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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  October 16, 2024 1:49pm-6:54pm EDT

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claims in that report. that is entirely appropriate for them to do. but even more than investigate, if they do find violations, people need to be the held accountable, and they need to take steps to ensure that these practices are not repeated. >> thank you. i have never questions ooh to. first, did you get any -- from the lebanese -- [inaudible] forward to elect a new president and to get rid of the iranian and hezbollah influence in lebanon? >> i'm not going to speak on behalf of the officials inside the lebanese government that we have engaged with. as you know, the secretary spoke to the prime minister on friday, the speaker of the parliament on friday. we made clear that we believe it is in their interest and in the interests of stability in the region to elect a new president, but i'll let them speak for themselves. >> and second, on the buffer zone in the south, israel looks like they're planning to establish a buffer zone 2
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kilometers from the border inside lebanon. do you support such a move? >> i don't know what you mean if by buffer zone. if it means hezbollah pushing back to be on the litani if river, obviously, that's something we support. if it's some kind of other buffer zone, for example, if it was occupied by the idf, that would be something that we would oppose. and on the letter that the secretary sent to israel, prime minister netanyahu convened an emergency discussion -- aid to gaza and senior israeli officials said aid would be expanded soon. did you get any response from -- the. [inaudible] >> we have been, we obviously haven't gotten a response from them, we've been in contact with them about the elements contained in the letter. i will met them -- let them speak for themselves, but we expect hem to take it incredibly seriously.
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we have in the past few days taken some initial steps. >> why did you give them 30 days to make more and in the less can be -- >> well, if you look at the letter, it says we need to see immediate action, and we have seen immediate action. but we also make clear or that some of the steps that would take more than three days, four days, seven days. for example, the ability for people to relocate to areas inland before it gets cold. something you can't do overnight. you have to be able to set up places for them to go. you have to have food, sanitation facilities. those aren't the kinds of things that can happen in a week or a few days. we thought it was reasonable to give israel a bit of time to implement those tens that we recommended in the letter, but there are other things that needed to happen you are vently and madely which is what we've seen over the past couple days. >> and one more if you don't remind. news reports said too that the secretary put forward a plan for a post-gaza war president
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deadline would be after the election. is this accurate and do you have a specific plan to offer? >> we haven't made any decisions in that regard. we continue to be in consultation with a number of countries in the region. the secretary's been, has traveled extensively to the talk with partners throughout the. region, including israel and arab countries about plans for the postconflict period in gaza and how you establish governance, how you rebuild gaza, how you reconstruct people's neighborhoods and provide a political path forward. but those discussions are ongoing. >> thank you. >> i'm going to skip over you to try and say in the region, but i will come back, i promise. >> thank you. i wanted to return to the mayor 's been killed in the strike that apparently killed 16 people. i mean, this is described as a hezbollah-affiliated mayor. the attack was on an official lebanese state building. mean, if this is -- if that's
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the reason for this attack, is that a justifiable target, in your view? >> i don't want to comment on the face of things. i want to be able to comment when i have full, verified information. >> i'm asking question, and you said earlier that israel has the right to target members of hezbollah. would you regard a hezbollah-affiliated mayor as a member of hezbollah? [inaudible] >> again, i don't even have confirmation that he's a hezbollah-affiliated mayor. i'm taking your version of the story. before i comment on specifics of a strike or deal with that kind of hypothetical, i would want to know the full particulars, which i don't have. >> the reason i ask about policy because, obviously, a lot of this is -- [inaudible] so does israel have the right to target anyone who has an affiliation with hezbollah? it's deeply embed9 in the -- [inaudible] it has civil servants and
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measures ps. would you -- mps. would you regard all of those -- >> testify the right to the target militants, they have the right to target those end gauged in terrorism, those involved with supporting and financing terrorism and helping carry out terrorist attacks. i think that's clear under international humanitarian law. they don't have the right to carry out attacks on civilians, that's also clear. last last. >> hold on. when you want the get to the next iteration of the individual person, you have to know the -- >> i'm not asking about, it sounds from what you're saying that there is a line in there, you know, civil servants or mp ifs to some countries do not designate the political wing of hezbollah as a terrorist organization as i think the u.s. because. but it sounds as if you are putting a line there -- >> i don't, i will not either agree or disagree with your characterization. i'm going to stand on the words that i just outlined for myself. >> i just want to -- because i think it does go go the what the strategy is here, what your
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strategy is as the primary military backer of israel in terms of this this operation. because you have moves -- moved from a strategy just a few weeks ago which was get the residents of israel back to the north, get the residents in lebanon back to the south, basically that was your primary objective, and then rolling into that trying to get 1701, you know, immaterial policemenned -- implemented as part of -- [inaudible] but you're now way beyond that because you're now in a situation where you're saying you want a new president elected, you've said it's up to the lebanese people to break the stranglehold that hezbollah has on the lebanese government. you weren't saying these things a month ago. >> that is absolutely not true. just as a factual matter, we have made -- tom, just let me correct the record because it's really important. we have made clear going back before october 7th that we wanted to see the lebanese parliament break this political deadlock and elect a new president. this is not a position, it's not something new that --
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>> you weren't connecting it to an israeli military operation which has invaded lebanon which is bombing beirut. and now these things are wrapped together. i'm asking you for the strategy for the military campaign because it sounds like given what benjamin netanyahu has said -- [inaudible] you're saying a stranglehold, this is now in the context of military operations. i'm asking the question, is that can -- are you creating these conditions for the israelis to stop? you want hezbollah, basically, removed as a political force -- >> of course we want to see hezbollah not exercise political power inside lebanon. they're a terrorist organization. they're a terrorist concern hold on. you had long buildup to the question. they're a terrorist organization that has held the lebanese people hostage, that has killed, murdered civilians inside lebanon. so of course we don't want to see them involved in dwor nance
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inside lebanon. and that is not anything new. i see your hand up. let me just finish. it is a not anything new. that has been the policy of the united states going back years and years years, decades, in fact. it's also been the policy of the united states that we want the see them elect a new president going back for some time. now, we can want to sew people returned the their homes, see a diplomatic resolution. but it needs to be a resolution that actually will produce if that -- hand down, i'll come to you -- that will produce that outcome. because we saw for the year after on the 7th these tit for tat attacks going back and forth across the blue lewin, and the result was -- line, and the result was tens of thousands of people doing displace -- being displaced from their homes. we want to see a diplomatic resolution. yes, we also want to see a change in the military government. that means lebanon can elect a new president. that has been our position for some time. it's not something new that
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started when the first israeli forces crossed the border. >> i'm just challenging that because you've always said that about this crisis. obviously, you don't want hezbollah in lebanon, but you weren't saying we think the way to do that is to bomb lebanon into dissolution. >> i have not said that today. -- [inaudible conversations] >> if you want the use words, use the words that i've used. >> i'm asking you to the disentangle these two things because i'm saying is it a condition of the end of this military operation in lebanon that these things are achieved, that there is a new president, that hezbollah are basically disempowered politically? because you weren't saying the way to achieve that four weeks ago, you weren't saying that involved a military campaign. but now we are in a situation where the two things, farce i can tell, are bound together. and you're not distinguishing -- >> let me just go back to something that we said immediately after israel launch had had the campaign which is
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that the we are fully cognizant that military campaigns can at times create space for diplomacy. long history of that. they can also produce the opposite effect. and we've seen military campaigns in lebanon where israel has crossed the border with the intent of a limited campaign, and it has turned to something completely different. and we're air ware of the possibility of that scenario as well. ultimately, when you come to -- about the military objectives, that's a question for israel, not for us. i can tell you what we want to see happen. >> [inaudible] it's just the point is -- [inaudible] repeated mistakes we made after a 9/11. we saw with the attempt at regime change and ten years later you have isis. and so i asked this question because critics of what's happening now in lebanon, the israeli military campaign say, look, this is just another regime change attempt. and to try and do that through a campaign of bombing has been
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proven to be counterproductive. you seem to be, you know, you're behind this, you know? you're -- >> so we are not interested in regime change, we are interested in the people of lebanon electing a president and breaking the deadlock that a terrorist organization concern i don't know how i could be any more clear than that. that's what we've been interested in for years. it's what we've been interested in, continues to be what we push for in our diplomatic engagement. >> thank you, matt. the first time you said we've seenism improvement in the last couple days. can you quantify that? >> yeah, as i said when i was outlining, 5 trucks came in from jordan yesterday, another 20 the or 30 on monday, so we've seen some initial truck deliveries, and we've seen the opening of other routes that should allow aid to move around gaza more easily and especially move from the south to the north. but the proof is going to be in the pudding. we're going to have to watch and see that all of this isn't just
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sustained, but that it continues to increase. .. >> that was done during the obama administration. if a country that you provide a two breaks the law, regardless of what kind agreement to sign with them, could tensions break away from that? say they're basically grossly and fundamentally broken the law or the terms of the great. >> yes, we have obligations under our laws to ensure that countries that are recipients of u.s. military assistance don't block the delivery of humanities assistance, don't impede the assistance and we take steps to ensure enforcement law. we have obligations to ensure our weapons are used in
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compliance of international law. >> in principle, you can declare agreements can be null and void? >> i'm not going to get too far into parked in the law for me or is not a lawyer but yet we have the ability to enforce u.s. law, of course. >> do you really think you have the ability to declare null and void spinet i cannot say null and void. >> that's what he said and you said -- >> so -- >> i don't think you do. >> i'm not going to get into -- [talking over each other] >> i'm not going to get into parsing all the provisions including law that provide, requires to about military assistance and provisions of law require us to ensure that people comply with for assistance act require -- [talking over each other] >> this goes back to the conversation you and i had at
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the beginning. >> yeah, i know but -- >> no. >> but you just left the door open with you saying you could declare that the administration could to declare the m.o.u. you signed -- >> so i very much -- [talking over each other] >> i very much did not. you should -- >> i don't think that's correct but that's what you implied. >> thus not what i at all implied or said. >> okay, thank you. >> the issue that was raised on -- [inaudible] hezbollah's abusing she was as human shield budget clothe them as terroristic would you declare the israeli army enters or position? >> no. that's ridiculous. >> let me please let me finish. we see this happen time and again. this is a practice conducted by the israelis for a long time. how would you reached the conclusion in the end?
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because they could investigate himself as a done the the time of the gentleman has expired again but they never held accountable, do anything. when they say yes, we have done this and this is wrong. so what would be the consequence? >> we want to see them fully investigated and if appropriate hold people accountable. it people had committed violations they need to be held accountable under israel's military justice system, if there are people have violated international american law they need to be held accountable. if we see people violations of the law of work in vanishing the international humectant along with the two procedures as well. >> one thing on the american that was killed more than a month ago. have you heard on this issue? how long will it take? >> we had been in contact including in the recent days about the status of this investigation. my understanding is it is ongoing peer we make clear
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including recently we want to see completed as soon as possible. all right. i'm going to try to go to somebody else. i'll go to kylie and were 45 minutes in. i haven't gotten to anything else. then i'm going to try to go to some other questions. >> when it comes -- the lebanese government, presidential elections, do you think lebanon is any closer to actually carrying out those elections today than they were a few weeks ago for the u.s. was pushing hard and? >> i do have an assessment to offer. that something that members of the lebanese political party did speak to. >> one of the question. there's a report the secretary is considering laying out a day after plan for gaza after the presidential election in november. is that i could? is he planning to roll that out after the election? >> i did speak to this, in response to someone else's question. i would have any announcements to make about a plan.
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it something we to discuss with a number of countries in the region. our arab partners, israel parties as well about what the specific contours of play would look like. it's something we've been working on going back months but as to when we would have something to present with our counterparts in the region i don't have a timeline. >> are there any conditions on the ground that would need to be in place an order for such a plan to be presented? >> i just don't want to get into what a a plan might look like. obviously you know the relevant pillars of such of it because you've heard the secretary speak publicly, governance, reconstruction. but it don't want to get into any further details. something we're an active ongoing discussions about. i'm going, just because of the lake at ten minutes left i want -- >> very quickly. [inaudible] >> he was over at the white
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house earlier. i don't know call. >> the president spoke and presented -- [inaudible] will he review the plan? [inaudible question] >> i'm a going to get into the various details of other than to say we continue to engage with the government of ukraine about that plan. obviously the president spoke to president zelensky, one of the topics of conversation we continue to work with them about of the measure that are not included in the plan that we believe would position ukraine to win on the battlefield and ensure a just and lasting peace. scaling down -- [inaudible] >> every country is to make its own decisions based on the king abdullah's, on a budget about what they can do. we have been gratified by the coalition of more than 50 countries we put together to support ukraine, countries who
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have contributed ukraine's defense and we're confident that support will continue. [inaudible question] >> of course we do get my colleague john kirby at the white house later information yesterday. i don't have anything to that. >> thank you. thank you, matt. on russia and china and north korea. russia and north korea cooperate -- [inaudible] these why cooperation between north korea and russia is also to occupy -- north korean troops
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to russia with war in ukraine. what do you think of that? >> we continue of great concerns about the growing security relationship between russia and north korea. >> and second question. defense minister last year in china in beijing -- cooperation between the two countries. what confidence do you have about -- cooperation between china and speedy we spoken to that before and that anything you to add to it today. >> in light of the ministry of bangladesh, prosecuting individuals in the -- a movement up to august 8 and reports between august 5 and august 8, over 3000 -- were killed.
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more than 400 police and many members targeted by organized protesters under coordinated plans described as by the doctor. will the u.s. administration -- justice for all victims? >> we have made clear there is no excuse for violence be the conducted against those conducting peaceful protest or conducted by those protesting and anyone that is responsible for violence should be held accountable. [inaudible] re-citation of koranic verses three bangladesh largest in the fso. how does u.s. administration feel this incident? and will it --
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[inaudible] religious freedom and the rights of minority kindreds in bangladesh? >> we are committed to religious freedom in bangladesh and elsewhere with regard to the rest i will take it back. >> give an answer for -- >> i said i will take a back and get you. >> thank you. [inaudible question] >> sure. the meeting that occurred yesterday we updated, we being the government broadly, has updated members of the committee of inquiry about the investigation that the united states has been conducting. we received an update from the on investigations they have been conducting. it was a productive meeting and i believe it at that. >> actions he might've ? >> they did inform us that the individual who was named in the justice department indictment is no longer an employee of the indian government. [inaudible question] >> we are satisfied with the cooperation.
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a confused be an ongoing process. we continue to work with them on that but we do appreciate the cooperation and we appreciate the updating us on the investigation as we update them on our. >> do you see further? >> i don't have anything to announce today. >> my question is on mexico. last week the new mexican president announced restrictions and u.s. ambassador in mexico city, preventing him to have direct contact with members of her administration without informing the foreign minister first. when you apply restrictions to the mexican ambassador in washington and you consider this new restriction adequate? >> we had a close partnership with the government of mexico that we have close partnership with the new president of mexico. we look forward to working with her and her administration, the ambassador looks forward to working with her and administration. we look forward to a long continued partnership. >> so no restrictions? >> nothing that i have two announced today. >> thank you. yesterday you said you should
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look at your records in gaza. since make this been a decrease despite america saying we need israel is to do more. it's the president to point to make people are either facing famine or food insecurity. at add to that the fact from te podium yesterday to discard this erodes the attack on a hospital by israel and the united states continues to send weapons to israel. what are you proud about about what the speedy look at our record. if you listen to my full presentation yesterday you would have heard i said our intervention with the government of israel started in the days immediate after october 7 to make sure you mention ssns got in. we saw them what the first trucks come in. we then intervened with them to get kerem shalom open, to get the route open so you mention ssns from jordan could come in. in. now, there have been times when assistance has decreased, when it is stagnated. when that's happening with intervened again to make sure it
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returns to level it needs to be. that's what we're doing now and we watched to see what happens and monitor the results closer. >> i follow up on that. >> no. go ahead. >> on the journalist arrested, he praises of the u.s. has raised concern over arrest with the cambodian government. any of engagement since then? any progress? >> we have engaged with them at a a number of different levels and they cleared our concerns and called for his release. >> hasn't been any progress? >> i don't have anything further to announce from the podium today. >> and was brought up during the briefing -- and israeli tank fired at a watchtower and damage did say yet again we see direct and apparently deliberate fire on a position. any consequences for israel attacks? >> first of all but decided that a blanket practice my first day i'm not going to comment on things that happened one of the podium because i haven't seen
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the full context of them other than was president in the question. but we made quite clear to the governor official soldiers did e protected. they are there to fulfill an important mission and that attacks on them are unacceptable. >> do you see any indication their heating does one? >> i can't speak to the specific attack. may we make clear what we believe that attacks are unacceptable. >> i have a question on china and one on -- [inaudible] [inaudible question] but it seems like you have -- official act and you say you have interest. what is u.s. interest in middle east -- [inaudible]
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what is u.s. interest in middle east? >> broadly will want to see peace and stability in the middle east, a region that is at a lack of civility for decades now. when it comes to israel you have a state that as a terrorist organization in hamas committed to its destruction, that has a terrorist organization in the north and hasbro is committed to its destruction. has another state, iran, committed to its destruction represent everyday by funding these terrorist organizations so we're committed to the defense of our fellow democracy israel in the face of these threats just individual and to civilians and probably would want to see peace and stability and thus will try to work for with the party and region. >> second question. china has military training and maneuvering around taiwan. like these days. do you have any concern as you
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are fully involved in middle east like israel consumes most come not most but many of your weapons and like military things come in a concern china can take advantage of that and like -- any concern? >> i would say we have made quite clear to china we oppose any change to the status quo when it comes to taiwan. we've express our concern about their engagement in that regard including in recent days. while i know questions about the middle east tend to dominate the briefing room, all of us inside the administration are focused on all, on all the threats around the world to peace, stability, security. you just have to look at the president travel to asia where he has traveled to asia 20 times, more than any of his predecessors, to show that we retain the ability to focus on the crisis in middle east to defend ukraine.
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with that, we will wrap today. thanks everyone. [inaudible conversations] >> later today and, senator kevimer faces off against the democratic challenge katrina christiansen in theace for north dakota senate seat. watch the debate live at 8 p.m. eastern on c-span2, c-span now our free mobile video at or online at >> as a 2024 presidential campaign continues, american history tv present is a series distort presidential elections. learn about the pivotal issues of different eras, uncover what made these elections the story, and explore the lasting impact on the nation. this saturday the election of 1960. >> and for those millions of
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americans who are still denied equality of rights and opportunity, i say there is show be the greatest progress in human rights since the days of lincoln 100 years ago. >> we stand today on the edge of a new frontier, the frontier of the 1960s, the frontier of unknown opportunities and perils. the frontier of unfilled hope and unfilled threats. >> in in a close and controverl election democratic senator john kennedy theater income at republican vic psident richard nixon. h historic presidential elections saturdays at 7 p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span2. >> booktv every sunday on c-span2 features leading authors discussing their latest nonfiction books. at 6:30 p.m. eastern surgeon and
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johns hopkins university public policy researcher looks at what happens when medical institutions make mistakes and public health recommendations. at 8 p.m. eastern pulitzer prize-winning author and journalist rob woodward shares his book war when he talks what wars in the middle east and ukraine and the 2024 pridential election. at 10 p.m. eastern on "afte words" stephanie baker a bloomberg news looks at the global impact of u.s.-led economic sanctions against russia following vladimir lab wh putin's invasion of ukraine in her book punishing putin. watch booktv every sunday on c-span2 and find a full schedule in your program guide or watch online anytime at >> this is a marginf error race. i'm going to win b it's tight.
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democratic presidential nominee and vice president kamala harris made tho rarks in an interview by radio host charlemagne the god. part of the show the bakst club was one of a number of interviews the vice president hadiv in the closing weeks before the election in a attempt to reach voters through popular podcast, radio and television hos among the topsiscussed were foreign policy, plan to provide forgivable loans to blac entrepreneurs and to suppt legalizing marijuana at the federal level. this video is provided courtesy of i heart media. >> we the peoplend audio town hall with vice president kamala harris in conversation with detroit, michigan, ande god lifm exclusively on i heart radio. we will talk all i can tackle tough questions of the future and of our nation pictures your host charlemagne the god. >> yes peace to the planet. charlemagne the god with madam vice president kamala harris. how are you.
