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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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have not changed, and he has expressioned them a few days ago and will continue to express them. two, the president, vice president, first lady, drdr. biden will not appear at events associated with these organizations. >> why? >> that's a decision made by the campaign and president and the team not to do that. those individuals with the campaign and with the white house appear at events, plit skal campaign events already for the president's campaign are available to appear before the supe super-pac, but they will not solicit funds. again, i would refer you to the campaign for the strategic decision about why the rules are what they are, unfortunately. the citizens united decision pertains unfortunately, and this president will be committed as
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long as he's in office to fry to change that. he has made clear -- last year remember this is not a case of aprilles to apples here. >> the comments from jay carney questions the ben teller. the timing is awkward because last week senator chuck schumer, drem of new york announced plans to hold hearings banning the koord napt between super-pacs and campaign. senator schumer says it does not pass the smell test to see some of these groups aren't conflicted. p&l is reporting that the growing concern by amount of money they're raising, the so-called super-packs and feeling the obama campaign could not match dollar for dollar the republicans will do this spring,
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summer and fall. you're listening to washington today on c-span radio. the labor department says companies and governments post 3d.38 million jobs in december. that's up from 31.2 million advertised in the previous positive month. it follows friday's optimistic employment figures which show you 133 thousand jet jobs in january and the unemployment rates falling to 3.6%. the house representatives today passing legislation to sell off for consolidate some of the under used or unneeded federal buildings saving taxpayers billions of dollars. . the vet was 259 to 164. 21 democrats voted for the hill. it goes to the nature where a xan yoon bill has been
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introduced. the white house in a statement said they aappreciate the bill would do it, but they voiced concerns it did not go far enough. a federal appeals court says that american seniors who get social security cannot reject their legal right to medical benefits. dean army sued to stop the automatic eligibility for medicare. the supreme court ruled that the law gives them no way to opt out of eligibility if they want to keep their social security benefits. they say their private insurers limit their coverage because they're eligible for medical care and we'll appeal it. the conk man from north carolina says she is not going to run again for re-election. she made the announcement through social media and her campaign site with a video. she said her stigs followed thoughtful discussion with her
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family and she planned foos play, and she's 70 years old. back with more washington today. that requiring the federal energy commission to approve ha trans canada proposed keystone xl pipeline. this essentiallyrips the power away from the president. the energy and commerce committee voting 33-20 for legislation to give them the authority to approve the $7 billion project within the next
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month providing it's deemed safe. the senate is not considering a similar measure. republicans want to begin to work on the this pipeline. in november the president delayed work to consider an alternate route. a house panel plans to add the bill with a vote planned later this month, and so the back and the forth politics continues on this pipeline issue. here's how the debate unfolded before the committee. we'll hear from the democrat from massachusetts with his proposal and congress it with jon sim pus, and he's from illinois. it was prohibit oil exports. here's more on today's debate. >> lest anyone think trans canada isn't in the reexport business. in december when i asked it the president whether he would agree to ensure the oil and refined fuels stay here in the country instead of reexporting them, he said no, sitting right at that
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table. that's the plan in this republican plan. sneak the pipeline into the country, refine the othil and te the diesel fuel right back out of the cannot. yesterday the gentleman from nebraska said sar sands oil could replace 1 1/2 barrel barrel to 2,000 a day that we import from the keystone gulf. even if it was going to transmit more than 630,000 barrels each day, the doe sfimts it will transport, the idea na all of the ski stone ail will stay in this country under this bill just a fantd see. make no mistake, this is bill is not about energy security. it is not about jobs. it is about oil company profits plain and simple. this bill just turns the united states into a middle man in a multi-national oil deal between canada, south america, europe
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and china. the republican slogan last year was drill here, drill now, pay less. now we're letting canada drill there, ship here, and reexport there. you'll so that we in the will have to pay more. my amendment ensures if this pipe shrine legislation, the oils and any fuels will stay here to benefit americans here who will pay less here. it allow the president to waive this requirement only if it's shown that an export of the oil fossils won't decrease our intention we bli from hostile nations. >> gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from from illinois. >> thank you, mr. precedent.
