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tv   Washington Journal Miles Yu  CSPAN  February 27, 2024 7:28pm-8:02pm EST

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u.s. senate here on c-span2. each night this week we're featuring state of the state addresses from across the try. from coast to coast, these eeches by governors offer a wide range of perspectives highlighting priorities and lenges faced by different regions of t u.s. tonight hear from the if governors of virginia is, rhode island, new jersey,bama, michigan and washington state. that allins at 8 p.m. eastern o c-span2. you could also watch on our free video app, c now, or online are at ♪ >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we're funded by these television companies and more including comcast. >> you think this is just a community center? no, it's way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with a thousand community centers to create wi-fi-enabled lift
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zones so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. >> comcast supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television proders, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> welcome back to "washington journal." we're joined by miles yu, china center director at the hudson institute, and he was in the trump administration as secretary of state mike pompeo's china policy adviser. miles, welcome to the program. >> guest: thank you for having me. >> host: so "the new york times" is reporting a growing number of chinese migrants are crossing the southern border or. the estimate is over 24,000 the chinese citizens apprehended crossing from mexico into the u.s. more than the last ten years combined. what's the cause of this huge influx? >> guest: so this is, excuse me, this is a crisis of the perfect storm.
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first of all, china's economy is in big trouble. so the youth unemployment is really huge. somewhere around 21% to 45% estimates says. so, and and also in the last ten years under xi jinping's rule, a lot of people feel very repressed. so the number of people fleeing china has increased dauntically -- dramatically. in 2013 when xi jinping first come to power, people in china applying for political asylum in the united states was 24, 25,000. ten years to today, that number quadrupled, so there's a push factor inside china. but also the pull factor, that is united states is by par the most generous -- by far the most generous country accepting immigrants. and, of course, there's also opportunity; that is, our borders are porous, our
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politicians are basically in paralysis state ors, didn't know what to do, so that create a lot of opportunity for the chinese that want to get out of china. and china's also a. communist country, don't forget. it has massive security and intelligence apparatus, so this is opportunity for them to also, to exploit this open border and to getit their infiltration into the united states. so it's really a combination of many factors and also from the central american countries, most prominently ecuador, provide this sort of mechanism by which the chinese national could hop on a plane and land in ecuador with a free, so from there they make the long journey to the southern border of the united states. that's why there'sth such a sure in chinese illegal border crossings. ..
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while there is a demand there is obviously an enterprise. there is a lot of middlemen that organize such massive exodus from china. was not in new york, and london, not in toronto. it is in qbr, ecuador. with this well organized organization some of the chinese allow the locals to provide this facility and make very long journey. you have to land over there with columbia and panama and then
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costa rica, nicaragua, honduras, guatemala, then then mexico. you go to arizona, texas. this is a well organized enterprise this is one of the reasons why it's massive and this surge is continuing. >> the chinese government would exploit the situation to infiltrate the united states. can you explain what you mean by that? >> there legal ways some of our policies issuing is amazingly mad. [laughter] if you are a chinese national you have a chinese passerby you qualify to become a citizen of the united states. through marriage, and talents that you are entitled for u.s. passports.
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the u.s. government would issue a passport asking whether you are still have a chinese passport or not. as a result of chinese nationals as well as chinese passport. that's what the legal ways you could explore by the chinese maligned manufacturers of security apparatus. this one is more lucrative because if you cross the border illegally in the registration the tracing a mechanism of illegally crossed chinese natural we have much better to track them. that's one reason why this is a very good opportunity for the chinese state actors to exploit requesting to join the conversation with the miles and ask about the border crossings of chinese nationals you can do so our lines are by party republican 202-748-8001. democratic two 202-748-8000.