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>> was very well. how are you doing? >> with a 20 days and 60 minutes. we just need to get to it. >> i'm with you. we want a. >> how are did? fugitives walk-in. >> i try to be on time. appellant and 45 seconds late, you're right. >> you are black. [laughing] a lot of your present gets criticized folk you come off as very scripted. they say you like to stick your talking points. somebody says you had speed that would be called discipline. >> say you are and what you believe i know that's not true but what do you say to that criticism and is fair for s&l to mckennitt? >> has my rudolph and wonderful? i have nothing but admiration for the comedy and a think it's important to be able to laugh at yourself and each other. >> obviously comedy and not belittling people. >> what you say to people who say you stay on talking points?
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>> i would say you are welcome. i mean listen come here's of the thing. i love having conversations which ones are happy to be with you this afternoon. and the reality is that there are certain things that must be repeated to ensure that i have everyone know what i stand for any issues i think are at stake in this election. so requires repetition pick some people say that until someone has are the same thing at least three times it just doesn't stay with you. repetition is important. for that reason yes at my rallies i said the same thing when you go to detroit as a do in philly come as a do wherever i am to make sure people here and receive what you think are some of the most critical issue that are at stake. >> there has to be a high level of anxiety when had these conversations but you're running for president. >> i i mean you know there's certainly a lot i feel the weight of the moment and my
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role. i feel an extraordinary weight of responsibility right now to do everything i can. when i go to bed at night i almost every night in addition to my prayers will ask have done everything i could do today? this is a margin of error race. it's tight. i'm going to win. i'm going to win. but it's tight. you know, what is at stake is truly profound and historic many would say. and it's about some people would say it's lofty notion of supporting evidence of our democracy but it is about real issues that affect people everyday, like window going to maintain a $35 cap on insulin our seniors. i don't want to continue to allow medicare to negotiate drug prices to bring them down. whether we're going to have as
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my opponent would have a formalized stop and frisk policy for which he has said if the police department does not do it they should be defended, or not. that is so much at stake. with america's going to stand on its principles brent the enforcement of sovereignty and territorial integrity and stand with our allies around the world, , or whether we will adme dictators and send during the height of the covid pandemic covid test that nobody could get to the president of russia for his personal use when black people were dying every day by the hundreds during that time i feel like that one had gone over peoples heads, the fact he was doing that. >> i mean, you know, i invite, you are listening. the people we know, the number of people who lost their grandparent and parent. remember what that was like during the height of covid? a lot of people are scrambling for the resources. donald trump and that time
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secretly sent covid tests to the president of russia who by the way do not forget in the 2016 election because i was in them member of the senate intelligence committee when we investigated it, targeted black voters in 2016 with ms. and this information to discourage black people from voting in that election. and this is just another of the very many examples of whom donald trump really is and the danger he presents to real people. >> sending covid test to russia doesn't sound very america first at all. it's not just you versus trump. it's you versus misinformation. one of the biggest pieces of this information what are the biggest allegations against you is that you targeted and blocked of thousands of black men in san francisco for weed. some say you did to push her crew. some say did out of pure hatred blackmon. please tell us the facts. >> it's simply not true and it's what public defenders who were
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around the state will tell you i was in those progressive prosecutor in california on marijuana cases. and what does in people to jail for simple possession of weed. as vice president have been a champion for bringing marijuana down on the schedule so instead of it being ranked up there with heroin, we bring it down and my pledge is as president i will work on decriminalizing it because i know exactly how those laws have been used to disproportionately impact certain populations and specifically black men. >> before we get into the talkback future of the questions from the audience i want to talk about the legalization of weed picky say what to legalize another what steps to the biden administration take to get closer to that reality? >> we had to work with the dea, and there's a certain level of bureaucracy that exist in the federal government that slows things down, but essentially to
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bring down how weed is classified, a one is classified, to make it classified as a lesser harm. so that took some time. physical process for about that but that's the work we have done. in addition to work we've done writ large on criminal justice reform. >> okay. let's take some calls. not calls come let's go to the talkback feature. >> my question for kamala is, why are we, and i say we because my tax dollar is simulacrum why are we sending money to other countries when we desperately need in our own country for homeless, housing, resources, for whatever? that is my determining factor if i vote for kamala are not. >> that's one of the reasons the america first redbrick residence because nobody would complain about when money was going if citizens everyday needs were being met. what you say to that?
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>> we can do it all and we deal. first of all, i maintain very strongly america should never pull ourselves away from our responsibility as a world leader. and that is in the best interest of our national security and each one of us as americans, and are standing in the world. that being said, we also have an obligation to american citizens obviously and people who are here to meet their everyday needs and challenges, which is why, for example, we have done the work in the last four years of bringing down the cost of prescription medication, whether it be $35 a month for seniors or insulin or $2000 a year cap on prescription medication. what we've done that is been about putting $17 billion in our hbcus or ipad to be the first hbcu vice president. i intend to be the first hbcu president of the united states. those resources of us invented
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cities of academic excellence at end of them to be. the work i continue to do is about increasing access to capital for small businesses. it is about increasing the opportunity for home ownership knowing the black people are 40% less likely to be homeowners in america. we have history of legal and procedural obstacles to that home ownership started with the fact nobody got 40 acres and a mule, to redlining, two issues that this detroit area people around the country know to be real. part of my plan is we're going to give people a $25,000 down payment assistance to get their foot in the door to buy home for first-time homebuyers. the work i'm going to do to increase housing supply and america knowing that's one of the reasons rents and housing prices are jacked up and work with the private sector, cut to the red tape and worked to build more housing 3 million before the end of my first term. and i give these examples and their many more which i will
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offer. so, for example, the work i will do to extend the child tax credit to $6000 for young families during the first year of the child's life. as you and i both know, our families all have a natural desire to parent their children well but not always the resources. so by expanding the child tax credit to the first you child's life to $6000, that gives a young, young family the build to buy a car seat or a crib or clothes, the things that are so important during that critical phase of that child's development so that they can get on the road and have a chance at succeeding. >> you said we can do all but can we? tupac famous is that we got money for war but can't feed the poor? i saw president obama said last week you really shouldn't expect a president to rid the world of all of its problems. is it fair to tell people pay, we can do it all? as when people get disappointed when things would have.
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>> i think president obama is absolutely correct, but it doesn't mean we can't do anything. >> that's right. >> want to talk about extending the child tax credit when i was vice president i pushed we would do it during our first year. we reduced black child poverty in america by 50%. we did that. we can do that. my plan that is about building up homeownership in the black community, we can do that. my work is been about increasing access to capital bringing billions more dollars into our community banks which have done as vice president through cooperation and partnership or some of the big banks and tech companies, to get more access to capital for ottomans, for businesses. we've done that. we should never sit back and say okay i'm not going to vote because everything hasn't been solved. i share a desire that everything should be solved by the way. i think it's what we should all want. that doesn't, that shouldn't stand in the wake of us also knowing we can participate in a
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process that about improving things. and by voting in this election, you have two choices. or you don't vote but you have two choices if you do. it's two very different visions for our nation. one line that is about taking us forward and progress and investing the american people, investing in their ambitions, dealing with the challenges there any other donald trump is about taking us backward. >> the other is about fascism. why can't we just say? >> yes, we can say that. >> reverend kinloch junior what you do meet empiric he's a senior pastor of trying church wears the reverend? just a reverend, you're all right. >> hey, reverend. >> what's up, madam vice president, charlemagne. thank you all for being in detroit tonight. recently, madam vice president, by one of trump's surrogates from the black faith-based community, you've been criticized by him and others for
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lack of engagement to the black church. knowing that the black church is an unrivaled place in the heart of black people, what did you speak to as it relates to a future, a harris administration how you would partner with the black church to address some of the urgent needs of the black committee? dr. king talked about the fierce urgency of right now and as a church, triumph churches in the play. >> first of all that allegation of course is coming from the trump team because they are full of ms. in this information because they are trying to disconnect me from the people i have worked with and that i am from. so that they can try and have some advantage in this election is otherwise have nothing to run on. i grew up in the black church. i grew up, i grew up attending 23rd avenue church of god in oakland, california,. >> that his church.
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>> yes, that is church. my pastor is a third baptist church in san francisco, california. i have throughout my career and his vice president and recently been actively engaged in the church, and church leaders not only come so we can share in fellowship but so we can share and what we can do together that is about supporting the community, the strength of the community, the cohesion of the community. it is my long-standing work and, therefore, my pledge going forward i will always work closer with the church because i understand who are church leaders are into the congregation is. we're talking about people who are driven by faith and the ability to see what is possible. by faith what i was raised and i of us were, understanding that our god is a loving god, that our faith repels us to act in a way that is about kindest and
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justice and mercy, that is about lifting one another up. let's talk about the contrast you. donald trump and his followers spend full-time trying to suggest the measure of the strength of the league is based on who you beat down, which is absolutely contrary to the church i know. >> t-cells bibles of those. >> where our church and my church is about saying to leadership, the measure of that is based on who. and right, , and then he selling $60 bible or tennis shoes and trying to play people as though that makes him it more undeg of the black community. come on. >> thank you reverend. >> god is good. >> every day all the time. >> there you go. make sure you get that right. have you seen the clip madam vice president from the real? it's a clip that out of context and it says you won't do anything specifically for black
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people. have you seen this purpose i have not seen it. >> if the clip that has you saying you're you could g specifically for black people. >> well, that's just not true. listen again, you said at the beginning of this is a, charlemagne. one of the biggest challenges that if this is mis- and disinformation. and it's purposeful. because it is meant to convince people that they somehow should not believe that the work i have done has occurred and has meaning. my work from the beginning of my career through today has been about come for example, we talked about it, whether id on hbcus, with a bill of black what are the most heavily singularly many would say one of the highest level leaders in our country to bring the issue of black maternal mortality to the stage of the white house, to address it. the work i've done that is been about focusing on my knowledge
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in my experience in my life experience of knowing that entrepreneurship that we have in the community, the invasion, the aspirations, the dreams, and the tapping into data so not only has my work been about ensuring we had some of the lowest black unemployment ever in our country, but that also knowing that she should be a baselit has a job, and what we should be invested in is also building wealth in the community and intergenerational wealth. i have many, many examples of that. but again part of the challenge that i face is that they are trying to scare people away. because a no otherwise have nothing to run on. ask donald trump what is plan is. ask him. i'll tell you what it is. look at project 2025. project 2025 tells you the plan includes making police
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department f-stop and first policies. the plan includes making it more difficult for workers to receive overtime pay. the plan includes ending the ability of medicaid to negotiate drug prices. you know what we have done? he said he would come we did which means that so we brought down the costs of prescription medication. his plan includes making it more difficult for working people to get by, and to destroy our democracy. you know what he says he will do? omit the constitution of the united states. that may remind folks, you know it's in the constitution? the fourth amendment which protects you against unreasonable and seizures, the fifth amendment, the sixth amendment, the 14th amendment and he's going to determine the constitution of the united states? which in most of those amendments one thing or another was about a movement spurred by black people to ensure that we would equally protected under the law. come on. >> let's take a question from
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top expert minutest joshua, african american male from las vegas that i would like to ask the law she has planned to make sure there's a stop for police brutality and murder set a been going on viciously? >> so again the work that i have done to my career and most recently when i was in the united states senate to help with the george floyd just simply seen him act. cory booker i work closer that. >> can you talk about that. >> we couldn't get the votes in congress. there's a clip somewhere of me fighting with a republican senator to actually -- [inaudible] >> right. to actually get it passed e couldn't get it passed. what we did when you came in office and during the time i been vice president is we passed an executive order. so whereas we were trying and i
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been trying to make these things national so everyone would have it to do it, an executive order by the president the says for federal law enforcement the following things have to happen which we for the first time put in place. no-knock warrant. barring chokehold, a national database not just for federal law enforcement but a national database for us to collect information and track police officers who have broken the law. law. this is no small issue, this piece in addition to adl's because as in the we've seen plenty of examples of the police officer who committed misconduct in one jurisdiction and then goes to another to jurisdictd gets hired because there's no place that's tracking their misconduct. these are some of the things we've done. i'm still going to always work on getting the george floyd justice and policing act passed pierpont of work i'm doing as a candidate for president includes lifting up those candidates who are running either for reelection for the first time to
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congress who are supportive of what we need to do on all of the issues we've been discussing, whether it be free to devote and passing the john lewis voting rights advancement act, whether it be freedom to make decisions about your own body, whether it be the freedom to just eat and be free from any brutality including police brutality and where it occurs. >> a lot of frustration comes from people who will say sometimes politicians volunteer lies because yes it's great to try to pass the george floyd act but you probably can't get the votes so why push spec with why push it on people? >> i don't subscribe to that approach and i will tell you why. look, it took a long time for the voting rights act to get done. it took the brutality of what happened when john lewis and all those were trying to cross the edmund pettus bridge. it took a lot of work over our
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history to do what we have accomplished thus far. and we have made commit. >> howdy convince republican senators, as you just said? >> part of it is that their constituents are part of this. i mean we have plenty of folks who want this provision districts where they serve and this is the point come this gets back to earlier point about you can't get in but teacher out of the gain by not voting. the solutions, and maybe this is a point you're making but what president obama said. the solutions are not going to happen just overnight, and the solutions that we all want i'm not going to happen in totality because of one election. here's the thing. the things we want and are prepared to fight for happen if were not active and if we don't participate. we cannot allow circumstances to take us out of the gain because they basically what we're saying is almost people who work
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obstructionists who are standing in a way a change are winning. because they're convincing people that it can't be done to take us all out, don't participate. look at that circle. look at that vicious circle then. so let's not fall for it. >> zeke, this is my man seek he's a president and ceo of new era detroit. he wants to talk about your black male agenda for the black community. zeke, what's up, brother? >> what up, dog? madam vice president, charlemagne tha god can what up dog, welcome to detroit's purgative back. >> i would like to see the real because i'm up in here. my name is zeke, new air founder, ceo. i've worked on the ground in detroit in the black kids all across the country for over the past ten years actual celebrate our tenth year this past august. in my ten years of organizing we
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played a major role in the resurgence of pride and the change of mindset in detroit neighborhoods across the city. we are not only knew for the work we do in detroit but across the country in black communities. i'm having worked in over 35 cities of the blackest city in america. saying all that to say i'm extremely qualified to sit in front of the current vice president and which can be the next president of the trinity of america. as i post my question to you i would first like to make it known that i don't have any emotional connections to politicians. i believe this is what our biggest flaws in the current political process. i view politics as a business and america's what of the biggest corporations in the world. with that being said i'm here on behalf of business of the black community. with all that black americans have been through and contribute to the success of america i feel there should be an in-depth
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investigation for evaluation of the lack of resources and current living conditions in black community nationwide. my question to you is, what's your stance on reparations? we all know america became great off the backs of the free black labor. how progressive are you on making it a priority and writing america's wrongs, it's understood your running for president for all people of america. asking for specifics for black communities doesn't mean no,, don't do for others but black americans are heavily asked to vote democratic in every election for over half a century with very little in return. what are your plans to address these very important issues and change the narrative? >> thank you, z. >> appreciate that come thank you and thank you for your work. so to your point, yes, i am
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writing to be a present for all americans. that being said i do have clear eyes about the disparities that exist and the context in which they exist, meaning history. to your point. so my agenda, while first of all on the point of reparations, it has to be studied. there's a question about that. i've been very clear about that position. in terms of my immediate plan, i will tell you a few of the following. one, as it relates to the economy which is a lot of what you have addressed, look, i grew up in the middle class. my mother worked hard, raise the and my sister and by the time i was in high school she was able to afford our first home. i know what it means for an individual and the family to have homeownership. i also knew in the context of history nobody got 40 acres and a mule. we have a history of a number of things including redlining, detroit does it well.
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a history of for example, something that still exist that i've worked on to address which is racial bias and home appraisals. we know homeownership is, black families are 40% less likely to be homeowners than others. and that homeownership is one of the surest ways to build intergenerational wealth. right? when you own home that's when your child says daddy i want to go to college and you can say sweetheart don't have to take a look and all take equity out of houston if your child says want to start a small business, same point, right? my plan includes making sure that for first-time homebuyers to have a $25,000 down payment assistance to just get the foot in the door because we know forecastle were card, they will save and pay that monthly mortgage. second point is to bring down the cost of housing generally because when it issues is whether housing supply shortage so that's working with the private sector. in terms of our small businesses
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which are part of the backbone of the economy of the black community as part of the backbone of america's economy writ large. my second mother, woman who helped raise us was a small business owner. i know who our small business owners are and i can the black small business owner way before i was running for president. in my official office at the white house to talk with young entrepreneurs most of young about the work they are doing that is about clean energy work, technology as well as the traditional whether it be a barbershop or a restaurant. one of the big issues facing black entrepreneurs and flexible businesses is access to capital. unlike my opponent who got headed $400 million on a silver platter of the file bankruptcy sextant can still forget that, call since of business better not ever that has access to the capital but we know in the community we do not lack for ambition aspirations and dreams hard work ethic.
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and so my work has been as vice president to increase billions of dollars into community banks. and as vice president part of that work will also be to change the tax deduction for start of small businesses from $5000 to $50,000 because nobody concert a small business .5000 dollars. if you don't otherwise have intergenerational wealth how are you going to be able to do it? second point of small business is of this. i'm going to do basically it's a program that is about $20,000 nonrefundable loan to a certain, to basically businesses that don't have access to wealth and don't have those relationships, which is going going to directly impact a lot of small, black on small businesses. that nonrefundable loan is what would help somebody if you need to buy equipment, if you need about an extra truck division of what the business is which we
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know that's a big part of what holds back our small businesses. just having enough capital to pay for the things that allow you to then put your hard work and play to actually grow your business. the other piece and this is something that is critically important is to see black folks at the particular black man as a whole human being, and understand that were talking about funds, talking fathers, grandsons, talking grantors, talking uncles. and so i say that as a preface is a two of other things and i'll keep going. one, to do with speedy you'll keep going? [laughing] >> you caught that. >> okay. >> to deal with health care for black people and black man in particular. we know that we still have a lot of work to do to increase, for example, the high risk we have for colon cancer, for prostate cancer, right? and increased screenings and to
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make sure people actually going to get the screenings. not to mention the high risk for sickle cell. part of my agenda is about what we will do to deal with and highlight what we've got to do to focus on life men's health. and then a similar point is this. 40% of caregivers are men. and we know culturally we take care of our elders, and we have a lot of meaning community who are in no time to take care of the young kids in the care of an ill-prepared or relative. it's overwhelming for people to be able to do both and a lot of people have in in the think t leaving the job to just do it. my plan is this. one, in order for people to afford assistance for hiring health care, home health care, they basically have two go broke to be eligible for medicaid.
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my plan is this. let's have medicare, this is i have to do we can make it work. medicare cover the cost of home healthcare, which means you are looking at individual in the context of their whole family. because what we know is again understanding the culture can understand the reality come lots of people having to leave work and order to do that. these are some examples of my agenda. and overall it is an agenda that understands either way because we have talked about criminal justice, that the needs of the black community are not just about criminal justice. >> we need that money. >> yeah, because years of the thing. we have brought down lack an employment one of the lowest levels in history but a very clear. the community is likely to stand up and applaud just because everybody has a chapter that should be a baseline. my agent is about tapping into the ambitions and the aspirations knowing that folks
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want to have an opportunity if they want, they should have a meaningful opportunity to build wealth, including intergenerational wealth. that's my agenda. >> there was a couple things you said that people would say were talking points but it's just your stricker even though the are becoming your greatest hits you talk about the middle class and your godmother and small business owner but that's just your story. >> it's my story. look, i've been in this race 70 days. some people just getting to know me. a lot of people have no need. listen, i feel strongly, i need to earn every vote which is why we're having this candid conversation with you and your listeners. i have to earn peoples support, and i'm working to do that. >> before go to another talkback call a way to say there was a time i had a was it running for national election it's bad electoral strength to say you're going to do things specifically for black people which is what a
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lot of politicians don't speak directly to the plans for black people. is that a thing? >> i don't, i don't know that that's true. i think what is true is that i am running to be a president for everybody but i am clear eyed about the history and the disparities that exist for specific communities and mac when a shy away from that. it doesn't mean my points is not prevented anybody because they are. everything i just talked about will benefit anybody, small business owners, whatever their race, age, gender, geographic locations are going to benefit from the fact i'm going to extend tax deductions to $50,000 for every first-time homeowner wherever they are whatever the race will benefit if there first-time homebuyer with a $25,000 down payment assistance. everyone is going to benefit from i plan to extend the child tax credit to $6000 for the first year of their child's life. that's quite a life. that's quite a bit of it everybody but i realize again that on the issue of home
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ownership for example, black people are 40% less likely to own a home. >> do you feel like president obama stepped on your rollout? i do you beware of this black male agenda for for a long d you been doing outreach with the opportunity, and things like that. he made the statement he made last week to everybody to get a reaction to that. >> no, no, no. i mean you just have to come no, i was enough. i been doing this for quite some time including before i was running for president for let's go to talkback. >> i'm bobby from george and i to question for kamala harris. could you please respond to trump claim he's going to use the alien enemies act of 1798 to bound immigrants if he wins the election? this law was last used to put asian-americans in internment camps during world war ii, and i have a sneaking suspicion that if trump wins he's got use of to put anyone that doesn't look quite in camps, and i'm scared.
