tv U.S. Senate U.S. Senate CSPAN July 26, 2023 8:01pm-12:42am EDT
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major general bradford gearing to be lieutenant general of the united states marine corps and deputy commandant aviation. these men served 35 years. major general gregory maciello to be defense contract management agency. these men and women have put their careers, their lives, their families on the line, and now they are waiting because our colleague from alabama wants to make a political point. he has a political policy, and he is using these military nominees as pawns and hostages. it is nothing short, in effect an assault on our united states
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military. so nothing i say here may persuade him, but what is happening is a travesty and a tragedy for our nation because it undermines not just our readiness now but our recruitment in the future. the marine corps is the only service that is making its criement -- recruitment goal. the army, navy, air force are down significantly, and this beings which disgracefully puts our readiness at risk, serious danger also undermines our ability to attract the best and brightest from this country as our military has always done. it is the reason that we have the greatest military in the world. we have all of the weapons systems. we have the kinds of hardware
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that we need. but most important, we need the great men and women who will be discouraged by this action by the senator from alabama. so i plead with him, but most important, i ask the american people to be aware and be angry as we all should be, and i hope that my colleagues will join the american people in per persuading him that this kind of hold is shameful and disgraceful and should be rejected. thank you, madam president. i yield the floor.
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being. a senator: madam president. the presiding officer: the senator from texas. mr. cruz: i call up my amendment 421 and ask that it be reported by number. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: the senator from texas mr. cruz proposes amendment number 421 to amendment number 935. mr. cruz: madam president, last december marine general david berger stated the obvious that the department of defense's covid mandate hurt recruiting and hurt retention of the for several weeks now our democrat colleagues have been saying that military readiness is suffering due to promotion delays. well, i have good news for my colleagues. my amendment will help address these problems. while last year's ndaa quite rightly repealed the vaccine mandate prospeckively, problems caused by the mandate persist,
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including concerning recruiting, treengs and readiness. according to reports, the biden administration dismissed over 8,400 military servicemembers who had vaccine concerns. d.o.t. routinely denied religious requests violating rights of the constitution and rfra. dod gave over 80% of these servicemembers a, quote, general discharge causing them to lose g.i. benefits and in some cases v.a. benefits, even though those were benefits earned through honorable service. my amendment rights these wrongs. it will allow servicemembers dismissed over the vaccine mandate to seek reinstatement or a change in their discharge status. it restores lost g.i. and v.a. benefits. according to media reports, the dod is already contemplating all of these actions, but i believe
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the senate should lead to address these issues. they've ended the vaccine mandate, and it's not fair to the over 8,000 service men and women dismissed for a policy dod no longer believes is necessary. i urge members to support my amendment. the presiding officer: the senator from rhode island. mr. reed: i oppose the amendment because one of the fundamental aspects of the military is the ability of a senior to issue an order and the willingness of a subordinate to accept that order. and what we're dealing with here are individuals without appropriate justification, refusing to carry out a lawful order. the vaccination policies of the military are rather robust. there's i think more than a dozen required vaccinations.
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and someone who just could cavalierly dismiss that requirement and then claim that they should not be somehow held accountable i think is wrong fnlgt -- but this goes to the fabric of the military. you must obey lawful orders, and all of these were lawful orders. manager of vaccination is not a new, novel technique. the other aspect of this is this went right to the heart of readiness. we will all recall when an aircraft carrier in the pacific had to be evacuated background check covid aboard the ship, and the ship was actually out of commission for several months. that is a readiness issue that is pretty obvious. there are procedures to be reinstated in the military, and they have been in effect for many, many years. there is a board procedure.
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you can bring forth evidence that your dismissal is not appropriate, and that's being pursued now, i assume, by many people, or at least some. so this would really, i think, basically signal that you don't have to obey legal orders from your commander if you're accepting popular notions about what's right and what's not right. and i think we should reject this amendment. the presiding officer: the question is on the amendment. mr. cruz: i ask for the yeas and nays. the presiding officer: is there a sufficient second? the presiding officer: is there a sufficient second? the clerk will call the roll.
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under the previous order requiring 60 votes for the adoption of this amendment, the amendment is not agreed to. mr. wicker: madam president. the presiding officer: the senator from mississippi. mr. wicker: madam president, i ask unanimous consent that there be up to six minutes of debate equally divided -- the presiding officer: the senate will be in order. mr. wicker: -- prior to the next roll call vote. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. wicker: and now, madam president, i think we can move along quickly if we do have order. i do appreciate that. the presiding officer: could we have order, please? mr. wicker: i call up my amendment 1055 and ask that it be reported by number. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: the senator from mississippi, mr. wicker for himself and others, proposes amendment numbered 1055. mr. kennedy: madam president. the presiding officer: the
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senator from louisiana. mr. kennedy: sometime ago, senator sinema and i introduced the oversight of ukrainian assistance act to create a special inspector general to follow the money with respect to ukraine. senators hawley, paul, risch, wicker have been an important -- important voices in this. indeed, they've had their own bills. we have gotten together and worked out a compromise. our bill would create a lead inspector general among the inspectors general right now doing the auditing, which are the department of defense, the state department, the usaid. this lead inspector general would be our contact. we could go to that inspector general, get answers by all the inspector general would have to respond in 15 days. we will not need senate
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confirmation, because i expect the president to appoint as the lead one of the inspectors general who are currently involved, and i urge favorable passage and yield to senator wicker or senator risch. mr. risch:madam president. madam president, i rise to speak on behalf of 1055, i'm happy to cosponsors with senators wicker, kennedy, hawley, and sinema. i'm pleased we're able to come together on this. everyone on this floor wants to see that not a penny is wasted in ukraine or goes where it shouldn't go. mr. risch: we have several audits going on there right now, as all of us know. this really strengthens the audit function that we're doing. these are enhancements that do not duplicate or undermine the current i.g. structure.
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the i.g. structure is currently run by state, usaid, and dod. this brings them together and puts them under one head. unfortunately, the paul amendment, which we're going to vote on side by side next, would undermine their work. it duplicates the current oversight structure, creates permanent bureaucracy, extends to areas far outside ukraine and tries to superimpose a structure designed for afghanistan, which was a very different war than what we're involved in now. thanks to efforts of members of both parties in the past year, we've enacted 39 legislative oversight provisions covering all money appropriated to support ukraine since the war began. these provisions led to the completion of 35 oversight evaluations thus far, and another 67 more are planned or under way. to date, there has not been any substarch yaichted evidence of -- substarch yaichted -- substarchated evidence of his
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use of dollars. the inspector general does not make sense for ukraine. there are no u.s. formses fighting in forces fighting in ukraine. ukraine does not have the same concerns that afghanistan did. the war there is dramatically smaller than the other war. the state, dod, and usaid have the capacity to do this. this is a -- this amendment is a good amendment. i would urge you to vote for this and against the next amendment. thank you. i yield to senator wicker. mr. wicker: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from mississippi. mr. wicker: i consent to one additional minute on each side. the presiding officer: without objection. members will please take their conversations off the floor so we can hear the speaker. mr. wicker: i reserve the time for the opponents of the amendment. mrs. murray: we all share the view that oversight of our assistance to ukraine and any other nation is critical to make
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sure it is used appropriately and effectively. that's why we continue to increase our support for the existing permanent i.g.'s and are encouraged they have space to operate from in ukraine and are implementing a joint oversight plan. we have also tasked gao with specific oversight requests, adding additional layers of coordination would be counterproductive to our ongoing oversight efforts and involving the agencies in the selection for the assessment of the lead i.g., as proposed in the senator's amendment, would potentially compromise the inspector general's independence. there is no gap in u.s. authorities, presence, or additional resources for our oversight efforts that this amendment addresses. we should remain focused on strengthening existing oversight efforts as our support for ukraine continues. i urge my colleagues to vote no on this amendment.
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i yield to my colleague from illinois. the presiding officer: the senator from illinois. ms. duckworth: thank you, mr. president. bottom line this is uns in. there are robust existing coordination mechanisms among the i.g.'s to ensure exroa hencive -- comprehensive oversight to assist the dod i.g. with enhanced hiring authorities, and $27 million in dedicated funding for oversight for each of the three i.g.'s from dod, state, and usaid. the provision also includes a requirement that the lead inspector general complete a briefing to any member of congress within 15 days of requests. this almost certainly assures that the lig will spend time scheduling and briefing congress, not conducting oversight. lastly, as drafted, the $10 million authorization of appropriations is nonviable funding and the offset is not valid, as neither element include a funding account for money to go to or from. so this is entirely hollow
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budget authority. before that, i urge my colleagues to oppose this amendment. mr. kennedy: mr. president. mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from louisiana. mr. kennedy: do the opponents have any additional time? the presiding officer: one minute. mr. kennedy: mr. president, we have spent -- wicker i claim the time -- mr. wicker: i claim the time. mr. kennedy: i'm sorry. senator, go ahead. mr. wicker: if the gentleman from -- mr. schumer: if the gentleman from louisiana wants a minute, i'm fine to give it to him. mr. kennedy: thank you. you're a fine american. mr. schumer: a fine act of bipartisanship. the presiding officer: the senator from louisiana. mr. kennedy: mr. president, the american people have sent over $100 billion to help our friends in ukraine, and most members of this body supported it. this money didn't fall from
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heaven. it came out of people's pockets. how can we possibly look the american people in the eye and say that we don't want to assure them, to them that this money will not be stolen? that's all this bill does. it lets the president appoint a lead inspector general to answer to the united states congress so we can look the american people in the eye and say your money was not stolen. and i can't imagine we would not pass this bill. how can you go home and explain this to your people? you can't. mr. schumer: mr. president. the presiding officer: the majority leader. mr. schumer: mr. president, if we can have order. we have two votes left. in order to expedite things and get out of here at a less unreasonable hour, i ask unanimous consent that -- first, i ask all members stay close, and i ask unanimous consent that the votes be ten minutes each. the presiding officer: without objection. the senator from mississippi. mr. wicker: mr. president, to
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close, on behalf of the proponents, this is a bipartisan amendment and it deserves bipartisan support by the united states senate. rather than set up a disruptive new bureaucracy, it builds on the requirement for the president simply to select of the inspector generals a lead inspector general reporting directly to the secretaries of defense and state. if you want true oversight, and you want to put it in the statute, this amendment is necessary. that's what it does, it is simple, it's effective, and it puts it into law with the signatures of the president. i urge a bipartisan yes vote for this bipartisan amendment. the presiding officer: the question is on the amendment. is there a sufficient second? there appears to be. the clerk will call the roll.
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senators voting in the affirmative -- barrasso, blackburn, boozman, braun, britt, brown, cassidy, collins, cornyn, cotton, cramer, crapo, cruz, ernst, fischer, graham, grassley, hagerty, hawley, hoeven, hyde-smith is johnson, kennedy you lankford, marshall, mcconnell, mullin, ricketts, risch, romney, rounds, rubio, , scott of florida, sinema, tester, thune,
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tuberville, wicker, and young u. mrs. capito, aye. ms. murkowski, aye. senators voting in the negative -- baldwin, bennet, blumenthal, book,brown, cantwell, cardin, carper, casey, coons, cortez masto, duckworth, feinstein, fetterman, hassan, heinrich, hirono, kaine, kelly, king, manchin, markey, menendez, merkley, murphy, murray, padilla, paul, peters, reed, rosen, sanders, schatz, schumer, shaheen, smith, stabenow, vance, warner, warnock, welch, whitehouse, and wyden e.
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the clerk: on this vote, the yeas are 50, the nays are 49. under the previous order requiring 60 votes for the adoption of this amendment, is not agreed to. the senate will be in order. a senator: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senate will be in order, please a senator: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from kentucky. mr. paul: i call up my amendment number 438. the presiding officer: ask that it be reported by number, and the clerk will report. the clerk: the senator from kentucky, mr. paul, proposes an amendment numbered 438. the presiding officer: senators will take their conversations outside the well, please. the senator from kentucky has the floor.
