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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  April 12, 2024 9:11am-9:46am EDT

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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> mr. speaker, yesterday, announcing the house coming in at 8:00 today for another effort to reform the section of fisa. foreign intelligence
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[inaudible conversations] >> mr. speaker, yesterday, announcing that the house coming in at 8:00 today for another effort to reform the section of fisa, foreign intelligence surveillance act section 702, the initial vote on that went down. a series of new proposals today to be considered at 8:00 and that's part of the washington times headline this morning when it comes to that effort, which you'll see at 8:00 today. speaker mike johnson explaining his flip-flop on fisa spying on america. look for that. if you go to the pages of usa today, the headline there, house g.o.p. in chaos after conservative tank vote on fisa and they add to this part, all this was happening, efforts on
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fisa as representative marjorie taylor greene, republican of georgia, dangles the effort to remove him from leadership. and rebellion underscores the frustration of johnson saying the speaker isn't fighting hard enough for them. that's just some of the things that you might see play out today as the house comes in at 8:00, when it comes to the speaker's performance specifically. you can comment, 202-748-8001 for republicans. 8,000 for democrats and independents 202-748-8002. again, text us 202-748-8003. the speaker, by the way, about be travelling to florida today for a scheduled event with form president trump, that's highlighted. saying he'll travel to mar-a-lago, and mr. trump to join him for what the speaker
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billed as a major announcement on election integrity. the two have been planning a meeting and they suggested a public meeting on a topic mr. trump cares deeply about. afford mr. johnson to stand shoulder to shoulder during a precarious moment in his leadership, and many of them opposed while facing the threat of an ouster of marjorie taylor greene, far right georgia republican. making it trickier, mr. trump, the presumptive republican nominee, and rob starts us off out of new york, democrats line. what do you think of the speaker's job so far? >> well, moscow marjorie is
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making it difficult for him. she is carrying the water of donald jailhouse, jailbird trump. she's carrying his water. i believe that mr. trump is afraid of moscow, he's afraid of putin. he's afraid of being embarrassed. >> but as the speaker's job specifically, what do you think of the performance? >> you know, i think he's doing the best that i can. i give him a grade of 65. i think he's doing the best he can be with the hard right coming at him. he think that just like we have a nickname now moscow marjorie, i think the new nickname for democrats should repeat over and over is donald jailhouse. like richard millhouse nixon,
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donald jailhouse trump. >> let's hear from george, george is in ohio. republican line on rating the speakership of mike johnson. george in ohio, go ahead. >> well, first of all i would like to say, you know, you should have cut that previous caller off because he's calling the people names. you know. that shouldn't be condoned by your network. but i think johnson, he's doing a good job. the thing about what's going on with the country, we need to look at what's going on. you know, marjorie taylor greene, is she really far right? you know, it's a hard road to travel when you look at the democrats. why don't you look at the democratic party and look at the senators who vote all except manchin sometimes unson. >> when you say the speaker is doing a good job, how do you rate that? >> he had a take over an emergency case where mccarthy resigned, but the thing about the budget and marjorie taylor greene does make a point.
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when you're giving 200 million dollars to the fbi for head quarters, what the fbi is doing, not a decent job and now talking about a threat from homeland security. we've got homeland security, but we don't protect our home. we're letting eight, 11 million illegals in our country. what is a homeland security? if you're not securing the border, you're not homeland security. >> okay. speaker johnson's performance, sharon in bronx, new york, democrats line, you're next up, hello. >> hi, good morning, how you doing. >> fine, thank you. go ahead. >> yes, well, so far i would give the speaker a b-plus and the reason why i would do that is because he's working very objectively because for you to have-- for you to be a good leader you have to work from the middle. you have to work from the right. you have to work from the left. you have to reach out to everyone because if you're
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going to listen to one person, it's not going to work. so he's doing a great job and i hope if marjorie taylor greene do bring it to the floor, i hope the democrats will vote to keep him in because so far, he's a guy you can work with and give him a little more time, he will mature and make his own decision regardless who he's speaking to, the former president or not. we have to listen to everyone and that's what a good leader will do. listen to the republican, listen to the democrats, listen to the independent. you have to take everything into consideration not working alone. no one working alone can work. you have to take everybody's decision. >> okay. richard in san francisco, california, independent line. you're next up on speaker johnson's performance. go ahead. >> yeah, f-minus. i don't know what other gal is talking about. the do-nothing congress. there's really no cooperation.