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just wauz it shows all the pipelines. the keystone pipeline ends right outside my district, and my refinery, the conoco phillips refinery did a $2 billion expansion during the lowest neck times. why? so they could ship it to down south so they can put it on ships? no. to refine it. there's a better return on investment for refining a product and selling a product than moving the bulk commodity product as is. let's just take my friend's debate for what it is. so what if the crude oil goes on the market. so what. don't we understand supply and demand and commodity pruktds. the more splif of a come did it
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mark, the lower pry if the man staying the same. it's very simple. my friends happen had why would we ship crude oil down to the gulf coast to then ship it to china? where is harper today? harper is in china. why? he's trying to cut the deal to move the pipeline west versus south. wouldn't that be a better plan for the chinese. we know they're great in environmental record of the chinese, and we know the great record of moving crude oil across the sees. i say a pipeline is the most secure, the safest environmentally sound and it's prooufg by the hundreds of thousands of miles of product we shy bill pop line. whether it's crucial old our
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natural gas or refined product. i challenge you to go visit a refinery. look at the tanker trucks real in there. there's none. it's all coming inpy pipeline. now, again, the benefits, i would just also encourage people to look at the blookberg article from today, february 6th. america is he's entertaining -- >> the house member committee that defeated it by ed markey of massachusetts which would prohibit oil exports. again, the debatd on that keystone xl pipeline. the committee approves that pressure that would take the short away from the president and put it in the handses federal regulatory mission. the senate not likely to make up the measure anden almost certain veto if it passed by the president. the legal of conservation voters
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announces its rank of lawmakers on inning and giving 31 senators and 24 members of theous a 100% score. while 13 earned a zero score. they run one of the environmental movement's biggest political operations and the organization analyzed 11 senate and 35 house votes in the first season of the 112th congress. this is the governor's affairs vp. here's what she said to say. >> in 2011 the leadership braced a truly breathtaking assault on the environment and public health, the breast which make your the most antiinenvironmental in our nations hit. the two 11 scorecard is a sad tessment to the radical nature of the hpt turg the first session of the 112th congress.
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it literal had toish we had to print the house vote section on two pages spanning both sides of the book forthe first time. the 2011 scorecard includes 35ous vote, which are far more votes. put to be clear many others wraerned inclusion and woovt interested in a more typical year. there are were 200 votes in the house in 2011. in many cases only final pass saj votes were included, even though lawmakers vounted on amendments. in contrast, there are just 11 senate votes in the two scoreboard. last year 34 senators and 24 representatives earning a prblgt sun. on the oerp end 13 senators and four it's a pretty clear
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indication that those members who voted against the environment at literally every opportunity worked hard and we want out of their way to do so. the average house score in 2011 was 45%, which is lower than the 2010 arch score of 56%. i think a bigger indicator to the huge landscape is a dramatic drop in average lifetime scores. more specifically the average life sometime score of members who were deteeted in 2010 was 73%, which is pretty impressive as an average. contrast that with the average lifetime score in 2011 is just 15%. what a difference a year, and what a difference a new congress makes on this time clearly in a very bad direction. the average senate score in 2011 was 55%, which is higher than
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the average sxor 44% in 2010. the good news out of 2011 is while the house voted a number of times against the public health, the official administration stood strong against the vast amort of these attacks. while the senate blocked many of the most damages hold blis birls, the court made it clear it's strong opposition to the house agenda with nucleus occasioning being clear. in fact, the president would have vetoed many of these house bills had they reached his desk. >> the comments of tear anyone, some specific names they pointed out today, the league of conference pram voters and giving pras to democratic and critical of roethlisberger. topping the list with aa 100% score. representative debber wasserman
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shult of florida and all democrat contras. u.s. senator chuck brassily of iowa and john shun of south dakota revealed a score by lcv and michelle bam and jeff plak also among the worst environmental record 'in congress. that according to the league of conservation voters. well, the hupt it's it's newest member who won it today this week. she was sworn in today by the speaker of the house john bayer. he resigned last year that he was involved with an 18 yerz octobering. you talled him a foormer security section attorney at the federal trade mission and now the new representative from the state of oregon earlier tonight where she talked about restorying the plit. >> thank you speemer bany, mary
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pelosi, members from across had this great kuns. frents and family. this afternoon i'm honored to respect the opportunity to represent the people of noez oral. i want to start by thanking my family for your love, encouragement, patience and sacrifice. my husband and my children ander and sarah, thank you. [ applause ] >> and thank you also to my mother, who is here with us today, for giving me my first job in your small business and instilling in me the values i hold today. [ applause ]