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order in the senate. mr. paul: the u.s. sent $113 billion in aid to ukraine. it is impossible to send this much aid this fast into war-torn ukraine without waste, fraud, and abuse. yet we are told by departmental inl specter generals that they have not substantiated any cases of fraud. that is not good news. zero cases means our oversight is failing. when -- what our government can't find was uncovered by ukrainian journalists who uncovered a contract to buy food for soldiers at inflated prices that led to the resignation of ukraine's deputy defense minister. the presiding officer: the senate will be in order. the senator from kentucky has the floor. mr. paul: fortunately a successful independent oversight body exists. the inspector general for afghanistan reconstruction. they conducted hundreds of
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audits in afghanistan and saved over $3 billion to the taxpayers. we already have a war-tested inspector general in afghanistan who is ready and able to take on the task of oversight of aid to ukraine. let's not waste any more american treasure. a vote for my amendment is a vote for real oversight. a senator: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from michigan. the senate will be in order. the senator from michigan has the floor. mr. peters: mr. president, i appreciate my colleague's commitment to oversight of taxpayer dollars spent here at home as well as abroad. inspectors generals are key allies as we work to root out case and increase efficiency and make our government work better. the special inspector general for afghanistan reconstruction has done important work in afghanistan. and while i certainly support the goals of this amendment, i have concerns this provision
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could ultimately interfere with and divert resources from the inspector generals at the state department, the defense department, and usaid, who are already overseeing american support to ukraine. while i look forward to working with my colleague to bolster i.g.'s and conduct congressional oversight of congressional spending, i must urge my colleagues to oppose this amendment. the presiding officer: the question is on the amendment. is there a sufficient second? there appears to be so. the clerk will call the roll. the clerk: ms. baldwin. vote:
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mr. merkley. mr. moran. mr. mullin. ms. murkowski. mr. murphy. mrs. murray. mr. ossoff. mr. padilla. mr. paul. mr. peters. mr. reed. mr. ricketts. mr. risch. mr. romney. ms. rosen. mr. rounds. mr. rubio. mr. sanders. mr. schatz. mr. schmitt. mr. schumer. mr. scott of florida. mr. scott of south carolina. mrs. shaheen. ms. sinema. ms. smith. ms. stabenow. mr. sullivan. mr. tester.
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cruz, daines, fischer, grassley, hagerty, hawley, johnson, kennedy, lee, paul, schmitt, scott of florida, scott of south carolina, sullivan, tuberville. senators voting in the negative, baldwin, barrasso, bennet, blackburn, blumenthal, booker, boozman, brown, budd, cantwell, can't ole -- capito, cardin, case why i, cassidy, coons, cornyn, cortez-masto, is cotton, crapo, duckworth, ernst, feinstein, fetterman, gillibrand, graham, hassan, heinrich, hirono, hyde-smith, kaine, kelly, king, lankford, lujan, lummis, manchin,
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mcconnell, menendez, merkley, mullin, murray, ossoff, is padilla, peters, reed, ricketts, risch, romney, rosen, rounds, rubio, sanders, shaheen, sinema, smith, tester, thune, tillis, van hollen, warner, warnock, warren, welch, whitehouse, wicker, wyden, young. mrs. britt, no. mr. braun, aye. the clerk: mr. cramer, aye.
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yeas are 20, the nays are 78. under the previous order requiring 60 votes for the adoption of the amendment, the amendment is not agreed to. a senator: mr. president. on roll call vote -- the presiding officer: the senator from ohio. mr. vance: thank you. i voted now on roll call vote 200. i ask unanimous consent that i be permitted to change my vote since it will not change the outcome. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection, so ordered. mr. vance: thank you. a senator: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from arizona. ms. collins: mr. president, placing holds -- mr. kelly: mr. president, placing holds on hundreds of military promotions over a single policy disagreement is unconscionable. it's harming our national security and is is going to have cascading effects for years.
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not only will military services be left without confirmed leaders, but our senior leaders are going to have to do multiple jobs at once. this will disadvantage the services at every level and leave less experienced members to have to step in to fill their boss's shoes. as shutdown served in the navy -- as someone who served in the navy for 25 years, i want to paint a picture of what at that looks like in the real world. operations, plans, they will not get updated. these are the plans that prepare us for military conflicts, humanitarian disasters, and any conflict we face around the world. operations and exercises will suffer because they lack an expert at the head of the table who can weigh strategic risks and who is empowered by congress to make critical decisions.
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we won't have confirmed senior leaders at the table in places like africa, where we're trying to strengthen ties and security cooperation with our partners to counter violent extremists and the rising influence of russia and china. and, mr. president, speaking of china, we won't have confirmed senior leaders at critical posts in the region in that region of the world where they are empowered to bolster our capabilities. and let's not forget, these holds are preventing the promotions of military leaders in alabama. there are a lot of really important units who operate out of the redstone arsenal including the missile defense
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agency, which is responsible for developing u.s. defense against incoming ballistic missiles u --. the missile defense agency's next director is one of those officers at redstone who is waiting for his third star before he can officially assume this new role. the senator from alabama is preventing that. do we really want a leadership gap at the missile defense agency? and, lastly, i have to mention that this tactic treats our military servicemembers and their families like political pawns. let me tell you you this isn't just like holding up a promotion like in any other job. this blockade of military promotions, it's hurting military families who are having
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to put off moves to new assign piments across the country or across the world. that means a military spouse cannot start a new job. it means a new school year starts without military kids. -- who are stuck at their last base and don't know if they're going to be able to maybe try out for the sports team or join a club. now, mr. president, i know from experience just how hard these moves are. they're hard for military families. and that's under the best of circumstances. let alone when they are stuck in the middle of this? and as our military faces recruitment challenges, this stunt -- and, mr. president, this is a stunt -- this stunt is making a decision ease sis for a military family who has
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supported their servicemembers maybe for decades to finally say that they've had enough. now maybe they'll choose to retire instead of assume yet another unknown brought to you by the senator from alabama. or maybe a junior servicemember, maybe that person decides not to make a career in the military because they see so much uncertainty as their bosses are treated like political pawns. and these holds, these holds are going to have cascading effects. it's going to get worse and worse. this is not just some abstract idea. let me talk about a few of the military leaders whose promotions are being blocked. mr. president, the president of the united states has nominateed
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rear admiral frederick kacher to be comearnd -- commander of the sevenths fleet. the commander of the seventh fleet is not going to be able to take over as a confirmed vice admiral in that job, spent 29 years in service in 29 duty assignments and buy the senator from alabama he is being treated like a pawn. the president also nominated rear admiral douglas perry to be vice admiral in the united states navy, currently the second fleet commander in the joint forces command in norfolk. he spent 34 years in the united states navy. the senator from alabama is treating him like a political pawn. the president nominated rear admiral yvette davis to be vice admiral in the united states navy and the superintendent of the u.s. naval academy. she has spent 34 years in
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service. she was the commander of a carrier strike group and now the senator from alabama is treating her like a political pawn. the president has nominated rear admiral brendan mcclain to be vice admiral in the united states navy and commander of the naval surface forces command, the naval surface force in the pacific fleet. he spent 33 years in service. the senator from alabama is treating him like a political pawn. the president nominated rear admiral david cheaver to be vice admiral of the navy and the commander of the knave air forces of the pacific fleet. i served in the pacific fleet aboard an aircraft carrier. admiral cheaver spent 35 years in the united states navy, now
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being treated like a political pawn. the president has nominated vice admiral charles cooper to be a vice admiral of the united states navy and the deputy commander of the u.s. central command. mr. president, how critical is that? 34 years of service being treated as a political pawn. the president nominated robert goucher to be vice admiral of the united states navy, all of our submarines in the atlantic fleet attacking ballistic missile subs, he spent 32 years in the united states navy and the senator from alabama is treating him like a political pawn. the same is true for rear admiral shoshane chatfield. she has been nominated to be promoted to vice admiral and to be the u.s. military representative to nato. nato's military committee. she has spent 35 years in
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uniform. the senator from alabama is treating her as a political pawn the president nominated rear admiral janes downy to be vice admiral in the u.s. navy and commander of the sea systems command. the naval sea systems command is all the engineering and development. mr. president, you know being a senator from virginia how critical it is to have somebody in this post. that is confirmed by the united states senate. the senator from alabama is treating the admiral as a political pawn. the president has nominated major general roger turner to be a lieutenant general in the united states marine corps and the commanding general of the third map. mr. president, i believe your son serves in the u.s. marine corps. the third in japan is not going to have a confirmed general.
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he spent 34 years in service. mr. president, finally -- not finally, i have a few more. and, by the way, there's another 100 sitting over here on the bench. the president nominated vice admiral william houston to be an admiral of the united states navy, full admiral while serving as director of naval nuclear propulsion. this admiral is in charge of all of our nuclear reactors and he can't get promoted after spending 33 years in the united states navy because senator tuberville is treating him like a political pawn. now finally, mr. president, the president of the united states nominated major general tony howell to be a lieutenant general. i know major general howell. he's serving as the commanding general and commandant and the
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commanding general in for the huachuca in my state of arizona. he spent 29 years in uniform. he's been in 18 different duty assignments, 6 in support of combat operations, and the senator from alabama is treating major general tony howell as his political pawn. mr. president, i've been here for two and a half years. there is not something i felt more strongly about than this, and i don't think the senator from alabama gets it. this blockade of military promotions is doing real damage to our national security right now. it's doing great harm to military families. it's going to have cascading effects for years. and every single day that this continues, the consequences, the consequences of this get more severe. so i urge my senate colleague from alabama to remove his hold
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on these nominations so that the senate can perform its constitutional date and enable our military readiness and our national secy. with that, mr. president, i yield the floor. a senator: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from vermont. mr. welch: my colleague, the senator from arizona, speaks and spoke with authority of a person who committed his life before he came to the united states senate to the service of our country in the military. i do not speak with that authority. i speak with the gratitude of a citizen who's benefited by the willingness of folks like the senator from arizona who
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dedicated their professional life to our country. in that respect, as a citizen i speak for what all americans have come to expect and rely on, and that is the willingness of young men and young women to sign up in service in the military, and among them people who make that commitment that this will be their career. and they do it day in and day out being ready for whatever may come, being willing to respond to the call of the commander in chief, no matter what they may be. and all of us as citizens who have not worn the uniform can take it for granted that we've got these folks out there. but now what the senator from alabama is doing is essentially attacking that willingness to
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serve by pulling the rug out from under people who have dedicated their lives, served with distinction and earned the promotions for which they have been nominated by the president of the united states. you can't have an organization that functions where you don't have leaders. you can't have an organization that functions when people who have committed their lives to the profession, then when they perform with great distinction and get that nomination for promotion aren't promoted. it does, as the senator from arizona described, it erodes morale. it erodes effectiveness of the institution, and the cascading effects will be long term. and it is all on the basis of a willful determination to essentially abuse the men and
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women in the military, to abuse the military itself for an individual goal that's unrelated to the performance of the military but has a very detrimental impact on the military. but, you know, there's another element here for senators. that's a big position, it's a lot of authority that goes with that job. but can any of us look in the mirror and feel good about the use of that authority when the effect of that power as it's being used right now is just flat-out mean. it's mean to families. it's mean to kids. you've got folks whose lives are committed to the service of the military. they have been promoted. they're making a plan about
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taking children out of the schools they're in and getting them into a new school. that's incredibly disruptive and it takes a tremendous amount of love and concern on the part of the men and women in the military to make sure that as they get promoted and move on in their career, they go from where they are to where the next assignment is, that they take care of those kids. that's incredibly important. and how can a senator take an action that's going to cause so much trauma for innocent people, including the children of these people who have earned the distinction of a promotion? this has got to end. it's got to end. it's got to end because the citizens of this country are entitled to a functioning military and a single senator cannot intrude or should not intrude on the promotion process. this has got to end so that we show respect for families and
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the burden that goes along with moving from where you are to the next duty station. so i join with my colleagues in calling upon the senator from alabama to stand down and let us act on these promotions. our men and women in the military deserve it. our military needs it. and the citizens of this country are entitled to it. mr. president, i yield back. the presiding officer: the senator from new hampshire. mrs. shaheen: thank you, mr. president. i rise today to join my colleagues and --. ms. hassan: i rise to join my colleagues and share my concern and outrage regarding senator tuberville's decision to block the promotion of hundreds of servicemembers. i want to take a moment and
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share why i believe this beings -- this action weakens national security, ignores the wishes of the american people and betrays our country's bipartisan commitment to our servicemembers. by blocking the promotion of hundreds of servicemembers, the senator from alabama is preventing our military from being properly staffed and led. this diminishes our military's effectiveness and combat readiness. senator tuberville told us he is doing this not because he has any concern with these officers' ability to command. instead senator tuberville tells us he is blocking these promotions simply to advance a personal political agenda to take away reproductive freedom from female servicemembers. it is not only outrageous, but bitterly ironic that while the
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senator from alabama trusts women in uniform to defend our country, while he trusts them to keep all of us safe, while he trusts them to risk their lives for our freedom, he does not trust them to make their own health care decisions. senator tuberville's decision to block these promotions not only hurts female servicemembers, but it makes america less safe. what has senator double even accomplished by what is a reckless stunt? can my colleague from alabama explain how blocking promotions for servicemembers strengthens our national security? what kind of message do we send to our allies and our adversaries that america's combat readiness can be undermind because of one senator's partisan stunt?
