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tv   U.S. Senate U.S. Senate  CSPAN  January 22, 2024 2:59pm-6:38pm EST

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electability argument is not working is joe biden. his polls lowest polling of any president at this point in their presidency in the modern era. polls show either he beats biden or ties with biden. pwhe arand you say cut trump cannot win, what do you mean? he is right now. that could have been a pit is the kind to argument a candidate like haley, whose argument is i am going to get people outside the republican base, that could have worked but with biden doinghost: our guest is with us until 10:00. if you want to ask him questions , you can do so. (202 you can do sos, 202-748-8000 democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans and independents, 202-748-8002. you can also text us at
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202-748-8003. mr. graham, you probably reference in thehe poll you took or maybe you think other information dialogue with your audience -- >> we take you live now to the u. s. senate where lawmakers are set toonsider the nomination to the amtrak board of directors. if confirmed he would serve a five-year term. he is a first of three of president biden's nominees to the amtrak board the senate will vote on this week. of the senate here on c-span2. the chaplain: let us pray. eternal god, we lift our hearts to you, the giver of wisdom, strength, and peace. guide our lawmakers through the deliberations of this day. lord
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give them wisdomk for justice and to advance your kingdom on earth. may they set a course for this nation that unites people in courage, and righteousness. lord empower our senators to meet today's joys with gratitude its difficulties with fortitude, and its duties with fidelity. teach them to toilto ask for nothing more than to know they're pleasing you. we pray in your merciful name. amen. the presiding officer: please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america,
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and to the republic one nation under god indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the presiding officer: the clerk will read a communication to the senate.ngton d.c., january 22, 2024. to the senate: under the provisions of rule 1, paragraph 3, of the standing rules of the senate, i hereby appoint the honorable tammy duckworth, a senator from the perform the duties of the chair. signed: patty murray, president pro tempore. the presiding officer: under the previous order, the leadership time is reserved. morning business is closed. unde senate will proceed to executive session to resume consideration of the following nomination which the clerk will report. the clerk: nomination amtrak board of directors, cer koos of illinois to be a
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director of the amtrak board of directors.
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mr. mcconnell: madam president. the presiding officer: the republican leader. mr. mcconnell: this week senator lankford and several colleagues continue their work to finaliz the most substantial border security policy in 30 years. this agreement would come not a moment too soon. over the past three years, wehe flood of illegal immigration tick past 6.7 million encounters. 6.7 million sinceresident biden took office. and an especially alarming surge just last year. december reportedly saw the
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highest monthly total of border on record. the president's open borders have meant booming business for the cartels who specialize in traf and smuggling drugs. and far hasher realities for american communities grappling with lethal fentanyl and the who have died trying to cross. this is a crisis. whether the washington democrats to call it one or not. the american people recognize what cpb and ice are up against even if their commander in chief does not. and the entire world understands what's at stake here in the senate in the coming weeks. america's significance security begins with securing and
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maintaining our borders. it a matter of basic sovereignty. but we're also a global superpower with global responsibilities. we're facing challenges on multiple fronts. and once again that's reality whether or not our commander in chief acknowledgesit. in europe our closest allies and trading partners are one border away from facing the brunt of naked authority yang aggression. and it took months administration to grasp the urgency of that threat. america's allies look to us to lead by example, to deliver decisive capabilities to ukraine, and to step up investments in upgrading our arsenal and expanding our capacity to stock it.
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but for months administration to authorize lethal capabilities to help beat back putin's escalation was a little bit like pulling teeth. and for years the defense budget requests have failed to demonstrate willingness to take the threats we face seriously. right now at long last our european allies are to carry their share of responsibilities of collective defense and they're leading the pipeline of lethal assistance in ukraine's war effort. this is encouraging but it's not guaranteed forever. the west leading power still has to behave like one and continue investing in ourstrength. of course on multiple fronts our adversaries are not behaving like they have reason to fear
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american strength. china continues to back up its bullying with massive investments and hard power and long-range alliances with enemies of america around the world. and iran and proxies demonstrate daily that the biden administration's policies left them fundamentally undeterred. undoubtedly, the terrorist enjoy administration henpeck america's closest ally in the region and attempt to constrain israel's response to their barbaric violence. at belated half-hearted unenforceable declarations of sanctions against tertiary characters on iran's terrorist and yet the president's half measured strikes against low-value terrorist infrastructure. so madam president, this isn't just a matter of vanity or
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optics. it's about a sober calculation of relative strength. the failure of american deterrence isn't just an embarrassment, it's a tragedy and the price of which is now being measured in american lives. today the pentagon confirmed the deaths of two navy seals during operation operations to interdict iranian weapons bound for houltty terrorists -- houthi terrorists on the high seas. they were young, exceptional war yars -- warriors engaging in threaten america and our allies. and their comrades and loved ones are in our prayers. just this weekend iran's proxies attempted yetgain to claim the lives of en more u.s. servicemember s servicemembers. for at least the 150th time since october 7, terrorists used
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lethal force against in iraq and syria. several u.s. personnel are being treated for traumatic brain injuries resulting from these attacks. and, frankly, i miraculous that this unchecked aggression hasn't exacted a higher price already. our adversaries are opposing pretty fundamental questions about security of our allies and interests around the world. will we act to secure america's sovereign borders and help our friends fighting for theirs? will we equip u.s. forces and our allies to meet aggression with overwhelming deterrent strength? will we invest seriously in the cutting-edge capabilities andy necessary to outpace our top strategic adversary? very soon the responsibility to
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answer these questions will rest senate and we need to answer in the affirmative. i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: the clerk: ms. baldwin.
