designed to coordinate protest voting in the russian elections. my colleagues may remember the scandal that was the 2022 beijing winter olympics app. the chinese communist party forced all the athletes and coaches and spectators to use this app. they didn't have a choice. both apple and google listed it on their phones even though they
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knew the ccp was using it to spy on their customers. this isn't mere gatekeeping. this is picking winners and losers in an environment where the losers could end up dead because of the decisions these companies are making. when i first started working on this bill with senator blumenthal, i received letters from several human rights organizations thanking me for paying attention to how these companies were using their power. we know that apple has plans to move some of their production out of china, so perhaps someday the chinese communist party will have less of a stranglehold on free communication around the world. but i would remind my colleagues that moving the chess pieces of production while vitally
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important, does not fully address the problem that we are trying to solve with the open app market act. think of everything that happened before apple decided to speed up this transition. we don't have time to put this bill on a shelf while china and big tech work out their differences. the digital marketplace is no longer a novelty. it's an essential service that billions of people rely on. in 2020, u.s. consumers spent nearly $33 billion in mobile app stores and downloaded more than 13.4 billion apps. two companies exclusively dictate the terms of that market. they have certainly made it clear that their power comes
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first. their profits are more important and the customers are at the end of the list. they are last on the list of concerns. every day i hear from tennesseans who have realized just how little control they have over their mobile device. they live half of their lives on their device, and they're no longer comfortable letting apple and google dictate the terms of their interactions with the rest of the world. we shouldn't be comfortable with allowing that to continue, and i would encourage my colleagues to join with senator blumenthal and with me, support this legislation, let's get it passed and to the president's desk. i yield the floor.
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michael likes here the judiciary committee senator durbin for his diligence, and hard work in this area of 70 forgetting nominees appointed to the match. how about today on judge number 88 come up prior and top by the presence to serve as you a circuit judge for the seventh circuit be the 26th of 26 circuit court judges the senate confirms in the last two years in these women's are critical, and even though the conservative majority presides in the supreme court and the book of all federal cases are still result by circuit court judges to confirm judge prior week histories the first woman of color from indiana never to sit on the seventh circuit and went judge at a time the senate continues refilling his mission to make sure that our course reflect diversity of america. a graduate of central part of university of central arkansas, and indiana school of law and judge prior served as a clerk for both the eighth circuit court of appeals, over the
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eastern district of arkansas before turning to public defense. she's also more than a decade of experience as federal prosecutor focusing on national security, and prosecuting individuals the sought aid to terrorist organizations and will she has will not involved in the jurist judge priors deeply involved in the indianapolis community, and in youth programs mentoring future lawyers and helping the formerly incarcerated to enter or reenter civilian life. that is what, just prior has a brains of interest in the heart of public servants, that a perfect combination for someone serving a lifetime appointment of the bench, i look forward due to her ventilation today and impress will continue making traditional nominations top priority the new year. and finally, own truck cannot seem to go a week without doing or saying something disgusting, dishonorable and friendly, disqualifying for high office. two weeks ago, he was a dinner
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with paraffin semi's, which didn't stay, is not announced any said what i do not know that one of these meant, when hit hundred this coming and he still hasn't denounced him and of any note that he was there. freddie come he took us rhetoric to a new and higher label when he called for the termination of the constitution of the united states, because he lost the 2020 election at aside from the pettiness the legal have that, that is if donald trump is on a mission to find new ways to sink lower and lower to the detriments of america, negativity hope to take the presidential office or oath of, to preserve and protect the constitution while simultaneously calling for the constitutions termination and is holy disqualifying on his face and now that donald trump is been rightfully criticized for attacking the constitution cummings response is a double down and i video did so in the first place rather than have the