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can he tell us why the health, safety, and daily lives of servicemembers are less important than his own personal and political agenda? our brave men and women in uniform put their lives on the line in order to protect our freedoms. we could not freely assemble here in this chamber without their dedication and sacrifice. there simply is no united states senate without the service of our armed forces. our servicemembers place their trust in us to ensure that they are properly supported, including by being sufficiently staffed and led. let me be very, very clear -- senator tuberville's actions mark nothing less than an abdication and betrayal of that trust. it is also clear that in pushing
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this personal partisan agenda the senator from alabama is deeply out of step with the majority of americans. he is not representing the american people. i know, as i think all of us do, that americans, regardless of their views or political party, share a common love of country. we stand united in support of our servicemembers, because our servicemembers do not risk their lives for red states or blue. they fight for the freedom of all americans, and they deserve the support of all americans. bipartisan support for servicemembers has exemplified our country at our best. no issue, no matter how important, should stand in the way of ensuring that our military has the support and leadership that it needs to succeed. i was reminded of this in april when i was on a congressional delegation trip and visiting the
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northern command out in colorado springs. i met with one of the people that senator kelly talked about, rear admiral cheever. he hosted the visit and he coordinated it, and i had a wonderful briefing from him and his leadership team, about issues of cybersecurity, about our quantum readiness. well, as you heard senator kelly say, rear admiral cheever has been nominated to become vice-admiral and command the naval air force of the u.s. pacific fleet, even more responsibility. he's ready to do it. the senator from alabama doesn't disagree that he's ready to do it. but as we left that day, he told me that his promotion was in limbo because of the hold that
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our colleague from alabama has put on his promotion. we need him in that position. he and his family. and his fellow servicemen and women need him in that position and are waiting for the senator from alabama. you know, mr. president, it is fitting that we are discussing this issue on july 26, for it was on july 26, 1947, that the national security act of 1947 was signed into law. this law established the defense department, an institution with officers whose promotions the senator from alabama is blocking today. this law was passed with overwhelming support from leaders of both parties. in 1947, of course, the senate was full of debates and even bitter disagreements on all sorts of issues, just as it is
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today. but senators understood that while we can debate all day on any number of issues, we owed it to our servicemembers and the american people to stand united in our efforts to support our military and to keep americans safe, secure, and free. in the same manner our military works together despite their own personal difference or political views. my father served in world war ii and survived the battle of the bulge. he told me that the members of his unit came from all sorts of different backgrounds. they no doubt held many different views. but on the battlefield? those differences weren't important. what mattered was their common bond as americans, their common love of country, and their common commitment to freedom. what my father's generation did, and what our servicemembers do every day, is nothing less than
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extraordinary. compared to their courage, the political and dangerous game that senator tuberville is playing seems very, very small. no senator, no matter their party, has the right to put their personal and political agenda ahead of our national security and our servicemembers' freedom and safety. and i urge my republican colleagues to join me in opposing senator tuberville's efforts to undermine our bipartisan commitment to our servicemembers and our national security. because ultimately, this kind of reckless, partisan game does not reflect who we are as americans. on distant battlefields and in faraway places, thousands of miles from their homes, our brave men and women in uniform risk their lives and confront great dangers so that all of us,
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including my colleague from alabama, can be safe, secure, and free. while my colleague stands in the way of promotions, our servicemembers stand in the way of our gravest foes. we can't ever repay the debt that we owe those who served, but we owe them nothing less than our full support, and that starts with ending this reckless stunt, uniting as americans, and advancing these overdue promotions. thank you, mr. president. i yield the floor. ms. klobuchar: the presiding officer: the senator from minnesota. ms. klobuchar: mr. president, i follow the strong remarks from my colleague from new hampshire. i also note that we are joined by the senator from massachusetts, who has called out these delays from the very beginning, called out this what i'll call a blockade. we thank senator reed for his
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leadership, leadership of this committee. these senators here before us work every day to make sure our military is strong. what's going on from the senator from alabama? he has placed a reckless hold on the nominations of some of our nation's finest public servants to more than 275 general and flag officer positions. these holds, as you've heard tonight, are preventing the pentagon from executing smooth leadership transitions for the most critical roles in our nation's security apparatus and leaving entire agencies without leaders. i should note that our colleague from alabama has not taken issue with the quality of these 275 candidates. in fact, some of these candidates were actually nominated for other positions by
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the previous president and earned bipartisan support. but our colleague from alabama, for the reasons outlined by my friend from new hampshire, is now holding the entire military chain of command hostage. when i was home this past weekend, when i was at festivals, when i was in parades, everyone knew someone, everyone knew someone at the duluth air show that was being held up. everyone had heard about it from their friends. certainly, every marine that i met, they knew what was going on. so, if people think this is just politics as usual, and one senator can just hold up the promotions and the positions of these fine public servants, they're wrong. people have noticed. for example, we are currently without a confirmed commandant
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of the marine corps. our country has not been in this position since 1911. to say it in a different way, in 112 years we have never let this role sit vacant, until today, because of one single senator and his views, which by the way are not consistent with the majority of the american people. my cleaning has -- my colleague also stalled the promotions of three esteemed military leaders with strong ties to my own state. if you ask me, careers of honorable service should not be met by the politics of partisan ?iep. my -- of partisan snipe. my colleague's completely unnecessary interruption of promotions that support our military's essential work comes at a time when having steady, complete teams in place couldn't be more important. whether you took at ukraine's existential fight against russia or the ever-growing threat of
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china, it is clear that the world needs america's leadership. i spoke about this last night at length, and today, when it comes to keeping our covenant with those that stood with us on the battlefield, those that stood with us in afghanistan. and here we are again tonight, really talking about the same thing in a different way. we can talk all we want on this floor about what goes on, but those who actually serve, they deserve the best. this is not the time to let essential roles sit vacant. our servicemembers and the civilians who serve our military must be able to look to their leaders for guidance and stability. this blockade is creating uncertainty among the people whose job it is to protect our nation, and forcing if less experienced leaders to act in more senior roles. i don't want to wait around and see what the worst possible
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outcome of delaying these transitions could be. in fact, i don't want to think about that. but because of my colleague's blockade we have no choice. to use the words of one retired admiral, this is not a game. our country deserves better. the senate must do better. every day this blockade, caused by one senator, one senator, continues, it hurts our military and it helps our enemies. we must end the blockade now. thank you, mr. president. i yield the floor. the presiding officer: the senator from massachusetts. ms. warren: thank you, mr. president. i want to say a very special thank you to senator klobuchar for her thoughtful and passionate words about the harm that the senator from alabama is imposing on our military and on our nation. as the senator from minnesota
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said, we're here fighting to try to protect our nation, while senator tuberville, in the view of the former secretaries of defense of both parties, is undermining our national security. i also want to thank senator reed for his leadership and his steady hand in trying to persuade the senator from alabama that it is time to end this blockade. mr. president, this is the third time that i have come to the senate floor to ask the senator from alabama to reconsider his unprecedented action of blocking hundreds of promotions earned by our men and women in uniform. the senate votes on nominees appointed by the president to occupy top roles in government. cabinet secretaries, judges, and ambassadors. the senate's role in approving nominations also extends to
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thousands of military promotions every year. if colonel does an exceptional job and their military service is promotion -- service's promotion board decides they're ready to be a brigadier general, the senate must hold a vote for that promotion to go through. now, in the vast majority of circumstances, this vote is a formality. most of these promotions are considered in big batches, rather than one at a time. most of the time there isn't even a recorded vote. we are confident in the process and we pass these people through. they've been thoroughly vetted, and their promotions are essential for our security. but now, for five months, the senator from alabama has blocked all, all senior military nominations and promotions from moving forward without a recorded vote. that means one senator is personally standing in the way
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of promotions for 273 of our top-level military leaders. one senator is preventing the marine corps from having a commandant for the first time in 100 years. one senator is setting the army on a similar course not to have a senior leader. one senator is blocking the confirmation of the president's top military advisor, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. one senator is holding up pay raises for hundreds of men and women in uniform. one senator is jeopardizing america's national security. the senator from alabama has taken this dangerous step because he disagrees with the policy the department of defense announced after last year's abortion decision by the supreme court. after that decision, the department clarified that if a
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member of the armed services needs to travel to access abortion care or other kinds of reproductive health care, that are not available where they have been stationed, for instance, because a state where they have been stationed has banned these forms of health care, then they can leave to do so. this is a commonsense policy that is completely legal under the department's existing authorities as established by congress. the senator from alabama disagrees. i think if he's wrong. but, look, we all have executive branch policies that we agree to with. as i've previously pointed out, as senators, we have many tools to influence policies. we can hold hearings, we can write oversight letters. we can vote, we can pass laws. in fact, the senate armed services committee recently
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voted on a bill that would get rid of the policy that the senator from alabama opposes. the proposal to get rid of the policy failed to get a majority. it was rejected. and if we held that vote among the full senate, i believe it would fail here as well. in short, the senator from alabama doesn't have enough support to actually pass a law to change the department's policy. so the senator from alabama instead of accepting what the majority has decided here instead has decided to hold our senior military leaders and their families hostage as a protest against the fact that he doesn't have enough votes to change a perfectly legal policy that he just doesn't like. since i was here last asking for these promotions to be approved,
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the situation has only become worse. the senator from alabama's hold has left the marine corps without a commandant and will soon leave the army without its most senior leader as well. if this continues through the fall, the president will be deprived of his top military advisor. the senator from alabama is decapitating the leadership of our own military. and make no mistake, the real people being punished by these holds are the military families that had expected to make a move as part of taking up a new post in service to their country. we must address the damage this hold has inflicted on our armed forces and we must do so by immediately approving every single one of the 272 leaders being held hostage by the senator's actions. not picks up one or two, not ten
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or 20, who the senator from alabama decides would with buy him -- would buy him some time. every single person. this summer is a critical time for families moving across the country or across the world to try to find new housing, to enroll they're kids in new schools, and generally to get ready for the new school year. but now all of that is on hold because those families don't know where they're going to be in the fall. the department of defense has shared stories of students who are disenrolled from their current school because they thought they'd be somewhere else in september, but now they don't know whether they can enroll in their new school because their parent doesn't know if they'll be able to relocate by then. spouses who assumed they would be moving or even ended a job now do don't know where they will live or work. these hundreds of nominees and their families can't wait for us to figure this out when we get
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back from the august recess. the senator from alabama needs to fix this now. if the senator from alabama refuses to lift his hold, he will be forcing families to either pull their kids out of classes in the middle of the school year or spend the year, hundreds or even thousands of miles away from their loved ones. over 5 who active duty military -- over 5 uactive duty military houses recently delivered a petition to the senator from alabama urging him to release his hold and to end this uncertainty for military families african americans -- fy families. they said it was, quote, highly inappropriate and unpatriotic to wage a political battle by using military servicemembers as pawns. these active duty military
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spouses got it right u. spouses and families support our servicemembers. if we treat them and their service with this level of profound disrespect, we will only be exacerbating our country's military recruiting challenges. we recently held a confirmation hearings for general c.q. brown, the president's nominees to be the next chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. as the senator from alabama noted, general brown has had to move 20 times over the course of his military career. general brown was very clear about the consequences of the holds that the senator from alabama has imposed. he says that, quote, we will lose talent. our senior military leaders don't want to be a political
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football, but even they are starting to speak out about the impact of these holds. the deputy commanding general of the u.s. army europe/africa called these tactics, quote can, reprehensible, irresponsible, and dangerous. our civilian leaders are deeply concerned as well. in april, i sent a letter to defense secretary austin asking about the impact of holding up these military promotions. secretary austin wrote, quote, the longer that this hold persists, the greater the risk in the u.s. military runs in every theater, every domain, and every service. general austin went 0en to point out that these unprecedented and unnecessary holds are creating, quote, rising disquiet from our allies and our partners at a
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moment when our competitors and adversaries are watching. the as i've mentioned before, there is bipartisan opposition to the senator from alabama's actions. seven former defense secretaries including ones who served under president trump and president george w. bush sent a letter stating that leaving senior positions, quote, in doubt at a time of enormous geopolitical uncertainty sends the wrong message to our adversaries and could weaken our deterrence. the first time i came to the floor to ask the senator from alabama to let these promotions move forward, he was holding up 184 nominees. the second time i asked him to step aside, the number was up to 221 top-level servicemembers.