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>> yeah, so you've hit on a really important point and expressed it i think so well, which is he is achieving his intended effect, to make you scared. he is running full-time on a campaign that is about instilling fear, not about hope, not about optimism, not about the future, but about fear. and so this is yet another example. look what he did in saying that those legal immigrants in springfield ohio were eating their pets. and by the way the hypocrisy of it abounds because on issue of immigration let's be clear. some of the most conservative members of the united states congress working with others came up with a border security bill which was the strongest
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toughest border security built in a long, long time. it would've put 15 had more border agents at the border. it would have reduced the flow of fentanyl into our country which is killing people all over our country of every race in background. it would've allowed us to do more work on prosecuting transnational criminal organizations which i have done in my career. trump got word that that bill was afoot, knew it would fix the problem, and told his buddies in congress to kill the bill. and you know why? because he would refer to run on a problem is that six apart. he's running his campaign the way he does these the shoe people walk out and does these rallies to try and instill fear around an issue where he actually could be part of a solution but he chose not to because he prefers to run on a problem instead of fix the problem. we've got to come out and say what a disparate doesn't the biden administration have to take some of life for the border? for the first three years you
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all did a lot of things wrong. >> charlemagne, within hours of being inaugurated, the first bill we passed before did inflation reduction act before we did the bipartisan infrastructure act, before we did this safer communities act to do with gun violence, first thing we dropped was a bill to fix the broken immigration system which by the way trump did not fix when he was president. and you can look at every step along the way, we've been tightened up the asylum application process. we then worked with what we needed to do to secure ports of entry. we did a number of things including what we did to try and get that border security bill passed, and then also an executive order that actually reduced significantly the number of illegal crossings and tightened up what needs to happen in between ports of entry. but no, we've been working on it ever since. but -- >> so what went wrong?
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>> here's what has to happen. congress has to act to fix the immigration system and it has been broken for a long time. congress has to act but it does that help when finally a bipartisan group got together to fix it, and donald trump told in hold on, don't do that, because it won't help me politically. >> why do you allow him to call you the borders are? that wasn't even -- >> not getting information for that. >> you're right. i mean you don't push back on because that wasn't your role. >> fact checkers have made that clear. if i respond everything he called me i wouldn't be focused on the things that actually help the american people and that's my focus. that is true. ..
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trust requires consistenten engagement and into the community outside of election periods and political benefits for poll to itses and may view that -- politicians and may view that some people in the democrat party use black americans to play identity politics. >> first of all, thank you for your question and for being here. i've been in this race about 730days -- 70 days. you can look at all my work before those 70 days to know what i'm talking about right now is not new and is not for the sake of winning this election. this is about a longstanding commitment including the work that i've to cone as vice president and before when i was senator and before that. in fact, a lot of what i'm doing that is about my economic agenda, an opportunity economy, was born out of the work i did as vice president, before that as senator most recently to get access to capital the for our entrepreneurs. the work that i did in the senate was about getting a couple billion more dollars into our community banks and building on that when i became vice
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president. i created -- it's called the economic opportunity council, bringing in some of the biggest banks and technology companies to put more into the community banks. and i'm going to tell you one of the reasons why, because i have been aware with for years brach entrepreneurs only get -- black entrepreneur only get 1% of venn hur capital funding. -- venture capital funding. we don't, we don't have the same rates of access to capital be it through family are or through connections which is why i've done the work of putting billions more dollars and working to put billions more dollars into community banks which go right directly to the community. my work around the $20,000 is building on that and understanding that, you know, i convened, for example, i said this earlier, a group of black entrepreneurs way before i was running for president in my official office at the white house. to hear some of the obstacles
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that they were facing. and one of them was what we need to do around getting folks the help to just be able to boy the equipment they need to run -- to buy the equipment they need to run their business. and often time we find that when black entrepreneurs and black people apply for credit, they're denied at a higher rate than others. we have also seen and the data proves this that all of those, the realities also end to -- tend to to dissuade black are folks and black entrepreneurs in particular for even applying for credit. so my point is the to work on every way that we can approach the issue the encourage people and to the invest in their ambition. because i know the ambition is there. i know the talent is there. i know the innovation is there. and certainly, the hard work e thick. ethic. so this is not new work for
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me -- >> speak to the american rescue to plan too. i know small businesses in north carolina, small black businesses that got tens of millions of dollars because of that. can you speak to that -- >> from the time we first came in, the american rescue plan, the work that we have done, the infrastructure bill, i mean, part of that is we made a decision that we were going to increase the number of federal contracts that go to historically underrepresented businesses. this was way before -- this was years ago. so this is not new work. >> let's go to the talkback feature. >> on several to occasions recently -- the don lemon has stated there's a large group of black men that -- [inaudible] covid because his name was on it versus it coming from the government as a stimulus check. can you provide some clarification? >> i'm so glad you raised that.
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so here's what happened. a majority democratic congress bought to get those stimulus checks out, fought if against resistance by the trump administration and won because we had a majority of democrats in congress. and that's why those checks went out. as we all know and grew up learning, congress holds the pursestrings. don trump, never being one to the pass up an opportunity to give himself credit when no credit is due put his name on those checks and, sadly, it resulted in people thinking donald trump was responsible for and directly responsible for putting money in their pocket when, in fact, it was a democratic majority congress that was responsible for those checks going out. >> why is it hard for democrats to message their wins on the economy? since world war ii the, the economy has done better under a democrat president. this is just a historical fact, and for some reason the narrative is that the economy
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does better under republicans. why don't democrats push back on that narrative more? >> well, i, you know, we -- i think that part of the issue is that democrats probably talk about it more in terms of what we are doing for people rather than the economy when, in fact, when you do for people, the economy yous. grows. and you are absolutely right, charlemagne, you will look at the growth of the economy and compare it, democratic and republican administrations. democrats have been, are accelerated economic growth if my plan, for example, okay, so some of the smartest economists in the country have reviewed and compared my plan to donald trump's plans for the economy from goldman sachs to moody's to, the the 16 nobel laureates and even most most recently "the wall street journal". and in comparing our two plans, the net result is my plans
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strengthen the economy, his plans will weaken the economy. there are reports that include the fact that donald trump's plans for the economy would accelerate inflation and invite a recession by the middle of next year. my plans would strengthen the economy as a whole. you look at under what we've been doing, you look at the stock market as one of the stroggest it's ever been can -- strongest. inflation is going down to, i think it's now the most recent number is 22.4% -- 2.4%. nobody if wants to hear an econ 1011 lecture, but the reality of it, the your point, is that under democratic rule the economy gets strengthened. and, certainly, when you look at my plan for my presidency, it will strengthen the economy and it will help people. and as per the conversation we've been having today, perhaps the issue is that i'm going to always think about it in the context of how am i helping working people, how am i helping
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families, how am i helping people in the middle class? how am i helping people who have been without access having access? that's how i talk about it. but my plan is about strengthening the economy, and i know when you strengthen the economy, that's how you do it. you do it by investing in the middle class. let me tell you the contrast. donald trump think abouts about the economy based on what he has done and will do. that that's how he thinks about the economy. he thinks about the economy not about middle class people trying to not just get by, but get ahead. no. he wants to stop medicare from being able to negotiate drug prices down from the big pharmaceutical companies. if. >> we've got a couple more questions. i want to yet my man eric thomas. in here, but i do want to say president obama a but r -- was out there last week waving his finger at black men. when are hillary clinton and liz cheney going to wave their finger at white women? 52 percent of white women voted
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for trump in 2016, 55% in 2020. they all voted against their own interests. when the finger waving going to start at hem? >> well, thank you for highlighting that i do have the support of over 2000 republicans who -- 200 republicans who worked for various administrationses including everyone going back to ronald reagan, to the bushes, to john mccain and mitt romney and including liz cheney. and i'm very proud to have her support. and i believe that they who -- many of them who may have voted for trump are supporting me because they know the stakes are so high. in terms of our very democracy and rule of law. and -- >> the finger wagging should start today or tomorrow. >> well, i think what is happening is that we are all working on reminding people of what is at stake, and that is very important. >> eric, real quick, we only got a few minutes. >> only got a few minutes.
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thank you, madam vice president for having me. thank you, charlamagne tha god. as an employee of a mission-driven, nonprofit banks, i appreciate the efforts many in that bank. but as cheer storymaterial of the city of -- chief storyteller of the city, if donald trump doesn't like the train so much, he's not welcome back. [laughter] >> okay. i don't want to interrupt you. i don't know if anybody knows what you're talking about. okay, go on, go on. >> you can get into it. we mow there's been a lot of conversation about the middle class, but black men have been taken out of the work force more many reasons of we know that black men are not criminals, they are criminalized, and that has taken black men out of the home, wealth out of the home. and so because -- especially in a city with hutch high poverty, i've heard a lot about middle class, but i would love to hear more about stair stepping from poverty into middle class -- >> no, that's right, and that's
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real. so, for example, the child tax credit. when we did it, when i first became vice president, we cut black child poverty by half. and you know when you deal with poverty for a child, that's about the whole family, right? when you look at the work that we have done that has been about a dealing with prescription medication, for our seniors black people are 60 to more likely to to get diagnosed with diabetes and have -- and when you look at what people are in terms of on the verge of brings because of medical bills and medical debt, that's very real. so us capping the cost of something like insulin and prescription if medication not to mention the work that i've been doing to ensure medical debt does not get included on your credit score, and back to the point about history and the reality of life, we also know
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the real disparities around access to meaningful health care which are more likely to result in people facing chronic illness and in medical emergency. so my work has been and included working to get medical debt not be on your credit score so that that thing you did not invite upon yourself would not be the reason you can't get a lease on an apartment if or anything else. we have to deal with child poverty, we have to dole with poverty period. and there are many specific ways to do it including dealing with getting resources into the community that aleve great the burdens -- alleviate the burdens that hold people down. but back to detroit, so can you imagine if you go the a city and you say you want the votes of those people, and then you disparage the city? >> damn. >> that's what he did in detroit, and he has a tendency to mention cities that either have his the to haveically black majority population or a black mayor. >> that's right.
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and that's what he did. the death of detroit because detroit is 78% black, and he doesn't want america to look like that. madam vice president, thank you. we've got to do this again. >> we're done? >> we only -- according to i heart, unless you want to keep going, i got more questions for you. [laughter] but thank you. >> i appreciate you, charlemagne. thank you. this has been i radio's we, thee, an audio town the hall with vice preside kamala harris. rememb your voice mat say informed, stay engaged and midwest importantly, make sure to vote. thank you foroini us. >> later today, incumbent senator kevin cramer faces off existence krina christianson in the race for dakota's senate seat. wa the debated by bek-tv live at 8.m. eastern on c-span2, c-span now or on line at c-span according. ♪
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guide or watch online anytime at >> here is what's ahead. next, more from our extensive campaign 0 this coffer concern 2024 coverage with a number of congressional debates from around the country. first up, democratic senator tim kaine faces off against his republican challenger hung cao in the race the virginia. in an hour, we head north to massachusetts where democrat incumbent elizabeth warren faces republican john deaton, and later the garden state where andy kim and curtis bash shah are vying to replace bob menendez. and now the virginia u.s. senate debate. >> -- control of the u.s. senate runs through virginia. longtime democratic senator tim kaine wants another term. >> i'm proud of what i've cone. i've got a whole lot more i want to do. >>'s republican challenger hung cao say is thes he's ready to
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take a seat in the world's most deliberative body. >> tim kaine has been in office for 30 years, and he's saying 6 more, and i'll get us out. i don't think we buy that. >> tonight in their only televised debate, the candidates take the on the challenges virginians face daily. >> this country's taken a dark turn. >> how are we going to fix the economy? >> i don't see a competing economy in the world what the u.s. has a done x we've exceeded our own and expectations. >> which candidate will you trust?ro which candidate shares your views on social is issues, your dreams for our economy and which one will f keep your family saf? good evening from the nation's capital. i'm to your host, leland vittert, from news nation. it's debate night if, and we are focused on two men with very different views. on border security, women's rights and the future of an economy so many of us are struggling with. m.d. rating tonight's debate, deannaal briton, anchor at worc,
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and tom shatt, anchor of fox 43 in in more folk. you're able to watch the debate on news nation as well as every it's market in every county in virginia from roanoke to norfolk. before we get to the questions, here are the rules: senator cain, mr. cao, you will have 60 seconds to answer a question. if there is a follow-up question or rebuttal, you'll have 30 seconds to respond. when time is up, you'll hear this bell. >> now, live from nor if folk state -- norfolk state university, it's debate night in virginia. ♪ >> welcome to nsu and welcome to our live audience that you can see that we have here. they've shown us that they are passionate, they are eager for tonight, but we have asked them to hold all reaction and response to to the candidates until the very end.
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good evening, candidates, i'm dianne thattal briton. >> and i'm tom shatt. we are looking forward to the very informative hour, a cushion the of virginia's most important issues and a very spirited debate from both candidates. deanna that. >> yes, let's get started with big news here in hampton roads involve ising one of the busiest ports on the east coast. the workers here are among the 45,000 in america now on strike which could cripple our economy heading into the election and the holiday season. mr. cao, you have won the coin toss, so we will start with you. if you were in the negotiating room, what would a good deal look liketi to you? you have 60 seconds. >> again, thank you, nsu, for having>> us here. you know, the economy is hitting us all a the same way. that's exactly why the ila is boycott -- doing the boycott right now and going on strike, is because ask ask yourself the
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question, are you better off today than you were four years ago? if you're a military person, are you better off today? if you're in law enforcement, are you better off than you were four years ago? is your t family struggling to t food on the table? are you better off today than you were four years ago? the answer across the board is no. the only people better off today than four years ago are illegal aliens, criminals and senators like senator tim kaine. we spend a billion dollars a day to house and feed illegal aliens. i want to make sure students at nsu when they're graduating, they're going to -- they know that they have a future the walk into. they get to grab on to the american dream the way i did, and that's what i'm going to fight for, is all americans that came here legally and all americans that grew up here. >> thank you, mr. cao to, for explaining that. we will get to imgraduation later, but we did -- immigration later, but we did ask if you were in the negotiation room
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over the port strike, what would a good deal look like to you? you have 30 seconds. >>ou again, they're hurting because of the the inflation, theve immense inflation that's going on right now. and, look, just like with the hurricane that happened throughh the east coast, you know, where's the leadership? joe biden's on the beach, kamala harris is with a bunch of billion billionaire -- billionaires doing a fund raise e and senator tim kaine is at a pig roast. where's the leadership? if it has to do with ukraine, they're all over i. if it's about illegal aliens, you're all over it. >> thank you, mr. cao. mr. cain, what does a good deal lookea like to you? >> absolutely. let me begin by thanking norfolk state, dr. adams and the spartans for welcoming me back to this stage. it's great to be back at norfolk state. i want the thank you for broadcasting this debate and then twoy- messages. one, a message of friendship to virginia'she jewish community beginning rosh hashanah
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observation, and second, a message of solidarity for those in southwest virginia who have been hit hard a by hurricane helene. i was there monday and yesterday, i'm going to be back on friday and saturday fighting with governor young youngkin to get a cast declaration. we'll be with you during your recovery. my opponent didn't answer the question. if you're in the room, what you're doing is you're trying to get the sides to to come closer. i was on the phone earlier today with acting secretary of the labor julie stu. that's what they're the -- julie su. we are d narrowing the differences, and i think we're going to find a keel. these longshoremen are entitled to get better treatment, and that's what i would be urging if i was in the room. >> what does better treatment look like to to you? you have 30 seconds. >> i'm not with the ila to know exactly what they're asking for but, look, six years ago the world was a lot different. my colleague said nobody's better off than four years ago? fur years ago we were in the middle of to vid concern covid.
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hundreds of thousands of people were dying, businesses were closing, you couldn't find toilet paper r on severals, ande had a president -- on shelves. a lotan has happened since the a had their last contract. you've got to bring the terms, and benefits up to where they should be circa 2024. paying them like it's 2018 doesn't cut it. >> thank you, mr. kain if e. now we will turn to the evolving crisis in the middle east. >> thanknk you, deanna. mr. senator kaine, a number of warships have been deployed to the area over the past several months. so far our posture has been to defend israel. is there a point when u.s. military shifts to ap offensive measure against iran? you have 60 seconds. >> first, i do not believe it would be a good idea. if we'veno learned from one thi, we should be supporting our allies, but we should resist any effort by anyone to get the in another war in the middle east
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with respect to supporting israel's defense. i have been rock solid pro-israel since i came into the senate supporting the annual appropriations where israel gets more than any other negotiation. and ramping up support for a supplement at package to do $14 billion forl israel as they're under attack by hamas and others. when i was rounding up support for that bill, my opponent was asking for a pause on all military aid to israel in december of 2023. i hope what he has seen in subsequent months has led him to change his mind. we need to support our allies. that's what i've done and am going to continue to do. >> a follow-up now. is there a situation where you would support putting u.s. troops on the ground in the middle east? if you have 30 seconds. >> you can't write off what would happen if iran or others would foolishly wage major
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attacks against u.s. troops. what might you do in that circumstance, that waso happening. after president trump tore up the randy proposal city keel, iranian militias started to strike u.s. troops at positions in iraq rain syria. my attack on u.s. personnel, you would need to to consider a significant responsese to punish those who did it. but other than that, the u.s. should not let anyone drag us into a war mt. middle east. >> thank you, senator kaine. mr. cao to, knowing that our posture has been to defend israel, is there a point when the u.s. military shifts to an offensive policy against iran in you have 60 seconds. >> i want to ask everybody if you knew what happened on october 7th, 2001. that's the day we invaded afghanistan, because they took down the twin towers. nobody at that time could have told us, hey, take it easy on the taliban. when they come in in the middle of the night and they killed 12000 people and rape young
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women and girls and throw babies in ovens, treasured be no mercy. -- there should be no mercy. they're all iranian proxies. and why is is so emboldennenned now? because they lifted all the sanctions, and they gave them all thee money. theyhe have all the money in the world right now to wage war against us. as a what -- warrior, i'm the last person that's want toss get back in a war. the difference is that we have the stand by israel. and hee has basically held off n some of the weapons going to israel saying, you know, no offensive weapons. we can't tell them how to cothings. e saw that in -- do things. i saw that in vietnam. it's like giving guns without ammunition. that's exactly what we're doing sthat's the difference. i will stand by our allies all the time. >> mr. cao, will you support any point putting u.s. troops on the ground in the middle east -- >> what do you mean? if you're talking about israel,
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israel is proud, thatly in -- they in will never ask for american troops on the ground. they just want support from us. but when our friends are, you know, when their friends or they think are their friends are giving them weapons and saying you can't use it for this or that, that's what happens. you have weakness in the white house right now, and you have weakness in the senate, and that's why they're doing what they're doing. >> thank you, mr. cao to. now we're going to shift to cost of living. the economy is the top issue for virginia voters, and we recently spoke with a woman shopping at the grocery store. here's what she said. >> i have to budge certain things that i'm not used to budgeting in order to get basic necessities like milk, bread, cheese, etc. >> mr. cao, virginians on average are spending $1100 more per month than they did in january of 2021. the bureau of labor thattist the ins saysic that amount is slighy higher than the national
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average. please give us one specific policy you would prioritize to bring down doss. you have -- costs. youu have 60 seconds. >> right now we need energy independence. that is the crux of everything. if it costs more for a farmer to farm their land and a trucker to bring it there, they've made us competent on oil from countries that hate us like iran and venezuela. these countries hate us. in the middle east. we need to be energy independent in this country, and t that meas unleashing all the energy we can get in order to bring forth, you know, american power. you know, i heard him say at a forum a couple weeks ago that, you know, solar and wind are more efficient than nuclear power. can you imagine one of our aircraft carriers out there on wind power? what do you want, put sails on there? look, i'm a warrior by trade, but also i'm an engineer and a physicist. i tell you right now, that's wrong. nuclear power ist the most clean
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and efficient form of energy out there, and we need to explore more of that in t virginia, ande need to be energy independent. >> so to clarify, that would be your one policy, energy independence? if. >> yes. >> thank you, mr. cao. another follow-up. if elected, former president donald trump has promised to the tax all imported items. would you support that policy? you have 30 seconds. >> why are our industries being pushed out? basically, we put so many regulations on industry that we're forced to send it outwards. we have the cleanest practice in america including oil production. we push it out to other countries, and we add on this inflation reduction act. and, you know, it's really clean green energy, and what we need to do is not tax our industries here. what we need to do is tax other countries bringing in goods because our people are getting taxed here and when they bring it abroad as well. >> thank you, mr. cao to.