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independence 2,027,485,002. you can called outlook into that shortly. the president of the national border patrol council. he told foxnews the majority of chinese border classes or single adult mills of military age. do you agree with that do you think they pose a security threat to the united states? >> i agree in principle. that's an undeniable fact their young, military age and many do not have economic prospects in china. and all of them are chinese agents. certainly some of them areom acting on behalf of the chinese government. we have some cases people are issued a court date and release inside the united states and they come to this country from act on behalf of the chinese a government spreading
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disinformationnt heard on the ls angeles for example and those people using technology. click tiktok and twitter to spread anti-american rhetoric. they go back to china until the chinese audience how bad how american society has been. this is one of the reasons why there are a lot of issues. i cannot say almost every one of them were chinese agent but definitely as a sovereign nation our fundamental fabric of law most of preserve and this is one of the reasons why border issue i found economic issue to national security issue. >> will talk about national security. on a chinese hacking operations that were recently revealed. there is a trove of leaked documents from chinese state linking groups. it shows beijing intelligence and military groups were
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attempting large-scale systematic cyber intrusions. can you explain what we learned from those documents and a wet beijing's purposes? >> this trove of a document was basically released by tiktok platform that shows something very telling. first of all the scales are massive. this is mostly about the one company based out of the providence in china. it is a company ready to respond but has over 100 clients. most of them are chinese security intelligence organizations inside china. they hack a massive amount of data. not just u.s. a government in u.s. society but over a dozen countries over the world. this is one reason why this is very telling number one we should learn from this case there is no such thing called
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chinese private company. in china, china has three basic laws one is chinese and national security law, secretary national security law the third one is chinese espionage law. those three fundamental laws but every company chinese or any company in china at risk because you have to comply with the demands of the government. particularly in intelligence organizations that is why this company is acting on behalf of the chinese state. and this is the reason why if you are invested in china, every company chinese or foreign you have to run a risk to be forced into compliance which under the intelligence organization. so this is just effective. many people try to find a better way we have to get rid of the
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risk. if you understand this case you would know the risk in it self s a risk. by the fact you are engaging economically a pose a risk to yourself or to your national security. secondly, the chinese government has been prevalent in this narrative. it's about china versus the united states for their two countries going after each other. the fact is this a case it tells us in no it's not china versus the united states is china versus the rest of the world. because on behalf of every country have an opportunity to do so. this is the one reason why what we are facing here, the china threat is not just americans feel this way. it's global in scale. that is white friends and allies should all act together to deal this problem. >> what is the purpose of chinese government is doing this. target is that businesses, is it
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individuals? >> not only individuals but also entities in the government entities and private company entities. we understand the three basic facts about china, the chinese society. number one, china has fundamentally i a market econom. number two, china is a communist country controlled by the number three and the most importantly relevant to your question, china does have a global ambition to create global dependency on china. economically, technologically, sooner or later militarily. it could be the hedge amounts of the world. to do that you must have what china calls they hack everybody to control basic information
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about the huge swaths of the population when biometrics your financial records, and it basicallyhears social media act. this all falls into the perimeter of chinese hacking mission. so that is why china is technologically capable and have been an enabler of a state that's a very dangerous to world peace projects were going to go very soon. i want to showld you a quick aportion of what sci director christopher wray said at the munich security conference with the dangers posed by chinese cyber threats and hacking. >> the cyber threat posed by the chinese government is massive. china's hacking program is larger than that of every other major nation combined. and that size advantage is only magnified because the prc uses ai built in large part by stolen innovation in stolen data to
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prove its hacking operations. including to steal it yet more ai tech data. but the prc cyber threat is made even more harmful by the way the chinese government combines cyber means with traditional espionage and economic espionage. election interference, and trends in national repression. in other words the ccp is throwing a toll of government and undermining the security of the rule of law world. >> miles, your response? >> storage arrays absolutely right. i agree with him one 100% he talks about the severity, the scale and the grave consequences of not dealing with the threat. and i hate to hear sometime in the future when something happens to the united states and here doctor ray said told her so
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very quick to mention artificial intelligence. by the chinese ahead of the united states and artificial intelligence technology? >> china basically has this mentality that somehow they believe inth traditional forms f competition economic and military competition is important. we are going too build up a paired seat with the west but particularly with the united states for china discovers with the advent of new information revolution technologies there is some new domains emerging in space, in cyber cartel intelligence and even deep-sea solar. those areas are very, very important. to dominate this area it is a new frontier work nobody can claim dominance it's kind of the wild west. so that is why china has invested enormously in this area. some areas there we had because
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we are not reallysl aware of ths importance of so-called new frontiers. and that is very important. in addition to traditional capabilities and traditional platforms we have to invest heavilys in new errors i think right now congress is taking cnotice and the white house alo has been active in this but something much much more systemic and strategic. whatsapp the collars, mike is a verse independent and detroit good morning, f mike. >> caller: good morning. i just had a question. our offside tech industry provided much of the high technology that made it possible for china to create the first high-tech and the history of the world. there are so many people who are compromised in this administration when it comes to china. is there a strong element in this country that would like to create a social credit system
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right here in this country? >> it'ss different than technologically capable. the difference here is this, even though there's a very clear definition between what's government and what's private enterprise the u.s. government cannot tell from apple and microsoft what to do or not to do. we make suggestions because of the laws over there precisely because of that there is also some technological advisement that would allow companies, even government to create something is what we see in china. as a potential but also he was on checks and balances. it's kind of a development. congress for example in ngos and there's a whole bunch of independent groups and opposing this kind of thing. i think technology is important.
