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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  July 24, 2024 1:08pm-2:06pm EDT

1:08 pm ♪ >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we're funded by these television companies and more, including buckeye broadband. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> buckeye broadband supports c-span as a mix service along with these -- public service along wh these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> let's take a look at speaker johnson yesterday with reacting to to director cheatle's resignation. >> [inaudible] >> well, she must have been watching our press conference. i'm glad she did the right thing.fe look, our reaction, the immediate reaction to her resignation is that it is overdue. she should have done this at
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least a week ago. see the i'm happy to see that she has heeded the call of both republicans and democrats. now we have to pick up pieces. we have to rebuild the american people's faith and trust in the secret service as an agency. it has an incredibly important responsibility in protecting presidents, former presidentsbi and other officials in the executive branch. andot we've not a lot of work to do. the task force that we've been pit being taught is going to be veryl important. as i said, they have three responsibilities to to investigate what happened, the debacle that happened two saturdayss ago, to hold those accountable. it certainly was the director, cheatle,ec but there may be oths in the lineer of authority who e also cull, possible in what happened in the errors and mistakes there. and finally, to ensure that those mistakes do not happen again. the stakes are too high. it'sh. a very dangerous time, ad we need the secret service to be acting, to be performing at the top of their game.
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andd we'll ensure that happens. i hope that the interim director or whomever is appointed to cheatle will be very sober-minded about the responsibility and take into accountt the very dangerous tims in which we live. we'll coeverything we can in the house -- dove everything we cann the house to ensure that that's true, and i think our task force's work just got even more important. >> host: that was the speaker from yesterday. we're getting your reaction as well. take a look at this headline from the washington post this morningat that says secret serve encourages trump campaign to stop outdoor rallies. it says that the trump campaign is scouting indoor venues such as basketball arenas and other large spaces where thousands of people can fit, people familiar if with the request said. and also want to give you the reaction from president biden who says this in a statement. he says, as a leader, it takes honor, courage and incredible
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integrity to take full sponbility for an organization tas with one of the mostenging jobs in publicvice. the independent reviewo get to the bottom of what happened on july 13th continues, and look forward to assessing its conclusions. day never if happen again.that as we move forward i wish kim all the best, and i will plan to appoint a new director soon. and speaking of appointing a new director, currently that position is not senate-confirmed. however, that could change because according to, grassley, cortez-masto seek senate confirmation for secret service director. it says that a bill there if those two senators would require senate confirmation for the director of there secret service paving the way for the upper chamber to the weigh in on who should lead the agency. the duo's legislation dropped shortly after news broke that
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director kimberly cheatle would resign from the agency following an assassination attempt against former president trump earlier this month. getting your reaction to the that, also prime minister netanyahu's speech scheduled for 2 p.m. today. and if matthew is up first in deer born, michigan. democrats. hi, matthew. >> caller: hi. yeah, i think that one of the worst -- [inaudible] i've ever seen. i'm sorry. facilitate, the supreme court facilitates the ownership. of guns. guns are you big by talking to us in this. and we expect our -- ubiquitous to. we expect our law enforcement to somehow sort through it all. i mean, that's terrible. and the congress, they don't take any responsibility. they laid it all on that poor director -- >> host: matthew, so there w waa lot said about having somebody have access to the roof, so closef to -- >> caller: once again, guns are everywhere. and you got -- millions you want
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to put -- unless you want to put 10,000 troops out there, that's just ridiculous. i don't get it. i mean, the access to guns, everybody with open carry, we want concealed carry, and we don't want it. people take it to court and win in court. we make laws against it, but then they take it to court, and the courts go, no, the second amendment says you can do this. or we -- and the congress don't do nothing about -- or we make, like i said, we try to make laws, but then they always a knock 'em down. you can carry a gun anywhere just about in this state, so i don't understand it. and then you expect law enforcementnd to somehow, you know, when it's legal for people to walk around with guns. >> host: all right, matthew. let's go to jess in acton to, massachusetts, independent. >> caller: hi, how are you doing? i waste listening to the congres rake this person over the coals. it sounds like the mccarthy
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era all over again. you know, where were they when pelosi's husband was being beaten up by a hammer, you know? theyha didn't say boo about that guy. you know, if i was somebody who would be kind of interested in lawod enforcement and stuff, i don't think i'd ever want to work for the secret service. i wouldn't imagine anybody wanting to protect that jerk. thanks, bye. >> host: all right. and let's take a look at what representative ro khanna said at that hearing on monday. he's a democrat from california, and he was -- he's one of, was one of the several democrats calling for director cheatle to resign. >> -- cheatle, would you agree that this is the most serious security lapse since president reagan was shot in 1981 of the secret service? >> yes, sir, i would. >> and, you know, do you know what stuart knight did when he
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was in charge at the time of the secret service? if do you know what he kid? afterwards? >> he remained on duty. >> he resigned. he resigned. andes stuart knight was not a democratic appointee or a republican appointee. look, i'm not questioning your judgment. i just don't think this isis or partisan. if you havee an assassination attempt on a president, a former president or a candidate, you need to resign. that's what stuart knight did. he was a republican appointee, and he took responsibility. and i, i think you need to reflect -- this is not a question of you, it's a question of the american people. you can no -- cannot go leading the secret service agency when there is an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate. i would say that about anyone who is running. and so i guess my question to you is what's the difference between your position and what stuart knight did?
