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tv   Jack Cashill Ashli  CSPAN  September 1, 2024 11:55am-1:00pm EDT

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thank you julian.
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thanks to the bookstore next chapter bookstore literacy volunteers. i say is kind of a disclaimer. i have no idea what their politics are. they're not endorsing my views, but share a couple of views in common. one is a belief in civil discourse and the other is a belief in free expression. and i'm convinced that the divide in america right now is not about so much about ideology as it is about where we get our information and how we get our information. i just spent a week with 50 of
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my closest relatives. half of them don't agree with me on anything, except we all live our lives the same. what the difference is that i'm subject to a information streams that they are not, and so they walk from circumstances not knowing exactly where we're coming from or wherecomi from. i'm going to give you an example, sort of just to show you how misinformed we can be when we think we are well informed and this is seems off topic, but it's not really in the late 2020 and the second half of that year was a very eventful year, as you remember, the franklin templeton gallup did a survey of 35,000 americans on the subject, covid and the most interesting question was this what percent of the do you think who contract covid end up in the hospital and think about that answer before you go further and here's how the
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results broke out. 41% of democrats thought that the answer was 50% or more so. in other words, 41% of democrats after 6 to 9 months of non mainstream information, were convinced that if you got covid is a better than 50% chance that you're going to end up in a hospital, another 28% of democrats thought it was between 20 and 50, 20 and 50%. so in total 69% of democrats were badly informed about covid and 41% of them were grotesquely and these people were ones who are driving policy that year so they're the ones whose history drove various legislatures and or not even state legislators or you know health officials to the voting regulations requirements. this is constitutionally dictated that it has to be done by the state legislature. but at least a half a dozen
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states that are beyond either state legislators jurisdiction, they just made them up their own. and the result was a chaotic. 2020 election. you we like to think we live in divided times now, but i just reading eric morrison's new book on fort sumter i don't know if anyone's read that this is not a divided time. this is a kumbaya moment compared what life was like in 1860. the difference and this is hard to believe in 1860 when abraham lincoln went to bed on election night, he knew the outcome right. in 2020, we didn't even have clue for months afterwards, which led in a sense, to january six. let me tell you a little bit about ashli babbitt, because is the subject of this book, she and along and nine other women that i profiled get a fuller vision of. why these women went to washington. what happened to them once they got there is a what made her different than so many other
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americans is that she was more observant. she paid more attention. she absorbed news. this you might not have expected from her, and she probably expected herself because she was a, you know, born in 1985 and san diego area grew up in a is a military area she absorbed that atmosphere, especially from her grandfather to whom she was very she was born to an unwed mother, which for the women the ten women i profiled is not that not that unusual? i think part of the reason why they were so tolerant of of donald trump's sometimes misbehavior is because they lived troubled lives themselves. many of them, some of them, their lives were right out of freaking dickens. i mean, they were that difficult. ashli babbitt, who was born to an unwed mother, her mom married, fortunately well, shortly afterwards, she had four younger brothers who came along. she was a classic tomboy. she grew up in southern california. did in southern california. things back when people actually wrote songs about california. right. and dreamed about california.
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that was only 35 years. 39 years ago. now, ashley was, 35 in 2020 when she showed up in washington, ashley flew. of the ten women i profile she was the only one who flew to washington. and that's partly because she was coming from diego. the other nine all drove and drove for us. one reason is that they did not want to subject themselves to the, you know, the precarious stick over regulations that the airlines were imposing on fliers. and early 2021, late 2020, one of the women i interviewed, rebecca llorens, a great grandmother drove by herself from colorado springs to washington, another couple drove from drove from the same sears. yvonne and her troy drove from boise, idaho, a 35 hour drive through mid-winter landscapes had no person voluntarily drive
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through. so they came from all over the country. virtually every state in the country. and they came for similar reasons why they didn't. and one of those reasons was covid and the reaction to covid. of the ten women i was able to that i profiled, nine of them were active covid decisions from day one. they refuse to the lockdowns. they challenge the mask requirement. some of them were. yeah, right. one was a yvonne saint cyr was a the victim of a citizens arrest at a school board meeting for not wearing a mask. that's how crazy was one of the women i profiled. i was a doctor, simon gold and. she was a not only was she a medical doctor of high esteem? she had a law degree, stanford. she was an accomplished woman, the daughter of holocaust survivors. she knew something about fascism and thought she was watching it up close and mid 2020, she organized the group called america's frontline and they held a press conference on the
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steps of the supreme court and yes, on the steps of the supreme court. it was posted online on various platforms it had 17 million viewers with an 8 hours. and that's when of the platforms together decided to pull it to yank it, because they didn't want that information out. one of her pet theories was that hydrochloric wean was helpful, as it had proved to be and has proved to be. and that was and she had with her 30 or 40 other doctors, distinguished doctors, facebook, then twitter, you know, instagram, all of them decided that it was not fit for people to consume, that 69% of their audience could remain misinformed. covid this was part of the the motivation for a lot of these people, a lot of these women to go to washington. they were tired of having communications monitored by the nanny state.