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now we have 273 leaders who have been blocked from assuming leadership positions that they have earned and that we need them to occupy in order to keep our country safe. the senator from alabama is single-handedly holding up ten four-star commanders, 54 three-star commanders, multiple silver star and purple heart recipients, the next commandant of the marine corps, the next chief of staff of the army, and the next chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. we have voted on this abortion policy. the senate armed services committee has held a briefing with the department of defense on this issue. we have held a briefing with the department of justice, the department of justice has issued a legal opinion that dod is well
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within the law. secretary austin has personally called the senator from alabama to urge him to relent. i am hopeful that the senator from alabama will finally do the right thing and allow these servicemembers to carry out their responsibilities to our nation. we owe this to the people who put their lives on the line for active service for our country and to the families who serve by making these lives possible. the senator from alabama should relent for the families, should relent for the active duty members of the military, and should relent for our -- the security of our nation. mr. president, i yield the floor.
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the very unfortunate actions of my senate colleague from alabama blocking the advancements and promotions for hundreds of military officers. i am a the senator from virginia and virginia is as connected to the u.s. military mission as any state. one out of every nine virginians is a veteran. our active duty community is massive. our military families, reservists, guardsmen and women, dod civilians, dod contractors create a commonwealth deeply, deeply connect the to the american military mission. the map of virginia -- yorktown where the revolutionary war ended, the battlefields of the civil war, appomattox where the civil war ended, bedford where a core of uppeople -- corps of young people from that tiny
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mourn mountain community served and died on d-day, the pentagon where we were attacked on 9/11 -- our map is a map of american military history. we train all marine officers at quantico. we have the largest naval base in the world in norfolk, and the largest military personnel facility in the world at the pentagon. virginia is steeped in the nation's military mission. i also rise has a member of the armed services committee and as the father of a united states marine to urge my colleague from alabama, as have my other friends on the floor tonightst tonight, to stop punishing our troops and their families. to stop punishing our troops and their families. i want to talk about the policy, i want to talk about the stunt, and i want to talk about the victims. the policy --
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senator tuberville objects to the fact that the department of defense will allow a servicemember to take time off and travel to terminate a pregnancy lawfully. he objects to that policy. is that policy an unreasonable policy? no. it has been federal policy since the reagan administration that federal funds could pay for a peace corps volunteer to travel to terminate a pregnancy lawfully if the place where that peace corps volunteer was serving did not offer reproductive health care access. the reagan administration was a republican administration. the policy announced with respect to peace corps volunteers in the 180's was
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written by then department of justice lawyer ted only son, who became the solicitor general under the bush administration. so for now 40 years it has been federal policy that if a peace corps volunteer chooses to lawfully terminate a pregnancy, the federal government will both allow her time off and paid for her travel. democratic and republican administrations. it is similarly federal policy that a female prisoner committed to the federal bureau of prisons will be allowed to travel to terminate a pregnancy lawfully and that the federal government will pay for that travel. so thy has been now for 40 years that the federal government will pay for travel of peace corps
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volunteers and federal prisoners to lawfully terminate a pregnancy. senator tuberville wants women servicemembers to have fewer rights than federal prisoners. senator tuberville wants women servicemembers to not be accorded the same choice and protection that we've accorded peace corps volunteers since the early 1980's during the reagan administration. why, why would we say to women who volunteer to wear the uniform of this country and risk their lives that you are not entitled to what we have allowed peace corps volunteers and federal prisoners to have for decades? what is it about pledging to wear the uniform and offer your life and service to the nation that should disable you from rights that have been accorded
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to others? this is the policy that senator tuberville wants to reverse. he wants to mandate that our servicewomen receive fewer rights and fewer protections than federal prisoners or peace corps volunteers. i find that proposal outrageous. i find that proposal deeply inequitable. but i do defend my colleague's right to have that opinion if that's his opinion. we have 100 people in this body. we have a lot of different opinions about a lot of different things, but there is a right way and a wrong way. and so now let me move from the policy to the stunt. i'm on the armed services committee. i have my chair here. i've been so pleased to serve with him for the ten years that
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i've been in the senate, and he knows i've often offered amendments as part of our annual defense bill where i failed. i've tried to convince my colleagues, for example, in the writing of a defense bill to terminate outdated war authorizations, and i have been told, no, this is not the right committee for that. that should be in the foreign relations committee. i've asked for a vote anyway, and i lost. i couldn't convince my colleagues that i was right. we had a significant debate a few years ago about whether we should do across-the-board cuts in the headquarters of the pentagon and i was worried about what across-the-board cuts might do to things like military housing, and so i tried to convince my colleagues to see my things my way and instead adopt my position, and i failed. i had the opportunity to persuade them, but i couldn't
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persuade a majority. so what do you do when you can't persuade a majority? do you punish people who had nothing to do with the policy that you disagree with? no. not a single member of our committee has ever taken this step during the ten years that i have been on the committee until senator tuberville has decided to undertake this stunt. senator tuberville had an opportunity in connection with the defense bill in the committee to advocate his position. it was actually an amendment drafted by ?ofer ernst -- senator ernst and senator tuberville was the cosponsor to reverse the policy i described earlier and to take away rights from servicewomen, rights that are enjoyed by federal prisoners and peace corps volunteers. and they had an opportunity to persuade, and they offered that
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amendment and they failed. they couldn't convince a majority of the committee to go along with them. but they had their chance. and so once they have had their chance and failed to persuade their colleagues, they now turn, and senator tuberville -- i don't want to assert this to senator ernst. senator ernst and senator tuberville have the same position on the policy, but senator ernst disagrees with the blockade. senator tuberville is now taking out his disappointment. i couldn't convince my colleagues of the policy, so why don't i now punish hundreds of military officers and their families. it's a stunt. when you can't convince your colleagues, be more persuasive next time or find a middle ground or have a dialogue and listen, and maybe the next time trial you'll do it better and you'll be more persuasive.
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but, no, that's not what the senator is doing. instead he's deciding to punish these officers and their families. in some ways the part of this stunt that makes me the angriest is the part that's happening right now. right now on the senate floor is we're debating the defense bill because maybe you could say i lost my vote in committee, but it's such an issue of conviction and conscience for me that i want to have the whole senate vote on it. i can see senator tuberville, if it really mattered to him, if this policy was really a matter of conviction and conscience for him, you would think he would say i know i lost in committee, but maybe i'll succeed on the floor of the senate, and i want that opportunity. i want the public to know we have offered senator tuberville the ability to vote on this
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matter on the floor of the senate. let's do it in front of the entire american public. you stand up and you say why the department of defense policy is wrong, and you put it to a vote and make every one of the 100 senators vote on it. we've given him that opportunity. as of right now, 11:05, the night before we hope to finish the ndaa, he's not accepted it. wait a minute, does he even care about this issue? if it's a matter of conscience and conviction, wouldn't you want to debate it on the floor of the senate to show how much you care about it? but as of right now he has not accepted our offer to allow him to have this vote. why hasn't he accepted the offer he knows he's going to lose and probably lose worse than he lost in the committee, because there
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are many people, both democrats and republicans, who are tired of the pun punishment that he's meting out onsz military officers -- on these military officers. that's why this is a stunt. if he had the courage of his convictions he'd be on the floor listening to this right now. if he had the curnel of his convictions he had be asking for a vote. if he had the courage of his convictions, he would be accepting the outcome of the vote. and if unsuccessful, he would stop this foolish blockade. last about the victims, my colleagues have done a very good job in talking about who is being damaged and how. it's these officers certainly, but it's really their families. the inability to move to find a new school for your children. we have officers among the list of those who are being blockaded who on the assumption of a
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promotion, because it's been done as a matter of course here in the senate for decades, sold a home, can't yet buy a new one because new orders haven't yet come through, have had to pay out of their personal funds to move their families because the military won't pay to move them hoping that they might be able to get reimbursed. we have a virginia officer who's been blocked a promotion whose wife is a public schoolteacher who had resigned from her job and not accepted the contract for the public school for the next year on the thought that she would be looking for a job in a new jurisdiction for a public school, and now she's out of the past job without the ability to go find the new job. what did they do to deserve this? my colleagues have pointed out that senator tuberville does not object to the qualifications of any of these people. he voted for them in committee.