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>> what i will tell you, sir, is that i am dedicated to finding the answersto to what happened. and like every secret service agent, we don't shirk our responsibilities. i willl remain on and be responsible to the agency, to this committee, to the former president and to the american public. >> but is there a reason you wouldn't just do what stuart knight did after the reagan assassination attempt? >> i believe that i provided an answer. >> host: and the other news, of course, is prime minister netanyahu's address to congress today. that's at a 2 p.m., and this is what bob sent us with by text from from illinois. bad look for the president wanna if be, vp harris, toot be on house floor b today for mr. netanyahu. and, in fact, that's "the washington post" headline here. ite says harris won't preside over netanyahu's speech to congress. all eyes will be on how harris a navigates the inflammatory and
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divisive issue of israel's war in gaza after the october 7th attack on the country by hamas. it says that she will not be presiding over the address this afternoon according to two people familiar with her plans. netanyahu has clashed with president biden over his handling over the war in gaza. he's expected to meet with harris at another point during his visitis is, however, accordg to a u.s. official. he's also expected to meet with biden on thursday. harris is traveling to indianapolis for a previously scheduled event during netanyahu's speech, and her absence should not be interpreted as a change inec her position on israel, said a harris aide who spoke on condition of anonymity. harris seeks the democratic presidential nomination. all eyes will be on how she navigatesey the inflammatory, divisive issue. harris' team has informed the senate that she would not preside over netanyahu's speech even before biden announced sunday that he was no longer
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running fore-election. can and pete -- by the way, we -- make s for your schedule that is go be at 2 p.m. today here on c-span. it'll be on c-span 20rg and on our app, c-span now, so you can watch live coverage of that. pete is in massachusetts, democrat. good morning, pete. >> caller: yeah, good morning. hey, i'm a big -- i'm really pumped up about the harris coming on the scene, and i'm hoping she's going to really, you know, take this to trump. so looking forward to that real burst of energy. regarding the netanyahu visit, i am an american jew, and while i'd like to see israel do well, they are a country not unlike us that's really lost. and he is a pure evil deliverer of messages. i mean, he is on the par with trump. you know, he is under
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indictment, many corruption charges and just staying in office or trying to keep his coalition together so that he won't go to jail. but he does not have the best interests of this war other than to stay in power and try to get trump elected. and that's, that's the bottom line. and heat has very -- and, obviously, he could care less about the humanitarian piece of this. now, i'm saying this as an american jew. and there's many people like me that feel that way. and i find it despicable that these republicans are welcoming him, you know, with this open arms and a, you know, a privilege of speaking before and i totally don't blame the democrats for not being there. so he is a bad actor. >> host: all right, pete. and let's talk to richard in rockport, texas. goodod morning, independent lin. >> caller: yes, good morning. i don't understand, trump is a
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multimillionaire and how come he count have his own security out there in addition to secretad service. and the second thing is how come he doesn't have bulletproof plastic or glass around the podium when he's speaking. i mean, to me, that's my question and point. so seems pretty obvious if he's a multimillionaire, he ought to have the his own people out there in addition to to local law enforcement. >> host: all right. well, here is -- since we were talking about netanyahu's speech, here's speaker johnson on vice president harris saying that she plans to not attend that speech. >> you know, madam vice president, you say you want to be the leader of the free world and yet you can't bring yourself to sit behind our most important and strategic ally in this moment, that is not a good look forrd you. it's not a good look for america, and it's not a good look for her party that she aims to lead. so i think those are very
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important questions. i don't have the answers to those questions. kamala harris needs to to provide t them. how can she be expected to be, to be viewed as the leader if she can't, if she can't fulfill in this basic responsibility? this is her duty. it is your duty as the vice president and the acting president of the senate to sit in that rostrum and host a foreign leader for their address to the a joint session. i -- i'm not sure, i haven't checked the history books, but this may be an unprecedented event, the vice president to decline that responsibility. i just think it's outrageous. >> host: that was speaker johnson, and we are taking your calls on that as well as the secret service director resigning. you can keep calling in, but we're going to just pause right here to talk to representative nathaniel moran, he's a republican of texas and member of the judiciary and foreign affair ifs committees. congressman moran, welcome to the program. >> guest: good morning being. thank you for having me. >> host: just want to start with your vieww of vice president