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he can't get his own party behind him. now, they're going around, let's impeach biden, are you kidding? he's going to run off and hang out with the guy that's all indicted that's like probably going to be criminally charged before the election. it's worse. they've passed hardly anything and blocked everything. the immigration bill they wanted in there and we got it and they blocked that. it's crazy. they're the most dysfunctional, disorganized incompetent partner. they're not even a republican party now. they're the trumpster party and shackled to him, you know, so give me anybody, but this guy and mccarthy as well. you know, just look at it. you know, so they spent all of these times trying to get people in front of committees and, you know, like, i mean, how long have they-- they use their committees as political weapons not for the good of -- they're there for
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the american people what's best for the american people so totally incompetent. >> richard there in california, you can continue on with your thoughts. here is the thought from wyoming republican harriet hagerman specifically asked. here are here comments. right now he's the speaker of the house, and i support mike he's doing-- he's in a difficult position because of the slim majority and the fact is that republicans don't ever walk in lock step. that's one of the reasons we're republicans. we're independent thinkers and i think that's in contrast to a lot of democrats and that's what you see play out on the floor and i think people make too much of a big deal about this. the reality, this is the way a democratic republic is supposed to work. we're supposed to have these debates. we're supposed to have discussion and fighting for the issues that are important to us and our constituency. this is the way that governing is going to be if you're going
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to make sure that people have a voice in the way that the government operates. we should not be making these decisions behind closed doors and coming out and announcing to the masses what the laws are going to be, we have to debate and discuss and have to be able to listen to each other, we have to be able to voice our own opinions and then move forward with what is going to be the consensus and i think that this is just an example of that. >> more of that interview is available online, on our app and our website. the associated press reporting that the speaker is currently working with the white house in coming up with some type of package for ukraine. they're saying that the steve scalise, and talking about a package that would definite evaluate of foreign security package and demands after johnson has delayed for months on advancing aid that would provide desperately needed afternoon and weaponry for
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kyiv. and barbara is next, democrat line. >> thanks for taking my call. yes, the speaker is in a difficult position, but the problem is the g.o.p. does not know how to administer or run a government. they're too busy trying to be powerful, greedy and -- and disrupting everything. they need to learn how to legislate and administer. that's what we need is all this have division. i wish they would go home and take a course in some university or how to be good leaders. >> that's barb in north carolina and some of you texting us this morning. tony in florida, it's hard to evaluate the speaker's performance, unprecedented position of a one vote margin and negative results are mostly attributed to republican
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dysfunction and off of facebook he gets an a because he's sticking to his constitutional duties. and brian, he's not doing at all, subpar at best and then alley, i wish he's getting better than the maga around them. they have a tiny majority and they're not getting everything they want of the facebook and text us, 202-748-8003. in indiana, this is mark, go ahead on our independent line. >> good morning, i think that the republicans are doing as good of a job as they can because of the slight majority that they have and the speaker's doing the best job he can. success is not managed by how many bills you pass and how much money you spend of our
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taxpayer dollars, as biden did spending all the money on his transportation bill so that now we have extreme inflation going on and what it is, inflation is a tax on the poor because we lose the purchasing power of our dollar, and only buy about 80% of goods that we used to be able to buy when we went to the stores because they spent it on all of those ev's that are in the middle of parking lots and not usable. and when you get back to it, the best thing is if the government doesn't pass any bills at all, that especially this fisa thing that's going on right now. all they did is spy on trump and come out with-- from the fbi with all of this false information on russia, russia, russia, and all the democrats just do is continue to lie and lie, in fact, they
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lie about the inflation that biden got on yesterday and said inflation was so high only 1.9% and now it's way up at 3 1/2 but actually in the last three months at .4% per month the last month at 5% range. >> gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. we'll go to mitchell in new jersey, democrats line, hi. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> you know, whether it's mike johnson, kevin mccarthy, or paul ryan, john boehner. the caucus is -- they don't have a governing philosophy of trying for legislation. they have a philosophy, using the pools that the house offers to try to block legislation, to try to block anything positive
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for the country. and the senate is doing the same thing with the future. filibuster. our nation, this goes beyond, i think, having a slim majority and i think it goes-- just goes about what is their governing philosophy, and how they can implement that. and the frame work of our congress is delicate. unless there's a will to compromise, especially where we are. to get anything done. look the at current proposed legislation from the senate on the border and immigration, and that's being blocked and this is not new. if you go back 10 years ago to 2013 there was a gang of eight bill from the senate that the house killed and even when
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boehner was trying to legislate budget matters with president obama. and he wanted nothing-- just great and you can do that, but that really what was in it for? >> that's mitchell in new jersey giving his assessment of speaker johnson's performance. 8001 for democrats, 8000, independents. 202-748- when it comes to a fundraiser for the republicans, bringing in 20,000 plus in the first quarter of the year. that the louisiana public met to meet high expectations. in the jobs to indicate success breaking through with high
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dollar donors, his party needs to hold onto that in the fall. mrs. 'more on that. matt from massachusetts. independent line. >> good morning. i think the speaker is worse than worthless, he's regressive. these guys cause damage. they don't even do anything in government. they don't do anything for us. i think the right wing likes them because they do their bidding of trying to dismantle and disrupt government so that they can turn around and say, look, the government doesn't work. that's their only play. they're disingenuous liars and the worst thing about this, they're the most gullible on the planet. they're religious people who believe in a father figure in
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the sky, and just can't do that in 2024 and to have this injected into government is a dangerous thing. we need to keep the -- let them type of thinking is not welcome in advanced society. >> let's hear from mary on maryland democrats line, hi. >> good morning c-span. i give speaker johnson minus o, same thing i give kevin mccarthy. what he's going to do is the same thing. he's going to go to mar-a-lago to kiss the ring and i actually like what the republican party is doing right now, even though i think they're crazy. they're blocking money to go to israel. they're blocking money to go to ukraine. that war is lost. why do we want to keep sending money to keep killing people?
