tv [untitled] January 30, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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federal government increased by 77% or $8.4 billion since we took office. we all have a responsibility, mr. speeshgs, to stand up for victims and that's what this is doing. we want the support of everyone. >> mr. speaker, this government doesn't care about canadian families or the provinces and tear for hers for in government. it's my way the high. it's clear this government did not take advantage of the to talk to them. you would have understood that quebecers reject the bill of the government on crime. the government is pushing the bill for this inefficient prisons system onto quebec. it will cost a lot for quebec. will the government finally work? order. the honorable minister of
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justice. >> the honorable member talking about the bill before parliament, it targets drug dealers, drug traffickers and gangs and dhoez that molest and abuse children, mr. speaker. that's the focus of the bill. with respect to to costs, more than $2.4 billion has been add to the transfers of the provinces, mr. speaker. we're doing our part and i would reminld the honorable member that victims suffer the most from crime. they pay the greatest price. they sometimes seem to forget that. >> the hornerable man from pontiac, mr. speaker. abolishing 190 teacher language positions yet again that the conservative government has kemtd for the french language. this closure adds to the long list of attacks against institutions such as the center for excellence in official languages. it's simply illogical. how can this government claim
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that all citizens will receive services in the official language of their choice if it eliminates teaching in french? >> that's completely untrue, mr. speaker. there were a lot a programs to learn french or english. that is part our responsibilities towards canadians. it's the same case today as there was before, mr. speaker. >> we have continued a liberal government practice of our predecessor to outcourse that kind of language on an excellent base to more people at less cost. >> the honorable member for york west. >> mr. speaker, last week conservatives threatened to pickpocket seniors by raising the old age pension qualifying age. this so-called cost cutting measure was anounsd after they take it. and another big for fake lakes
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and glow sticks. paying thoer extravagant things on the backs of canada seniors is ridiculous and shameless. seniors have to line up at food banks and at soup kitchens, and we've heard those stories before. is that what the prime minister meant when he said he was changing the face of canada? shame on every one of us. >> the honorable minister of human resources. >> shame on the honorable member for fear mongering. baseless statements. >> we made a commitment to canadians in the last election that we would look after them and respect the current system. the plan is fully viable. it's evaluated and it's stribl. our old age security system isn't. we want to make sure that for generations to come people can rely on the old age security system to help them out, so we're going to make changes. they will not include cuts to people receiving those funds.
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>> mr. speaker, last week in davos i will ream that the prime minister hinted about amending the pension plan and the old age security plan. the prime minister is ignoring the needs of over half of odd canadians who count on the federal plan. i'm asking the prime minister today what are his true intentions to the millions of canadians who depend solely on the government pension plan anded old age security. >> the honorable minister of human resources. >> why did they vote against but twice increasing the gis exemption. why did they vote against
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pension income splitting for speakers. why did he they vote against so many things that have so many seniors off the tax rolls and out of poverty. why? >> good question. >> the honorable member for kings land. >> mr. speaker, it was cruel for the kwefshg actives to deny low income seniors the family care giver tax credit. it's heartless to force low income seniors on welfare rolls by raising the age from 55 to 67. the fact is mr. speaker for kanldian seniors 40% of the seniors receiving the oas make less than $20,000 per year while other countries are trying to address the issue of income equality. the gap between rich and poor. why are the conservatives here in canada making income equality worse? why the war on the poor, mr. speaker? >> the honorable minister of human resources. >> why is it the liberals voted against pension income splitting
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for seniors and increasing the age credit limit not once but twice? >> order, order. she has the floor, and members give her the attention. >> mr. speaker, tell me why is it that the liberals voted against the largest increase in the guaranteed income supplement? that's the funding that goes to the poorest of seniors. why did they vote against that, too? >> today we've learned that the australians are thinking of slowing down the procurement of the f-35 fighter. the reasons are clear, the plane won't be delivered on time. project costs are explodes and technical problems are multiplying. i can tell you through experience at that any soldier tasked with a mission has a plan b in case things don't pan out as planned, but this government does not respect the basic principles taught to our soldiers. why is this minister still not producing a plan b? >> the honorable associate