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harris, her candidacy. >> guest: well, i think this doesn't really change much in the election because what we're really focusede on are policie. and there's a very divergent view of the appropriate policies here in america. kamala harris, as a vice president, really embraced and was wholly part of all of the biden policies. so if we con to talk about -- continue to talk about those issues and forget about who's the person that that's actually running, then i think we actually get to what the rub is that the american people want to decide this election on. do we want to continue to have opennt borders? do we want to have weak foreign policy, weak military policy around the world? do we want to continue to spend without regard or -- regard to our debt limits? do we want to continue to impose additional tax and regulatory burdens on the american people? i don't think that's the direction americans want to go. i think if americans want more liberty. they want to have more border security. they want to have the sovereignty of the united states restored. they want a department of
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justice that is not weaponized against them based on their political views. thosee are the issues, i think, that will determine this election in november. >> and former president trump at the convention had said that he was calling for unity, at least he said that's what he would do in this speech. do you think that his campaign has fundamentally changed and that he is more, more interested in those call for unity and bringing the country together and healing the divide? >> guest: yeah, i think so. and, certainly, for anybody that came as close as death to -- to death as he did on july 13th with the assassin's intent, it changes, it has to change a person. and i think we saw that change atch the convention where he was very introif specktive about the fact -- introspective about the fact that it was really divine providence that his life was preserved in that moment. and, frankly, when we were on that delegation floor if of the convention, you saw really the shift from being just determined to change the direction of
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america and defiant against the policies of the biden administration or to looking at this really as an election of for his life to have been the preserved in that moment, it truly was remarkable. so you can understand why his tone may have changed. and the very fact that he selected j.d. vance who is a fantastic example of living out the american dream. that entire convention you noted this whole theme of living out that american dream, the working class man, the every man can go from wherever he is in his station of life to wherever his dreams will take him, and j.d. vance is a good example of that. >> host: several republican lawmakers including the speaker of the house, johnson, have called on president biden to resign. he, many johnson said this: if joe biden is not fit to run for president, he's not fit to serve as president. do you agree with that? >> well, i've had a some questions about his fitness for office for some time. even if you go back to i think
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it was april when in the judiciary committee i yesterday special counsel hur about his report and the findings that he made throughout the last year on some of the mental incapacity issues that were raised curl his interviews with president biden. when investigating whether or not president biden should be prosecuted or not for keeping those classified documents at hiss house. well, during that time frame i put up the guardianship statute for the district of columbia and said, look, boy, this looks very familiar, the phraseology used by special counsel hur compared to the d.c. guardianship statutes. there was a lot of overlap even then. so i think there's been a -- the. [inaudible] and that's another question for kamalais harris as vice presidet to answer is, she was close to the president and she continued to tell the american people, oh, he's fine, president biden's fine, there's nothing to see here, don't worry about it. until, of course, the bad debate performance when things began to collapse. politically. and i think it's just shameful for the democrats to now jump on
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this moment as a political move and then to have the party bosses -- and in a closed door basically undo what 14 million plus democratic voters across the country had done through their political process, and that was to nominate president biden. >> host: and as youn. know, the director of the secret service has stepped down. what did you learn during the hearings this week, and what should be done going forward with the secret service? >> well, the first thing we learned is what led to her resignation i think ultimately, and that was she came unprepared to give any answers substantively to what the investigation had already revealed and to the what the problems were leading up to that july 13th assassination attempt on president trump. she wast by all accounts from te republican and the democratic side one of the worst witnesses ever to present if themselves to a committee in congress. she would either deflect and dodge answering questions, or she would simply if just say i don't know.
