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tv   Washington Journal Mitchell Mc Kinney  CSPAN  June 27, 2024 7:22pm-7:58pm EDT

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including the influx of women into the fed the nixon administration through the late 20th century and role played by america's first ladies. and then at 7 p.m. american history tv series historic convention speechesk by presidential nominees and other political figure from the past former georgia governor jimmy carter accepts 1976 democratic national convention in new york city. 9:30 p.m. eastern on the presidency the presidential library foundation ceo edward o'keefe talks shaped theodore roosevs watch american history tv saturdays on c-span2 and if find a full schedule on your program guide or watch online ♪♪ >> if you ever miss any of c-span's coverage it anytime online at videos ofates and other events feature markers or that that guide you to interesting and newsworthy highlights. these points of interest markers appear if you hit play on select videos-this tool makes it easy to quickly
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get an idea of what was debatedashington. scroll through and spend a few minutes on c-span's points of interest.>> with the university of akron the dean of the college of arts and it comes to the history of presidential debates and that's ns us now on "washington journal." good morning to you morning pedro. good to be with you. ask you in this day and age why do you think theyuest: well certainly they still draw a great deal of attention, a d largeer of voters. we in our last several rounds, we've been in t 75-80 million viewers of debates. now, we'll see a bit of a different cycle. a general election presidential debate this early before, but do draw quite a lot of voters. and i think they matter in the sense wh voters most of those viewers of debates willn to cheer on their chosen candidate there is always a of undecideds, weakly --mmitted, those who aren't yet quite sure. and when you're in a we're in one right now, and also when there are
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candidates remaining and i think that we have a number ofe questions aboutut both candidates debates are i those voters make a decision. and, again s number of presidential debate cycles with will point to the debate as the time where they made their mind up. and again as i said, in a close election debates can bel. >> host: do you think these are more events of style or more of substance? >> guest: well certainly both. and what find, i sometimes refer to issue learning learning about the candidate's dark theirament. and marley in a debate -- particularly in a we see the candidates together, the major and when that happens we're assessing in thatparative assessment how do they treat each other how do theya, how do they respond? how do they attack one another? think a great deal of learning happens on that front. but issue discussion. as we've just heard in the previous number of specifically issue-oriented questions. debat there
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is a great deal of discussion of those issue important to voters. so what i call learning happens levels and debates afford or that oppor the best way to a viewer who's interested in to prepare themselves to get the most from it? ertainly see and hear a lot of themselves are engaged in setting of expectations. i actually think the best way to prepare could wellune in to c-span and the kind of discussions that we had this morning of thinking about what are those things that are mos what do i want to know more about? what haven't i and i want the candidates to and usually those are the issues for but also going in as i saidd questions. and it's for candidates, whether it's -- the this morning, questions about joe biden's age and his contiill he address that in the debate? questions about donald tru his presidency january commitment going
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forward, how will he addresssues. and so i think it's an assessment of what do i need to hear from the next potential leader the leaders of the naress that in a straightforward with manner in the debate? >>nd take a look at some of those historical standout debates in your mind in the history of debates? >> guest: welsh you know, certainly, pedro i've been going back tond drawing some parallels. when we began our televisedsidential debates, when richard nixon and john kennedy met studio.ic now, i stress that because in some ways what in i 2024 is a back to the future. debate, the first one in the cnn in atlanta. just the candidates, the two s with the journalists questioning them. that's exactly what we did in 960. -- 1960. now, we can talk a great deal going of what how to we learn from these deba at those first debatesfocused, somber, reflective dug between the whoho to candidates. none of thehe bombastic the three an
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audience the cheering, the and so that, i think that removal of the studio is going to have -- of the live audience is going to have a h of in the debate. again, what we had in 91960 debates that we might point to in terms of the tie name close -- dynamics, a close race, about candidates. so a lot that we can learn from thee history of previous >> host: our guest is with us, and if you want to ask him questions about the history of expect and how they might relate to tomorrow night 202-748-80011 for republicans 748-8000 for democracy accurates and let's go back to 1960, show you a little of that debate between john kennedy and richard nixon. >> [inaudible] aign has a said you were naive and at times maimsed the question of leadership. why do you think people should vote for yce president? >> the vice president and i came to the congress together, served in the labor committee. i've been the years
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the same period of time that he has so thatn government is comparable. secondly i think the question the programs that we advocate. what is the party record that. i come out of the democratic party which in this produced woodrow wilson, franklin roosevelt and harry the susustained these programs which i've discussed tonight. of the republican party. he was nominated -- by it, ands it is a fact through most of these 25 years republican leadership haser opposed federal aid for education medical care development of the tennessee valley, development of our natural an effective leader of our party. i hope he w the question before us is, which point of view and whichted states. >> mr. nixon would you like to no comment. >> host: so, professor if a little bit from 19600. -- 1960, maybe little peek into what we might expect tomorrow night. >> it is interesting. again, that was the very first question from very first presidential debate in 1960 to interestingly, and we may hear some discussion on this topic
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question related to john kennedy's age is he too young his youthe that his opponent had suggested. .. in the presidential debate. the very first question the debate. >> if you think you added the positive eight net positivene comes to adding an audience? in the analysis what happens with candidates i turned to looked at the name calling the attacks the ridicule os in the
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presidential debate the one line that prepared againicit an audience reaction. pay with was a lot of this in 2020. this i recent election for joe biden donald trump did for the candidates apply to that energy that is where we have seen a veering from a greater focus on issue as opposed to the t candidates. >> are to take you back to 2020 itand mr. trump as far as the wayther bread for that i'm going to ask you how muted microphones will add to this.p it progress you are willing to willing to tell the american people ton whether or not us you will support adding the filibuster or's our position i take a net that will become the issue for the issue is the american people . you should go out and vote.
