tv [untitled] February 28, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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it was a significant number of the senators that talked about doing the same thing. i commend and applaud their work doing that. >> i want to make a couple observations on what was said. we have negotiated the top line for the discretionary spending for this coming fiscal year. that process is normally done by the passage of a budget by the house and a passage by of the senate and some reconcile yags between the two bodies on on the top line, but you already have that number. i want to second what my friend the majority leader said. there's no good reason for this institution not to move toward with an appropriations process that avoids what we have done so frequently under both parties for years and years. these are continuing resolutions or omnibus appropriations, we have an opportunity to avoid that this year. it's the basic work of congress,
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and i just want to second what the majority leader said and congratulate senator alexander and senator pryor for their leadership on this issue. i hope we can join together and do the basic work of government this year and do it in a timely fashion. i commend the majority leader and social myself with comments. >> welcome to hour one of washington today. i'm steve scully. thank you for being with us. mitt romney is trying to reclaim his early standing as the front-runner in this republican race, but he faces a key test in michigan. he's expected to win arizona, by the way, where polls show him a single digit and some polls with a double digit lead. michigan is a state where he was born, and he accused rick santorum of trying to hijack a
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victory by making automated phone calls to democrats. rick santorum is brushing aaside that criticism. you heard a portion a moment ago saying mitt romney fries to win the support of independents in earlier states. the dow jones closed above 13,000 for the first time since may of 2008. for a while earlier this month, the dow did reach 13,000 only to fall back, but today it closed above 13,000 four months before the financial crisis hit in may of 2008 was the last time the dow jones industrial average reached that benchmark. stocks get a boost today from a report that consumer confidence jumped in february to its highest level in a year. a prosecutor says that 17-year-old support in the fatal ohio shooting did not know his victims and chose them randomly in chardon, ohio. the prosecutor said that suspect t.j. lane admitted to firing ten shots yesterday.
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three students were killed and two others are wounded. reaction in washington from house speaker john boehner who in a news conference down-played new legislation in light of the shootings in his native ohio. he was asked whether this would prompt a legislative crackdown on gun rights and the house speaker says, let's be honest there's about 250 million guns in america, so they are out there but people should use them responsibly. let's begin with the lead story at this hour. that is politics and a key primary in michigan. the polls open from the detroit news. mitt romney was smiling as he paid a visit to his campaign headquarters on it this primary dash day but his grin disappeared after he started to talk about rick santorum. romney scored santorum over the automated phone calls urging democrats to vote against romney's in today's republican primary. we begin with some of the comments of mitt romney in michigan.
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>> is michigan proving a little bit more difficult than you expect? >> about ten days or ago or two weeks aago i was down 13 points in michigan. right for you it looks like too close to call. i don't think the pollster know what will happen. we can't be 100% sure what will happen. the fact we made up 15 points in two weeks is really extraordinary. i'm also pleased that our debate went very well, i think, when senator santorum said he's taking one for the team. that pointed out that the practices of washington are very different than the kind of rhetoric you hear on a campaign. i think the american people want someone that will do something that's right for america, not just taking one for the team. i think the hardest thing about predicting what will happen today is whether senator santorum's effort to call democrat households and tell them to come out and vote against mitt romney is going to
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be successful or not. i think republicans have to recognize there's a real effort to kidnap our primary process. if we want republicans to nominate the republican that takes on barack obama, i need republicans to get the out and vote and say no to the dirty tricks of a desperate campaign. >> so many states have been squeakers. are you satisfied by and large of how your campaign has been run so far? >> i'm very pleased with the campaign. the candidates sometimes make mistakes, so i'm trying to do bertd a better and work harder. the in the final analysis i anticipate becoming the nominee, because what people want to talk about is the economy and how to get good jobs in the country again. a lot of other issues came up. this comes down to a question of who creates jobs that have rising incomes for the american people. i know how the economy works, and that's how i'll be
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successful in the final analysis. we have four candidates battling it out. this isn't over in a day or two. >> mitt romney as he stopped by his campaign headquarters in michigan earlier in the day and taking reporters' questions for the first time in about two and a half weeks he took reporters' questions, although he appeared on fox news sunday with chris wallace. he's shying away from national press conferences or interviews. rick santorum responding to the earlier comments that mitt romney made that rick santorum is trying to hijack this primary in michigan by asking democrats to strovote for rick santorum. here's the response from the pennsylvania senator. >> even though the romney campaign said it was a dirty trick. >> i see. when he recruits 53% of the voters in new hampshire that are not republicans, that's okay. when he recruits folks that aren't republicans that's already who aren't the decisive votes in the election. when i have a message of growth and opportunity instead of
