tv Washington Journal Jack Brewer CSPAN March 7, 2025 11:54am-12:31pm EST
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positions and lawmakers including kristin holland and representative for event organizers the science rally in front of the memorial and front of washington d.c. free c-span now video app or online at >> democracy is just an idea, it's a process to fight leaders elected to the highest office entrusted to a select few were debates unfold. democracy real-time your government at work. use your democracy unfiltered.
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split the u.s. labor market growing by 150,000 jobs falling just short of economic expectation. unemployment rate kicked up to 1.4%. some they expect layoffs. >> from tallahassee florida,fl former nfl player you can with the foundation, what is the mission? across the united states and the world and anytime there's a natural disaster or a crisis on
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so all of these things for me get back real family values in our homes and communities and establish god again that is it your christian faith that drives you alone for also a political philosophy? >> i would say my christian faith guys my political philosophyyo that is so good toe and no good to all of us millions of people because of
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they should be a conservative? demonology see the mess and i invite you to come follow god these various communities. these young black men are yearning for a leader and mentorship. ... speak into their lives. so, these things are not pushed away. they are actually yearned for. most kids want direction. they want leadership during they want discipline. unfortunately we have a society that has not been providing that. host: president trump you to the
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commissi >> president trump pointed you to the commission on the social status of black men and boys. you're a member of that. what does this group do? >> we are commission, vipers commission, 80%lt -- president trump signed the news commission and sires and office during his first term. this commission focuses on doing the studies. the effects of help on young black community, the effects of family and society at the differentso challenges that youg black men and boys face and the united states of america. everyone has different challenges specifically when it comes to the cultural issues but i believe our young black boys in america have probably more challenges than anyone just given the state of the society and really what's happened.
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when you don't have a father in the house, the things that you have to overcome are so great that shifted name is a crisis. when you start seeing 70, 72, 73% of kids and one particularly born without a father in the house, that's the crisis that we ought to do something about. president trump understood that. senator marco rubio atp the tie who lobbied for this, knew that. probably the biggest voice of all, she's actually like la mother to me, is congresswoman frederica wilson who is her chairperson. she dedicated her life, a democrat who dedicated her life to young black men and boys. this is our legacy. she leads us, guides us, speaks truth that will look at her like a mother figure. i tip my hat off to her and to so many others that are part of the commission trying to uplift
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our black and the boys across america. >> i want to invite our viewers to join us in this conversation, give you their comments and the questions this morning. here's how we divide the lines come democrats can call in at 202-748-8000. republicanst 202-748-8001. and independence 202-748-8002. while we wait for calls, this commission, what initiatives is a commission doing to address fatherlessness? >> right now working on some of her criminal justice work. working on our lobbying efforts and every student more deep dive into the criminal justice system. understandable of the reasons why personally my biggest push is on the juvenile side. as i mentioned before we had a huge spike in juvenile crime last year in 2024. it picked up over 20%.
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that is a lot of juvenile crime. we haven't epidemic right now. gun violence is up, robberies are up. violent crimes are up in our nation when it comes to that demographic. we have really got to do something about that. that starts with our schools. that starts with our home. we are pushing more sports programs, more mentorship programs andnd really giving or acted in the life some of these young boys. i think it's really important for us to understand that in orders for us to reach and get some of these root causes that we really have to take time to partner with our local committees, partner with our local government when it comes to our criminal justice. we have to go in and actively partner with the department of corrections, the department of
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juvenile justice and speak to them so they understand what's really happening in the committee's. in the community. there's a lot of disconnect oftentimes when you start to try to take on some of these cultural issues. those are the things were trying to do at the commission is just bring the light, educate, do more research and bring more practical solutions to number of these problems. >> host: jack brewer as guest this morning, former nfl player and founder and chair of the jack brewer foundation. he's also on the commission for social status of black been a boysn appointed by president trump. he's joining us from tallahassee, florida, where he is they're doing foundation work, kind enough to pull over and join us from the parking lot in tallahassee. let's get to calls. cindy in montgomery, alabama, independent. >> caller: how're you? >> host: who go ahead. >> caller: my question is, not a question by: what to concur ad agree with mr. breuer about
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getting back to practical things that will work for the community. getting back to basics if youck will. that's what i think is best likely an concur with what he sang and i was glad to see him this morning tremont tell us what does it mean to you to get back to basics? >> caller: i think that at times we do too much i do think we just need to get back to some common sense on some of these things can issueue that's goingn in our country, all right. thanks. jack brewer. >> cindy is right on. that's what were pushing for. were pushing for our basic common sense approaches to a lot of these cultural issues. saying yes, sir and yes-men, opening the door for women, looking people in the eye, having basic training that many of us grew up with, a lot of her kids, you know when your children in the united states
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that doesn't come with a guider playbook. on these these things you have to be taught. we aree now in a generation tht were not all taught a lot of the assume thatould they were. you would have to meet people where they are and have to the real about things. when you start to see, again, juvenile crime spiky cup, you start to see school systems, entire school systems where not a single kid is proficient at reading or math. this is an epidemic. when you start to produce populations that can't read or write on a grade level, there's a major issue with that. you've got to start asking why, and the wife started home and we strip building our families back backed up wio start holding parents more accountable and uplifting our men to man up, get in their houses and raise their children the way they are supposed to be