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and we know now that the fbi was cool operating with the with twitter, with facebook, and they were telling them to shut things down. don't promote this. don't show that. don't show this. and it had real consequences consequences. and we know what happened those years now between 2016 and 2020, during the trump years it's a lot of people don't want to acknowledge this but there are people who still believe that russia that donald trump was peed on in a bed and then the soviet union or that that michael cohen went to prague for a secret meetings where they believe the steele dossier it would take a year after. the steele dossier surfaced in 2016 before the media acknowledge that it was a dirty tricks operation run by the dnc, the hillary clinton campaign, the whole thing was fabricated and people still clinging, you know, this to idea that somehow trump colluded with russia and he stole the 2016 election. no, it didn't happen.
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half of americans continue to believe that it did. the women and the men who went to washington on january six knew better. that's because they had different streams of information, and it was information proving to be accurate and were making them at the same time and committed and driven to do something about it for many of these women and ashli babbitt included that russia collusion hoax set them onto an active path in the military she spent fourth where she spent 14 years as in military police work. ashley was a political. she voted for barack obama when she back leaving the military. she marries aaron babbitt comes to san diego area starts small pool supply business and then found herself immersed in the madness of california regulatory well as including especially during covid you know when as we all watched a lot of movies i
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suspect that period of the year 2020 and thereafter one movie i want to know woody about woody allen film festival of my own. and one of the movies was bananas and i'm reading california's covid requirements during that period. you know this beaches open, beaches close, this pier is open. this pier is open only halfway. i mean, there are just bananas and and it reminded me of esposito the of san marcos who sends the power with fueling melvin fielding malicious help. if you remember this and he makes his first declaration upon taking office and i don't know if you remember this but he says the official language now of san marcos will swedish right then and the citizens will be required to wear their underwear outside their bodies and change every half hour right so we could check and then finally, you said that all children under 16 are now.
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and when i when i heard that i was watching that, i was thinking, well, at least these children get to go to school because in california, they could and took california they told us it wouldn't matter it didn't make any difference. but it did. now these kids are hopelessly behind. they're the norm and the norm low to begin with. and you'll probably never catch up. that is the these are some of the factors that were people to washington. then to major events took place late in 2020 that pushed a lot of people over the top the first was the hunter biden laptop when that story broke in october of 2020 new in the new york post, which is like the third most read newspaper now states broke the story. i half of america learned about hunter biden's laptop contents of that laptop. what it spoke to about the collusion between the biden family and ukraine russia, china, etc. it was --
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information produced by hunter himself. he said on one of his crack eyes. he brought it in, forgot he left it at the shop, and fortunately the the guy at the shop was a, you know, a good guy. he pretty he turns it to the fbi. but then he made a copy of the contents beforehand. thank goodness. we will never know when it comes out. and i remember that morning i was driving the country and i heard this. i saw mortars incredible story. and then by that afternoon, twitter and instagram colluding, the fbi shut it all down so that half of america not only did they know about it, to the degree they knew, here's what they knew. 51 intelligence officers had decided that this was a classic hack and dump job, that it wasn't at all and they provided this information to the biden campaign. so in the final debate in las vegas, you know, trump gets up and says, hey, you know, they have this laptop now proving
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that you guys were colluding with china with with ukraine, especially and then fighting in some states. oh, that's all been this one debunked, discredited, at least 50 intelligence agency have said that's all russian disinformation and the debate and then we come to the election i don't want to go into too much detail there but i would just to say that the women i talked to who are watching that night were horrified by what they saw and i could argue and i'm not going to get into the details you all know what what may or may not have happened that night, but they and they were angry and they came to washington on january sixth. there were hundreds of thousands of people who came. now i chose to expand ten people because i wanted to get a broader sense of what ashli babbitt may have been thinking. i didn't to write a book like, oh, i think she have been thinking this or she could have been thinking this, but by
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fleshing out the mindset of the women, particularly who arrived there, i got a i say a pretty comprehensive sense of what was driving people to come to washington the first place. and when they get there, here's thing that was greatly misreported. the mood when they arrived was festive. i don't know if anyone here was there, but from everyone i talked to, there were people are singing kumbaya. they're they're having a good time. they're seeing people just like themselves. it was a hugely mood. and everyone i talked to said this and then things began to go a little awry when ashli babbitt gets there, flies in on the fifth, she goes to the trump rally on the ellipse and this is why it's a critical oversight by both the january six committee and by the jack smith's indict
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his prosecutorial on indicting for i don't know what insurrection or something donald trump is scheduled on the 5th of january. he says, i'm going to start my speech 11 a.m. on the ellipse. and, you know, everyone come going to big crowd. bah bah bah bah, festive. the ellipse is about 45 minutes away from the capitol. and then by walk and everyone was walking. so he begins his speech not at 11 for whatever reason. i can't figure out i haven't been able to find out exactly why other than i think he was just going over his speech trying to get it right. whatever. he begins a new and this is a cradle this thing critical distinction. so the speech begins at noon. ashli babbitt stays till the end of the speech show, as did virtually all other women. there she walks to the capitol from the ellipse. she arrives at capitol at 2:23 p.m. by that time, there's of
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doors and windows open and she walks in unmolested. she's by herself. she's described everyone describes her as a leader, not someone to follow the crowd. and there are herds of people moving around through the capitol at that time. and this footage is all available well, i mean, i've watched hours of it. i saw not a single act of violence, vandalism inside the capitol. i will get back to the outside in a second. so she walks in and she is by herself. she she there's a crowd at the front of the house floor. people just join with there's five republicans inside. congressman four from texas, one from oklahoma. they didn't feel the need to run away. they knew who these people were and. they were talking to them through the door. so ashley leaves there she goes, walks a long corridor and she gets a double set of doors that protect guard the speaker's lobby, which is just beyond those doors. speakers. it leads into the house floor.
