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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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problem for at least ten years. that is completely, completely irresponsible. we need a real discussion and real action in washington because that isn't sustainable for ten years, it isn't sustainable for two or one year. and jeff mentioned what we would do in the majority next year and i agree with that commitment, but i am going to be working with those folks and others to have that debate in the senate this year, including by proposing an amendment for multiple bills that legislation on which this eeamendment woulde attached would not become effective until we have a full budget debate and serious budget debates on the u.s. senate floor as is intended.
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>> i want to basically confirm what my colleagues have not already stated. like senator sessions said, he quoted quoted -- the fact that this president is not proposing any type of reform to try and save social and medicare. i really had to ask my question, why is this president even seeking a second term. the definition of being a president is leading and he is not leading. the points i want to make in terms of the debts and deficits shown in this budget are the debts and deficits we are already -- we have a huge risk in terms of interest rate increases which would dramatically increase our cost of interest. for every 1%, add a trillion to our deficits.
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because of our increased growth, the president is going to increase taxes. that will harm economic growth and for every 1% that we reduce growth by, add $3.1 trillion on to our deficit. nobody's really talking about the true cost of obama care. we sent out a letter last week by 38 republican senators asking cbo to reassess the number of people that will lose their health care coverage. a will add trillions on to the cost of obama care and on to our deficit. so we need to seriously take -- and this president's budget simply does not do that, it's a true failure of leadership. >> at a time of trillion dollar deficits and a record debt at a time when we're spending as a federal government more than we have spent since world war ii,
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the budget sent by the president is irresponsible. it does not address the fiscal crisis that we face as a country and we hoped for something better. last year the president's budget was taken to the floor of the senate, and the vote was 97-0 against it. we had hoped that the message would be delivered and this year there would be a more responsible budget. i have seen a lot of budgets and i must say looking at this one, i think it's extraordinary in terms of his lack of serious and again responsibility, it starts by proposing a new 2$250 billio stimulus bill. the president then claims in the budget document 5.23 -- in looking at that and breaking it down, 99.9% of the deficit
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reduck that that the president claims is the following. number one $9 trillion in -- iraq and afghanistan war savings that have been widely acknowled acknowled acknowledged, three the already enact budget control act, so the budget actually takes credit for what congress has already enacted and finally net savings from -- that leaves a minuscule $4 billion in what could be called savings in this budget. that's amazing, given the situation that we're in. i'm confident that the president hides in his baseline $475 billion in new spending and that the pell grant and the medicare document that's actually filled into the baseline.
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unfortunately, the claim savings of only 4 billion complete livan initiates as well. there are no savings in this budget. this is a political year, and all of us are up here talking about the fiscal environment that you have affected democrats and reasons to be in during an election year. but to me, this budget goes beyond the line, it goes beyond just being a political document. it goes to being an irresponsible document, given what we're facing in terms of the fiscal problems, given what our kids and grandkids will be facing. there's one area in this budget that i think is actually relatively honest, and that is the president's projection of what the economy is going to do. and maybe it's in part because of the budget, because a budget document is both the spending side and the revenue side and
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then and economic forecast. this shows that unemployment rates will be higher next year than they are in than this year. ultimately that's the worst part of the budget. that there's not anything in this budget to get our economy moving again. dmooneither taking the fisc issues and no progrowth policies for us to address to give this economy a shot in the arm. in looking at this document it looks like more of the same from last year. >> you always know that rob as o
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& b director wrote those budgets and he knows what he's talking about. interest this year was $230 billion and under the president's numbers in his own chart, interest will go to $840 billion. that is a larger than defense, larger than social and medicare today and would be the fastest growing item in the entire budget. >> senator sessions if you could just talk got austerity versus spending and the white house's 5rg9 that the greater priority now is not austerity but you have to keep what is already a fragile economy, you do have to give it a shot in the arm. is it holy water that argument for you? >> the french, germans, europe deciding that they have got to get their house in order now and
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they defend that. i would just say this, if you view the -- if you say that the immediate challenge doesn't allow us to cut spending today u why don't you propose something that would cut spending in the future? if you recognize, i think as all of us do, that medicare, social security, medicaid are programs in dire danger and need to be fixed, why don't you do it today? what mr. bernanke said at the hearing was, you should definitely look for a savings in the outer years and you shouldn't stop at ten, you should go beyond that because that would give encouragement to the financial world that the united states is on a better path and it's stunning that the