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let the senators know how strongly you feel. vote now. make y sure you in fact let people i'm not going to answer the question or parks on parks on change o mark. [inaudible] >> the radical left too. on your list, joe? >> a gentleman [inaudible] on to the second segment. >> has a productive segmentecause people understand >> 47 years you've done nothing they >> all right the second subject is covid-19. >> imagine the same environment this time with a muted microphones added to the mix esprofessor. >> certain about the 1960 clip that we saw. overlay the in 2020 that we just saw. imagine kennedy and nixon going back and forth in that man the first debate in 2020 where the research we were doingrom the debate, recall at issue were hearing
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more from viewers there is so much tell position was the threat of the discussion was. debate commission in the second debate to the mic. the second debate in 2020 a bit more focused discussion as to what was on the first debate that cnn. tomorrow night. may speak to, as we speak are we have the p stage in a debate and di control that also speaks to the evolution of our >> joining us he's his of the university of akron he i of the book tilt college of arts and sciences the history of debate. patricia first call for a gue >> good morning thank you for having me.
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more going on all of the united states this patriot and its country they are suspect terrorists and we are what are we doing about the organize gangssome take that every topic will be discussed in these debates what is history tells about things? this speaks to and again the number of issues that could be that might be raised in the debate. the important that are with interrogating questioning the candidates someti agenda for imagine theors related to
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immigration. budget other m that may speak to international affairs. ht to select those issues they candidates. this is the only moment to get the candidatene of the very few unscripted moments the aware of what that will be we are there to see how they will respond. i think the issue just importance of the debate. it is always critique of this was not raised. and for me at least do we have a sense otters to the public and are those issues addressed in the stu andsteubenville and minnesota independentindependent line.
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>> caller: good morning gentlemen. i think rather one 100%moderate. i do not see either canadaountry forward. kind of have a past again. going forward. that's what the public demand. thank you phil. professor these debates end up of two men this idea of adding other voices to the mix and what does history tell u that matter party candidates who wish to be on the stage. we have had very limited examples. very limited times in 1992 of course ross included in the presidential debate.nly third
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independent party candidate that appeared candidates. there was ad reagan and jon anderson 19 it did not include the incumbent president. that years usually the sponsorponsor of the debate, the debate commission and this time their rules and will assess do weeet a certain threshold in the polling data that are on the ballo enought states at the time the debate maticallyal get to 270 electoral votes? and ire not invited.ue of adding additional voices to the debate stageal matter. so great for independent third party third-party candidates it really happens.emory from 1990 to the presidential debate that included r perot one the thingsgs you may have remembered here it is pretty incredible number of young people are efforts. they're deeply concerned we take them.
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i think it is a fitting or on the tonight. these young people think out this wony wide difficulty finding a job.ess up, leave the country good shape and pass on the america them. we've got to collected taxes to do a fair fairway i am all ears. again let's hear from gerry gerry in new jersey democ line. >> good morning. things. on they give you two minutes to speak. the other person says something and so we may be stuck on one per five or 10 minutes. that media most of it is skewed. and i am concerned about is a fairness give them both a chris wallace at that debate everyone keeps saying interrupted they lied. they lied.
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151 people 51 intelligent people said the computer, the laptop was not testament this russian disinformation they lied and that go and it really costs amp i think the election. let's hope there is honesty. eone says the truth because you know they w going to have their comments. and i am just to be honest be honest about what wasdo not worry about personalities, the truth let's just get the jersey. dean m this as far as preparation is concerned especially for those mode night what are the best practices going into >> pedro i this could be the hardest job in all of know what it we've got journalists in harm's way in danger zones around the world selected to be moderators of debate mosttly they come in for threats on their life attacks. seems to be par for the course. me
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the difficulty of this job. the notion are they a bias are they against one canon orr? that is also become strategy of candidates to know matters who selected to interrogate the ndidates and debates the preet debate has been to attack those journalists in questio their legitimacy. a difficult going back to the previous que there's no way to would be important to every voter. stthe journalists need to decide what are issues? and then knowing positions the candidates are how do i get them to respond and provide the informationhe caller talked about the follow-ups in the rebuttal. and that is important in debate to continue to provide information on t question. now also in t truth telling this is another difficult issue.
