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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EST

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and the fact that i tried to make the white house more livable and attractive and fix it up. >> last question. if you take for granted you spent a lot of your life protecting your husband from others, would you agree that's something you did a lot of? >> yes. >> how hard is that to do and how did you do it? >> well, i think i just had little antennas that went up and told me when somebody had their own agenda and not ronnie's. and then i'd tell him. he didn't always agree with me, but i'd tell him.
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it usually worked out. >> what was the first thing you'd notice when somebody had their own agenda? >> you just know. you just -- you can't say it's something that you -- you just know, if you have those antennas. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. you're welcome. >> all day today, american history tv is featuring america's first ladies. who do you think was our most influential first lady? vote and join the conversation history in the news, and social media from facebook, youtube, twitter and four square. weekend every weekend on c-span3
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and online at american history tv usually shown on the weekends on c-span3 will continue this week in prime time. our focus tuesday night black history month. at 8:00 eastern, with the groundbreaking of the new smithsonian museum of african-american history and culture taking place wednesday on the national mall, the museum's founding director, lonnie bunch takes us through the storage facility to see some of the artifacts that will be on display. 8:30, the relationship between martin luther king, jr. and his mentors, benjamin mays and hour thurman. at 10:00 to memphis, tennessee as we toured the national civil rights museum built on the site where martin luther king, jr. was assassinated. and at 10:30, from waterbury, connecticut, professor william foster teaches a class on the history of the n-word in
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american culture and a focus on "uncle tom's cabin" and mark twain's "huckleberry finn." this is american history tv on c-span $3. >> on this president's day c-span3 american history tv we're featuring first ladies. up next first lady michelle obama talking about growing up, her life, and the value of education. she spoke tora at anacostia high school. [ applause ] >> thank you all. thank you so much. first of all, thank you, charity.
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you did a great job on that introduction. >> love you! >> love you all too. so proud. i want to thank the anacostia senior high school choir for their amazing performances. [ applause ] i also want to thank brandon, annie, and, of course, your valedictorian jordan for their amazing remarks. let's give them a big old hand. i want to acknowledge a couple of other people, malik, donald, and all of the community leaders who have joined you all today to celebrate this morning. let's give them a round of applause as well. [ applause ] i have to tell you it is a privilege for me to be with you. i have been looking forward to
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this day for a long time. as you know, this the second time i've had a chance to come and spend some time with anacostia high school students. [ cheering ] during my first visit with you all when i got to come to the school, i came away just impressed and moved by all of you. that's why i wanted to be here. i was impressed with the questions you asked, your work ethic, by your spirit, your attitude. i loved hearing about your lives and your hopes and your dreams. i've also enjoyed getting to know my girls, the students who are participating in the white house mentorship program we set up this past year. so all these opportunities have given me a very meaningful connection to many of the amazing students who are at this school. it's given me a real appreciation for this community.
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i just couldn't wait to be here in person to say congratulations to the class of 2010. [ cheering ] i'm so happy for you all. i know this has been a long journey to get here. full of warm memories of teachers, friendship. >> and maybe not so warm memories of papers and tests. i know for some of you, there may have been times when you aren't quite sure you would make it. but you are here. i want you to soak it up. soak it up. you're here. you made it to this day. i want you all graduates to pat yourselves on the back. do a little patting. i want you to be proud of what you've accomplished to get here today.
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because i know your families are proud of you. your teachers are proud of you. and i am so proud of you all, i really am. and looking out at all of you, i am reminded that many of you have overcome a lot just to be here. much like the community of anacostia itself founded in the 1800s for folks who worked at the navy yard across the river. anacostia eventually became a place where people worked hard as clerks and civil servants and as teachers and tradesmen, where families looked out for one another, where strong churches were the heart and soul of the community. and yet we also know this community has had its share of struggles. for a long time anacostia was segregated. in its early years, it was even illegal for african-americans to own land in parts of this community.
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and even after those barriers were torn down, others emerged. poverty, violence, inequality. but despite these challenges, anacostia continues to push forward. that's what i admire about this community and what i admire about all of you all. in the face of incredible struggles, you refuse to be defined by the hardships or adversities. instead what defines you is perseverance. what defines you is character. what defines you is the same commitment to education, to hard work, to setting high standards for yourselves that has made this country great. it's a commitment reflected in anacostia alums like frederick gregory who graduated in 1958 from this school and became the first african-american in our history to command a space
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shuttle. it's reflected in the small business owners who have opened up furniture stores and theaters in the community, the artists and leaders who have lived in anacostia throughout generations who remain committed to the success of this community. it's reflected in a man once called the sage of anacostia, lived just a few blocks from this school in a home called cedar hill that i had a chance to take my girls to last summer. it's a beautiful home. as all of you know, i'm talking about frederick douglass. [ applause ] we remember him today as one of america's most eloquent and beloved leaders. i want you to think for a moment about what it took for frederick douglass to become that type of leader.
