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tv   Washington Journal Asma Mohammed  CSPAN  August 21, 2024 5:35pm-5:48pm EDT

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>> i think that wraps a separate i'm grateful for the general time he's given us and will you give us a lot to think about her and work on going forward. appreciate it. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. [applause]
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combat to "washington journal." we are joined by asma mohammed in minnesota uncommitted delegate for the dnc delegate at-large for minnesota also lead organizer for uncommitted minnesota. welcome to the program asma. >> thank you. >> as i mentioned you aren't
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delegate and the minnesota delegation that they lead organizer as a grassroots organization known as uncommon to air -- uncommitted minnesota. tell us about that. we started the end of february in organized 46,000 voters to go uncommitted to tell president biden we weren't happy with his handling of the genocide in gaza and we wanted into genocide and see them take a stance against it because we want to win against donald trump at november but we know that voters are going to turn out in less he takes a stand and change his policies on this issue. stampler the goals of uncommitted minnesota for this election? >> our goals is to get a permanent and immediate cease-fire and arms embargo we have been doing that and getting our delegates to talk to the delegates of the majority democrats support a cease-fire so we have been hearing a lot of support. we have a delicate sign-on
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letter that's been getting a lot of support and defend holding an in arms embargo. for the first timeg we heard people talking about it that those words aren't enough and want to see actual policies. when negotiating talking to the harris campaign we are working to make sure that we hear about actual policies. >> when you say you've been talking to the harris campaign would have has the reaction been in what details can you provide their? >> we are talking to the harris campaign to make sure these policies come from the people and their going statewide. where hoping to talk to vice president harris some of these policies can look like. just a few weeks ago are organizers met with her briefly in michigan to say we want to
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talk about an arms embargo and she said she was willing to talk and we are hopeful. we are hopeful that this can come to meaningful possibly that will save lives. cease-fire could have meant life saved today. slymar regarding the arms embargo this is the tweet from phil gordon louis, national security advisory said this, bp has been clear she will always ensure israel's able to defend itself against iran and iran back terrorist groups. she does not support an arms embargo on israel and she will contain to work on guts and to uphold international humanitarianan law. is it realistic asma mohammed to push for an arms embargo? that would be a major change in form policy. >> i think it is realistic because in this moment that's what voters are asking for but it would have been wireless take five months ago to ask president biden to step aside and bring in
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kamala harris or president but that's what happened. asking for an arms embargo is not impossible so is voters are in the streets as people are saying this is what we want to see i think we are seeing that that this is what people want and we are seeing we are saying this is the thing that's going to save lives. we can't continuously funnel weapons to the military knowing they aren't following human rights laws and we are going to uphold that same lock. we are asking as a democratic party and is a lifelong democrat on the dnc -- delegate. i'm doing this because we want human rights but we can't say we are fighting fascism under donald trump and not do it unded netanyahu. >> if you have a question or comment for our guest asma mohammed g please give us a call
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republicans 202748-0 001. independents (202)748-8002. tell us more if you will about your political background of how you became motivated to become a delegate? >> i worked on a democratic senate campaign way back in the day a decade ago and have been involved in a party and worked on a lot of local campaigns. just most recently volunteered a lot to help get representative ilhan omar be reelected the primary back to congress in and hoping to get her elected in november to congress and we are continuously working on down ballot races to make sure democrats when. i know i want democrats to win in november and we don't want donald trump. i'm always committed to human rights and i've always shut up
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formm human rights whether it be survivors of sexual violence whether it be for reproductive rights. i want to make sure we get that across-the-board not just for americans but people everywhere. >> "the new york times" is reporting netanyahu has agreed to mediate a cease-fire proposal according to antony blinken as reported by "the new york times." itto looks like it's hamas thats the holdup at least for this deal. what do you think the u.s. administration cano do more to influence a group like hamas? >> i think we can stop sending weapons to the israeli government. that's what we are asking for is no more bombs and i think that goes for both sides. they really think what we are
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asking for and what we want is a cease-fire in arms embargo. in a cease-fire deal we want everyone to come to the table. we don't want any life lost in the biggest way to reunite israeli and palestinian families is go to the cease-fire table. right now what we are seeing is people aren't willing to come to the table because lives have not been valued. >> fischer group pushed for the release of the israeli hostages that are currently being held? >> absolutely. we want people to be reunited with their families. >> let's go to the calls now and start with dan in santa barbara california, a democrat. good morning. >> i have been following the protesters for months now since october and i'm wondering how can the protesters have nevernd called for hamas to release the hostages and hamas today miller ties and relinquish power?
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you want qatar to stop financing an army and hamas. always see these protesters do is call for intifada violent murders at the sudden call for the destruction of israel. cost play as hamas wave hamas and terrorist flags around but have you expect people to be on your side if this is all the protesters are doing? >> asma mohammed. we specifically have been focusing on making sure we don't send weapons to the israeli government and were asking for this specifically because we know that this is what is resulting in a massacre of and i hear that and i hear what you'rei saying and i get your hearing that are protesting and they are protesting because they are a lot of pain.
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people are losing family members. talk to family who lost over 100 family members in gaza so that person is coming from a lot of pain and people are expressed -- expressing this in a lot different ways and i think that's important for the reason we are putting pressure on the american government is because we ares america. we are putting pressure on the democratic system because we are democrats. i'm not showing up to trump rallies because i'm a democrat and this isli where c-5 -- powe. i see power with mild president said this is where i will show up. i will put pressure where i see power so this is a party and a week think we do believe we belong here and welcoming voices that want to find reproductive rights in the aliens were sending to a foreign military should be going to programs like that. >> asma mohammed what are your plans for the rest of this week at the dnc and throughout the
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time from now until november? >> throughout the rest of the week were talking to delegates and someone just said people aren't supporting you but we are getting a lot of support. as wey walked through the convention hall people are coming up and saying i support you and what can i do and we have a lot of cease-fire delegates who have pledged for vice president harris but they also supported cease-fire and that's what we want. we want everyone. we want people from all walks of lifee and the democratic partyo say that they support a cease-fire so we are talking those voters and democrats who say i believe in this candidate and i want a cease-fire and i want to put pressure on the vice president tube adopted as part of her campaign and to push for policies. her economic policy does recently was different from president biden's economic policy so she can release that
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animates you can deviate from his current policy and release something that voters want to see. that's how we win in november against donaldy trump. >> lawry's calling from youngstown ohio and independent, good morning. >> good morning. i have so much to say here. thank you so much for standing up to the palestinians. i really appreciate that. i'm just sickened by what has been going on and yes our government is funding a genocide. this is not a war between hamas in israel. this is a genocide and i know everybody has hope that kamala harris is going to change policy where joe biden supported and funded this genocide. i'm sorry to say i do not havee
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any hope that she will do so and i will tell you this, the mainstream media has sugarcoated thisas thing and calling all the want to talk about is how hamas is. it's the most thing i've ever seen in my entire life. and you know what? finally we have eyes on gaza and i want israel and the mass murder that they committed. >> thank you again. >> any comment their? >> i think voters are feeling a lot as anger and they are feeling a sense of betrayal from the democratic party who have not spoken up and we spoken out against human rights abuses here and have not spoken out when it happens abroad. an


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