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senator cain, mr. cao just criticized the economy earlier, earlier we heard from the virginia shopperde who said her grocery budget is strained. please give us at least one policy that you support to help struggling americans. you have to 60 -- 60 seconds. >> first, virginians do not like manager being misled, and when my if opponent says being energy independent, under the biden administration america is producing more domestic energy than at any time in the nation's history. and the good news is that production is, yes, nuclear, which i support. natural gas, which i support. but also wind and solar, and that is making a huge curves in the economy s right here in -- difference in the economyss rigt here with the announcement of to green link building a manufacturing facility here. we are the energy leaders in the world because of these policies. what would i do on own nation? first, covid-19 wasas a sledgehammer to the global economy disrupting all supply
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chains, and every nation had inflation if problems. our economy has rebounded faster than vir virtually any, and inflation is coming down. the fed gist dropped interest rates and is signifying heir going to do it again. what would i do? let's continue to invest in cleant energy that's affordable. let's continue to bring down costs d of prescription drugs fr seniors, and let's continue to provide american adults with relief from student loan debts. that's three things i have done. i'll do more. my opponent has opposed all three of those things. >> senator kaine, thank you. deanna. >> thanks, tom. vice president kamala harris promised to enact the first ever federal ban on so-called price gouging if elected. does price gouging exist if on groceries and other necessities? you have 30 seconds. > deanna, i'm glad you asked that because governor youngkin just the other day warned existence price gouging in virginia in the aftermath of hurricane helene. the attorney general has warned
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we have tools at our disposal in the state to to go existence those who would price gouge especially during a challenging time. so, yes, whether it's through the federal trade commission, the ftc, or whether it's by legislation that congress should pass, we should look at instandses of price gouging. the other thing we should do is not embrace trump tear conservatives. the trump tear conservatives would be that mass massive tax. on that i differ strongly from my opponent whosomes to hi the trump tariff plan makes great sense. >> you just said you wanted to look into instances of price gouging. are you able the name a company in virginia that is price gouging currently? you have 15 seconds. > i cannot right now, but i s just in appalachia, and i was with lawnf enforcement officials visiting damage, and they're talking about the fact that they already seeou people come anythg and trying to take advantage of those who have been suffering
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when it comes to building materials and other things that the they need to get their lives back on track. that's why governor young youngkin, attorney general miyares and -- have said price gouging is real. >> thank you -- >> [inaudible] >> we have to move on to housing affordability. >> okay. >> thank you, mr. cao. moving now to housing costs as i mentioned, recent census data shows nearly 1 in 5 homeowners and half of representers in virginia spent more than the recommended 30% of their incomes onon housing. senator cain, in a state like virginia where a typical home costs $440,000, do you believe additional federal support is feeded to help current renters achieve homeowner hardship? you have 60 seconds. >> great question, and let me attack it a couple of different ways. i want to to bring down the costs of rent and also of purchasing a home. here's how you do both. on the rental side there is a very strong federal program
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called the low income housing tax credit. there is a bill currently pending in the senate that was passed in the house with a bipartisan voteus to expand the low income housing tax credit. i strongly support that can and am a cosponsor of that effort on the senate side. sometimes the right thing to do is create a new program, but when you have one that works, just do more of it. on home ownership, i support what, the vice president has indicated about federal saw assistance for down payments for those who are buying their first homes. the fed cropping the interest rate is also going to free up some financing for first-time home buyers. a lot of people in the paris first homes now don't want to move to a second home because they're not going to get as good an interest rate on the mortgage. with interest rates coming down, they can move, and that will open up a lot of startinger homes. so those would be the three things i would >> thank you, senator kaine. some of those things you named might take a o bit of time to shake out as historic create severalev virginia cities have
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ranked inside top ten for evictions in america, so how would you keep representers in their homes now? you have 30 seconds. >>on again, i think the low ince housing tax credit is the best program we have, but it is the case virginia has some tough landlord/tenant laws that have led to high high eviction rates in virginia. i'm very proud of efforts made in the last few years to the change the landlord/tenant laws to reduce eviction rates. i think those efforts at the state level are showing success. there's other things we can do. i have are a bill that would guarantee any veteran, that they could get a housing voucher so we would have no veterans' homelessness in the country. there are things at the state level that need to be done, but there's also smart federal strategies that work that i support. >> thank you, senator kaine. mr. cao, on the same subject, america is currently short 5.5 millionho homes. what policy would you support to increase the housing supply? you have 60 seconds. >>ha again, one of the things we
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have, the problem we have right now is that we're paying a billion dollars a day to feed and house illegal aliens in this country. we're taking care of them better than we're taking care of americans. we need to be medevacing a lot of these americans that are homeless right now due to hurricane helene, and we need to put themm into hotels and gettig rom service instead of giving it to the -- room service instead of giving it to illegal aliens. my fear what kamala harris wants to do with unrealized gains is if my house goes up on zillow, it should just go up on zillow. i don't have that money out of pocket, and she wants to ax that's exactly what's going on right now. one of the great things about being an american is freedom, and the second thing is ownership. a lot of countries don't allow you to own the land, and they want to push you out of ownership of your home so only corporations and very rich people can buy it. and that's what i want to fight >> well, mr. cao to, thank you so much for responding. i'm looking to see what policy
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you would support that would increase the housing supply. you have 30 seconds. >> again, in northern where i live there's a lot of, you know, the cost of living's very high. but if we can build affordable housing further south and have more vre and mass transit to bring people up to work at these, you know, in the northern virginia area, that's how we're going to solve the problem. >> thank you, mr. cao. moving on now to immigration, tom will have the next set of questions. >> thankil you, deanna. mr. cao to, you supported removing undocumented immigrants who have committed violent crime. do you support mass deportation of all undocumented immigrants? you have 6 60 seconds. >> immigration is very near and dear to my heart. when vietnam fell, we had no where to go, and america brought us in. and my parents waited in line for seven years, we all did, for seven years to get our citizenship. the last thing that my dad had hangover his bed when he passed away was his naturalization
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certificate. i love this country so much that i wrote a blank check up to and including my life to defend it for 2025 years in other -- 5 the years in other parts of the world. so here's hi thing -- my thing, don't ask for the american dream if your not willing to bay the laws and embrace the culture. i did. that's the number one criteria coming into this country. if you comeg here illegally, thn you need to leave, especially if you're a violent crime person. we just found out last week there are 13,000 quicked murderers and 16,000 convicted rapists that came across under their watch. that's unacceptable. weos need to protect americans every single day, andd and thats what i did. >> thank you, mr. cao. but the question, do you support mass deportation of all documented immigrants, that was the question asked, you have 30 seconds to respond. >> if you came here illegally, you're basically screw ising up
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the wholell system. there's people that are waiting in line, like my family, for seven years for their naturalization papers. and so you can't jump the line. you go to costco and you jump the line, what do you think's going to happen, you know? so so that's the thing. you can't come here and expect the american dream if you're not willing to obey laws and embrace the culture. that's what i did. >> thank you, mr. cao to. the policy of mass deportations though that you support, if they result in additional violence and unrest, how should the government respond? >> there's violence and unrest now. look r at aurora, colorado, all the places in the world where ms-13 gangs have come across, fentanyl. it's already happening. it's already happening in our country. deport anybody that's committing criming right now, that -- crimes right now, that's the first thing. we need everybody that's here committing crimes and stop giving a billion dollars a day. that includes gift cards and plane tickets anywhere and cell
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phones and enforce the e-verify. they don't get paid to do their jobs, then they will self-deport. >> thank you,el mr. cao to. mr. cain,, since president biden took office, at least 101 million undocumented migrants have crossedav the border. would you support granting amnesty to those already in the country today? you have 60ry seconds. >> my opponent wouldn't answer your question on tariffs, and he wouldn't answer your question on the longshoremen, but he did answer a your question on mass deportation. he's in favor of the mass deportation of more than 10 million people which would devastate the economy. if i have supported strong immigration policies since i came to the senate in 2013. one of the first bills we had was a bill, comprehensive immigration reform, that included $45 billion of border security investment. the republican house killed the bill after it was passed in the senate by a bipartisan supermajority. in 2018 i cobbled together a
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bill, $25 the billion in border security in exchange for protection for dreamers. president trump said that he would support if it, but when the senate introduced the bill in a bipartisan fashion, he told those to kill it. we recently negotiated a very tough border deal that would have t put a lot of resources on the border to stop illegal immigration. president trump asked for republicans to oppose it even though it was supported by the border control union, and when asked why he was to opposing it, president trump says we don't want to fix this problem, we want to complain about the problem. as soon as we get republicans that are willing to work for common sense immigration reform, we can keep folks from coming here illegally, and we can also have the work force that america needs because we won't have it without inflation reform. >> thank you, senator kaine, but the question was do you support granting amnesty for -- >> i've never supported amnesty. >> thank you, senator senator kaine. one more question.
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what you have proposed would require significant y funding. you talked about the dreamers, you talked about other programs. how do you propose paying for? you have 30 seconds. >> tom, i'm glad you asked me thats. question, because the congressional budget office and others indicate that one of the things that congress can do that will increase the gdp of this nation without really costing much money is immigration reform. why? because if we do an immigration reform that allows people to the come here and work, they will pay taxes, they'll contribute to the social security trust fund. their product ifivity, families like my opponent if's and familiesf like mine who came frm ireland in the 1850s, they will help grow the economy. immigration reform might be the one best thing that could be done by congress to expand the american economy. we need to protect the border, and we need to have the work force that america needs going into the future. >> thank you, senator kaine. on the topic of reparations, i'm going to start with you.
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405 years ago the white lion slave ship docked with dozens of enslaved people just miles from where we sit here at norfolk state. now starting the slave industry in what is now the united states. vice president and democratic presidential nominee kamala harris kid support some form of 2019 as as in mr. cain, would you sport some form of it for today's ooh descendants of the enslaved? you have 45 seconds. >> senator corey boxer has a bill -- cover rebooker has a bill that would look at this whether those who descended from those who were brought here as slaves should be entitled to some form of assistance because of the generations of denying their families the ability to accumulate wealth. i think the best thing we can do the try to eliminate persistent inequalities is focus on education. i have been a proud backer of funding for hbcu like norfolk state, helping this university
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get funding for s.t.e.m. careers, for students, helping hbcu be able to start medical schools to expand the medical profession, help train the next generation of classroom teacher. so i actually think the best strategy to deal with persistent inequities is educational support and have always supported those efforts and will continue to. >> thank you. mr. cao, same question. would you support some form of reparations forked the's descendants of the enslaved? if you have 45 seconds. >> our country needs to heal, and we can't keep healing if we keep pick at the scabs. when i came to this country, my mom said they can take away your money or position in life, but they canan never take away the knowledge in yourn head. that's why we push education so hard. education is the only equalizer, and i want to make sure that all americans have that ability to to go to school. i mean, there's a lot of issues right now with schools. the tuition keeps going up. look at nsu.
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since he came in office, the tuition has tripled. what i want to do is bring it down to 0% interest and, you know, just allow for students to go to school and get an education to get themselves out. there's other larger schools, not nsu, but larger schools that have huge encowments. they should be the ones that co-- endowments. they should be the ones that cosign for these loans. it shouldn't be the american people. i want to make sure my -- >> my opponent wants to abolish the department of education. that is on his web site, that's a plan he supports. that would hurt all over this country. >> we will get to education a little bit later on, but thank you, mr. cao. >> we do have so much more to discuss with the candidates. so for those of you watching at home or here with us live, stick around, we'll be back after this quick break. ♪ ♪
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>> and welcome back to our debate. i am tom shatt. i'm deanna ifal briton from wric in richmond, virginia. >> we wanted the clarify one thing, senator kaine did speak about education in that last segment. we made a mistake by got -- not giving mr. cao a chance to respond. please. >> again, with the department of education, that's when it belongs to the state, okay? not to the federal government. thern federal government, look, they screw up everything they touch, let's be honest. you know, the federal government, a lot of these -- board of education, i'm sorry, the secretary of education, the department of education, they only pay for things like the teachers unions. they're not really push out what they need to be pushing for the states. each state knows what they need the take care of for their own perm state. -- personal state. >> leading education in the
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state led to segregation. the supreme court in brown v. board of education said you can't leave education just toss to the states because if you do, we've seen it, and we don't want the go back. >> thank you. we will get to education later. now to military recruiting. >> thank you, tom. mr. cao, we're going to start with you on this one. the department of defense sayings during theea last fiscal year the military services collectively missed recruiting goals by about 41,000. mr. cao to, you have stated, quote, this administration has a growings obsession with dei. it's no longer -- wonder we have a military recruiting problem. can you please explain how you believe dei efforts have impacted military recruiting efforts? you have 30 seconds. >> 9/11 changed my life like at lot of military people. you know, i deployed to invade iraq when my wife was eight a months pregnant with you are our
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first child. i didn't know if i'd ever meet him. and we did that because we love in this country so much to. and watching afghanistan fall broke my heart. they turned their backs on our military people, they turned our backs on all of you are -- allies out there. and what they did in covid-19 19 was -- what they did is they kicked out 10,000, tens of thousands of military people that refused to take a covid vaccine. so if you're a military person or a young person wanting to go into the military, would you trust a government that would turn their back on them just for an experimental vaccine? >> thank you, mr. cao. could you please explain how you believe diversity, equity and inclusion efforts specifically are hampering military recruiting? >> you have 15 seconds. >> again, when you're using, you know, a drag queen to recruit for the navy, that's to not the people we want. what we need is alpha males and alpha neal females who are going
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to rip out their own guts, eat 'em and ask for seconds. those are the men and women who are going to win wars. [applause] >>oi please. please, audience, please quiet down. audience, please. remember,e we did ask for limito the the candidates so that we can getet through as many topics tonight as possible. thank you, mr. cao to. senator cain, your opponent is saying can dei is to blame for low recruitment. why do you think the military doesn't have enough recruits? you have 30 seconds. >> well, i didn't understand my opponent's argument. mean, he went all around the block, andt i'm not really sure what his point was about dei. e respect his military service. i'm the power of a united states marine infanat there try commanr veteran, i respect all who serve. i serve on the armed services committee. i think what we're finding is it's hard to get people to serve in the all-volunteer military. only 1% serve.
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many people don't even know anyone in the military. we have to reach out to new groups, weies and also have to convince people the benefits are are enormous. people feel like if they serve in the military, they'll fall behind. no, you'll zoom ahead because of benefits like the g.i. bill ask others. and finally, innovative programs such as the army is working on help young people kind of prequalify the pass the physical exams and then have a long and productive career serving our country. >> so just to clarify, you are saying you belief not enough americans understand the benefits of the military, and that is what is hampering recruitment cutement? >> dei is a red herring. we do surveys of families to see about people's willingness to serve, and it turns out they're not serving because they're afraid and they're not serve because they're not patriotic. they're not serving because they don't believe military service will advance the rest of their life. they feel likee they'll get off track and their colleagues will
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zoom ahead of them. we need to do a better job of talking about g.i. bill and other benefits as well as the tremendous leadership training that you get in the military. myg son received superb leadership training that is going to benefit him for the rest b of his life. but if you don't know someone in the military, you might not understand that. we need to do, to communicate better. and when we do, we'll have more people signing up to serve their country. [applause] >> thank you, senator cain. please hold your applause, everyone. mr. cain, looking at guns in america, in the if past you have supportedf buyback programs for firearm accessories, but are there any circumstances under which you would support hand story buybacks specifically? >> i have not supported mandatory buybacks, and i can't see a circumstance where i would. if we can offer incentives, that's a good thing, not a mandate. the second amendment gives people right to have arms. the second amendment also, and the supreme court has said is,
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reasonable limitations are accepted. and that'sre why i have supportd reasonable limitations such as one handgun a month or a ban on high capacity magazines or or comprehensive background checks. the worst day of my life was the day when i was governor and there was the tragic shooting at virginia tech. 332 the people, innocent people, faculty members killed, and they were killed because we didn't have a comprehensive background check system that would have stopped that mentally disturned young man from buying a weapon that he was not authorized to have. that is the most important thing we can do to bring down gun violence in the v country. there's been good work done at the state level. we need to do comprehensive background checks at the federal level, and if we do, we will see gun violence reduce. >> thank you, senator cain. mr. cao, continuing to look at gun laws, your opponent co-authored a federal bill that could charge parents or guardians with a violent felony whenen their children use their
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countries to commit -- guns to commit crimes. here is our question to you: do you support sending parents to prison when a child use withs their parents' gun to commit a crime? you have 45 seconds. ..
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student loans she received taxpayer support to relieve their debt you have 60 seconds. >> so first let's talk about public service loan forgiveness programs in place since the first question ministration they were not being is in effect the passing ministration was not approving public service loan forgiveness biden administration has taken this programs and is forgiven the loans of more than a million public service and thanks for the public service they provide whether it's in the military teaching withers working as a frontline health professional working for local or state government i think it's
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a powerful strategy to look because soft every day people shoulders and to provide to go into public service professions minutes in the heart of divided adherence administrations loan forgiveness program is strongly strongly supported because if you go to school, then you commit your life to public service, i think that that is a very worthy fuss and i think loan forgiveness of the circumstances makes perfect sense is also good for the economy is when you lift the burden off of people so here's to pay back loans for both their able to buy a house or by a car communities senator tim kaine thank >> the u.s. department of education c says 4 million virginians on a collective 43 billing dollars in federal student debt impacting the ability to contribute to our economy so how would you help these virginians is that burden? sixty seconds.
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>> we need to withhold federal funding for any colleges that keep pumping up the tuition costs. when you went to the university, it's 500 a year end now six times more expensive so why is that? how come large colleges have large endowments and they are not coinciding with these loans? those of the people we need to go after. we have the g.i. bill, a great room if you are struggling to pay for school and get a g.i. bill. go out and serve in the military. a stipend as well as tuition. ax education and we need to do it now but here's the thing people like senator kay coming given an office about for 30 years and very soft offices the u.s. senate for 125 you cannot fix it yet to. [applause] [applause]
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>> okay audience. >> when i was governor of virginia was named the best day for child to be raised in the united states the best managed state in the best say do business continues because of our education system. >> senator tim kaine hung cao. [applause] [applause] >> respond to get the he said what is going to do wealth like hey, why haven't you done that yet and honestly, of the 227 bills and senator senator tim kaine the puzzle through the beta throw. >> that simply the wrong. >> those 99 percent failure rate and my profession is. >> that's completely wrong. >> will there's two truths in the world looking never walking to targus will reregister and go against the nation when it comes to. [applause] >> what does that mean. >> were going to move on. >> is 99 percent failure rate. [inaudible].