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you can benefit the humanity tremendously you can do a lot to ourselves to progress suck to market in new york a democrat hello margaret. >> i want to know what is going on for it honest to god we've got a good president. there is no reason that we are not fighting for him. the crux of what is your question, margaret? why is this happening? >> why is it happening why is it going on? we all detroit why don't they get on their hands and knees think the god that made them. what is wrong with everybody? >> think the colors question it implies there is a helplessness and we feel agony of policy. united states is facing a crisis all the time. when you see crisis like this and you have to be very
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proactive. you cannot be a confrontation of verse you have to deal with it straight on. we have terrible lessons we can learn from history. i mean before the civil war we have a president, james buchanan. he faced the issues to become heat froze and did not to do on that is a problem. you have to confront it head on but that is the one of the reasons jim buchanan was one of the worst presidents in u.s. history by many, many historians. lots of talk to lee on their on therepublican line grand gorw york. >> hi. i have been told china has bought land in the united states a lot of it near american bases. it's referred to as agricultural land. who is selling this land? is of the federal government, the state, the city?
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thank you. >> that is a very good question and basically points to the point i made earlier that is a china is a fundamental economy. the united states is a free worker economy. that's why you can buy land from private citizens in this country. state actors can exploit that kind of systemic difference were to come to the united states, by a huge chunk of land from private owners and that is okay but you cannot do the same in china. that is why the u.s./china competition we talk about the competition with china. the economic, military, really talk about the systemic ways because its function totally differently we have to really deal with the system and fundamental. not just an economic and
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technology. it is just another member of the free trading system. >> are there be a policy against foreign nationals or at least chinese foreign nationals from buying large swaths of farmland near military bases? >> there are legal ways to do so. through the organization. you have to go through a process to make sure you are buying american assets. part of your properties legally you have no connection with malign actors such as a state actor like the chinese government. there are many ways to do that. you cannot buy it for no purpose. there is also the issue we have to deal with this from the point of view of national security. if we could time out another member ofe the free market sysm
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and we are going to be in trouble. one example is everybody's talking but the harm of tiktok. the troubled ministration you can ban on wechat and tiktok but was overturned by the court in california. who offered the executive order. that is why our legal system does not take into account the national security factor sufficiently as it should be. from the national security point of view many things have to rely on that. we are not doing that right now i think congress should act quickly. >> array on the independent line in aurora, colorado. good evening. >> good morning, excuse me. i've been wanting to talk to you for a while. i am affiliated with the libertarian party. something i want to know is how can we ensure the appropriate
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vetting measures also respect the rights of not only nationals who are already present but also those who are naturalized citizens. especially those who are american-born chinese. those who are of chinese ascent but are also native born u.s. citizens. >> when you say vetting while at the same time what is the actual question? so there is not prejudice. >> on the get to the point and look at it this way. think america is extraordinarily generous to all immigrants. we are a country of immigrants and immigration. so the united states has accepted an overwhelming
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majority of the chinese political victims. so it last year alone, 2023 we accepted about 100,000 chinese of political asylum applications from china. you talk about the border crossing in the south and about 24 or 25000. that number illegally entering the united states are going to the process. it has quadrupled the number of illegal border crossings. there are legal ways to do that. and secondly, i will say this, there is no such a thing called a systemic asia hates it. if anything this is you love it. i tell you this. there are more than 300 10,000 chinese students and scholars studying in the united states. that number accounts for about
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37 -- 40% of an entire international student body in the united states. there are well over 200 countries in the world. you could not sit u.s. as a discrimination for chinese nationals.a otherwise this would not happen. do you know how many americans are studying in china right now? under 500, that is it. that is because china is fundamentally unwelcome and the americas. under such laws their own regulations, americans are not welcome. clear kind of in a crisis that's what no one wants to go there anymore. once again working with china and the united states is a fundamentally different public system. we have to talk to everything on the u.s./china competition from that point of view otherwise we will be in big trouble.