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running negative ads or robocalls with my voice from four years ago, that's not a dirty trick. i don't complain about it. i'm a big guy. i can take it. if someone wants to take cheap shots, but to whine and complain -- >> that's a cheap snot? >> to use a voice from four years ago saying i endorse him, you tell me what that is. i'm talking about the issues and talk about what will get our country back on track and we're going to get voters we need to win this election and we're going to do that here in michigan. >> the comments of rick santorum earlier in the day in michigan. the polls showing this race is too close to call. something that going into february many people expected an easy ride for mitt romney. he is from michigan and he won it four years ago when he was challenging senator john mccain. joining us flooif washington is the national political reporter for politico and thank you for being with us. >> hi, steve. >> let's begin by asking the
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earlier romney saying he was down 15 points in michigan. what survey had him down that far? many surveys had him up leading into this month. >> it did, steve. there have been a lot of surveys showing him with an advantage. it was a public polling survey that tappeared out the blue and was a jarring sfwri into the political landscape to have an ij of 15 points over romney nnz many in his home state. because of that number it alarmed lots of folks affiliated with romney in the state of michigan and enabled him to frame his campaign as having something of a comeback of sorts in michigan as he began to pare back that lead which is kind of fleeting and transitionary in that one poll. >> look at what the rules state in michigan. independents can cast their ballot. rick santorum in his campaign. it was paid by the santorum campaign asking those democrats to vote today. what impact do you think with the polls still open in michigan
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will that have tonight on the results? it won't have an enormous impact on the polls. there's various estimates. no one really knows. i think if it has an impact at all, it will be in the single digits as in single digit percentage points. you hear some folks say it has an impact at the margins. there certainly is a concerted effort of sorts, particularly in the progressive blogosphere, and there's a history of that happens over the time over the years in michigan. it never played an enormous role, and it's probably going to play sort of a marginal role, if any at all, today. >> i'm going to pick up what your caller wrote today for politico, some things to watch in michigan and arizona. we'll talk about arizona in a moment. let's take it two different ways. let's assume that mitt romney wins by one or two percentage points. is a win a win, or is a narrow
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victory a loss for mitt romney? zool i think it depends on the state. obviously, you hit the key calculus there. each state is different in terms of what the impact will be. michigan is a special sfat for mitt romney. he laid it out as a state that had a chokehold there. he was born there and his father was governor. to lose the state, i think, would really, really cause a huge problem for him and you'll see that reflected in the headlines tomorrow. the next question is what is an acceptable victory, is it five points or four? anything under five points you'll see a lot of headlines and questioning how durable his campaign is. you'll see members of congress scratching they are head and acting alarmed. you'll see a degree of uncertainty and head scratching in the republican party about their -- the viability of the
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front-runner. if you can't win in your moem state, where you were born and your dad was a governor, then where can you win? >> let's take the other side of the equation. if you believe the polls and some polls have rick santorum up two percentage points, hypothetically if he were to win the state by one, two, or three percentage points, how does that change this race. >> any win by rick santorum in michigan is almost like a bomb going off in this race. it will set off alarms and dictate the direction of coverage, whether it's almost any public indication is going to make note of na, and it's going to raise steers questions about mitt romney. having said that, if romney wins anything over 5 percentage points probably buys him some time and gets the anywnaysayers lay off this week. >> in ohio it shows that rick
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santorum at least in na snapshot poll is up 7 percentage points. >> yeah. his numbers probably look pretty good in ohio and for a couple of reasons. ohio has that rust belt ethos in many ways not different than michigan. it's a culture familiar to rick santorum as somebody who represented a district in congress in pennsylvania, in western pennsylvania. he was in the senate from pennsylvania. so these are environments in which he's familiar with. he knows how to speak to these voters. if he's in contention in michigan, ohio is not altogether a different political division. there's big differences between the states, but those two states, michigan and ohio, have a lot more in common than michigan and arizona. >> let's talk about arizona. if if the polls are accurate, mitt romney should win by at least the low single digits. one survey had him up as high as