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>> gentlemen. >> senator tim kaine hung cao were moving on to the next topic deanna. >> think he avoid some of the last few weeks of the biden administration announced $1.3 billion for historically black colleges and universities, to its work 20 and hung cao, would you support. investment for hbcus from progress you 45 seconds be backups related to the wife having every single year of us make this a permanent move forward and so that we can get like a said, education is the only for boys out there and thus allow for the people to pull himself up and start giving back to the country. >> thank you hung cao and senator tim kaine give the record deficit, how can future hbcus students trust there will be continued investment in your 45 seconds. >> first you go by like track record. i have funding for the folks take another university my entire career we could go for a
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walk right after this event and i could show you buildings on this campus, that were bill because of on packages i supported as lt. governor mcgovern i can also show you programs on campus supported this united states senator my commitment to hbcus this entire my entire 30 years running against somebody who's that the college the department of education. that's an extreme position it would hurt hp use but for all of our colleges all over k-12 school. >> thank you senator tim kaine and hung cao before those students are children make it to college, they often a the high cost of childcare is forcing many families to make difficult decisions about whether to pay or to help get care the children potentially quit the jobs they do not cover those expenses that you support providing a set this business screen on-site childcare options 30 seconds. >> excellent molecular think it
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is we have five kids. you know, we made a hard decision that i would work and she was sent home to take care of the kids because it cost too much to send them to daycare and so, yes, i would absolutely incentivize and help companies you know you companies to help out with the child care for their families thank you hung cao and follow-up with america pay for that does incentives in your 15 seconds. >> there's a lot of things we can pay for something a billion dollars, to illegal aliens that is over as half a trillion dollars a year, the big e paying for illegal aliens into this country secure of americans first. >> thank you hung cao and senator tim kaine you've already indicated your support for giving businesses incentives to create those on-site childcare options and what americans increase taxes to pay for that and you have 30 seconds. >> will i have a proposal for senator republican of alabama, to take three provisions
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currently the tax code to help parents and employers for childcare that is not very robust working as a senior bring i have a bipartisan proposal that will be discussed with you tax again next year that would put money back into the parents pocket pretty and also successfully supported the american rescue plan for much and was my opponent and permission to expand the child tax credit that reduce poverty implement back into the pockets of the parents of that they could use for child care expenses and they could use for healthcare and that provision has expired because republicans will know support extension find the senate during the third term, avoid restoring the child tax credit which will be the biggest tax cut for people in the history of this country. >> thank you senator tim kaine for outlining your red legislative priorities much working on the question was whether americans increase taxes to pay for these kinds of incentives are tax cuts. >> my belief is that there are savings we can find will help
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with us and i'll give you an example, we are now finally negotiating for prescription drug prices with the big pharma company said medicare and in the first year of them, going to save the taxpayers and senior seven and a half billion dollars, and that is just negotiating on ten drug prices and if we negotiate all drugs and medicare, people safe tremendous amount of money that we can use for other priorities like childcare and my opponent opposed that bill and said that he would repeal it if he is elected and that will cause prescription drug prices to skyrocket. >> thank you senator tim kaine we will now move on to reproductive rights top. >> okay were going to ivf sorry going to ibf. >> correct cf and hung cao the average in vitro fertilization treatment is $50000 for pregnancy if you believe the federal government private insurance should cover that cost you 60 seconds.
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>> that the government no in the private insurance yes look my family benefited from fertility treatment so i don't know where the commercial think saying i guess that they come i know where that comes from a look about about family families mexican the five children was adopted and i want to make sure that were profamily the cost a lot of money any possible lives a lot of time and paperwork you know the people work necessary to protect the child it was so hard. or allow for the families to welcome a child into their lives like we did her second child is now you know in mother and now i'm a grandfather of the baby girl because of her coming into her home and so i'm very grateful and i want to be very family-friendly in the united states and that includes allowing for fertility treatments like my family got or adoption like my family did. >> that thank you hung cao and you didn't mention private interest and how would you incentivize them to do so, the cover those cost away that would
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not leave americans authority higher premium. >> that's a great question because again with this plan, that's just a trojan horse or a single-payer government run program. cedric program for kamala harris everything single here and government run health insurance we have no choices, you will have no choices printed medicare for not and so this is why we need competition within the insurance that is how we will offer them to pay for ivf another fertility treatment. >> thank you hung cao senator tim kaine same question to you has that average cost of $50000 per pregnancy, do you believe the federal government and private insurance should cover the cost of ivf, 60 seconds. >> let me tell you why virginians are very skeptical about my opponents support for ivf committee said that he was support national bill would establish as life begins at
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conception no exceptions and really looking at that bill has said that it would dramatically restrict women's ability to access abortion, and even contraception and that were taken back his support for that bill. the kind of the national bill with great park, to reproductive rights for all americans and here's what i believe, that insurance policies often mandate coverage for certain things mental health treatments and others and yes insurance policies including aussies that are offered on the exchanges under the affordable cares action mandate covered for ivf services subject to the same co-pays should be carved out the way the heart surgery or other important surgeries a procedure mandated coverage subject to the same close for other coverages. should not pass bill that would restrict people's access to abortion contraception and ivf and we also should not demonize
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women doctors. >> my opponent has compared the women the doctors who make the difficult choice, to terminate a pregnancy coming to the had bomb makers and that is outrageous insult to women were making tough personal protective decisions that they are entitled to make. >> to give you an opportunity. >> i want to be very clear this, i will not sign any bill the federal level to ban abortions and i don't know where he gets us from the supreme court made the right decision pushes to the state pretty was senator tim kaine is to take another voters in virginia given to a senator california and the congressman in idaho and he is the most extreme views which is unlimited abortion to including birth. >> it is true and hold on, because you voted against born alive protection act this most
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extreme think that there is a new voted against it. per child for life you voted against it so when he was do is taken out of the hands of the voters and only keep it back in the hands of others because i don't want a senator from california congresswoman flight out making decisions for virginians see a. [applause] [applause] >> senator tim kaine, when her audience doesn't want to give you 15 seconds to respond. >> yes it was a bill on the born alive protection act that it did but i guess it was already federal law and to become federal law, ten years. reporter: in every state prohibits abortions in the circumstances and this was an effort to smear the weapon by calling them or bomb makers. i voted against them and i'm the only bipartisan proposal in congress right now that would codify movers the way which would have never been overturned women should be protected to make their own reproductive decisions for the point of fetal viability and state legislature should be able to impose
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reasonable restrictions after this virginia lot rhino support please write off for the united states. [applause] [applause] [applause] >> thank you senator tim kaine and thank you ineligible, with abortion restrictions will you support. >> those and replacing virginia right now for example,. >> can you yes so the parental notification and consent for minors with judicial bypass is nearing of circumstances after the point of viability election abortion can be performed. in the requirement. >> it has to be validated by physicians in those original laws right now and you support and we should restore the basic protections of roe v. wade and not sell. [inaudible]. >> continue by the time and we do have to move on we are almost at a time when you have to move on and hung cao you get the question first actually self are there any circumstances under which you would not certify the
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result vice president kamala harris when the election, you have 60 seconds. >> which are asking this and it will certify because she went something like will they keep calling me a threat to democracy and you understand that i know when the threat to democracy is freedom of father was but kill us but the communist. the runway in the middle of the night to get out of the snow is been my entire life fighting to defend see. and people never win the compensation called me a threat to see after three over there was thanking me for my service in the know when threat is in you and threat to democracies tapping border some more with 13000 convicted murderers and city thousand convicted rapist coming through, what is happening on campuses death to america is being shot that's affecting our democracy. >> thank you hung cao. harris: same question for you and are there any circumstances
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under you would not certify the result former president donald trump were elected you have 60 seconds for a point certify the result i did in 2016 when i was on the ballot was i happy about the result is he immediately and certified in a did not try to inspire an attack on the capitol and i don't think that it never called my opponent, and they my key suggesting i do point out something about my opponents extreme position, he has taken the position that those who attacked the capitol in january 6 the 2021, leading to death including law enforcement officers,. >> hold on hold on holland. >> let me finish. >> he has said that those individuals should not be prosecuted they should be compensated. [inaudible]. >> were just about of time some going to have to in that. >> readily closing statements first we will allow the candidate 30 seconds for closing statements and turning we will go first which was determined by recent polling.
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>> vietnam help them win over the run to, but his grace country called the united states to be sent and gave us an opportunity and give us life and i would to the top schools in the country including united states naval academy is been 25 years defending the right to come here. this country is taken a dark turn and it impress are turning this country and what i ran a way from pretty and 30 years to have any time for senator tim kaine's closing statement, 30 seconds. >> the choice it pretty clear for virginians what was also acting when extremism pretty eyes that my city to a renaissance as mayor the still continuing when i was governor and we are best different business the best educated best manage day, and it is that i have a powerful legislation so that we are building again with infrastructure were making again with manufacturing and renovating in virginia is leading the way. >> were out of time and thank you for joining us. >> the money is underway right
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now have a great night underway and everyone. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ will americans. ♪♪ control in congress political history. stay ahead with programs of coverage and key debates. access to house, senate and governor debates races shaving your state in washington. local to national debates anytime online and watch tuesday november 5 for live real-time election results. powered by cable. ♪♪ >> later today w kevin cramer
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may be election historic. their lasting impact on the nation. john kennedy narrowly defeated richard nixon, the first election in which all 50 states dissipated. baseball connects americans to culture. watch american history tv on stand to watch online anytime at ♪♪ >> elizabeth warren and republican challenger john participated in the first debate
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the high cost of housing, abortion and federal government encrypt the currency i am john keller.
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president bill clinton for my efforts the court date of 2022 and 23. 500 people suspected, a national security crisis. learn what the migrants are going through, it's extreme on this. she supports open borders and voted no on the border fill.
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don't let it get in the way of good our healthcare system and education system and housing and get up and demonize as many as you can. they are trying to the our dogs and cats but most important, don't fix the problem because it works as an election issue. that's what happened in 16, 18
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and 2020 and 2022 and 24. certainly doesn't refer to immigrants and dogs and cats but taking the same page of the same flavor. we need reform. the only way is by cutting off extremist republicans and coming together and fixing it. >> vicki has a follow-up. >> former president trump, his promises to execute the largest mass deportation in history, is that something you would support? >> of course not, 2,030,000,000, no a small level deportation has to be part of it. obama deported 3 million. let's go back, no one in this race running for office can identify with these poor migrants for the me.
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i listen to my mom on the nights we didn't have food to eat but it is 12 million. 99% of these people want a better life. 1% is 120,000 potential bad guys and report says 445,000 have felony convictions, 15000 rapists, 13000 murders so the benefit of the doubt still a national security risk. >> they have a little face on it but the same edge, election issue, demonize the other group and talk about rapists and criminals like that's the only issue in the debate. republicans believe they will win on the and they've done it over and over.
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border security, work permits, money for our states and a pathway to citizenship believe strongly if we negotiate comprehensive immigration reform plan, we need to make certain states are fully reimbursed. what they are spending on migrants, questions about immigration, the federal government should pay for migrants here to support them. we need to work together. >> extremism, absolutely. pay attention to what they do.
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it was on the table. she rejected it she said harris will bring back.bill and she voted against it. how do you object 2500 a day? i went to the border and learned women are given plan b because they get raped along the way. senator warren will say national security crisis and you are racist, insane. >> this is the republican playbook, the same playbook over and over and over. when it comes time to fix it,
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donald trump said i want to keep it as an election issue and see what you can do to make the problem worse and make everybody suffer so they can run again and again and again and i played out the four elements and what we need to negotiate for. >> there's only one extremist on this stage tonight and it's elizabeth warren. on the common sense and that it. it's bankrupting the state. billings on the migrants but can't save dorchester carney hospital. senator warren does not want immigration reform. she had the chance and she rejected it. >> one more time. >> back in 2013 but i did not buy a ticket on a boat donald
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trump already soaked. by the time we voted on this one we knew republican support it. what position do you want to be in as we negotiate for real immigration reform? for me we need a pathway to citizenship and full reimbursement for states housing migrants. >> you can return to this later but we do want to move on. politicians like to talk about bipartisanship but the records show senators to vote with party leaders that the vast majority of the time it's hard to see how rhetoric promotes support for bipartisan behavior so how can voters trust you will put their interests ahead of partisan politics?
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>> i'm honored the people of massachusetts simply to washington to fight for them and that's how it is put over 12 years of been the sponsor and 44 pieces of legislation and 27 of those pieces are bipartisan. i have a cosponsor who helped me get to the finish line. i broke the hearing a monopoly with help from charles grassley. reassure you get your money back when the cancer your flight. those bills do not include 100 pieces of cotton into the authorization bill every year
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many on a bipartisan basis. >> she's past one bill in 12 years but you have to pay attention what they do know what they say. she's been out there, when will a republican state up to donald trump? defend and protect a woman's right to choose her own health issues? that republican is here, i've been taking on the leadership of the republican party and what did she do? to she welcome that? no, she lied recall the name of the extremist when she knew i was even more critical of president trump and she has been. she's one of the most extremist people in the senate and we could go over how she was to
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pack the supreme court, antibusiness lynch is partly responsible for the hospital. amazon is a big company and hundreds of jobs were lost. she's extremist, i'm the moderate. >> this is why people don't trust john. he said i only passed one bill. he's been fact checked all not publicly and that's not true. i have passed the 27 bills on a bipartisan basis than the doesn't count the changes in our military bills that pass every single year many of which are on a bipartisan basis. there is a lot we can do on a bipartisan basis. one thing, helping veterans who
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have traumatic brain injury. i've been working on this for years now. it may be throwing or holding ammunition. i want to say, a part of that is right here in massachusetts. joni ernst storm iowa. >> i said primary sponsor. lied about who i am ignore that. my daughters asked me not to
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run. they said don't run because politics is ugly and they might lie about you and try to make you look like the bad guy when you're not. want to know what i said? 75-year-old grandmother when she sees i believe strongly in reproduction and when she sees a take on donald trump or anyone else in the republican party, we should welcome that in a policy debate in the first thing he did was like about my daughter saying i told you, my friends are texting me and e-mailing me. senator warren doesn't only anything but she pose my daughters an apology. you should not lie like that is. >> finds out republican and run a coordinated and pain in the
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republican primary debate for republican control of the senate is unhappy when he gets called a publican. this is about senate control and will be about abortion republicans controlled the united states senate, there will be zero opportunity on a roe v. wade law of the land but also education policy will be controlled by people who don't leave in public education. climate alessi control by the who are deniers. our judges will be carefully streamed by people who will make sure they are antiabortion gun policies will be set by people losing thoughts and prayers are all that we need. republican control of the united states senate is bad for massachusetts and for our
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people. >> she still avoids it and she just misled the voters again because i said i had a victory from, i was trying to get state legislature people elected because one party system is not working. lives in this hyper partisan political world where she defined by party. democrats are great, republicans are bad. i've got news, all of you saw in congress, a broken system. senator warren worries about control when she was asked, what's wrong with the policies? all of the crypto people like them she said. learn to not lose control of the senate, that's it, she's worried more about customers nurses and doctors and patients and amazon
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employees. >> pro-choice republican and supports codifying roe v. wade roe v. wade so what is the difference? >> this is a matter of trust. we watch one after another republican nominee to the supreme court walked in front of the u.s. senate and swore until the world level there with respect president which was supposed to be code for not a return roe v. wade and then the first opportunity they got set
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roe v. wade on fire and burned it to ash. and what happened, don date and comes and swears until the world looks level that is a pro-choice candidate. it's the same john deaton said to have a chance he would have voted for heel for such. one of the justices set roe v. wade on fire and burned to the ground, he also went on that republican stage and bragged about the candidate helping raise money for republican control of the senate. we talk about abortion, we are potentially talking lives of our daughters and granddaughters and when that's on the line, we cannot trust john. >> don't talk to me -- i'm a father of three daughters, and capable of supporting a law that
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would restrict freedoms and privacy of my own daughters. saying pay attention to what they do. senator warren was in the senate june 22 when that decision came down. they had the presidency, the house from of the senate i demand we vote on this and put every u.s. senator on notice. where they stand? you want to do that. why? it might the democrat uncomfortable. guilty of what she said donald trump was guilty of what they don't want to settle abortion issue. they wanted it divisive, and election issue. otherwise she got on the senate floor demanded be voted on. she didn't been and will next
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time. >> i appreciate mr. deaton has daughters. roe v. wade and burned to the ground, collectively have $10 and donald trump has two daughters that we know of. this is a question of trust. right now, 40% of all women live in a state that effectively bears access to abortion in the donald trump and j.d. vance make it to the white house, it will be 30%, it will be one 100%. they are coming for us everywhere including states like massachusetts. if they have the opportunity and republican control of the senate, you better believe they are going to try to ban abortion everywhere. they told us that through project 2025, j.d. vance has written a letter to the
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department of justice during the help students do it. donald trump breaks, house and senate republicans say they are going for nationwide abortion ban, believe them. >> we have to break. >> it's not just new for such fingerprints on the niels dobbs decision. encourage harry reid to drop the filibuster rule on lower judges formed by which mcconnell if you do that, we will go with the supreme court. it was honored like it was for 100 years, she wouldn't have pushed to ended the supreme court with different today and i know it is her to say the truth. >> the u.s. senate to restore roe v. wade and it was blocked
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by a filibuster led by republicans so we do have a problem with the filibuster. we need to get rid of the filibuster and i think we will have enough democrats in the united states senate to do that. the only way we will be able to vote roe v. wade and nationwide law of the land is to have a democrat in the white house, democratic majority in the senate and democrat majority in the house, that is the only way. >> because she went first. >> senator warren is out there telling people we are going to end the filibuster and connect roe. he got 51 votes no, let's do it now. you have the presidency and vice president running for president, do it now. john deaton is not loyal to a party or person or agenda. he will be loyal to you to the
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country is already served in, not a party or agenda. >> we will continue in a moment. ♪♪ >> welcome back to the boston globe. you painted a different so says she wasn't into the currency and security and you have criticized her what you claim is regulation. what is the right balance? >> what i found bitcoin, i thought my mom is my mom was on welfare and food stamps and she couldn't keep an account because
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she couldn't keep the minimum balance and we needed the money. she had to go to to check-cashing and they would charge her bacon, so we have the money for food and i went to college and i would send her money from college and western union would take 15% it made a difference. i was like great we can cut out the banks and the middleman and help one banks people like my mom but the better question here, illegal immigration bankrupting the state that crisis in foreign wars taking place wake up one day and say with all that, i'm going to build into crypto because it's so important to her. that's a question she needs to
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answer. >> that's great. i just want to make sure the president has to say follow the same rules as every credit union and make sure it's not open for terrorists and human traffickers and the like but i want to be really clear about what's really an issue here. who are you going to represent in washington? there's one candidate standing here to get 90% of the funding to keep the campaign going -- the crypto industry. one candidate has said quite openly his personal work is 80% tied up in crypto. fight working people. if he has a chance to go to washington, his crypto buddies
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are going to force return on their investment. he will be there to fight for crypto. >> if you look at what i did, i did her job. the banking really, i exposed this regulatory former sec chair appointed by donald trump said there was an ig report, i am responsible for these conflicts so i have upset more crypto billionaires than anyone blocked me on social media but her bill stands corey in america she's allowing face. a busy investor 85% of the
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american population. i got into this race to give for people in our full voice. >> i'm just trying to understand what you're saying here. he say is made crypto folks so that the campaign to try to take back the senate seat to try to take it from me. i'm having a hard thing for no space us to get a but i will say it has failed for a lot of people and part of the reason i fought so hard to get consumer financial protection in place the saved american consumers $15 billion, companies that had to return to those consumers so i'm in favor of more restrictions but for me it's physical after
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the overdraft fees. jp morgan chase in the billing year people struggling to make ends today. i had to follow the same rules as everybody else. >> i wish she would attack during the for the way she's focused on crypto. so focus on crypto, she had the ceo of j.p. morgan chase and they financed the largest trafficking operations with jeffrey epstein. she is so hyper focused. i know that because i was raped as a child. i might be more sensitive to the child rape victims. why would you not ask one question, j.p. morgan chase $200 million to victims, virgin islands.
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former democrat president, her dollars are involved. loyalty to an agenda. i comment and i want transparency on everything. >> i have done everything i humanly can to get more families into our financial system. what is the return on investment crypto investors expect to put millions of dollars in place? i'm all for crypto some, the rules should apply to all the
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institutions. >> i can help -- let me finish. the entire industry but the rules are already there. notice she didn't answer the question about the rape victims. a warrior for women you have to elect the woman you are willing to protect. >> i have pushed thanks and regulation banks accountable every single time they step out of line. i get it, i take my money from people who work to support the campaign.
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-- >> i've sued the government because the sec had done something really bad the judge agreed with me, i've done all pro bono. and last week the dope billing or millions vice president harris campaign. it would not have happened. >> i would like to move on. we will go to you first again.