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in addition, senator tuberville has not asserted that a single one of these people had anything to do with the policy. it would be one thing if we were nominating for a promotion the individual that developed the policy that senator tuberville didn't like. you might understand him subjecting that individual to some more significant scrutiny and even opposition. but none of these people had anything to do with the travel policy announced by the department of defense after the dobbs decision. so punlishing people -- punishing people who are serving this country who had nothing to do with the policy that you complain about, punishing them not because of what they did, but punishing them because you are not persuasive enough to convince your colleagues to
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embrace a policy that you advanced? it makes no sense. we know we're facing a recruiting challenge in the military. we're facing it generally. we also know that in certain specialties that recruiting challenge is particularly acute. use pilots for an example. pilots have a lot of opportunities. a number of of the officers who are on this list are air force or aviators in the other service branches and they have all kinds of options to go to the private sector and get paid a whole lot more than they do, but they choose to work for less because they're patriotic about this country and they believe this country respects them. what does this say to them? what would you do if you are a rational person and you had an opportunity when your promotion was being blocked for something you had nothing to do with, what would you do if there was
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another opportunity that you could take? my oldest son, who is an active duty and now marine reservist is of an age where an awful lot of people are trying to make this decision about do i stay in the military or not? i've had a career, i've been in for eight years or so. do i stay and make a full career out of it or not? we know from recruiting polling that we have been doing, one of the main reasons that we have a recruiting and retention problem in the military -- this was identified in army polling -- is people's belief. it's interesting. i was actually surprised by this polling. we're not having a recruiting challenge because people are afraid to serve or think they might get injured. we're having a recruiting challenge because people believe that if they serve in the military they will fall behind their peers who don't serve in the military. their peers who don't serve might advance in their careers and have opportunities decades
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from now that would be more than what i have if i went in the military. so if that is our significant problem right now, what is the message that is sent to people who might want to serve if they go, wow, one senator who is unhappy with something that the pentagon does can block my professional advancement even though i had nothing to do with that, theen i've served honorably and deployed, a silver star, purple heart and other citations for bravery, even though all that happens, if one senator, only one, only one is unhappy with something that the pentagon has done, they can block my professional advancement just for that reason how is that going to help us counter the recruiting and retention problem we have in the
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u.s. military? my colleagues have done a good job of listen -- listing some of the particular positions that are vacant. noaf confirmed commandant of the marine corps to come up possibly no confirmed on the joint chiefs of staff, to have no confirmed head of the u.s. naval academy. virginia is a shipbuilding and sub building state. to have no head of navy nuclear reactors, we are the premier producers of nuclear subs in the world. the reactors get built in virginia and get on carriers in niewrpt -- newport news. this is what our state does. this nuclear reactor thing, it is not something to mess around with. it's not a minor thing that anyone can do to be the head of navy nuclear reactors is a really important position. we just announced through
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president biden an intiative with australia and united kingdom to do nuclear sub capacity building together over the course of decades. how goodwill we be at this commitment we have made if we don't have a head of naval nuclear reactors confirmed and serving this country? so i join with my colleagues on this floor to ask senator tuberville stop punishing these people. they've served enough. they've done enough. they've sweated enough. they've bled enough. they've moved enough. they've sacrificed enough. and they're willing to do even more. stop punishing them. stop punishing them. i yield back, mr. president. mr. reed: mr. president. the presiding officer: the gentleman from rhode island. mr. reed: thank you, mr.
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president. i want to commend the senator from virginia for his articulate and passionate and compelling comments this evening. all of my colleagues. all of them have made the point that these holds have cascading effects. it's not just the individual nominee. it's the person waiting to take his or her position. it's not just someone in uniform. it's a family. so, we're talking about hundreds of people on the list for nominations. we're talking thousands of people whose lives will be changed, extraordinary changed. the particular effects are on the family. no one serves in the military alone. families serve. when you see the disruption that's going to take place,
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young people not being able to get into schools, teachers who give up their teaching jobs and can't get another, those are real, real costs. in addition, obviously, to every day wondering whether the servicemember that your spouse or your father will return, or mother, will return. and particularly when they're committed overseas into areas of combat or confrontation. now, what senator tuberville has said, well, let's just vote on them. that's nice. that's ridiculous. we know it would take months and months of exclusive voting on these nominations to clear this list, while another list is building up.
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also, there's been some suggestions that we simply, well, we've got to get a chief of staff of the marine corps, commandant, let's vote on the commandant. but there's an ethic in the military -- leave no one behind. we cannot turn our backs on the hundreds of relatively young professionals, those colonels being promoted to o--7 -- to o-7. all of them contribute significantly to the protection of this country, to the stability of our armed forces, and they can't be ignored. what i would like to do is to indicate who would be left behind, who at this point are being ignored. in fact, more than that. what i'm going to call off is the roll of hopper -- roll of
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honor, of men and women who served and are being dishonored by senator tuberville's hold upon their nominations. i'm going to proceed in an approximately chronological date going forward. the president nominated colonel leigh a. swanson. she is a senior flight surgeon in the air force. colonel entertainson has 29 years of service, 55 combat flight hours. she carries her medical license in the state of alabama. colonel david j. berkeland was nominated for brigadier general in the air force. he has over 3400 flying hours, including 900 combat hours. colonel amy s. bumgardner, u.s.
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air force, she's currently serving as vice commander air force, officer of special investigations at marine corps base quantico. she has now served 28 years in uniform, spanning 17 different assignments schug afghanistan. colonel ivory d. carter, serving as director legislative liaison, fort meade. he began his air force career as an enlisted information manager in 1990. he's now served 33 years in uniform, spanning 15 different assignments. colonel raja share, is currently serving as an astronaut with nasa. yes, we're blocking an admiral rather, someone who is going to be one of our astronauts.
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if colonel jason e. carruthers, 1999 graduate of the air force academy, he served 24 years in uniform, spanning 14 different assignments. colonel jon bryant creel, amassed over 35 years of uniform service. he is now rated command pilot and has more than 7500 flight hours. he has been awarded the distinguished flying cross with valor device. one of the most significant decorations that one could obtain in the air force. concerned nicholas b. evans. currently serving as executive assistant to the commander pacific air force joint base pearl harbor hick am field. colonel brigitte v.giglioti has been nominated to brigadier general. she grew up in a navy family,
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was commissioned in may 1997 upon graduation from the air force academy. she's now served 26 years in uniform, spanning 19 different assignments. colonel chris b. wolf-hammond, nom natived to be brigadier general. rated command pilot, amassing more than 3,000 flight hours, including 400 quate hours -- combat hours. served 25 years in uniform, spanning 17 assignments. general leslie v. hawk. currently serving as commander 52nd fighter wing in germany. he's rated command pilot with over 2400 hours in the f-16, including 285 combat hours in support of operation enduring freedom. he's also been deployed in support of operations iraqi freedom and noble eagle. colonel curt c.helfistine,
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nominated brigadier general. over 2700 flying hours in f-15, t-38, t-37, 905 compat hours over iraq, syria, afghanistan. i think someone, all of these gentlemen and ladies who have flown hundreds of hours in combat don't deserve to be disrespected as they are now and wonder if they'll get promoted. colonel abraham l. jackson, to be brigadier general, 25 years in uniform as career intelligence officer, spanning 15 different assignments. colonel benjamin r. johnson, to be promoted as brigadier general. colonel johnson was assigned where he flew initial c-17-a combat missions of operation enduring freedom and iraqi freedom, from 2006 to 2008. colonel johnson and his family lived in jordan where he graduated from the university of jordan.
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he later served as a desk officer for egypt and jordan on the joint staff j-5 during the arab spring, is superbly qualified individual, both as air force officer and someone who knows a great deal about the meestled. joy m.caxor. currentlily serving as commander white house communications agency, joint base anacostia bowling. colonel christopher j. leonard, nominated to brigadier general. entered the air force in may 1997 after fraj waiting from the air force academy. now served 26 years in uniform, spanning 23 assignments, including numerous overseas postings. colonel christopher menuri to be brigadier general. serving as director of commanders action group headquarters, offutt air force base, nebraska.
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david s. miller to be nom 2345eu79ed as brigadier general -- nominated as brigadier general. tinker air force base, oklahoma. colonel jeffrey a. phillips to be nominated as brigadier general. received his commission by officer training school at maxfield air force base in alabama in 1999, following six years of service as enlisted airman. he has now served 30 years in uniform, 24 as an officer, spanning 20 different assignments. colonel eric n. quigley, to be brigadier general. was commissioned in 1997, distinguished graduate from the rotc program. has served 26 years in uniform, spanning 17 different duty assignments, including deployment to afghanistan. colonel scott roe, to be a brigadier general. has served 25 years in uniform,
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spanning 14 different duty assignments, including as commander 12th flying training wing joint base stanton, randolph, texas, and commander 18th operations group, japan. colonel derek m.salmi to be brigadier general. a command pilot with more than 3,000 hours in flight and trainer aircraft. he deployed in support of operations enduring freedom, iraqi free dpom -- freedom. colonel kelly stevens, graduate of wesley college, receives her commission through rotc at massachusetts institute of technology. she's a career intelligence officer. colonel jose e.sumavil, to be big dear general. he is chief air force senate liaison division. served 26 years in uniform, 18 different duty assignments.
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rated master navigator with more than 2500 flight hours. colonel terrence g. trail to be a brigadier general -- colonel taylor received commission through air force rotc. command-rated pilot with more than 4800 flying hours, including 1800 combat hours. colonel daniel j. voorhies. attended university of virginia, now served 22 years. spanning 11 different duty assignments. colonel michael o. walters to be promoted to brigadier general. colonel walters has combat experience in operations enduring freedom, freedom sentinel and inherent resolve. amassed more than 2600 flying hours, including 588 combat hours.
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colonel adrien l. williams, vice commander 18th air force, scott air force base. she has now served 23 years in uniform, spanning 16 different duty assignments. the president also nominated colonel cory a. simmons to be a brigadier general in the air force. he has now served 25 years in uniform, spanning 19 different duty assignments. he is a command pilot with more than 3200 hours in airlift and trainer aircraft. president nominated rear admiral george m.wykof, commander u.s. naval forces, central command, commander fifth fleet and commander combined maritime forces. he served 33 years in uniform, spanning 29 different duty assignments. president has nominated the following officers to brigadier general in the united states air force reserve -- colonel shawn
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m. carpenter. he served nearly 18 years on active duty, command-rated pilot with over 3,000 flying hours, including 325 combat hours over five combat deployments. colonel mary katherine haddad, has 13 years of active duty, spanning 13 different duty assignments, including numerous combat assignments. colonel james l. hartley, to be brigadier general. he has served 23 years of active duty service, spanning 21 different duty assignments, including a number of combat deployments. colonel aaron j. haick, 26 years in uniform, spanning 17 different duty assignments, including deployment to turkey. colonel joseph d. jener to be brigadier general, earned his commission by officer training school in alabama, if he is a
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command-rated pilot with over 4,000 flight hours and 3,000 civilian flight hours. colonel michael t. mcginley to be brigadier general. he served 25 years in uniform, spanning 11 different assignments, including as director of diu, the defense innovation unit. colonel kevin j. merrill, command pilot with more than 3,700 hours in multiple aircraft. was deployed on several occasions in support of operations southern watch, enduring freedom and iraqi freedom. colonel tara. nolan to be brigadier general. she has served 28 years in uniform, spanning 18 different duty assignments, including in support of numerous combat and contingency operations. colonel broderick c. owens to be brigadier general. served 27 years in uniform, spanning 15 different duty assignments.