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she's the first one they're following her is a citizen journalist, young guy taylor hanson, happily, he's following her with his camera just. the two of them actually gets there's cops protecting the front of the door she goes up to them. she's talking to them, hey, i did this. this is my work blah, blah, blah. glad to see you guys doing your job. and then they're joking and talking for a couple of minutes then the crowd that's been milling surges behind her. now ashli babbitt is five foot two, 110 pounds. and what got from especially from talking to women who did not have the force almost no one had the force to resist a mob. but if you're a 110 pounder, you're you're trapped. i mean, you could be killed. one woman was killed that day and we'll get to her in a minute. so ashley now is getting a little nervous because this crowd is coming in her. then this one guy comes from behind her and the police are standing there facing the crowd
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guarding the doors and. he starts punching the windows right between cops. and the cops aren't doing anything and the windows are cracking. but not breaking. his name is zachary lamb. he had several priors. this no social media history tying him to trump or maga at all. and then she's then actually he's now getting frustrated because this is her job. so she starts yelling at the cops, she's yelling, do your f ing job. she didn't say a thing, but this is a family show. so i'll say it. then she says, you know, call for f ing back up. do something right meantime. then just walk away. the three of them just walk away. then all the guys when punching the glass grabs someone's helmet and starts breaking glass. and now you see she's getting frustrated and and a little panicky by what's going on around her. these aren't good people. the guy who's taking the olvido, not the taylor answer.
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some other guy. general sullivan is a black lives matter activist who's there as a provocateur. so lamb starts breaking the window and he breaks one window pane all the way out. at that point, ashli babbitt grabs his backpack, pulls him around and punches some full in the face, and his go flying right. and then now she says, i don't know what your final thought was. no one does. but at that moment, wanting to escape that crowd, get out of there, she jumps into the window frame. and without any warning, a police a capitol police lieutenant. now captain in plain plainclothes shoots and kills her. one shot, no warning, no. stop or arrest. you know nothing behind him in the speaker's or at least three other armed police officers that. was that a among the crowd was a a emergency room physician from
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california just happened to be there. and he starts tending to her. then the police come and they pull him off. he's arrested two. so that was how she died. now, as i explained a minute, there was a part going on that day that i think rises to the level of inside. but i will say this from michael bird, the guy who shot ashli babbitt, he not part of the plot what he did screwed everything. no. wanted that to happen. no one wanted a veteran attractive, petite, married, 35 year old girl to be woman to be shot and killed on camera. general, is black lives matter free lance activist. he takes the video immediately to cnn and sells it for $35,000. so it's on air that night. now the. people who hoped that this would materialize into a riot are a little panicky because. now, the martyr is one of the
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one of the protesters not one of their own people. now something else happens. there's a chain of events in play here. the. one of the women i interviewed who i profile the book is named sarah carpenter. she's a retired nypd. she medically retired after 911. she had a total breakdown after spending month on this site and. she drove to washington by herself that day on an impulse so a lot of these people just on an impulse it was not. no insurrection none of them went with the idea of stopping near the capitol. the what do you call the certification of votes inside, the cabin. no one went with that idea. none of these i don't think there were more than a handful of people of the hundreds of thousands to one. with that in mind. so sarah is driving home that night. she thought it was everything one kind of it was kind of interesting she said she's inside the capitol to do a little joshing with the cops, blah, blah, blah. she brought a tambourine with her and the the justice
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department found, that tambourine almost criminal. she was waving a tambourine in front of cops. okay. i don't know if that was criminal, but they thought it was. so she driving home that night and, you know, feeling pretty good. she calls a friend of hers who lives near the highway and she says, you know, tells you where she was that and the friend is horrified and the friend says to her, you killed, the cop and sarah, what you guys people killed a capitol police officer with a fire extinguisher. this is on the evening of, january 6th. and sarah's horrified. i mean, she has no doubts about when she heard this and how she reacted. she couldn't get out of bed the next morning, she was sick to her stomach thinking, that she was part of a crowd that had killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. and what made the woman's report convincing was that the woman's husband was a retired police officer. so sarah, then next day, the
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sequence of events happens that half of america has no idea about right now and that is this sicknick a trump supporting capitol police officer from the jersey. has a series of strokes and dies in natural on the seventh and the evening of january 7th, he finished day on january 6th. totally fine. the autopsy would reveal that his death was totally organic it could have happened anyplace, any time. however, the plotters saw an opportunity and what they did is this. they took that story of his natural death, wedded it to the rumored fire extinguisher. death and sold it to the new york times. so in the morning of january eighth, the new york times runs a story. pro-trump supporters killed brian sicknick with a fire extinguisher. it's not a miscommunication because they had this detail ghastly detail. he was rushed out of the capitol