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i don't even know. good afternoon, everybody. good afternoon. happy monday. today marks what wou 51st anniversary of roe v. wade, a ruling from the supreme court that recognized a woman's constitutional right to make deeply personal health care decisions free from the inte politicians the supreme court ruled to take that the constitutional right away. the aftermath of spent devastating and lives hang in
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the balance. today 21 states this abortion ban in effect, more than one entry limit. 380 state bls restricting access to abortion care were introduced just last year end on capitol hill congressional republicans -- the quorum be suspendsedsuspended. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. durbin: madam president, 51 years ago today, our nation's highest ort issued a ruling that predicted a woman's right to make the most fundamental choice in her life. roe v. wade enshrined into law in an america women would havr their own bodies. as a result of the constitutional protections in roe, america's women took a giant step forward toward gender equity being afforded the choose whether, when and how to start a family. but nearly -- after nearly 50 years of progress in june 2022,
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this supreme court roe in its dobbs v. women's health organization ruling taking women's rights back half a century. the dobbs decision was a win for conservative activists who waged a relentless campaign to capture the supreme court and overturn roe v. wade. but it was a tragic loss for women the case of kate cox, a married woman, mother of two from texas. kate was elated to learn she was pregnant with her third child. tests revealed that her baby girl had trasami18, a genetic condition that is almost always fatal or soon after birth. thegrim. moreover carrying the child could damage kate's future fertility for another child. kate and her husband made win of
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the -- one of the hardest decisions. they made the decisio go forward with an abortion. but in texas, where they lived, it is illegal in nearly all circumstances. the cox family hoped the exception in texas law for the her would allow her to terminate this ill-fated pregnancy. shockingly it did not. although a state court initially ruled kate could obt abortion republican texas attorney general ken paxton immediately took legal steps to block kate from serial the care she needed. in addition to appealing the trial court's decision supreme court, attorney general paxton sent a letter to hospitals and doctors warning them that anyone involved in performing an abortion for kate would face civil and criminal liability. the texas supreme court, controlled by republicans, joined in ruling against kate. she was forced to leave her home state and go across state lines
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to terminate that case of brittany watts, a 34-year-old from ohio. brittany was arrested after miscarrying in her bathroom. thankfully just two weeks ago, a grand juryy, common sense, and reason declined to indict her. understanding that miscarriages are devastating, yet extremely common pregnancy outcome that women for. but in a post-roe america, these are horrific situations that women and the doctors who provide them care often face. republican politicians in states like texas and ohio have made it clear they do not trust the judgment of women and their familieses in these -- and their families in these matters. even amidst this devastation unlereboullet- unleashed by dobbs, democrats fight for women. in illinois we've become an owe is for -- an oasis for women.
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new data shows the number of women traveling to illinois for abortions rose nearly 50% in 2022, and we experienced the largest increase of in i state -- of any state in the number of patients tra state for abortions last year. in each and every case there is a cost and burden of travel that is part of this calculation. our commitment to reproductive health has real-world impa in junat 23 weeks of pregnancy, margaret from cook county lost her son. she was devastated. one thing that made the experience less painful was living in a state t right to make health care decisions privately with her doctor. only a week after margaret lost her son, roe was overruled, throwing women's bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom in states across the country into real uncertainty. fortunately, not in illinois. margaret wrote to my office and said quote, i cannot stress how awful it was to lose a child i
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loved so much but how glad i was be in illinois when this devastating thing happened. we're proud to be a state that fights for women, but there are consequences to blue states meeting increasedem d more than 28 million women of reproductive age live in states where abortion is banned unavailable or restricted. 28 million american women living in those st when thousands of women are forced to go out of state to get an abortion it increases waiting time for people in blue states and puts enormous stress on providers and critics. find child care or take time off to travel to another state. this creates inequities for those trying to access safe and legal abortion. one thing is clear -- dobbs has abortion. in fact the numbers show it's quite the opposite. data shows in the year following the dobbs decision boringses actually increased -- abortions increased
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show the majority of opinions still support abortion rights. from states of kansas to kentucky and every state where it's been put on the ballot abortion and the rights of women to make these choices rai winning issue. republicans may continue to attack women's rights and freedoms but these unpopular, dangerous policies will catch up with them. let's not be naive. from t medication abortion even in states where abortion is legal, to challenging federal laws that require access to reproductive care in emergencies is a reality. anti-abortion activists continue trying to away reproductive rights in health care, and they're not going to stop. that is why we must pass the women's health protection act enshrining woman's right to choose into federal law. it's the right thing t my colleagues to act swiftly to stand up for the women of this country. i yield the floor and suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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the clerk: ms. baldwin.
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e hospital and command-and-control. so that place is also a and how they approach these hospitals and these have a right to store and resource but again i would say the same thing was said before we expect them to do this in accordance with international law a innocent people and hospital medical staff.
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>> the military but we have been very clear about the. >> we have seen the house without a week long and obviously root of it will pass with the dangers people are shooting an exotic you need to lan arms and the transfer that week we got 100 people out so clearly we still support to getrt a general cease-fire which is usually put
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in place in the expectation that you're going to and it will be to specific negotiations so no change. >> on friday the president was clear about the solution but he also suggested being open to that why did the president -- >> a very constructive conversation and i think i just need to leave it at that. he should seek his comments and i'm sure he will. as you heard him say himself h believes there is a way to it, he's optimistic we can get there there. with his public remarks.
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interpreting public remarks thing no he didn't say he was opposed to the two statetion so he said publicly how do you interpret? mean on what it looks like and that's why the president will go with this leadership but if this was easy we had a tonight solution. it's really hard and requires the compromise and sacrifice and the president understands that. make two things about thisreally explicit for a two state
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solution is your administration not take that position? sure will have frank discussions with benjamin netanyahu and future palestinian people and gaza looks like both conflict. it doesn't mean we will agree. i let the prime minister. >> the israeli prime minister working in direct opposition to ... mr. schumer: madam president. the presiding officer: the majority leader. mr. schumer: i ask unanimous consent that the quorum be coram be dispensed with. >> without objection.
