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tv   Reel America  CSPAN  October 12, 2024 10:10pm-11:40pm EDT

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and there's a reason why i like
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that introduction. it's because it gives me an opportunity to remind you that the first large scale digital tv in the united states was a navy computer operated by a navy crew during world war two and recently i have been finding that i have to remind people of that because there's been a tendency on the part of a certain junior service to try and claim credit for those early computers. and they didn't even exist yet. so please remember that was a
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navy computer. and if you're wondering why i kept my cap on, i had a reason for that to it's because this is identifier. i hope you all know by now that every record in a computer system must have an identifier. and so you know where, to put it and how to get it again. there's something odd about those identifiers. they have to be understood both by the person originally puts it on the record and the person who later looks at the record. that's where my problem been. and i go around airports and people come up to me and say, when's the next plane leave for houston. i, i got totally demoted one night in san. i got off an elevator and there was a couple the elevator with me as i got, i heard the woman say to her husband, what was that? you haven't the worst of it. he said, that was a security
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guard. so then i went up to canada to speak at the university of guelph and i had to go through immigration to toronto airport. so i had my passport to the immigration officer. he looked at it and looked at me and said, what are you? and i said, united states navy. he took a second real hard look at me. and then he said, you must be the oldest one. they've gone. you and i didn't really feel that was a polite way to welcome visitors to canada, but they only put me down. i could think i was to say, no, i'm a wreck. six years older and i don't think he even knew who america was. but if you know what i am, i'll take my cap off. that only goes to show my white hair. actually, i can remember when riverside drive and new york city along the hudson river was a dirt road, and on sunday as a
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family, we would go out and sit the drive and watch all the beautiful horses and carriages go by in a whole afternoon. that might be one car. cars were enormously expensive. they were individually built. there was no such thing as gas stations. if you went on a long trip, you got five gallon cans of gasoline, put them on the back deck strapped into the car and took your gasoline with you. if you broke down in the middle of utah you, went back to the manufacturer, then you sent a man out with a part. then he worked on the part, fitted your car, and along came a gentleman named henry ford with two concepts standard parts and an assembly line. and he started to build model cars. i think we totally how tremendously that changed the world. you could have any color you wanted long as it was black. they cost between 300 and $600 and people started to own cars naturally. and once had cars, they demanded
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roads. we built gas stations, appeared garages could stock the interchangeable parts they appeared. people found they could move to suburbs, drive to work. then of course they wanted to shop near home. so had to build shopping centers. i think we've forgotten a tremendous developments that followed from the model t ford. now, whether you recognize it or not. the model ts of, the computer industry are here. we've been through the preliminar areas of the industry. we're now at the beginning of what will be the largest industry in the states. and i'm quite worried about something that when we build all those roads and the shopping centers and all the other things and provided for automobile transportation, transportation, we forgot something we forgot transportation a whole, we only
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looked at the automobiles because of that. today, when we need them again. roadbed the railroads are falling apart and dumping polyvinyl chloride around the countryside. if we want to move our tanks the center of the country to the ports to ship, morrisey east, there are no flat cars left because we move all the cars on those racks on roads. now, if we wanted to move coal to replace oil and probably not enough hopper to move both the grain crop and the coal and the truth of the matter is, we've done a lousy job of managing transportation as a whole. now, as we come, to the world of the microcomputer. i think we're kind of facing the same possibility. i'm afraid we continue by pieces of hardware and then put programs on them when what we should be doing, looking at the underlying thing, which is the total flow of information to any organization activity, company or what have you, we should be
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looking at the information flow and then selecting the computers to implement that information flow. and of course, if we do that, of the first things we'll need to know is something about the value of the information we're processing. it's close to eight years now that i've been trying to ask people how they value their information. i've gotten the finest to show up at a blank stares you ever saw in entire life. they even question whether there was a difference. naively, i thought, i can find out how people are valuing their information. if i could find out how priorities were assigned on the computer systems, boy, did that go flat fast. i found out exactly how the priorities are assigned. top priority goes to the senior squeaky wheel, not the most valuable information. some people even question that there was a difference in the value of information i use in an example a chemical plant i know up in that's totally operated by computer. information comes in from
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marketing, goes to the computer, it opens, pushes stuff through pipes, tells inventory what it's made. the people are paid by the computer, nice computer. your price. go up to the president's desk. now let's suppose that two pieces of information enter that flow simultaneously from two different ports in the system. one comes from a valve out in the plan says if you don't open me, the plant's going to blow up. you have less than a minute in which to act. 100 lives at stake, $100 million chemical plant at the same instant. now, the other part of the system becomes the fact that joe did 2 hours of overtime, which is the more valuable piece of information. and what are our criteria? i have mentioned three possible criteria, a time in which we have to act. the number of lives affected, the number of dollars affected. i think there's a fourth the importance of that piece, information in making decisions. no work, no research has been done on the value of information. we've completely failed to look at it, and yet it's going to
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make a tremendous difference in how we run our computer systems of the future. because if there are two things that are dead sure, i don't even to call them predictions. one is that the amount of data and the amount of information will continue to increase. and it's more than linear and the other is the demand for instant access to that will increase. and those two are in conflict. we've got to know something about. the value of the information being processed, everybody wants their information online. if department gets an online system, then all the other departments want an online system. in many cases, that's a matter of prestige, not of actual need. i played a very mean trick on one activity. i tracked a counter and every record, every kind of record was looked at. i added one day under six months, i printed out everything had not been looked at. one entire file fell out. yet the owner of that data had insisted that his information must be online.
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it was a matter of prestige to have his information online, not that he really needed there. why not put has taken a second second look at the data from that point of view? it's the coast guard. they had a file contained the complete history of every buoy i'm going to ship went out to maintain the boys they'd look the file to see what had been done about the boy over the last couple of years and whether any message had been left to look at something next time. those records started years ago as a punch card, and they'd gotten longer and longer and longer, longer over the years, the whole system was slowing down, and yet they needed rapid access to it. so took a second look at those records listed. hey, we don't need that whole online all we want online is the last couple of years. we don't need to know when we bought the boy and how much it cost unless we're going in for a budget to get a new boy and we can have that answer tomorrow or the next day. they chop those records the front end of it that they need. for reference, go out and
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maintain the boys online. the rest of the record has back to batch and you're going to have the answer tomorrow or the next day. somewhat the same thing is that been by tactical air command at langley they were carrying online for assignment on base the complete record and history of every person. the whole system was slowing down because the records were so long, so they took a second look at the records and they said, hey, we don't need that whole record when we're assigning a man on all we need to know. the last couple of schools he's been doing, the last couple assignments is head. you don't care where he went to high school so they drop the records the immediate history is online your going back to batch and if he's going up for a water promotion something you can have that tomorrow or the next day. they've begun to look at at the time value of the information there's been no research in this area. there's no one publishing papers not even on the relative value of information within.
