tv [untitled] March 7, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST
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i come from next door. seven years ago i decided to be an interpreter. and i work at the iak. when you see people are trying to have education and also when you see the trainees that we have on the market, you see that it's more and more difficult to hire the right people, people would are trained right. people usually are very poor in the german language and in math. i think this goes back to the roots of education. very often we don't have the basic skills in many schools. and also people don't know how to get up early. they don't know how to be disciplined. but, of course this doesn't come only from the schools. it also comes from the family. i have two children myself. and my children are very active
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in sports clubs. and, of course, they played in school sports clubs. and this gentleman mentioned earlier that people, for instance, people that are single fathers don't have the time to take their kids to sports all the time. but i think that we also do otherwise. it's a call. i'm calling up on the schools to go back to school teams so that our children could learn from school again. our children have no more values, common values. i think that if you're playing a sport, you learn to play in commonment you learn to lose. you learn to win together. and this is great to train you and to prepare you for a professional life.
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i think it's a basic training that children will cherish the rest of their life. th of course, this goes back to independent workers. i think we germans, we are too theoretical. you're independent. you have the school. you have the rules. i think there could be an infinite number of combinations. you're saying that the schools should teach more so that we don't give the entire responsibility to the parents. what about the young people there?
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this gentleman looked at his neighbor. his neighbor must be his boss, right? i'm 58 and i'm head of the savings bank. i heard all the wishes. but i think people should think about the budget, the state budget. because, of course, without money, nothing works. everything must be financed. and i think that we should also when we talk about politics and we talk about society and the economy, people should be more realistic. they should be aware of realities. how can we finance all that and what i'm saying is that altogether, we should no longer think that the state is all powerful and can do anything. i think we should realize this. all the generations should think about that.
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and i must temperature yl tell instance, the budgets are much tighter and the demographic shows we're going to have less and less for the government and we should have a better communication. we should not hide reality. and we need this and that. i think people should see how we can finance all this. then we can talk. yes, of course. there's a lot of wishes. it would be good for our children and the future. but it would not be fair if we didn't talk about the possibilities, of course. i think we should come to the second of security. a couple more questions. i'm astudent.
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my problem is children who have and we would like to read books to childreo cancer. but recently people said we can't do it anymore. it's very sad. because people built a wall. there's no access for us anymore. they have said teachers should do that, profession oals. and students can no longer help, can no longer read books to these kids. it's sad. it was very important four us. and they're normal children like us. because, it's not because they're sick that we can no longer deal with them. so my wish would be that we
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should have better access to these children. two things, your concrete example is very good. i think we make it possible that students do something for other children who are in a more difficult situation because of their human interests. i've been dealing with this subject for a long time. how can we trust each other through more participation from citizens?
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many citizens are unhappy by the decisions taken by different authorities. and this turns into citizens initiatives. i'm the chairman of a citizens initiative. 50 billerure # -- 50 billion euro are frozen. this say lot of money. there's a lot of frustration, a lot of anger. and i know there's a draft law in the federal government in order to make more transparent government decisions. just been adopted. >> no, it goes in the right direction, of course. and then we can be more transparent. and the citizens can feel like are participating again. yeah, we're going to talk about that for the next few years and we should always learn politics. every big project, the train
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station is different from the frank furt airport, different from wind farms, different from solar plants. so we have a draft law. we're going to have a place where citizens can say what they think, tell us what has worked, what hasn't worked. so in the next five and ten years, we have to have a better and better dialogue to see what is best. when should we consult the citizens? not too early. not too late. but this is, of course, a totally new terrain for us. right behind him. yes. i'm one of the older gentlemen, you can tell. i have a wish, mrs. chancellor. in the newspaper, for instance, we see your government would
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like to have new law for pensions. an equallization of all pensions between the east and the west. there is 20 years of reunification of germany. young people today will be the retired people of tomorrow. and i think at one point we should equalize, balance the two pensions. and i know that in may there's going to be seniors day in hamburg. i think they're going to present a solution so that finally we have the same amount of pensions. yes, i'll be president this
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seniors day. i think for the young people for the next five to ten years, it's not the problem. but there will be pensions in 30, 40 years, of course. we must be very careful so that people are going to have less pension than what they get today. and that in the future people do not get less either. we have to discuss that with the prime ministers of all ten new groups so that there is no political controveind a common solution. we're working on it. we're not there yet. with more rights, more balance. mrs. chancellor, we're going o go to the next theme. security, safety, and there, toe
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you we go to this subject. >> translator: the germans live in a safe country. peace inside, peace with european neighbors. no threats of war by any country. i think that in germany we have more security than anywhere else in europe. there are a few incidents in the metro or freeway. otherwise, i feel very safe. no, think we're very safe here in germany. of course, perhaps there could be a few more cops in the street. but otherwise, we're okay. violence that is ideologically much evaded against foreigners