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with blood flowing from huge gash and said, go back, check the print edition of the january 8th new york times. that's they said, thanks, glenn greenwald, for capturing that. that's still that was the story spread. it was at a massive impact on the way people talked about or thought about january. sixth, immediately, republicans retreated into a you know, i didn't see anything i don't know anything i'm the i don't know these people you know i'm because they don't want to be associated with a insurrection there was neither lethal nor an insurrection. what we had witnessed was the ghoulish hoax. and american political history you take and actually a healthy guy who actually like trump he dies of stroke and you kill him after he dies of a stroke and sell that story to new times. there's not a iota of what i just told you. is him challengeable? they know this to be true. sicknick's autopsy was on
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january 8th. the autopsy? fortunately, they were not communicating fully because the medical examiner who did it did it honestly. now they knew that had a problem on their hand because they had so effectively sold the they murdered capitol police officers story. they sat on the ought to dispose of george floyd. floyd's autopsy was out within a week. they sat on this for more than a hundred days of well beyond, their legal limit until judicial forced the autopsy out and with a lawsuit and then the media responded. huh? i thought you said he was killed with a fire extinguisher. so that was kind of just a minor detail. no, they turned. i mean, america, the people who showed up on january six were already, you know reeling from being called deplorables and irredeemable. now they were called murderers and insurrectionists and that stuck and that that dictated the the the discourse for years of years still, i mean, was just talking to my relatives oh, they
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killed the guy with a fire extinguisher. no, they didn't. okay. let me just walk you through. no, i don't know. i don't know. no, they did. that's the way it happened. ashli babbitt. it was not the only woman killed on january 6th. let me the story of roseanne boyland, because most people know this at all. she was she's an interesting creature, an outlier in many. the other nine women were all kind of self motivated in control of their destinies in their lives. roseanne had been a drug addict and had been arrested, and yet she came from very good family, two loving sisters, nice parents who loved her and tried to help her. she had gotten clean in the last couple of years and very proud of herself. her was proud of her. but then fell in with people like donald trump and she meets with this fellow. they go to washington on january, arrive january 6th, the justin winchell is texting back to roseanne's brett, who's a
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good guy. interesting. roseanne is with me. we're doing okay. we're having great time. takes pictures. ever sends him back. roseanne has never been happier. you know, and then and is bizarre because roseanne. by it's 430 by the time roseanne is killed the capital capitol in wide open for more than 2 hours. there are people walking in multiple doors all over the place, sideways right. and yet they're defending this entrance on the west side like. it was the alamo. i mean, really, they're just this incredible, violent all the violent imagery that day takes place, that tunnel entry. it takes place still for 30. and why they're doing that is never been quite clear. but it did a great optic for video cameras because it's easy right there. and people were getting pushed into that tunnel entrance. the police them back out and bad happen. roseanne gets caught in a surge. she's beyond her. she's able to control her own movements. that surge takes her into the tunnel entrance. this is all captured on video,
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by the way, as just as clearly ashley babbitt's death is captured on video. at some point, the metropolitan police department decides to push the crowd back and now they're know they're they have masks, shields, everything and they start spraying the crowd. and roseanne begins. a lot of them begin to because the air in the tunnel is being sucked out by the gas then they a concerted surge and they push them back. and ashleigh and roseanne boylan ends up at the bottom of the pile. she's not in great. she just grew overweight, but she's at the bottom of pile. the people at the bottom of the pile are dying. and right next to her is healthy young black guys who she grabs his hand and he feels her hand drift away. he barely survives when. people are pulled off him. the meanwhile, the other protesters yelling to the police, stop this, you're killing, right? you push people on top of them. and then finally they get to the bottom. and roseanne is lying there unconscious, possibly dead, if not dead likely dying, and then
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the a female police officer can be any bigger than ashli babbitt who's some reason is put at the front line. this police defense line takes a stick that had been up there and this is caught on camera. she starts beating roseanne boylan over the head with the stick so hard that the stick broke in half and the other police officers kolarov pull her back because she's gotten out of control right? she shows up a month later at the super bowl being awarded for her heroism. the video hadn't surfaces, but it has since. so that's how they died. what makes roseanne story a little more interesting is that her sister is a liberal and her brother in law went to school with an msnbc anchor named ayman mohyeldin. he contacts murtha and says, i want you to get to the bottom of this story. how my system always seduced by
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trump and q and on and that and ends up in washington. so my dean said oh that's great know he does a five part podcast on it and the boy went to the only people i have not talked to and partly because i had so much information thanks to msnbc. so msnbc is gung ho they want to get to the bottom of this and then they get stone walled at every turn, every time they ask for body cam footage, they get the i autopsy reports denied. there are no one's telling them how roseanne boyland died. so finally, after 90 days, they have to really least do autopsy report. and they say that roseanne boyland died of a drug overdose. they said she had a because of her age. she had adderall. she's taking adderall for her adhd, if you've been taking it for ten years. but attribute her death to a drug overdose. now, the parents and the sisters are horrified, even is, you know, curious about this. they submit the the results to
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another forensic pathologist. i said, no, this is how could they ignore all surrounding evidence, the crowd, the push, the gas, you know, the the videos you know now they did they ignored it and they went with the drug abuse. and then the media just ignored it when it came out because that she does not make the count of people who are killed that day. and then to make it even more ghoulish ghoulish, the the the authorities, the powers that be start adding subject in suicides of capitol police officers, the death toll. so for reason a i'm a media would inquire as to why these people died of suicide. four capitol police officers commit suicide within the next year. i mean they may have been embarrassed by their performance the i don't know. but anyhow they. oh so when now when the are going to court they're saying five police officers were killed a result of january 6th. some of them even fudged that say five officers were killed on january 6th. brian sicknick and fourth