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an organization. nobody is looking at the value, information or comparative of different pieces of information. and we've got to look at it because it's cluttering up our online systems and we've got to know more about the value of information in order, design, the systems of the future. so i thought up a couple of curves. i have no numbers to put on them. the research hasn't been done yet, but at least i think i can talk about the shape of them. suppose this is dollars and this is time and an event occurs here. now the value of the information about that event goes up quite sharply immediately after the event. but the further you get away from the event in time, the more the value of that information levels off. it goes up very and it levels now ultimately that gets replaced by a new piece of information in oh, we just said we don't need it online anymore. we transfer it to historical files, microfilm or something
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like that. of course, an industry. they have to save it for the irs. so the value curve probably looks something like that, a sharp rise, a off and then an eventual transfer to some form of historical file. what about the cost of that information? the cost of information is very, very low at the time of the event. but the further you get away from the event in time, the more the cost you pile up to start maintain it and add any information to it. so the cost curve starts low and then it goes zooming up. now there's a lot of cross-over point there. that's the point at which keeping that information in online system is costing us more than it's to it. but because we don't know where that point is, we have way of getting stuff out of our online systems, and that depends on knowing something of the value and the cost of the information. concern and we've got a big job to do in investigating those areas as a matter of fact, we don't even know the possible
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cost of having incurred that information in a system this vastly upset. lieutenant colonel randleman down at maxwell air force base, and he decided to investigate the possible cost of having incorrect information in the system. he found a section in the privacy law. fortunately, most of our government employees don't know it's there or haven't found it yet, which says that if you have incorrect information and a personnel and if because of it someone's denied a promotion or raise or something that they were right to sue the federal government. it's one of the very few cases in which the individual is directly given the right to sue the federal. and it's a very powerful paragraph. when i run the agency fails to maintain any record concerning individual with such accurate c relevance timeliness and completeness. whereas for powerful words as is necessary to assure fairness and any determination relating to
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the qualifications, character rights opportunities or benefits to the individual that may be made on the basis of such record, you consequently, a determination is made which is adverse. the individual. the individual may bring a civil action against the agency and the district court. the united states should have jurisdiction in the matters under provisions of this subsection. so we decided to find out how much it might cost, how incorrect information in a personnel file. and he said, let's suppose i have a personnel file on 8000 people. and he said further, let's suppose that i know the file is 95% correct. he selected things and looked at them and got correctness course. i don't believe this file in the country that's 95% correct but he said let's suppose it is and that means that 5% of those records contain incorrect information, 400 of them contain incorrect information.
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then he went and talked to the decision making people in the psychology and so on, and he said, what's going to be a factor that, incorrect information? and i said, well, it's going to stick out. it probably won't match the rest. the file. nobody takes any chances on anybody. we think in 90% of those cases, a negative decision be taken on the basis of the incorrect information? that would mean in 360 cases, a negative decision is taken on the basis of incorrect information. then he said, we don't know how many of those people will sue. we have no experience with that yet. so by the laws of probability we'll have to say it's 50, 50, 180 of them sued the government. now, of course, they're when they're suit because they incorrect information is in the file. so he said let's suppose the damages are $2,000 i think and the estimated that $100 for court costs 650 for lawyers each of those cases is going to cost
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us $2,750 at a much. do we stand to lose because of incorrect information? well, it turns out that 180 times 2750 is darn close to half a million dollars. 495,000. the possible cost of information in that personnel not to make that computation the possible cost of incorrect information. we can't make it clearer estimate of how much we're willing to spend to correct the file. i now know that economically i can go up to almost half a billion dollars to get that file to a higher level of correctness, because that's what i stand to lose. we've almost never made any computation of the possible of incorrect information in the system. one of the things that bothers me is we've talked about data processing for 30 years. we spend our time talking about the processing hardware and software we paid no attention to the data, and yet the data is our raw material.
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our output is information, our product. and we should be concentrating on the data and the information. the hardware and software are, after all of the which we do the processing and should not occupy the primary position in our thinking. it's high time that we began to turn our attention to the data and the information that we're out. i don't know how i'm going to persuade people to do it, but i'll try hard. there are a lot of things that were pushing me toward worrying about all this future business. we ran the mart computers all during world war two. i thought you might like to know that the first computer bug is still in existence and we building mach two the summer of 1945 was a hot summer in cambridge and naturally since it was world war two, we were working in a world war temporary building and air conditioning wasn't very good. no.
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and mark to we finally locate it the failing relay it was one of the big signal relays and inside the relay beaten to death by the relay contacts emails about this big. so the operator got a pair of tweezers and very carefully fished the moth out of the relay, put it in a log book and put scotch tape over it, and bloated blower he wrote first actual bug found. i know you'll be glad know that the bug is still in the logbook under the scotch tape. it's in the museum. the naval surface weapon center dog in virginia now told us story. a lot of times it turned out some people didn't believe me, particularly american federation of information processing societies. so they made an expedition to dog and and sure enough they found the first bug in the logbook the scotch tape. so they took a picture of it. and last in the july 1981 issue of the annals of the history of computers, they published a picture of the first bug and i
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think it's rather nice that the navy is keeping a few of the early artifacts, like the first bugging me and a few things. however i finally got to be 1946 and each one of us had the war was over each one of us had to decide what we were going to do next. no plot time. ways had all been reservists. in 46, the navy offered the opportunity for the waves to transfer to the regular navy. so naturally i applied for transfer to the regular and i was turned down because i was too old. the cutoff age was 38 and i was 40. and incidentally, it's just as well to be told you're too old when you're 40 because you go through the traumatic experience and it never bothers you again after that. i really recommend it highly. however i like to do remain in the reserves. now back in those days in the reserves we had three jobs to do summer training, weekly meetings and take correspondence courses,
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read correspondence according to our designated. i was then an ordinance officer at present. thanks to the now defunct buried naval personnel. turns out i'm an aeronautical engineer, but i don't worry about that. so i took ordnance courses and of course the navy was using all using up all the old manuals at the end of the war. so i learned all about big guns and gun turrets and everything. we were then phasing out of the navy, though now it may come in handy again. i ran out of ordnance courses, the only other courses to add credit for my designated were the war college courses. so absolutely terrified i sent for the first war college course and they sent me the first problem. i was to fuel a task force at sea in minimum time, and all they told me was how fast the different ships could pump oil and, receive oil. and of course, i knew about filling ships at sea, but i had to do something.
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so i lined up an oiler and a carrier and start pumping from the oil into carrier. perfectly clear. wasn't going to get me minimum time, so i decided they must have given me the rates for some reason. i looked at those found i could simultaneously pump all of the karen carrier to destroyer and they'd both be filling up because the rates were different. now somewhere along the line, somebody me a course in problem solving and they told me to always extend. and every solution. so i did. i started pumping from the destroyer to a corvette. we still had something that was all working, but that course had also told me i missed generally every solution. so did on the other side of the oiler. i pulled up a cruiser and a destroyer and a corvette. i ended up with half the task, all hitched up with lines, sailing down the middle of the ocean. my problem was returned with a comment and interesting solution. i decided that wasn't the way you field ships at sea.
