tv Washington Journal Open Phones CSPAN May 15, 2023 2:46pm-3:01pm EDT
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>> sometime this monday morning tto open the phones to you at the public policy political issues on your mind and areopen for a . 022 47,004 democrats, 2001 for republicans, independence 202 740 8002. you can also send us a text as well. 202 and 48,003 including your name is where you from if you do that we will look for those as well start with rudy and sun citycalifornia, that's on your mind ? >> good morning. what's on my mind this
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morning is that social security crisis that we're having. they always want to raise the age limits for heworking the only people that keep doing that our people sitting in front of computers. they don't know anything about us seniors on the outside which 70 to 75 percent of people who work do medium to hard labor jobs so they're going to have to get all all this stuff from raising the age limit to 70 years old. >> what line of work are you in? >> i'm retired now i was in basically construction. i was charity up till i was 62 years old. 52 pound bags of cement on my shoulders. >> retire lerudy?
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>> i 65 c1 how do you feel? >> caller: like everybodyelse is the struggle . didn't have particularly no savings . so i rely on the social security. i'm looking at it as they got to look at the balancing act and keep their fingers out of the cookie jar of social e security . >> host: thank you for the call. from california this is the wire talk california. >> caller: this is from high rock north carolina. i've got an answer for the democratic party . anyway running for the house, senate, presidency sitting there at the ring to be a supreme court judge should have to as soon as they second they get elected
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freeze their assets and don't add anything to it or take anything away from it b. if they don't already get a salary from the government. they do that as long as and as soon ffice as they get out they can go steal all the llmoney they want to but as long as they are in those positions i'm tired of them takingmoney . >> host: i wonder your thoughts on the democratic governor from north carolina and that veto ceremony that he held in front of a crowd over theweekend it got a lot of k coverage, what did you think ? >> caller: i thought itwas terrific . it's one of the best governors we've had in the state for a while . you opened the subject, i'll bring it up. i don't think anybody that's trying to be a legislator that is not a female should be making any choices for any woman anywhere.
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they are not qualified. >> governor rory cooper who vetoed legislation saturday g that lewould have banned nearly all abortions in north carolina after 12 weeks passed by the republican controlled state legislature and now heads back to the legislature to see if they can override his veto . this is the in san antonio texas,a republican, the morning . >> dave, are you with us? then manny in california, independence. >> how are you doing? i'm just back from cuba. we've had an ongoing discussion about the 70th party at my old country club. and so i just wanted to kind of go back to my month in cuba and whether to make reference to the huffington
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post article called manning to her. if i can take a look at that. about the tour that i give people when they come to visit me in cuba. >> host: was lifelike incuba from your perspective ? >> my perspective is i'm a socialist . i grew up in cuba as a rich kid and i showed people all themansions in cuba and they're just shocked . there on these that there's so many mentions in cuba and havana where i was born. i went to a country club. i thought the whole world was like what i grew up. everybody had a mansion. and it was a real shock to me when i found out it wasn't that way. but i love cuba. i'm one of the 50,000 cuban
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americans that repatriated. and i'm able to buy houses in cuba. i what a house right on the water across the street from the us embassy or $30,000. you can imagine what that house, three bedroom house. i completely gutted it i'm going to air bmb it my son is going to be there in a couple of weeks. he's a lawyer like i was. >> you fly direct to cuba from the united states right now? >> i fly from san diego american airlines nonstop to miami every day to reflect on american airlines and southwest from florida and i encourage to go see cuba. don't believe all the bad stories in the new york times about ouyou but for the administration . go see for yourselves, take a look at my article in the huffington post and cuba is
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10 times in hawaii. and it's 10 times better. it's unbelievably a beautiful place. >> host: manny out of california, a man of cuba. tina, an independent. >> caller: i was going to say something but i just got to ricochet right back to mister manning because i graduated high school in miami in the 1980s. and the people that were coming over on the wraps they definitely had no money so for him to publicly say he's a socialist, you can buy this back and the other into the, a lot of people in cuba are suffering because of people like him . we like that in the united states. this is not a socialist country. it was built on the constitution . i'm sorry.
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that just blew my mind what he just said because i watched the suffering of our wraps. 's day there was about light up on the beach and they were hungry, they were dehydrated, they were skin and bones and for him to say he grew up a rich kid into the really mansion, perhaps it is family un share that money with the influx we had in the 80s. i'm sorry, that is not what i wanted to talk aboutbut that is my opinion . >> host: do you want to briefly touchon your other topic ? >> caller: my other topic is i'm sick of seeing the bars and the bees. instead of talking we need action. our country is dying. this dying right in frontof our eyes . we got on the terrorist list for goodness sakes.
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we got to come together as one america. it shouldn't be hey, i'm a democrat, i'm going to vote one way. vote with your heart, but with your mind and if you need to write on it. doleful for a personality, though for a policy. we got to do something were going to lose our country to say less and hope you have a blessed week. >> host: independent from pennsylvania on the issue, that in today's wall street journal. restaurant candidate for president and he's making the case older voting age in this country writes today urged congress tito propose a constitutional amendment that would require to earn the right to vote by the pirates would raise the age to 25 except for adults either a service requirements six months in the us first
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responder forecast is express administered to naturalize's. we isolate duties the pages of citizenship in many ways he said, he is renowned as part selected service reaching adulthood. that patient in the 26th amendment which lowered the voting age to 18 was the military draft. that's duty now seems foreign to us that's a real problem. some democrats for voting age to be born to 16 eight already allow teenagers at age to drive motor vehicle voting is one act, is the duty harasses serving our nation, knowing something about your mission these living in it for a short time isn't too much to ask. our second primal repair automatically with without refining it will require voting in today's wall street journal.
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this is diane incalifornia, democrat . >> the morning how are you. i'm calling about the budget and i'm also calling about janet yelling. also in the federal reserve. and there's chairman powell. she is absolutely correct. it's going to be adevastation , it we don't need that reflected into the world. north korea and all the ne middle east, any other adversarial countries. what i want to comment is general mccarthy may a focus on a news channel and it was a just a clip from the news paper saying that he said that the president wasn't doing his job. that is so juvenile. if he wants to communicate with the presidents, eat with him and he meets with them or me in another location.
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not bad mouthing him from israel when he was there just a couple of weeks ago in israel and palestine. the other thing is mccarthy has mitch mcconnell, the senior leader the major leader of the senate and the senate mcconnell has done a lot. he held up the election for merrick garland for the united states and all these things being backed up in the courts so he's got him on his arm, holding him up. mccarthy could do a lot better if he wants californians to live in and represent that he needs to stand up for all thetaxpayers in the nation . >> host: that diane in california .: 45 on the east coast.
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the house is coming in at noon today, 2 pm for legislative business and then 3 pm for their legislative business as well. in about five or 10 minutes we will get an update on the order joined by lauren of the el paso times for a the latest on the border in the wake of title 42 coming to an end but until then you are pulling for him in policy and political issues want to talk about phone lines are here democrats 202 48 republicans 202-748-8000 one an independent student you come for a 8002. this is california, independent, good pemorning. >> good morning. first i have a couple of questions and because i have no way of looking this up.
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marjorie taylor agreed when she first got into office e here at the white house, but she was married or divorced and she remarried. >> were going to leave washington journal that you can watch the rest of this segment on as we take you live in the senate. today lawmakers working on a judicial nomination to be held at 3:3 easter or brad garcia to serve as judge on the seat circuit court of appeals confirmed he will be the first luck. on nations second highest court. watching live coverage here on c-span2. >>. >>
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