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suicide. merrick garland said biden said they all say killed of january six. no one was killed thinks january six except ashli babbitt roseanne boylan and one other fellow, kevin greeson, had a flashbang go off in his face and had heart attack and died. and then i'm going to wrap this up. we're just telling you, i think this is an inside or why there's elements of inside job this story, the hour was 1:00, 1 p.m. and several things happened at 1 p.m. that struck me as coordinated two people got in the way of this 1 p.m. scenario. one was donald trump, partly because he started an hour late. so for instance, jack smith has him saying, you know, you got to go, go fight like hell, fight hell. and that and i'm quoting this math, according to a house committee, that's what inspired the mob to attack the capitol except trump said that at 1:10 p.m. at 1:06 p.m. the police
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started lobbing munitions into the crowd in front of the capitol. they were still peaceful that time. then there are 45 minutes away from the ellipse his people like ashli babbitt then get there too. the building open. they just walked in. the provocateurs there early. one of them, as you all know, is in ubiquitous reps who just too large to ignore tactical gear. red hat we have see videos of him leading a what the metropolitan police called an ad group of people towards the capitol and there's ab saying we've got to go to the capitol that's where problems are we got to go to the capitol the night before he was captured on camera saying we've got to go into the capitol right. and so just before 1:00, epshteyn his crew reached the perimeter and start breaching it. these are bicycle racks are lightly guarded. at 1:00 at the rnc and the dnc bombs are right.
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and then that causes a panic. resources are diverted etc. at 1:00 a gallows that had been set up on the capitol grounds 5 hours earlier and not taken down by the capitol police. i talked to this one guy said, hey, i want put a volleyball net up on the capitol grounds. they took it down and within 10 minutes i was allowed to sit there for 5 hours. and at 1:00, the conspirator there faces revealed put the noose at the on the capitol. perfectly framed dome right one for the j six committee in the media to take a picture of the capitol dome through the gallows. this all happened exactly within 5 minutes, 1:00. now the other person screws up the plans is harris just so she's not part of the plot but she's at dnc when the bomb is found, which means there's a secret service detail at the dnc, which means secret service detail that a sweep, a bomb sniffing dog will before 1:00
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and didn't find anything, which means that the fbi story about the bombs being planted the night before by a single suspect that both the rnc and dnc don't make any sense. they happen it's not it didn't didn't happen as planned so this it difficult for them to to get the full effect of what think they wanted which was a massive trump crowd to be provoked by people like aps and other to surge onto capitol with tens of thousands of people. that's not the way it played out, but it out well enough for the media, which doesn't ask any serious questions and then that is, you know, what we saw is what we saw happen. just a quick wrap up, brian sicknick, he didn't deserve the fate they had for him, what they did is they his ashes and they put him in the rotunda the capitol. the first person so honored since ruth bader ginsburg they had to sell this lie. and then, of course, they him in arlington national cemetery. as for ashli babbitt, 14 years
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in the military, a perfect record eight deployment to overseas and to places no one would ever go in a vacation. no military honors whatsoever. she was denied them. i wrote the book to write the record. i mean, i'm phrasing over some of the major issues right now, but it's time that you we all wake up. it's going to be hard to get the media on board. so what i would recommend is that and i know you guys do it now, it's got to be one on one. you've got to tell people what to do, where to go by. actually, the untold story women of january six. good place to start, but the burdens on us because we're not going to get bailed by anyone unless we bail ourselves. thank you very much. we'll take questions questions. yeah, make a quick comment and then question if anybody knows today the news, there was a lot of controversy about the opening ceremonies in the olympics just
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before i came here. youtube took down all videos. so you're not allowed to see the videos so you can judge for yourself whether or not you had a controversial opening to that. but my second question, a little off the wall, but i've often wondered this question. you mentioned. q and on this q and on a false flag operation run by baby pointer institute or something like that, or am i nuts? you're neither nuts nor is it a false flag, as far as i could tell. you know, when i. q and on what happened. for instance, when ashli babbitt was killed on january six, the media knew that she was killed and on january seven, new times responded with a hit piece on ashli babbitt. it was ashli babbitt embraced trump in q and on dies of capitol or whatever. and then by january, then by the january 7th edition, they had gotten of a police report about a dispute she had with one of her husband's old girlfriends. right. and that's kind of investigative
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research. they're capable of. and i q9 out of hand until i started looking at pizzagate and then i began to think which is there signature movement and? i think there's a move because i maybe i think it's out of shadows, which is really kind of worth watching. i was skeptical, totally skeptical. i just thought it was one of those things like no pseudonymous or your daily horoscope or something, someone guessing well or trying to guess and claiming credit for all the good guesses, ignoring the bad ones. but the the controversy at the core of it. and i'm not to go into detail here, most of it prior to this, but if you look at pizzagate, that was investigating things there there was yes sir did was there a role for nancy pelosi, the capitol police, because it was rumored that she denied extra help, kind of like this trump assassin asian thing.
