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tv   Washington Journal Open Fourm  CSPAN  October 2, 2023 7:06pm-7:43pm EDT

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supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, givingyou a front row seat to democracy . >> here are some of the issues we've been covering on the washington journal of course that ever being led max gaetz to oust kevin rivals file to oust mccarthy. that's the front page of usa today, a deep dive on how congress averted a government shutdown on saturday coming with hours to spare before the final deal was made and the front page states new york times, the story of the day being the first day of a new term of the supreme court . they asked a how far to the right will the supreme court go to. justices await major issues
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in this term of the supreme court, the 2024 term as it's known even though it starts in 2023. those are some of the topics we can talk about but let us know what's on your mind democrats to the house and 202-748-8002. this is earl, a democrat, good morning. >> caller: why do republicans , why are the democrats ... [inaudible] >> host: anything else you want to add ? >> caller: that's it. >> host: earl in south carolina, democrats,
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202-748-8001. this story states washington times gop wants jamaal bowman to get the january 6 treatment. the congressman admitted he called the fire alarm hours before a gunman shut down the c. justice at january 6 protesters got their 2021 breach of the capital and the story citing several fo republicans there calling for some sort of penalty for jamaal coleman after that incident. that story we can talk about. role is in fresno, an independent, you are up next . >> i have a statement i'd like to make. if you listento everybody , democrats and republicans, they are all complaining about this and that about trump. about the border, about
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drugs, all this other stuff. we all know everything focuses, everything goes back to trump. trump is the poison that's poisoning our democracy and something needs to be done about that. we need to find a way to get rid of him and stop him. he is the one that will destroy everything. i believe he's also behind all the wars in ukraine because he didn't get along with, zelinski didn't tell the lies he wanted to tell. >> josh in illinois, independent . >> there's been a couple of segments i think in the past few weeks about confidence in the us military or in the numbers in the military being low.
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i don't think anyone mentioned low recruitment or low confidence having to do with admission itself. but it's kind of default into transgender this for gender politics that when really no one was mentioning the fact that since world war ii the military has not engaged in any morally righteous action in any foreign country in the world, certainly not in my lifetime. i'm 29 years old the last action i can think of, its unspeakable destruction, death and consequences that we're going to be dealing with for god knows how long. so that's all i really wanted tosay, that was on my mind for a while . >> host: this is dave in massachusetts. >> good morning.
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i sit here every morning and i'm here all these strange, do you know president tied to jack johnson and i hear about all these sides. four years ago this world was at peace. and i'm going to be 62 in like a week and i always felt like we were all united. people have taken sides. i've never voted in mylife . i think everyone you walk down the street you don't say what are you, d or r and we have to look at the big picture. i think we can't see the forest. >> host: do you think you
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will vote in 2024? >> caller: i am going to vote . >> host: do you know who you're going to vote for yet? >> caller: i'm going to vote for someone who's going to give ... women were free in afghanistan. so our guys are over thereand they had a mission . they promised kids would go to school and they did. women were free. they had their own businesses. i don't understand these people, they're wearing a proof vests. you've got to look at the big people my father served in world war ii and i know he would say right now to keep
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it together illegal immigration. mexicans in 87 thought it was a setup. i helped them get dual citizenship. i am for legal immigration. i'm just tired of these what side are you on, i am on the same side. >> host: keep calling, any political issues you want to talk about, online for republicans democrats and independents . we want to bring on now national political reporter with for letting us this morning via zoom, good morning to you. i know you were out in california over the weekend. we have a new united states senator from california, and one from louisburg, diane
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feinstein. what do you know i want this? >> makes good on newsom's commitment to bring a black woman to the senate. many were hoping that would be definitive and some speculated it would indeed be this weekend when news broke that he had previously placed an appointment that said he did not want to appoint someone that was eventually running for the position, that they would be in the interim but he dropped those conditions for the appointment of butler but in many ways appointment is a way to spin out of the upcoming election. we already know three democratic candidates are planning on running, alex
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schiff and barbara lee and butler's appointment is a way to not take a stance. >> host: could she enter the race i had of 2024 and how many are calling for her to do that and where does her support come from in as you said a crowded democratic popularity race, where is the lane? >> guest: she is able to run it she chooses to and hasdeep support in california . she's a former labor leader as well as an advisor to president harris so in many ways her support is drawing from the democratic candidates already so what might be happening is she calls from some of the more progressive support we see going to barbara lee.