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six percentage points and another post had him up by five. >> i think the expectation is a double-digit win. there's lots of reasons why he's got -- one similarity he has in michigan is much of the establishment is lined up behind his. he has a strong position against illegal immigration, and that appeals to many in the republican base in arizona. there's a significant mormon population in arizona, which works to his advantage. he has lots of different advantages in arizona that are reflected in the polls you see across the board. >> look at super tuesday next week. where are the states that the candidates put much of the attention? >> i think it depends on the candidate, steve. certainly ohio is a real battleground. that's a state of great importance to mitt romney and rick santorum regardless of what happens tonight. i think when you take a look at the whole of the field, newt gingrich is not contesting today in any way. he's going to be con tracentrat
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in georgia and tennessee. if he's going to get back into in race and get back to being a relevant, viable candidates those are the states he can do it. he can't compete in virginia where he's not on the ballot, and ohio is probably not as favorable to a politician of his style as it be to santorum and mitt romney. caucus states are a mixed bag. santorum is doing well there. but caucus states reward organization and infrastructure, and that's not the strong suit of santorum and gingrich in many ways. it's more suited to the ron paul organization or mitt romney who has the resources and ability to compete across the board. >> we're talking about charles matisse from politico. this is a serve serving question for tonight. when do you think we'll see rick santorum tonight? i know politico is produces
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extensive coverage. >> i think it depends what time the races are called, steve. mitt romney and rick santorum are both in michigan tonight, and so they're both on opposite stids of the state. the polls close in michigan at 8:00 and 9:00 eastern time. there's two times there, because there are four upper peninsula counties that report a little later. the understanding is that the ap and probably the networks won't call that race before 9:00 p.m., which is the poll closing time for the four western counties there. it will probably be sometime after that. >> charles matisse, thanks for being with us. your work is available online at politi polititic our live coverage will get under way this evening with speeches by ron paul and newt gingrich and also sometime after 9:00 eastern time when the results come in from michigan, we expect to hear from rick santorum and
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mitt romney. live coverage streamed on the waebt, and here on sp span radio. the detroit free press discussing another story today writing about the president's appearance here in washington before the uaw, the united auto workers with its national community action program. the conference is here in our nation's capital. the detroit free press says the president delivered a rousing, combative speech today for a government intervention that he said helped save the american auto industry and promises to battle on to protect the rights of workers. the timing and mood of this speech was notable writes the detroit free press as the president delivered it to 1600 members here in the nation's capital. a moment ago voters in michigan helping to decide the republican nominee. here's more from the president earlier today here in washington. >> maybe the naysayers finally
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come around. goit to admit, it's been funny to watch some of these folks completely try to rewrite history now that you're back on your feet. the same folks who said if we went forward with our plan to rescue detroit, you can kiss the american automotive sfri good-bye. they say we were right all along. or you have followings saying the real problem is the workers. they all made out like bandits. the saving the auto industry was just about pag back the unions. really? i mean, even by the standards of this town, that's a load of you know what.
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about 700,000 retirees had to make sacrifices on their health care benefits they had earned. a lot of you saw hours reduced or pay or wages scaled back. you gave up some rights at workers. promises were made to you over the years that you gave up for the sake and survival of is it industry, its workers and families. you want to talk about sacrifice, you made sacrifices. this wasn't an easy thing to do. let me tell you, i keep on hearing these same folks talk about values all the time. you want to talk about values? hard work is a value. looking out for one another is a value. the idea that tweer all in it together and i'm my brother's keeper and sister's keeper, that's a value.
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>> the congress with the president speaking before the uaw. of course, republicans criticized in large part for focusing so much on social issues especially in the presidential campaign. today house republicans use the occasion to talk about gop efforts to boost the u.s. economy and focus on jobs. comments from representative eric cantor is the house republican leader as he spoke to reporters joined by the speaker of the house john boehner and lau laura who is from ward williston oil company taking place on capitol hill. >> we're here joined by many entrepreneurs from across the country who have come here today with success, because their success was earned by running businesses and succeeding in the very tough economy that we're
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in. as has been noted, these entrepreneurs made it through the crash years of '06 and '08, and there's plenty of entrepreneurs who have not. it is for them that we're here. we are here to make sure that we can jump start this economy. we are here all behind what's called the jobs act that will be votes on in the house the next week. this is the jobs act, jump start or business startups act. it is a compilation of bills that some of which have been voted on the floor of the house with heavy bipartisan support. these are bills which also reflect the work of the president's job council. as has been shown today, the white house has said we need to get started jump starting our business startups, and that's exactly what the bill does. many members here that speak have bills in the pack cage.
