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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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mr. mathisson. mr. mathisson votes no. mr. butterfield. mr. butterfield votes aye. mr. barrow. mr. barrow votes aye. miss matsui votes aye. mrs. christianson votes aye. miss kaston votes aye. >> mr. upton votes no. >> mr. gingry votes no. >> mr. murphy. mr. murphy votes no. >> other members wishing to vote? none? the clerk will report the tally.
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mr. chairman, on that vote there were 14 ayes and 36 nays. ask that mr. stern record it. >> mr. sterns votes no. >> any other members? okay, the clerk now will -- >> mr. chairman u there were 14 ayes and 37 nays. >> 14 ayes and 37 nays, the vote is not agreed to. the next is on the dingle amendment. the clerk will call the roll. >> mr. barton, mr. sterns. mr. sterns votes no.
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mr. whit field? mr. whit field votes no. >> mr. shim kiss votes no. mr. pits. mr. pits votes no. there is bono mac. there is bono mac votes no. mr. walden votes no. mr. terry. mr. terry votes no. mr. rogers. mrs. mi rick. mrs. mi rick votes no. mr. sullivan. mr. sullivan votes no. mr. murphy votes no. mr. burgess votes no. mrs. n. mr. bill gray votes no. mr. bass. mr. bass votes no. mr. >> mr. goingry votes no. mr. ska lis votes no. mr. lata votes no. mr. mcmorris rogers votes no.
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mr. harper. mr. harper votes no. mr. lance. mr. lance votes no. mr. cassidy. mr. cassidy mr. guthrie. mr. guthrie votes no. mr. olsson. mr. olsson votes no. mr. kinley votes no. mr. gardener. mr. mom peo. mr. sin singer. mr. griffith? mr. griffith votes no. mr. waxman. mr. dingle. mr. dingle votes aye. mr. marky. mr. towns. mr. towns votes aye. mr. paloan. mr. rush votes aye. aye. mr. engle votes aye.
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mr. green. mr. green votes aye. mrs. caps. mrs. caps votes aye. mr. doyle votes aye. shekowkk sirks ri votes aye. mr. insly votes aye. ms. baldwin. mr. ross. mr. ross votes no. mr. mathisson votes no. mr. butterfield. mr. butterfield votes aye. mr. barrow votes no. ms. matsui votes aye. mrs. christianson votes aye. ms. castor votes aye. chairman upton. votes no. >> other members wishing? mr. barton. >> mr. barton votes no.
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mrs. blackburn votes no. mr. gartner? mr. marky. >> no. mr. marky votes aye. >> mr. paloan. >> votes aye. >> other members wishing to cast a vote? seeing none, the clerk will report the tally. mr. waxman? >> mr. waxman votes aye. mr. chairman, there were 19 ayes and 34 nays. >> 19 ayes, 3434 n nays.
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>> correct. >> not agreed to. >> i would like the record to indicate the brocaw vote had i been here i would have voted no. i had a constituent, but had i been here, i would have voted no, please. >> fine. >> the vote tallied stays the same, but we will note that for the record. the dingle amendment is not agreed to. the next is the eschew amendment. the clerk will call the roll. >> mr. barton votes no. mr. sterns votes no. mr. whitfield votes no. mr. shim kiss votes no. mr. pits votes no. mrs. bono mac votes no. mr. walden votes no. mr. terry votes no.
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mr. rogers votes no. mr. mi rick votes no. mr. sullivan votes no. mr. murphy votes no. mr. burgess votes no. mrs. blackburn votes no. mr. bill brick e bray votes no. mr. bass votes no. mr. gingry votes no. mr. skalis votes no. mr. lada votes no. mr. mcmorris rogers votes no. mr. harper votes no. mr. lance. mr. lance votes no. mr. cassidy votes no. mr. guthrie votes no. mr. ool r ol von votes no.
3:08 pm
mr. mckinley votes no. mr. gardener votes no. mr. mom peo votes no. mr. kin singer votes no. mr. griffith votes no. mr. waxman votes aye. mr. dingle votes aye. mr. marky votes aye. mr. towns votes aye. mr. paloan votes aye. mr. rush votes aye. mrs. aschew votes aye. mr. engle votes aye. mr. green votes aye. ms. duget votes aye. mrs. caps votes aye. mr. doyle votes aye.
