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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EST

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captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2008 planning terrorist attacks, conducting terrorist attacks. supporting radical islamist groups. all the while the united states sat on the sidelines and did nothing or slow-walked what was necessary to stop this regime from spreading terror and doing something even worse, developing a nuclear weapon which would provide the ultimate shield for the propagation of terror, potentially weapons of mass
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destruction through terrorist organizations as well as we've seen the overhyped and overheightened rhetoric about the destruction of the state of israel. as i've sat and watched this play out on the world stage, i've seen a president who has been reticent. he says he has israel's back. from everything i've seen from the conduct of this administration, he has turned his back on the people of israel. we now have an announcement today that the administration has agreed to open talks with the iranian government. that is in spite of u.n. resolutions that say they must stop the processing of their nuclear fuel in order to get those negotiations. another appeasement, another delay, another opportunity for them to go forward while we talk.
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ladies and gentlemen, listening to the prime minister's speech last night, and then listening to the president's, there's a clear and unfortunate, tragic, disconnect between how the leaders of our -- of the country of israel and the country of the united states view the exigency of this situation. prime minister netanyahu was very clear. israel is not at peace with what's going on in iran and the process that is moving forward there. there is a concern, obvious concern, about what this administration is doing or not doing to bring this issue to a head before that final line is
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crossed and it is too late. that's why i believe that we need to do more than just talk. we need to set forth a clear ultimatum to the iranian government. we need to say to the iranian government, the time is now. you will stop your nuclear production now. you will open up your facilities for inspectors from the united states and other countries so we can certify that those efforts are stopping and being dismantled now.
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any further delay from action now simply encourages -- simply encourages the iranian regime to take america, well, what they've done in taking america over the past several years, which is not seriously -- not serious about stopping them from their quest for a nuclear weapon. the fact that we had the chairman of the joint chiefs suggesting that we're not sure yet that iran is really going to pursue or has made the decision to develop a nuclear weapon. just shows, again, the disconnect that they know we have, that the insincerity of our leaders in telling the truth to the american public about what is actually going in iran
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today, how radical this regime is. the hyperrhetoric about not just the state of israel but targeting jews in specific. let's be honest with the american public about who these radical islamists are who are running the government of iran and what their intention is. their intention is not just to control the middle east. their intention is not just to protect themselves from being attacked. these are radical theocrats that don't just want to destroy the state of israel, they are radical theocrates who believe it's their destiny to not just conquer and destroy those in their way in the middle east but far beyond that. these are the folks who have been very clear about what their intent. and the idea that they won't -- that if they do get a nuclear
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weapon that they won't use it, well, because they're rational actors as general dempsey said. what leads you to believe that these folks are rational actors? rational actors don't call for the destruction of other states, call them cancers, preach radical theologies. rational actors don't send 100,000 children as minesweepers during the iran/iraq war. rational actors do not develop nuclear capability, call it for nuclear power, when they have hundreds of years of oil and gas to provide for their power and medical research.
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these are essentially irrational actors. we need to put that ultimatum in place, and then we need to be prepared if that ultimate ultim not met to engage prime minister netanyahu and the people of israel in an effort to make sure that if they do not tear down those facilities, we will tear down them ourselves. this is not bellicose and warmongering this is preventing the most radical regime in the world from having a weapon that
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could fundamentally change the security posture not just of the middle east, but as we've seen with planned attacks here in the united states, a nuclear iran with a nuclear shield to project terror around the world is a nightmare for all freedom-loving people in the world. under a santorum administration we would find no gap between israel and the united states because our interests are united in stopping the world from having a radical terrorist organization which happens to be governing the stateme of iran fm having a weapon that will destroy the opportunity for peace and prosperity for the world. my final point i would make to you is this --
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we see energy prices going up, and it's obviously caused in part by the tensions in the middle east. i would encourage everyone here to begin to work with us to make sure that the radical environmental movement in this country does not stop the production of oil and gas in this country and pipelines that need to be built so we can become energy independent and not rely on the middle east and bad actors for the supply of oil and gas to the world. thank you all very much. god bless aipac, god bless america, thank you.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome aipac national board member ann davis. ♪ >> georgia senator johnny isakson had a staunch advocate for the u.s./israel relationship. the senator has reached across party lines and teamed with his democratic colleague barbara boxer twice in the past few years to send a loud, resounding and bipartisan message about america's commitment to israel's security. the senator has been one of the most vocal proponents of a negotiated peace. he has penned two letters outlining america's vision for a
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future agreement based on direct talks without preconditions. senator isakson has traveled to israel and understands the pervasive threat it faces from iran. the senator has advocated for imposing crippling sanctions on the regime. he has co-sponsored multiple resolutions calling for the immediate implementation of sanctions currently on the books. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome a dear personal friend of mine and a great friend of aipac, the senator from georgia, johnny isakson. ♪
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>> well, thank you very much. ann davis and her husband jay, and my dear friends from georgia, they are also members of aipac who have done a great job of educating members of congress like myself about the miracle that is israel. i had a privilege to travel to israel and see firsthand the miracle that is that great country. i stood over the last israeli outpost that overlooked gaza while they were firing missiles. i've seen the proximity to syria and lebanon and what a close neighborhood it is. that's why i believe fundamentally and importantly that any nation like iran, the fundamentalist republic of iran when it declares the destruction of the jewish people and the state of israel, then it has forfeited any right for any consideration to possess any material that could carry out that goal.