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president does not propose that. and if we had a plan that the world would see would not lead to disaster. >> i'll take a quick crack at it. both the cbo and chairman bernanke said that by letting the tax cuts expire, you're going to dramatically harm growth. so this president's budget, he's seeking to raise taxes. nay are making things worse. >> when you were budget director, there was no money in there for the amt, there was no money in there for war spending, there was no money in there for emergency spending, they would say those budgets were a ginobili agiven and were dead on arrival. >> the president's budget was
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taken to the floor last year and you would expect it if you're right becomes partisan that you would have had a majority of the senate support it. and the vote was 97-0, and we don't know what the vote would be on this budget, but i will tell you it looks an awful lot like last year, and it's irresponsible given the fact that it does not address the long-term challenges. means testing occurs after the next presidential term. so to this point about austerity. and it doesn't make any of the tough decisions. so, look, as i said earlier, you would expect in a particular year, budgets to be relatively political documents. but this one, as i said, i believe is over the line because it doesn't have any savings. when you bgo through the analyss of what's actually in there, it simply does not have any impact on this long-term or short-term problem. we're talking about a deficit
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this year of over a trillion dollars, a deficit next year of over a trillion next year. -- to be used in the context right now for payroll texs and determined what wasn't appropriate for these purposes and the president is putting out
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there are not real numbers because the troops are coming home from afghanistan. you also have to look at what this budget does to the long-term debt, it increases it by somewhere between 12 trillion and $14 trillion that's under his own numbers. so the historic levels of debts are increased dramatic to the point that the dealt will be over $25 trillion ten years from now under this budget. >> let me just say, we did acknowledge that the war was an emergency and it was funded entirely with borrowed money and i think most -- some complained, but both parties voted for that and it was open decision. but with regard -- our debt wasn't 100% of gdp as it is
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today. and with regard to the war, what is the gimmick is that if you cease borrowing money to pay for the war, the president assumes the money is still there, and therefore you can spend it. but really you're just borrowing money to fund a new spending program. we don't have a source of money to pay for the war that when the cost of the war drops, you've got money, you just don't. >> it's the conference for the payroll tax that the republicans offered an unpaid for payroll tax and -- >> there's in the last couple of days other chairmen, and they have been discussing things
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over the weekend. what i do hear is any proposals that they are having any proprose sals on, i get back to harry reid, then he says no. he's trying to pull the rug out of any successful completion. i want to extend the federal tax holiday and the unemployment insurance and that people on medicare can continue to see their doctors and harry reid has a big road block to that happening. >> senator, barasso, just as a follow-up, should that be paid for? >> we're continuing to look for ways to pay for all parts of this and there are blocks in paying for every component of what i these we need to do. i want to make sure that we're looking for things thash actual paid for, the republicans and the house have come forward with proposals in terms of pay freeze
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on federal workers and a numbere to the house and i support all those. president obama announced his 2013 budget prop poe sal.
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you can read the budget proposal on president obama unveiled his budget proposal at northern virginia community college in annandale earlier today. his comments were about a half an hour. >> ladies and gentlemen, to introduce the president of the united states, please welcome, mike phillips. good morning, welcome to northern virginia community college. my name is make phillips and i
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am a student in information's technologies in northern virginia. cyber security is a complicated field which includes many different disciplines. our data, devices and finances are constantly under attack. as technology advances, so does the risk. new jobs have been created such as security analyst, incident responder and digital forensics and there will be others in the future. i enrolled in nova in 2009 and received a certification. my experience at nova has been very enjoyable. one of the greatest assets here are the instructors, whether taking a course online or in a classroom, the instructors are
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dedicated profegssionals and nothing less than outstanding. i recommend others who have -- today we are pleased to welcome the president to our campus who's committed to america's community colleges and recognizes the importance of the education today for tomorrow's jobs. please welcome the president of the united states, barack obama.
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>> hello, everybody! thank you very much. thank you, virginia. thank you nova. thank you so much. everybody who has a chair, please have a seat. i know not everybody has a chair. >> i love you! >> i love you back! great to be here. first of all i want to thank mike for the great interdestruction. it is great to be back here at nova, i have been here so many times, i'm about three credits short of graduation. but there are a couple of reasons that i keep on coming back. first of all, i think that dr.