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you know, i tell you what, that's good question. what made me change opinion on nancy pelosi's role was that video that came out about month or so ago. i shot by her daughter alexandra, who was making a document about the day just so happened. and in the back of this car taking her away from the capitol. we're not seeing nancy pelosi who plotted this whole nefarious thing. we're talking about a panicky woman who is responsible for capitol security. and it blew up in her face. she wasn't aware yet how the media were going to turn this event. so she was no. one in charge of the capitol screwed up this matter since war of 1812. i mean, this is not to rebound. well, on my legacy, such as it is right now, she was responsible for capitol security. she was the primary person responsible. she, of course, blamed their superiors, subordinates for them she immediately fired the capitol chief, particularly boy stephen sund was probably the only good guy in that whole building and then appointed his
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this woman who was who got such a resounding vote of, no confidence that she couldn't even keep him or her in job. who is head of intelligence. but no, she just screwed up. she didn't do her job. right. she messed up i don't think she was part of the plot. that's my major. yeah. steve so i'm wondering how many fbi agents and informants you think were part of the crowd and why? why has the republicans been so ineffective at investigating this? well, it's just been no, no. unlike the whitmer case, i have no idea that the numbers of agents and informants that are in that crowd right. referred here to the gretchen whitmer case as a month before the election, the fbi exposed this white supremacist plot to kidnap gretchen whitmer, the governor of michigan, in battleground state that proved to be a more half. the conspirators were fbi agents or confidential human sources. it's total set up and it was an embarrassing debacle for the
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department of justice. nothing that has happened with january 6th. the fbi has been remarkably coy about how people they had i mean christopher wray kind of admits there were people he doesn't admit how many they had and looking at it and i've looked at it from all angles i go with what stephen friend said he was fbi informer. i mean, a whistleblower and he said that yeah it was stuff going but there are so many people with their hands in this pie, it's hard to determine who who was plotting what. we know the capitol police were involved. they were caught on camera pushing people from behind and prodding into the building. that much we know the people were did that i think i think they were suspended for like 3 hours or something. some petty, ridiculous thing. we know that ray epps was in up to his neck. here's a guy who was the single most guilty character on that day. they've arrested 1500 people. it took three years before they arrested epps.
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he he was the one most openly advocating for a breach of the capitol, was at the front lines of the breach at the perimeter the front lines of the breach at the at west side of the building. picked up a huge metal sign pushing into the police and my the one woman that of the ten woman i profiled who did have committed a real crime. she broke a window four and a half years in prison. ray epps one year probation, right and only then because they were embarrassed into giving him something. so we have all these independent agents. one guy had just discovered that no one had talked about and that a guy named emmanuel jackson. right. he's at the front of that line in front of the tunnel. he's an aluminum body swinging away. i he committed more actual. and then when i saw that day and he gets arrested soon afterwards he's black guy i see him interviewed on the by another protester he says something like i'm here to fight globalism right so he goes arrested that
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goes before the judge the defense attorney says he's mentally incompetent and, he's a homeless guy and they let him walk right. and then it reminded me of i had worked with james o'keefe some projects. and one of the things that they discovered in 2016 was a democratic practice called bird dogging. and when you get homeless people or people with mental challenges, you dress them up. you know, you tell them what to say and what to do. you send them into trump crowd and create a ruckus. so the rnc could have had in that crowd the capitol police, fbi, the cap, the metropolitan police department, and then you had freelance guys, john earl sullivan, the black lives guy. we took that video, by the way. sullivan, you know, is freelance because he got three years in prison right. emmanuel jackson walks away. general sullivan, the guy, took the critical video of actually being shot, gets three years in prison. he was an embarrassment to them because he was a career provocateur. he's on his own video saying,
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let's go with that capital. his burden is waist down and blah, blah, blah, you know, indicted and they and since was not in anyone's employ he was he consequently arrested in an in prison. yeah jack my question with my understanding everybody that was arrested in the capitol is considered a terrorist. no habeas corpus. they're in jail forever to me. it seems like after i have read book and watching videos, it seemed like the police were aiding and abetting. how come those police officers haven't been actually proved in prison? they're just like the protesters because they were the ones that were encouraging that walk in. you know what? i mean? then you have to ask the question, why was michael byrd promoted after? he shot and killed ashli babbitt. why was a lie. morris rewarded with a trip to the super bowl after she bashed
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a dying woman over the end of the sticks. why was this guy back? lieutenant baxter? commander back? sure. he one of the women i profiled. victoria. why suffered the most brutal beating of a female by a police officer ever on video and. he was promoted afterwards. also. but just one other note. you raise a question here about. the habeas corpus stuff, what they were doing was denying a bond two people were arrested for almost nothing. one story i was just writing about today, it reflects back on on it, on miss harris or vice presidential candidate. when she was at the dnc during the the bomb when the bomb was discovered, she went into she and biden both went into total silence. they did not talk about where they were that day. so what was reported said that she was at at the capitol.