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and that's unacceptable. the american people deserve transparencyar and accountabiliy in that very moment. it had been nine days since the investigation, and she gave the committee little substantive information. i'm glad the speaker and the minority leader, hakeem jeffries, have set up this task force to move forward to do a quick and thorough investigation. i think internally the secret planning a 60-day investigation. well, we'reay almost at the endf the election cycle by the time we get those reports back. so that was unacceptable. we know there were multiple failures on the day, determining the perimeter, putting folks where they needed to be, communicating from state and local law enforcement with secret service that a day and then the response time. lots of questions to be answered, they were not answered on monday. >> host: and, congress congressman, you serve on the judiciary committee. fbi director wray will be testifying before the judiciary committee today. what will you be asking him about the attempted
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assassination? >> guest: well, we want to continue to delve deeper and pick up where monday's oversight committee left off with director cheatle, and that is to probe deeper about what they actually know at this point about the failures and what has, what has -- what steps have been taken since then to ensure that corrective actionn has already been taken in the interim before we getal a final report. what's been done. it didn't take me 24 hours before i started seeing videos and getting information that was very publicly available to the thingssome of that i would have done to change the protective services around the president and to provide additional protective services to other individuals engaged in this campaign including rfk who had been denied such protective services. so we're going to continue to press director wray for, for more answers today. i hope he will be transparent and forthcoming on those questions, but we'll see.
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>> host: finally, i want to ask: you about prime minister netanyahu's speech today. yesterday there was hearings with the families of hostages that are still being held in gaza. do you think the prime minister has done enough to get those hostages released? >> guest: yeah, i don't know all of the things that they've done, of course. those conversations and those actions a lot of times happen behind closed doors as appropriately should be done. but from the outside looking in, it sure looks like he's taken the necessary steps, the first of which s and most important of which is to to react strongly andd quickly to bring justice to those that caused that horrific act on october a 7th. that has should be labeled what they are, ask that's a terrorist organization. -- and that's a terrorist organization. we know that they are in bed with hezbollah and they're backed by iran. anybody that's part of what happened on october 7th should be held to account. netanyahu's done that very strongly with military efforts,
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and i think he's done that in the most humane way possible. there have been, certainly, some mistakes along the way, but i really believe that he's gone out of his way to make sure that we get those hostages back and we continue to do as a much as possible to get those hostages back before the end of this conflict. >> host: all right. representative nathaniel more if ran, republican of texas and member of the judiciary and foreign affairsmb committees, thanks so much for joining us to today. t >> guest: thanks for having me. >> host: and we will get back to your calls and your social media posts. we've got this from sam on facebook who says, why is a known war criminapeaking to our members of congr to begin israel's continued occupation of palestinian territories is unlawful according to the icj. sates are required to recognize this act adored cor in compliance with international law -- actdingly until they end the occupatio and stop
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the genocide, period. it is shameful that he was even allowed into the country. and carolyn isro calling us from desoto, texas, democrat. good morning, carolyn. >> caller: good g morning. i have a question for c-span. for the last couple of weeks, every morning it was a discussion on the why biden was too old to run for president. and so today we start off with after kamala is running, all of a sudden we're talking about everything else but her, but we're not talking about why trump is too old, asking is trump too old to run for president. so i'm kind of confused about the programming. and i was told, not i was told, but we were told last week, well, the reason they were talking about biden was because
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that was in the news. welshing kamala's in the news this week, and you're talking about everything else but her. so i'd like to know if your going to -- you're going to ask any questions about how great she is and all that. >> host: what would you like to say -- >> caller: -- ignore trump. >> host: what would you like to say about kamala harris? >> caller: i think she'd be wonderful,he but that's not the point i was calling about. i was calling about why you spent go weeks, almost two weeks every morning discussing whether joe biden was fit to run, but we don't say anything about trump. he's the oldest now. >> host: okay. >> caller: so why isn't -- >> host: carolyn, let's take a look at a vice president harris. she was in milwaukee yesterday holding a rally, so here's a portion of that. >> i am told as of this morning that we have earned the support of enough delegates to secure the democratic nomination. [cheers and applause]
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and i am so very honored, and i pledgege to you i will spend the coming weeks continuing to unite our party so that we are ready to win in november. [cheers and applause] ours is a fight for the future. [cheers and applause] and it is a fight for freedom! [cheers andd applause] generations of -- generations, and we have to remember this, the shoulders on which we stand, generations of americans before us led the fight for freedom, and now, wisconsin, the baton is in our hands. a. [cheers andns applause] we, who believe in the sacred