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well, along the next problem this time they gave me a squadron submarines told me scout the caribbean minimum i knew less submarines than i did about oilers. so this time i called my friendly computer to help me and used a random walk program for each of the submarines. you should have seen that map. i covered it at minimum times. beautiful. i mean, trouble was, i had those submarines cutting across each. they made u-turns. one little circle up here and came back and, found an interesting solution. i was even begin to feel some sympathy for the poor guy at the war college. had to read my solutions for along came the third one and that was the important one. i was to make a plan to take an island. then after i completed my plan was to make two reviews of it. i was to review my plan in the light of. all possible enemy actions, all possible future events. and then i asked review the cost of not carrying out plan to
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reviews which are critical to any plan whatsoever, yet i keep finding them off of our plans for computers. we have very bad tendency to base our plans for computers on the equipment we have in house and the things we're doing now and totally failed to review in the light of the equipment that will be available and the things that we will be doing. i think the saddest phrase i ever hear in a computer installation is that horrible one. but we've always done it that way. that's a forbidden phrase in my to emphasize the fact i keep a clock which operates entirely counterclockwise. and on the first day people made it they can't tell time. by the second day they discover what used to be 10 hours. now ten after they can tell time again. normally it's not till the third day that they recognize that there was never any reason why clock should run clockwise that could just as well have run
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counterclockwise. there's no reason for the hands to go by the digits. i have another clock that has a pointer and the digits go round on a drum. that's a perfectly good time because by now i have a digital clock and my helpful crew gave me an hourglass. but again, they sit there day in and day out and say, never, never, never in this say, but we've always done it that way. now, when it comes to carousels at airports, i can see a good reason why they run this way. that's because most people are right handed and that's the way you grab your bag. i still haven't found out why. helicopter rotors go the way they do, but i find it rather interesting that the we've always done it this way seems to be so much embedded in things and it's the most dangerous phrase you can use in a computer installation. so hopefully i'll give each one of you a very small gift. will promise you something. if during the next 12 months any
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one of you says, but we've always done it that way. i will instantly materialize beside and i will haunt you for 24 hours and see if i can get you to think again. and i know it works. so i've already had over 70 letters thanking me for holding people. i'll be there. we've got to accept new things that are ahead. one of the major difficulties, the difficulty of changing people's minds and to give a presentation for the adp policy committee, the joint chiefs of staff, all admirals and generals. i had to remind those gentlemen that they've had piles of big sitting on their desks that they've had to read and absorb big decisions had to make, and they had not had time to keep up with the technical. it was changing overnight and therefore they were going to have to learn to listen to their juniors. i'm all the youngsters officer and enlisted and civilian.
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never never never take first. no there are a certain number people in business industry government who always say no. the first time you suggest something new because they're lazy. and if they say yes, they're going to have to do something about it. but there's another group even more dangerous in a way who always say no. the first time you suggests something new or different because they want to see if you believe in it enough to come back and ask again. so never take the first note, always go back, ask again. as a matter of fact, i take about four notes and then i figure out how to get around the guy. but that technique comes with age i ran into one of these guys during world war two and ward after about two or three suggestions, i noticed you always said no to things. the time. so the next time i wanted to suggest something, i said, let's pretend is the second time i'm presenting this. i said, you always say no the first time. and he looked at me the funniest expression i had him over barrel
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from then on because i just go and say, this is the fourth time i'm requesting this. let's just say yes. now. but so never, never, never take the first no on a new concept. it's terribly important that we listen to our youngsters some very interesting things are happening in the navy. i know one case of a young kind of junior grade who went aboard a ship. navy thought it was too small. have a computer. he took his own computer aboard. he was an airman. pretty soon he had all the ship's records in his computer. he was getting all the reports out on time. beautiful, accurate. was just marvelous. when he was transferred, the captain had to buy his computer. i know another case where the commander of a squadron was told to take a squadron out to a carrier. he found that when he did, he would have to leave all his maintenance records in the naval air rework facility. the north. this didn't please him at. all he wanted the maintenance records of his planes, him.
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so he went out and bought an apple with the assistance of an engine. and in deep in the north he borrowed snow, liberated copied his records from the north into his apple got a case for it, put it in the space behind his seat, which is supposed to take his suitcase and flew off to the carrier with all of his maintenance records and a computer with which keep them up to date. every commander of every squadron should have that somebody. are you supposed to do that? he said, i didn't ask a i long ago discovered of course you don't all have the same advantage i have, but i long ago discovered that the best to get something done was to do it, and if necessary, apologize. it's much easier to apologize. you have no idea. oh gee, i did know. couldn't do that. i can turn in the most. help us all female you ever saw.
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we've got to listen to youngsters. we've got to do the new things. and it isn't too hard to apologize. believe me, we had another case. young electronic technician, first class out in the pacific fleet built a computer. the pr man of his ship thought this was so. he took a picture of the and his computer and put it in navy. admiral cullen saw it. so he wrote a letter to the sailor and congratulated him and he sent it directly through the mail instead of sending it through channels. so the sailor that the admiral could write him direct, he could write the admiral direct. and he did. and he thanked the admiral for his letter. he pointed out he didn't know admiral red navy times, but he was glad they did. he then went on for ten pages, both sides single spaced, and told the admiral exactly what was wrong with the computers in, the pacific fleet, and what ought to be done about it. it was probably the best survey we'd ever seen.
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chapman reached out his hand and said one slighter pacific fleet to norfolk. he gave him three more cities and some jeeps. that's our program. and some money gone to build a computer in four months time out of office, a show of campaign as they build it. three small boxes database management system and everything. just beautiful. they set them up as the micro evaluation group gender, the naval regional data center, norfolk. they run every micro in the country and run most of the software. they know exactly what's available and what you can do with it. anybody in the navy thinking getting micro computers can consult with them now get them good, solid help writing the rfp or acquiring the computer that they need for that job three and a half, four months ago. i've forgotten just when they put on a seminar and microcomputers they didn't really get very many people they hope for 100 people i had i had to it off when they got 300 they
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got a hole and one in the local norfolk buildings. they had booths. they lean on all the micro manufacturers, each to bring in their micro and. they had every one of those markers. i think they were 27 or something like that of them. every one of those micro was running an actual navy problem. so when the navy in they could see the micros doing their kind of problem, they've got some marvelous speakers. probably one of the most successful seminars micros i've ever seen, all put on by those enlisted men. in fact, slater, who is now chief, has recently written an excellent paper. everything ever wanted to know about microcomputers but didn't know who to ask. it's top notch. you can get a copy from from norfolk excellent job. all the questions you should ask when acquiring a micro and why the different answers apply to different things. it's top notch for an individual
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who wants to get a micro computer or for a small installation like a small navy bases and so on, that want to get a micro computer. it's a beautiful job. contributed a tremendous amount to the navy. we've got to learn to listen to those young men they're brightest they be and they really know that equipment and it's true of our young officers and our young enlisted men. we've got to learn to listen to them because the upward and most people have been much too busy managing things to keep up with the technical developments. there's something else that was driving me toward the future and worrying about the future. when i met mark one back in 1944, mark was 51 feet long, eight feet high, eight feet deep. he was in a magnificent glass designed by norman bazalgette it and more had 72 whole words of storage, but each word consisted