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so all the charging documents from that first nine months after january 6th say that this i've just one guy that was talking about 20 christian see cause you see a student he's charged for right after he's arrested he's put directly prison they've been in bond and he goes before a bond hearing a month later after being in for a month. and they say no the prosecutor said, no, we want him to stay in prison because he came. he affected the restricted space of a protectee and that. harris so so thus they aggrieved they enhanced his spend penalty all along the way for doing that for this went on for a year countless mean 2030 4050 people had their sentences because harris was present and the capital was written. the arresting documents and finally a year politico broke the story that she was not at the capitol she was at the dnc
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and they couldn't talk about the dnc because they didn't want to talk about the bombs because i'm convinced they knew the bombs i mean. harris and have anything to do with the plot but i'm convinced she knew that those bombs were planted by friendlies with purpose of embarrassing trump. there's no other reason for her silence for a year. she still hasn't talked about it. you would think that she would have been this close to, you know, having blown up, you know, by this terrible white supremacist never the word about it. and given her penchant for drama, that's just fine. strikes me as a really unlike or an extreme. yes, sir. right. yes, yes. kevin mccarthy released all those tapes to tucker carlson, though, seemed to have a lot of incriminating information, information against the police and the doj and all those exaggeration. whatever happened, those tapes,
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you know, a lot of them have come out through various trials. people have virtually all the video information that's useful is trump. i mean, first, i should say that my father was a cop, so i don't like to see cops arrested for making mistakes. i mean, i think this can an unwelcome in certain but even the man who shot ashli babbitt michael burn panicked stupid reckless fired right. i don't think you should go to prison. however, the officer who. who beat you over maurice over the head. she was dying totally broke. all protocol and should go to prison or should be arrested. should be have something happen to her. just in a way of a background. tucker carlson just showed two or three nights. he only had to show a couple of videos to make some like naomi wolf, for instance, was a you know, a you know, the poster child for third wave feminism totally flip on this whole issue
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and that like ashli babbitt tune ashli babbitt enters the building. she makes sure she gets in between the rope lines right. the capital, all these people are walking between the rope lines and all. carlson and the show is including the q and on shaman right. who is in place rescuing him around seven of these people. the women i talked to had friendly interactions with the police inside the building and including ashli babbitt and yet of the ten women i profile, two of them were killed that day. eight of them were arrested. six of them are in prison or have been the prison and the two others await sentencing, including the one great grandmother i profiled will be sentenced this month sometime. so that's what i mean. they are the great grandma drive from colorado walks into an open door, didn't know how it got open on the east side of the building, which is relatively peaceful. praise for 10 minutes walks out and then has theup h
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house two weeks later. and this is an incredible waste of. resources simon go the doctor she goes back to los angeles. she wakes up, find 20 police officers breaking her front door down with a ramp, you know, with a battering ram. and she what she and her herbo protector, john strand, they're just got out of prison just, walked around for 20 minutes, and she gave a speech on medical freedom. and she had a permit to do. you know, she just gave it inside the capitol instead of on the steps. so it's strange. yes, sir. oh, yes. i'm sorry. so just have something to add. i was at. yeah. oh, okay. very good. yeah, i. i drove from philadelphia, parked in a parking garage and went with friends. the ellipse. right. so we couldn't really hear the speech. about one or 2:00, we started walking toward the capitol right. and you're right, the group was festive. really? everyone, everything i've been to for trump, everyone's well-behaved. but when you get that, when we
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got to the capitol and it was cold that day. so when we got to the capitol, if you can imagine football field sized area, i that is in front of the of the capitol. so i get up there and it's fenced off, but it's fenced off with things that can be just lifted, moved. and there was a grandstand a miniature grandstand sitting there. so i walked up and sat down next to this woman and to wait to see what we and right. and these two guys. well, first of all, when i looked at the back of the capitol i see a scaffolding and then i could see people climbing on the scaffolding. and i'm thinking, why would they leave a scaffolding there? it's a really it's a wall that's like, you know, three times as tall as the walls of here. why would they put a scaffolding? it was obviously to encourage somebody doing this so. then i'm sitting there watching two guys who no coats on who are
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like young wiry guys come around with megaphones, move forward, move to the middle of the field. and i got up and did. that's right. well, looking back, i'm like, what kind of an idiot was i? so i moved to the front to the middle of the field and then i could see they're they're setting off tear gas, right? so i just said to my friends, let's get out of here. and we left. but i just wanted to add that because i think they were definitely provocateurs and were trying to get people to move forward. so i went to the parking garage. i drove home the fbi has never contacted me, but i came home and i, i sat down in front of the tv set and turned this on and my son, who was living in the apartment, my house at the time and who voted for biden walked in and started yelling at me. he said, i can't believe you were part of this. so he had watched the tv
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rendition of which was already on making it like an insurrection. right. and i looked at him and i said, friend, it was a setup yeah. so and then since then these details have come out. but i'm just adding that, that i see at the time that it was pretty much a setup, but i didn't do too bad because when i a woman, i talked to her son turned her husband in right. he didn't go her husband went away. he didn't go in the building. and he's now serving four years in prison. the son who is like 17 or 18, a contact the authorities when he heard that his father had gone to washington, turned them in. well, my son has totally turned. he is for rfk, but i'm pretty sure he's going to vote for trump. best bit, i think rfk, he realizes it was a lie. no, i mean, that's the problem. and i, you know, when i talk to my own relatives, it's we keep our discourse, we try to be polite about it. but there is so much they don't