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freedom to vote, will make sure every american has the ability to cast their ballot and have it counted. [cheers and applause] we, who believe that every person in our nation who should have the freedom to live safe from the terror of gun violence -- [cheers and applause] will finally pass red flag laws, universal background checks and an assault weapons ban! [cheers and applause] and we, who believed in reproductive freedom -- [cheers and applause] will stop donald trump's extreme abortion bans because we trust women to make decisions about their own bodies -- [cheers and applause] can and not have the government
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tell themth what to do! if. [cheers and applause] and when congress passes a law to restore reproductive freedoms, as president of the united states i will sign it intoaw law. always -- [cheers and applause] >> host: that was a rally from yesterday. in other news, just so you're aware, this is cnn reporting with its headline, bob menendez will resign his senate seat effective august 20th. the article says that in july, so earlier this month, menendez was convicted of 16 counts including bribery, extortion, wire fraud, obstruction of justice and acting as a foreign agent forng his role in a years-long bribery scheme. it says that menendez had faced
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mounting pressure from within his own party to resign or face the threat of expulsion from the senate. and jim is in louisiana, republican. good morning. >> caller: good morning. how you: doing? >> host: good. go ahead,, jim. >> caller: all right, yeah. when it comes to the vice president running for the president's office, i don't think she's qualified to run at all for any office. and when it comes to the secret service, nepotism and friendship she was so unqualified for that job, it's unbelievable. because i used to work for the federal government in law enforcement, and i've seen things like this in the past where people that were unqualified, they get the job. >> host: all right. and and dan in new jersey, independent. if hi, dan. >> caller: yes, good morning. i want to compliment congressman
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nathaniel moran for his positions on foreign policy and aid. there's a division in the party, republican party that has to be addressed and explained as to why president trump and his vice president's designee candidate have taken the position that's contrary to traditional american foreign policy over the last 80 years and fully backing our relationships with nato. although we are the strong thest country in the world, it's always best to have allies, and they seem to find one reason or another, fiscal reasons that done make sense, to say that we can't affordy it. a potential, critical time in
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america, in the world regarding the resurgent of -- resurgent generals of -- resurgence of russia that has to be stopped. and trump has to explain and should tell the everyone what his secret meetings and deals were with putin over the years. right now putin knows more about what trump intends to do, ask possibly if he's president, what america intends to do in the future. so right now unacceptable, to have a vet plan for foreign policy. a secret plan for foreign policy. that's what i have toho: say. >> host: all right. and stan in scottsboro, alabama. democrat. >> caller: good morning. >> host: good morning. >> caller: i'm in full support of vice president harris. as far as her qualifications, she's the only one that is qualified. trump's damn sure not.
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anyway, secret service lady should resign. hay made a bad mistake about letting trump get shot. we don't need things like that happening. i grew up in alabama. i grew up with george wallace, politics. him and trump's about the same. only difference is george wallace recanted. trump won't. anyway, vote trump out. god bless america. good-bye. >> host: walter in north carolina, republican line. hi, walt every. walter. >> caller: yeah, good morning. please don't cut me off, all right? as far as the rally that trump put on, i think the government set him up to be killed because they had put so much propaganda about biden saying they were going to put a bull's eye on him, and a couple of other congressmen said he needed to be e flamed. -- eliminated.
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and as far as kamala harris is concerned, they put her in the position she's in to cover up for the loss they've been trying to do against donald trump. and i just think that the whole party is a and as far as the -- i can't pronounce his name, but him coming from if israel -- >> host: netanyahu. >> caller: he is our favorite ally, and it's a dang shame that the government is against him on the democrat side. that's all i got to say. >> host: all right, watter. let's hear from the top democratic -- democrat in the nat, chuck schumer, endorsing kamala harris. >> president biden's selfless decision has a given the democratic party to the opportunity to unite behind a new nominee and, boy, oh, boy, are we enthusiastic. since president biden's announcement, we've seenn the democratic party swiftly coalesce behind suspect kamala
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harris. behind vice president kamala harris. when i spoke with her sunday, she said she wanted the opportunity to win the nomination on her own. and to do so from the grassroots up, not temperature down. top down. we deeply respected that that, hakeem and i did. she said she would work the to earn the support of our party and, boy, has she done so in quick order. vice president harris has done a truly impressive job securing the majority of delegates needed to win the democratic party's nomination to be our next president to the united states. the vast majority of my senators quickly and enthusiastically endorsed so now that the process has plaid out from the grassroots, bottombo up, we are here today o throw our support behind vice president kamala harris. >> host: and we are taking your
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calls for the next 24525 the minutes. -- 25 the minutes. you can give us a call on our lines by party. democrats, 2022-748-80000. republicans, 20 2-748-80001 is 1, and jim is on the independent line in bellingham, washington. >> caller: yes. how are we today? we're fine, thank >> caller: okay. a couple of names and is some following information. michael plenty, great american -- p if arenti, great american writer and political a quote from him says the difference between what the american government does in the policy, i add that myself, and and what the citizens of the united states believe it does is one of the great propaganda achievements of all time. and then we have norman finkelstein who taught us, he wrote a book called gaza, an ininto mart -- martyrdom.
