tv Washington Journal Jessica Hill CSPAN October 24, 2024 6:34pm-7:00pm EDT
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election. >> today at republicanenor mike braun faces off against democrat rnwater in a debate to be indian's next governor hosted by the indiana debate commission we will haveha live starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern on cspan2, see spent now every mobile app and online at >> this election night c-span deliver something different. not just the presidential race, but the state races that will decide the power balance of power in congress. no political pundit, no spin, no commercials. just the candidates, the results in you. follow c-span this election night beginning at 7:00 p.m. eastern. live tuesday, november 5 on tv, online or on the free c-span now video app. ♪ weekends on cspan2 are an
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look at the state of nevada with jessica hill as a politics reporter for the las vegas review journal. plus what did polls show less nevada once we can look for the election. the polls that are very close close.e. the margin of error. as a very close and a dead heat as they say could go either way this point. that we will see how it goes on november 5. >> las vegas review journal, your people's says over 180,000 nevadans voted so far in the 2012 election. what kind of number is that customer is that a lot of people and what is it look like compared to other elections? >> it's like 6% of the total registered voters.
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it is not a lot we have it to week early voting. people submit ballots instead just to beat the mail. i thought a huge significant portion of voter bait that remains to be seen with the turnout will be. >> the article says of those who have voted nearly 32300 or republican. none person from anotherem party what do those numbers indicate to you? republicans usually turn out on electionre day at the shift in from the trunk campaign. the previous message on the go out on election day and alluding to fraud and early voting system. to change the message to really say take effect with mark
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turning out to vote republicans are voting early about the trends among the voters and why is it a swing state? >> it's long been considered a bellwether. we are pretty accurate in predicting he will be the next president. nevadada chooses candidate for president usually ends up being thaten person goes in the white house would only on two occasions since 1912 io believi would not pick the winner. that was with gerald ford and hilary clinton in 2016. at the pretty long track record in one of the reasons why so
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close here we have a political parties i have a lot of split ticket voting in nevada a lot of voters tend to vote not just based off the part of the identify with, they also choose a personality, a specific issue they think with the candidate doing better with. you see a lot of split ticket voting in 2022 we saw a democrat when her election but we also saw republican joel embargo has been an incumbent for governor. that kind of shows how close it can be we are more dynamic. >> is one of the key issues that are animating voters in los angeles? is it the same as what you would expect nationally? >> a little n bit. i think the housing crisis we are more affected. we struggled withe the balancei
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think like 80% of nevada owned his a lot of processes that have to take place in order for those to be opened up for housing. we are little more affected by theff housing crisis in talking with voters here you will find they struggle to pay rent. that rent will increase they cannot afford to buy a home. this is a big issues i hear. also the economy, gas prices the cost of food and groceries. those of the two big issues by. >> vice presidentnt harris was n las vegas last month. she talked about her plan for affordable housing for a plate and the get your response. >> right now at serious housing shortage as part of its driving up costs. so we will i cut the red tape wk with the private sector to build 3 million new homes. [cheering]
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and provide first-time homebuyers with $25000 down payment assistance. you can get your foot in the door. rest. the we must lower the cost of living. because while our economy is doing well by many measures, prices for everyday things like groceries are still too high. you know it and i know it. i have a plan that includes lowering costs on everything from healthcare comment to groceries including i will take on the corporate price gouging that we know has resulted in jacking prices up often around tragedies in emergencies. your response jessica hill? >> we see vice president harris
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come up with more in detail plans we had not heard when she first announced. i was a both planets every time they come to nevada both them they focus on the housing issue in the economy. harris made a lot of inroads with that. she said in that video should make several down payments or personal homebuyers. also work on price gouging and make sure corporate landlords are taking over to make housing here. especially supporters of talked about wanting to see if you'd like to join our conversation with jessica hill she will be with us for the next half-hour. you can do so on our lives republicans 202-748-8001. demarest two 202-748-8000. independence 202-748-8002.