3:09 pm
ms. aye. mr. votes aye. ms. baldwin. mr. ross. mr. ross votes no. mr. mathisson votes no. mr. butterfield votes aye. mr. barrow votes no. mrs. christianson votesaye. ms. castor votes chairman upton. no. >> others wishing to cast a vote? seeing none, the clerk will report the tally. >> mr. chairman, there were 19
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ayes and 34 nays. >> the amendment is not. the next vote will occur on the doyle amendment and those in favor will sayos opposed will say no. the clerk will call the roll. >> mr. barton votes no. mr. sterns votno. mr. whitfield votes no. mr. shim kiss votes no. mr. pits votes no. mrs. bono mac votes no. mr. walden votes no. mr. terry votes no. mr. rogers votes no. mr. mi rick votes no. mr. sullivan votes no. mr. murphy votes no. mr. burgess votes no. mrs. blackburn votes no.
3:11 pm
mr. bill bray votes no. mr. bass votes no. mr. skilis votes no. mr. lata votes no. mrs. mcmorris rogers votes no. mr. harper votes no. mr. lance. mr. lance votes no. mr. cassidy votes no. mr. guthrie votes no. mr. olsson votes no. mr. mckinley votes no. mr. gardener votes no. mr. pompeo votes no. mr. kin singer votes no. mr. griffith votes no. mr. waxman. mr. dingle.
3:12 pm
mr. dingle votes aye. mr. markiy votes aye. mr. towns. mr. towns votes aye. mr. paloan votes aye. mr. rush votes aye. mrs. es chew votes aye. mr. engle votes aye. mr. green votes aye. ms. duget votes aye. mrs. caps votes aye. mr. doyle votes aye. shekowski votes aye. mr. insly votes aye. ms. baldwin. mr. ross. mr. ross votes no. mr. mathisson votes no. mr. butterfield votes aye. mr. barrow. mr. barrow votes aye.
3:13 pm
ms. matsui votes a yerks e. mrs. christianson votes aye. ms. castor votes aye. >> votes no. there other members wishing to cast a vote? seeing none, the clerk will report the tally. >> 19 ayes and 33 nays. >> the amendment is not agreed to. the question is on the amendment on the nature of a substitute. all those in favor will say aye and all those opposed say no. the ayes have it. now, the question occur unfavorable reporting the bill
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as a fended to the house. all those in favor say aye. those opposed say no. the ayes appear to have it. roll call vote requested. this appears to be the last vote of the day. the clerk will call the roll. >> mr. barton. votes aye. mr. sterns votes aye. mr. whitfield votes aye. mr. shim kiss votes aye. mr. pits votes aye. mr. bono mac votes aye. mr. walden votes aye. mr. terry votes aye. mr. rogers votes aye. mr. mi rick votes aye. mr. sullivan votes aye. mr. murphy votes aye.
3:15 pm
mr. burgess votes votes aye. mr. bill bray votes aye. tes no. mr. gingry votes aye. mr. skalaye. mr. lata votes aye. mrs. mcmorris rogers. mrs. mcmorris rogers votes aye. mr. harper votes aye. mr. lance votes aye. mr. cassidy votes aye and mr. guthrie votes aye. mr. olsson votes aye. mr. mckinley votes aye. mr. gardener votes aye. mr. mom peo. he votes aye. mr. kin singer votes aye.
3:16 pm
mr. griffith votes aye. mr. waxman votes no. mr. dingle votes no. mr. marky. mr. marky votes no. mr. towns votes no. mr. paloan votes no. mr. rush votes no. mr. eschew votes no. mr. engle votes no. mr. green votes no. ms. duget votes no. mrs. caps votes no. mr. doyle. mr. doyle votes no. mr. gonzalez votes no. mr. insly votes no. ms. baldwin. mr. ross. mr. ross votes aye. mr. mathisson votes aye.
3:17 pm
mr. butterfield votes no. mr. barrow. mr. barrow votes aye. miss matsui votes no. mr. christianson votes no. ms. castor votes no. chairman upton. >> votes aye. >> wishing to cast a vote? seeing none, the clerk will report the tally. >> on that vote, 33 ayes and 20 nays. >> the ayes have it and the bill is favorably recorded. without objection, staff is authorized to make technical and changes to the bill approved by
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the committee today. so ordered the chair thanks all members and staff and committee stands adjourned.