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and he points out it came well before your texas congressman's october 7th plea. whole world started in the middle east on october 7th, it didn't. but you, the zionists, not good jews that aren't zionists, and they, the knock was when the incoming jews drove and slaughtered and pushedded out of the area in israel which is also known as palestine many tens of thousands of palestinians and mowing the lawn, he points out too, is periodic killing of innocent palestinians just to keep up the grand design of exterm nation of a race. -- extermination. and that is michael newman, a contributor to the politics of anti-semitism. so-s thanks for letting me on. >> host: all right. and let's take a look, actually, at part of that hearing from
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yesterday. family members of hostages, american hostages, being held in gaza is testified before house lawmakers yesterday. here's ala portion. >> my name is aviva siegel, i'm keith's wife. iei was in gaza for 51 days, ani saw everything. i felt everything. and we need to bring them back. we cannot allow ourselves as humans to let them go through one more day like i went through. i was starved while they ate in front of me. i was thirsty because i didn't get any water. i was not allowed to stand or walklk or move. most of the time i had to keep silent completely, and the only thing we were allowed to do to decide if we could lie on our backe or our side. that's the only human right we had. we were taken underneath ground and just left there with no
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oxygen. and i want everybody in this room just to think about trying to figure out how to take another breath of air and looking at your husband that you love, that you've been married for 43 years hardly breathing and just crying to yourself, let me die first before keith. i don't want to see keith dead. we were with people that tortured us, hit us. i saw the girls being beaten. i saw the girls coming after he were attacked, i saw the girls coming back and were forced to to take a shower9 with the door open while it was o the first te that anybody, anybody saw their body. we weren't allowed to hug. i used to hug myself when i had to cry and not let them show,
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not let them see that i'm crying because we weren't allowed to. most of the time it was is so difficult trying to think what more we're going to go through. and what the girls are going to go through. and now i'm here thinking about keith and the girls, and it's too much for me to handle. because i know where they are and who heir with, and -- they're with, and i want to ask bibi netanyahu, the deal is on the table. we mow what's happening today in israel -- we know' what's happening today in israel, in the whole area, but we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. if it won't stop today, it might get bigger and bigger and bigger, so i'm asking you all, please, help us. i'm begging. we need them out as soon as possible. >> host: that was from yesterday, and that full hearing is on our web site if you'd like to take a look at that at
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and ursula is in spring lake, north carolina, democrat. good morning. >> caller: good morning, phoebe. listen, i listen every morning to you all, and some of it is absolutely ridiculous. i think what the democrats are doing is underhanded because kamala harris not -- is not the the answer for the democratic party. i think she's the nearest nothing because she botched the border thing, and, you know, in texas. i know she was down there one time, and they took her to a place where she didn't say anything about these illegals coming in over the border. she, matter of fact, when she had this get together yesterday and they showed it, she didn't mention the border one time. so i like to know what she's going to do about the border. and i believe -- i don't believe
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she's going to do anything about the border, but i appreciate talking this morning, but she is not the answer for the 'em the contact party, thank you. >> host: since you're a democrat, do you have somebody that you wouldld prefer? if -- >> caller: anybody but her. i'm not for trump, and i i a have voted for the republicans before. i'm not a trump woman. bless biden's heart, he's been in there for so long, and he doeses need do -- like i said, i think this to whole thing is underhanded because i think they need to put somebody else on the ballot besides her. i'mm sorry. you know, maybe i'm wrong with, maybe i'm too old for all this, but i am not happy about kamala at all. so --
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>> host: all right, ursula. let's talk to tim in michigan, republican line. goodmi morning. >> caller: hey, good morning. yes, i was just with calling -- just calling, i believe that america's going to be heading down the wrong path, which is okay. i think it needs to happen. the kamala harris is going to be the president probably because the evil spirits want that to happen. we can only fight christians and true believers can only fight to try and get that out, but with we -- but we, a lot of people, i believe, are tired of thinking we have to fight forking something because -- for something because god is in control. so whatever happens is going to happen. if kamala gets in -- >> host: are you going to vote in november?