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nalists and debate open to a barrage of criticism theyoo fact checking in for a safe fact checking real task fal claim is made, went accuracy when a candidate makes a claim that simply not and the journalist with their understanding of thehe this. some have said it's not up to me it is up opponents. that's also rebuttal the greatest fact checkers in and the debate is one's opponent w the ability to respond to what they candidate has disclaimed. all of these matters aren that useful as of usefulness of the debate dialogue taking place those journalists have a significant again setting the agenda. guiding the interacting with the candidates in a way the voters. that's is made more so by candidates so we have seen the past several rounds who't willing to respond to the
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question. make any claims on the debate stage. corrected that joer attack. it is quite the tall order for thos in charge of these debates. >> is there a stand out in the you have studied? is there a standout moderator in your mind someone met all of those requirements? hard. say before his passing ion interactionsd he actually think he still does one point the record for moderating the mostng presidential debates what i appreciate about jim's approach fact-based approach to his questioning. you have said this. would you please would you expand on? ery issue based approach to his questioning asviting candidates to comment on their opponent or has said this
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about you, how do you respond? that approach t questioning seems to simply want to more of the attacks and theatrics. we have seen some of jim, i think pedro in our most recent rounds we have had execute very well as i explained just a circumstances. >> mitchell mckenney uni for this conversation. let's hear from jon and northublican. >> thank you for calling correct let's hear from ger gerry hi. i wenm so glad they're muting that mikes and all oalso not having a live audience is a very good have turned into such reality shows. this is a really should become more low-key a as much as we possibly can in this country. moderators jake and dana are great they journalists.
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they do come from higher caliber news then like leaning out prefer someone who is maybe not even a celebrity because everyone knows jake and dana. have c-spanradio or maybe not as leaning in oneople who are not as famous as thought about famous it's what do we k opinion. >> that is maryland. dean mccann anything to offer? mind the difficulty of journalists if they to be the questioners it would be impossible. no one would find questionable or it would object too. this actually lead -- but this demise of clement league of women voters who were the first approximately 100 journalists
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candidates and out of the 100 among the two and so in some particularly in today every is going to be difficult have c-span collars or we have selected citizens from a city the debate was hosted in. citizens would stand and ask questions of the candidates. we found interesting things the town hall debate last cycle i do not believe this cycle. we had a citizens questioning the can found is the questions w and also paralleles of greatest concern. that was always an interesting finding when you to stand
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and ask questions they're ggoing to askquestions relate to the issues of most importance to thepublic. we also found in the town hall de less confl answering standing in front of the citizens they were not attacking each they saw that as unseemly. the most recent iteration of the town hall debate a bit. but that to me speaks to the importance o selected to set the agenda of the issue agenda for the debate.on why aren't presidentialon debates actual debates as we understood in college and highy correct certainly for one hour the other candidates replied with 30 there a debate models and typically the forensic debate collegiate debate model on a given topic.
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to be quite difficult for someone to what's the most important issue? facing the nation of concern to the american let's have a 90 minute debate on that one i think there are several weaknesses aate models we could point to there is will be. if we can have our candidates come before the ame people and address issues that are of greatestn public we have a win for with all of the difficulties of who gets to question and what will be the question. but again no perfect debate format. >> this is cord and an guest. the last presidential election between 2020 while i was watching it then.
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you mentioned that. this round of debat of that commission, what did you think of that move? >> not an advisor followed the commission and the work they done and has been the organizersrs for the presidential debate. what we think of b t that move was brought about fro candidate. again as you know we have no law. our debates are not codified and election pro law. it's only at thatil to come together and debate. we have typically had league of women voters first. the commission on presidentialdebate. going back to 1960silar to what we see now. it was the time that came together jointly candidates to the debate stage for each of the networks to
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broadcast debates from t studios. we then went to an independent debate and now were on the candidates desire to not engage in commission sponsored debate. it was first donald trump andblicans who said they did not like or trust the commission. and felt the commission was unfair to them wit bias. biden and the biting campaign engage with cnn negotiated the rules that debate and rules would be more favorable to it they debate. got to cnn but i believe the abc network will spons debate. i control. thept to control the specifics of the debates in the cycle to their preference to deal
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a cable network to host the debates. >> as far commission day and age? this is cycle will be a one off.f its particularly again the rnc in donald trump republican there is a falling out of favor with the debate and the biden opening to engageto cnn to fashion debate that meets their needs. that may or may not continue in future presidential i see actually thed for independent arbitral of our debate to organize we go back to the s issue working with a network their agenda. we will ask the that will set the for the rest of the broadcast the debate.
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so in that i there is some debate audience in a manner that is need for an independent group without organize and host debates for your time. >> thinkthank you good to be with you. unfiltered view of government.anies and more at spark like home to right now we are all challenge spark light is working around the clock to keep you connected. doing our part so it's a little easier to do yours. spark light support c-span a other television providers. giving a front row seat to
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