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minister of national defense. >> our royal canadian air force has blown cs-18s for years. we're working with our allies. it will protect national stability and of course for decades to come. mr. speaker an immediate challenge in replacing older aircraft much sooner as we have been doing. we will continue to closely monitor the international development of the f-35 and the capabilities for the canadian forces, mr. speaker. >> the honorable member. any minister that says everything is fine with the f-35 is denying reality and showing irresponsible management. the u.s., uk and australia are all in the process of reviewing the program. a single problem with the f-35s would have encouraged me to have a plan b if i was in the minister's shoes, but this minister regardless of this slew
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of problems still doesn't have a plan b. i would like to know when the minister will get his head out of the clouds and finally table a plan b. >> mr. speaker, i don't know where all this rhetoric comes from other than desperation. mr. speaker, our government is committed to getting the best equipment for canadian forces at the best price for canadians with the best benefits for canadian companies and canadians workers. canada's participation in the development of the f-35 along with our closest allies assures that the canadian forces have the best equipment to achieve mission success, mr. speaker. >> in spite of cost overruns and mounting technical problems, wet left in 2011 with the ministers sticking to the same old story. since then the u.s. has come to grips with reality. they canceled 179 planes and
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delayed production of the rest. the australians downsized third order once think of doing it again. with everyone pulling the chute on this plan, will you tell us how much more it will cost canadians? >> mr. speaker, we're monitoring the events very closely with all of our nation partners as well. mr. speaker, just as a sideline the very member that just stud up back in sdep was talking about a report he read where there was to be no freezing raining for f-35 pilots here. that referred to norway. the member does not even know what he's talking about. >> mr. speaker, after six weeks significant changes, canadians
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expect to have more to say on this issue. around the world countries are taking a realistic look at the f-35 and cutting back on orders even in the u.s. i value hope and optimism, mr. speaker, but here we've kroesed over to a world of fantasy. are the f-35s somehow special? are they different from those rejected by other countries? how are our jets on track while the rest of the world's are falling off the rails? >> mr. speaker, the member is absolutely wrong. the truth of the matter is that we welcomed the announcement by the united states, which confirms their commitment to the multi-national joint strike fighter. canada remains committed to the development of the new state-of-the-art aircraft that our brave men and women agree will give them the best probability of mission success well into the 21st century. we continue to monitor the progress of the multi-national joint strike fighter program
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closely and exercise stewardship of taxpayer money, mr. speaker. >> mr. speaker, canadians are concerned about crime and the reaction i have heard from my constituents regarding yesterday's ved in the so-called honor killings confirms this very facts. we know that the sisters alone were killed because they were women that he wanted to live their lives according to canadian values free from opregnancy and violence. as the juts sdz yesterday, it is difficult to conceive of a money heinous and despicable crime than killing your own children for no reason than some perverted sense of honor. can you provide this house with our government's view of the so-called -- >> the honorable minister of justice. >> mr. speaker, we have be very clear. they're barbaric and
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unacceptable and have no place in kanld. canada. >> we are committing to protecting women and other vulnerable persons from all forms of violence and to hold offenders accountable for their acts. in canada mr. speaker murder is murder regardless of the motive our government has focused primarily on the rights of victims and not on the twisted rationale offered by convicted murderers. he we send the message loudly and clearly. if you commit such terrible acts of violence in canada, you will face canadian justice. >> according to the minister of natural resources, canadian who is speak about their concerns in public about the northern gateway pipeline are radicals. we're no longer in the 19th century. what's radical is not to be concerned about the environment. when is the minister going to
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stop talking canadians and first nations who want to protect the environment rather than being in line with the oil lobby? the honorable minister of natural resources. >> there are responsible environmental groups who contribute to the discussion of the use and development of our natural resources. however, there are also some radical environmental groups that are opposed to any developments of our resources. they are using the process to delay projects as long as possible with the objective of killing them. we want an independent review that will be open and that will do a scientific analysis that will hear all people who have a legitimate view but thousands of jobs are at stake and the -- >> order, order. p >> the honorable member for halifax. >> we really do a minister for