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>> is talk tashawn nixon york good morning, sean. yes, they are very conservative. in china is trying but people shut down any chance that they have enemies who will turn to them. >> kind of hard to understand. >> i have some problem too but i think the prototypes it wide with a time of the enemy? is that the question? >> rights. >> this is not in any means this is 50 years of engagement with china. we tried to engage china on equal terms but we embraced embrace chinainto internationalg system. wto and organization we open up our market, or cabinet market in particular with technology and
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two of the chinese and what they are trying to do as they are not reciprocated with goodwill. it'sin not america designates china as the enemy. on the contrary china has always designated united states because america, after all exerts an enormous impact on the chinese people for that for the chinese government is most afraid of because it is the china people the chinese communist government is afraid of it. they're really, really scared every chinese enjoyed the same political rights, economic rights this is one of the reasons of bipartisan settlement.
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we have a trilateral relationship with china. the chinese debugged engage with chinese people. they are just like americans they enjoy freedom and basic human rights. if weic expand that exchange tht will be one of the part of the solutions to the problem progress to intelligence agents and officials says the chinese pose the greatest threat as far as cyber intrusion can you compare that threat to the threat coming from russia? >> it's a very good question. that coming from russia is severe but not nearly at the scale and degree to which china. russia's economy is tiny.
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less than one tenth of china economy. china is far more technologically advanced than russia. in the cutting-edge areas of warfare number three, the most importantly unlike the sovereign states series of threats, china is the only major country that enjoys the benefits of the free market system. outside the international free trading system. china enjoys a full membership rate that is why the china threat is not thousands of miles in beijing china's threat is everywhere per china has credit enormous dependency that everybody in this country can rely on. i you go to shopping on amazon. amazon has 1.5 million stores,
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sellers. 1.1 million in china. we critical items in categories of home security surveillance. when so that is why the china threats is far more severe than the russian threats. russia striving for global relevance. china is striving for global dominance and that's the fundamental difference. >> since we have you i just wanted to ask about that middle east the war in israel and hamas. where is china and all of this? china has refused steadfastly to condemn hamas. we do not know -- but we do know this in hamas holdouts the
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military personnel was a large cache of chinese made weapons but how did they end up over there? the chinese government has to explain so we can understand better. i will also say this, the papen crisis that serve the chinese government very well because to them this is a strategic distraction. americans focus right now is shifted away from europe from the middle east to the indo pacific in china. that is a very important accomplishment of the trump administration. that has gained a bipartisan support the china policy and the focus is very little difference. this is basically our china problem is not republican and
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it'snot democrat it's american. that's white the hamas attack on israel is something that china is encouraging because they refuse to play a positive role. china is a very important player in international politics and china tries to create all kinds of strategic distractions. and latin america for example is deeper in china's pockets. >> all right, senior fellow and a chinalo center at the hudson institute you can find his writing at hudson.g. miles, thanks as always for joining us. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> each night this week we are featuring state of state addresses fr across the country. from coast to coast in these speeches by governor's offer a wide range of perspective highlighting priorities and challenges faced by different regions of the u.s. appeared
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night will hear from the vernors of virginia, rhode island, new jersey, alabama, michigan and washi state. >> on one set ua supreme court will have firearms case in which the jtis will decide whether an attachment called a bump stock which transforms a semi automatic rifle to fully totic assault style weapon should be prohibited. watch the oral argument live it beginning at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-spa y can also watch on c-span l video app or online at >> three years ago democracy faces grace threats and civil war. today though bruise our democracy remains and broken. >> thursday march 7 the president invited delivers the annual state of the union address during joint session of congress to outline his priorities for the country. watch our live coverage beginning 8:00 p.m. eastern with our preview program followed by
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president biden state of the union speech. then the republican response and we will get your reaction by taking or phone calls, text and social media comments. wash the state of the unit address live thursday march 7 at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now are freed mobile video app or online at ♪ c-span is your unfiltered view of government. funded by these television companies and more including cox. ♪ but friends don't have to be. when you are connected, you are not alone. >> cox's support c-span as a public service along with these other television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy.


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