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thank you to all the individuals and organizations that stood by me and worked so hard over the past several months to help me reach this day. finally, and most importantly, to the people across the first congressional district of oregon. thank you for giving me this honor. it's great to be back in washington, d.c. i started my legal career here more than 27 years ago as a consumer protection attorney at the federal trade commission. a lot has changed in our world since then, but the importance of the work that happens here in the capital and the significance of the decisions that are made of him in this historic chamber vnts. oregon's 1st congressional district is full of promise and potential from the vineyards in the county to the ports in astoria and the family communities p in columbia county, and the engines of industry in washington county, and the business and cultural districts in portland. it's a very diverse and dynamic
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part of the state. yet, there are too many families still struggling to make ends meet and they want to know that their voices are heard in our deliberatio deliberations. our economy and the nation's complicates are both in need of rebuilding. as we work together, let us remember that the unparalleled prosperity and creativity of this last nation can be traced to this promise, if you work hard and play by the rules ushg succeed in america. that's the america my grandparents crossed the ocean for. that's the america too many believe is slipping away, and that's the america i want to work to rebuild. i'm excited to begin. i'm humbled by the tremendous responsibility and very appreciative of the truth that the people of northwest oregon have placed in me. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back my time. >> the house of representatives representing its newest member, a democrat from oregon.
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she was sworn in earlier today by the speaker of the house. she now takes the center stage as the newest member during the second session of the 102th congress. this is in harrisburg today. we're showcasing different state of the state addresses. today was republican governor to be corbett, which includes according to nbc philadelphia, some tufl decisions for the state. the budget proposal includes 20% can you tellbacks for higher education across the 14 owned universities in fenz and 30% cuts for universities like temple, penn state and the university of pittsburgh. the university leaders faced similar cuts last year leading to a tuition hike among many pennsylvania hikes by upwards of 5%. the governor is appointing a panel to examine higher education funding. the plan does not include a tax increase. the totals budget is $27.1 billion for the next fiscal
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year, but calling for steep cuts and fierce debate in pennsylvania. here's what governor tom corbett had to say in harrisburg as he addressed the generally assembly. >> difficult economies do not follow calendar years, nor do they respect state borders. they require us to map state level solutions to a national problem. despite a catalog of quick fixes at the federal level, and a swirl of conflicting theories, we are still living through the most difficult economic period in our lives. so today, i bring before you a budget grounded in difficult realties, but frame in the optimism that we are solving our problems. once again, revenues do not match mandated escalating costs. that means we must continue the course bravely charted by this assembly in the year just past. i am submitting to you a budget
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proposal is at once lean and demanding. in the coming weeks, we will sit down to work out the final details as we map out our course, but this map does come with boundaries. we will not spend more than we have. we will not -- [ applause ] >> we will not raise taxes. [ applause ] there is no talking around these limits. every dollar taken in tax is one less dollar in the hands of a job holder or a job creator. every dollar spent by government $1 less in the sector that creates real prosperity. i'm bringing before you a budget built on the decisions of last year. it is a budget that proposes
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more in the way of reforms by continuing to change the culture of government from one of entitlement to one of enterprise. these tough decisions will lay the groundwork for the prosperity of tomorrow. it puts to you the generally assembly, the question of precisely what role state government and our taxpayers should have in a variety of endeavors. i look forward to working with all of you in framing these priorities into a solid, responsible spending plan. one of the major innovations i propose in year is the use of block grants. block grants will be found in both our basic education and with your welfare budgets. together these twos departments account for more than 70% of our spending. when we include corrections and debt service, it's 90%. so with less to spend than we would like, we need to give more
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flexibility at the level where this money will be spent. the county and the school districts. the old way of doing things, the pattern of big government, big policy, big spending, has left us with issues that will dog us long after this year's budget is passed. our costs are really driven in two ways. at the present time, we must pay expenses that run the state from day to day. but out of immediate sight, yet threatening to undermine our present and future budgets are three problems bigger than a single budget. they are our legacy costs, something which we will whether we want to or not be forced to address sooner rather than later, also, it is absolutely critical that we repair our unemployment compensation system. as expenses rise along with our debt to the federal government, the cost of insuring workers threatens to overwhelm job
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creators. we have legislation in the general assembly. we need to act on it now. [ applause ] >> governor tom corbett, republican of pennsylvania, his state of the commonwealth address, one of a number of state addresses we are getting on the c-span networks. you can check them out at our website at here's something every household needs to have, especially if you have young children. joey hewitty had it at the white house earlier today. in case you missed it, here's what happened. >> okay, here we go. >> press this button right here and go this way so it doesn't hit that person close to you. >> yeah, i think that's good. >> oh! oh. let's go look at the marshmallows. >> well, if you're wondering, it was a marshmallow. it shot up 176 feet in the air.
