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tv   U.S. Senate U.S. Senate  CSPAN  March 7, 2024 5:59pm-6:39pm EST

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energy crisis americans could see under the green new deal regime president biden and visions for the future. speaking of higher prices perhaps the defining defining feature of the item is graciously inflation crisis the present helped create when he signed the so-called american rescue■f plan act and flooded te economy with unnecessary government spending. three years and inflation is still well above fedal reserve's rate. americans continue to suffer. today a cost for a typical family, a thousand dollars more per month to maintain the standard of living it had when president biden took office. $1000 more per month just to tread water. grocery prices are up 21% under president biden and the cost of food makes up a larger share of
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americans disposal -- income than i than 30 years. then there's a 31% in energy costs. the 10% increase in housing costs. the 27% increase in the cost of car repairs and the list goes on. the president likes to talk about giving american families breathing room. ent, president biden has eliminated the breathing room for a lot of american families. along with prices much higher prices on everything from groceries to guess americans are also dealing with the high interest rateseral reserve with president biden's in inflation crisis. interest rates have helped them drive credit card rates and interest-rate creating hardship for lot of americans. it's no wonder in the recent
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pull one in three voters said thec track. of that 57% of respondents in another recent poll rated the economy as fairly bad or very bad. and 60% of respondents in the same poll said things in america are going somewhat or very badly. inflation crisis, national security crisis at our southern border, a potential energy crisis. itso wonder that americans aren't feeling very optimistic about the state of our nation. it would be nice if the president spoke to their concerns tonight. but i expect that his speech tonight will involve more blame shifting and solutions to crises that he is helped curt create
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and host of ection-year handouts designed to attract the voters. americans are looking for relief under president biden and his■< speech tonight to the state of being in. mr. president i yield the floor. mr. president 78 years ago 4-year-old on a star show was living in new mexico. the city 40 miles away from the trinity test site. he didn't know it at the time none of the families there did but the world they were living in was contaminated in particlee first nuclear test and he grew
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to be a big hunter and going on the land in rich to buy a ditch system that provided ample water and nurse meant. grandparents, mom and ding and drinking contaminated food. waterk)■h later in life anastacio cordova developed prostate cancer and cancer. the cancer metastasized to his neck and throat before becoming inoperable and consuming his his daughter tina recalls him being only 125 pounds at the time his death in 2013.
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today marks 11 years ago on this day. anastacio left■÷ us. for anastacio's family this was the heartbreak of along along with the family members who died or became seriously■ñ ill from radiation exposure. tina cordova, anastacio's daughter made it her life's mission to fight for justice and the thousands of victims of our nation's nuclear weapons program this is tina.
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tina is with us her knees is here with us as well. a henrietta from polar rose so, newgutierrez and her friends ata very young age. tonight at this year's state of the unions. and i'm honored to have her by let me change that. i'm honored that she allowed me on this journey with her to help other people. now she was withxm when the pref
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united states joe biden was visiting to talk about some of the incredible opportunities that h economic growth. when i was speaking before the president i saw tina and the audience and i spoke momentarily about the radiation exposure compensation act and■■ about her only to be surprised that when the president of united teen and looked at everyone and their broom grandma and in the camera and said you have my support to get this done. yesterday the president that the united states issued a statement to staff showing support for the passage of this legislation, the radiation exposure compensation act amendment. in addition to language that
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in bringing attention to families that need help and need to be seen and heard and deserve compensation based on storage and exposure to each of every one of them. this is truly a bipartisan piece of legislation, an effort reaching out to colleagues in both chambers. every one ofur friends, asking them to take a hard look at this. please give us a chance. let us earn your support. not long ago when senator holyhead an amendment with this language and it "oppenheimer" was hitting theaters across america and everyone was talking about it. bill that was made inw mexico some people mayec that f.