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the same thing with israel. netanyahu has to go. so if our leadership is not strong enough to deal with that, they don't get my vote. so he can go to mar-a-lago and kiss the ring all he wants, he's still the same fool. republican party is a lost cause. the democratic party is weak and they should stand up right now, but they won't. maybe it's because they're too old, i don't know, but right now, i don't know the difference between the republican party and the democratic party because i'm watching a genocide take place right before my eyes and we're doing nothing. >> okay. mary there in maryland. when it comes to the assessment of not only the republican conference, but the speaker's performance, it was the house democratic leader hakeem jeffries talking about the speaker of johnson in light of efforts to pass a bill on ukraine. here is some of that from yesterday. >> now, i made the observation, not a declaration, the observation that if the speaker were to do the right thing and
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allow the house to work its will with an up and down vote on the national security bill, that i believe that there are reasonable number of democrats who would not want to see the speaker fall as a result of doing the right thing. observation, not a declaration because we have to have a conversation, i didn't necessarily mean to rhyme there. [laughter] >> but a conversation amongst ourselves as house democrats before making a solemn decision. >> does that mean you're ruling out any other podge? >> our view, expressed this morning in the meeting hosted by the honorable katherine clark who is doing a great job, is that the only path forward is an up or down vote on the bipartisan comprehensive national security bill.
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>> more of that on our website and our app. if you want to see it when it comes to rating the speaker's performance, you can call in on the lines. 202-748-8001, republicans. democrats, 8000 and independents, 202-748-8002, asking to grade or rate speaker mike johnson's performance as speaker of the house. paul in minnesota, republican line, you're next up. >> good morning. thanks for taking my call. the guy from massachusetts, give the speaker a break, nobody wants that job. our legislature is split down the middle. how are you supposed to get much of anything done in congress? that's the way our government was set up to be. things are supposed to move slower when we're 50-50 split down the middle. and the poor guy has a job nobody wants and nobody wants
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in there. and the democrats plan on the split of the vote and the poor guy has a tough job, give him a break. thanks. >> how would you-- but as far as you're sympathetic to him. how would you rate how he's doing with it specifically? >> he's still in there, isn't he? he's a tough guy. i give him a 10. >> okay. paul there in minnesota. you can use letter grades, you can use number grades if you want or just give your assessment over the phone as well if you wish. independent line from kentucky. oliver, hello. >> hey, good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> i'm well, thank you. what do you think of the speakerer's job? >> i think it's a failing grade and listen, i was born in the 60's and being born in the 60's, you saw a lot of things. you saw the civil rights, you saw the assessment from the
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president, and many things you saw, but what i remember, as a little boy, about politics on up until now is that politics were principle. you know, there was a line that if you your you're a democrat or a republican, that you didn't cross and you did what was best for the country. you didn't always like it, it wasn't always about democrat or republican, it's just that you did what was best for the country. now due to the fact that the speaker of the house is at mar-a-lago and with trump, his voice is swayed. i mean, to do a good job and be principled about your job is to do the will of the people and what's right for this country. you know, don't drag it down. lift it up. so i'm -- i'm just disgusted
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with politics right now. democrats and republicans, but just more republicans because it seems like that they -- that there's no -- what they won't go to. i mean, it's almost like, we'll do anything to get power, to retain power. >> okay. marvin in michigan is next. marvin, good morning, you're next up. >> oh, yes, good morning. >> marvin, you're going to have to turn down your television, please. >> good morning. yes, about speaker johnson, he's the least unproductive congress we've had in the last 100 something years. to me, when he was at-- he's going to mar-a-lago this weekend to meet the ring master and we can't get anything done with the border.