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>> host: senator feinstein expected to lie in state in san francisco city hall and service expected on thursday so this comes days after she passed away late last week. you've been out in california . your coverage was focused on the republican convention. what is the story from that convention? >> guest: for candidates came to the convention, donald trump spoke at length about issues in central california whereas ron app confirmed his commitment as florida governor and continue to press on differences but what i found interesting was underlying this convention was the question of whether the party would ratify its delegates that would give all the state delegates the candidate who receives over 50 percent of the vote in the primary election. this is something dominant donald trump campaign and lobbied for but some members were still on the fence and
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brought it in executive session sunday but it passed without a hitch according to my listing and this will allow the state to commit its rules to the national party. >> how much were the candidates out there focused on what was happening on capitol hill, was the most about the potential shutdown on saturday electing and what we found out yesterday, the now expected motion to vacate the speakership, is not playing at all in what the candidates had to say? >> it wasn't something directly discussed the convention but we know the days to it they wanted hardliners to hold the line whereas haley had suggested that a government shutdown would beirresponsible . but since the house republicans averted on government shutdown we've heard a variety of responses. one close trump ally speaker newt gingrich posted asking if he was a agent for the
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democratic party. similarly allies on the hill and told the daily beast they don't anticipate the former president on the that he would largely be out of on the other hand we have rising gop candidate nikki haley saying that people were matt gates who was merely trying to government spending so there's a couple of big reactions from the candidates . >> host: and for gop candidates, california obviously considered a blue state whose republican that would be put in california to try to take over this now open seas in california 2024? >> there's still a bit of questions surrounding it. we do know one candidate has already now transition. there might be a second candidate but none of these national profile he so it's
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something that might take time to sort out. >> host: what else are you watching for as you cover campaign 2024 which viewers, what evidence, what candidates should viewers be watching for news from. >> donald trump will be back in iowa saturday appealing to farmers and workers, but something that watching is a is expected to attend his first trial in new york city and he posted on true social that you would be going to court to fight for his name and reputation and a decision related to a show in which he's trying to make his criminal cases and civil cases a political tool for his campaign. but beyond donald trump we center tim scott will be seeking in texas with dallas mayor erin johnson. >> host: coverage available
7:21 pm thanks for stopping by the washington journal. and it's back to our open forum, any public policy issue or political issue you want to talk about. eva has been waiting in columbia mississippi. goodmorning . >> i want to ask me questions and maybe somebody can answer them. why when taxes were dropped it was too late. and if you put everybody that brags about the value of something you're going to have more people on the town. second outcome the white house staff, most first ladies only have staff of 40 people. joe biden has 20, she's not externally you all have talked about everything the proposed bill democrats want all this money they want transgender study mein
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indonesia. 99.9 americans can't even find indonesia we want transgender studies here, why indonesia? there's enough ugpork in that bill to start a hog farm. some of the answers. >> that is eva, on white house staff side are you referring to the washington examiner story or where did you get thosenumbers in ? >> caller: i don't know what is it true joel weisman as 20 people when the others had 4 to 8. >> host: i don't have the numbers for you but this is paul's column in the washington examiner, bidens staff is the biggest ever and jill's is your choice
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melania, reviewed by the group opened the box and that founder had been on the program in the past and found bidens staff is the most expensive in history. if you want to read thatstory , >> caller: good morning. i am a registered democrat but there's a lot of things i agree with on a lot of things agreeing on i believe we should raise taxes on the rich and really should cut spending a lot. the way this country is set up big business as everything in control. we raise taxes on going to raise prices on us all these unions are going for your wages. they're going to roll around us little guys and we will end up paying their. there just fighting back and
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forth and i used to be a welder at one time in my life and in the union i was a teamster also machinist all the days me on the street and there was like $40 a week for strike pay so i ended up moving to a different place but we've got to figure out that big business is controlling everything, they're just going to put the screws us little guys all the way through one more thing. are you there? >> host: what's the one more thing ? >> a long time ago i tried to tell you this, this is the rushmore state. i tried to tell you it was a centrist state. this used to be the sunshine state but florida is the sunshine state they changed it in the 70s to your state