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and republicans and the white house continued negotiations on the national security supplemental. we've come a very long way since talks began two months ago and democrats remain committed to be in -- president biden made clearh republicans in a big way on border security. all of us on the democratic side are serious about getting something done. i remain in -- remained in contact withweekend. we remain hopeful, but it's certainly not a done deal yet. there are a handful of issues that have not yet been agreed to. on something as complicated as it's not just what we do that matters, it's how we do it. so negotiated are -- negotiations are not done yet, vertheut getting the job done. the future of the war in ukraine hangs in the balance, the security of our western
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democracy hangs in the balance, the safety of our f israel our partners in the indo-pacific and more humanitarian aid for civilians in gaza all hang in the balance. ukraine is already running low on armaments and munitions that were in large part provided by the united states. a mere month from now, the tide of the war could turn greatly in russia's favor. to the detriment of the west and in all prabil come. if america comes up short, if we abandon ukraine in their fight against putin, the consequences will reverberate for years. make no mistake, putin will not be taking ukraine. his military influence in europe will expand westward. the cost two nato to hold putin at bay will increasegreatly, and north korea and the chinese can communist party will conclude that the u.s. will not
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defend democracy o'democracy. on our side here on losing resolve. we want to get this done. and we know a good number of our republican colleagues want to join us. we hope there will be enough. we cannot afford to go down a dark and ominous road where we abandon ukraine. the ice of the -- eyes of the world are watching closely what we do and how sadly, it's clear there are some in this congress and beyond who want to prevent bipartisan action on the border and on our national security challenges whether they're naked partisanship or by cowed by political pressure they are cynically working to stymie bipartisan cooperation. in the senate both sides must make the minority. for the sake of our national security for the sake of our friends in ukraine, for the sake of america's interests around the world, we must stay the
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course. ran committed to finishing the job on the summitpplemental and if presented with the opportunity to pass a national security supplemental on the floor, we intend to act as quickly as yet, but we'll keep going. now on the anniversary of roe v. wade. madam president, today, january 22, 2023 marked 51 years of roe v. wade the anniversary of roe should be a joyous day for america, a day when the supreme court officially recognized a woman's right to make her own decisionsdy. but republicans have -- and in 2022, tragically, alarmingly outrageously, the hard right succeeded when a 6-3 majority of extremist justices inflicted the
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extreme it has been a year and a half since the disastrous dobbs decision but it has proven to be one of the worst decisions americans to in modern history. since the reversal of roe, 21 states have enacted da cronian abortion -- draconian bans florida has banned abortion even and incest. earlier this month supreme court defied women critical emergency care to go back into effect. make no mistake about it the ight wtop going until a federal abortion ban is the law of the land. let me say that again. the hard right will keep going until a federal abortion ban is the law of the land. cause of the hard right's policies women and girls today are growing up in a world with fewer -- liberties than previousons, the
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have created chaos and harm to thousands of women, democrats will not accept this new maga status quo and neither will the american people. decision people in states like ohio kentucky and kansas and michigan have defeated efforts at the blot box to -- ballot box to protectright to choose. the message to maga extremists has been loud clear, and unmistakable back off our fundamental rights. make no mistake, a woman's right to choose will defining issue for americans as this year progresses. we still have a listening way to go but democrats will never stop fighting for a woman's right to choose. i yield the floor. i note the absence of a quorum. the presiding quorum call: the clerk:
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for republicans little hands-on grouse roots -- grassroots has not been about the issues it has been about the chaos and that is donald trump. even if you are running against donald trump they have been afraid to attack him and all they are saying just be donald trump without the chaos. what does that mean? the least issue focus discussion i think i've ever heard for any kind of election. >> now that there is two people standing on the republican side what do you think about governor desantis' dropout?
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>> i did not tape the show until thursday asking me about ron desantis. he is toast. he has burnt toast. what is the point. the only place he could have done significantly while was iowa. he had been denied while for over year. he has governor of iowa in his pocket. he really had sort of appeal to the evangelical base. now what you see about iowa and what happens here, now they are almost too much evangelical spirit it turns out it squarely surpassed what ryan -- ron desantis to you. new hampshire is probably one of the leased church states in the nation. i describe us as being libertarian.t or big church. we had nowhere to go. the most this likable person running for president in decades
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when you are running as virgin of ma ga and you're not likable and have no charm or money there was nowhere for him to go.g for senate or president in 2028, 5% of the vote in new hampshire was not going to do with any service. >> a poll about new hampshire. ts they focused on was independent voters. a poll taken two weeks ago having democrats 49% and three and 10 ranking the philosohe of democracy over concrete concern such as healthcare or crime. the conventional wisdom of is the economy stupid. you see the same thing playing out there in the state? >> i think everyone is terrified democracy is more than just about the franchise. more than just about the right
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to participate democracy talking about this economy. you begin to see what i think donald trump is bringing in which is a form of passage him. not only taking away your right to exercise and participate in the civics of this country but it will undermine your ability to becomeal healthcare. equal when it comes to the economy. recognize unions. it is a much bigger umbrella than most people think. i think of it as economic undertones as well. >> if you want to ask questions about the primary campaign 2024 2,027,488,000. 2,027,488,001 for republicans. inde you wrote a recent piece about this writing campaign currently
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taking place in the state president biden. right biden in, what does that get you? if not old enough people write you and will be poor showing? there is a passion you go around a candidat or if there ever was any so many of the policy hopes and dreams four years ago. can you elaborate on that? >> if you're going to write an ruddiman on the republican side. you know why? how do you smell them off -- spell democracy? with chris christie out of the race there is no one challenging trout. on almost all the issues is very similar to what donald trump will deal. in the end nothing in t way of protecting democracy. very similar on the issue of abortion. if you really want to send
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message then you and joe biden on the republican side and that is more powerful because out of the statement to republicans you care about democracy. on the democratic side writing and joe biden is meaningless. they changed to south. right and joe biden. an opportunity for you to send a policy message. writing in cease you are hurting joe biden. no who was beating joe biden as netanyahu. not cease-fire. what you on is we will not participate in the primary because south carolina and you know people under the age of 35 are disengaged alone joe
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give them a reason to show up on tuesday writing and cease-fire which is what they believe in, returning the hostages which is believe in, give them a reason to write something. it sounds almost edge -- message to joe. >> you wrote about the 2024 campaign with the nation and the other columnists. this is what you biden. working to define our countries campaign for president. can you elaborate on that as it applies to president biden? >> look. joe has done a relatively remarkable job. when you realize what he has done he has mixing characters. he becomes the momen ideologue. the climate prices, dealing with unions so many issues, he has become the moment.
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he not carry himself let's be honest barry sanders and elizabeth warner close to their age but they don't carry the persona of that age. unfortunately joe biden does. when you want to engage young people persona is important. how you present yourself. that is part of the problem. democracy is alive. climate crisis is on the line. what happens american workers is on the line. all the women in this country their lives on the line. unfortunately trump is a passion and no feeding his ego and his fastest agenda. let me tell you what i will do, pedro. in 2024 november, here's what i bringing into the voting booth. i am bringing in -- from texas uaw and their movement to this
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country. i am bringing in the climate crisis and the investm ol wind. i am bringing all of those in and the only vehicle that i have to bring those into the voting booth will not be donald trump. it will be joe biden. i will be voting for joeiden because of joe because of all the issues i care about. he will be the vehicle i will be the driver. >> how far do you think he has driven on the issues of what you've described in part of what she has ran on his campaign? >> well, i will be honest with you joe biden has not written the word abortion. obviously the dobbs decision has changed everything in this country. even for joe biden. i think he now realizes it was not just about abortion. it is also about bodily autonomy with each passing day beginning to recognize that.