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62 u.s. senators that they stood up and raised their hand and said yes to united states needs to move forward, take responsibility, give recognition to allc■e these across america. unfortunately it was not included in the national defense authorization act. but on sunday something is happening in america called the oscars. there are a lot of incredible actors and actresses that will be recognized because of the story they told with "oppenheimer." that story left out an important part. and while many of them will receive oscars no doubt i hope none of those actors and actresses that are giving their
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remarks when they receive an oscar for telling this story about "oppenheimer" that they forget about these families. that they thin them and the same advocacy that i've heard from many of these incredible artists i hope one sy something. if not i hope they reflect on it. i will close by saying this, this particular legislation is not just about new mexico or missouri. this legislation will help our brothers ais in arizona, colorado, idaho, montana, nevada, across new mexico, utaio mine workers in washington oregon idaho wyoming utah colorado arizona texas north dakota and south dakota. reaching out her brothers and
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sisters in missouri tennessee alaska and in kentucky. we had to get this done. i want to add that since this bill has been scheduled for vote, i have heard from more colleagues about their committees desk communities event armed by our legislation specifically people in pike and cy out of. ohio. communities near the hanfo in wn exposed to radiation and they deserve justice to. se senator casey, senator murray and senator cantwell you have my commitment that is this effort moves through the legislative process i will work
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with you to also deliver justice for your constituents so we can work as a family and madam president as i close i ask all of my colleagues to please, please take a look at this. 62 votes on the first vote. i hope we can send a message to all those advocates and families across america that they are heard and seen and we will see a stronger showing this generations of families wiped out by lung, stomach,, thyroid, skin,, and cancer didn't get the glossy hollywood treatment. in the united states congresgnit
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progress in correcting these injustices since 2000. shame on us. a lot of us have been praying about this in reflecting on this and i certainly hope that we have a resounding vote in just a few■w short minutes to show our american brothers and sisters that we love them to. i yield back. >> madam president. >> the senator from missouri. >> madam president in march of 1865, president lincoln said h the work, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan.
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that a president that's why we are here today. we are here today to continue to honor the lives of those who have borne this nation's battles, who have rallied to this nation's flag and every hour, the people who won world war ii, who won the cold war, who helped rebuild europe and japan and people who have dealt this country and are now waiting for us to help them.m? that's what we are about today. there's a reason madam president that we succeeded over the last half-century. it's because the working people of this country in missouri and in new mexico and in nevada and colorado and idaho and texas and wyoming and everywhere else from coast to coast is because the working people of this country went to the uranian mines and went to thprocessi volunteered
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for our army, went overseas to fight or just raise their families with dignity and honor. that's why we have the united states of america. that's why we are the united states of america. but we have not done right. os good people. we have turned our back on them because so many of the madamthen government with nuclear in radiation and nuclear tests that were done without their knowledge, but the nuclear material in the minds that they weren't told about. the government expose them opera period of decades to nuclear radiation and in almost every case and said nothing about it. in many cases they about it. this isn't right madam president. this is unjust and that's why we are here today. it's the pride of this nation that when when we won the second
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world war, when we won the cold war we rebuilt the land of our former enemies. been but now this time toer rebuild these communities. it is time to finish the work in the united states of america. it is time to turn to the men and women who have borne the of the battle.ave borne the the men and women who gave their health and in many cases their lives for their nation. that so we are here for today. this isn't about handout. this isn't about some kind of welfare program. this is about doing basic justice by the working people of this nation. this is the day when we break the cycle of lies from the ve cycle of passing the buck and irresponsibility and when we say to the people of america we will we say to the working people of this country
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we are here for you. when we acknowledge to these americans you built this country and that's we are here■í■s today. we have a chance today to make right of wrong, to ride 50 years of bronx, 50 and 60 years of americans ignored exploited and lied to today we can begin to right those wrongs and that's why we are i want to recognize now my friend, my colleague from the great state of missouri a man who grew region right by one of these nuclear processing facilities and the landfill that the government dumpe■rd the and abot it. i'm proud to have him senator eric schmidt. >> madam president. spain at the senator from missouri. >> thank you madam president. i ride today along with my friends from who have