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those people out in gaza and how they're bombing the food truck, that's ridiculous. and that's got to stop and people not wanting to pass the legislation to get these people this aid. i was going to go to one of rashida tlaib's coffee hours that she had and to see how people of different countries and nations feel to feel for these people how this stuff is happening to them. i was so fearful to go because i seen they bombed that food truck and all of this other stuff they had done because i was talking to a gentleman in the gas station about just having a conversation with the gentleman because he's from gaza and got people there, and i was talking to him i feel for you people. i'm african-american. >> and how does that relate to the speaker's job as it currently stands? >> because they will not pass
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border things and the people coming in and it's making the country bad and struggling instead of letting immigrants come in and contribute to the country. >> okay. marvin there in michigan, as he referenced speaker johnson set to travel to florida and meet with the president and described as election integrity. and you can watch that on the house side in an effort to pass that section of the foreign surveillance intelligence act section 702 which went down earlier this week, but new measures in hopes that republicans can get it passed in the house today and you can see that play out on c-span, our main channel, the house set to come in at 8:00 today to work on these measures. you can follow along on that, our app at c-span now and our website at
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and go on the line and post to social media sites. too, let's hear from marlene from minnesota, an independent line. marlene in minnesota, hello. one more time for marlene. okay. diane. diane in ann arbor, michigan, democrats line, hello. >> hello. i would give mike about maybe a one. he shows up, he's on the floor, but he doesn't do anything. he needs to dump marjorie taylor greene in his ear. he's looking like a wimp. nancy pelosi didn't have a problem getting her people in line, but mike doesn't seem to be able to do it. and you always hear about maga men doesn't listen to women, bossy women, strong women.
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well, he's listening to marjorie taylor greene and when she says jump, he asks how high. he needs to grow a spine. it's not a good look because he's marjorie taylor greene's tool. he needs to pass the ukraine aid, but he won't do it because marjorie won't let him because she's a disciple of trump and putin. >> diane is in ann arbor, michigan. finishing off just about a half hour, and when it comes to the speaker's performance, at house at 8:00. we'll change gears and invite you to participate in open forum, you can participate by commenting on the speaker's job, or matters in politics, and republicans 202-748-8001. democrats, 202-748-8000 and independents 202-748-8002. you can comment on the
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speak,er, if you wish, and go ahead and call in and we'll take those momentarily. it was the japanese prime minister addressing a joint session of congress, a joint-- technically a meeting of congress yesterday on matters of importance between the united states and japan and one of the things he talked about was the importance of the united states role in the world. here is a portion from the japanese prime minister yesterday. [applause] >> the u.s. shaped the international order in the post war world through economics, diplomatic and technological power. it championed freedom and democracy. it engaged-- encouraged the stability and prosperity of nations, including japan. and when necessary, it made
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noble sacrifices to fulfill its commitment to a better world. [applause] >> the united states policy was based on the premise that humanity does not want to live oppressed by them, also retire in states where you were tracked and surveilled and denied from expressing what is in your heart and on your mind. [applause] >> you believe that freedom is the oxygen of humanity. [applause] >> the world needs the united states to continue playing this
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pivotal role in the affairs of nations. [applause] >> and yet, as we meet here today, i detect under current of self-doubt among some americans about what your role in the world should be. this self-doubt is rising at the time when our world is at history's turning point. the post cold war era is already behind us and we are now at inflection point that will define the next stage of human history. >> that's the japanese prime minister. if you want to see more go to the website and the app for that. in other foreign affairs news,
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new york times this morning saying that the united states send ago top general to israel amid concerns of retaliation from iran saying it's general michael karilla, expected to be retaliatory action from iran and discuss the war in hamas and gaza, and those who spoke on conditions of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matters. call on the lines. 8001 for republicans. democrats 8000 and independents, 8002. good morning. >> it sounds like the prime minister of japan has a co-gent and reasonable understanding of the world as it is much more than our very own president, but getting back to speaker of the house. he's in a precarious situation.
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he has a very shallow majority and he's doing the best he can with that. i mean, marjorie taylor greene would like to vacate the speaker, but you know, she's very much frustrated with the way things are and as a matter of fact the house has done a lot of things, passed bills sent over to the senate, where the senate has tabled all of their bills and they're actually the ones who are stonewalling progress or reparation to a very ill nation that we're experiencing right now. that's-- >> tom there in connecticut. let's hear from liz in new
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jersey, democrats line. >> good morning. the speaker of the house, i would give him about a d. at least he's kept the government open. his party seemed to have difficulty getting even there. so i do appreciate that. i think he's making the wrong move though by going down to talk to the ex-president who's multiply indicted-- the last few minutes. first of all, before we do anything else, i'm going to ask unanimous consent that nonsubcommittee members be allowed to participate in the hearing. after all subcommittee members have had an opportunity to ask questions, is there any objection? if not, so ordered.


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