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he realizes he has to make this front and center even though all joe would never have talked climate crisis it sounds like it's about to manufacturing process. these jobs places that were decimated. those jobs are looking at things that will help us address the climate crisis. he spent more actually doing that but it was not called that. i think that that is important as well. he has the and he has been there to get the reduction he wanted. guess what they president in 2024, i think a lot of that will follow if he gets and house he needs. in the end that trifecta, he will be able to produce the result of america's looking for. >> joining us from new hampshire part of our coverage from try. john in texas republican line. you first with our guests. go ahead. >> good morning everyone.ppy.
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two things. we talk about well, you talk about democracy. who was it that tried to overthrow presidex. trying to destroy this man since day one and take away voters rights. second the climate crisis. i am looking out the window here how long do you think electric vehicles would last? not more than a day in that type of weather. nothing could be further from the truth. that and we all know it. we not stuck in a work and we know that it is all lies. >> when you deny science we can have a conversation. when you deny facts we cannot
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have a conversation. i will not talk climate crisis. look at what is happening with seatac. look at what is happening with hurricanes and fires. whether. the climate spirit it is your choice. it is my future and my children's future. into denial because you say it does not exist. we are the hottest ever. guess what. that is your focus. my focus is how do i save my country, the climate the environment. you can exist in the world you do exist in the world we live in. >> thank you for taking my call.
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i am really disappointed you have another guest on here that you will promote saving democracy. saying that democrats should vote in republican pri i do not think that that is promoting democracy. >> thanks. everyone. democrats cannot vote in the republican primary. here is what happens. october 6 2023, you are able to affiliation. you could become a republican ballot democrat pallet or an undeclared. octo of the primary new hampshire not only can republicans vote in their primaries or democrats vote in
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their primary, but what is called an undeclared has a choice.ces i can pick up a democratic ballot or republican ballot. they don't think democrats will be voting in the republican primary. undeclared get a choice. they can swing either that is one of the reasons he can do well if he can court the other player. in other states that would be different. this has always been t we've done it. an interesting bellwether state. democrats do not vote in the republican primary undeclared and republican steel. what is also interesting tomorrow is in new hampshire there is something called same day registration. on the same day as her primary if you are not registered to vote you can come in with the right documentation and you can actually participate in the primary henry thought 245,000 people that have either become
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or moved into this state. we don't actually have a history we are voting in our if someone was smart and worked on the get out to vote they would make sure that those people knew to register and vote on tuesday. my understanding is donald trump has an incredible in new hampshire compared to what he did years ago and that organization may show up. nickoe organization. she has americans for prosperity , what donald trump passes he has much more sophisticated this time and if you were smart you would go to them saying let me show you how to rte let÷ me tell you why you need to vote in the republican primaries democrats do not vote in this primary. that is a lie. let's hear from jimmy. jimmy and hudson new hampshire higher. . thank you c-span, thank you for watching the journal. diane lane is amazing.
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my question to arnie is, there are two. nikki haley has a name -- i guess. her reaction on that i would like. the second one is i would like last caller. you were right. i am a registered democrat and i cannot go into the new hampshire primary to vote for a different party as the independents do. i would like a response for that thank you pedro and thank you arnie. thank you for what you do. thank you. i will take my answers-l. >> nicki is an american. nicki was born in this country. what nicki's name is in -- what nikki's name is not the issue. the dog across. abortions had always been a reliable issue for them.
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they have now moved really, really aggressively on the immigration that is what is so terrifying. her name the disappointment about new americans in the immigration issue is weird nikki haley want to get rid of birthright citizenship. what is that about? she may not want to put them into some kind of camp, but she wants a more polite version of rounding them up. nine-11 million undocumented immigrants in this country. they are working. they are now almost essential to the economy. i just want to remind her we are a nation of immigrants. except for native americans all of our families came fro se and that is our strength, not our weakness. >> the campaign of biden.
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threatening on the democratic side. is a factor in the president's. >> i will just tell you right now. that will not be an issue for joe biden he is absolutely not that. i am worried about the third part. i am worried about rk junior. we understand what ralph nader did just in new hampshire higher i think we have to raise a significant concern here. joe biden needs to win not by a tiny margin, he needs to win. of reverendng jr. today misfortune touches the king family again with the
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passings of their youngest son dexter scott king. america will foreverficese king family and our prayers remain with them in this challenging time of loss. madam president, i rise on this day, 51 years ago, the supreme court issued its rulg landmark roe v. wade decision a legal victory that granted millions of women in every corner of this nation the right to make decisions about their own bodiesave them the right to decide about their own future. today this anniversary now serves as a reminder for over 25 there are those who believe that their futures are not for them to decide. make no mistake, the supreme court's decision in june 2022 to overturn roe and precedent was a direct attack on freedom. we now live in an era where our children including my
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9-year-old are less free than their mothendhem. the supreme court's decision in dobbs will indeed have repercussions that will be felt for generations to come. it is shameful that current and fure generations are being saddled with fighting the same battles that their grandparents fought. the very battles that their parents thought were already won. thet onc american sach generation was determined if not obligated, to advance freedom and opportunity for the next. yet at this moment we're failing. passing them the baton of a nation that is less free day by day. madam president, i stand not just concerned but furious at the dangerous reproductive freedom extremist lawmakers have championed a draconian antiabortion agenda that stunts our progress and
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drags our country backwards. legislators tarha ban of some or autumn abortion kay -- some or all abortion care in 21 states leaving nun 23 women out of ability to get the care they need where they live. they've i bills laden with harmful restrictions even going so far as to criminalize our doctors and other essential health care workers providing lifesaving care. and the impacstrictions are not felt equally. women of color and women of lower socioeconomic status are disproportionately burdened by these restrictions. many face the financialar and carry the scars of shame that leaves them without access to care in state and being forced to remain pregnant while our nation is already combating aity crisis. these intentionally harmful policies have targeted women,
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they've targeted health care provision, they've become tools dis-manhattan thing the trust between -- dismantling the trust between people. all in an effort to send the undeniable message that there are those who will stop cut off a patient's right to decide for themselves. but just as these policies serve to undermine our democracy and right of people to make decisions about oure american people have shown that they stand on the side of freedom. ever since the dobbs decision, americans all over the country and of arty have spoken at every opportunity they've had in staunch opposition to these attacks on their reproductive freedom. in ins like ohio -- in states like ohio and kentucky and montana, people have up and turned out in favor of reproductive rights and in my home state, californians overwhelmingly decideded to amend the state constitution
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enshrihe care into state law. madam president standing with the majority of the people in my state and states all across this country, i join my colleagues as a p legislation, like the right to contraception act, the freedom to travel for health care act, and numerous other policies that would safeguard reproductive freedom. women's health protection act, which would ensure access to comprehensive reproductive health care actions including abortion across the country. in closing, the have been clear. their doctors' offices and their health care decisions are a freedom they will stand to protect. so i invite my colleagues to stand on theht side of history by supporting critical legislation that protects access to reproductive care. the next generation is counting on us to ensure that they
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inherit auture with the same rights as generations before them. so today and every day, i stand ready to do just that. thank you, madam president. i leave the floor -- i yield the floor. president.