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shown great leadership to defend the people who are impacted to quite literally have been poisoned by their own government. as was mentioned i grew up in bridgeton missouri. bridgeton is the epicenter of some of the that was dumped the hazardous toxic radioactive that was dumped there. if you take a step back after world war ii st. louis the city itself was the main population center. st. county was to the left to st. louis city and headed lot of open land a lot of opportunity and the folks coming back from world war ii who wanted to start a better life found that american dream in st. louis county where i grew u thes like bridgeton and other zip codes that are now included in this bill something ee
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following them. something else was headed west and it was this radioactive for they had no idea, no idea was in their water, below their feet, affecting them come poisoning them and killing them. i think back and my parents still live there by the way. i think back to those friends of ■íthose neighbors i had and to senator hawley mentioned these are the waitresses and these are the truck drivers and these are the hairstylist, these are people who go to work every single day and they just want better life for their kids. they were creating these communities that were new. again government had dumped toxic materials that were poisoning them. and what they wanted again was
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to live the american dream. by no fault of their own they happen to i■w■an an area or that they were downwind or whether it was in their water, r lives with their families and generations of their families. in this legislation it won't make them whole that it's some measure of compensation. it's some measure of justice. i know that some people have talked about the cost. look, we do a lot of things here. we spend a lot of money and we can debate on whether or not it's worth it or not where these are our priorities but i think if we took up the red jersey didn't took up the blue jerseys and really focused on what we should really be doing here in a government that is supposed to have limited powers one of the
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things we should be doing is protecting our own citizens. that's what this is about. livie that we made to the people when we got elected which we were going to fight for them and this is an opportunity to go into that. it is the ability and a number of zip codes and states across this country for people that work there and the senator hawley mentioned who helped build■■> america back up or were working to save civilization in many ways in the middle of the last century. it's making sure we are doing everything we can to see that some measure of justice is served so i would just ask my fellow colleagues to look within their hearts or imagined looking t people who are here today that were impacted.
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people that come to our offices asking about something that is in some bill, the people who 't have those powerful forces at play. this is something that is bubbled up in a bipartisan way to support the people that we represent who have been impacted on i am proudly a supporter of this and will do anything to help get this passed folks get the justice they deserve and with that i back that far. thank you madam president. >> i have come to this floor in weeks and months passed to talk about this cause. it's more than an issue. it is a cause. it's a cause of justice and the cost of doing right by our fellow americans and when i commented in weeks past i've often showed pictures d have gin
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their health or given their lives for their country. today i don't have any pictures with me because today in the gallery we have missourians and new themselves in arizona and stem cells and members of the navajo nation themselves here now sitting right there traveling from great distances and i just want to collect a few of their names. is here from ut. sherry menifee is here from arizona where greenwood is here from texas. phil harrison is here leslie and rose harrison and tina cordova all from new mexico. linda harris has come all the way from guam, all the way from guam. tony henderson is come from idaho and politari also in the great state of missouri don chapman will be an guest at the state of the unions and ashley kristin chantelle and tricia byrnes all here and from the navajo nation justin and kyle
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and there are more in the gallery as well madam president. from all over this country representing every city of this country represent the great heritage of this country and the this country. the knob on nation 50% of the uranium that was mined for nuclear program half of it came om the navajo nation who have fun not mistaken volunteered for the armed services at a percentage higher than any community in america. these folks represent here today the best of our nation. they are americans. they to honor them. as americans we make a commitment to each other in what it means to bise that we would y the ideals that we hold together and the things that we love together and we promise to stand by one another. this is about standing by one another. this is about seeking that
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justice that president lincoln spoke about so many marches ago and now on this march day in the year 2024 the united states senate has the opportunity to do its part, it's small partcontinn what it could be, what we promised it will be in into per ride things that have been wrong. i will end with this madam president as we the government is testing under the homes in st. louis, under people's basements in st. louis for radioactive contamination. after saying for decades there was no cand there was nothing we should worry about now they are testing in our homes and they have already shut down the school in the water inr the landfills are contaminated. the soil has been contaminated. today we say enough. today we turn the page. today we begin something new. and to those folks are watching
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from missouri weather from their living room's while their homes are bng schools while they are hoping for something better lets see the united states senate at work. let's say we can do to keep the promises we have made to each other as americans. and so with that madam president i yield all remaining debate time.
