tv [untitled] February 27, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EST
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governor of louisiana, and one of those four was russell long. which makes him almost as old as i am. and also, an expert to tell us who can walk us back all the way through a much broader history of negative advertising in america than we might get somewhere else. bob, come on up and start us off. >> thank you michael. i'm delighted to be here and elizabeth is cracking the whip today and urged me to keep the presentation to about 20 minutes. so this is going to be the speed reader's, idiots guide to political advertising. we will go through it quickly. 47 years ago on the night of september 7th, 1964, an innocent girl changed advertising with a 60-second spot that exploded
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literally and figuretively, nuclear was joked by by one of the candidates. it was talked about being used in vietnam, it was said to have been just another weapon. and suggested that he was not serious when it came to the stewardship of the nuclear arsenal. the attacks on goldwater, introduced into our politics a new way of communicating with voters. examine any of the television spots created for candidates in 1952, or 1960 and view the goldwater spot in 1964 and you'll see no creative
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progression until you get to the lyndon johnson campaign. we will look at a few of the eisenhower spots. they are creative mainly in the sense this they represent the first spot advertising in american poll particulars and -- american politics and we will see those now. >> eisenhower answers america. >> they say we have never had it so good. yet, i have had to stop buying eggs, they are so expensive. >> no wonder, you pay 100 difference tax on one egg. we must cut costs which means we must cut taxes. >> eisenhower answers america. >> general, how would you clean up the mess in washington? >> my answer? it's not a one agency mess or a one department mess. it's a top to bottom mess. and i promise we will clean it
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up from top to bottom. >> eisenhower answers america. >> can you cut taxes, mr. eisenhower? >> we can and will if you help. taxes have gone up steadily for 15 years the democrats say they have to go up more, help me put the lid on crazy government spendsing. >> eisenhower, answers america. >> my children hear so much good government crime, they think everyone is crooked. >> i know, too many of our politicians have told integrity down the river. we must bring it back to washington. >> general, if war comes, is this country ready? >> it is not. the administration has spent many billions in national defense and we have not enough planes nor the fighting in
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korea, it's time for a change. >> eisenhower answers america. >> they say i never had it so good, but my pension will not feed me or my wife. >> it's not your pension, it's the same with our bonds and social security, they have all gone down, yes, it's time for a change. >> eisenhower, answers america. >> mr. eisenhower, what are you going to do about taxes? >> we are going bring them down. and here is how. we are going to cut out the billions that washington is waisting and put that money back in the pockets of the people. >> eisenhower, answers america. >> general, the democrats are telling me i never had it so good. >> can that be true when america is in debt and we are still fight engiing in korea? it's time for a change.
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>> how bad is waste in washington? >> how bad? recently just one government bureau actually lost $400 million and not even the fbi can find it. it's really time for a change. >> eisenhower answers america. >> i pay $24 for these groceries, look, for this little? >> a few years ago, those same groceries cost you 10 dollars and now $24 and next year, $30, that is what will happen unless we see a change. can you cut taxes mr. eisenhower? >> we can and we will, an -- the democrats say, taxes must go up. but we will put the lid on government spending. >> eisenhower answers america. >> i am 66, i cant live on my social security, nobody can.
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>> i stand for expanded social security and more real benefits. believe me, sir, if i am president, i'll give you older folks action, not just sympathy. >> eisenhower answers america. >> we retired on a less than pension, and we cannot live on it. >> you need over $4,000 to buy now what you used to by then. that is why i say, vote for change. >> can we stop this and move ahead to the next one? okay. that was many more than i wanted to play for you, you get the ideas, he ran dozens of these, all 15 seconds and they were the first spot advertising and the first and maybe last for some time use of spot advertising like that in political campaigns. i want move ahead and look at a steveson spot from the same
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election. well, while john is getting that set up, i'll tell you in between takes of that spots, eisenhower said to an aid, i think an old general should come to this. >>. ♪ old mcdonald had a farm back in '31 ♪ ♪ not a chick, chick, here. and farmer mac doesn't want to go to the days of 1931 when he didn't have bread when the day was done ♪ ♪ farmer mac knows what to do ♪ go vote with everyone in the usa ♪
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♪ to vote for stevenson to keep his farm this way ♪ ♪ for a vote from here and there for stevenson. ♪ ♪ all america loves that farm ♪ vote stevenson today >> okay. so, the songs were popular and kennedy used them as well. we will fast forward and look at a spot by richard nixon and john kennedy. i think the kennedy spot may be the first one. >> this is the sills family, kennedy visited the sills. >> they are facing one of the great problems that all american families are now facing and that is the great increase in the cost of living. >> our rent has gone up, our food, our cleaning of our clothing, buying of the
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clothing, our gas and electric and our telephone bills have gone up. >> what has been your experience as far as keeping those two daughters of yours -- >> we would like them to go to college. >> have you been able to put much aside? >> unfortunately not right now. >> one of the things that i think has increased the cost of living has been this administration reliance on a high interest rate policy. my own judgment is that we have to try to do a better job in the fields. >> yes, we can do better, but we must elect the man that cares about america's problems. >> next is a nixon spot from 1960. >> ladies and gentlemen, the vice president of the united states, richard nixon. >> i want to talk to you for a moment, about civil rights, equal rights for all of our citizens.