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>> caller: you know what? i don't know, to be honest with you with, because fact that everybody's against trump. trump, i believe, i take divine or whatever you want to say about it, i believe trump is a man, like we all are, and he can be used for good. i truly believe that. so if i do vote, it will be for trump. but i do have a struggle with all the negative things that are said about him because i don't see that. ii see an opposite -- i don't know how to say it, but it's more of a realistic -- trump would make the better candidate
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or better president just for the that is correct the -- fact that he is a businessman -- >> host: got it, tim. chris is an independent in philadelphia. hi, chris. >> caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. i would just like to say that i am 100% behind president harris. i'm predicting that she will win. i hope that she wins. i feel like donald trump is too old, way too old. so it's funny to me how the script t of, you know, flipped e script. he a hasn't said a word about that. he had a lot to say about biden, and now he's the oldest. you know, i also feel like all he does is talk about poor him, now he's the victim of the assassination. by the grace of god. and as far as these republicans calling in saying she doesn't have the experience, i'd like to say that "the apprentice" or whatever his show was, the porn
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star show, you know, that doesn't have -- what experience does he have? [laughter] now he's an old man that a needs to to go retire on the golf course because the country, the young voters like myself, the under 40, we are for her. so get ready for it it's coming. >> host: so, chris, who do you think she should pick as a running mateou then? >> caller: i'm from pennsylvania, so i'm all about shapiro. i feel like he brings both parties to to the table. heh knows how -- he's young. he's's progressive. we need young balad. -- blood. we don't need these old men who hang out at diner counters with their philosophies on what we should be doing. we need a younger blood, and and she's got, she's got it. if so i hope that she goes with either shapiro, possibly buttigieg. i think that the diversity needs to be there. because we are a country of many, many different people,
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and, you know, we're not all about god and evil spirits. i mean, some of these callers need to hear themself. play the tapes back. they sound crazy. evil spirit if running the worl- >> host: all right.or got it, chris. and this is on "usa today" about the running mate, it says harris campaign vetting at least seven dems for vp including whitmer, cooper, kelly and shapiro. horse the let's -- here's the list that includes north carolina governor roy cooper, michigan governor gretchen whitmer, pennsylvania governor joshtm shapiro, u.s. senator if mark kelly of arizona, minnesota governor tim walz and illinois governor j.b. pritzker. is in florida, line for democrats. >> caller: yeah, hi. first of all, i'd like to say maybe they ought to mention the fact that the guy who tried to kill trump was a republican. first thing they want to say is,
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oh, the democrats are trying to kill him. well, you know, that's not the case. the guy is a nut job. back in '68 i got drafted, went in the navy, live down here in jacksonville, florida. the whole state ridiculous with the above we have. you can't turn on the tv without every five minutes there's a political committee that shows everyy full-dressed sheriff mt. state backing this candidate. we have gotot a police state gog on. the governor has formed a police team for the election coming up to guarantee i don't know what except to the intimidate people, is all i can see. getting back to netanyahu, because of all these supposed hostages that he's holding. if they're alive, there's only a handful. it's been too long. what's to prevent my of them to go back into israel and grab a few more people? the thing's never going to stop. so the war has to end somehow or other. theom guys says he doesn't wanto to have a two-state situation
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what bidenua always wants. since the old woodley al -- woody allen movies, i remember that. he was collecting for a palestine state. he's never going to change his mind, so just quit giving him stuff, let him do his own thing. we don't need him for every intelligence that's going on inn the world. i'm sureom somebody's going to come out. and if he wants to show his ass and be vulnerable, then so be it. otherwise i think he's just playing around. >> host: all right. and let's go to chevy chase, maryland. republican,. frank. good morning. >> caller: yeah, good morning. i think -- i'm actually the one of these republicans that actually thinks through the issues and takes a more long-termre perspective. as a traditional republican, you know, i don't recognize my party and if i'm just sort of going back immediately to, you know, the national campaign speech where, you know, the first i don't know how many minutes is calling really for a time of
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unity. how long did that last? i mean, we were really right back on every single issue. it's a polarized diatribe, one side against the other, just finger-pointing and blaming. you know? we can go backwards, you know, on almost every issue. okay, the border issue which is, obviously, a very political, contentious issue. but what happened to the legislation that was practically, you know, delivered through congress but then it was pulled out at the last minute because apparently, according to media a sources, you know, the trump campaign wanted to use it as a topic or as a political cudgel. covid, again, you know, one million plus people died directly or indirectly as a result of covid because of slow
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walking. we started getting into, you know, our mass if good or our mass bad, you know you know? separation, is that effective, is that not effective. we, we're just not coming together. i mean, it is actually really, really, really sad, ask and you can superimpose this onto even the netanyahu visit. i mean, are we in a nation of laws that respect laws? are we a nation of laws that, you know, because when you respect laws just like in baseball, like, you know, it's the umpire that makes the calls, and you've got to respect sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some. so in the court of international justice, the numbers were stacked against israel. and i'm sorry, i agree, they are our ally, but sometimes the best friend that you can have is the one that actually sits you down and says, hey, you know, you're not handling this very well. >> host: so do you think, frank,
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that those lawmakers who have decided to boycott the speech were correct in doing so? >> caller: i believe that's their progressive -- prerogative. just like someone like me who is deciding to vote differently even though i'm registered as a republican. i mean, is it right, is it wrong? if i believe everyone has to take a moral stance. i don't, i don't judge any of them because i understand. the situation in israel, how far do we havee to go back? many you know, it's been constant conflict. now, if you want to look at it from the metric of just october 6th or when it started, yes, that was absolutely a travesty. and just because someone is, you know, naively in favor of a palestinian state does not automatically make you anti-israel, you know? if so -- >> host: all right, frank. we're just going to move on to robert in oak hill, tennessee the.