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colonel mark d. ritchie, 26 years of uniformed services. a commander pilot with more than 4,500 plying hours and 675 combat soreties. colonel norman b.ssor jr., a command pilot with more nan 3,400 flying hours. the president has also nominated colonel kristin a. hillary to brigadier general. she has served 30 years in uniform, span something 14 different duty assign piments including commander 752nd medical squadron, california. and also colonel michelle l. wagner to be brigadier general. she now has served 26 years in uniform spanning nine different assignments including two medical commands. the president has also nominated the following officers to the grade of major general in the
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united states air force reserve -- general elizabeth arledge, six years on active duty working with nuclear weapons, conventional munitions before joining the air force reserve in 1998. brigadier general robert m. blake has amassed more nan 4,500 flying hours in military aircraft including combat sorties in iraq and afghanistan. general vanessa j.e.dorhe [er. brigadier general chris for a. freeman, brigadier general freeman earned his competition from the air force rotc program at university of alabama in 1992 as a distinguished graduate. he has been awarded the purple heart, the legion of merit, and the defense distinguished service medal. and he is being -- and he is
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being held in this blockade. with that, i would like to yield to the senator from virginia. mr. kaine: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from virginia. mr. kaine: mr. president, i would like to continue this wall of honor, this honor roll of these patriotic public servants. rear admiral john gumbelton to be vice admiral and deputy commander of u.s. fleece forces command, currently serves as the deputy assistant secretary of the navy for budget. 34 years of service to the navy, legion of merit, defense meritorious service medal, meritorious service medal. rear admiral christopher s. gray, currently serves as commander of navy region mid-atlantic, 34 years of service. he has served as the commander
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of navy region northwest and the chief of staff of navy instanlations command, legion of merit, defense meritorious service medal, meritorious service medal, air medal with combat v. and strike flight. rear admiral james pitt, deputy chief of naval operations for war fighting, requirements and capabilities. currently serves as director of the warfare integration office of commander in chief naval operations, 37 years of service, legion of merit with one gold star, defense superior service medal, meritorious service medal with three gold stars, 30 different awards, many received multiple times. general kenneth wasbac. had reappointment in the u.s. air force. currently serves as the commander of pacific air forces. 38 years of service. general welsbach is a command
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pilot with more than 5,000 hours in multiple aircrafts, defense distinguished service medal with one oak leaf cluster, legion of merit with two oak leaf clusters and the bronze star medal. major linda s. hurry to be lieutenant general in the u.s. air force and deputy commander u.s. material command. she's nominated to be the deputy commander of air force material command with manages installation and mission support, discovery, and development, testing, and evaluation and life cycle management services and sustainment for every air force weapon system. air force material command employs nearly 86,000 military and civilian airmen managing a $71.3 billion budget. major hurry has served for 32 years, defense superior service medal, legion of merit with one
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oak leaf cluster,defense meritorious service medal with one oak leaf cluster. brigadier general miguel mendez to be major general in the army national guard of the united states. he severned 35 -- he served 35 years in the army, encompassing 25 different duty stations, meritorious service medal, army commendation medal. colonel marlene marketan, brigadier general in the u.s. army reserve. currently serves as group commander at fort totten, new york. served 32 years in the army encompassing 24 different duty stations, bronze star medal, meritorious service medal with three bronze leaf oak leaf clusters. brigadier general in the u.s. air force reserve. served 30 years in the air force. 21 different duty stations, served in multiple different leadership capacities at both
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the headquarters in wing level. he has -- is a command pilot with more than 2,600 hours in the f-16 sand f-35 and more than 550 of those hours are in combat. legion of merit with one oak leaf cluster, meritorious service medal with three oak leaf clusters. major general carl h. gingrich for a lieutenant general in the u.s. army while also serving sasse a deputy chief of staff in the u.s. army. currently serves as director of program analysis and evaluation with the u.s. army. 34 years in it the army, 23 different duty assignments, including two assignments in support of combat operations, defense superior service medal, legion of merit with four bronze oak leaf clusters, and the bronze star medal. the following three officers have been nominated to serve as rear admiral navy reserve -- rear admiral kenneth r. blackmun, currently serves at
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reserve director for u.s. forces command. previously served as deputy commander of the u.s. third fleet, defense meritorious service medal, joint service commendation medal. rear admiral mark letterer, for the cno. 32 years in the navy, enaccident happening 21 different duty assignments. legion of merit with one gold star, defense meritorious service medal with one oak leaf cluster, meritorious service medal with one gold star. rear admiral robert nowakowski, u.s. naval forces for u.s. central command. 31 years in the navy encompassing 21 different duty assignments. he previously served as deputy commander of the navy recruiting command. i would love to have him hear and ask him how this blockade might affect recruiting into the
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navy. legion of merit defense meritorious service medal, meritorious service medal with you on gold star. the president has nominated threes six to the grade of rear admirals unrestricted line officers -- captain jeffrey jerdemyer, u.s. naval surface force pacific, 30 years in the navy, 18 different assignments, region of merit, bronze star. captain richard lofgren, currently serves in the fourth fleet. 30 years, 20 different duty assignments. legion of merit, meritorious service medal with one gold star. captain michael mattis currently serves a the deputy commander navy reserve region readiness in san diego. 29 years in the navy, 17 different duty assignments, legion of merit with two gold stars and the bronze star. captain richard myer, serves with the deputy command region
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southeast reserve component in f. worth. 30 years in the navy. 20 different assign i wants, legion of merit with one gold star. defense meritorious service medal. captain byron t. smith currently servings as commanding officer of the navy reserve navy installations command eoc. 28 careers in the navy, 17 different duty assignments. legion of merit with one gold star and the meritorious service medal with one gold star. captain michael r. van poots, serving as deputy commander of navy he is readiness command a28 years in the navy, 20 different assignments, defense superior service medal, defense meritorious service medal. captain john bington, 33 years that the navy with 22 different duty assign piments, previously served in the naval information
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force reserve. defense meritorious service medal with two oak leaf clusters and meritorious service medal with one gold star. john robinson, roar admiral. commanding officer of the navy reserve chief of information headquarters. 26 years in the navy, 10 different duty stations. defense meritorious service medal with one gold star, meritorious service medal. lieutenant general gregg gio, we had him before our committee today. a general? the u.s. air force to serve as the commander of the u.s. northern command, protect being the homeland of united states and also to be the commander of north american aerospace defense command, norad. he has command of flying squadron, operations group, two flying wings. 345 years in the air force with 24 -- 34 years in the air force
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with 24 different duty assignments. distinguished service medal, defense superior service medal with two oak leaf clusters, legion of merit with one oak leaf cluster bronze star medal with two oak leaf clusters. lieutenant general lara potter, to serve as the director of army staff. currently serves as the deputy chief of staff which is the principal officer responsible to the chief of staff of the army for all army intelligence matters. 33 years in the army, 20 different assignments, including foreign support of combat operations. defense service medal, defense superior service medal with one bronze oak leaf cluster, legion of merit with one bronze oak leaf cluster. major general william j. hartman to be lieutenant general in the united states army while serving as the deputy commander of u.s. cyber command.
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currently serves as commander of cyber national mission force. born in mobile, alabama, graduated from the university of south alabama rotc program. 33 years in the army encompassing 19 different duty assign opposements, willing eight assign piments in power of combat operations. legion of merit with one bronze leaf cluster, meritorious service medal with four bronze oak leaf clusters. captain david ludwig to be rear add merrell in the u.s. navy reserve. 28 years in the navy, 24 different duty assignments, legion of merit, defense meritorious service medal with one bronze oak leaf includer, meritorious service medal with two gold stars. captain peter machinsky to be -- to the united states naval reserve as a navy chaplain. currently serves as the deputy
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fleet chaplain with the navy reserve u.s. pacific fleet. served 33 years in the navy, all as chaplain. served in 15 different duty assignments providing chaplain and ministry services to sailors and marines around the world. meritorious service medal with three gold stars. captain mark f. williams, rear admiral in the u.s. navy reserves civil engineer corps. earned his commissionality the academy in 1998 with a degree in ocean engineering, 25 years in the navy, 17 different duty assignments, meritorious service medal well two gold stars and a joint service commendation medal. lieutenant general andrew m. rolling to be lieutenant general while also serving as the deputy chairman of north atlantic treaty organization military committee. a very important position because it's a very important time for nato. served as deputy commanding general, u.s. army africa-europe. 27 different duty stations,
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seven supporting combat operations. distinguished service medal, defense superior service medal for combat service, legion of merit with two bronze oak leaf clusters, bronze star medal for valor with one bronze oak leaf cluster, bronze star medal with three bronze oak leaf clusters, purple heart recipient. major general john b. richardson iv, to serve as commanding general first u.s. army. 32 years of service, 27 different duty assign piments, including six assignments supporting combat operations. defense superior service medal for combat service, defense superior service meddlal, legion of merit for combat service, legion of merit with two bronze oak leaf clusters, bronze star medal for valor, bronze star
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medal with two bronze oak leaf clusters, purple heart recipient. i will now rest my voice and yield back to my chairman, senator reed. mr. reed: i thank the senator from virginia. let me continue the roll of honor. the presiding officer: the gentleman from rhode island. mr. reed: thank you, mr. president. brigadier general david p. garfield, command pilot with 4,000 combat hours, awarded the legion of merit distinguished flying force. brigadier general michael hanson to become major general. he is a command pilot with more than 3,400 flying hours and over 200 combat hours. general jody a. merritt, served
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33 years in uniform spanning 17 duty assignments, awarded the legion of merit. general adrian k. white, he has 33 years of uniform service spanning 17 duty assignments, awarded the legion of merit and defense meritorious service medal. general william whittenberger jr., the command pilot with more than 4,500 hours. has flown combat missions in bosnia, kosovo, afghanistan and iraq, and he's been awarded the legion of merit and defense meritorious service medal. general christopher f. yancy, combat experience includes 9 deployments in operations iraqi freedom, enduring freedom, southern watch and northern watch, multiple operations in the former yugoslavia and expeditionary command in south korea.
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the president nominateed colonel kaceras to be brigadier general in the army reserve, served 31 years in uniform, completed service in iraq. president nominateed william will i kin son -- wilkinson, 22 months deployed in support of operations in iraq and afghanistan and has been awarded two bronze stars. the president nominated colonel evelyn laptook to brigadier general. she has served 30 years in uniform including as deputy surgeon general, office of surgeon general, dwellings -- defense intilings -- intelligence aifnlg. the president nominateed brigadier general ronald r.
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reagan to be major general in the u.s. army, five deployments to iraq and afghanistan, awarded four legion of merit. the president nominated walter brafford to be appointed rear admiral. captain brafford has 27 years of service as a dental officer. captain hawkins has 26 years of service primarily as a nurse anesthetist. the following individuals have been nominated to rear admiral lower half. captain amy burn submit serving -- bauernschmidt has 29 years of sez. captain michael devore, 28 years of service, commanding officer of uss new york. captain thomas anthony donovan
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27 years of service, commanding officer, naval special warfare tactical development and evaluation squadron 2. captain frederick goldhammer, 30 years of service commanding officer uss ronald reagan. captain ian johnson 29 years of service, commanding officer naval station newport, rhode island. also awarded the legion of merit. captain kneel koprowski -- neil koprowski, the commanding officer of the uss san antonio. captain paul joseph lanzilotta served on the uss gerald r. ford, one of our carriers. his awards include the legion of merit and meritorious service medal.