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raised. >> host: will go to kenny, maryland, democratic caller. >> caller: i want to say first thank you for the work you're doing. my question is about these type of programs that you talking about by running that i run a nonprofit that somee of things. my question is with the programs focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion like how do we still in this administration still be able to continue to take the stranger talking about to go back to youngng black men around the country with these other organizations that are losing funding? >> host: i think he's talked about the dei initiatives that were cut by the president. >> guest: yeah, i mean listen, dei is an entire different conversation. i don't think this administration looks at dei as programs that are directed
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towards black men and boys come programs directed towards uplifting are juveniles. i think and i know that the president sees of these issues when it comeses to our black men and boys, when it comes to our group justice reform, the things were to read the first step act, things about opportunity zones and he just has a different approach and that approach i agree withro in targeting those areas. a lot of these dei programs got so involved withro whatever it s transgender issues and this sex and that sex, , and it started o become so much about identity that it lost its ability to impact the community is that we need to impact. the bible tells us when you deserve the poorest of the poor, the voiceless of the voiceless, the most underserved children. that is what we need to focus on. we need to focus on like you said to think about in the aviation industry and the need and the ability for young black boys just to get access to that
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is a huge deal. i can tell you more and more programs you will see started, particularly around hud and some of the projects that scott turner has goingoi on, scott turner is a dear friend of mine who's that the secretary of housing and urban development. we had several initiatives that scott is working on when it comes to criminal justice and housing and uplifting the poorest of theg poor to give tm an opportunity to live the american dream. there's a lotra of programs coming. i can tell you be patient. it's only been what, 40 days since president trump has been in office? so i think you going to see more and more of these major initiativess being pushed. i know i just met with our chairwoman congresswoman frederica wilson, and we have some big, big plans for 2025 and how we get into the trees that
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uplift our young black men and boys. >> host: we will go to alan in ohio come independent. >> caller: i have not followed nfl football at all in my life. this is my first time seeing mr. and i get to say i am thoroughly impressed with what i have heard. brother, i just wanthe you to kw as a fellow believer, i'm going to pray for you because i believe that truth changes lives. it doesn't matter whether you're black or white. it doesn't matter who you are. the word of god is quick, powerful, it's sharper than any sort. when you go into communities like you doing helping men with their physical needs and then bringing them the truth that they need in their soul, you are going to change lives, rather. i just wanted to thank you for what you're doing and let you know i'm going to be praying for
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you. >> guest: thank you so much. god bless you and keep you. you said it, a lot of times people want to put words on things but when you lead with the word of god, like i said you can walk in in a room sometis where is of most broken men. wen have hundreds of youthful offenders in a programs who have committed heinous crimes and in a word of god just gets in your heart and it softens their heart and it changes them and reforms them, and you see it happening. it can happen across america and it is and it will happen across america if it takes people being bold enough to say, asking a demanding for the fear of god to be led and put an spiritually set into our homes and our children. i think that's what this nation needs right now in these times. >> host: jack brewer, you are in tallahassee today. you in minnesota on monday with riley gaines lobbying for a bill
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to desperate ways this issue important to you? >> guest: first off i'm a pro athlete. i played the national football league. captained all three teams. i'm a coach now. i have daughters. i have little young daughter who has huge dreams of playing sports, tennis and soccer. i just always have been an advocate for i what's right. for me to watch particularly in minnesota where i went to college, captain of the gophers and went on to be a captain on the vikings, to see that the state is literally embracing men to play with women. it's really, it's heart wrenching, man. when you hear the stories of riley gaines and solelyes of the girls that are forced to be in a locker room with a man changing. i mean come on, have lost her mind and her weight? playing sports is not just on the field of competition. it's a locker room, the team, those are private places,
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showers. so to start can buy those things i think it's way too far. there's a reason when you look at this issue there's a reason why you never see women trying to play in men's sports. you only see' men trying to play in women's sports. there's a reason for that because it's not natural. it's not right. people are taking advantage of it in states across this nation need to say enough is enough and stop the madness. >> host: senate democrats on the federal level on monday blocked a gopil led built similr to ban transgender athletes from women's sports. here is the hawaii senator on the floor talking about what republicans are trying to do. >> what republicans are doing today is inventing a problem to stir up a cultural war and the by people against each other. worse, they're trying to distract people from what they
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are actually doing, which is at a time when people are finding it harder hard in order e basic necessities, at a time when diseases we eradicated almost 20 years ago are making a comeback and killing kids, at a time when people are getting on flights and saying an extra prayer or breathing a little heavier, you have trump and republican saying you know what, let's cut taxes for billionaires. billionaires. let's take money from regular people att the things they rely on, solstice occurred, medicare, medicaid, the affordable care act, let's take hundreds of billions of dollars and shall into the pockets of the richest people who have ever walked this earth, because that's what we need and that is what people voted for. republicans are focusing on the wrong 1%. trans people are not the reason people can't afford groceries or health care or housing.