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independent line. good morning. >> caller: morning. i've had friends ask me what we can do in regard to middle east, and i would say that the boycotting of israel until israel-palestine becomes a one person, one vote state with equal rights among all the people of palestine and israel, to one want to see any hostages. but we'd also like to see cnn or c-span interview former prisoners or prisoners who have been tortured in israeli prisons and they, there's a propaganda going on that doesn't give the american people the full story. boycott israel. >> host: all right. and mike, no december tasker
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california. democrat. good morning or -- mow december that. >> caller: oh, my goodness. here i am. okay, nervous city. anyway, i'd like to say -- [inaudible] courageous to trump. if he showed that same courage that he showed in his service in vietnam. him and his dad, they did everything under the sun to keep his sorryy, butt -- sorry, theri go again. anyway, secret service day, she's just there -- whoever on the scene made horrible calls on this terrible, and i feel horrible about that family that lost the fireman, but -- [no audio] >> host: all right. let's go to christine in uhlster county in new york. >> caller: name's christine. >> host: hell hello, christine. >> caller: how are you?? i'm a republican. i'm a conservative. i'm a catholic. i'mat tired of the rhetoric from
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the other side where there's people in this country that don't understand that this whole administration has dropped the ball from day one. .. it's just like every new york fan it's either a a met fan or yankee fan. it goes chides step, same thing. i don't care about that. i can care less about those people who call don't put any facts behind what they say when they call. which is pretty funny. but i don't know, i have a 13-year-old child. all thesese laws, i think that e propaganda side that's how i feel, i take it. i don't take it in public. i makent sure at least when i confront somebody or at least i
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see it trump flag you see little twitchy hug he i come out as they can't handle it and run away like little children. the problem is that we all, people that have kids and their families want our generations to advance. these people don't want that. they are all onn the take. i don't understand why people would vote for people that are like this. this woman is not backing trump now. i mean, she's not backing israel. she will not meet with him. he came here and there was no one from the administration from the pink one suit down that didn't, do anything and then trump dropped the ball on that. >> host: christine, vice president harris and president biden are expected to meet one-on-one with prime minister netanyahu while he's here. tina, fort worth, texas, independent line. good morning. >> caller: good morning. i'm calling to say i'm really
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proud of president biden of course stepping aside and endorsing vice president harris. i think that she has rejuvenated the democratic voters and independent voters. i think she will also include the youngerge people. we need to have a younger generation involved in politics and we need their ideas. they have very good ideas. we need to start listening to them and also pass the torch to our younger generation. with the border, i believe that they had a policy that should've been passed. the border patrol, everybody endorsed it. they passed on that bill because former president trump did not
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want them to sign it. 2b that's their problem for not signing that bill. vice president harris, , like i said she has rejuvenated us. we are excited and we're ready to go. >> host: let's talk to julio nextgen brooksville florida democrat. good f morning. >> caller: people have got to get together. that's all there is to it. i'm a proud floridians and i have got talking in jacksonville health lord is. go back to new jersey where you came from, buddy. anyway, people need to stop. i people talking on the phone to you about the president. they said hee should cut his hed off. that's not american. americans where you take somebody that you choose that believe this country to victory. everybody is talking crazy.
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you better look around and think about it and think what we came from and look in your rearview mirror. you better fix all these. go on with life. this cussing each other and fighting each other. you know, i'm 70 years old. my wife goes out writing t we're scared to say anything because you mighte get shot because the young generation has not beenn taught. but anyways, you all have a good day. >> host: and salmon florida, democrat. goodll morning. >> caller:- we checked him out, president trump, and he very low cot class operator. he's getting money from all of us. he did that against the law, against international law. he caused october 7 because he did not involve the palestinian in it, and hamas got mad and did this to the israelis.
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he doesn't like the situation. he's against our ancestors and he's for russia. he has russian pimp ensconced. i'm republican but i'm sick and tired. i got out of the republican party. we have people to put trump on the site and this congress on the side of shame of this congress accepting that netanyahu criminal. this is a criminal organization. how that stupid congress they are so deep? except this guy? >> host: that's a last call for this segment. welcome back were joined by stephanie, author of how the heartland went red. also an assistant professor of government at harvard university. welcome to "washington journal." >> thanks a traveling. i'm excited to be here.


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