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the presiding officer: massachusetts. mr. markey: thank you, madam president. today is the 51st anniversary of roe v. wade. we should be standing here celebrating more thans' worth of access to essential reproductive health care health care that is central to well-being life liberty, and equality and economic and social freedom for everyone. health care that is essential to equity for women lgbtq, black, brown, indigenous rural immigrant, low-income and sa celebratings we're fighting. fighting for americans' freedom, while fighting to protect the right to abortion. since the right-wing extremist supreme court majority's of people across america have watched as states strip away their freedom to make decisions, decisions about their own bodies families.
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taking dobbs as a clarion call to rip away americans' freedoms right-wing republicans across the countryed away the right to abortion state by state with calls to expand that to a federal ban on abortion.oliticians are more obsessed with interfering in the lives and decisions of the american people and their health care providers than actually fixing the health care system of our country.e that every american can get the care they need when and where they need that care. they are more obsessed with pretending more about the health care workers traineded to support patient decision-making than actually representing the american people who want to see their right being protected. americans across the country have suffered horrific pain and
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hardship, like massachusetts resident kate inee next who drove mo receive an abortion after her son experienced a catastrophic stroke inutero. this suffering, especially affects those wo no have the means or the resources to travel across state lines. tens of millions of americans live in states where their reproductive health care is banned or restricted. and these right-wingmists aren't finished. dobbs was but a preview of coming atrocities by this supreme court and by right-wing governors and state legre they have threatened the right to contraception. they have blocked access to birth control for teenagers at federally funded clinics. they have suspended emergency payments for survivors of sexual assault. they will not stop at
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overturning roe v. wade. on this anniversary of roe, weom to taking decisive action to protect millions of americans' access to abortion care remove unnecessary limits on reproductive protect against coming attacks from right-wing republicans and this extremist supreme court. we must abolish the filibuster a jim crow era relicthe american people. we must pass the women's health protection act to restore roe v. wade as the law of the land protect patients' rights to abortion and protect health care workers providing these services. we must guard against coming attacks on our freedom by passing my right to contraception act andy act, to expand the supreme court and bring balance and fairness back to the supreme
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court before they make more and more decisions that overturn precedents that have been protecting the american people for generations. we have a moral duty to act. there is no more time to waste. supreme court justices appointments but we cannot wait a lifetime to right injustices. congress can step in to protect the american people from the overreach of this radicalt majority. we must rise up and meet this moment with everything which we have and i ask my senate colleagues what are the rights americans must lose before we act? what vulnera will be left without health care, without autonomy without freedom? there can be no justice without health care justice in our country. and there can be no health justice without freedom in the united states of america being once again restored. so i thank you, madam president,
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and with that, a i yield back. ms. warren: madam president. the presiding officer: the senator from massachusetts. ms. warren: thank you, madam president. i want to start by saying a very special thank you to senator butler for us here today. today should have been the 51st anniversary of roe v. wade. instead, too many people can't get the medical care they need when they need it where they it. students who are desperate for help get the runaround. poor women face impossible hurdles. children who have survived rape and become pregnant are fright confused. fer filth clinics are abandoning services and families that had hoped for a baby face excruciating heartache when a
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pregnancy goes wrong and doctors are barreded from h. . at every turn we see a new form of hell brought to us by an extremist supreme court and a powerful band of republicanwmakers determined to obliterate reproductive freedom across the country. to every person watching these events unfold and feeling hurt i see yoe alongside you. but i do more than grieve, more than complain. i fight back. and i am icle you to fight -- and i am asking you to fight backe rate now this is -- because right now this is our moment to act. and if we don't, we might not get another opportunity for a long, long time. roe wasn't overturned by accident. we're here because republican extremists have been waging a decades' long war to take down roe much they poured billions of
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dark money in our chip away at our rights. they handpicked judges with proven antiabortion records. they took over state and local governments. they built an anti-r in congress. and the very second that the supreme court gave them the green light, they jumped into most severe restrictions possible on abortion access. the result? over the last year and a half over 20 states have banned or severely restricted abortion accriminalizing doctors who perform abortions, or threatened access to pregnancy care miscarriage care fertility assistance and more. well-organized and well-funded extremists have brought lawsuits to further restrict access hoping to undermine access in states that are firmly pro-choice.