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captain joshua lasky serving as assistant deputy director for global operations, joint staff washington, d.c., 29 years of service. captain donald wilson marks, 28 years of service. he was the commanding officer naval surface group western pacific. captain craig thomas mattingly, he's currently serving as senior military advisor office of the secretary of the navy, 29 years of service. captain andrew thomas miller, currently serving as chief of staff united states strategic command special activities atlantic, 29 yeefers service. captain lincoln michael reifsteck currently serving as branch head commanders action group, 97. 28 years of service. captain frank rhodes iv, 28
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years of service, commander of carrier air wing 3. his awards include the legion of merit and meritorious service medal. captain nooms edward schultz serving as executive assistant to the under secretary of the navy, 29 years of service and was the commanding officer of the uss green bay. captain todde whalen serving as chief of staff naval service force atlantic, 28 years of service. captain forrest owen young, 29 years of service and formerly commander carrier wing 5. the president nominated captain cheryl ritt. current serving as division chief to the intelligence agency and selected as special duty officer for his foreign
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expertise. he served as the naval attache in greece. the president nominated captain brian j. anderson and captain julie treanor. captain anderson currently serving as assistant commander supply chain policy and management naval supply systems and has 28 years of service. captain julie treanor serving as chief of staff, office of the chief of naval operations with 29 years of service. the president nominated rear admiral casey j. moton and lower half stephen r. ted ford to the united states navy. admiral moton is serving as executive officer unmanned and small combatants, 34 years of service. admiral tedford is serving as
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program executive officer for unmanned aviation and strike weapons. he has 32 years of service. the president nominated rear admiral rick friedman to be rear admiral in the united states navy, 32 years of service. the president nominated rear admiral lower half kenneth w. epps to be rear admiral in the united states navy. admiral epps serving in naval supply systems command weapons system support, 33 years of service. the president nominated the following officers to be the grade of rear admiral in the navy. admiral stephen barnett serving as navy region hawaii commander, naval surface group midpack, 32 years of service. rear admiral lower half michael baze serving as commander
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expeditionary strike group 3, 33 years of service. admiral richmond brophy serving as chief of naval air training, 32 years of service. rear admiral joseph cahill iii, serving as commander carrier strike group 15, 31 years of service. admiral jeffrey john, serving as commander carrier strike group 4, 33 years of service. admiral brian davies serving as submarine group 2 commander, assumed additional duties as deputy commander, 32 years of service. admiral michael donnelly serving as task force 7-0 commander carrier strike group 5 commander, 34 years of service. formerly commanding officer of the uss ronald reagan. rear admiral lower half daniel martin curnlts serving as
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director of mairmt -- maritime options. admiral richard seis jr., task force 74 commander, 30 years of service. admiral paul spedero jr. currently serving as carrier strike group 8 commander with 33 years of service. admiral derek trinque serving as commander expeditionary strike group 7, seventh fleet with 31 years of service. admiral dennis velez currently serving as commander carrier strike group 10, 31 years of service. admiral darryl walker serving as commander combined joint task force cyber, tenth fleet, 33 years of service. admiral jeromy williams serving
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as commander u.s. special operations command pacific, 30 years of service. the president nominated the following officers. captain joshua himes serving as chief of staff, u.s. tenth fleet, 30 years of service. captain kurtis mole serving as information warfare commander strike group 5, 28 years of service. the following nominations to brigadier general, colonel brandon c. anderson, 8th army, 27 years of service. colonel beth a. behn serving as chief of transportation and commandant united states army transportation school, fort lee, virginia, 29 years of
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service. colonel matthew robin, 28 years of service including commander, tenth aviation regiment during operation enduring freedom in afghanistan, awarded the silver star. colonel kenneth burgess 26 years of service, awarded the legion of merit and bronze star. colonel burke serving as director of house affairs, office of the assistant secretary of defense, legislative affairs, washington, d.c., 29 years of service. colonel chad c. col hunt. colonel kendall clark, commander, first battalion, third brigade combat team, first armor division during operation enduring freedom, legion of merit and bronze star. colonel patrick costello, 26 years of service, commander third battle yon, fourth air
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defense artillery regiment, 108 artillery brigade, operation enduring freedom. colonel law iry crooks, 29 years of service, commanded the first battle yon, 37th field. colonel troy denomy, commanded sea company, first cavalry was awarded the purple heart. sarah e. dudley, headquarter company, 101st airborne division during operation enduring freedom in afghanistan. jemple joseph e. escandon, futures and concept center. 27 years of service. colonel alric l. francis, field
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artillery squadron, first cavalry division during operation enduring freedom in afghanistan. colonel george c. hackler, 29 years of service, was the director of capabilities development combined security transition command in afghanistan during operation resolute support. colonel william c. hannan jr., he was chief officer of security operation iraq and operation inherent resolve and was awarded the bronze star medal. colonel peter g. hart, 28 years of service, director j-5, united states forces afghanistan, during operation enduring freedom in afghanistan. colonel gregory l. holden, 28 years of service, served as director j-2 combined joint forces land component command operation inherent resolve in iraq.
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colonel paul d. howard, currently serving as commandant united states army signal school, fort gordon, georgia. colonel james g. kent, materiel command at the redstone arsenal in alabama, and he is being nominated for brigadier general. colonel curtis w. king, commanded the first battalion air defense -- excuse me, seventh air defense artillery during operation enduring freedom. colonel john p. lloyd, currently serving as commander, north atlantic division, army corps of engineers, new york. and with that, i would yield to my colleague from virginia. the presiding officer: the chair recognizes the gentleman from virginia. mr. kaine: vice-admiral jeffrey w. hughes, serving as deputy
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chief of staff for capability development, received his comiftion after graduating from duke university, 35 years in the navy, 22 different duty assignments, formerly commander of navy personnel command, defense superior service medal, legion of merit and meritorious service medal. heath a. collins to be lieutenant general, while serving as director of the missile defense agency. currently the program executive for that agency at the redstone arsenal in alabama. nominated to lead this important agency that is a critical research and development and acquisition agency within the department of defense. 30 years in the air force, 23 different duty assignments, legion of merit with one oak leave cluster, defense meritorious service medal, meritorious service medal. lieutenant general jeffrey a.
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cruz to be lieutenant general in the air force, while serving as director of defense intelligence agency. 32 years in the air force, 24 different duty assignments, defense superior service medal with three oak leave clusters, legion of merit with two clusters, defense meritorious service medal. major general michael c. kacheski. 31 years in the air force, 24 different duty assignments, 2800 flying hours, including more than 650 combat hours in syria, iraq, and afghanistan, defense superior service medal, legion of merit with two oak leaf clusters. general donna shipton, to be lieutenant general in the air force, serving as commander of life cycle management center. 31 years in the air force. 19 duty assignments.
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distinguished service medal, legion of merit with one oak leave cluster, doafd meritorioue meritorious. lieutenant general john s. calacheski, serving as deputy commanding general for u.s. army europe-africa. after russia's invasion of ukraine he led the effort in support of ukraine, deploying a core element to poland and subsequently establishing a permanent forward headquarters, 34 years of service, 24 different duty assignments, distinguished service medal, five legions of merit, four meritorious service medals, combat action badge, airborne badge, ranger tab and he served three combat tours in iraq and two in afghanistan. he's been forward deployed in combat for a total of 46 month,
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nearly four years away from his family. colonel matthew againhart to be brigadier general in the army reserve. 30 years in the military, 19 duty assignments, airborne ranger and infantryman badges. colonel katherine braun to be brigadier general in the army reserve. intelligence officer by training, 27 years of service, meritorious service medal with two oak leaf clusters. the following two nominations to the grade of major general, brigadier general mary kruger, currently commanding general of the medical readiness command east, chief of the u.s. army medical corps. served in both iraq and afghanistan for 19 months, commanded clinics, hospitals, medical research centers, three legions of merit, two bronze star medals, four meritorious
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service medals, flight service badge. brigadier general anthony l. mcqueen serving as commanding general of the army medical research and development command. deployed to iraq twietion for a -- twice for a total of 20 months, army distinguished service medal, three legions of merit, the expert field medical badge, airborne badge and air assault badge. colonel jack j.stummy, an army chaplain, serving as command chaplain for europe and africa, deployed as chaplain serving the critical spiritual needs of the military, four separate times. for a total of 36 months. defense superior service medal, legion of merit, bronze star medal, six meritorious service medals, two joint service commendation medals, airborne
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badge. colonel james f. porter, u.s. army reserve, currently chief of staff for the 311th stainment command -- sustainment command. deployed three times in cuba and kuwait for a totals of 25 months, legion of merit, three meritorious service medal, airborne badge. brigadier general beth salisbury to be a major general in the army. she's a medical corps woman with a specialist as occupational therapist, has commanded medical companies, medical commands, and medical bringing aides, deployed four times in support of contingency operations, 43 months of forward deployment, nearly four years away from her family. legion of merit, bronze star medal, five meritorious service medal, two joint service commendations. major general michael j. luton to be the lieutenant general in the air force, serving as deputy
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commander of air force global strike command. previously commanded the air force's only group providing initial training for the nation's space and intercontinental ballistic missile operations. defense superior service medal, two legion of medal. charles d. costanza to be lieutenant general, while serving as commanding general of the fifth corps. 32 years in the marine corps. encompassing 21 different duty assignments, five supporting combat and contingency operations. defense superior service medal, legion of medal, bronze star and others. major general james h. adams the third. to be a lieutenant general in the marine corps. currently deputy director requirements and capability developments on the joint staff. 32 years in the marine corps, 23 different duty assignments.
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past assignments including branch head of aviation plans and policy for the marine corps, legion of merit, bronze star, air medal. lieutenant general michael a.gitlin to be general and vice chief of space operations, space force. currently serves space system command. he's led and commanded flight squadron division, director at program executive and field command levels. 32 years in the air force, 19 different duty assignments, defense superior service medal, legion of merit and meritorious service medal. fill -- phillip garrent. 32 years in the air force, distinguished service medal, legion of merit. following three officers to the grade of mainly general in the u.s. space force, brigadier
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general jason cawthorn, currently serving deputy commander space systems in california, 30 years in the air force, 16 different duty assignments, defense superior service medal, legion of merit. brigadier general troy endicott, assistant deputy chief of space operations for the air force. deployed four times during operations northern watch, iraqi freedom and enduring freedom as a space weapons officer. commanded one of the air force's first expeditionary space units in iraq. 29 years of service, 18 different duty stations, defense superior service medal, legion of merit. brigadier general timothy seshpa, program officer for space systems command in los angeles. 28 years in service, 17 different assignments, defense superior service medal, legion of merit.
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major general shawn bratton, u.s. space force, also deputy chief of space operations. 36 years in the air force, 21 different duty assignments, including four deployment and combat and contingency operations and operating iraqi freedom, defense superior service medal, bronze star, meritorious service medal. vice admiral carl o'thomas, 37 years in service, currently serving as commander of the u.s. 7th fleet, legion of merit. lieutenant general michael cedarhole many, commanding general first marine expeditionary force. 30 years of service, multiple combat tours, top gun instructor, defense superior service medal, legion of merit, bond star. brigadier general darren durham
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to be major general in the u.s. air force reserve, 33 years of active and reserve service, numerous combat missions supporting operations in kosovo, iraq, and afghanistan, 5150 flying hours. lead john of merit. three nominations for appointment to the grade of brigadier general in the u.s. army reserve -- brandy peesly currently serves a the chief of is that for the 79th support command, 29 years of service, two combat tours, meritorious service medal. john d. rhodes, currently serves as deputy commander of the 451st expeditionary sustainment command which comprises 84 units and 8,000 soldiers, started his year as an rotc officer graduating from the university of alabama at hunts huntsville. bronze star medal, meritorious service medal.