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23 decimal digits in an algebraic sign and. in addition, she could do three editions every single second for three times. every second she could get two quantities from memory, add them together and put the answer back. that sounds pitiful to you today, but if you go back and look at the newspapers and magazines of that period, you'll find that mark one was the most remarkable tool that man had ever built because she was the first tool that assisted the power of his brain instead of the strength of his arm. the very first one she did in addition, in 333 milliseconds, in three editions per second printed 30/3000 of a second, we didn't stop there. there were a lot more computers built during the rest of the war, most of them under contract to the department of defense at various universities, not till 1951 did we have the first commercial tektronix computer, and that was the old univac one. and a year ago at the national
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computer conference, they celebrated the 30th birthday. she even got a birthday cake and univac one could do. in addition, in 282 microseconds, 282 millions of a second and we were going a thousand times faster. we didn't stop there. by 1964, out came the first of the cdk4 six four hundreds, and it in addition, in 300 nanoseconds, 300 billion of a second, we were again going a thousand times faster. now, if you're not the future, as i am, naturally have to try and write the next line, see what it looks like. 19 question mark well, we need an x, y, z system that adds in 300 picoseconds 300 trillion s of a second for a complete edition storage to add or storage to add or atom together and put the answer back another thousand times faster. answer is need it right now our couple of problems which we
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needed very badly the population of world is increasing. that means we have to increase food supplies. the biggest assist we could give to increasing food supplies would be better. long term weather forecasts. you may remember a couple of years back, they spent corn planted corn out in iowa before it was fully routed. rains came washed it all out. they had to wait for a second shipment to seed, fertilizer and plant again was delayed the early frost got it if they'd known the rains were coming they could have delayed the first planning and would have had that crop. yet we do not today have a computer which will run a full scale model of the big heat engine which consists of the atmosphere in the oceans. we haven't even tested all of our models. now that didn't matter. a few years ago, we didn't have the data to feed into those models. the navy was dropping radio equipped buoys in the rivers of the oceans to get more information. we were putting sensors on commercial airliners recorded on tape and took them off when they
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landed. but now we have the satellite photographs, those satellite, the landsat photographs are so darn good when they're fully enhanced by computer, we can actually tell how high the waves out in the middle of the pacific. we can tell what the temperature of the ocean is 20 feet below the surface. of course, there's a catch fully in hand. a satellite photograph takes ten to the 15th power arithmetic and it's close to three days. and our best computers and weather's already happened. yet we desperately need that information. there's another in which we're going to need computers. the news magazine. it's one of every so often they turn it up. i think the corps of engineers about it. but nobody seems really point out it very hard as the question of management of water. my sister lives in northern new jersey. a year ago spring, there were
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limited to 50 gallons of water. a piece a day. and they came around, looked at the water meters. and if anybody used than that to find them down in norfolk, they began to run short of water. now norfolk city of norfolk draws its water from wells. so they decided to build a better drill a couple more wells and they got off acute about it they drilled them in the corner of the naval base and thought get away with it. but they were in suffolk county. so now suffolk county is doing norfolk for stealing their groundwater. nobody's getting them water. of course down in florida. they drew so much water. they opened huge sinkholes, dumped houses and cars into them out in colorado so the eastern half of the states dry, the western half has money and water so same thing. so the eastern state be a duck. the idea to poke a tunnel through the rockies and get water from the western half no way or the western is going to get water to the nasty old streets. in fact, colorado, nevada,
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california, all those states out there are in the courts fighting over who can draw, how much groundwater from where and how much water from which river, water supplies are going to be one of our major problems, the future we may even import water canada instead of oil. can you imagine kind of computer power it's going to take to manage so that every individual in the united states gets his fair share of pure water? get me one of the biggest jobs we ever tackled. at the other end of the scale. we need 80 billion. piers, i'm awfully fond of small town in new hampshire. it used to have sort of a septic and a great big open burning dump along epa and said you can't do those awful things anymore. we'll give you a large of money. you're put in a tertiary treatment plant for the sewage and an incinerator in place of the dump. so they did they even had a parade with a band and everything. when they dedicated the
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incinerator. i love parades in new england and they found they had problem because they took the epa money, the nice little old lady who keeps the town records, which used to be two lists. one, a list of the taxpayers checked my paid taxes. now there's a list of voters she checked them off at town meeting but now she has to report to the township, the county, the state, the federal government epa, osha, eeoc, irish social cabinet government reports every one of them is arranged differently, totally differently. and she's going to have to have a computer to get the government reports out. and that's happening to every small business, every doctor, every lawyer in every small town across the country. we're still going to need the itty bitty computers, everything from anybody up to the great big ones. i said, we're going to some trouble there to explain that. i have to explain about myself. i'm an extraordinarily annoying employee. i normally drive all of my bosses totally nuts because i
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won't do anything i understand. but i but i've told to do so. when you tell me to do something, i start questions till i get a clear picture. what i've been told to do. well, i told me that first computer was adding in milliseconds, so i actually said, what's a millisecond? well, i chose a thousandth of a second and i had a problem immediately. i could see a second goodbye on the clock. but darned if i see a thousandth of it. so said, please show me a millisecond. and nobody, but nobody would show me a millisecond. time went on with me still fussing because somebody stuck a finger on one of my programs and said, hey, you wasted three five microseconds. and i said, so what what's a microsecond? well, the germans are millionth of a second. and again, i had a problem in the first place. i didn't know what a million of anything was. the biggest hack i'd ever seen was less than $1,000. i didn't know what a million was, and if i didn't know, what
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a million was, i didn't know what a millionth was. and i questioned him. i wanted to know what a microsecond was. i got nowhere. pretty soon, over in the engineering building, they started talking about circuits that nano-sim billionths of a second. well, that had me on the ropes because in the first place i didn't know what a billion was. i don't think most of those guys up in washington do either. and if you don't know what a billion is how on earth you know what a billionth and i questioned film finally one morning in total desperation crawled over to the engineering building and i said, please cut off a nanosecond and send it over to me. and brought you some today. now what i wanted when i asked for an nanosecond was i wanted a piece of work which would represent the maximum distance that electricity could travel in a billionth of a second, because it wouldn't really be through a wire and be out in space at the velocity of light. so if we start the velocity of light and use your friendly computer, you discover that a
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nanosecond is 11.8 inches long. the maximum limiting distance that electricity can travel, and a billionth of a second. well i was real happy my nanosecond i looked at it from all angles. i thought about it. i looked at wall switches and counted the distance. some of those lights went on to these. me i've taken a couple thousand nanoseconds. finally, at the end of about a week. i called back and said, i need something to compare this to. could i please have a microsecond? i've only got one micro a second so i can't give each one. there's a microchip and 984 feet. i sometimes think we ought to hang one over every programmer's desk so they'll know exactly what they're throwing away when they throw away a microsecond. i hope you'll get of these nanoseconds. i've got lots of them with me. they're absolutely marvelous explaining to wives and children and admirals and generals and.
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and you may find yourself in a spot where you have to explain why two pieces of equipment have to be close together or explain to an admiral why it takes so -- long to send a message by a satellite because there are an awful lot of nanoseconds. it's very effective. you believe so you may need a nanosecond. and i hope that gets them i will feel free to use this demonstration if need. it is only one thing. you have to be careful about if you're going to use the demonstration. normally i put these in my overnight and check it. one day i put my shoulder bag and went down to national airport and it took me 20 minutes to explain nanoseconds and micro-sd before i could talk. so if your catamaran you be sure you're checking. i've got lots nanoseconds for you here. i bet you didn't know. and nanos came in different colors, but they knew. but i said i wanted to add in 300 picosecond. so now picosecond is a thousandth of a nanosecond.