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templin and the whole staff here are going a great job. so i want to give him a big round of applause. the other reason is because joe biden keeps talking up how great you are. and just as i do what michelle tells me to do, i also do what joe biden tells me to go. n addition i just want to secretary of labor here, hilda solis, who's doing an outstanding job. but the main reason i keep on coming back is i think this institution is an example of what's best about america. some of you may have your eye on
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a four-year college, some of you may want to learn new skills that can lead to a new job like mike, or a job that pays more, or gives you more opportunity, but all of you are here because you believe in yourselves, you believe in your ability and your ability to the -- the truth is the skills and reastraining you here will be the best chance that you have to achieve the american promise. that you will earn enough to have a family, own a home and send your kids to college and put a little away for retirement. the defining issue of our time is how to keep this promise alive today, for everybody. because we have got a choice, we can settle for a country where a
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few people go really, really well. and everybody else struggles to get by. or we can restore an economy where everybody gets a fair shot, everybody gets their fair share, everybody plays by the same set of rules from washington, to wall street to main street, that's what we believe in. now we're still recovering from one of the worst economic crises in three generations. we have got a long way to go before everybody who wants a good job can find one. before middle class americans regain that sense of security, it's been slipping away for too long, long before the recession hit. but, over the last 23 months, we have added 3.7 million new jobs.
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american manufacture evers are creating jobs for the first time since the 1990s. the economy is getting stronger, the -- the last thing we need to do is go back to the policies that got us in this mess in the first place, we can't afford it. >> the last thing we need is for washington to stand in the way of america's come back. what does that mean concretely? for starters, congress needs to stop taxes from going up on 160 million americans attend of this month. and if they don't act, that's exactly what will happen.
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congress needs to pass an extension of the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance without drama and without delay and without linking it to some other ideological side issues, we have been through this before, remember? we have seen this movie, we don't need to see it again. the time for self-inflicted wounds to our economy is over. now is the time for actions, now is the time to move forward. but preventing a tax hike on the middle class, that's only the beginning. that's just starters. in the state of the union, i outlined a an economy that is built to last. an economy built on new manufacturing and new sources of energy and new skills and education for the american people. today we're releasing the details of that blue prirnt in the form of next year's budget.
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and don't worry, i will not read it to you. it's long and a lot of nubs. but the main idea is this, we have got to do everything in our power to keep this recovery on track, part of our job the is to bring down our deficit. and if congress adopts this budget, we'll be able to reduce our deficit by $ $4 trillion. i'm introducing some cuts that i wouldn't ordinarily make, but we're going to have to put ourselves on a more -- by
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reducing our deficit in the long-term, what that allows us to do is to investigative in the things that will help grow our economy right now. we can't cut back on those things that are important us to grow. we can't just cut our way into growth. we can cut back on the things that we don't know. but we also have to make sure that everyone is paying their fair share for the things that we do need. we need to restore american manufacturing by ending tax breaks that ship jobs overseas, giving to companies that are creating jobs right here in the united states of america. we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, by ending the
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subsidies on foreign oil. and to make sure our businesses don't have to move overseas to find skilled workers, we have got to invest in places like nova and make sure that higher education is affordable for every hard working american. so that's what i want to focus on today, what we need to do in terms of higher education and community colleges in particular. employers today are looking for the most skilled educated workers. i don't want them to find them in india or china. i want those businesses to find workers right here in the united states. the skills and training that employers are looking for begins with the men and women who educate our children.
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all of us can point to a teacher who's made a difference in our lives and i know i can. so i want this congress to give our schools the receke good tea and reward the best teachers. and in return, they also need to give the schools the flexibility to stop just teaching to the test and start helping the kids who are having trouble to learn. so making sure we have got the most skilled workers starts early, it starts with k through 12, it starts before k through 12, making sure every child is prepared and when an american of any age wants to p s ts to pursd of higher education, whether it's that high school grad who's just trying to get that first
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couple of years of college education, or somebody like mike, who's in the process of retraining, whether it's two years or four years or more, we have got to make sure that education is affordable and available to everybody who wants to go. now this congress needs to stop the interest rates on student loans from double this july. that's pretty important. that's in our bulling, we're telling our congress, now is not the time to make schooling more expensive for young people. they also need to take the administration tax credit a


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