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decency to one up. i got some republicans seem increasingly willing to condemn his lunacy but we need more voices filling the solids honey nothing less than an avalanche of condemnation from republicans. but sadly all the guidance of our come in just a few flurries here and there. i republicans say to speak out because if america does not extricate itself from donald trump is mega ideology, dress our american way of life and this is not the partisan scuffle, former president calls for the termination the u.s. constitution, there will be no silencer no implication and nothing less than total fears condemnation is in my republican colleagues, and that is enough. project mega, reject trump, condemn these awful attacks in the u.s. constitution. any of the floor. >> two years into the biden administration across approach of illegal immigration in our nation's borders and it has
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failed the american people. i leslie one is organization reported the daily crossings on southern border, that remains near record highs and less fiscr alone more than 2.76 million illegal immigrants cross our seven border. absolutely smashing the previous record i five more than a million. and it is almost the equivalent of a full 1 percent of our total national population. and kindergartner southern border, in just one year. and the problem just keeps getting worse. reported estimates, say that within 73000 new gotta ways, dodge border patrol has caved into our country and just this past november alone. that absurdly, the response to this crisis from president biden - everything is fine, that
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everything is fine and everything is going according to plan and they said last month, that we're doing is precisely what we announce that we would do in april of this year pretty we've indeed been executing, on the land heard and everybody else in the country calls are functional open borders, and emergency and crisis. but apparently the biden administration calls yes, mission accomplished. enter in mind come the terrible in the unacceptable status quo, has come some emergency covid-19 measures , they are still in place and all the crisis level numbers that i just ran through have come with these extra border controls, called 1042, actually still in effect. and l1 federal judges trying to force the biden administration to do the far left is wanted for months, and actually repeal the policy. and of the unexceptional prices level status quo may only be warm up actually, compared to
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the coming attractions. when immigration expert told reporters out it is definitely at least in the short run, going to result in many many more people released into the united states pretty gonzales representing texas 23rd district said that it would be a hurricane for border communities. >> of course the biden administration officials who claim have the plane and hunt plaintiff over the removal of title 42, of the same people who brought us record-breaking illegal immigration, even with it in place. and so make no mistake that part border situation of title 42 and even our situation without title
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42, is the disaster and catastrophe. democrats need to stop shuffling the chairs on the titanic and start to look to the south proven successful policies that allows the preceding administration to get a handle on the issue. i need to drop in forgiving attitude to illegal immigration that arose more and more men and women and children, on the dangerous journey to our borders, everything a day. it is inexcusable the biden administration cares more about getting protested by far left activists, and they do about providing a basic level of order and security. everyone else what steps would improve the situation, playbook from the prior administration, is right there, while democrats need to do is pick it up.
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and on a different medicament two years ago, kentucky more to the second tragic ever freddie, carol barton only 39 years old, carol suffered a fatal heart attack, likely caused by an illness notice valvular heart disease. she left behind two young daughters, and a distinguished colleague congressman andy barr. caremark lived an extraordinary life, devoted to serving others is your reasonable work channel this brief interaction with the cardiovascular advances in research opportunity for legacies, or carol act pretty high and it is companion bill in the senate alongside, the senior center from arizona. lastly, senate passed the carol act by unanimous consent moving this legislation, one step closer to becoming law. legislation carol bars
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humanitarian spirit and it will encourage news research and develop hundred settlement heart disease and greater awareness of the illness pretty they million americans live with this disease, many without any apparent symptoms in a proximally, 25000 of our fellow citizens lose their lives, every year, often, suddenly and the carol act is dedicated to spring out of their that tragedy that hit the bars and it is a fitting tribute it to carol bars wonderful life and legacy is an important piece of legislation in his own right. i don't want to thank all my colleagues their support, i look forward to necking the carol act into law very soon.