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why must we vigorously defend them? first because it's right and just and second because we cannot committee successfully with communism if we fail to utilize the minds of all of our citizens and third, the whole world is watching us. when we fail to grants equality to all, that makes bad news for america all over the world. now the record shows there's been more progress in civil rights notiin the past eight ye because this administration has insisted to making progress. i want to continue and speed up that progress. >> so you'll notice that technically, and creates i havely, these spots do not -- and creatively these spots do not evolve, and they rely on fact-based appeal s no emotion,i
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want to move forward and watch a barry goldwater spot. stop this, john, this is actually out of orders. this is the volgs wagon spot. john kennedy saw the spots that were being done by advertisers and he told his brother-in-law, go find me the firm that did these ads, i want them to advertise, do my ads in 1964, and this is how he got account in 1964 for lyndon johnson, this is a car ad they did. >>
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>> okay, those spots were out of order, and that was my fault. we will look at the goldwater spot and i'll come back and put it in perspective. >> don't look now, young man, the hand of big government is in your pocket. it's taking four months pay from what your daddy earns every year. and it's taking the security out of your grandmother's social security. >> you know, that is a great trouble with big government, it takes more and more of your earnings and destroyed individual initiative and responsibility. government must draw its strength from the people, as it's drains away the strength, it must under mine the foundations of self government. join me in helping to restore the individual freedoms and initiatives this nation new.
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to make government the serve ants and not the master of us all. in this free nation, we do not choose to be ruled, we elect to be governed. >> in your heart, you know he is right. vote for barry goldwater. >> it's really frozen in time, it's not different from the spots that were shown ten years earlier. now we arrive at the johnson campaign and the spots that changed american politics, what were going to be known as the daisy girl spot was produced and seen by 50 million people and i would like do note that one of the creators of the spot is with us today. this is sid meyers. sid is a legend -- well, that will be determined later, i think. sid is a legend in the advertising business and he was a senior art director for ddb in 1964 and was a key player in the
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daisy girl spot and he is joined here with some of thinks colleagues with the new firm. chuck schroeder and his wife bonnie are here as well, i hope you can visit them and talk with him. these are the original madmen that you are seeing right here. so, we will watch the spot, the daisy girls spot that was shown only once as a paid ad. >> one, two, three, four, five, seven, six, six, eight, nine, nine -- ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
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these are the stakes. to make a world in which all of god's children can live or to go into the dark, we must either love each other or we must die. vote for president johnson on november 3rd, the stakes are too high to stay home. >> it never mentions goldwater's image, they didn't have to because his position was already embedded in the viewer's minds, they did not need to provide that information. in the following week, dthe following monday, this is the spot that aired. >> do you know what people used to do? they used to explode atomic bombs in the air, now children should have lots of vitamin a
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and calcium, but not any of the chemicals. these things come from atomic bombs and they are radioactive. they can make you die. do you know what people finally did? they got together and signed a nuclear test banned treety and then the poison started to go away, but now there's a man who wants to be a president of the united states, he does not like the treaty. he fought against it and vote against it. he wants to go on testing more bombs and his name is barry goldwater, if he is elected they might start testing again. >> the stakes are too high to stay home. >> here are another couple of spots that build on that theme as goldwater as a dangerous radical.
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>> this particular phone only rings in a serious crisis. keep it in the hands of a man who has proven himself responsible. vote for president johnson on november 3rd. >> and this one uses goldwater's words against him. >> on october 24th, goldwater called the nuclear bomb, merely another weapon. merely another weapon? vote for president johnson, the stakes are too high for you to stay home. >> nuclear was not the only subject that they were using against goldwater, one spot that sid was primarily sponsored for ridiculed goldwater's statement of sawing off the eastern sea board of the united states.