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just think about it. i want you to think about the odds he faced when he was your age. this is a man who was born into slavery. his mom died when he was a boy. he never knew his father. because it was illegal to educate slaves, taught himself how to read and write. he was just a couple of years older than you are today, he escaped from slavery, traveled all the way to england and made friends in britain who eventually bought his freedom. after he returned to america, frederick douglass became a leading abolitionist, an adviser to president lincoln and an inspiration to people of every creed and color fighting for equality not just for african-americans but for women and others until his final days. so i tell you this story because it is one of the best examples in our history of the american spirit. it's an example of someone
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picking themselves up in the face of adversity, persevering through thick and thin, and proving to the world that nothing can stop a person from pursuing their dreams. that's the same perseverance, the same character and the spirit that i know inhabits so many of you. i imagine for some of you all getting this far hasn't baseball . easy. perhaps there were those who wanted to write you off maybe because of assumptions they made about you or your school or your community. but every day you're proving them wrong. you're proving it doesn't matter what anyone thinks about you or what you can achieve. the only thing that matters, graduates, is what you think about yourself and what you're willing to do to achieve your goals. that's all that matters. how hard are you willing to work? how big are you willing to dream? over this past year, so many of
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you have shown us exactly what you can do. i'm told that over 100 of you in this class have college plans this year. that's 90% of this class. [ applause ] that's up from under 30 last year. what an achievement. i'm told 16 juniors and seniors this year have been awarded gates achievers scholarships to college because of their academic excellence. i understand that student attendance for the entire school is up 20% from last year. see, now that's a tribute to you, to everyone here today. and yet despite all you've achieved, despite all the obstacles you've already overcome with regard to your education, many of you may still be wrestling with your own personal issues and doubts. maybe you're taking care of a younger sibling.
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maybe you are responsible for an aging grandparent or child. maybe you're worried about your family's financial situation or maybe you're feeling crushed by the weight of life's responsibilities, maybe you feel like no one has your back, like you've been let down by people so many times that you've stopped believing in yourself. maybe you feel like your destiny was written the day you born and you out to just rein in your hopes and scale back your dreams. but if any of you are thinking that way, i'm here to tell you stop it. don't do that. don't ever scale back your dreams and don't ever set limits on what you can achieve. and don't think for one single moment that your destiny is out of your hands because no one is in control of your destiny but
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you. and it is never too late. you can do anything you put your minds to, and i mean absolutely anything. it's important for you all to know this. but what is true is that building a purposeful life for yourself is never easy. no one achieves success overnight. you know life doesn't work that way. anything worth having takes time and perseverance. you're going to have to push yourselves beyond your limits. you're going to have to step outside of those comfort zones. you're going to have to ask for help when you need it. more importantly, part of being a mature and functioning adult in this society is realizing that life is a series of tradeoffs. if you want a career that pays a good salary, then you have to work hard. you've got to be on time. you've got to finish what you start. you have to always keep your word.
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if you want a life free from drama, you can't hang out with people who thrive on drama. [ cheering ] you have to pick your friends wisely, pick your friends, surround your self with people who share your values and your goals. but i am confident if you're willing to show that kind of commitment and do what it takes, anything is possible for any every single one of you. you know why i'm so confident? because i'm looking at you. i've been watching y'all. i see your strength. i know what you're capable of. i know what kind of young men and women you are. i want the world to know that. this class is made up of young women like the remarkable student who introduced me, charity, whose positive attitude is a model for everyone around her. she's beautiful.
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charity, she's an editor of the paper, mentor for ninth graders and gates achiever's scholar. and she'll be following her own role model, her sister, to college in the fall. this class is made up of young men like your valedictorian jordan smiley, who grew up surrounded by violence, confronted by daily pressures and daily temptations to fall in with the wrong crowd. but jordan was blessed with amazing parents, supportive brothers and sisters. because of that will to overcome, he's been captain of the football team, the track and field teams. he's president student government. he's up here running this graduation. [ applause ] and today jordan becomes the first in his family to go to college. hampton man.