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>> turning our attention to the rest of the world support of the bill, the beach to congress, would you care to vote in support of all policies or where we draw the line? >> my vote in the senate will have to -- the worst act since the holocaust. last time he said it doesn't run so.
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calling for the death of every jew in israel, she boycotted netanyahu. she has taken, she's going to speak at a pro- hamas event and word got out and she bailed out. it was her policies that got us in this situation. now they are shooting down the missiles and that is the foreign policy. >> i'm very concerned continuing
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to spread. israel has a right to defend itself. drag the united states to work. i think it's pretty clear, we need to de-escalate in this area and get the hostages home. i've met them over and over we need to push the parties to negotiate. the two state solution and it is determination and insecurity. >> i wish senator warren would spend as much time trying to ban the six billing dollars investment iran then did blocking amazon and i robot.
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i wish she would spend the effort trying to ban money going to iran to find missiles against our allies then she would inject by united healthcare and we lost hospitals. i wish she would and the relationship with iran the way she was too bad but quite in the united states. health policy at her doorstep that i have met with netanyahu when i went over to israel. at that time we talked about girls and growing problems. we know what we need to do. need to stop the falling, get the hostages home. we need to put more money into humanitarian relief and push
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them to the negotiating table. this reckless talk will not make anyone any safer. >> the vice presidential debate literally said iran is closer to a nuclear weapon than any time before it's because of senator words policies they have done that. we know they are going to use it so it's because of senator warren's policies that we are in this mess. >> i do hope you understand it was donald trump that took us out of the deal had keep them from developing a nuclear weapon. the reason they talked about this is because it was the trump administration but i said, we know what needs to be done. this is not helping. >> six billing went to iran during this current administration. they paid for missiles to shoot
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our ally and now we are shooting the moose missiles down that she helped iran get, insanity. >> you can return it would like but this question comes from swanston. i was born and raised in massachusetts and more to settle down following the additional education. i find that cost of housing to be the single greatest obstacle to being able to do so. what will you do to help? like i have a plan and a way to pay for it. we don't have enough housing supply. population has grown up. ...
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is pato first-time homebuyers wait able to get in the market. >> mr. deaton. >> she is never here so she doesn't realize that minimum to cost $300 a square foot so a house here in massachusetts in the greater boston area cost $600,000 to build. it's easy to throw a plan that's
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never going to happen and try to take credit. here's what he had to do. first tip to secure the border because the housing situation is exasperated here in massachusetts with her open door policy. it's an absolute supply problem so i talked to builders and the builders tell me it takes two years to get the necessary permits just to build than they get more delays. we have two incentivize the behavior that we want so you get tax credits for low income housing so poor people have an opportunity to have better housing. you also for the renters out there we need to increase the 4000-dollar tax credit to 8002 give relief to them. >> rebuttal. >> he's blaming the immigrants. >> i blame you not immigrants. >> let's be clear about the housing bill. that's what people said about my
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15% minimum tax on corporations. no one will ever get that done and yet that's exactly what that past two years ago as a way to pay for the biggest climate package in the history of the world along with $35 insulin and a 2000-dollar on what seniors spend. i believe in having big plans that work. here's the good news. the vice president is in favor of doing exactly the same thing and that's building out housing supply but the way i do this there is no number number in there on what we have distended massachusetts. i am in partnership with the mayor for them to bring down costs and i know a lot of different ways they can do that. our job is the federal government and its display if you do that we will put -year-old federal dollars behind that and pay for the elementary school or the new sewage plant you need to work in partnership to get more housing.
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>> equal time. >> if you incentivize the buildings to build the make it worth their while and that's how you saw this. in the private-sector can do it and we have a real estate issue. i favor we do away with some of the zoning issues and turn some of the commercial real estate that's not being used in the housing. senator warner to say there's a national security crisis when hundreds of thousands of people that are literally across the border with criminal convictions you say that she will call you a racist or xenophobic that's. we had to end this divisiveness. people on the far left say oh if you say it's a national security crisis you are a racist xenophobe and if i don't demonize the migrants and say these are good people who just want a better life i know what that's like. in your soft on immigration. it's centered or warrants part of that broken system we had to give people like me who were not loyal to a party or an agenda or
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person. that's what we'll get massachusetts a real voice in united states senate of voice they haven't had for years. >> just really quickly back to hunter's original question that's how we bring down the cost of housing. the private-sector can do it and that's what mr. deaton said and that's what he's been saying for decades now and the price goes up-and-up and up. it's time to take the resources with the federal government to work with our local communities and to say we are going to incentivize bringing down prices and part of that can be cutting regulations you bet. let the localities decide for themselves what's regulations to cut in how they will bring down costs. we need partnership here. >> just like the wealth gap that senator warren talked about it is increased every single year that she's been in office because she doesn't have a clue how to save it and i hope we get
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to talk about it because this is an issue that i'm passionate about. the slogan for me lives in my heart. i think you both. great so far coming up next our next question from victoria when the wbc "boston globe" u.s. senate debate continues. stay with us. welcome back to the "boston globe" u.s. senate debate. "boston globe" political editor victoria mcgrane has her next question. >> let's keep things local to the small massachusetts voters will decide whether not to give a passing score on the m. tested diagnostic school created by the education reform act as the state main high school graduation requirement. if it passes it would leave the state plus school districts to set their own graduation standards. mr. deaton two are you voting
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for it or against it and why? >> listen i'm voting no because public education system which i was with an inner cities are already stressed out and we can have three to 51 standards for their school system is still recovering from covid to consist of fifth-graders who can't even read in their people graduating. if you don't have the mcas and have no standards will have people graduating from high school that kate -- can't fully beat english in the state. we had to be fair to the students here. let me tell you something something that's very important to me i grew up in inner-city. i want to make sure kids in springfield rocks very mattapan that they have the same quality education is the kids in wesley for the kids in cambridge and it's something we had to pay attention to. what i want to do is get credits to teachers to go into the inner
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city to teach. i'm sorry. >> go ahead and finish your system. >> the bottom line is we can't abandon these kids in the inner-city. what will happen is that's what's going to happen you get a better education in a more affluent community and trust me we do not want it because they are to have it as bad as it can be. i wanted to show them there is a chance for you in this country. there's a chance to achieve the american dreamlike idea that i want to make sure we can't cut them from education and then asked them to achieve their dream. thank you senator warren mcas. >> i will be voting yes. many of you know i started out as especially teacher and i learned early on one test is not a great measure for every kid. ultimately we keep 700 kids from getting a college in high school de palma and their a lot of special needs kids and kids who are just learning english.
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massachusetts has an education system in the country. some people think it's because we instituted this test. i think it's because of our teachers and because we have terrific teachers and we support them. our teachers are telling us the consequence of this test is to teach our kids less because we are teaching them more about test taking skills, taking the modular classroom. what an opportunity to help shape a broader view of which children get a high school de palma. i think that's something we should support our teachers who have helped us build the number one education system in the country. >> this logic that these career politicians use escapes me. senator warren to said we in massachusetts have the best educational system in the country. i come from the method of them
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them are in court that broke don't fix fix it. senator warren is brady we have the best system. change it to just like everything in washington makes no sense but i want to bring common sense that the united states senate because clearly it's lacking. >> equal time. >> i just had to say i believe in our teachers who are reducing the system and they are the ones on the ground with our kids and they are the ones who are telling us just how miserable this test is making life for many of the kids and in for many of our teachers and for what? to identify 772,000 kids to say you didn't pass that particular form of test? i've got to say as a former special needs teacher i think that's a way. >> one standard is better than three to 51 standards. that's the bottom line. if it broke, don't fix fix it. >> let's see if we can fit in one more question here in tax
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year ingenuity of thing. it's another other voter question from carrying books feel. quote it's difficult to find a primary care doctor. wait weightless or up to one year. there's a definite lack of medical care especially in rural communities. do you have a plan to address this issue and i forgot who we started with last time. >> i went last time. >> go ahead senator warren. >> are lot of pieces here and one of them is we need to make sure we preserve access to health care. keep in mind republican control of the senate means people who are in charge nationally of our health care policies want repeal the affordable care act. that would cost massachusetts literally billions of dollars. our system is already broken and part of the problem is private equity. private equity is an issue that i've been working on for years now trying to keep these guys
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have these guys out of one industry after another for the comment like the department stores and kmart and remember sears and toys "r" us. send it to a handful of investors and leave a collapsing shell behind. they are now doing it in our health care system and that's what it was all about and that's what i'm leading the fight to make sure it never happens again in massachusetts. >> mr. dayton go ahead. >> senator warren literally there was a deal on the table for united health to purchase stewart and senator warren rushed to the table and objected to. it's up for-profit companies you want to be consistent with their brand but she thinks fighting against things means fighting for them and they are the same same thing and now we have lost two hospitals that could have been saved. we are talking about a pregnant
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woman now in central massachusetts that has to drive 45 minutes to do deliver because they have lost the maternity health care because senator warren wanted to rush and say this bad company we want to not allow this deal to go through and it didn't so that's the approach she takes everything and she voted for the ukraine war which unfortunately we didn't get to tonight. do want to know with we could have done with the billions of dollars they could have had universe appear k. and medicaid in the 1212 states that didn't adopt it yet and for 20 years millions more people with health insurance and senator warren doesn't ask this question when she does she does not the proper questions. >> you each have one minute left. go. >> so let's be clear john deaton says the answer to our health care system is let the largest insurance company in the world come in and buy up more of our
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hospitals. i don't think that's the answer. i think that's the problem. the proper notation of our health care system is literally killing us and we need several regulations in place to stop that. that's what i'm fighting for and that's what john deaton wants to dance and that's why control of the senate matter so much in this election. >> rebuttal. >> the county hospital in dorchester and the husband central mass they need a senator that fights for people that fights for the nurses and fights for the lab techs and fights with adopters and fights for the patient. senator warren didn't care about that. she rushed to save big bad companies i object. the people in irobot needed a senator to say maybe this one deal make sense but now it's big bad amazon must be evil therefore senator warren at
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jack's costing hundreds of people jobs. that's the difference. she fights against things and people not for it. fighting against the rich and wealthy senator is not the same as fighting for the poor and middle class. i will fight for the poor and middle class every day of my life because i have so far every day of my life. and he john deaton will let big corporations come in. >> that concludes our senate debate. thanks to the candidates for an excellent debate thanks to victoria mcgrane it's been a pleasure working with you and thanks to the many talented people behind the scenes at the bbc to make these debates happen. now that you've heard the candidates you have a job to do, vote. early voting by mail has already begun. check with your local town or city hall to find out about early voting and where to vote on election day. then watch your vote count on
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our extensive election night coverage, coverage of the national results starts at by cbs news at 7 p.m.. we are here on tv 38 starting at 8:00 with local results including the ballot questions all night long streaming on cbs news boston. from all of us here at wbc, i'm john keller. thank you for watching. ♪♪
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tonight live conversation, not a
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debate. >> she's a one-woman economic wrecking ball. and spotlight spotlight is this trying to bring civility back to the election cycle. democrats andy kim and republican curtis deaton are the candidates are vying to fill the seat of the convicted former senior senator bob menendez. we are going to take our campaign and message as a political outsider. we sit down to hear why they think they deserve your vote on november 5. it's a challenging and difficult race and one that has frankly changed new jersey politics forever. an open discussion talking about all the issues that impact you and a conversation with the candidates with the only u.s. senate seat on new jersey's ballot begins now.
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tonight mj decides candidate conversations presented in partnership with the university. ♪♪ live from the steady in newark this is mj decides 2024 conversations with the u. s. candidates. good evening and thanks for joining us. >> will come to rely conversations with the candidates for the senate. we are calling it a conversation because this is not a traditional debate. there'll be no time for responses and the goals to talk about the issues impacting you are an exchange of ideas by david and i believe the discussion and direct the questions the candidate. we welcome our guest democrat andy kim and republican curtis
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bashaw. welcome to you both and thanks for doing this. we will start off by having you talk about the economy. we will start with you mr. bashaw. everyone agrees that affordability is what's on the top of the mind for voters today. what do you think is driving this crisis and what specifically can you do from your seat in the senate? >> affordability is a huge issue. i run a small business that has grown to 1000 employees. we know our utilities are more expensive than we know the food that we buy to serve in a restaurant is more expensive and in all 21 counties in this state i have heard that issue loud and clear from new jerseyans. to me, the way we fix that is to cut back on our government spending. we had to do with the cobra crisis and we kept doubling down by doing more and more expensive
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bills that have caused inflation. i believe the blessed with the curate is to spend more money -- isn't to spend more money or to price caps and it isn't to try to mandate for subsidies but to unshackle our businesses, let them grow trust our business people, grow the economy and make it bigger. >> what you think is driving this issue or this crisis? >> like we want to make sure we are growing our economy but we want to grow for everybody. right now the corporations in the world are growing exponentially and we are seeing a lot of small as this is really struggling to add aitkins made in seeing a lot of people not invested in over half of our country is not invested in the stock market. we have a huge racial wealth gap in new jersey. it affects the black communities nul communities and latino
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communities. that's why took steps to lower prescription drug costs one of my biggest legislative wins. out-of-pocket cost for seniors when it comes to their prescription drugs. capping insulin caused a $35 a month to do that for all americans. all the things we did child tax credit cuts child poverty in half. these are proven tools that the republicans in congress got rid of all these different efforts that we are trying to help people with. these are some of the things return to fix. sankey seemed to be ready to unleash business and have regulation what's the difference between you two on what role government can play in stimulating the economy are making things more affordable? >> look we live in an america that's a free enterprise country. we trust our citizens here and
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our businesses and that's how we created this american dream. i don't think we can spend our way to prosperity. i don't think we can tax our way to physical health and i don't think that we can regulate our way to innovation and growth. new jersey is one of the most expensive states for taxes and one of the most unaffordable state, one of the most highly regulated states. ironically new jersey is 49th and what we get back from the federal government out all the other states so i don't believe these old 20th century habits of price caps of subsidies excess spending, those are failed policies socialist policies that we tried to force the hand of the market. we need to let her businesses thrive. i lean against too much intervention but i understand that we need to take care and make sure that everybody has a
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shot. >> one of the things we have found in our reporting with pastor particularly is a lot of people we talked to about affordability .2 of affordable housing as a driver of this crisis. the estimate is that there needs to be about 200,000 new units of affordable housing built in the state. water barriers to meeting that goal and what kind of federal legislative remedy is there? >> i think barriers currently are inflation and making houses unaffordable for people and high interest rates that we need to make sure we control inflation. i don't think that's by spending another trillion dollars as a way to solve it. if people think we solve inflation with the inflation reduction act i don't think anybody believes that. now are spending trillions of dollars. it was a policy that was a partyline vote.
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>> how do you remedy affordable housing? >> we need to get inflation in check and we need to make sure that interest rates come come down and two we need to make sure there is permitting reform. it takes ages to get permits particularly in new jersey but you can't just go out and build a house. it can take years to get a permit so that's the second thing and thirdly we need to make sure we have a trained workforce. this is where i think the trade and the trade schools making sure that young people understand there's a living to be made in the trades and we need more workforce. >> i think this is an example where there's a difference here. for me i look at the bipartisan infrastructure law that we did, something that's putting billions of dollars back into new jersey and helping to rebuild our roads, bridges tunnels and our public transit but that will lead into the ability for us to build more. we need a decade of building to
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offset the steep challenges that we face right now. >> how does the senator make something like that happen? mr. bashaw said he opposes the inflation reduction act. that's a perfect example of where government is investing in private sector in the market that creating an unbelievable response in surging anatiere -- energy innovation in the country. we can send signals to the market and then devise building. the market is not clearly doing this on its own. we need to make sure we are building diverse types of housing. not just luxury housing. government can play a role in incentivizing that. >> let's look at some numbers living on from affordable housing. we are up for by 1% and
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inflation is at 2.8 and 250,000 new jobs created according to the last report and 1,043,000. how is this not a good economy? >> look because leading indicators move but i think talking to new jersey voters in 21 counties everyone realizes how much more expensive things are than four years ago. i mean what has happened in inflation over the last four years is not solved when you look at what groceries cost four years ago to what they cost today and what the fuel and heating oil and all those things cost. this is a burden for new jersey families. the solution isn't i don't think to spend another trillion dollars but i don't thank you can force it by saying we are just going to cap prices and give away things here. i know i have 180 of our employees where affordability is a very important think that these don't get solved in the
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halls of washington and think tanks but i think they get solved by unshackling our business people and making sure they can get permits to do the building, making sure interest rates are low and we are not living beyond our means of the country. i think political outsiders and business people will make a difference in these issues. we can't have more of the same. hasn't worked. >> it used to be could get a blue-collar job and earn a living raise a family in the current minimum wage in new jersey is 15 bucks, about half that on the national level. you are an employer curtis. do you paid your folks, are you a union shop at your place? >> we are not. we have had hotels in atlantic city but they are very few that make minimum wage of our 1000
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employees. we understand the affordability issue and there's a supply and demand issue with labor. we need workers and we pay well. >> i think this is an example of the differences here. i too think we need to make sure we are investing in our unions and their workers. mr. bashaw could increase the federal men on wage from $7.25 an hour. i disagree about. when you talk about something that would pay what, 16 or $17,000 a year no one in the country can live off of that. >> the m.i.t. living wage calculator says in new jersey and this is almost like the first case scenario a family of four, to a parents both working, two kids it's not much of a gotcha question because most people probably don't know this. guess what the wood -- living wage should be according to
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m.i.t. living wage calculator? >> in new jersey or the country? >> in new jersey. >> i would say 65 or 70,000. in terms of per hour. >> oh per hour. living wage i would say it's probably around $8.20. >> i would say probably 19 to 21. >> $30.19 according to this calculator. are those jobs out there for people without a college education? >> we are struggling right now. we have seen a challenge and that's why we need to address the fundamental inequality in our country right now. we have billionaires and huge amounts of poverty and challenges here. >> let me tell you what i'm doing but i created 1100 jobs. i have hundreds of people that make way more than $30 an hour because we started in enterprise
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that worked. we started with 20 employees. now we have 1000. i make payroll every two weeks. i have given them health insurance for 35 years. i understand. >> how do other employers get that $30.19? >> we paid minimum wage even before we race before we raised it in jersey. we have been ahead of the curve because that's where the market is my experience. >> i have about 30 seconds for each of you. the deductions or something that both of you assume want to have restored, right? so the brookings institute called it a massive tax cut for the rich saying to 1% are the ones who benefit. in 30 seconds what other tax deduction for removal would you support that would work for the
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other 99%? >> anybody -- i need 30 seconds. anyone who pays taxes in new jersey, income, all the taxes in new jersey are deductible up to $10,000 so anyone who makes more than $10,000 would get a benefit if that cap was removed. i will say this when we are 49th and what we get back from the federal government and third and fourth in what we contribute there's a big gap. new jersey is a donor state selecting getting that money back to our state and it's important. >> i would start facing the salt isn't the case when it comes to our state. we have people here who are struggling with this but we should keep the standard deduction double what it was before and i think that was a good move. the effort to give 20% offered to small businesses in an effort
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to raise the state tax on $30 million? what we saw in terms of the taxes and dropping the taxes for wealthy americans of the biggest corporations those are things we can do. >> this weekend a couple of surveys came out kaiser family foundation being one of them has said for young female voters apportion not, not the economy abortion is a top issue and you both say you are pro-choice. what specifically does it mean to you when you believe in a woman's right to choose and is there point in a pregnancy where you believe there should be a restriction on having an abortion? i believe the woman has the right to choose her medical care and i do think we need a federal law to codify that. that should be worked on in a
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bipartisan way and i think that process will bring us to reasonable commonsense common sense reforms. when we had rowe the number of weeks where the camera and -- determined based on viability from years ago and there will be that conversation that happens. i think new jersey has a pretty good position going all the way into the night. as we work on this to find common ground as a country which i think is long overdue. we've been fighting about my entire lifetime do we need to roll up our sleeves and we will find common ground. i believe most people believe parental consent is an important right for a family with minor kids to have a life-altering procedure done. i think when people get down to business which is why i want to go to d.c. to work. >> let me ask you what would you
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like to see in a federal bill that would codify its? >> i think we need to codify a woman's right to choose in all 50 states. i think a reasonable restriction would be that there is a viability determination based on factors and the conversation. >> you aren't willing to say at what point? >> i'm not a doctor. >> it's a process we need to go through to come to common ground. >> let me ask you this then lets say you get elected to the senate the federal abortion bill comes up for a vote. would you be willing to say that you would break from your party to vote in favor of that bill? >> when my party is right i will defend them and support them and when my party is not right i will stand up to them. i am curtis bashaw and i'm running for the senate seat to
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run new jersey. i'm my own person and i don't agree if my husband and everything so i'm going to be that person i think the people that know me understand that. >> was the difference if you are pro-choice, do you support abortion without any restrictions? do you support on-demand abortion without restriction? >> the number one difference between us is that i believe that abortion is constitutionally protected. my opponent mr. bashaw does not end a woman's right to choose and make decisions about her own body or fundamental about what it means that freedom in this country and we shouldn't have government telling us what we can do with our own bodies. that's the fundamental difference and that's why i take a position to mr. bashaw saying he's pro-choice. when you talk about that you are
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talking about the fundamental freedoms about the constitution. right now we do not have a choice right now. both states are fully banning abortion and six of them are banning this including no exception for rape and the other question about where does this go? what i will just say this is something that a woman can decide. what we have seen when there are restrictions that have been put into place they've been weaponized in the states. alabama you can go to jail for 99 years if you perform an abortion. they are going after dockers and dockers are worried about doing anything even when it comes to miscarriages and other issues out there. they are worried about legal repercussions so mr. bashaw said he thinks there's a commonsense approach that we can come together as a country on this issue. i'm not sure what you have seen
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or how the debate has gone on in our country right now but it's very toxic and it's very. i do not see how you going to the u.s. senate is going to single-handedly change everything that we see. you have a party -- let me finish. >> you are going to support a senate majority as a republican and look at the other people there. your party is on the extreme side of it and you endorsed all time to put three justices on that overturn roe v. go wade. >> how do you balance the supreme court's decision in? >> i understand what happened in dobbs. that doesn't take away the fact that i am pro-choice. dobbs with separation of powers they didn't find it specifically a constitution in the process would be to go to the legislative branch and be codified. to your question about what i'm
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going to do down there and how it can single-handedly try i'm trying because i think i can make a difference but the fact is you've been there for six years and you voted 100% with your party. you wouldn't understand how i like you to stand up for my because you never set up for mine. that's a difference between us. i'm a political outsider and i'm not behold and to anyone in. i've had a great career provide a businessman that is created jobs for the economy and i'm my own person. i'm going to go down there and defend a woman's right to choose because i believe that in the same way a plea but have a right to be married. i will talk about our freedoms all day long and i'm happy to move to that conversation. >> do you want to respond? >> i will respond by saying look god says constitution does not afford the right to abortion and
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he agrees with adam i just disagree. i will say look everyone in the state has seen me stand up to my own party. in the senate race i got her a very contentious primary standing up to some of the most powerful political leaders in the state in my own party. i'm willing to stand up for leaders my own party. i vote a fight to codify a woman's reproductive rights. think i care you say the position you have on abortion and affording reproductive rights to women is extreme and i take issue to that. so let me ask you both this question talking about the legislative branch branch. with either of you support suspending the filibuster to help restore a national right to abortion and how would you get it done through legislation otherwise? >> i think the whole point of
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america was to have checks and balances and separation of powers which forced us to have conversations and find common ground. we don't want to back and forthwith a majority of one and that's what the senate is the place where there were longer-term and staggered terms and the filibuster is a tool for that. i think they should be verbal. i don't think it should be a filibuster but i think that's a tool to support 60 vote so why not? that forces people to talk to each other. >> allotted votes don't even come up to the floor for a vote because of needing to have that supermajority. but you are saying you don't see room for it. >> i think the filibuster is a filibuster. so make it -year-old but i get
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nervous about this only don't get what we want, freedom is a little and our structure sets up a process to make sure we don't whip back and forth so much. it's hard to amend our congress -- our constitution. >> where do you stand on the filibuster and either funding it on this issue for reforming at? >> i think reforms are needed. the house of representative i helped pass the women's health reduction act only to see it fall short in the senate. we passed universal background checks. something that 94% of americans favor and be passive in the house and it failed in the senate. the john lewis voting rights act a critical effort to protect our right to vote in our democracy
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failed on delivering the senate. we just see weaponization of this. i understand mr. bashaw what you are bashaw what you're saying but we also see the weaponization of that over the last few years and the last 10 or 20 years. it got to the point where we are able to make a decision. just let us vote. >> if you see abortion cares health care should the federal government be on the hook to pay for it through medicaid? >> i think that they could. we passed legislation that said people require medicaid. think mifepristone known as the abortion pill is used in 63% of abortions in the os. should that remain on the market? >> i don't think people
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should -- government should tell us the medicines that can be prescribed by our dockers. >> absolutely but the problem is when the dobbs decision happen now women are not able to decide on medications and so my different things. >> when you two were last together curtis bashaw you said there were 900,000 illegal aliens, your terminology in the state and their presence here is making people feel unsafe. should people really feel unsafe and why and where did that number of 900,000 come from? >> i will try to answer all the questions but the number came from a report from the new jersey assembly and i know they are other reports that were four or 500,000 so let's say somewhere around half a million illegal people living in new jersey.