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the best way to make is get one of those big pepper grinders and you can make all over the table. 300 picosecond is going to be a third of a nanosecond, and that's my problem. i got enough distance to get from just added this to add or add the two together and put the answer back and beginning to push the velocity. now doc, greenstein, very carefully explain to us that when matter changed the velocity of light matter turns and energy. go to now. of course i'm perfectly to admit that our bright young engineers are going to get beyond the velocity of light. they're going over into that a.u. universe where they have white holes and talk to all the quarks and leptons and gluons and, everybody else, but not in the next five years. and i that computer before then. so what am i going to do? well, i could use my common sense, except that seems to be the last thing we ever in connection with computers. i won't use sense.
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maybe i can use history. back in 1976, we got well accustomed to looking at history. let's try that now. back in the early days of this country, when they moved heavy objects around, they didn't have any caterpillar tractors, they didn't have any big cranes. they used oxen. and when they got a great big log on the ground and one ox couldn't barge, the darn, they did not try grow a bigger ox. they used to oxen and i think they're trying to tell us something. we need greater computer. the answer is not get a bigger computer. get another computer, which course is what common sense would have told us to begin with. incidentally, common is a legitimate scientific technique. the mathematician polya, who worked at princeton, he's the man who wrote the two volume text on techniques of problem. he also wrote a nice little
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anchor paperback, how to solve it and one entire chapter is devoted to the use of sense in solving problems. yet we sometimes forget to use it. so the answer is that to get the computer power we're going to need we're going to have to build systems of computers. that's the first answer anybody will give you to that is that'll cost too much but it won't be any more the cheapest complete computer you can buy today is probably the old intel 8021. the first of the four bit computers on a chip. 64 words a data storage. sound more program storage. those are down to $0.13 a piece of about 100 of them. there's to stop us from building systems of computers. gosh, i've walked into one difficult element and i proposed the idea i decided if i was going to have systems of computers, i'd three dimensional flowcharts. so i got some plastic and i could draw charts on each one and piled them up. looked like three dimensional chess when connected between the
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plates, i used little pieces, string and scotch tape, but they fell. finally i remembered tinker toy and got a nice tinker toy set and had square things and round things and sticks. put them together. and i started three dimensional flowcharts, but i ran out of pieces. so i wrote out a requisition for two large tinker toys that's. two days later. here's the boss well. great. what are we doing now. i have a better suggestion. you today get some of those sets the chemists use to show your molecules. red balls can be computers. balls can be databases, yellow balls, database managers, balls, switches. and you can build a model of a system computers and how they communicate and which ones are connected, which others. and you're going to have to get out of the plane of the paper. you can't write draw them on flat paper anymore. they've got to be in three dimensions and going to have to explain to people what these
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systems of computers are doing. and i think the best solution is get one of those chemistry sets if you can guess, you may have explained why ordering one, but at least i warn you what happens? you ask for such things of thin air, so we'll build systems of computers truth of the matter is, it's already happening. i have one chip here. the chip is made by hughes. the being built by goodyear aerospace for nasa. this particular chip has eight processor years on it. they're lined up four and four. you want to look at it afterwards? i'll have it here. great processors on that chip. the system consists of 128 by 128 processors, 16,384 processors, all in one system they call it the multiple multiple parallel processor. now of course might think that's going to fill a room like mach one did not at all all the
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processors are in one cabinet. second cabinet is all input output and controls. third cabinet is a pdp 1134 because obviously you have to have computer if you're going to manage 16,000 computers each pixel from a lens, that photograph go to one processor, picks up an includes position color, intensity, everything else that you know about that pixel and can communicate the surrounding pixels. is it to be used to hunt for oil and minerals and stuff that there. yeah the chip i have here is the first i've managed to get my hands on of the very large scale integration, i have no doubt that there are more of them and some of our classified things. weapons systems this, one's out in the open. three of these chips form the micro mainframe three chips to form a mainframe computer. when you look at, you'll find that the microprocessor is just one of the processors on this it has built in multi programing
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all the other fancy things the micro mainframe we're beginning be able to build systems of computers and the sooner we start doing it the better we can respond to the need for rapid and rapid development of things. now we're not going to get there overnight. we can't suddenly throw out all our big dinosaurs and replace with systems of computers. it'll have to be a step by step procedure. i'd like to show you something about how we can get at this sort of concept. this is my horrible example. it's a dod system, not navy, air force, marines, or coast guard, dod. that's different. they went out and bought at 56 k computer and of course they were going to put great big problems. it along came the manufacturers and said, you can't run that
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thing without a an operating system. so they loaded in an operating system of which 35 k is resident at all times. rice out on disk, you call it m when you need it. well, they didn't want to take naps or rest. so they said we better multi programing. so when when a multi programing system of which 28 k is resident at all times some of you may recognize computer this is but don't mention it out it's a rather well-known one then they want to hang terminals on it so they can put in ask and put in programs. so they had to have time sharing. 35 k plus two k for each of six terminals for total of 47 k for timesharing, then then they want two communications, they want to talk telephone lines. so that was ten k not too bad. then they had to have a security. so far we are doing very, very badly on the score of security. we're doing a very poor job not
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only in government but in industry, at protecting valuable information and protecting against fraud and theft. i think mostly people forget how many reasons there are for poor security. first, of course, is national security, but i'll leave that to you and the department of this company security company. confidential information. it has to be protected. you realize there have already been cases where companies listened to each other's microwave when they bidding competitively on projects. that's not only not very nice, it's illegal. then there's the question of personal security, personal information. your allies are already been cases where people accessed personal information and, used it to blackmail people. that is also illegal. and then this fraud and theft and regrettably it's increasing and you're in the white car computer crime course down at the fbi academy. i asked them if they had a message they wanted me to give people. i've been spreading it all around the country.
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they said, please tell people if their system is broken, let us know. we've got to know what's happening. they showed me the case a man in a bank, an officer of a bank stole a large amount of money. the computer, it was discovered, was fired. but the bank didn't want the stockholders and depositors to know they'd lost that money. so they covered it up. so he threatened to go to the newspapers. they gave him a letter of recommendation and they did that. he went to second bank. he stole a large amount of money it was discovered. he was fired and he blackmailed them for a letter of recommendation wasn't he got to the third bank. they reported the fbi as it should have been in the very beginning the failure to report was very costly. they also showed me another case we been telling our youngsters that it is not funny to use other people's computer time and to erase other data.