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>> per as committee members make their way from the chamber, you can see the house hearing in its entirety at the white house coverage
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continues as caucuses are taking place in colorado and minnesota. there is also a primary election in missouri. those contests are non-binding meaning no delegates are being awarded. maine is continuing their caucus. join us at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span for results. presidential candidate speeches. you can see those at about 9:30 eastern. super tuesday is on march sixth with primaries and caucuses on ten states. follow the candidates at rallies, town hall meetings and other events on the c-span networks and our website at campaign 2012. >> i have a new america where freedom is for all. without regard to race or belief or economic conditions.
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i need a new america that attacks the ancient idea that men can solve their differences by killing each other. >> as candidates campaign for president, we look at 14 men who ran and lost. go to contenters to see video who had a lasting impact on american politics. >> the politics of the radical liberal left offer one solution to the problems that confront us. they politell us again and agaid again we should spent our way out of trouble and into a better tomorrow. >> contenders.
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this is c-span 3 with politics and public affairs programming throughout the week and american history tv, 48 hours of people and events telling the american story. get our schedules and see past programs at our website and join in the conversation on these social media sites. earlier today, president obama hosted the second white house science fair celebrating over 100 student winners from science, technology, engineering and math competitions from around the country. this is about 15 minutes. . >> ladies and gentlemen, the pres
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>> thank you. you may be seated. welcome to the white house science fair. it is -- i spent time checking out some of the projects that were brought here today and i have got to say this is fun. it's not every day that you have robots running all over your house. i am trying to figure out how you got through the metal det t detecto detectors. i also shot a marshmallow through an air gun which was very exciting. science is what got several of our guests where they are today. i wanted to make a couple of introductions. we have a real life astronaut and the head of nasa, charles bolton in the house.
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we have the administrator of the epa, lisa jackson is here. the director of the national science foundation is here. my science adviser john hold ren is in the house. we have a couple of people who dedicated themselves to making science cool for young people. we have got neal degrass tyson and bill nye the science guy. it is fitting that this year's fair is happening just two days after the super bowl. i want to congratulate the new york giants and their fans. i just talked to coach cough
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lynn and i'm looking forward to having the giants here at the white house to celebrate their achievements. what i have also said and i said this many times. if we are recognizing athletic achievement, we should also be recognizing academic achievement. science achievement. if we invite the team that wins the super bowl to the white house, we need to invite some science fair winners to the white house as well. now i'm going to talk about how great all of you are in a second, but before i do, i want to give the parents a big round of applause because they work hard to help you succeed and i know this is their day. they are really proud of you. as a parent, i know that seeing your kids do extraordinary things brings the greatest
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happiness that a parent can have. congratulations to all the parents of all these incredible young people. but parents are not the only ones who helped you get this far. every one of you can think of a teacher or maybe a couple of teachers without whom you would not be here. so i want you to promise that the next time you see the teachers that you give them a big thank you not just for yourself, but for me. teachers matter. they deserve our support. i want to make sure that we are constantly lifting up how important teachers are to making sure that not only you succeed, but this country succeeds. give teachers a big round of applause. now, as i was walking around the science fair, i was thinking back to when i was your age and
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basically you guys put me to shame. what impresses me so much is not just how smart you are, but it's the fact that you recognize you have got a responsibility to use your talents in service of something bigger than yourselves. some of you that means developing new products that will change the way we live. haley hoveter is over here. she invented a new type of sugar packet that dissolves in hot water. it's flavorless and colorless and potentially could save up to two million pounds of trash each year. that's just at starbucks. mastercard has awarded her $10,000 to help turn her ideas into a business. some of you are here because you saw a problem in your community
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and you are trying to do something to solve it. benjamin? where is benjamin? right here. he was worried that folks at his grandmother's senior center were getting lonely. he built a robot with a monitor and a video camera. it's like a moving skype and it moves around the center and allows seniors to talk to their kids and grandkids even when they can't visit in person. inventions like benjamin's can make life better for millions of families. for some of you the journey to get here is as inspiring as the work you brought with you today. there is a rocketry team from presydio, texas. where are you? stand up. this is part of the fourth poorest school district in the state of texas. i was told that teachers cooked food to sell after church.
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supporters drove 200 miles to pick up donuts from bake sales and they even raffled off a goat just to raise enough money for the rocketry team to compete and the majority of the kids at the school are esl. english is a second language. the presentation they made could not make you prouder. way to go. there is a group of young engineers from paul robeson malcolm x academy. nobody needs to tell them the challenges that detroit still faces. where is my team from detroit in the house? there they are. stand up. they believe in their city and they are coming up with new ideas to keep


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