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the other 1%, the top 1% economically is responsible for a lot of that. and that's republicans are desperate to help. and they're doing it by going after some ofd those vulnerable people in our society. >> host: jack brewer, how do you respond to the senator from hawaii? >> guest: i mean, there's a lot of the section in that speech. this is what unfortunately some democrats have decided tot, do,s to divert away from social issues and cultural issues, and actually blue-collar issues. these are all spiritual for you to tell us society and pillow boy that he can be a girl. when you start to do that in the mainstream, in the media, in schools and start to tell a little boy you can view what you want, that is so ungodly, you are cursing that entire
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generation and that's what you're doing. that's the bigger picture. i don't care if there is .01% of transgender. it's just theme messaging of telling a five orli six or seven euro point he can your voice he can become a girl or group that they could become a boy. kids need direction in america. kids need parenting and adults to do what god puts her to do, and that iss to protect them and to tell them what is right or wrong to allow young children to make that decision. and it is.g [talking over each other] about social security and all of these things, president trump has cut taxes on social security to already cut taxes on tips. these things are affecting the middle class americans, the hard-working americans. so for him to use that deception of the billionaire millionaire talk to try to strip decision is ridiculous. if you talk to fema athletes, i just left minnesota went to high schools come talk to young girls come talk to girls of all ages, they don't want boys in the locker room. so itt doesn't matter if there's just one boy in the locker room
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of 25 or 30 or or 40 girls. they are affecting everyone so every time a team has to go play against one tension athlete that enters a tournament and r 20000 girls in the tournament, they have affected the entire situation. we have to realize this issue is bigger than many on the left want to make it up to be. you hear the story of riley gaines come to the story of the young girls who took the volleyball to the face, paralyze, ending her career. these things are happening. look and see the state championships in track and field and volleyball, and these sports are not need men taken them over. title ix oftl the support to our nation giving girls the opportunity to play. it is not okay for us to continue to market to men that can't make it in men's sports that is okay for them to drop down and compete against women
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who are not as big, strong or fast. it's not right. >> host: on this polyol share, "politico" headline, gavin newsom breaks with democrats on trans athletes in sports. they cavett debate the stunning remarks in his debut podcast with conservative guest charlie kirk. go to crystalline louisiana, republican. good morning. welcome to the conversation. >> caller: how're you? mr. brewer, i think it's wonderful what you doingr. for these children and the program you have, your foundation. i wanted to ask, do you've any programs for the mothers of these boys to help them guide them in the right direction? >> guest: yes-man wehe do. we work with young women in empowering women that we establish a mostly musical. once we get these young boys, we of uplift their families. we literally millions and
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millions of pounds of food we distribute every year to the families of our kids. we also support these children not just inside of the prison but when they get out. we stay in touch with their families. we do programming to help them build that relationship back with their son, with their child. we do a lot of family services around that. we are a full circle organization. once some of these are care if ever program that's inside of a prison, when they get out they become a part of our community, a part of her family. we have mothers that, anthology with us. we worship together, we pray together so we tried to make our initiative a family one. it's been special to see some of the stories of the families that have been reunified and the
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young girls and daughters. and i'll tell you this, some of the folks get out of her program and become coaches. they fall the jim comey go out in ae community and to our relf work after natural disasters. really comes together as a family. it's been a beautiful thing to see everyone come around and so much support when it comes to working with these black men and boys. >> , peter in baltimore, independent. >> caller: good morning. i just want to congratulate mr. brewer and encourage him for the work he is doing. i was touched when he said the young guys are looking for a leader, fermenters. -- for mentors. this is really good to also want to ask whether he has any program on the education front. because from what i come from a
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very poor background, i know what education is for me. encouraging family values, encouraging young ones to go to school helps them have better view of life and gives them a good opportunity. i just wanted to know if he had any educational programs for the kids when they come out. thank you. >> guest: one of our big focus areas is reading and math efficiency. we have delivered programs to gets to improve reading and math. we did a a study a couple yeas back and looked at many of the children in our program, they were on average about three grade levels below their age group. we really started to address those two different technology and training courses. we also inside of our classes we deliver professional development