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i will say this having driven 75,000 miles on my car is january 15 to all 21 counties and talking to so many of our citizens, people are concerned. this and affordability are the two issues. i don't understand and i want to know congressman kim do you think the border policy has worked for new jersey? we have all these people and i don't think the citizens are telling me an untruth that they feel less secure. it's a level playing field issue. our immigrant communities are the ones most upset about this because there's an open backdoor into our country where you can cut the line. such a commonsense fairness issue. the rank-and-file trade are upset about the fact that you can come to our backdoor. i locked the backdoor of my house at night. that's okay. that's not a big deal and why we have holes in the border that
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people walk through but i stood there and watched people three months ago between 12:30 and three in the morning from all over the world. it was an absurdity and you realize talk about politicizing an issue we should decouple border security from immigration policy. it's okay for a country to have a boundary with ports of entry. the costs to our state and the concern to our state impacts immigration policy. let me finish my thought here. i support that 100%. that's another issue we need to resolve in a bipartisan way. one third of my workforce are second-generation americans and one of the great highlights of my life was sworn in as an honorary judge for a day to swear in the police when they naturalize but i love the
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migration and making it work. having a secure border to say we can have an orderly process without that and vote against seven bills that would have the least tried to address the border security issue. i'm passionate about this. the candidates had introduced themselves at a more republican rally and a woman said to us no one product into now. so afterwards i walked right up to her and she said i lost my daughter. i'm raising her child. why aren't you talking about tantamount and we just hugged. we can't ignore the fact that this is an issue and i think think that's why lot of voters are going to vote for me. >> you got your point in there. how much of that do you want to agree with or disagree with? >> let me go backwards because i
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feel it's disconnected. i'm also concerned about centinela centinela. i lose a least one person a day every day to 03 i'd overdose. this is catastrophic but so much of the sentinel challenge we have we a prescription drug challenges allow the sentinel coming into america's brought in by american citizens. the fact that he raised it so nonchalantly. it adds to the sense that migrants are there reason for the sentinel crisis. i disagree but i disagree when he said we should separate border security from me job. of course i want to keep our country safe and the believe that's a solemn nation we can have control over all of our land air and sea and that's why it supported border security measures. when they are not weaponized in
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a way to attack president biden and things like that for the lot of legislation he raised these are pieces of legislation that poison pill elements and them that are trying to take away resources from children to come on their own and things like that. i think they are all sensible approaches and why is it that we have such a large margarent challenge in our country right now? it's not just border security that we have only 682 federal immigration judge judges in the country. they have 3 million immigration cases and would take 10 years for them just to get through those cases. so yes we should surge the number of immigration judges we have an increase the number of asylum officers a bipartisan bill that came up in the senate is addressing some of these. those are the things that will help us get it under control. >> decoupling a little bit
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mr. bashaw, what does that mean and how does it work? and who takes care of immigration who takes care of border security? >> i just think it's more common sense stuff and that sound like a d.c. insider to me going through other reasons and rationales while there is a hole in the wall that people are walking into every single day. they are coming to new jersey and maybe it's not all sense now but you are trying to say no fentanyl is coming through the holes in the border? closing the border and having a portal that's lockable enforcing our law wise that a big deal? why hasn't biden kamala harris and you'd done? new jerseyans want to know. it doesn't make any sense to them. >> we have invested significant amounts of money and bipartisan ways to try to address the issues of fentanyl coming in.
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love that is happening with drugs. that's why we need scanners and technology. that's something i will continue to do. >> have you've been there to see the holes in the wall? >> have lived in there? i've been working on a lot of national security issues. >> have you've been to the border and. >> no i haven't gone to the border to look at it in that way. >> my point is when you see at congressman it seems that we don't fix the holes in the walls. it's just and voters see that i'm just telling you. >> what i would say is i have supported barriers in right places but we don't need what you're proposing which is a wall >> i am saying fix the holes
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right now. just do it. you're in charge. >> on the question of mass deportation do you support that proposal by the former president and how would something like that work and what would the impact of that be? >> i don't think that's doable personally. i think it's really impractical. i do think we need to know who is here and it's why, because there were more people coming every day and it just makes sense to secure the border we have. let's not make the problem worse. >> what about the people who are here? >> getting to know who they are and if they are criminal or have a criminal history coming from their country to our country that's a reasonable to ask them to go home. i think we need to have a compassionate conversation and work on some citizenship in my
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opinion. on think it's possible to support people. >> not only would it be impossible to do but it would be for our economy as well. when i talk to people across new jersey i talk to lot of businesses who say look we need the workforce right now. we can make sure people coming in they can get a work authorization and things like that. i think it makes economic sense and mr. bashaw we want to make sure there are pathways forward. we passed the dream legislation for the daca dreamers. that's something we want to make sure we are correcting funds for. >> when she deportation be announced? >> way we have on the books already that if somebody is convicted of a crime such as a violent crime drugs and things
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like that those are means by which to deport. we have had that in the law already and those are actions that would before. >> there is a time when the gang of eight which i know you both read that reference, it was close to an actual deal on immigration. if something like that were to ever happen again without partisan divide we are experiencing now but what would need to be a national immigration reform bills? wondered two things, pick them off. >> i think we need that the process that is legal and we need to have a secure border to be in force. you can't have a process if there's a backdoor or shortcut. that is one in two we need people like me. i believe political outsiders and not career politicians in
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d.c. insiders down there rolling up their sleeves to work across the aisle to bring people together around this issue. i agree we need workers. one third of my employees are first and second generation americans. >> people will say let's do this on the partisan way that is easier said than done clearly. how do you with these folks into shape? >> should i not try? i'm just saying we need people to be willing to try and that's the conversation that will start in their senators down there that do want to work in a bipartisan way. we are going to solve our problems with the extreme. we will solve them from the middle and we don't need people who vote one under% of the time in washington with their party. we need people that will cross back and forth and pull people together. everyone said it was impossible, everyone.
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>> we have 45 seconds on that question. one or two things that might be in ability could vote for? >> i think border security is an important component that want to make sure we take the steps to ensure we have legal pathways and we should be increasing the numbers of legal pathways. these are people who want to come. people want to innovate and build businesses here in right now we are shutting the door on them. i hope we have that pathway forward for daca dreamers and others to show them that they are welcome. >> yes or no a pathway to citizenship? >> yes. >> another crisis as we sit here tonight we are all aware that the u. s. is preparing to deploy a defense system along with 100 troops to israel. this is what the biden administration says to help
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israel after iran's most recent attack. do you support putting specifically american boots on the ground in this conflict. >> i will start by saying i'm familiar with the technology. that is something i'm supportive of and i believe in israel's right to lead the charge every single year in the preparation process for efforts to provide that defense. we saw with iran's direct attack these are unprecedented after such a dangerous adversary. if you want to make sure we will be there. i think there are due with this and that's going to be safe for our troops. i worked in these situations in and i worked at the pentagon and afghanistan at the height of
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war. they are types of system where we have strong oversight. >> you put support putting american defenses they are? >> mr. bashaw. >> it sounds like a d.c. insider talking. you just keep calling me a d.c. insider and bureaucrat. they are people who have served our country people, i pressed my life for this country and i do not appreciate the label. you are trying to serve in the senate so have some respect to public servant. >> i do. >> no you don't. kurdish--- curtis this is a scary moment and i
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hope i bring the expertise and experience that i have. >> let me respond to that if you don't mind. i have taken two years and ran the reinvestment authority for democratic governor state. i served 12 years on reopening the task force. i also go the distance in the distance starting with 24,000 employees over 35 years for public service. i work for the people that work for you. we have an economy that covers 800 families mortgage payments rent payments car payments tuition and we pay our taxes to fund the government. i would appreciate career public servants police fire emt schoolteachers. we have all affirmed military.
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i get skeptical of bureaucracies that are and inefficient or they lose touch with -year-old life, with being on the front lines on the economy and knowing what it is to deal with the one-size-fits-all regulation cooked up in washington d.c. office building that they don't understand the unintended consequences. i have respect for the urge to serve and we all have put the citizens and i respect that service. any confusion there i apologize for because i don't disrespect it. i believe all of us are citizens and has to be in service to our country. >> let me verify the question of american boots on the ground. >> we have allies we have enemies in the world and i believe we need to support our allies but we need to support israel not only to help defend itself but to be a will to win the war.
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i don't think we have should micromanage the world. boots on the ground i'm not sure the people they are proposing to send there are because they are the experts in the missile system that we are giving them to defend themselves against an attack. all i know is to me there would be greater clarity if we weren't releasing sanctions on iran appeasing iran on one hand letting them near hezbollah and hamas. these terrorist groups that then attack israel and talk about maybe we'll call for a cease-fire or we won't and what is at the signal giving the terrorist? i get nervous about creating moral equivalency to a terrace at organization. >> to clarify these folks are needed and multi-personal to operate it. let's take a wider view because
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you support israel's right to defend itself in the biden administration on sunday sent a letter to the israeli government stating essentially we need to be in check with regards to the humanitarian crisis and human rights violations. is it putting the atu us in jeopardy? should israel have the right to defend itself without conditions on weapons? i will ask you first. >> i think you have allies for a reason. they are your friends in a custom and i don't think war is the type of thing you can micromanage. israel has a right. >> even with its with a regional powerhouse like iran another proxy or? >> israel has a right to defend and when and i ran has attacked them. >> mr. kim. similarly have allies around the world we should have a single --
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to hold accountability and when we are a partner we work with them and understand what it's going to take for them to win and what defense equipment they need. when it comes to access to the military and aid we need to make sure it's going through the proper way. we do that for her own troops. we hold our own troops accountable that way and it's something we should hold everyone to. do you think the bike demonstration should use the law by the vermont senator senator which supplies of standards and conditions with the biden administration so far, should the demonstration be enforcing that? >> yeah we should enforce those standards all over the world. i believe they should be held to
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account because those are the same laws that we have for our own troops. i think we should hold anyone to that same standard. >> you have endorsed former president trump. do you think they trump white house would be better equipped to handle this conflict and what do you think? >> i'm not going to try to speak for president trump on what he would do with form policy. i would say i do believe any peace through strength. one of the greatest foreign-policy moment in my life was when arnold reagan said mr. gorbachev tear down that wall and there was moral clarity and not. there were shots fired. i do think we need to be supportive of our allies. i don't know what the president specific intentions are but i thank you can see from polling lot of people seem to trust him
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on form policy. >> what about you? do you trust him? >> he is their leader and i think he would talk to people. >> is anything you think the biden administration should have done differently to keep this war from escalating? >> i think there should have been more direct dialogue and diplomacy. the separate one may look back on it this effort of using intermediaries that slow down the process and d bharata is the return of the hostages. a number of the families of hostages with their loved ones being away for over a year is. that should be a greater priority. as this war has unfolded we have seen that diminished and we are seeing the intensity we need to when it comes to diplomacy. that's something we should address. >> if an appropriations bill
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comes for markup which would be the first opportunity as he was senator to have a say on this type of aid would you support restrictions on anything? i've supported aid to israel in the last fundamental select traditional debate there traditional debate. through just to through start in to support our allies and trust them and we can micromanage a war. standards of warfare are appropriate to hold each other accountable with our allies. water who is the biggest foreign threat to united states your opinion? >> i think china is a pretty big issue. i don't think fundamentally
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there isn't a level playing field. we are in this new realm of technology that can be exploited in weaponized. it's unknown to us and all the impact there. the trade has been imbalanced and isn't really a level playing field. keeping a big focus on china's important. >> what's the biggest threats to american's? there's a law that they are doing that i'm worried about. i hope we can agree that we don't want to find ourselves in a great power war. it's certainly very complicated but when you look at russia and their brand these are adversaries. these are opponents that.
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>> if he had to pick one. >> i would say russia would be your biggest threat. we have seen hurricanes destroy parts of florida and north carolina and new jersey has its own problems with weather related catastrophes over the past decade. how can the federal government best manage the cost of flooding for instant and what priorities should congress focus on his new building resiliency fighting climate change by regulation. i represent ocean county for a number of years. the work we did with the bipartisan infrastructure law to make our communities more versailles and i passed a law to make sure people have a the safe route and things like that.
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the inflation reduction act is our effort. we need to mobilize across the entire world but in the meantime we should do more to do with being response and resilience and infrastructure. that will save a lot of money on the backend. >> we will go to different question. fema said this morning you brought it up door-to-door outreach for areas that were hit specifically by hurricane helene. fema had to pause because threats made against employees that stem from the situation. specifically about money diverted to immigrants and migrants in folks at the border and the victims of these hurricanes. in the last debate despite fema
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debunking not you repeated that claim of $750. why? i think mayorkas said himself their limited funds in his own office and that's where the whole thing started. it's grown from there. >> do you feel responsible for spreading any of this information? >> no. that's why reported in the mainstream media and then it got picked up and goes viral in different ways. but i will say this. governor kristine barack obama work together hand in glove on superstorm sandy was an incredible example. if ever we need to come together as a country it's a disaster. so they have it be politicized and heard those victims more than they are suffering or to put them in the middle of a
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political election cycle is wrong. if there's ever a time to show my resiliency it's a disaster. >> quick answers from both of you if you can. we'll start with you mr. cam can you remember a time when you changed your mind about an issue or policy where you were once a yes or now in our vice versa and what changed her mind? grandsons this came up when i was in congress about medicinal marijuana and psychedelics. they were talking to veterans and saying they wanted to deal to have access to some of these kinds of drugs. for them to be able to recover from traumatic brain injury and
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things like that. i thought it was very powerful. veterans going to mexico to get access. originally you were against the? >> i woodsen paper legalizing marijuana but when it came to these more schedule one drug's. that's something initially opposed. >> that's funny because i was going to say the marijuana thing myself the reason being i employ a lot of people i was very nervous because with alcohol with marijuana at the 30-day test. you don't know in that meeting nervous. at the end of the day it hasn't been an issue and i change my
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view of it and talking to people and so. >> there's one thing and want to end with a no start with you mr. bashaw can you name a democrat anywhere here in the country could support and vote for? i've contributed to joe manchin through the years an example of somebody who is willing to work across the aisle and i appreciate it that. i think. >> i'm going to leave your answers there and mr. kim is there a republican he would vote for either here in new jersey? they are sensible moral leaders from both parties. >> gentlemen thank you both for coming in. that's going to wrap up our 2024
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conversation with u.s. senate candidates. thanks to row in university for partnering with us and to curtis bashaw and andy kim for participating you can watch the entire thing on line. for david cruz of the entire team thanks for being here. good night.