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had to throw that in my defense . >> bowling sink in california the rushmore state in south dakota, missouri the show me state this is linda caulfield mystery,republican . >> i have a question for everyone in this country i hear that trump being president and all that.i like for someone to explain to me what he did that deserves being in nprison. bob menendez is installed. everyone in this country is innocent until proven guilty so i like where someone called your show and explain what presidents trump did they think that these all kinds of awful things and you
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know what joelweisman is doing to this country . gas is outrageous. and i am just sick and tired of people talking about how bad trump is when he had the best economywe've ever had when he was in office . >> host: that's linda in misery. it is about nine eastern, 50 our open forum, a issue you want now is the time ends 202-748-8001, democrats 202-748-8000, independence 202-748-8002. the story that we lead our program with today is likely to be the story on capitol hill are most of this week, florida congressman max gaetz saying he will make a motion to rule on this post. on eight of the union
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yesterday. your conversation. >> theater in aa in january since then he's been raising repeated over and he too really long pass on the spending guardrails we set up his last saw an overnight i learned mccarthy easy to deal with democrats on ukraine so as he was being republicans to vote for resolution ukraine money and we were going to jam the senate on ukraine units a secret deal. you i have to use on us involvement but how it should be subject to a review analysis not some backroom deal e. i do intend to file a motion to vacate against the party. we need to bad and on with new leadership that is indeed 40 one as it is no one trusts
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can utilize is this, he had marketed number altogether. and for good reason is it is a not a bug in the system, was a teacher. he made contradictory promises to delay everything at the end of the day learned past the spending guardrails. >> how many republicans do you think will be with you in your motion to vacate because you need to 18 votes to get out of the speakership, you're going to need democrats how they do you have? >> .so when this show next u week it can be is you will be serving the pleasure of democrats, working. the only way this the house at the end of this week is democrats bail out.
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>> host: max gaetz yesterday. this is rich, independent in newport tennessee on the washington journal. >> i tried to get on yesterday and i wanted to talk to that strategist. i have questions asking. but i got cut off on the screen there. as far as public policy, i did have one question maybe you can address for you. why does c-span always seem to book the usual suspects withguests . we see how our guests chosen? i guess that's my question. it seems like some may have chosen ratings, some convenience sake. curious about.
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>> host: generally as a guideline we tried to book guests once every three months and that usually includes members of congress. we prioritize members of congress to get on so they can talk to the public. this is the forum is rather unusual to the public and talk back to the guests so we tried to get members of congress on. we get reporters the legislation to try to inform us and our viewers about what'shappening in that building recovery gavels . the folks in think tanks around capitol hill, we know members of congress are talking to these rsthink tanks today. presenting their ideas to members of congress and part of legislation is members of congress are talking to those polls we want you to be able to talk to those polls and that's what you see on those tech people but reporters
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know this stuff. >> .. thanks very much for that. public policy, my number one i guess overall policy as a former journalism minor who worked at a newspaper for a time and taught journalism and high school, it is the advocacy journalism which to me is an oxymoron. it goes against anything we were ever taught in our classes. first of the pross and most respected journalists in our area.
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by the way i'm from the volunteer statements want to get that in. and even scott long fly have a lot of respect for him. he had to throw in a little commentary on what marjorie taylor green. it was obvious, he did not need to addid that. her own opinions are being inserted. i honestly see 85% of the media as a left-leaning. i'm thinking about taking a y highlighter and pick out the loaded word, the phrases. i could give you specific concrete examples. even from the so-called tennessee word is that term ever come from? that sounds like something from the press and certain stories it identifies the age a young black
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democrat. the old white so-and-so. people don't ask why. why was that necessary? that's not part of the story. the media inserted into that. talks rich because a running short on time, what do you trust ymore? do you get a newspaper? do you trust your local paper? do you watch much news on tv? what does your new diet consist of and can he do it about a minute or so? what's anticipated that question. i try to listen to as much i'm very conservative. the local paper leads to trust
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the associated press right don't anymore i see the same phenomenon there. it's filtering through art they to seecertain things red flags r i tried to take a consensus of everything i make a decision based on that. trying to look at just the facts per carts which i appreciated pretty asked about how we book a guess is i'm sure you know you've called and in the past, we ask our callers to call in every 30 days to free up the viewpoint. i'm sure i'll talk to sometime in november rich, thanks for the call request thank you. >> in the buckeye state this is linda republican good morning. >> yes someone did not put me on the news for crying out loud. what i want to say is we have too many billion people all over the world that are starving.