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the 19th century, because the minister of natural resources fails to understand the impact of conservative inaction on jobs, on the environment, and on future generations. instead, what he does is he attacks people that actually care about the environment. >> here, here. >> it makes me wonder p if the minister actually believes in climate change. so i guess my question to the minister is, is he a believer or a denier? >> the honorable minister of natural resources. >> since we're into theology, i will tell this house that i believe that no project in canada should go ahead unless it's safe for canadians and safe for the environment. however, however, groups that are opposed to any development of hydrocarbons, groups that say that the oil sands, which
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represent 1/1000 of global emissions contribute to the destruction of the planet, these groups are not related to science. these groups are radical. >> the honorable member sir edmonton. >> mr. speaker, first nations in meeting have called on this government to address impacts of proposed gateway pipeline on their rights and resources. please for federal intervention protect communities impacted by energy projects have fallen on deaf ears for decades. the first nations impacted by oil sands developments are tired for waiting for promised regulation, monitoring and health studies. mr. speaker, instead of pushing the speed dial on these megaprojects, why won't this government take action it to defend aboriginal rights and
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title? >> mr. speaker, under the federal framework for average economic development, our government is working in partnership with first nation's provincial and municipal governments and industrial developers to help first nation. it may take they securing economic developments from the oil sands development. thank you, mr. speaker. >> mr. speaker, perhaps the minister would like to come up to -- for a chip with me and center that discussion. following last week the crown gathering, the government promised to expedite resolution of land claims and to deliver multi-year financing for first nation governments, expedited actions required to address long-standing inequities, education, housing, infrastructure. first nations of tired of spending their money suing the government for failed delivery of commitment on treaty and law.
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mr. speaker, will the government deliver on these promises in this year's budget and in year's legislative agenda? >> we made great strides at the crowned first nation gathering. our government is committed to moving beyond the constraints of the indian act. there were 18 first nations to the land management regime, and design the framework agreed for the nation and there's more to follow, mr. speaker. >> mr. sfeeshg, that allows me to ask the prime minister with respect to the end bridge project and the position of the first nation's communities affected by the project. i'd like to ask the prime minister. the national energy board review
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doesn't have complete jurisdiction with respect to first nation's issues. i'd like to ask the prime minister, does he contemplate some additional process that will vovm a direct crown first nations discussion with respect to to the project on first nations? >> the leader of liberal party should not that consulting with aboriginal groups is a constitutional requirement. of course, that is part of any process. at the same time, mr. speaker, i have to reiterate what i've said to canadians before. it is vitally important to the national interests of the country that we are able to export the energy products to asia and obviously that's something the government hopes will happen in the future. >> that is the government's position, that there's an
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obligation on the federal government to consult with ak ridge natural groups. if that's true, i would like to ask the prime minister how is this position the same thing? how is it the same thing that what we're seeing against the attac attacks, on the attacks rather on those against the minister. the prime minister itself, i see two different approaches on the government. mr. speaker, once again this is a constitutional obligation to consult with aboriginal groups, and obviously the government is going to comply with that. at the same time i said several times ilts essential for canada to solve our energy products to asia and elsewhere in the world
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so that we have better economic growth. it's critical. it's important that the government have this position and that we be careful of all these processes so that we can decide our own feature. the situation at white birch paper mill is a perfect example. what are they waiting for to act and finally protect our quality jobs in canada? the honorable minister of -- >> first of all, the white birch conflict with their employers is a labor problem, and hope that
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it will be solved among themselves. what they're doing now is they're mixing all of these things up. they're against all foreign investment and moreover when we present our economic action plan in which there are significant investments, indeed to improve innovation in canada, what did they do? they voted against it. on that side of the house they have no credibility when we're talking about job increases. >> mr. speaker,s situation is just as catastrophic in montreal when the appliance maker announced the closing of its plants. the result is a 700 quality jobs that have disappeared. the very day the announcement was made the prime minister was in davos to brag about the economy. it was affected by the closing of the shell refinery a few years back. if the president finds the economic situation is so