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>> where are week stars efforts to fund the government. >> less than two weeks away from the deadline, set for yourself, if in the government through september 30th, which is the end of the fiscal year here in washington the season was extinct deadline is coming up and there's actually not even a bill yet that's is still being written between republicans in the house and senate telephone everything from the military, to health programs and everything in between, as is
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all of the nondiscretionary are the discretionary spending on medicare social security that is all covered his every thing else do still need to be worked out in those negotiations are still ongoing pretty so we expect in the next couple days, to see a bill that either would be of a stopgap measure that could get them past to the summer 16th deadline in a wooded government shutdown within god's full control of washington seems unlikely that shut down what happened. there's a lot of senior lawmakers looking to withhold of basically a fuller full government spending bill, within the government through symptom or 30th. >> have we had any indication of the top line figure look like as far as this concern. >> that is the multitrillion dollar question this point that they have not agree, how much of the bill should go towards defense but you how much should go toward non- defense spending which is really the first critical thinker they have to work out it will be like to see more spreading but it has been that's what in the present life like seymour spinning a
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non-defense spending and went to get past that, then they can figure what goes to the public, and that really is the first key they should have to work out. >> is this domain package being worked on premises potential to think about another just keep current spending levels at the same rate for a year of course we. >> that is right is a is no continuing resolution with the government as of now through september 30th get government's judgments many of the current levels of violent wires to do that again if they have some form of agreements, for a full off to read another cr the week, i'm a three minute full year and there's pros and cons from all of that for the two different parties, and so four for the ticket to become i could give them just enough time to cover the deals that you get into january republican sick over the house that time is certainly feel like a greater say in this pending package this one way to accomplish that in the other option full year cr
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basically avoided past regular spinning wheel, were just going to sort of let the government coast in the spending conditions and that is actually riled up some republicans because that would essentially be a cut to the defense pretty because it is so i it would be cut to defense spending and that is something we really like to avoid. >> argus is with us until he 30th one half asked questions what to expect in publishing call 20,274,880,012 through two - and 8002 for the independence and, we've talked a lot about the last couple of weeks about he and his efforts to become house speaker by this far as major committees, why should we look out for the next congress. >> most of the republicans wheelchair these major committees going into the next two years of going to be what about the ranking members from the current committees now, you have people like michael who's going to be the chairman of the house a foreign affairs
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committee and jockeying however for other pedals like the ways and means committee and buchanan comes when jason smith and adrian smith and that should get worked out several days and something called the steering committee basically, some house republicans and including top leadership as well as ranking file basically the arguments over the coming days and from these republicans that would like to chair these committees make sure to make the decisions that will be up to about a default conference and so, while certainly, a lot of the work gets done on the floor leadership offices in committee are still place where a lot of the nitty-gritty details so get worked out and we are sing the appropriations, process impoverishment and likely to be the chair appropriations many to actually be the first time in american history, for all for other top appropriators, thou senate, then present republicans, will all be women that's kind of interesting so the decisions will get worked of the people are have the greatest say really substantial policy
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issues collected get progressive. >> house judiciary. >> congressman jim jordan is lucky the decisions about certainty the current new york democrat jerry devereaux was asking him what he think you can get done i was matured you really have a great answer, and is a really have this conversation just i think a part of that is because jordan has been very focus on oversight and looking to make contact justice at all of its actions over the last two years the house judiciary committee would try to become the locus of the oversight proceedings in progress follow the house oversight committee led by james gilbert is been reported that 40 or 50 things to give you and thank you him up with a strategy the investigations going not overshadowed legislative ever. >> for the clichés of horses that we know how to walk and chew gum at the same time see if that is the case that the you with this one and repeating former present thought that was but twice and always that you
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can follow thanks the numbers and focus, they can only juggle so much in their heads have one time so certainly, we will see if the republicans had many of whom are new to the government and most of them have not been house majority before we see if were under their able to juggle oversight and legislation fittings happen to god can figure mccarthy is on the sunday shows that was the va i will show you what he said the first of all what is the sending spies back as the national defense authorization act is been going on for 60 years heavier office passes a military policy bill, basing his incoming ships are we going to know how many planes are we going to fly these are the questions we can work out here we are a bipartisan bill, i guess a more newish democrats and the publicans of money guess about the most part, the vast majority of authorities and we could see a drop as soon as today and have a number of key
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writers senate mccarthy was on "fox news" yesterday talking about help it will have a measure •-ellipsis the requirement in the number of military to get the covid-19 vaccine really major concession to the republicans that they try to get to some sort of deal going past it be for the of the year which is a priorities. >> mccarthy on fox. >> i don't very clearly with the difference living with the new republican majority with the present we are looking for what is the be a national since bill, we will secure lifting vaccine mandate under military our findings are kicking out men and women that have been serving people are not meeting their recruitment and i had a conversation with the secretary of defense even aside, but come next week you will see that we been able to and that is the first victory of heaven the republican majority would like to have more those victories we should start moving those now. >> already calling it a victory,. >> exactly not even the majority yet and certainly, house or publicans of not have as much
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power in this particular version of washington because unlike the senate come house republicans dealt with the filibuster and so they have not really been able to do anything other than protest whatever house speaker nancy pelosi is brought to the floor but is very clear that house and senate republicans have been able to work together in this basically take a look if you do not include this degree measure and started to move on to be able to call it not be obligated across the floor until the end of the year when the republicans will have a greater say in how to do this and so it is certainly a victory for the republicans and this still has to through this in oregon that impressive also have a filibuster it so this is only one of the key riders to watch and probably the one for polarizing issues. >> joining us for this conversation, will start off with nothing in florida republican line coming on with her best to go ahead. >> good morning gentlemen. i really just have one question. is there anyone in the government, or any kind of a movement, and the government, to
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try to deal with the every expanding national debt and i believe that our national debt is growing somewhere between $12 million a minute and i think that this national debt is perhaps one of the greatest threats that our country is facing and thank you will take your answer off the air. >> answer is yes, republicans especially have interest in using the upcoming debt limit hike going to happen in order to avoid a default in the national that to enforce some concessions. on the mandatory spending national debt that something touched in this ominous package that we did talk about like social security medicare medicaid they could go solvent in the next couple of years absent some action by congress and that is going to cause some disagreement with congressional democrats and of course the
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white house who are worried what cut social security medicare would mean for the seniors and people to depend on that money that is so come over the next six months or so, the government will eventually run out of the ability to borrow more money is something that happens over and over again in the treasury department usually is able to extend the date by which the government is not able to pay the bills anymore having for that date you can expect congress to do something to look your suspended that debt limit been tied to that republicans worry demand key concessions including tackling those inventory spendings programs that tribute significantly to the national debt. >> your a lot of this forever to go from the growth of the republic is what to do something with security medicarer. would otherwise. motion. all those in favor say aye. all those opposed no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it.