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imagine being in a state dining room, the elegant state dining room in which joey used the marshmallow and shot the wall. don't do that at home. well, it was an impromptu moment but part of a more serious day in which the president talked about science and education. he announced a plan for $80 million for new research and development, part of the department of education competition to support math and science teacher preparation programs around the country. here's more from the president's prepared remarks. >> i'm proud to announce that the budget i unveil next week will include programs to help prepare new math and science teachers and to meet an ambitious goal which is 1 million more american graduates in science, technology, engineering, and math over the next ten years. that is a goal we can achieve. that's a goal we can achieve. [ applause ] now, in a lot of ways, today is
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a celebration of the new, but the belief that we belong on the cutting edge of innovation, that's an idea as old as america itself. i mean, we're a nation of tinkers and believers in a better tomorrow. you think about our founding fathers. they were out there the doing experiments and you know, folks like benjamin franklin and thomas jefferson, they were constantly curious about the world around them and trying to figure out how can we help shape that environment so that people's lives are better. it's in our dna. we know that innovation has helped each generation pass down that will basic american promise which is no matter who you are, where you come from, you can make it from you try. so there's nothing more important than keeping that promise alive for the next generation. there's no priority i have that's higher as president than this.
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and i can't think of a better way to spend a morning than with the young people who are here doing their part and creating some unbelievable stuff in the process. so i'm proud of you. i want you to keep up your good work. i'm going to make a special plea to the press. not just the folks who are here but also your editors. give this some attention. i mean, this is the kind of stuff, what these young people are doing that's going to make a bigger difference in the life of our country over the long-term than just about anything. and you know, it doesn't belong just on the, you know, back pages of a newspaper. we've got to lift this up. we've got to the emphasize how important this is and recognize these incredible young people who are doing things that you
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know, i couldn't even imagine thinking about at fifth grade or eighth grade or in high school. and so, pay attention to this. this is important. this is what's going to make a difference in this country over the lounge haul. this is what inspires me and gets me up every day. this is what we should be focusing on in our public debates. and as for all the folks who are here, don't let your robots wonder off anywhere, all right? so thank you, everybody. appreciate it. congratulations. [ applause ] >> from the state dining room of the white house, the president outlining his proposals for science and math education, the second year that the president has host this had competition that included what you heard a moment ago, joey hewitty's air cannon which shot that the marshmallow to the other side of the state dining room.
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we suspect that they were able to clean that off. the president also telling the students that he did not build a rocket but he did help his daughter sasha win a school egg competition this year. we practiced by dropping it from the truman balcony. this is washington today on c-span radio. >> on march 19th the supreme court here's the argument in a case about whether a child who was conceived after the death of his biological father can get social security benefits as his father's surviving child. you'll hear a case cited saturday on c-span's historic supreme court argumenting from 2003. the washington state department of social and health services petitioners versus the guardianship estate of kepler, respondents. >> if you look at the complaint in this particular case by the respondent, if you look at the certification of the class that's present here, if you look at the holding below in every


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