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this essential organ daily news election coverage your choice 2024. good evening everyone. thanks for joining us for this special edition of central oregon daily news helping you make your choice this election season. most voters in the county ballots will arrive in the mail tomorrow making tonight's debate your last chance to hear from the candidates in what could be the race to determine the balance of power in washington d.c.. for the past two years republicans have held a slim majority in the house of representatives congressional district 5 is considered one of the most evenly split in hotly
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contested seats in the country right now. control of the seat either by the republicans or democrats could very well be a tipping point in control of congress. the stakes are high and your vote matters more now than perhaps ever before. i'm david along with my fellow moderators heather roberts from news radio and julie johnson from the bulletin. ladies thank you for being here as well. candidates republican incumbent lori chavez-reremer the congresswoman won her seat two years ago the first election held in what was the redraw district 5. her challenger state rep in the janelle bynum and ms. bynum's currently is serving as state representative for happy valley. prior to accepting her petition for debate the candidates agreed to a set of rules for each candidate will have one minute for an opening statement as well as closing remarks. we have conducted a coin toss
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for each response to each question will be limited to one minute along with the one minute rebuttal to the moderator asked the question can allow either candidate 30 seconds to clarify or edit their comments. this is at the moderator's discretion. this question comes from us the moderators viewers listeners and readers as well as the league of women voters of the city and county club event. congresswoman chavez-deremer won the coin toss hitting the order for us. you have one minute for your opening remarks. >> thank you and thank thank you for hosting this event. it's so important to oregon voters especially if the district. i'm honored to represent or are going -- oregonians in the district but i thank you will hear a successful record of bipartisanship. how hard i work in washington d.c. telling oregon story and what we brought home to the fifth congressional district. unlike what you will see from my
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opponent who is going to distract from her failed record in the state legislature for almost 10 years. she will stand up will stand before you tonight and express her opinion but what we know is she has a failed actual track record. she has supported rioters because she thinks we should work in concert with riders and she is a supported rapist because she thinks we should protect them better than the victims and she is protecting criminals and drug cartels by having open street drugs for our young people. the sentinel crisis is killing our kids so i'm looking forward to taking your questions tonight and exposing her failed record. >> congresswoman thank you and representative bynum one minute for your opening remarks. >> good evening. i am janelle bynum and i'm a sports loving mama for electrical engineer small
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business owner and four term state legislator. i'm running because washington is not working for oregon families there isn't much getting done. i have worked across the aisle for the past eight years looking at legislation and asking the question is it going to help working families and is it going to help us move ahead? our children going to be better off than we are and sadly those same questions need to be asked in washington as well. we don't know which lohrei is going to show up tonight and we don't know if it's going to be maga extremist lohrei or trump loving lohrei. we know we are the champions ready to roll up our sleeves for working families housing healthier the economy and choice. i'm that candidate and i'm ready to get to work. >> congresswoman redemer some
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have a level of concern about what's happening at the border. there is a bipartisan bill the senate this year year. need year but in either have -- if either admitted to the house when you have supported those bills? why or why not? >> it's so important because the failed policies of this administration have affected oregon. so many states or border states. in the that sentinel crisis is killing our kids and -- it's like come on and drug cartels and poison our kids on the streets. people are dead because the choices she made in on the border bills they passed in the house of representatives the most strict order bill that we could have early last year which i supported which would have funded our border patrol making sure they have the tools that they need. that is sitting on chuck schumer's desk in the senate.
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the senate bill never got out the senate. i would have taken a hard look because we had to give them the tools to stop the flow of drugs coming in to hurt our kids in oregon. >> representative chavez-deremer isn't entitled to change the facts. we know she was not going through the border bill because she follows trump and trump kill that bill. we also know i was a leader in the legislature making sure that we corrected any wrongs that were made with measure 110. i led the effort to make sure than to know and other drugs were re-criminalized with an emergency. i led making sure we had a town hall support anybody else read than talking about centinela. the congresswoman can barely spell no -- fenton l..
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she's so far into the trump's line of thought. she's associate with him and we know he killed that bill and that's a testament to how far she's associate with time. we know she does on the border bill to pass. what specific actions would you address on the eagle -- issue of illegal immigration on the border? >> i worked on the border for six years that i worked on the border for six years and i believe human trafficking is one of the largest of atrocities related to the border as it stands. human trafficking is an issue and we know that drug trafficking is also an issue that we also know and in my time working there we know that the border is a function of our economy. we has have to protect it and we had to make sure there's a free
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flow of goods and services to make sure our economy is strong. i worked there in mind or stand the border. it's not this free-for-all that lori chavez-deremer is claiming it is. it's part of our economy. and the congressman i want to get give a chance to respond. >> i have been there twice and not only if i supported there is on the border with the things that was important to me was making sure again or border has the tools they need so we can set the people coming to this country we know more than 10 million people and tens of thousands of those have records of criminality whether murder rape. you can't have an opponent who will allow people to die in the street because of. it's because of her failed policy because of what she champions. she championed drugs on the
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street. what do you say to those families? she has no answer to it and it's a failed policy. she can have her opinion all day long but she is failed policies that she has a record on here in the state of oregon which he deflects him because she doesn't want to own it senator you have 30 seconds to respond. >> i grew up in washington d.c. during the crack-cocaine epidemic. i remember seeing people strung out on the streets and i understand what means to remove the family member to drugs. i get that. my opponent doesn't. she wants to sweet people under the carpet and throw them away like dogs. i am the other hand believe in the rule of law. i understand what happened when you are at community with gun
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violence and drug violence. i understand it better than my opponent ever has. >> i want to move on to the issue of abortion if we can. we will start with you representative bynum. campaign web site says i'm running to codify roe v. vs. wade at the federal level. if you're elected to represent or again why should you decide what states like idaho wyoming kansas and other conservative leaning states should do when it comes to if a woman can seek an abortion clinics that the main question here is to codify roe vs. wade. >> scotus has says you cannot. we don't have the luxury of voting in the house. >> answer the question. is that a yes or no? >> representative let me get back to this and answer the question as to why liberal state
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should be able to decide what conservative state should do when it comes to a woman's right to an abortion. >> in the previous interviews that we have had in the previous debate we talked about what happens when women cross borders and when women cross-state borders and i believe every american woman, every woman on our soil should have the right to have decisions made between her and her doctor and it doesn't matter where in this country you exist. you should have the right to have their reproductive health options safeguarded by this country. government should not come between you and your doctor period. my opponent can't say that. >> congresswoman a different on that question and let set the record straight first of all in your position. you have said you do not support a nationwide ban on abortions further saying the supreme court did get it right. making abortion acts as a
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state-level issue. when so many other issues whether it's who you're allowed to marry or antidiscrimination laws are set at the federal level why wise that a portion for state-by-state issue like. >> again i want to be clear where i stand. pree dobbs on national abortion i have my group -- made leadership aware that because oregonians should decide if they want access to a portion for more than 65% of oregonians have said this is the action they want. oregonians have determined what they want and now scotus has ruled in their favor a greek with oregonians to say this is what we want. that's the position i take and i promise oregonians that i will not be in the way now that scotus has ruled that it's a states rights issue and i will keep that promise. ..
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we deserve to make sure young women across this country have access to abortion wherever they are heard wherever they choose to study. wherever they choose your vacation they ought to have access. >> congresswoman you have acknowledged the diversity we have in the fifth district one of the most politically diverse in the state. how have you specifically bridge the divide constituents? the urban divide israel people to talk about it. they try to understand the differences are. there are so many commonalities we can bring together. i want to make sure we are
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listening to both. for far too long people in rural areas in this part of the district felt left behind with portland. they felt maybe they're not being listened too as a former mayor as a mom and a small business owner it is my opportunity to say i am listening to all sides. i've taken that story to congress. i am the second most bipartisan member of congress. that's by my track record that's proven by might track record over the 300 bills i am on, over 884% of those are bipartisan to work with my colleagues here in oregon, all of the imports i work on several committees i'm one of the problem solvers caucus we are trying to have common sense, pragmatic, thoughtful, center forward decisions that are made. i take it very seriously. i roll up my sleeves every day and say how am i going to tell organ story? nationalizing any of these issues is not important to me. make sure organ and i will continue that work throughout the 119th congress.
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>> representative similar question two how do you plan to bridge the east to west divide to represent all constituents? >> i'm a firm believer in town halls as i was driving here today i was thinking lori chavez-deremer came to the first tunnel she sat in the back with her husband and daughter, hired a heckler to sit up front. i taught her how to do town halls. i will continue to town halls. i'm a well known for doing my taco town hall you bring the tacos and i come. we talk about whatever issues on your mind, your heart, whatever group wants to host that. i do that. i do walking town halls act on them at the high school, at the mall, i have been a person that is always been known to be accessible. to be open and to make sure that even if you and i agree on things or disagree on things, that i am open to new ideas.
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i think what's really challenging about this district is there's a mountain that separates us. through conversation, through understanding, through listening i think we get there. we get to solutions. >> congresswoman i want to give you a chance to respond to the allegation that you hired a heckler to attend that town hall. [laughter] i remember that town hall on transportation the lack of leadership she was going to show. this is 2024 this is not 2016 but we have to have a dose of reality for it i've accepted every single debate that was offered. my opponent chose not too. why? she wants to hide behind her failed policies. again, when she cannot answer bipartisanship at the legislature that the house, the senate, the government's governor's mansion there's no reason for her to listen to everyone else. >> will move on now to the next question. we've seen this issue all throughout the district from the
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national force, homeless site cleanups throughout the district. what concrete steps would you take to address the homelessness crisis at the federal level? >> is in my trunk which i am sorry representative bynum that's to you. >> addressing the homeless in crisis at the federal level i think is eight variety of attacks. meaning attacking the problem. as an engineer i think are what are the root causes and how do we fix them. their work on tiny homes, transitional housing. making sure we had the legislation available making sure we have the infrastructure to develop transitional housing sites. it is more infrastructure that's needed from the federal government rather than less. what i really think is important
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we can not trust lori chavez-deremer to offer that funding. she's part of a regime in washington d.c. it's not getting anything done. we heard her say she's on 300 bills i do not know how many of them have passed but it is rubberstamping the trump agenda. rubberstamping and chaotic agenda were not moving the needle on housing as we should. congresswomen deremer what steps would you take to address the homeless crisis on the federal level? >> thank you we worked hard on this issue because the state has failed this is a state issue, housing, how were going to have more affordability. i want to go back quickly to what bills have passed. i think she threatened nonsense about not knowing how one of the bills assigned by the president of the united states was to fend off intentional act to make sure we can protect our young again on the street. we work hard in congress making sure the bills come forward to
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fix the problems for oregonians that she has created and on the homeless and the housing and affordability. i have worked continuously on that to get the funding on the infrastructure for small communities the state will not help. small communities like defendant, like redman would give the infrastructure projects to be able to grow to have the housing affordability. we have done the american relief for families acts of free choice and affordable housing bill that i supported that i work through hud with and child tax credit. and child tax for dependents of people could afford the rent. the voucher program i've sponsored as well. we're doing our part at the federal level and she will not hold on her hands to help oregonians. cooked us of the homeless issue for just a moment and let start with you congresswoman the homeless crisis is having a particular big impact on social oregon. we have witnessed a number of fires across the area. one in particular that comes to mind is the darling three fire.
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that one determined to have been started in an encampment. these are individuals spending months if not years on federal lands. the blm, the forest service in d both are basically crickets when asked, what are you doing about the 14 day limit that people have two camp out on federal land? do you believe part of the homeless solution should evolved federal agencies and should things like forest service and blm be doing more? >> certainly working together. enter agency coalitions are so important congress. making sure we are dressing with the problem is. and assisting our state parties were there feeling to do their job as well but we do have a lot of federal land here in central oregon. it really throughout the state. talking to what that's going to do at the local level, the state level and then the federal level. want to make sure there's funding for one, mitigating our forests and making sure we are managing them in a way they are
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not have 2 million acres that we experience the cycle. making sure we have the wildland firefighter. we are tagamet homeless we have to make sure we are assisting people were talking about drug addiction, mental health, homelessness, all wrapped around together. one of the bills i've been working on is the direct care act street medicine work with mosaic right here in central oregon to address the needs of our most vulnerable and then talking about the forest fires. we have to address that. millions of acres can go up at the heat we are experiencing but i'm doing everything i can. the state government has to step up and make sure we are managing and supporting our local agencies as were doing so. we need to get more funding toward local agencies as well. representative bynum what are you willing and prepared to do to get more federal resources into deal with the living and the force? what is important to point out that lori chavez-deremer also
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supported an arbitrary cut of 30% to federal government resources. >> not true. >> that is quite shameful. we talk about agencies working together with our state agencies and our city. a city elected leadership, there cannot be that if you are to go in and cut immediately. it's a bit disingenuous to say you want to work together yet you want to cut the very service that oregonians really rely on. which would be blm. that is basic to me. that is a one piece to focus on. the other one is quite simply the reasons for homelessness. i think it is inhumane to step over bodies on the streets or in our forest. i think it is inhumane and we should work harder to make sure that is not a reality for any other oregonian. >> i am guessing few disagrees into the question i asked was not answered by either one of
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you. what is the federal role blm forest service in maintaining a 14 day limit on people camping in the forest when there are so many fires around here. and so much threat to the residents of central oregon. >> enforcement is what is key. that's supporting getting the funding for the local agencies and fighting the manpower to do so to enforce a market with the local issues and local agencies. the blm lands and forest lands i work every day in congress with their agencies making sure we can have that conversation. and so she is not telling the truth again about funding. she is talking about specifically nothing that has to do with that of what was her answer? i just think we should work harder but what if you been doing for 10 years of the state agency to support this? nothing. there's more almost today then thanthere was when you started. because you have failed in your policy. >> representative bynum if you are elected to congress what is the priority to the blm and the
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forest service dealing with those spending months if not years in the woods? >> it's clearly up priority and enforcement. it's also very important to have people to go. one of the things we've learned over time is shifting people from place to place to place is not a solution for the solution has to be civil holistic you have to have wraparound services. you have to have additional housing units. and you have to have enforcement. and you have to be serious. my opponent is not serious about bringing solutions. that is the difference. we cannot trust her. courts were going to ivanka to integrity. that have served more than 12 and a people to vote without verifying citizenship. do you trust the integrity of oregon's election we do accept the election of the outcome on
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november 5? >> i believe accepting election outcomes is a problem of the trump friends come trump cronies, my opponent could barely accept the outcome. i think i had to ask me directly directlywhether biden really on. for me it's about having safe and secure secure elections i had grandparents who could not vote. that makes a democracy defender. and still within my children this idea civic participation is a requirement it is not optional. election integrity is something we should fight for we should defend. i've called for. investigation on the issue that happened at the secretary of
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state's office. whoever made the mistake would be cap held accountable per. >> i like to clarify two things. the question was specifically would you accept the outcome of this election yes or no per. >> absolutely. all right congress and congressmancongresswomen deremeu trust integrity and will except the outcome of this election? >> thank you for the question. the concern has come up 1500 non- citizens have been identified there register to vote for that's a concern for all oregonians for that's a democracy free and fair election were to allege the secretary of state and the governor's office asking, let's identify where we can do better. we expect free and fair elections. i would and i think that's we count on and depend on but let's do the investigation and find out why my opponent voted for the dmv bill and so we have to check into it it's its accountay matters print hold its accountable on this election absolutely.
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we have to grow thin at the federal level two. listen, this is going be a toss up election. that does not change how it work. i signed on to two agreements to support this election with my colleagues across at a bipartisan letter, unity letter that says we will accept the outcome to this election when it said and done that so important to do. it is important to tell oregonians that as well pizza thank you for the question. >> representative 30 seconds hear about all per. >> my opponent was a little sketchy on the last election. and whether we should accept the result that president biden oh oneinformer president trump los. i think it is that hesitation that should give voters had hesitation. when you have to question and election you except your own results be done except the higher level results whose a
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little sketchy we should not trust her. >> like to offer the congressman for a short rebuttal. >> i've been very clear in my support for free and fair elections. this is just another attempt to nationalize organs fifth congressional district. she will not take accountability for her actions, for her boats, for a failed leadership it she will just deflect, deflect, deflect, deflect and oregonians as or better than this but i've said it repeatedly but i have accepted the election outcome will to continue to do so and work of my colleagues across out to let people know when americans know this is important to the united states of america. congresswoman lori chavez-deremer the and drug decriminalization law. however this was decided at the state level put your federal position had input instead of doingto focus on lessons learne. what lessons, including mistakes have you learned in the past years in congress? >> oh gosh. the more we talk, maybe we won't
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hear. the more we listen we can learn from other colleagues across the aisle and other parts of the country that might be experiencing or sharing some the same issues we have to coalesce around to get policy forward decisions made. that takes hard work. it's easy to side with one side or the other. what's not easy is to work against the tide. to make sure you are being focused and talk into your leadership. but that measure 110 is important to the federal level, why? want to make sure were being supported. closing the southern border affects all americans. having 10 -- 50 million people come on vetted fx oregonians and all americans it is important to me and measure 110 with the failed experiment i would not want to share with anybody any other state in the nation because it was a failed experiment. can we do better? yes we can. but she has not done better. ten years almost that legislature and oregonians too.
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>> you know exactly how long. because i beat you twice. [inaudible] >> in with that when she squandered it. she did not use her ability to do better. >> representative representative bynum the rest of this is to you put comes from the raiders and the bold bullets in the original version of measure 110 which you supported has been widely considered a failure and acknowledged as such. both sides of the aisle are working together to change it. what did you learn from measure 110 and its aftermath about the consequences of sweeping legislation and how would you bring that lesson to congress? >> its action organ issue. number one systems you need to be in place when you pass the bill. i worked to make sure mental health providers were in place. i had 88 million-dollar bill to growth a number of mental health
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providers. i also again did the town hall reaching out to people in the community. finding out was a challenge for them and how we could actually improve things. but the particular feature here of the issue is of critical importance to understand. this was a measure put to the people from an outside source. that's a function of our constitution and how citizens can bring forth issues to put before the voters. so the lesson learned here as we consider things that citizens put forth we have the structures and the infrastructure in place and we make sure we are constantly evaluating that over time. if things aren't working we should not be afraid to cut bait and readjust quickly which is what we did. >> thank you. >> alright, let's move on to the issue of gun rights if we can for just a moment.
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representative bynum will start with you but this is a two-part question for the first part is very simple yes or no, do you support an assault weapons ban? >> yes. on the second part of that question, what changes to federal law regulating gun control do you support? >> the principle here is that our children are dying in schools. people are dying in grocery stores. people are dying in the public square. people are dying because we do not have mental health support that i've already mentioned. nmb there are not enough red flag laws that are enforced, implemented that can help identify people at an early stage for not being fit to own a gun that can shred people in an
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instant. i think it is time for us to stop playing fast and loose with her children's lives. i do not want to bury any more children that have been harmed as a result of a school shooting. this is an issue that republicans will not take out. this is an issue that mothers like me are very concerned about. we have to do better. in my opponent cannot get there. congresswomen deremer do support an assault weapons ban in this country? >> taking guns with law-abiding citizens is not where i stand that. i support the second amendment. but let me tell you i think we can do. i supported cosponsor of the act to bicameral, bipartisan national threat assessment center to prevent violence on all americans. my opponent mentioned that red flags law do you know she's voted to isolate criminals out of prison here in oregon? she has also voted to reduce
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felonies to misdemeanors what happens when you reduce the felonies to misdemeanors? people have access to guns. how on a one hand you say you care about red flag laws. you care about protecting oregonians and you are willing to decrease a criminal offenses they been charged forward to get but guns back in the hands of those criminal so that is false she is not supported that part and dismantling and defending law enforcement. she has been a champion of that including crumb back on that she has voted for pre- >> that is not true. that is not true. >> measure 110. [inaudible] she will not stand by that statement. >> let me back up for just a second congresswoman for is there a gun-control law that you would support in congress question. >> yes i just signed on to bicameral, bipartisan making sure we identify where the threat assessments are. we have to address mental health and again not been done by my opponent. drug addiction.
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again the failures here have made our job to have to come in and fill the delta because of a failed policy. >> representative bynum there's a lot said there on your gun control and the light. you have 30 seconds. >> well, i think it just goes to show as a mom she's not as serious about making sure our kids are not shrouded in schools. that is the whole thing. we saw eve all day. we saw florida. we sought boston. saw boston. we have seen las vegas. how much more do we have two seat before we get serious about protecting our family? there's a whole lot of talk but there is no action. and then there's a whole lot of baiting about who wants to defund it. i never did that. that is you.
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that issue. >> thank you. >> congresswomen deremer were going to talk about the balance of power. your election two years ago how specifically house republican control over congress benefited district five voters? >> oh well, listen. when i went to washington i wanted to tell the same story i think i've said this over and over again how important it was to take oregon story to washington. belts the power and working across the aisle, how important that is. but again this is going to be the one her 19 congress may tell my congress that it's not the first is going to be the 119th. we have to do our best work we are there. the balance of powers going to shift. and again the presidential election is not going to be surprising to anyone who is watching, but my work is not going to change. my work is going to important to oregonians i went to work across
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