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encourages, why to come to davos, how do you explain this to the workers laid off. the honeyorable minister. mr. speaker, it's quite incredible. i was talking about the economic action plan in which there's significant sums to increase innovation in canada across the country. when we talk about montreal, we're upset about the closing of this plant while at the same time we're opposed with the exploitation of our natural resources. so when the time comes to make investments in terms of infrastructure and education or a gain when we try to invest in the aerospace sector in montreal, what do they do? vote against it, and then they try to come and tell us what to do. it's not credible. >> mr. speaker. canadians are concerned about being able to stave for their
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retirement. if the ndp had their way they would double npp contributions, which means increased payroll taxes on small businesses. >> hold off on the replies until the member finishes the question. >> this would mean plshgs speaker, increased payroll taxes on small and medium sized business. in this time of global economic unsernlts, imposing a tax on our key job creators is just irresponsible. could the minister of state finance please tell this house what this government has done to help canadians better plan for ? >> here, here. >> the minister of finance. >> i thank my colleague, and i know she's communicating with their constituents and helping them her solutions to help
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prepare for the retirement goals plshgs speaker. today in the house of commons we're debating a new piece of legislation. the new pension plan is accessible to all canadians. businesses are looking forward to this, mr. speaker. they're looking forward to it because they're 60% of canadians today in the work force that do not have access to that pension plan. we're providing that option. >> the first nation childrens on children. two thirds the first nation's children deserve an he equal chance. can you end the unacceptable discrimination in funding for first nation's education iecomi nations be forced to go to court to sue for equal funding as
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cindy had to do for child welfare? >> that's it. >> mr. speaker, we'll continue to work pro actively and collaborative with first nations provinces and the private secretary o to suspect programs and services to support student succe success, access to jobs and strong healthy communities it's too early to speculate about the budget mr. speaker. that's a decision forthcoming. thank you. >> got $5 million in tax breaks from the government through its generous corporate tax plan give-aways. after the photo op they decided to cut workers' salaries this half and slash the benefits and threaten to ship canadian jobs overseas. mr. speaker,s why this government handing out billions in no strings attached tax give
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aways and turning its back on workers. they're the only producer of th. when will this government step up to the plate in the interest of canadians and canadian workers? >> this is a sad situation, but this is a labor despite between private companies and the union. mr. speaker, we've been briefed by local conservative mps on the situation and we're concerned about workers and their fame. the jurisdiction, and so the government cannot interfere in that matter again mr. speaker. >> last week the member shocked the entire province by once again calling for an end to the sealing industry in canada. not only are his comments an insult to the families whose
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livelihoods depend on the hunt. a photo op from the member in a seal vest is not fooling anyone, mr. speaker. for the regional minister, please explain it to this house what our government is doing to defend canada's sealing industry. >> the honorable minister. >> mr. speaker, last week the member opposite shocked newfoundlanders with his comments, but i swaent shocked. i know the member has been an opponent of the sealing industry for years. while the ndp plays politics with lives, our government standing up for the sealing industry at home and abroad. yes, mr. speaker, i own my vest.
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here in canada and now we learn canada wants to keep half of the profits. mr. speaker, this behavior is unacceptable. while the prime minister really want to come to benefit from a corrupt dictatorship? why don't we bring this money and give it back to tunisians to help them build their democracy? >> we have very strong regulations to ensure that people will not take from the people. the money will go back to the people that is rightfully theirs. so this government is working
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very hard to ensure that those monies stolen from the people of tunisia will be returned to the people. >> mr. speaker, a few days ago the prime minister announced that an in-depth reform of the pension plan would from now on be one of his government's priorities. we know coming from the mouth of this prime minister reform means drastic cuts. how can this government justify claiming on the backs disadvantaged seniors with no problem to find jet fighters finding money for the queen of england and reducing corporate taxes by billions of dollars a shot? >> mr. speaker, it's not trou at all. as i mentioned already earlier today, our government will ensure that seniors will keep all of the benefits
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