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the result has been cruel and frightening. some people have given in to despair, but i don't see it that way. to me the end of roe marked a new era in the movement for abortion rights. an era that has been harrowing for people across the country but also one that marks the end of a plan republicans hatched 40 years ago to the beginning of a new chapter. and in this new chapter, we're leading the way. together we've made clear that an overwhelming majorityans support reproductive freedom and individual rights to make decisions about their own bodies. across this country, millions of americans have come togethee with us not just in places like california and new york but in kansas kentucky michigan and ohio. the biden-harris administration has stepped up to vilg russly vigorously
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protect reproductive freedom from defending medication abortion from frivolous strengthening protection for patients' sensitive health information. republicans know that the majority of americans oppose overturning roe, but they aren't. instead, overturning roe is not enough for them. they want more. they have introduced legislation to ban abortion nationwide. and if they can't through congress they'll use a republican president to dust off a 19th century anti-obscenity law instead to try to get the job done. we cannot let that happen. we have the energy we have the numbers, and we know what we need to do. president biden has called on congress to eed to pass the women's
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health protection act to protect our human rights and roll back the extreme abortion bills that radical right-wing legislatures have enact country. and we need to get in the fight right now to secure the congress that we need to get this job done. this won't be easy but important are. i know our strength. i've seen it in the millions of people marching in the streets for abortion rights. i've seen it in the thousands of calls made to congressional offices. i've seen of people standing up for kate cox in texas and brittany watts in ohio and that's how i know that even when it gets hard we will persist. from this moment on what happens is up to us. together we have the power to restore roe and to protect our our own decisions
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about our own bodies and our own futures. i am in this fight all the way. the stakes are too highot to be. thank you, madam president. i yield the floor. a senator: madam president. the presiding officer: the senator from texas. mr. cornyn: madam president, president biden last friday garnered a lot of attention fornts on the border crisis. when asked by a reporter if the border was secure the president didn't hesitate he didn't equivocate. he said no it's not. not. on its own, that statement is not particularly shocking
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because it's actually true. what is shocking is that it 180-degree flip from the position taken over and over and over by the biden administration from the president to the vice president, to the secretary of homeland security on down. the fact of the matter is that under president biden's leadership the federal government has shatteredll books when it comes illegal border crossings. in the last three years customs and border protection has logged more than 6.7 million, 6.7 million border crossings. at the same time the cartels have trafficked record amounts of fentanyl across the southern border fueling the overdose epidemic. gang mb criminals, and potential terrorists people on the terrorist watch list have used
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the chaos on the border to attempt to sneak into the united states. and is.7 million o the so-called got-aways that were detected on cameras and other various sensors have evaded law enforcement, and the biden administration can't tell you who these people e doing and what their intentions are while they're here. communities across the country, not just in my state, in texas, but across the country have been forced of caring for thousands of immigrants who cross our border every day. no the border is not secure not in the been paying attention for the last three years could have told you that. but it took the president three years to finally be willing to speak the uth. a shocking reversal. after all, as i said the
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senior-most leader of the administration have spent the last three years trying to convince the athat there is no such thing as the biden border crisis. the white house press secretary has said the border is secure. secret secretary tasked with the border security responsibilities the department of homeland security he said the border is secure. vice presidentrris the anointed border czar for president biden, said the border is secure. this is the same line that's been parroted overr and over by leaders throughout the biden administration and it's not true. it's not true. on friday president biden not only admitted that the border is he went on to say he believes it hasn't been secure for the last ten years.
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that means every single attempt by his administration toe american people that the biden administration was performing its responsibilities by enforcing laws to secure the border has been untrue. i don't know how to say charitably. i don't easily accuse a president of the united states for intentionally telling an untruth, but it appears that that's absolutely the by his own account, president biden has known all along the border was not secure but he chose to gaslight the american people with untrue assurances that everything was just fine. sort of like the story goes don't believe your lying eyes. when the american people see coming up to the border because they know that president biden hats laid out the -- has laid out the welcome mat and will release
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them into the interior of the united states. that is a huge magnet not only for people coming from mexico but around the world. that is what has changed under the biden administration is that this is not a this is not even an economic issue. this is a matter of the human smuggling networks making billions of dollars smuggling people from around the world. and uverwhe patrol to the point that border patrol is processing paperwork, providing transportation and care for unaccompanied children who were likewiseze the united states. and here come the drugs that took the lives of 108,000 americans hast year alone. -- last finally, when the president was asked if he believed that his own policies had enabled this crisis he offered another shocking statement.
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no. so he said the b he admitted that finally. he said it hadn't been for ten years. and he was asked whether his own policies had enabled that and he said no. ink have it both ways. there is a huge difference between the number of border crossings that we saw during the previous administration during the trump administration and compared to the biden administration. none of the laws have changed. it's simply the willingness, or in the case of the biden administration the unwillingness to actually enforcedent biden took office the united states has logged as i said more than 6.7 million illegal border encounters. that's higher than the eight years under president obama a r years under president trump. so in three years he's managed to accomplish something that took 12 years in the previous two administrations. the fact that president biden
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believes to do with this sea change is absolutely unbelievable. it's not credible. that's what i mean. it's unbelievable. you can't believe it. this on refusal to take its responsibility for this crisis is pathetic and it should be embarrassing. but sadly, it'seen this song and dance many times over. madam president, the supreme court of the united states i'm told from published reports, just said that the state o breach left by the failure of the federal government and the biden administration to do its job, couldn't put razor wire or impediments to illegal migration oaven't read the opinion, but presumably they say it's the federal government's exclusive authority, and the states can't enforce that.
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but if the federal government is not going to do its job, why can't the state do it? it doesn't affect people here in washington, d.c. directly although we've mayor of washington, d.c., complaining about the fact that migrants have come to the district of columbia. but it does affect my state. we have 1,200 miles of common tsunami of humanity coming across the border has affected my state disproportionately because we're at ground zero. and now because mayordams mayor bowser in washington, d.c. or governor pritzker in illinois it's impacting them in a rather minor way compared to the way it's affected my s o the recent years. the biden administration's finally realizing this is a huge political liability. president biden is going to be on the ballot in realizes that this is a huge
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problem for him and everybody up and down the ticket because the american people really never believed the statement that the border was secure on television and watch on social media the huge numbers of people coming across. they knew it was not true but now after three president is finally come around to add we talked about the drugs, we talked about the we haven't talked about enough in my view the fact that the biden administration has simply lost track of unaccompanied children who have been placed with sponsors in the interior of thestates. "the new york times" ran several investigative pieces pointing out that 8 a,000 -- 85,000 calls were ballot. sponsors to see how these kids were doing.
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these called were never answered and never followed up on. the biden administration takes the position i think it's an hat once they place these children with sponsors they've watched their hands of any further responsibility. no followup no wellness check phone call and the biden administration apparently just does not care. and then most recently we've seen a new low as falsely blamed the state of texas for three tragic drownings at the border of eagle pass texas. a little over a week ago a womend an two children died in the rio grande valley attempting to get across the river. there was a standoff between federal and state officials. now migrant deaths are a there's no two ways about it and sadly it's a too common tale
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along the border. migrants frequently drown crossing the rio grande. in the summer to the intense heat and from lack of water across remote stretches of desert or ranch land. it's an inhospitable place in the heat of summer. some are killed in car accidents in high-speed chases while others are killed while being smuggled into the united states in the back oftor trailer. given the skyrocketing number of border crossings on president biden's watch, these kind of traengdz now seem to happen routinely. national border patrol council, 3,3 -- there's an average of more than president biden's open border policies have been in place. as i said these deaths are
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tragic and they're tragically common. but this pace is not. in fact the pace of migrant deaths have more than doubled compared to previous administrations. more and more migrants are losing their lives because of the failed open-border sports utility the the biden administration refuses to take responsibility for the dangers their policies have actually created. the day after the most recent tragedy in eagle pass department of homeland security put out an outrageously false statement, pinning the blame on the state of texas and its attempts to do what biden administration's refused to do which is to secure the border. the statement actually claimed that border patrol agents were barred by texas officials from entering the area. it went on to describe the efforts by state officials to help manage the chaos at the border they called that cruel,
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dangerous, and inhumane. in other words, when the federal government does nothing and officials try to step in the biden administration calls that cruel, dangerous and in inhumane. and the white house press machine has been quick to repeat the claim saying texas officials blocked u.s. border patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance. these statements were designed very specific picture. the white house and the department of homeland security tried to project texas as heartless and cruel for refusing to let border patrol agents rescue these three migrants in distress. the problem with this carefully craft storyline is that it's absolutely false. but the storyead like wildfire the associated press published the story with the
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headline saying u.s. said that texas blocked border agents from saving three migrants who countless news outlets ran similar stories. social media, pundits, and even members of congress spread the story and kritid criticized the actions by texas officials. again, the problem is this entire narrative is common extraably false. -- demonstrably false. it's a lie. the biden administration has now admitted that the three migrants died before border patrol even attempted to enter shelby park on saturday night, they were part of the migrants who died on president biden's watch, but it didn't have anything to do with whdoing. the justice department now admits that the woman and two children died around 8:00 p.m.