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a youngster out in kansas city broke the network of a software house that was providing services to other companies. he got tired of playing with it. so he sent a message through the network to the managers at the network and he said, i have all of your access codes. and he listed them. you have all of your personal id codes and he listed them and who they belong to. then he said, i'll tell you how i did it and i'll promise never to it again. if you'll me a red chevette equipped with a radio telephone and please fill it with gasoline. so the fbi got him and then there was the case was in washington new york papers canada cement lafarge found that someone was not only using their computer but wiping out their data. so they called in the royal canadian mounted police and bell canada. and the calls were traced to the border. he called in the fbi and mother bell and the calls were traced to the dalton school in new york city. the offenders turned out to be 12 year old boys, now known as
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the dalton gang. so i said to the fbi, well, what are you going to do with all these youngsters? and they muttered about juvenile. i said, oh, do that. make them work for us. they might be able to make the worldwide military command control system work. certainly throughout industry. i have found major difficulties in security. i was tickled to pieces for the new england insurance company out in portland, maine. they looked at their data and they said, hey, we've got to database here. not one big one. all of this information deals with our policy holders. this information deals how we run our company. we need to database machines which have different classifications, so to speak. people are beginning to look at the data and how you're going to protect it, but so far, while
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this system has been broken about every two weeks or so, so security growing 17 k for security, then we're all lemmings in this business. if has something, we all have to have it. so of course had to have a database management system. and when a database manager system 23 k for total 160 k of overhead your overhead that minor earthquake they had up in new england did not come from the laurentian fault. when my status grandfather heard about this, he rolled over in his grave 160 k for overhead let them at 96 k to put their programs. but they couldn't run a 96 k program because there are multiple programs. so they had to have at least three partitions in their programmers are limited to 32 k per program and eight that duckie you had to 56 k computer you can write a 32 k program. have you looked at your overhead lately? let's get rid of it. let's start building a system of
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computers. let's put it in one microcomputer and it handle all internal controls and and security another one and have it handle all controls and security. now, i began to protect my system. is it this is my operating system. if i can access your operating system, i'll break your system if you want to. how to do it? i'll tell you to after it. now, i put front terminal calls in, the micro s with the idea of the person operating, the terminal you give it, the micro breaks the connection and calls back the terminal on which that idea is legal. now i go through a callback procedure. look at those kids calling in. they got the telephone number of canada segment la pass. they called in the micro ask for an id, you give an id now it's you with the borrowed stolen copy to abort some anxiety and all those have already occurred. you give it micro brakes the connection you'll never call
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back the illegal terminal and show that a piggybacking an actual wiring within the building. you don't get over that that's another in that either the micro or the mainframe can change the number of the the terminal so that you may know your access number but you do not know the number of. send your terminal because it may have been changed 2 minutes ago and. it's a fairly good way. i wish more of the banks using the callback procedure because much easier to keep people out of a system to begin with than it is to get them out after they've gotten in. now let's put a third micro in and have it handle database. database manager. that concept has a long and interesting and is a good example of the way we do not accept new ideas was first proposed by bell labs. in 1972 and they showed that a end computer went faster and cost less to manage the data. nobody paid any attention then
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before they published a paper back end computer for database management. i believe people read it. nobody did anything about. it usually we listen to bell labs 77 the army working with kansas state university and cullinane put it back and computer for database management showed it went faster and cost less but even they're doing it. three years ago at the national computer conference at anaheim, they showed the first of the database machines machine built to do database. it's not a computer. it doesn't computer except account one. once in a while, a database manager people pay attention. finally year ten years after we first latched on to the idea, the navy is putting a database machine in at point mugu and i have a paper here by frank malabar big database machines. it's about time i can understand what's taking so long to realize that. a better specialized machine to handle database was always going to go faster than a general
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purpose machine, plus the fact that many you go to database machines, you're going to have more than one database and in a navy installation, you could have one database which was highly classified, another one which is open. and it means that more than one computer can access the database so the concept of database machine is very much at the heart of building the systems of computers of the future and the concept of multiple databases. and that was why i was so happy with that new england insurance company that recognized right in front of them. there was clearly to databases one for the insured and one for their own company and. if we look at our data, we'll find in most that it does break down pretty clearly that role. it was never any reason why we put and payroll on the same computer. the only reason we did because we only had one computer now we've got to overcome that concept and realize those can be on separate computers. of course, the minute we get to
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systems of computers, we don't go down anymore, which is another important point. now, i put three more computers in here, four or five and six. you run those three problems that i wanted to run now running parallel instead of sequentially multi programing and today they can be 64 k micro instead of 32 k next week, of course they'll 256 k or something. i'm another micro in so they can all talk to each other. it'll cost me than one third, but the big system did. so the sooner move to systems of computers, the faster i'm going to go, the better security i'll have. and the less it'll cost me all good reasons for moving systems of computers, but it won't happen overnight. only recently have we persuaded our at mode to send out the order to all of the nordics. identify the first system you're going to pull off, put on a separate computer, maybe by the time our big mainframes are about to pass out, we will begin
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have begun to get our things into system of computers. it means looking ahead. it means ahead. and it's going to take us the next 5 to 10 years to get there. and it's awfully hard to get somebody to do it on their watch when. the payoff will not come this year, but we've got to begin to look ahead and plan for the systems of computers of the future. and i hope at least one of you will get a set of those nice gadgets. they in chemistry and start constructing a system of computers and you can even have different kinds of bonds between them. one of which, you know, is classified, the others not and so on, so forth. i think you'll have lots of starting to design the systems of computers of the future. also for our talk only about data and hardware, we've got to do something about software one of the big cries today is that software costs too much and you can't maintain it combination of approved by dr. haney and my
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crew we developed a technique which is paid off in a vague way, particularly from the point view of maintaining a system. now, dr. haney proved something rather interesting. you may want to repeat to your programmers. it's very good for them. programmers tend to believe something mathematical. so if you can get a mathematical proof, they're much more active, apt to believe it than all the orders and creation. dr. haney said, suppose i have a piece, a program, and i make a change in it. do i have enough programmers here to know what happens when? you do that. you probably have to make another change. the different things ripple. all right. you said, look, p b, the probability that if i make a change, it causes another change. and then he said, i would like to know on average how many changes do i have to make as a result of that change? well, that's the expected value the statisticians have told us how to compute it. he is the first change, plus the second change. times of probability. i have to make it p, but
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sometimes the second change causes the third change p squared. sometimes third cause for vq is the infinite series. the probabilities are always one or less. so the mathematicians me have told me that in that case, the sum of that series is one over one minus p. so if i have some real good programmers, if the chances are they make a change, it's going to be one in ten, they'll have to make another change. this becomes one over one minus a 10th, one over 9/10, 1.111111, which looked something i can live with, but i practically never have a system which consists of only one module. so now let's have another module. i, i know. i'll try. i'll behave like a normal. this is the eighth module and this is a drake. and now pj is the probability that if i make a change in this module, it'll cause a change in the js module. i change something in the selector it upsets the io. now i'd like to know.