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know and don't want to know. you know, i mean. and if covid should have been a the lesson they needed to to kind of sober them up saying this has real consequence is when you're being deceived that way yeah it's mary being there was an insurrection were there any weapons on these people who were there. that's a good question. well, mickey whitlock, who's ashamed of its mother and by the way, i wouldn't even have proceeded this without on this project, without her blessing. how that was critical. and i also say give credit to the people who did the boots on the ground research like do we kelly, you? i asked her before i started if what she thought she said, go ahead. and the others like. lara logan and i did people nick seriously you know darren beattie revolved or the people that at times who've done all the good work. no, as mickey said, i mean goes how is it that the gun toting started an insurrection and left
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their guns at home? they look back to what you start an insurrection. they guns in this day and age the other side as at 53, the if you know that crowd i mean you know the crowds, 90% of them are gun owners. right. half of these concealed carry, they knew that washington was hostile territory for people with. guns, and they left their guns at home. however and this is what got some of them in trouble is that there had been rallies in dc in november in december in which trump supporters attacked by maga and blm antifa and blm. and so some of them were wearing tactical vest, red pepper spray, and they were they were those items went into the charging documents with the assumption that they brought that pepper spray or those tactical best to seek to attack the capitol whereas one woman i talked to lisa eisenhart, she and her son into the capitol, she's a grandmother.
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she's wearing tactical vest. they were out the night before when they went out to dinner in washington fearing the being attacked to warn next day. and that was in the charging the tambourine. so that was part and part of the part they made questions comments. yes, ma'am? what's your next project? good question. you know, this this project, i should say, came out of the blue. i think somewhat providentially, i literally woke up one morning in october of 2023 and with the word ask. why in my and in front of my mind, i said, ashley, i said, why is no one written a book about this as a jail? i assure. and and as i said then, that they just again, i mean, sometimes i think coincidences are god, god's way of not being obvious. my agent calls alex hoyt and he says, hey, jack, you got any book ideas?
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you know? i said, yeah, as a matter of fact, this book they're called actually. right, because i like that. so he goes to the anthony zakhar to, you know, posted them, and he says, i like that idea i got approval in two days. never happened before like that. no proposal, no nothing. two days back. and we needed that. otherwise i would not have had the book out this summer. so i am not i have no projects in mine except i'm helping one of my one of the women with her book, helping her edit her book. for now, i do a lot of editing and ghostwriting and so that's what i'll probably stick it the selling the book is the hard part. i love writing it, talking about it. selling is tricky. so i'm. why isn't capitol police all i'm embarrassed by the performance michael bird why the morris and why why is there like no real accountability and i guess this ties into you know for the russia hoax for the fbi censorship campaign why is there so little accountability and so little embarrassment over the
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performance on these things? well, you know, for the capitol police, they are basically the pretorian guard. they're most of the work they do is like ushering around and giving out parking tickets. i mean, it's it's not a serious police force. they were in way over their head that day. they, you know, usually security guards, tour or guitar, you know, but they get away with anything. a few years earlier they shot and killed a black woman and nothing. anyone who was driving around the world erratically. i don't remember this. there isn't it? nothing happened for whatever reason. when they are reporting to congress congress is responsible for them and of course never makes any errors. so the capitol police can't make errors. i guess so. that's what i would say. it's i don't think it's our inability to get the truth out is frustrating. oh let's face that we know that and so you have to get it out any which way you can. but to expect the congress to get it out you on any
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circumstances is you know, is not likely to happen the very near future. let's take one more question. we'll wrap it up. and so our pit crew, by the way, thank you, guys. appreciate it. good work. i can get back. go back to dover, ohio. we televise it. say i would say probably or four weeks it'll be televised usually they say and in a run multiple weekends. so and i will say this about c-span i totally admire founded by a purdue guy, brian lamb. they get it right. i've never editor this is my 13 time this may be my i may say that what i 13 and it's an honor lucky number but i don't think so they've been they're the one media service that lives up to the the journalists ethic of fair and balanced. and that includes fox news. yes, ma'am. do you have any any thoughts looking into the attempted assassination.
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oh, yeah. that is a project that's probably above my pay grade. i mean, i usually do projects and no one else wants to do, but that's the kind of project that everyone else would rush to do. so i become the literary custodian, the projects, the media, major media leave on the table. i tell everybody, flight 800 or that to ron brown, the authorship of barack obama's dreams from my father, which i was one who discovered. but that's because major media don't don't want to talk about these things. there will be enough attention paid to the already like dan bongino is that people really about how the secret service works that i have no particular insight there are no particular ability to get information so and i just had to has a final word i would like to, you know, give a shout out to the the ten women who i covered, the two die that day. the other eight who persist in some state of limbo were in
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prison. two intrepid j six ers. i got in here too. i was out who survived and but thank you all for coming. and the most to if we had books to say out here too that the bookstores selling them but i will sign them so thanks a lot thanks to both you can.
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