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and the border patrol didn't request access to the area until roughly an hour later. but by the time this correct and accurate information became public the damage had already been done. news stories had circulated farng texas officials for potentially blocking lifesaving care for a woman and two children who drowned. well did the biden administration apologize for its did it admit it had perpetrated a false narrative? absolutely not. then again why would you really just another example of the biden administration that cannot be trusted to tell the truth. another example of spreading lies about what's happening at the southern border. no remorse, no shame, no accountability. the lies dishonesty and mis
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mischaracterizations the american people are fed up with it. leaders in the biden administration have repeatedly intentionally misrepresented what's they dissemble, the shift the facts, they deflect and distort the truth and try to pin their own failures on somebody else. as it is now three years in the biden administration i'm glad that the president has finally admitted that the border is not secure and i'm really shocked that three years in he'sinally come around to admit it. but the fact that he won't accept the reality that it is his administration's policies that created the crisis is a serious problem. because the skwoe at the border -- status quo at the border is unsustainable and it has been for some time now and
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something has to change. as we speak, several of our colleagues trying to legislation that will address the border crisis. i'm sure it will fall short of what i would like to see happen. but senator lankford and senator sinema senator murphy and to try to come up with some changes in the tlau will -- law that will force the biden administration to put an end to some of the most egregious practices, and for one, am eager to see if they will come up with something to force the administration to change its disastrous southern border policy and i will be watching closely with interest as the negotiati progress. i yield the floor.
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mr. schumer:ader. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to legislative session. the presiding officer: all in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the motion is agreed to. mr. schumer: i move proceed to executive session to consider calendar number 467. pra the question is on the motion. all enterfavor say aye. all opposed no, the ayes appear to have it the ayes do have to. the clerk will report. the clerk: nomination the judiciary, jackson d. austin of south carolina to be united states district judge for the district of stion to the desk. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: cloture motion the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate, do hereby bring to a close debate on 468, jacqueline
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d. austin of south carolina to be united states district judge for the district of south carolina signed by 17 senators as follows. mr. schumer: i ask that the reading of the names be waived. the presiding officer: without obje. schumer: i move to proceed to legislative session. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all in favor saya. opposed, no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it the motion is agreed to. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to executive session to consider calendar number 404. the presiding officer: the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it the motion is agreed to. ort the nomination. the clerk: nomination the judiciary, cristal c. brisco of indiana, to be united states district judge for the northern district of indiana. med a cloture motion to the desk. the presiding officer: the clerk will report the cloture motion. the clerk: cloture motion the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate, do hereby bring to a close debate on the nomination of executive calendar
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numb 474 cristal c. brisco of indiana, to be united states industries under secretary -- district judge for the northern district of indiana. mr. schumer: i move tolaing officer: the question is on the motion. all in favor sooi. opposed, no. -- say aye. opposed, no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the motion is agreed to. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to executive session to consider calendar number 475. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all in favor say aye. opposed, no. the ayes appear to have it the motion is agreed to. the clerk: nomination the judiciary, gretchen s. lund of indiana, to be united states district judge for the north korean of -- for northern district of indiana. the presiding officer: the clerk will report the motion. the clerk: cloture motion
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the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions ate ul thean e stmidionules of the sene, do hereby 475, gretchen s. lund to be united states district for the northern district of indiana. mr. schumer: i ask that the reading of the names be waived. the presidinr: that the quorum calls for the cloture motions filed today be waived. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i not the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: the clerk: ms. baldwin.
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quorum call:
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political with republican leaders any candidate endorsement, i'm a political junkie and i have the chance to work on this, it's very
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politically informed so i tell people all politico had no money one was a very good. >> talking about the audience he took a pool after the announcement yesterday of governor desantis dropping out tell us what you found out. >> we have great asset we have our readers so we sent out aurvey, it had about 300 respond it's not a poll, it's just a great focus group and the take away for me readers would win tonight it's a significant uptick. three of four readers and these are people who are into politics. because our you of the race if
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former president trump once hampshire it makes it hard for nikki haley to say your is why just stay in the race. very rural and very evangelical and trump did very well with that group. as americans, they just suffer in bto primary economic engine although manchester the state is one of the highest in the country and4q its first or second on the religious state in the country so rural and religious to suburban not involved in religion regularly a significant blow. the other thing is we asked separate from how you feel about which of the attacks were the most significante is nothing overwhelming
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on trump and something nikki haley has been hitting hard. kind of in even haley caught their attention, she's a democrat supporter and i think it's one thing might look at the back a lot of coverage she's bringing voters who vote for the democrat party, she's bringing people who don't like trump and willing to cross over because she's republican in sound like she's with the other team play in the primary and readers so that they will cost the most effective andne he's been&n making a lot and paid ads. >> according to readers he said
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he's too chaot and 21% for the most impactful with 18% not far behind. can you elaborate? >> it's interesting we gave five options and i think it shows people worried about trump trump, they are not laser focus on the chaos one in five, nikki haley has been hitting the hard. there are plenty of really republicans who want that and we look at washington d.c. and see whatoi someone needs to go down take the box again like they did before. they think one of the reasons their lives got better in their a lot of for that if you are a blue-collar worker, the two lower quintiles wages went up so they say that
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the other electability argument in the reason why is not working in one reason it i joe biden. i the lowest polling in the modern era itho biden and people are working everyday and trump 46, biden 44 and trump get when't win? he's winning right now. i could have been a powerful argument in a candidate like haley is premised on way to get to the republican base a way to open the door to cou doing poorly that has to work out. >> the bus new hampshire
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and calling on the line. it was probably referencing the holy the dialogue with, one the many legal issues ultimately ultimately to place? on>> the end it's only adding five or 10% and am kind of joking. self university and emerson polling and other national polls before the indictment last spriti interesting they were doing okay
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and the readers were from our coverage and open conversation about this. he got almost as manyrsents from eight house members. what they are saying is other people did what he did they would get punished for it. everybody is driving 80 and you will be over, why did you pull me over? also we feel about trump. we'll break the rules look at joe biden are you picking on him? the cor v few trump supporters trump leaders say they are significantly impacted. >> your secretary of state
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information 873,000 registered voters in the state to 62 democratic will 3.3000. >> there's some confusion and obscene national news coveragerats can'tfo vote in the primaries here. if you are a r of the other party, you can't vote in my primary party but the thing that is often overlooked, unaffiliated doesn't mean independent or swing is not the case. i might be democrat today and republican tomorrow, no. they are overwhelmingly were focus on democrats don't want to register as a member of the party so i do not about 400,000 53000 be a vote for the democratic primary or republican primary.