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colonel earl sparks iv, 309 30 years of service. brigadier general william crane, to be chief of captains for the united states army. chaplain green serves currently us a deputy chief of chaplains in the office of chief chaplains in the army. 29 years of service. multiple deployments to support combat and contingency operations, legion of merit, bronze star medal. major general john brennan to be deputy commander of u.s. africa command. currently serves as director of operations special operations command at macdill air force base in florida. numerous combat deployments. distinguished service medal defense superior service medal for combat service, legion of merit, five bronze stars, two bronze stars for valor. these he's earned the master parachutist passage badge,
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theater assault banal, the scuba diver badge, the special operations diver badge understand, a ranger tab. major mark semler, director of the defense logistics agency. 39 years of service, multiple combat tours, over 30 months deployed away from his family in those operations, defense superior service medal, legion of merit. major general ryan p. heritage to be lieutenant general in the u.s. marine corps and deputy commandant for information. at u.s. marine corps hq. numerous tours to support combat and contingency operations, defense superior service medal, defense meritorious service medal. vice admiral craig a. clapperton to be vice admiral. 34 years of service, he's been the commander combined joint task force cyber in the 10th
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fleet commander of the carrier strike group, 12th fleet, legion of merit with two gold stars, defense meritorious service medal. four officers to the grade of rear admiral, u.s. in e. navy -- captain thomas james dickerson, 28 years of service. legion of merit, meritorious service medal. captain kevin ray smith, 29 years of service legion of merit with one gold star. meritorious service medal. captain todd sinclair weeks, 30 years of service. legion of merit, meritorious service medal. captain diana well ofson, 27 years of service, legion of merit, meritorious service medal. the following officers for appointment to the grade of major general in the united states air force -- brigadier general curtis bass, currently serves as vice commander of the u.s. air force center. 28 years of service, defense superior service medal, bronze
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star medal. brigadier general ken on-bell, legion of meritment. brigadier general charles d. bolton, a master navigator with more nan 2800 hours. a distinguished graduate of u.s. air force weapons school. 29 years of service. legion of merit, bronze star medal. brigadier general larry broadwell, received his commission in march 1996 from the officer training school at maxwell air business in alabama. 2600 flying hours, 76 combat hours, 27 years of service, legion of merit, bronze star medal. brigadier general scott cain, 2800 hours of flying time, 28 years of service, legion of merit, defense meritorious service medal. brigadier general sean co-chett, 30 years of service, multiple
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deployments to support combat contingency operations, defense superior service medal, legion of merit, bronze star medal. brigadier general roy w. collins, 28 years of service, legion of merit, defense meritorious service medal. brigadier general john r. edward,ent currently serves aces director of strategic capabilities at the white house. 28 years of service, 2500 flight hours, including 237 combat hours. defense superior service medal and legion of merit. brigadier general jason hines, 27 years of service, commander of the first fighter wing, joint base langley in virginia. defense superior service medal, legion of merit. brigadier general just continue r. hoffman, 28 years of service. defense superior service medal and bronze star. brigadier general stacey jo user, 27 years of service,
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defense superior service medal. brigadier general mateo g.martemucci, 29 years of service. defense superior service medal, leet john of merit, bronze star, currently serves as the director of intelligence at u.s. cyber command. brigadier general david minue, 29 years of service, legion of merit, defense meritorious service medal, meritorious service medal. brigadier general paul d.moga, currently commandant of cadets in colorado prescription u -- colorado springs. 2600 flying hours, 28 years of service, legion of merit, defense meritorious service medal. brigadier general ty w. newman, also servings at the white house with the national security council. 3,188 flight hours, including 244 combat hours, 2 years of service, defense superior
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service medal. brigadier general christopher neme, rated command pilot, 30 years of service, defense superior service medal, legion of merit. brigadier general brandon d. parker, command pilot with more than 2800 hoursness bomber aircraft, 380 of those in combat, 27 years of service, defense superior service medal, defense meritorious service medal. michael t.rawle is, commandant at max well air force base, alabama. command pilot accumulated more than 2100 hours, 31 years of service, legion of merit, bronze star medal. brigadier general patrick s. ryder, 31 years of service, defense superior service medal, defense meritorious service medal. brigadier general david g.
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shoemaker, command pilot with more than 2,000 pilot hours flown in operations provide comfort, northern catch, southern watch, iraqi freedom, enduring freedom, logging more nan 100 combat sorties in an f-16. 29 years of service, legion of merit, defense meritorious service medal. brigadier general rebecca j.sonkus, currently serves as commander of the 16th -- 618th air operation center at scott air force base. 4400 hours including 1377 combat hours in nine different air force manned and remotely piloted aircraft. 29 years of service. defense superior service medal, legion of merit, bronze star. brigadier general clawed k. tudor jr. commissioned through the rotc program at tri-state university in alabama. 31 years of service. brigadier general dale r.
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white, 26 years of service, legion of merit. major general david hodney, deputy command general at u.s. army futures command. 31 years of service, 11 tours in support of combat and contingency operations, purple heart, defense superior service medal. four legion of merits. brian r. moore to be greernlg of the u.s. air force at wright air force base. 27 years of service, defense superior service medal, meritorious service medal with three oak leaf clusters. vice admiral dwyer, deputy chief of naval operations for war fighting development, 35 years of service. commanded a provincial reconstruction team in afghanistan in 2008 legion bronze star.
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rear admiral darrin via to be surgeon general of the navy, 32 years of service, commander of naval medical forces atlantic, command surgeon and u.s. central command, legion of merit, defense meritorious service medal. lieutenant general scott pleus to be lieutenant general in the air force and director of the air force staff, 33 years of service. command pilot with more than 2500 flying hours, combat hours earned during operations desert fox and southern watch, distinguished service medal legion of merit defense meritorious service medal. brigadier general dale white, lieutenant general of the u.s. air force for acquisition technology and logistics, 26 years of service, legion meritorious service medal. finally, major general david
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harris to be major general, air force futures headquarters, 29 years of service, 2500 flying hours, having flown in support of operations deliberate force, allied force, enduring freedom, horn of africa and inherent resolve, a master navigator and parachutist receiving his commission following his graduation from the university of alabama, 29 years of service p distinguished service medal, defense superior service medal, legion, distinguished flying cross with valor bronze star medal. i yield. mr. reed: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that all the remarks concerning military promotions holds be placed together in the record as if uninterrupted. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reed: thank you, mr. president. let me continue this roll of
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honor to be promoted toking brigadier general, shannon lucas 29 years of service, army colonel division at quantico division,. colonel maddox serving as commander joint commissions, life cycle management command, the executive office of the commander general, red zone, alabama. colonel montague serving as deputy commander fourth infantry division, colorado, 28 years of service. he commanded the first battalion 321 stst field artillery. legion of merit, bronze star. colonel john montfort, for the riley kansas and operation atlantic resolve in poland, 28
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years of service, awarded the bronze star. colonel davis c. phil philips serving as program manager future long range assault aircraft program, aviation in the red stone arsenal in alabama. 28 years of service, defense superior service medal and bronze star. colonel kenneth reed serving as commander southwestern division united states army corps of engineers dallas, tax, awarded legion of merit and bronze star. colonel john tha nu s, combined jont operation inherent resolve in iraq. was the commander special operation task force afghanistan and operation freedom sentinel, defense superior service medal and legion. colonel andrew saslov serving as
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deputy commander operations 82nd airborne division. he was the commander first brigade combat team 82nd airborne division in kuwait, legion of merit and bronze star. colonel stallworth special assistant for general flag officer matters joint staff, washington, d.c., 29 years of service. colonel jennifer walkawicz serving as director office of personnel management director, united states army resources command fort knox, kempt -- kentucky. camila white serving as chief of staff office of the assistant secretary of the army. 29 years of service. she was chief of staff rapid capabilities and critical technologies office, ofts assistant secretary of the
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army, acquisition, logistics and technology at the red stone arsenal in alabama. also program manager for terminal high altitude air defense, missile defense agency, red stone arsenal, alabama. colonel stock d. wilkinson serving as deputy commander support 101st airborne division and operation european assured deter and reinforce in poland, 29 years of service, legion and bronze star medal. colonel jeremy wilson serving as deputy commander of support fort stewart, georgia. multiple combat deployments, bronze star medal. colonel scott woodward serving as deputy commander united states army, ft. leavenworth, kansas, 29 years of service, operation inherent resolve in iraq, multiple combat
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deployments, bronze star. colonel joseph wortham ii, special forces command fort liberty, north carolina. 27 years of service. he was the commander fifth special group airborne in the united states army during operation inherent resolve in iraq. colonel david j. zinn serving as commander third and multitask force united states army pacific. he was the commander second infantry brigade fourth division during operation enduring freedom. defense superior service medal, legion of merit, bronze star medal. the president has also nominated david r. i ve rson, commander combiernd component command, united nations command and
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commander combined air components command, combined force rs command and commander seventh air force, pacific air forces. major general has 5,400 flying hours including 1,500 combat hours. air force single service medal and other awards. the president nominated lieutenant general kevin b. snyder to be general of the united states air force and commander of pacific air forces and air component command for the u.s. indo-pacific command, 35 years of service. distinguished service medal, air force distinguished service medal and defense superior service medal. the president nominated major general laura lenderman to be lieutenant general and deputy commander pacific air forces, 29 years of service, a rated command pilot with more than 3,000 flight hours and a
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recipient of distinguished service medal and owe awards. the president nominated major general thomas l. james to be lieutenant general in the united states army while serving as deputy commander u.s. space command. he also -- he holds advanced degrees in air power art and science and military operational art and science from air university, international relations from auburn university in montgomery and montgomery, alabama, and strategic studies from the college at maxwell air force base, alabama. he serves in the aviation branch of the army and has lived and served in alabama multiple times both at fort rucker and maxwell air force base. he deployed to afghanistan, iraq, and qatar in support of continued operations for a total of 24 months. major general leo. anderson iv to be a lieutenant general in the marine corps, while serving as commander of
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reserves, commander marine forces south. major general anderson is nominated to serve as the senior most reserve officer. he would command and control assigned forces in order to assist an already active component with training units and individual marines. he has attended the top gun strike fighter tactic course, been awarded the legion of merit and other awards. the president has nominated lieutenant general timothy d. hawke to the rank of general in the air force, while serving as director of national security agency, chief central service commande rommande >> the national security service leaves the us government in ecology insights and cyber security sources unable to pull the director and essay of cyber
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west general is concerned we will have you on what most organizations in the united states, the president nominates james mingus to be general of the united states army and chief of staff. he earned his commission in 1984 after graduating from the rotc program at wynonna state tyuniversity where he earned his bachelors degree. he commanded the 82nd airborne division, has deployed multiple times in iraq and afghanistan incombat roles . he is the recipient of the purple heart . the president has nominated general randy george to the rank of general and serving as chief of staff of the unitedstates . general george is the matter
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of the brigade division and poor level. he served in combat in operation desert storm, iraqi operation fresno. he served 57 months deployed in contingency operations away from his family and is the recipient of a purple heart. eric smith, us marine corps general of the marine. general smith. he is the first thing, done in 110 years. he has led from platoon commander to expeditionary force commander and is also the recipient of the purple heart. the president nominated charles to the rank of general erwhile serving as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. general around serves as chief of staff at the air force and is a career after
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16 pilot with 3000 hours and 130 combat flight hours accorded awarded two distinguished service medals, for legions of merit, defense meritorious service medal, three arielle achievement medals and service commendations mister president, those are the nominees before. i think what we've demonstrated tonight is the range of assignments and organizations that are affected by these holes spanning every service, every theater of operations from f space to cyber to submarines. this is an undermining of our
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military readiness which is unseen. these individuals deserve promotions. when you heard senator kane and i talk about their qualifications there is no doubt they do serious promotions and the men and women who serve deserve their leadership which has been tested over time veand in many cases through combat. they should not be political pawns. now, before senator coverdale who wouldbe talking about our nominee , they're not nominees. we can't tolerate that. that's a disservice to these men and women who are armed forces to the men and women they lead.
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we have to do our duty. and asked senator kane said, there are appropriate ways to deal with policy decisions we don't like. you can take a vote. you can't hold all of these men and women disrupt their family lives, send a signal to the military that 29 years, a couple of purple hearts, i don't care. i would hope that we could that senator tuberville would
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fill these holes. the depth, the range of responsibilities where talking about this evening can't be filled by a willful commandant. we can't leave everyone behind and if this president continues to establish, it will be used again and again to the detriment of the nation. this is a time for us tostand up . stand up for what we always said about our devotion to the military, respect for the military and that they shouldn't be demeaned, they shouldn't beused as political tokens . it's time to stop the speeches and unanimously as we do by voice of these
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commands. now with that i believe we have two conclude this evening. i ask unanimous consent that when the senate completes its business it stand adjourned until the task force 316. until 10 am thursday, july 27 . that the journal of proceedings be approved today , at the time of the two leaders be reserved until later today and morning th business be called and upon conclusion the senate resume the conclusion of 119 s 226 and further that 11:30 a.m. the senate vote on remaining amendments . >> without objection. >> if omthere's no further business to come before the senate i asked that it stand adjournedunder the previous
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>> the senate today continued work on the annual defense bill, or in the aa moment to do. the amendment 2024 defense programs built through the week followed by a vote on its final passage prior to their august recess. watch live coverage when the senate next returns here on c-span2. >> if you miss any of coverage find it anytime online at videos of keyhearings and other events feature markers that guide you to interesting and newsworthy highlights . these points of interest markers
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