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i will now recognize myself or for grants to give an opening statement and welcome back. in the june the 2020 through the conversation washington surrounding inflation shifted significantly. to be clear it's because and in which nouri fire has been extinguished. from the most recent data available food costs are up+jdes energy are up nearly 32% could shelter costs are up more than 19% and you will pay 37% more for a dozen eggs in america
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today. as you stated in january people for the basics of life and the prices they are paying are still high. according to the biden administration and my democratic colleagues and many of my democratic colleagues they should be thrilled. an attempt to score political points made in washington have decided the best strategy is to tell people what they are feeling isn't actually accurate. they claimed bidenomics has brought down costs and their partisan so-called american on the right track. we know the opposite is drew since inflation skyrocketed soon after the american rescue plan was enacted. it was predicted by several former obama administration economic officials. instead of working to solve the underlyi■"ng issues causing high prices the administration plays
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the heat playing games citing■ .. it is highly inappropriate f lawmakers to attempt to influence monetary policy. i have stated you will not allow politics to cloud your judgment he fight to tackle inflation. as i have always said you are a steady hand and i believe you are committed to the federal reserve independence, as mri. just as you rejected the outside pressures of politically motivated agendas i hope you will be just as attuned to the threats of polymerization when the calling is coming from inside the house. vice chair bar, michael bars view capitol requirements and fatally bald endgame proposal
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represent a concerning trend of partisan proposals taking priority over supervision. this has real-world impact as we saw one year ago this month whem of the fed was late catching up to the effects of the acceleration of interest rates on the banking system. americans were understandably shaken by last year's banking turbulence as we continue to monitor potential insli exposurs critical of the fed keep its eye on the law. this does not include enacting new far-reaching ultimately harmful regulatory policy though. as you know, members on both had the island's committeen congress make clear the endgame proposal would be catastrophic for families, communities and small businesses. regulators should withdraw it and start over. that is the proper course with
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something as deeply flawed as a current proposal. additionally given other significant proposals would have to fit regulators cannot proceed with them a separate modules are using a cut and paste approach. most importantly theiscarded ord i strongly urge you and other regulators not to finalize the long-term debt proposal. instead i would encourage you to stick to the task at hand if all the data the stakes are way too high to politics over sound policy. with that i yield back i will now recognize the ranking member of the full committee. >> think your image mr. chairman. good morningg everyone. i ask unanimous consent the quorum be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the majority leader in consultation with the republican leader, the senate proceed to executive session to consider the
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following nominations. calendar 532, 533. that there be two minutes for debate equally divided in the usual form on each nomination, that upon the use or yielding back of time, the senate proceed to vote without intervening action or debate on the nominations in the order listed, that if confirmed the motions to reconsider be considered made on the table with no intervening action or debate, that no further motions be in order that the president be immediately notified of the senate's action and the senate then resume legislative session. further, that the senate consider the following nominations en bloc. calendars 360, 280, 361, 359, 258, 259, 118, 119, n the nominations, en bloc, without intervening action or debate, the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table, and the president be immediately notified of the senate's action and the senate then resume legislative session. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection. the question occurs on the nominations en bloc:
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all in favor say aye. any opposed nay. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the nominations are confirmed en bloc. consent that the senate proceed to legislative session and be in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i ask unanimous consent that the senate recess until 8:20 p.m. today and proceed as a body to the hall of the house of representatives for the joint n under the provisions of h.con.res.93. that upon dissolution of the joint session, the senate adjourn until 10:00 a.m. on friday, march 8. that following the prayer and pledge, the morning hour be deemed expired, the journal of proceedings be approved to date, and the time for the two leaders be reserved for their use later in the day, and morning business be closed. that upon the conclusion of morning business, the senate resume consideration of the house message to accompany h.r. 4366. further, that the cloture motion with respect to the house message ripen at 12:00 noon.
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the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: we will gather in the senate chamber at 8:20 p.m. this evening to proceed as a body to the house for the state of the union. nators should expect a live quorum tomorrow morning at approximately 10:00 a.m. i will repeat that. a live quorum tomorrow morning at approximate 100.. if there is no further business to come before the senate, i ask that it recess under the previous order. the presiding officer: under the previous order, the senate previous order, the senate the first of two spending bills for its editors are expected to voten the house funding before tomorrow's d partial government shutdown. members of the senate passed legislation to reimburse americans who contracted cancer and other illnesses aeing exposr radiation. and ordered on judicial nominations but while the senate live here on cspan2.
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