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often called functional republican and democrat. you know where they are going to show up.é3 also over. they can do it, just don't often do it. to come over and this is your last chance to stop donald trump president. obviously it's not true. in come cast in early voteald trump and those unaffiliated the question will be, do they respond?ks it's going to be 322,000 votes.
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half the population of iowa expecting twice the voter reason in the primary and extremely high voter turnout state like the pros call the voting age population. some states have low registration so silly fights with minnesota for the top spot but i don't think you will be as highse i think they rule out of news continues to do well in the polls and 50% in every pull and some will say i don't need to go. she been some of the talk might be 50 turnout found but i have been stunned before. >> managing editor let's hear
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from one >> i was wanting to be republican because it would have been my way and that's what i thought going forward and they were saying enough. the clerk will report the motion to ipo voke cloture. the clerk: we, the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senatbrto the nomination of executive calendar number 358 christopher koos of
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illinois to be a director of the amtrak board of directors, signed by 18 senators. the presiding officer: by unanimous consent, the mandatory quorum call has been waived. the question is is it the sense of the senate that debate on the nomination of christopher koos of illinois to be aec directors for a femme of five years shall be brought to a close. the yeas and nays are mandatory under the rule. the clerk will call the roll. vote: the clerk: ms. baldwin. mr. barrasso. mr. bennet. mrs. blackburn. mr. blumenthal. mr. booker. mr. boozman. mr. braun. mrs. britt. mr. brown. budd. ms. butler.
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the clerk: ms. cantwell. mr. cardin. mr. carper. mr. casey. mr. cassidy. mr. coons. mr. cornyn. ms. cortez masto. mr. cotton. mr. cramer mr. crapo. mr. cruz.
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ms. duckworth. mr. durbin. ms. ernst. mr. fetterman. mrs. fischer. mrs. gillibrand. . graham. mr. grassley. mr. hagerty. mr. hawley.
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mr. heinrich. mr. hickenlooper. ms. hirono. mr. hoeven. mrs. hyde-smith. mr. johnson. mr. kaine. mr. kelly.
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mr. kennedy. mr. king. ms. klobuchar. mr. lankford. mr. lee. ms. lummis. mr. manchin. mr. markey. mr. marshall.
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mr. mcconnell. mr. menendez. mr. merkle mr. moran. mr. mullin. ms. murkowski. mr. murphy. mrs. murray.h: mr. ossoff. mr. padilla.. paul. mr. peters.
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mr. reed. mr. ricketts. the clerk: mr. risch. mr ms. rosen. mr. rounds. mr. rubio. mr. sanders. mr. schatz. mr. schmitt. mr. schumer.
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the clerk: mr. scott of florida. mr. scott of south carolina. mrs. shaheen. ms. sinema. ms. smith.
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ms. stabenow. mr. sullivan. mr. tester. mr. thune. mr. tillis. mr. tuberville. mr. vance. mr. warner. mr. warnock. ms. warren. mr. welch. mr. whitehouse. mr. wicker. mr. wyden. mr. young.
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senators voting in the affirmative -- brown, butler cardin, cotton crapo, duckworth gillibrand grassley, hassan, hyde-smith,s lankford manchin menendez romney sinema tester vance, warner. no senators voted in the negative.
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the clerk: mr. tuberville, no.
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the clerk: mrs. murray, aye. the clerk: ms. collins, aye.
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the clerk: mr. schatz, aye. ms. warren, aye. vote: the clerk: mr. durbin aye. ms. baldwin, aye. mr. budd aye. mr. cassidy, aye. mr. booker aye.
5:34 pm
mr. kaine, aye. mr. coons, aye. the clerk: mr. ossoff aye. mr. johnson, aye.
5:35 pm
the clerk: mrs. blackburn, aye. ms. ernst, mr. blumenthal, aye. mr. wicker aye.
5:36 pm
the clerk: mrs. capito aye. mrs. fischer aye. mr. murphy, aye. mr. schumer, aye. mr. reed aye.
5:37 pm
mr. tillispu mr. lujan, aye. ms. klobuchar, aye. ms. cortez masto, aye. mrs. britt, aye.
5:38 pm
the clerk: ms. rosen, aye. mr. cornyn aye.
5:39 pm
the clerk: mr. carper aye. mr. peters aye. mr. cruz aye. the clerk: mr. aye.
5:40 pm
mr. heinrich aye. the clerk: mr. thune, aye. mr. warnock, aye.
5:41 pm
the clerk: the clerk: mr. casey, aye. the cl
5:42 pm
the clerk: mr. wooidide -- mr. wyden, aye. mr. rubio,
5:43 pm
the clerk: mr. scott of florida no. braun, no.
5:44 pm
the clerk: ms. hirono, aye.
5:45 pm
the clerk: mr. paul, no. mr. marshall aye.
5:46 pm
the clerk: mr. lee, no. mr. kennedy, aye. mr. sanders, aye.
5:47 pm
the clerk: mr. daines aye. mr. rounds aye. ms. lummis aye.
5:48 pm
the clerk: ms. smith, aye.r. young,
5:49 pm
aye. mr. van hollen, aye.
5:50 pm
mrs. shaheen aye. the clerk: mr. mcconnell, aye.
5:51 pm
the clerk: mr. padilla, aye.
5:52 pm
the clerk: mr. boozman, aye. mr. schmitt, no.
5:53 pm
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5:55 pm
the clerk: mr. hawley, no.. king,
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