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we also have a02 line for nevada residents who want to hear from you. that number is two 202-748-8000 three. you can also use that same line to text us. jessica, former president donald trump waser in -- in las vegas n early june when he announced his policy a news proposal for no tax on tips. outplay a portion and then get yoursp response. >> so, this is the first time i have said this. for thoseld hotel workers and people that get tips, you're going to be very happy. because, when i get to office we are not going to charge the taxes on tips. people making tips. [cheering] we are not going to do it. we are going to do that right away. first thing in office because it has been a point of tension for years and years and years. and you do a great job of
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service. you take care of people. i think it's going to be something that really is deserved. more than that popular or unpopular use of unpopular things to if it's right for the country but i do what is right. so, those people in jobs and restaurants were of the job may be, tipping job we are not going after for taxes anymore. this will end it. [cheering] i announce that for the first time. first time i brought it up at first time anyone is brought it up i think it's never been brought up before i also think it's veryan appropriate. >> it jessica hill, how was that received talk a little bit about the implementation of that proposal. speak to nevada workers seem to like the idea. once i've talked too. some have said is just one part of a larger solution that needs to be had. they went to see a holistic approach. a couple with an increase in minimum wage. in some experts i have actually
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talked to said they are not sure what benefit this will have for nevadans. wage workers earn at least $12 an hour to 13 an hour. a lot needs to be coupled with increasing minimum wage in order for the benefits to be seen by nevada workers. but it's a generally popular idea. workers went to see more money in their pockets. vice president harris is also signed on too. she has also pledged to look at increasing the minimum wage. we went latino voters make about 20% of the electorate in nevada. where are they going with the understanding they are not a monolithic block. what are you seeing among latino voters? >> it is hard to tell right now how they are feeling about things. but both of the campaigns have
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tried hard to win them over this year. trunk, just a couple days ago held a roundtable and las vegas geared toward hispanic voters were talking about issues they care about. the harris campaign has tried to win them over as well. they pulled an event at a mexican restaurant, with small business owner places. they've also held football watch parties to just talk with latino voters in the bad about the issues that matter to them. looks great let's talk the collars that will start with springfield, massachusetts a trump supporter. rookie rick you are on. >> i want to refer to the latest and the democrats ran. it was showing harris and i believe a four-star military general, they made an advertisement showing that trump thought hitler was good. you know, they should dissect
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that word good. we note trump is an extremely successful t businessman. and he ran our country fantastically in his four years. when he mentioned the word good, was he talking about germany and the times they were in an extremely extremely poverty country which trump stating i don't like hitler at all. i am of the polish heritage i am glad he went to his demise. when trump said that, was he talking about how hitler got germany and the upswing of becoming a successful economic countryom again? did they dissect that word? they should dissect that word good. because i i know mr. trump whene saw the things of the war and everything i am sure mr. trump would have been so glad to see
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hitler go to his demise. so it all right rick. just got not really related to nevada. has that issue come up among nevada voters as far as you know? >> guest: i have not seen too much from the nevada voters about this. this just happened yesterday so maybe we are still playing catch up with it. i've not heard too much about how this will affect the race or anything like that in nevada. >> also and sprinkle, massachusetts a harris reporter, phil you are on the air. >> hi. i've already voted for kamala harris. i watch ccn every day. i did get a little nervous with all of the politics. and watching you and i just hope that whoever gets in there does a good job. that helps out and maybe we can
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get another to help out the people. that's really all about to say. thank you for taking my call. >> jessica, phil said he voted already. what is the process for the early boats that are coming in in nevada? are they going toev be processe? will they be held until election day? when will they get counted? >> the secretary of state has a new rule that will allow counties to start counting earlier. as i'm sure you know it nevada it was like one of the last states to turn out its results in 2020. he is hoping this will really help us get early. that being said our early in person votes are being tabulated on election day starting at 8:0. mail ballots can be processed right now. and then after all the polls are closed on election day we've
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confirmed all voters have cast their vote than the first batch of results will be released. >> all right we do have a call las vegas. good morning. see three good morning how are you? speak. >> guest: good. >> caller: i am calling strictly to say and i don't believe the younger people really understand how serious this is. they really need to check and think what the parties are backing. i am a trump voter. i'm not one of those undecided people. going for what he delivered before when they need to understand once somebody gets into office we cannot throw them out. no matter how things go. we have to ride the waves with that person. i know problems but now harris
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and biden are in office. i am just livid every day. i do not what's going to be up, what's going to be down. he made the waters do what we say or livid regarding the economy? is that your major issue? regarding the economy and the border that's where i am at. to have to pay $5.99 for a roll of sausage paid $5 for mayonnaise per this is crazy. >> host: jessica hill? >> guest: she has a good point of apathy from young voters and people in general by just talk with younger folks around here m seeing some apathy in thisth ra. i'm not seeing the point in voting or just staying out in general it not been the issue of the candidates. a special and comes in the israel and palestine.