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what is the how much changes i expect to make as a result of that first change. now incidentally we've run into that more than once. i've known cases, they made one change. it caused 30 changes that caused the caused about 500 changes. and at that point decided they better throw it away and start over in this case dr. haneef's proof shows that in this case the expected value turns out to be one over one minus np. where p is the probability? the change in one module will cause a change in one ends. the number of modules now that and suppose i have 100 modules in this system, it's an operating system or database system or a great big application. now i had a systems programmers who are much better of course applications programmers. now the probability they make a change, it's going to cause another change one in 100. how many changes will i expect to make as a result of that
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first change? this should be a minus ten. i'm sorry, one over one -100 times 100. this one which is one over zero, which is infinity, and the system will not stabilize. we've been awfully close to that point. you can probably all remember cases where we changed something in the i o and it to a week later the whole system blew and you didn't know where started from. is there an answer to it? and the answer is yes, there is. that is to make of the pages zero. what does mean? i mean, you write the system in independent modules. my search, they have one entrance point and one exit point and no module ever accesses interior of any other module, never touches. and the way you exchange data between the modules is through a series of interfaces this module puts them down another module picks it up. that's my cue to build me a cobol compiler for the eight k
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ruggedized nova course. everybody know you couldn't do that, but did i asked them to build it entirely. an independent modules and they developed a technique which found extremely and so today they had a microcomputer that kept all the modules on the microcomputer as a file. so anytime anybody want to look at one of the independent modules they could call it up and look at it. they also kept a file of the interfaces by the number of the interface, the content of the interface, and who was in charge of the interface followed by a list of the other modules and who was in charge of it. if anybody wanted to change an interface, you could immediately find out who we had to check with before i could change that interface. and they didn't. that awful case. if you change something over and it blows up over here next week they had those of the modules themselves and the interface is completely control. there were in the in any given moment any one of them could look at them and one set one
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first one second class petty officer two third class and one seaman in four month's time built a cobol compiler as normally two years it did it magnifies job and part of it i think was the fact that they had to file all the modules and the interfaces to work with. also when they were transferred, a new group came in, the documentation was complete them to add to it to change it because any module could be pulled out without affecting any other module or you had to check with interfaces and there was a record of those interfaces. so maybe something we can think about too. i easier building obsessed terms of software and of managing not only the software itself but also the maintenance. well, i finally got to be 1966 and i got a letter from the chief naval personnel and the first paragraph said, you have completed three years in the reserves which more than 20, and
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i that the second paragraph was also aimed right at me. it said you have attained age 60 and i knew that the third paragraph said, here are the blanks, please apply for retirement. so did and i was officially placed on the navy reserve retired list for the rank of commander on the 31st of december 1966. the saddest of my life. i left that one thing going back to that course i had from the war college. the second review i was to make was to review the cost of not doing something. now. we did that for all the islands. we looked the cost and men and material taking in island. then we looked at the consequences of bypassing the island and some we took like saipan and tinian others we bypassed like took. that study was always made. what is the cost of not doing this? i've long advocated use of the standard high level languages
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and i'd go to one of our data processing installations and say, why aren't you using standard cobol instead of all those bells and whistles? and the vendor gives you all we a few extra bits and bytes or something like that for micros. i said if you looked at the when you go to the next computer class, the conversion where we about that later i finally decided that i had to find somebody that would scare people. so i looked around state which agency really did scare people and i decided it was a general accounting office as because they come and look at everything, you're doing and then go tell congress about it. so i went over to joe and said, do you realize how much it's costing us? not use the standard high level languages? and they said no, they made a year long study the answer they came up was rather interesting. they said that between that time in 1985, about 8500 of the general management computers in the total federal inventory
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would be replaced. and furthermore, that the cost of conversion was running $450 million a year longer and $50 million a year down the drain, simply because we had failed the standards money could have had for all the things we wanted to do and far outweighed anything we saved by using special bells and whistles that any vendor gave us. that was a case where most people totally failed to look at the cost of not doing something. they'd tell me that they couldn't possibly the standards this year they'd have to get new that i could beat all the programmers over. they to do the standards. but next and they wouldn't look at the cost of not using the standards so that review goes right up along with the all possible enemy actions the cost of not carrying the action. well finally retired me on 31 december 66 thanks to our highly
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pension system. i got my first pension check on the first day of april. two weeks later, i got a call. the pentagon come down to washington, want to talk to you. so i came running, as i always do, when the navy sends for me. i had to wait in mr. reams out our office there were two captains there naturally since i was only a commander, i spoke to them very pleasantly and respectfully. however inadvertently, i managed to tell those two men, my aunt, the captain's young. nowadays, what i'm turned out to be my new commanding. so i started on the right foot and mr. ream took one look at me and said the navy payroll been written 823 times. this has got to stop so naturally. i said, yes, sir. it ended up he asked me to return to active duty with the job of standardizing high level languages and getting the whole navy to use them. and a to of the first half of that job was finite. second was infinite, but i'd be very glad to make a start on it. and so i reported on the of
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august 1967 on six months temporary active duty and so far it is the longest six months i've ever spent in my entire life as the navy personnel. they gave me two navy men, dp threes and civilian, the secretary and office in, the fifth deck in the pentagon. that's the attic flap. let's go to the fourth deck and you hike to the fifth. they gave us each of that's going to chair in a pad and a pencil, standardize the high level languages, start with cobol. no cards, no tapes no computer and no budget. well, since i was initiating new navy activity, the first thing i did was go out and buy a coffee urn. the second thing i did was teach my new crew. the things the chief had taught me. world war two. and i'd like to assure you that our new navy men and women are just as good as any world war two men ever was. it only took them two weeks to completely furnish the office
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office. the only day we nearly in trouble. they turned up with a coffee like we had. they have done in the secretaries office. the captain took one look at it and said, where did you get that? i remembered what to do. i stood perfectly straight and said, captain, it wasn't bolted down. so that became one of our mottos. if it isn't bolted down, bring it home in. we did so well at the junior office. that now contract eventually gave us our own flag. it's a beautiful nylon boat flag with grommets and everything on a pole beside my desk and it's the skull and crossbones. and to the of my knowledge, we were the only office in the entire pentagon to openly fly the jolly roger and operate under its egis course. i also taught my crew that when we go out to get something liberate from the air force first because they have everything and don't know how much they got.
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second, if you can't get it that way, try the army because they have almost and they can't count and there's no use to liberate anything from the seabees, the marines because they liberated to begin with and we survived one way or another on no budget, we had no money to buy computer time. we lived the slack. and i pentagon computers no good chief will ever schedule a computer 24 hours a day seven days a week. you lose 5 minutes here, ten there, 15 there for the things that happen when you operate the computers. if they didn't they didn't like my crew made friends with every chief operator pentagon. i never knew how they got in someplace and i didn't get that calls and say, can you use 5 minutes? can you use 10 minutes? that meant our programs had to run on anybody's computer because everybody. no, you couldn't do that, except my crew didn't. you couldn't do that.
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one third class petty officer wrote a program at low level cobol. it asks you which computer your own. you can say anything from apple and all three, 70, 30, 500, whatever you got your hands on. and as it ends, the remainder of the program done and as the control cards and special and you're on that computer and you can write programs that are run anybody's computer and the entire set of cache sets of test for both cobol and fortran compilers have been run on everybody's computers. there's no excuse for not writing programs that are portable. well, that's not our problem of computer time. and we began to develop the test routines first for cobol, later for fortran. two and a half years later, i was invited to give a present for the secretary of the navy who's going to be secretary of the navy, assistant secretary, chief of naval operations, cheaper naval materiel. all of i said not. oh, they me for two weeks ahead of time. i went through one dry run after
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another glowers, let a perfect we finally got to the great and i was walking down the corridor beside the executive car to beside the captain. he looks down at me and says, first time a woman ever gave a presentation in room that was so i'd feel more at ease. comfortable? yeah. he let me get about ten feet further and he says, first time anybody below the rank of captain gave a presentation in that room. he had me in good shape when i got there, so the first thing i did was break from the speech and tell the secretary was just as well. we hadn't had budget because if we had had one, i'd still be filling out the papers to get our hour computer time. but i managed to get through to the end. he was a charming gentleman. he thanked me, he congratulated me and. then he said, is there anything we can do to help you now? i hadn't been briefed on to respond to that question, so naturally i waited right in and said i wanted to more day paced you, more programmers and 20000 hours to survey the uses of cobalt to find out what they needed next.