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last night mitch mcconnell made a unilateral statement of where we should be as a congress, republican and democrat. when we have the evidence and the intelligence that iran has the capability, we should declare the necessary legislation to give the president the full authority to see to it has to never exercised and that we take them on because they possess it and they have it or they're developing it. i have been very pleased to work with senator boxer from california on a piece of legislation which will be introduced this week. you are going to the hill today and your job is to carry the message, and part of that message needs to be what we call the enhanced cooperation act of 2012 for the united states and israel. it states fundamentally and clearly and reaffirms our
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unwavering commitment as a country to the state of israel, our unwavering commitment to see to it it has the materiel to defend itself, to make sure they get the cooperation from the united states to help pursue a two-state settlement as long as its neighbors of israel recognize fully israel's right to exist. as senator levin said earlier, it commits us to a missile defense strategy to make sure that iran knows if it makes a strike on israel, it will be debilitated by the israeli military system. it makes sure we expand the strategic stockpile authorization from 200 million to 400 million so israel has united states material on the ground in israel and can get permission to use it by the united states of america as it once in the past har already done. it ensures that we foster more
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cooperation between the -- between nato and israel to ensure that all the world that loves peace, liberty, and freedom and the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness work together with the state of israel to ensure its security and longevity in this great world of ours. go tell that story today when you talk to your congressman and senator, it's awn unequivocal pledge of friendship to the state of israel. there should not be one scintilla of wiggle room when it comes to republican or democrat and the state of israel and its security. there is a second subject i want you to talk about. it's the 2007 commitment the united states made to israel for a ten-year, $30 billion investment in the state of
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israel and its ability to defend itself. president obama has recommended this year in his budget $3.1 billion of that commitment and we need to see to it that commitment is met. you know, there are a lot of people who question in difficult times spending american taxpayer money on foreign assistance. but when you talk about the state of israel, it's not assistance. it's an investment in the security of peace, freedom, and liberty worldwide. ask yourself this question -- how much money would it cost the united states of america if there wasn't an israel to be able to have a presence in the middle east? ten times more than the investment we make in israel. when we went into afghanistan after the attack of 9/11, we had to rent the kyrgyzstan airport
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to make sure we could get in. we need to have a friend in the area that is safe, secure, and an ally of the united states and has the ability to defend itself and our joint interest in that region. now, lastly and equally important, senator graham has introduced a great resolution that declares that containment is not a policy that works with a rogue nation. you can't just constrain iran's nuclear ambition, you have to prevent it. and that's why when you take senator graham's resolution and combine it with a statement made last night by mitch mcconnell, any ayatollah and a president knows there's no wiggle room in america when it comes to iran. there will be no development of, use of, or deployment of any fisible material for any purpose whatsoever as long as the state of iran has its stated purpose in terms of the destruction of the people of israel and the israeli nation.
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you know, in washington lobbying has a bad connotation. you're getting ready to go do some of it, but it's really not lobbying. you're telling your story. you're telling the story of your heritage and the future of your children and your grandchildren. you're telling the story that's the great miracle of israel and what it takes with our two countries to commit to a future for israel that is safe and secure and at peace with its neighbors. that is not a lobbying for a benefit. it's lobbying for a principle. it's lobbying for your future. it's lobbying for your heritage. tell the story with compassion and with sincerity and understand that there should be and will not be if you do a good job a scintilla of light between republicans and democrats. we will be united locked in arms for the state of israel and the security of the people of the state of israel. god bless you, and thank you very much.