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the motion is agreed to. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to executive session to consider calendar 1238. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye. all those opposed no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the motion is agreed to. the clerk will report the nomination. the clerk: nomination, the judiciary, jeffrey paul hopkins of ohio to be united states district judge for the southern district of ohio. mr. schumer: i send a cloture motion to the desk. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: cloture motion. we, the undersigned senators in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of executive calendar number 1238, jeffrey paul hopkins of ohio to be united states district judge for the southern district of ohio signed by 17 senators as follows.
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mr. schumer: i ask consent the reading of the names be waived. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to legislative session. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye. all opposed no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the moition is agreed to. -- the motion is agreed to. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to executive session to consider calendar 1183. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye. all opposed no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the motion is agreed to. the clerk will report the nomination. the clerk: nomination, the judiciary, tamika r. montgomery-reeves of delaware to be united states circuit judge for the third circuit. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: cloture motion, we, the undersigned senators in
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accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of executive calendar number 1183, tamika r. montgomery-reeves of delaware to be united states circuit judge for the third circuit signed by 17 ?ofs as follows. mr. schumer: i ask consent the reading of the names be waived. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to legislative session. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye. all opposed no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the motion is agreed to. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to executive session to consider calendar 1146. the presiding officer: the question is on the notion. all those in favor say aye. all opposed no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the motion is agreed to. the clerk will report the nomination. the clerk: nomination, the judiciary, dana m. douglas of louisiana to be united states circuit judge for the fifth
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circuit. mr. schumer: i send a cloture motion to the desk. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: cloture motion, we, the undersigned senators in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of executive calendar number 1146, dane in m. douglas of louisiana to be united states circuit judge for the fifth circuit signed by 17 senators as follows. mr. schumer: i ask consent the reading of the names be waived. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: finally, i ask unanimous consent that the mandatory quorum calls for the cloture motions filed today, december 5, be waived. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i ask that the scheduled vote occur immed immediately. the presiding officer: is there an objection? without objection. under the previous order, the leadership time is reserved. under the previous order, the senate will resume consideration of the following nomination which the clerk will report. the clerk: nomination, the judiciary, doris l. pryor of
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it will find everything from the military to health programs and everything in-between. this is all nondiscretionary or discretionary excuse me spending on medicare, social security that is all covered. it's everything else worked out. those negotiations are ongoing. we expect the next couple of days be a stopgap measure and avoid a government shutdown with democrats in full control of washington it seems unlikely a shutdown would happen. but a lot of senior lawmakers are looking for what's called an omnibus. wasteful government spending bill through september 30. correct swim any indication of the toppling figure will look like? click sets a multi trillion dollar question at this point. they have not agreed how much of that bill should go towards defense spending and how much should go towards non-defense spending. it's the first critical thing they have to work out. august of the republicans would like to see more spending on
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defense. democrats like to see more spending on non-defense spending but once they get past that they can go to what department that's a key issue they have to work out. >> is the omnibus the main package being worked on? is there potential they could stop a another package at the same rate for the course of your cell? works that is rights a continuing continuing resolution is what the government is on now. since september 30 the government has been spending at the current levels on auto pilot so to speak. again that expires october 16. they get up to do that again if they do not haveorm of agreement for a full omnibus package. they could create another cr that last a week, a month or even a full year. they're pros and cons for all of that for the two different parties. so if the ticket to a week that could give them just enough time to go over the deals. if they go to january republicans take over the house at that time and certainly republicans are like a greater say in that spending package and