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he said he'd see what he could do about it, and that whole room collapsed in one roar of laughter. boy, did i get out the door. i looked at the captain and said, well what did i do this time? he said, don't you realize nobody ever asked for less than 20 million in that room before before? so we got two more tapes and $20,000 only to run into a major problem with our dp's and the pentagon. we found there was a large number of civilians and even some officers who were not about to listen to a young man or woman who a sailor suit. it got so bad that the captain finally said, we will have to take them out of uniform. i don't think i ever regretted more than the day i had to tell those youngsters. take off your uniforms. so the will listen to you. i tried to make up for it. i personally paid for cards printed for each one of them with a navy seal on it, and i made them all managers, mr.
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george and bad manager test and evaluation. but had a marvelous effect on the civilians. every respectful of managers, and even had a good effect on some of the officers, particularly army. i find we have a very bad of underestimating our young. i think we totally fail to recognize how much more they know than we knew. at the same age. i can make comparison. they've had radio and television all lives long for both information and misinformation. i didn't have a set as a senior in high school. i built a crystal set. i didn't have a vacuum tube set till i was a senior college. i was the other who's super head dancer and first came out. i knew men would never walk on the moon. i know he had. they know all about jet airplanes. i can't remember their first flight in an airplane. nobody on a jet to visit their grandparents when they were babies. i didn't fly on an airplane.
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well, i was a sophomore in college. i spent $10 and that was a heck a lot of money. in 1925, i went up in an open cockpit. biplane built of wood and linen and wire, and it went up about 150 feet and floated along about 80 miles an hour. i'd be scared to death to go near it today. they knew all about jets. i was reminded of this not long ago because i was walking out to take again. is it a commuter flight from washington? philadelphia, i guess it ran some airlines now and there was a young man beside me was up at that plane finally to me, and he said, is that thing safe? and i said, yeah, why not? he said, i've never flown in a plane before. we have a whole generation that's never flown in planes. we've totally forgotten how much more they know than we knew. at the same age. on the other hand, there are no more mature than we were at the same age. and they're looking for something which they cannot always put in words.
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and i've seen it across the country as i've talked to schools and colleges and to our young people. what they're looking for is positive leadership. i mean, leadership in the navy sense, it's a two way street. it's loyalty up and loyalty down. it's respect for your superior and keeping of what you're up to and take of your crew. we forgotten it. we think leadership only comes from some guy up there at the top. it's everybody's job. it's everybody's job to take care of their crew for. example, i decided that the youngsters coming through my group that every one of them should be able to get on a street and give a report and not once say you know, so i put a little square box on the desk with a slot in it and. they said, you know, during a report they had to put a quarter in. now, we didn't take the quarters but it tied up the capital. and you'd be surprised how they learned not to say, you know, i also decided that every of them must be able to write a report and correct english statements
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and spell all the words correctly. i bought five dictionaries and spent a lot of extra time for me with a reading at nights and weekends and then explaining the for the changes. yet before they left every single one of those 50 or so youngsters was able to give orally and in writing a correct report in good english and spell all the words correctly. i think we that the four and five year olds are learning arithmetic. the little professor, the six year olds are getting speak and spell. you better look out. there's going to be a generation coming that'll know how to spell a seven year olds. of course, learning basic running the computers i know one man about a computer and cook at home his son is teaching in basic and seventh crust. i know another guy that took a computer home. now he has to apply to his three children for computer time that's they're tremendously bright and they're out there the brightest youngsters we have ever had. now they're not coming from the
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two coasts and the big cities they're coming from farm country where they still believe you have to work to earn less something and work to learn something. north dakota south dakota idaho. wyoming, utah. nebraska. kansas. kentucky. tennessee. northern alabama. northern georgia. southern indiana. illinois. west texas. they're coming from out there in the farm where they still have good schools and they still believe you have to work to learn something. they're out there brightest we have ever had. and yet somewhere in the last 30 years, we lost that word. we went overboard from management partly under the influence. mr. mcnamara partly under the the business schools we concentrated this quarter's bottom line this year, but this report, we forgot to look for the next five years for any enterprise, and we lost concept of leadership, loyalty up and loyalty down. it's the one thing those youngsters are looking for. you can't do it all by
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management. if i had a marine standing here beside me. what he would say would be when going gets rough, you cannot manage your men into combat. you lead him and think you would further add you manage things, you lead people. we need to bring that back very not only in the armed forces but in all of government throughout, business and industry. it's the one thing that those youngsters are really looking for good positive leadership. well, eventually the test routines were a successfully order went out which that all brought into the inventory the department defense should be tested you navy set up compiler testing service was done and we started all fortran and cobol compilers for department of defense that left the rest of the federal government to worry about national bureau standards came and got it, got a copy of our program. so we were to share them until two weeks later. our programs had been printing out at the top of every page of
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every report. us navy compiler test i found amusing white loose in washington and they were printing out nbs compiler test and boy was i mad. they came around and wanted to knew update instead of the programs and i said wouldn't give them one as promptly that politically i must cooperate with the national bureau of standards. so i thought it over for two whole days and i finally gave them a new set of the program. and as i did, i promised them if they again attempted to change u.s. navy and nbs, it would blow their operating system off, their computer. well, eventually we held a press conference and exchanged our prisoners of war and the national merit standards delegated to the navy the job of testing all cobol and fortran compilers for the entire federal government. that continued about two and a half years ago. at that time, the appropriations committee of the house of representatives made a horrifying discovery. they discovered, to their horror that the navy was performing a
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federal function in their completely horrified state. they picked the compiler service out of the navy and put over in the general services administration. now, i might be real worried them over there, except i trained them all. they're all navy. i think they're doing all right since they got over there. they've got an all new offices, all new furniture and two new computers. i got office every three months. they put out a certified compiler list which lists all compilers which have been tested and certified to meet the the specifications all the way from apple to amd, all and everything in between. and there is a cobol for apple and it has passed the standards test for both cobol and fortran they're all listed and you can even the details of the tests, most of them cost around eight or $9 for the complete details of the test of any given compiler. so at last we're beginning to be
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able to implement the standard high languages. i'm tremendously proud of what those youngsters have accomplished to have received a navy achievement award for leading the development of those test routines. one received the navy achievement award for leading development of that cobol compiler for the eight k ruggedized nova, but particularly proud of one member of the group. you finished your courses. she was a second class petty officer so we shipped her off. go see. yes. she is now on a cruise missile installation in germany, lieutenant, and she has been selected to attend the naval postgraduate school for. myself, i probably spent the busiest, exciting, most challenging and interesting 15 years i've ever spent in my entire and i've loved every single minute it i've also received most of the honors that are given to anyone in the computer industry. each time i receive one i thank them. then i've told something i'd like to repeat to you. i have already received the
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highest award i will ever, no matter how long i live, no matter how many more jobs that may have. and that has been the privilege and the responsibility of serving very proudly in the united states navy. thank you all. and forget to get a nanosecond.
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