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they range from increasing the ability from small business to access capital to bills which tend to reduce the regulatory burden on startup businesses and frankly allowed them to flourish and grow. that's what we believe is the secret to the success of growing this economy. it is get the small business engine started again. so with na itthat it's my pleaso call upon lori kunnigton, she's a successful entrepreneur here in washington to join the effort to try and jump start or small businesses. lori. >> thank you, thank you. first of all, i want to say as we look at our country and how to motivate our economy, it's entrepreneu entrepreneurs. every company in this country was started by an entrepreneurs. what leader cantor has done for
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us is given us this opportunity to unshackle some of these things that bind us. at my company, which is an energy company, this is going to create -- let us create the opportunity to create jobs and we're really grateful for that. thank you. >> next, of course, is the speaker of the house who has been nothing but a champion for the small businesses and being a small businessman himself knowing the importance of growing our small business space. >> let me just say thank you and your team and all the members behind us who worked hard to put this bill together. red tape, bureaucracy, lack of access to capital makes it difficult to create new businesses. right now they have new business startups at the lowest level we've seen in some 30 years. if we're serious about growing our economy and creating opportunities for fellow citizens, making sure that we get rid of the red tape and that
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people have access to capital are critically importance. as eric said, i used to run a small business. i know about the red tape and bureaucracy and how difficult it is to put a the capital together to take an idea and turn it into a real business. i want to thank all the nebs for their work during the state of the union address the president called for ideas just like this in order to increase business startups in our country. i hope that the democrats and the white house join us in moving this stre important bill. >> the comments of the speaker of the house, john boehner, as republicans in the house of representatives try to push forth their jobs bill. we'll have reaction from the white house. the issue came up today at the daily briefing. questions to press secretary jay carney. >> reps are repeatedly criticized the president for not working with them on their jobs act. what is the president's position on working with the speaker and others on their version of a
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jobs act? >> i think there is great opportunity to -- great overlap in between this administration's position on some of these issues, especially with with regard to small businesses. i believe the house majority leader put forward on politico some of his policy proposals and there's real opportunity to work to get a lot of that done. it goes right to the point that i've been making that conventional wisdom holds that we can't accomplish things at that both the administration and congress controlled largely by the other party can agree on, but that's not true. that's a perfect example of an area to find common ground and can achieve some of the things that after all a number of the items that the house majority leader put forward in na op-ed in politico are ones that the president suggested in september and he reiterated at the state
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of june address. i think that congress needs to come together, and there's an opportunity if there's a willingness to compromise on the margins if you will because there is great overlap here. to get those bills and those items done where there is agreement. so we certainly hope and examine the congress will do that. >> the discussion from both ends of pennsylvania avenue, at the white house reaction to the republican jobs bill plan as outlined by congressman eric cantor and the speaker of the house john boehner and reaction from jay carney. news tonight about maine senator olympia snow. she's a moderate republican, but announcing tonight according to the "washington post" that she will likely not seek re-election. "the washington post" is saying this with regard to two sources with knowledge of the plans. they say that represents a major set back for the republican effort to remain in the senate. as a moderate she may be the
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only hope to hold a seat in this strongly blue state. republicans did regain the governorship with paula page, b but in a more neutral requirement and anyway federal race dems heavily favored to take this seelt away from republicans. this story posted a short while ago. it's available online at you're listening to washington today. we kl woman listening and we're streamed on the web at first other news on wall street oof a couple of tries the dow finishes above 13,000 today for the first time since 2008. dow was up 23 closing at 13,005. nasdaq was up 20, s&p was up 4. a surge in earnings by the biggest banks at end of the last year made 2011 the most profitable time for the industry in five years.
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more earnings and fewer troubled banks suggesting the history has healed. the federal dpovt insurance company saying that the bank earnings rose in the october to december quarter to over $26 billion. that's 23% higher than earnings in the final quarter of 2010. about 60% of banks reported improved earnings. only 20% were unprofitable. for the year earnings hit almost 120 doll dole billion, the most since twix. a new poll shows americans' belief in global warming ises on rise along with temperatures and the weather changes. the survey tsz 62% of those skd last december think the arm is gets warmer, an increase in 35%. that's it is highest percentage in two dwreerz. nearly half base it on their own personal observation of the weather. climate scientists say daily local weather is not evidence of
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climate change, but they aums say long-term climate change so dramatic that people recognize it and experience it. uns political chief says well over 500 people have died in the syrian violence. he spoke to the security council today that both the syrian government and international community have failed to stop 11 months of carnage na began with a government crackdown. pasco cannot give the exact casualty figures, but there's credible reports that more than 100 civilians die in syria every single day. a veteran whose world twar two exploitss depicted in band of brothers. they say buck compton died off the weekend p in burlington, washington. he was 90 years old. he was known for heading the team of lawyers that prosecuted sirhan for the killing of robert
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