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that's one way to accomplish that >> the inflation is so high, would be a real cut to the defense spending that is of the republicans would like to appoint her best his with his going 30 come of you have about these weeks i can congress, you can call (202)738-0014 republican 202740 and 8000 for the present 2027 or 88002 for the independence in text to 8003 and we talk a lot in the last couple of weeks about speaker mccarthy and his efforts become house speaker but as far as the chairs of major committees, should be lookout for thanks i'm. >> west of the republicans that will generally's merger committees going into the next two years will be what will call the ranking members from current committees the like michael mccall who will be the chairman
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of the house foreign affairs committee, and there's jockeying however for other powerful panels like the ways and means committees between congressman buchanan jason smith and adrian smith, as you work out and exculpate entities history committee basically, that is house republicans that includes top leadership as well as rank-and-file basically they hear the arguments over the coming days, promise republicans like to share these committees know make those decisions that will be up to about the full conference and so while certainly, a lot of the work gets done on the floor and leadership offices committees are still in place were a lot of the gritty details will get workout were sing 70 appropriations and congresswoman is like to be the chair of the house appropriations committee national the first time in american history where all four top appropriators house and senate democrats and republicans are awkwardly they are an interesting and those decisions will get workout of the white
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have the greatest say really policy issues, that will get workout. >> house judiciary camilla zoellick. >> houseman import is likely the chair and is a wrecking around talk to the current new york democrat chair and is asking him what you think you can get on with congressman jordan and generally have a great answer and is not really have this conversation get i think part of that is because jordan has been very focus on the oversight looking into big tech department of justice at all of its actions of the last two years and so despite the house judiciary committee would become the locust of the oversight proceedings in congress along with the house oversight committee led by congressman james. >> i hundred said the 40 or 50 things that could be looking into and publicans come up with a strategy to keep investigations going and not overshadow the legislative effort. >> one of the clichés in congress is we know how to walk and chew gum at the same time, and will see if that's the case never has have to deal with this
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in the repeating former president donald trump, not once but twice and there are ways that you can expend the floor time and bills another committee for some of the bills, the members of congress had can only juggle so much at one time is a certainly will see republicans many of whom are due to the governing and most of them have not been the house majority before and see if able to sort of juggle the oversight as well as the legislation that needs to happen. >> mccarthy was on sunday so just in one of the things exactly estate was and will see what he has to same first of all what is it. >> the mbas national defense offer and authorization xmas going on for six years never your spouse's a military policy bill basically saying how many ships are we going to build how many planes are we going to fly you know, these are the questions god of your bipartisan bill and somebody is the most part, the vast majority about parties for this bill, being worked out behind the closed doors so we could see the drop
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he represented, mother was a "fox news" yesterday talking about it will have a measure that the department members of military in the vaccine really major concession to the predicate review soaking passes before the interview which is key. >> here kevin mccarthy is been proximate had a meeting with the president had an outbreak when we come over the difference will be without republican majority we are working through the mba national since, the bill and we will secure think the vaccine mandate military because were funny is that there can count men and women who have been serving people are not meeting their recruitment data conversation with the secretary of defense he lost sight but you week you'll see that we been able to announce the first victory having a majority like have more of those victories moving those out. >> only calling it a victory. >> exactly and not even a majority@certainly, revoking not
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as much power in this particular version of washington because of the senate, house republicans don't the filibuster sleep not really been able to do anything other than protest whenever house speaker meant nancy pelosi brought to the floor but is very clear that house and senate republicans have been able to work together on this basically to save look if you do not included these measure package want to be able to start not be obligated across the floor until the end of the republicans will have the greater site and how to do this and so is certainly a victory for the republicans get through the senate with could filibuster it so certainly one of the key writers to watch probably one of the more polarizing issue. >> joining us for this conversation will start out with nelson and 49 you're on with augustine god has. >> good morning gentlemen and a really just have one question prayed is there anyone in the government, or any kind of a
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movement, and the government to try to deal with the ever expanding national debt pretty and i thank you so national debt is perhaps one of the greatest rights that are countries facing and thank you and i will take your answer healthier. >> the answer is yes and unprovoked and republicans in the interest in the upcoming hikes in order to avoid a default in the national debt forcibly can national debt in the human terry spinning that's not being touched in this package we been talking about things like social security medicare medicaid absent some action by congress that is going to cause some disagreements.