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i just found out now my social security is up again it's going to be $180. all the illegals coming over here we are fighting for them. come on. with linda joy to finish? ask my husband used to be a policeman pretty gave that up after he found a how bad it was. that was ridiculous. he made $10 an hour and we had to pay for all the hospitalization, all the clothing, everything else. everything you walk with, hold dear he finally said this is so corrupt it isn't funny. i am leaving because they are not in good faith. thank you for. prefer exposure hasbeen a polic? do jim and missouri democrat good morning. >> caller: good morning. the speaker of the house fights
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there is no speaker i understand the house is unable to conduct the business? >> the house would be would elect a new speaker. that will be the only business of thehe house. he removed the chair. >> that would shut down the government, the rest of the bidens presidency. which is what some of their republicans want to do but io think the democrats should keep mccarthy imposition the man has indicated he could work across the line. i don't see where that's a problem. let's see here. the republican party of the
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infrastructure they say that is too much. they were to cut things for the state of missouri recently cut 40000 people from their medicaid rolls. 15000 or on purpose. 25000 could not figure out how to reapply. i don't know what they're going to doha with that money they saved. that is young mothers with babies. with medicaid, snap, wic.nt going to cut things, fine. tell us how much and from where. this is bill in jacksonville your next break. >> works just two quick things. on the border i am talking three to 60 degrees. would it be legal to shut it down for at least a one year to catch it from the administrative and judicial unbelievable
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backlog which adds the burden of this thing? trump tax cuts on the not coming up for renewal they are voted down and not to be renewed but we the implications of the economy and helping get the cost underec control? interesting topic for food are sent out. but not in court on border law. the truck tax cut after he renewed sometime in the future for them to continue and that's likely going to happen on g capitol hill but this is logging in alabama republican good morning. >> caller: yes or thank you for taking my call. look, if everybody would do their part. do their t job we would have a much smoother m society, a bettr government. we are playing too many political games right now it's oh one ups and as to who gets to
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it and we need to get our country back in line. course how do you propose we get our country back in line? >> the nextl, time the citizens only have a say or once every two years that the representatives in the for the president. we have to do it with our votes. the way we have to speak is through our votes. our politicians politicians won't listen at the ballot box. then we are in trouble. we have got to get a fresh crop in there that will do the job. focus on the in alabama les called for them. palm coast florida democrat good morning.
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what i see going on in america right now give a certain segment in this country america fight country. the ruling class of america. i'm going to put the record straight america is not white.e up until the mid 60s. all the way up through slavery. to reconstruction but today, you have a certain segment on the republican side that wants to see america as a white country
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but it is not. the fight goes on, the struggle goes on but that is what this thing is all about. we back to put it to an end. stuart ira the last segment. ♪'s he spent "washington journal" involvement you to discuss latest issues in government, politics and public policy. from washington and across the country bread coming up tuesday morning the hills emily brooks discusses the latest in florida republican congressman matt gaetz effort dressed california republican congressman kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. then cofounder of tea party patriots document campaign 2024. albert speaker at mccarthy's political future. former bided omb official center for american progress previews
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the federal spending battles ahead as congress moves to the appropriation process to avoid a government shutdown in mid-november. join the conversation live at seven eastern tuesday morning on c-span, c-span now or online at former secretary of state hilary clinton talked about the negative impact of technology on mental health. ways it can be used for political manipulation. she also discusses holding technology companies accountable. the conversation was held at the atlantic festival in washington d.c. ♪ [cheering] back i


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