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skills, fatherhood development skills. we do for adequate training in classes. we have pretty comprehensive evidence-based program that we went inside of our prisons and jails. we do parenting classes. we do speech classes, communication classes at also vocational skills we think is very important. some people will not go to college so we empower folks get theirey want to cdl license, sponsor those and on many occasions. we work with different partners that can help drive different educational certifications and training opportunities for the folks in our care and in our programs. we are huge billy was in education. i like to say i was the first in my family to go to college by the grace of god. i would on and got my masters degree. football was really the way ifo was able toas pay for college. i know a lot of kids are not many people too go to college d
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become a pro football player. we want to arm them with the tools it takes for them to be qualified in the workforce. we are always looking and find more ways tos educate our population. >> host: carol, indianapolis, democratic caller, yourin turn. >> caller: i like what you are doing. god is using you. i will continue to pray for you, and you just keep on doing what you're doing because it might not look like you are doing a whole lot but god is going to bless it. he is. here in indianapolis i have a sisterhood of programs similar to yours. it's a smaller but god is using the also to help people. i get out and mentor people and they give out tracks every week
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as god has provided me. you just keep on doing what you are doing, son. i am praying for you. >> host: all right, carol. jack brewer trudges thank o much, carol. that means a lot. i know we're getting announced as democrats, republicans and independents but i think this entire interview and call and interaction shows our politics can't divide us. the word of god unites all. no matter where you stand politically, our faith speaks very loud. i think we alls see the need in our nation, particularly when it comes to the demographic were talking about. we all know that we need uplifting. we all know that the only way we can improve on the things that are happening across our nation is through the word of god and prayer and a fear of god we are establishing that again in this nation.
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it's been truly incredible to hear from so many different people. the last caller, thank you for your prayers. god bless you and keep you, and i pray for your mission as well. and just know we are on one accord. >> host: mr. brewer, how to get the money you need to do the work that you were doing? >> guest: god provides. i don't know. i smiled when i say that. i mean i've been in situations where i've had to liquidate my retirement account. i've been in situations where we've had to borrow and scratch and move funds, you know personally borrow from friends and everything but god has always provided. and now we get a series of grants from different places. we have people that donate to us. one day we needed i think $50,000, i i was trying to sta
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new initiative and expand and unwanted to rent this space in this building for kids. i didn't literally a week later someone donated that exact amount ofk money. so god always provides that. i'm blessed to be able to do media. with a pretty good social media presence so people see what were doing and usually once they see what we're doing and especially when they come andnd see firsthand, oftentimes god moves the heart too support us. we have been blessed, so the answer to your question more specific, is a combination of individual donors, some corporations donate to us and make us a part of their commitment to their community, and would also receive some funds from the statel. as well. >> host: joe in yukon, oklahoma, republican. >> caller: good morning. first-time caller. i'm a little bit nervous. you know, i do, a couple things
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i hear them both sides is sympathy, scientific, bad things, good things. whatever happened, first i want to thank jack brewer because i do believe i'm 63. i was brought up to respect women, never hit women. i don't know what's right, transgendered, but i do believe we were taught as a society that men are men for reason, women are women for a reason. i tried to teach my 16-year-old daughter that. whatever happened to us stop saying, well, that's transgender? i do believe women have the raw end of the deal. i want to thank jack for fighting this. i wish i could do more.
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but whatever happened to stop labeling? and it's just, i truly believe, my 16-year-old daughter came home to me one day because she works with transgenders. i respect her belief. she knows what i believe, but she came home about a month ago and she said, daddy, the only problem is why, now i feel bad about where i work because i lost it to a boy who is making it, who believes he's a girl. something is wrong. when does this all stop? >> host: all right, joe. mr. brewer, your final thoughts. >> guest: with got to start talking about black men and boys, talking about the transgenders situation in our country, all of these things. there's a root cause, reason why
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you see a spike in juvenile crime, reason why you see a spike in the number of transgender men trying to play sports against women. all these things are growing for reasonre is because -- [inaudible] my prayer is as a nation we can start understanding that foundational he, we've got to get back to christ, giveback to the lord and savior. to the dna, this style that god great men and women. we can't sit in our schools are home, they have a kid supposed to know. we have a lot of people that are confused right now. we can't take some of these confusions and also mental health issues. we all know in our nation now we have ano spike in mental health issues. we cannot exacerbate our mental help speed if you could watch the rest of this online @cspanwj we will leave it to go to gather the organizers are calling stand up for science rally in washington, d.c. lawmakers physicians
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