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[ sawing sounld -- sound ] >> in a saturday evening post article, barry gold waiter said, sometimes i think this country would be better off if we can saw off the eastern seaboard and let it float to sea. can he be expected to serve all the people justly and fairly? vote for president johnson on november 3rd, the stakes are too high for you to stay home. >> notice that there's a minimum amount of information in these
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spots but they are rich and memorable images, that was one of the key innovation that sid and his colleagues achieved in that year. the daisy girl spot and 27 of them in all, were the first spots that use creative advertising principals, in a presidential campaign except for the 15 second eisenhower spots which were kind of a bursts of creativity that went away. they were the first in a political era in which candidates effectively used emotion, not reason to win election. the daisy gifrls spots, manipulation of the fears residing in american viewers showed a new generation that television advertising and campaigns was more than just about the facts it was about which candidate could give meaning to the facts and fears the voters already possessed. and today the dna of the spots is clearly still a part of the political advertising.
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>> okay, the next spot is we are going jump ahead a few years from 1988, it's dthe famous spo. it's a good example of how an existing narrative about a candidate requecan be put to go use. it can create news in which the ad melds together to create something larger. let's see the spot now. >> there's a bear in the woods, for some people the bear is easy to see. others don't see it at all some people say the bear is tame. others take it's vicious. and dangerous.
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since no one can be sure who is right, isn't it smart to be as strong as the bear? if there's a bear? >> okay, that is my fault. that is the famous bear spot, which was a demonstrating like the daisy girl spot that existing narratives in the viewer's mind can be put to use and don't require lots of factual information. now we will see the wil horton spot. >> bush and dukakis on crime. bush supports the death penalty for first degree murders, dukakis does not support it and allows prisoners to have weekend passes. one was willie horton, he stabbed a boy 19 times, and despite a life sentence, he received sentence weekend passes, weekend prison passes,
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dukakis on crime. >> jane wrote a interesting piece about that spot in the "new worker." now to 2004, one of the famous swift boat ads aimed at john kerry's record in vietnam. it was an example of how to use creative advertising to create news. >> they had personally raped, cut off ears and cut off heads. >> the accusations that john kerry made against the veterans that served was devastating. >> randomly shot at civilians. cut off limbs. blown up bodies. >> that was part of the torture was to sign a statement that you had committed war crimes. >> raided villages. >> john kerry gave the enemy for
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free what i and many of my come radss in north vietnams in the prison camps took torture to avoid saying. >> crimes committed on day-to-day basis. >> dishonored his country and more importantly the people he served w he told them out. >> swift vote veterans for truth and responsible for the content of the advertising. >> here is a spot from 2008, where mccain's comments about the economy are autosed against him.
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>> our economy, i think, still the fundamentals of our economy are strong. the fundamentals of our economy are strong. the fundamentals of our economy are strong. >> i'm barack obama and i proofed this message. >> as you can see from the quick review, the spirit of daisy gif girl, using emotions already in the hearts and minds of voters and bringing them to the surface lives on. in 1964, the campaign introduced fear, primarily but not only fear, but fear as a powerful emotion in poll particulars ati and it showed in many ways that just about anything could be fair game if misused and i would point out, that sid arguines th
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he did not misuse the truth but we have seen cases where it has been. much of the political world we experience today was born in the presidential campaign of 1964. emotion and fear as a tool of politici politicians, we will discuss, it and here to stay. thanks very much. >>. [ applause ] >> now we will go to the seconds part of this which is going to look at the current environment. i'll retitle this segment though, a goldstein answers america. tom goldstein is the go-to guy about the current state of the political ads. i want to say one thing, this current campaign is half over and yet we may not get a better epithate then newtitics is a na
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vicious and horrible business. he said that when five of ten ads in iowa were negative. many aimed at him, that late december to bring us up to speed at how i looks now, tom goldstein, used to be at the university of wisconsin and director of thei said, knows more about the data and the ads in the race than anyone els on up, tom. >>. [ applause ] >> so tom you have to settle forenn,ot th wrong, no big deal. start by shg a number of ads that are currently aired in the republican presidential primary and then what i want doout whatg
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on currently but put into context what the use and effect of negative ads are. let's start by looking at the ads. >> it's the story of a lost city. lost opportunity. lost hope. a story of failed policies, failed leadership. the story of smoothd talking politicians, insider deals, and games of he said she said, rhetoric and division. one man has stood apart. stood strong, and true. voting against every tax increase, every unbalanced budget, every time. standing up to the washington machine, guided by principal, ron paul. armed with a plan to cut a trillion year one, eliminate the
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