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♪ ♪ >> i was raised in a family that was definitely pro-israel, they were always talking to me about israel. my maternal grandfather was a founder of aipac in dallas. i've been on a mission to israel as a youth and really enjoyed it and felt it being a part of me. my involvement really stepped up, though, in 2006 when
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hezbollah rained rockets down over millions of civilians, homes that i'd been to, people that i knew, i took it very personally. i took it in a very different way. always grew up with such pride in my generation. i was born in 1967. israel was a military might and never lost a war, and now i see civilians being hunkered down into shelters for 30 days and children being moved to the south. and i said, i need to do more. >> kevin began looking for a way to combine his love of israel with his people skills and his passion for politics. >> i looked at aipac and what they did uniquely. >> the united states will stand with israel now and forever. >> aipac really does have a unique and exclusive role as the voice of the pro-israel community in building the u.s./israel relationship and especially when it comes to congress. >> we are absolutely united when
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it comes to the u.s./israel relationship. >> regardless of party, americans stand shoulder to shoulder in our commitment to israel's security. >> in order to have the most significant impact, kevin focused on building personal relationships with up-and-coming members of congress. >> i follow politics like most people follow sports. the first political event i went to was for congressman pete sessions who at the time was a new congress man in my district in dallas and he's been a tremendous friend, i love visiting with congressman sessions and i appreciate him so much, but i'm only one of him calling on him and there has to be elected officials that don't have that many friends in our community. >> kevin reached out to congressman tim scott of south carolina. >> and i look forward to seeing you this weekend. i was very excited, the opportunity to reach out to tim and start visiting with him in
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washington, d.c., at his office. i started to basically go through the process of hitting him with all of the issues and chose to say, do you know what, let's take a step back. let's just make a quick introduction. get to know him. >> i first met him at an aipac conference and he came by the office. >> it continued to grow from a personal nature. we have this wonderful bond. >> he understands the importance of not just the relationship with israel, but a friendship with israel, being not only our trading partner, not only an ally, but a true friend to our nation. >> but kevin didn't stop with educating new members of congress on capitol hill, he set to work getting more friends engaged in aipac. >> kevin approached me, he said, michael, you know, you have a lot of friends, you have a lot of passion. i'd like to see you become more involved in pro-israel politics and aipac, an honor that i quickly accepted. >> we needed more people, boots on the ground, giving club-level gifts, not only attending our
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annual event, but we needed influence makers, people that were connected to the community that could bring more to the table. who will educate our leaders about israel's true value? the annual event in the past two years has sold out, over 1,000 people each year. >> this is officially the largest aipac event in dallas history. >> the great success for us has been on the club level as well, so a couple of years ago i think it was two or three, we sat at just over 100 club members and today we're sitting at approximately 180 club meetings. people are needed now more than they've ever been needed and there's a great opportunity for people to really make a difference in the u.s./israel relationship. >> kevin's days are full, but he keeps his eye on the future. building a better world for his children and teaching the next generation of pro-israel activists. >> there's the difference between that friend who has been there for you the whole way through and that friend who showed up once you had success,
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and -- >> my 13-year-old daughter just had her -- class and during her speech she talked about how proud she is of her dad on behalf of everything he does in the jewish community and aipac. >> he does inspire me. he talks a lot at my school and to help support israel and to teach my kids in the future to support israel. >> kevin and i have a legacy that we feel honor bound and duty bound to carry on so that when our children and our grandchildren have reached the age of adulthood, there is a safe and secure state of israel for them to call home. >> relationships do matter and that means truly getting to understand people where they're coming from that when you're coming into lobby them, you've moved from organizer who comes once a year to citizen activist to friend citizen activist. i commit to aipac and to
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politics because i care deeply about the u.s. israel relationship. i can think for myself of no better way. aipac gives me an opportunity to make a difference for america and israel now, for my children and for generations to come. >> ladies and gentlemen, kevin tallette. ♪ ladies and gentlemen, please welcome aipac national board members ted cutler and ed levy. ♪
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>> throughout his years as governor of my home state, i came to respect and admire governor romney, not just for his leadership, but for his friendship. >> his father, governor george romney of michigan, and my dad were very good friends. his brother scott is a senior partner in the law firm that my father-in-law founded, and i met mitt when he ran for governor of massachusetts back in 2002. >> both ed and i had the pleasure of visiting israel with governor romney last year. this is a man who truly understands the security threats facing the jewish state. we witnessed firsthand his obvious emotional connection to
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the land and to the people. >> watching him listen to israelis, you could see how much he heard their concerns and understood the need for america to always, always stand beside israel. >> while every leader is aware of the threats, mitt romney feels them deeply to his core. he understands israel's unique place as our nation's most valuable ally. in just a moment, we will have the pleasure of hearing from governor romney, who is in boston today campaigning, of course. after all it is super tuesday. afterwards, governor romney has been kind enough to answer a few questions to some of our conference delegates who will be joining us on stage. >> so now it's our great
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pleasure to welcome via satellite our dear friend and republican candidate for president of the united states of america, mitt romney. >> thank you for the opportunity to address the aipac policy conference today. and thanks to teddy and ed. they've been great friends and supporters and teachers over the years. i'm sorry that my super tuesday travel schedule prevents me from being with you in person, but while i can't be with you, i stand with you. i share your commitment to a strong and secure israel, and i salute your tireless work to strengthen our alliance.
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this year we're gathering at a dangerous time for israel and for america. not since the dark days of 1967 and 1973 has the middle east faced peril as it does today. this is a critical moment. america must not, and if i'm president, it will not fail this defining test of history. the current administration has distanced itself from israel and visibly warmed to the palestinian cause. it's emboldened the palestinians. they're convinced that they can do better at the u.n. and better with america directly than they can at the bargaining table with israel. as president, i'll treat our allies and friends like our friends and allies. in recent days and weeks, we've heard a lot of words from the administration. its clear message has been to warn israel to consider the costs of military action against iran. i don't believe we should be issuing public warnings to create distance between the


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