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next six months or so the next thing government will run out of the ability to borrow more money the treasury department usually is able to extend the date by which the government is not able to take me for x date, congress to do something to lift or suspend that debt limit been tied to that republicans will demand the key sessions including tackling is mandatory spending programs that contribute. >> your a lot of this program pretty limited present republicans do certain things with social security in relation or otherwise, what is on the table realistically as far as wrote republicans want to do. >> i think we were talking to the senate last week and offices
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to do something on this issue i think it probably goes beyond forming a super committee or way to study the issue they would like to expect key sessions maybe raising the retirement age percent and missus before privatizing social security pretty there depend on who you ask, folks have different ideas about how to do that but i think republicans around exactly what those would be depending on whether they're coming from the community or the republicans of the study committee and rick scott has his own ideas about going members of republican leadership in south as a work through particular asks, within immigrants, this is where you will start to see the. >> in new jersey, depressed on, as mitchell and hello. >> good morning gentlemen. back to the debt also names my understanding that the debt
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ceiling my be dealt with with the lame-duck, by the crowds as it seems like for the few pieces the legislative leverage that the republicans will have when they take power in the house in january . some wondering, where we are without anything has been proposed. >> seemed unlikely at this point that the democrats were doing thank you president limit by themselves part using the budget reconciliation process which takes weeks and we support them especially as an in order to get on in there simply is not that time anymore congress is in session for the next two weeks they could extend that by week and go right up against christmas that obviously, four weeks until the end of the year and so that sort of the hard deadline to do that because it's at the end of the year that all of the legislation congress. .
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under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table, and the president will be immediately notified of the senate's action. ms. cortez masto: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from nevada. coart cortez-masto i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to legislative session and be in a period of morning business with senators bermted to speak therein for -- permitted to speak therein for up to ten minutes each. the presiding officer: without objection. ms. cortez masto: i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to consideration of senate resolution 858, submitted earlier today. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 858, expressing f support for nationl adoption day and national adoption month and so forth. the presiding officer: is there objection to proceeding with the matter? hearing none. ms. cortez masto: i ask that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no interveeng
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action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. ms. cortez masto: i ask unanimous consent that when the senate completes its business today it adjourn until 10:00 a.m., tuesday, december 6, and following the prayer and pledge the morning hour be deemed expired, the journal of proceedings approved to date, the time for the two leaders reserved for their use later in the day and morning business be closed. that upon the conclusion of morning business, the senate proceed to executive session to resume consideration of the behm nomination. further, that the cloture motions filed on december 1 ripen at 12:00 noon and the senate recess after the cloture vote on the behm nomination until 2:15 p.m. to allow for the weekly caucus meetings. further, that notwithstanding rule 22 at 2:20 p.m. the senate vote on cloture on the hodge nomination and if cloture is invoked on either nomination, the confirmation votes occur at 4:30 p.m., that the cloture votes in relation to the perez,
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scott, and murphy nominations be at a time to be determined by with the majority leader in consultation with the republican leader during wednesday's session of the senate. finally, if any nominations are confirmed during tuesday's session, the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table, and the president be immediately notified of the senate's actions. the presiding officer: without objection. so ordered. ms. cortez masto: for the information of the senate, there will be one roll call vote at 12:00 noon, one at 2:20 p.m., and two at 4:30 p.m. if there is no further business before the senate, i ask that it stand adjourned under the previous order. the presiding officer: the senate stands adjourned until
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>> today senate judicial nomination worker 2023 defense program and policy legislation, off the horse a lawmakers are continuing to negotiate on putting government past decemben returns, watch live coverage, . >> season is around filtered view of government for funded by these television companies and more, including talks. >> homework can be hard, diner for internetwork can be harder than a swimmer providing lower income students access to internet so homework can be homework, cox connecting people. >> cox, sport c-span as a public service, along with these other television providers, you and front row seat, to democracy. >> now remarks mature vice chairman house select committee and the modernization of
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