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some of the younger people i've talked to have expressed not wanting to vote which is unfortunate. >> host: is that regarding to the economy? >> that is a big issue for a lot of voters. they've seen the increasing cost of groceries and food. the democrats have said this is because of it worldwide inflation. the vice president has plans to fix that. >> host: i just put up some statistics about the state of nevada up on the screen. latest six electoral votes for forthe bad uphe population 3.1 million. thousand 2020 with the unemployment rate is 5.6%. median household income 76400. and 12% persons in poverty. jessica, one thing that kind of strikes me as unemployment rate is higher than the national average. is that playing into this election at all? >> not so much.
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our financial job deployment is said that's not necessary bad thing. we have unique demographic. we have retired folks we have students as not to say people looking for jobs and there's a lot of job growth that can lead to the unemployment rates. all i've heard from financial experts in nevada have not said this is the main issue we don't have like a ton about employment out here. >> host: tommy in california trump supporter good morning. >> caller: good morning pete what i have to say is very succinct. don't judge a man by what he says but by what he does. i know spoken words as certain people what appears to be not a nice way. maybe he was telling the truth. remember jesus christ cult some of the jews sons of the devil and he wasn't lying. he was not lying. but judge a man by what he does.
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and remember what he did when he was president. everybodyy was happy. everybody had it made it. everybody didn't have to walk to the store because they didn't have money for gas ore all of those things. judge him for what he has done. not for what he says. anybody that has. >> go ahead, jessica. any comment? >> no comment. >> in winthrop,nt maine and undecided voter. highbred. >> good morning. i wanted to talk about voting which is on the ballot in nevada. allow me too vote for jill stein or some other third-party candidates.
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i won't lose my vote. it won't be wasted if she does not win, which she probably won't. it will go to my second choice. i think it is very important voting is the most fundamental rights. that's one of the very, very important things to fix in nevada. because they right now still use the method. i hope everybody there it gets that. gets to vote for ranked choice voting. split all right brad, jessica? >> question three is a really big issue this year. voted for in 2022 and it passed. but because of our constitution have to pass it again. basically this in ballot ballot questionwill allow for oy which will allow all of our to
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participate in one primary with democrats and then in the general election to be ranked choice voting system you basically rank your top five favorite candidates. this does not. apply to the presidential election. if jill stein were on the ballot to take effect it would not apply to that election be exclusively to state races. this is really appeal to a lot of voters especially nonpartisan who have felt disenfranchised. butal they had to choose between the lesser of two evils. they like the idea of ranking a candidate. some also say it's a very confusing system and disenfranchised voters who might not know how it works. there's also anotherer element where if you don't use ranked choice system your vote might not go as far. it depends who you vote for. if for instance in this presidential race if this were a
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thing, if you were to vote for jill stein enter number one pick but not vote for anyone else, once she gets off your vote would not extend as far as someone who would for instance vote for joe biden, kamala harris or donald trump or with that accent a little farther it's an issue and it will be how it goes. >> you mentioned jill stein was not going to be on the ballot. besides harris and trump who will be on the nevada ballot? >> are sent independent and libertarian candidates i believe it. and then we also have none of the candidates as an option as well. >> why is that on the ballot? sometimes they allow people to have that option. that's also pretty unique to nevada. >> host: it isn't houston, texas a hair supporter. >> good morning.
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i wanted to say i'm glad she was able to get to the tv here on c-span. harris is coming into houston tomorrow to have a big rally. this was supposed to be a trump stage. the polls show him for five points ahead. which is close. it's close to texas. i am just wondering why your newspaper endorsed trump in this election. >> the editorial endorsed trump. until the newspaper article came out and remade endorsements rear
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eat where you see newspapers endorse checks oceanside california trump supporter good morning. are you there? oceanside? >> i would like to ask jessica what she thanks about change it seems like harris open border policy than her subsequent is basically saying she's approving a path to citizenship for all of theseel illegal she would allow them to the country in swing states like nevada and it seems like she is basically trying to buy it voters up you come into the country get a path to citizenship you will eventually get to start voting. your last collar, two colors ags ago the hair supporter talks about wanting to get. what are your thoughts of is the
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democratic party open policy just a major push for demographic change in swing states likes nevada? >> thank you for the question but first you have to have opinions on these things with the demographics in i nevada they've long made up a large percentage of voters here there there's one in five registered voters. they've been for a really long time. some came when theygh were it'sa very complicated issue. i have not seen her trying to buy voters in this way i like bringing people in and making sure they become citizens in the next couple of weeks. and getting them to vote for her. i have not seen that. but i will say it's huge here both sides are really doing theirg best to win those voter. which could play a crucial role.
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