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[ applause ] this class is also made up of young men like rudolph eastman. where is rudolph? rudolph, i understand was raised by a single mother along with eight brothers and sisters. that right? whew! where is rudolph's mother. praise! [ applause ] understand that rudolph's older brother was killed in an act of gun violence. but in the face of tragedy and hardship, rudolph stayed focused, he worked hard, and today, like jordan, he becomes the first in his family to go to college. [ applause ]
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a belief in the importance of education, perseverance, character. these are the qualities that charity, jordan, rudolph and so many of you embody. these are the same qualities you'll need, and more, when you leave here and begin the next chapter of your lives. this is equally true for those of you headed to college as it is for those of you with other plans. to those of you who are college bound in the fall, i just hope you make the most of that experience. take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. make new friends. get to know your classmates. take classes that will challenge the way you think about the world. build relationships with professors that inspire you. don't sit in your room. get involved in activities that spark your passions and service
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organizations that touch your hearts. and the things i've been telling graduates all over this country is study abroad if you can. find a way to travel the world. above all, never stop finding new ways to push yourselves. never stop finding new ways to learn and to grow. and the same goes for those of you who aren't headed to college. you don't have to be on a college campus to educate yourself, or to create new opportunities to grow, or push yourself to think differently about the world. there are opportunities all over d.c. for you to enrich your lives and your minds. but we also know in this difficult economy, it's going to be tough to find a job. that means you're going to have to be creative with your approach. so here is some advice. be persistent. start with your immediate network of people. folks like the folks up here. reach out to people you admire in your community, teachers,
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pastors, business owners. talk to them about how they got started in their careers. community, teachers pastors and business owners and talk to them about how they got started in their careers. ask them for advice and guidance and most of all, stay positive p believe in yourselves and what you have to offer. and in there are not immediate prospects for a paid job, do what you can to make yourself more competitive and more marketable. take a class at a community college. see what kinds of training programs are available at a sdmu community center. consider an unpaid opportunity that might give you have a foot in the door and don't forget, even if you are not going to college right now, you can always apply later. it's never too late. the point is, no matter what you are doing next year, you have to be aggressive. you have to seize every opportunity that is available to
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you, you can't wait. you can't just sit around. don't expect anybody to come and hand you anything, it doesn't work that way. if you want your own destinys and you want to control them tomorrow, you have to start practicing who you want to be today, if you are afraid to reach for the things you want today, you will always be afraid. if you are afraid to speak up and ask for what you need today, you'll always be afraid. don't live in fear. but if you begin to take control of your destiny graduates, if you push yourself today, and practice takes risks today. that is what you will continue to do for the rest of your lives. and then once you do that, once you grab hold of your future and pull yourselves up, there's just
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one more thing you have to do. and that is reach back and pull someone else up after you. [ applause ] because the truth is, none of us can succeed on our own. we all need help along the way, even frederick douglas could not succeed on his own, he need today help of others to learn how to educate himself, he needed the help of others to gain his freedom and he needed support to grab his own future, and that will come from you. the support from the teachers you will have at anacostia, and it will come from friends too, friend who is bring out the best in you. friends who have your back and keep you focused on your dreams. and it's also going to come from your families. and again, we have to take a moment again to recognize the
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family members and remember that many of you are here because of what they have done. today, to all the family members, this is your day too. so we have to give the family members a round of applause. and if you are anything like my parents were when i graduated from high school, i can imagine how you must be feeling today. i know you are proud. i know you are a little relie relieved. but i suspect that some of you may also be feeling a little nervous. maybe you are worried the tough job market and how your child will find a job in this economy, maybe you are hesitatent about your child moving away from home to attend college. or if your child is the first to go to college, you are maybe wondering how do you help them
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with experiences you never had. i understand those worries because my parents had similar worries. my parent s did not have money o cover college tuition, neither of them went to college or had any idea how to support us. but family members, know this, you do not have to have lived the kind of life that you want your children to live to help them. your kids do not need you to be a doctor or lawyer, they do not need you to be rich and famous. what they need from you is your wisdom. what they need from you is your support. what they need from you is love. that unconditional love, the kind of love that lets them know that you will be there for them no matter what. that is all your kids need. and trust me, i know because when i was in their shoes, that is all i needed.
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growing up there were plenty of times that i doubted my capabilities, and those doubts were fueled by a lot of people around me. kids teasing me when i studied hard. teachers telling me not to reach too high because my test scores were not good enough. folks, making it clear with what they said and didn't say that success was not meant for a little girl like me from the south side of chicago. but let me tell you something, something else i remember, i remember my mom pushing me and my brother to do things she had never done herself. things she was afraid to do herself. what i remember is my father getting up every day and kbgoin to work at a water filtration plant, even after he was
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diagnosed with ms and it was hard for him to get up and button his shirt or walk. i remember them pouring everything they had into us and encouraging us to reach for a life they never knew. and it is because of them, and because of the support that i got from teachers and mentors that i am standing here today. [ applause ] and the barack were here, he would say the same was true for him. he would tell you it was hard at times growing up without a father. he would tell you that his family didn't have a lot of money. he would tell punish he made plenty of mistakes and was not always the best student.
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but he would tell you he turned things around thanks to his mother, and grandparents and the people who cared about him. and listen, graduates, the reason that he and i invest so much of our time and energy young people like you is because we see ourselves in each and every one of you. [ applause ] >> we are living proof for you that with the right support it doesn't matter what circumstances you were born into. or how much money you have or what color your skin is, or if you are committed. if you are committed to doing what it takes, anything is possible. it's up to you. so, i know the journey you have traveled may not have been easy. i know many of you have faced more than your fair share of hardships and adversities. i know you may be worried about
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what the future holds, but you have to understand that there are a lot of people out there who believe in you. i believe in you. the president of the united states of america believes in you. when times are hard for us inspire us. you keep us going and we are expecting big things from you in the years to come, big things. we are counting on you to be the very best people that you can be. we are expecting you to show the same perseverance and spirit that made it possible for you to be here today. we are expecting you to show the same commitment to a better life that has always made this country great. we are expecting you not only to claim your own destiny but to help others across anacostia,
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across d.c., across america, claim their's. and we are confident that what you'll do is exactly that. we know that you'll make us proud, because you already have. congratulations, class of 2010, we love you. god bless. [ applause ]


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