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happens. and this has made us more aware. if we do nothing, we're going to have neighborhoods where there is going to be high unemployment, crime, violence and, of course, we have to work very long years if you let that go. and there is another danger. corruption and white collar criminality which have huge consequences on our society and the economy. a big problem in the future is cyber criminality. very often the young are the victims. radicalization, calls for violence are more and more prevalent. how can we prevent the radicals and radicalization from some extreme groups? how can we make it so that victims and criminals are reintegrated in our society? how can we have more security
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but keep our freedom, our individual freedom? so security in the future of germany here. of course, this is sign for our intact society. year going to start with you, yes. i think that we must do everything to try to stop extreme right ideology. it is present in the schools. we should explain to students what is going on especially when you have extreme right radicals who are creating sports groups, wire like the pied piper and the
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guys of leisure, they're attracting a lot of idol kids and indoctrinating them. we should not have in this country what happened in the past. we should keep our eyes open and do something for the kids so that they're not captured by these people. and we have to act immediately. you have met such groups yourself? you have? even in my family i've had discussions with my oldest grandchild. of course, he has been interested by these groups. and he said bad words about foreigners. he wanted immigrants to go back home and i said my god. what group are you involved with? i think if people should talk about that, the families should intervene to prevent it. i think the whole of our society
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is responsible. the parents must intervene, the grandparents, naturally, and especially the grandparents who have gone through world war ii. it starts with little things. if you're not responsible, you don't deal it with, then you'll have discrimination in the end. thank you. >> i have the following question. for years and years we wanted to stop the npd. we never managed to prevent them. now we have the extreme right radicals. they are allowed to do what they want. shouldn't we limit the activities so that they cannot spread the ideology? i know we live in a democracy and that the extreme right can say what they want.
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fay party supports that, this party must be gotten rid of. of course, i take note of what you said. and we have talked about that. of course, we have asked to forbid the npd party, you know. that but the supreme party in germany said we couldn't do that. so what happens if we make a second request and it is denied again? so the npd will find itself encouraged. the problem is that you know you can forbid the party. but the people are still there. it's in the heads that it happened. yes, but they shouldn't go out in public and spread the ideology. that should be stopped and limited and restricted. i know people have these ideas and we should also see what is the fine line between freedom
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and thoughts. and, of course, there's a cat and mouse game because the cities have forbidden gatherings the right-wing people but the state allows it so they go from one to the other. yes? >> i take note of your proposal. i can tell you it is independent. it is a good thing. of course, if i were to work with justice, we have to live with that. yes, but we have to prevent that from having the possibility to spread their ideals. we're use anything possibility that we have but also what is legal. we have a lot of hands now.
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security. the lady? i'm a principal in a small school. i want to talk about generations. and now we're talking about security and then we're going to talk of identity. all discussions go back to school. what can the school do? and today i would asked for you to invest more into schools we need much more investment in the children. and, of course, this will be more security for the parents, more security for the children. our young people need to know where to go in a safe place. and anybody is entitled to live in a safe area.
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and we have to tell the children so that later on we don't have these huge costs to try to get back our security and our safety. so my wish is that in the federal government we should give priorities to schools and to children. the young lady just said i think in terms of education policy, federalism should be absolutely a must. it should be binding. so you say more investment. you mean more teachers, better equipment, but especially more possibilities for the children. it's a big question of inclus n inclusion. and many states that has a problem with inclusion. it starts at school. the schools do what they can. but without new teachers, without new help, new equipment. i think it's going to be
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difficult. you want to add something? you're okay with that? yeah, inclusion, of course, is a big topic. yes. quickly? and, of course, people have an image in their head and we should attack that early on. it's not only in the school but also this image of foreigners is in the families. i won't say that's inherited but very often it's the parents who trans mitt this wrong idea about foreigners. and i think we should be able to talk about that. and perhaps we should talk whether this idea is right or not. of course, the parents have a responsibility. they have to trans mitt values. but also the school should trans mitt certain values. what is your experience in your
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life? what is happening in your school? we live in a peaceful school. what do you say? we live in a peaceful school. a peaceful school. okay. it's a peaceful school. very good. it's forbid tone wear a scarf. many this is my religion. if my religion says i have to cover myself, why is it forbidden. is it for the teachers? no, the students, too. for the teachers, yes. yes. my cousin works in a department store. she's not allowed to wear a scarf either. she has to take it off when she comes to work and she puts it back on when she goes in the
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street. yes, for teachers, that's what we decided. and also it's been decided legally by courts that we need to have neutrality to religion. of course, your scarf has a specific connotation. and teachers should not wear it. of course, with the students, it depends. so your wish is that we should all be allowed to wear scarf? in many students wish that including secretaries. but every time we try to wear it, people take it off. now that you talked to the chancellor, maybe she'll do something. no, no. i'm going to get a lot of problems. i don't want to be responsible. if you say the chancellor decided -- no way. yes? i'm could hame here from a volu
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group for unemployment and security, extreme right-wing this is a big problem for us. we have a lot of work for young people we're trying to prevent infection by these people. i think prevention is a lot more effective and waiting until people have been infected and then bad stuff happens. i think thatture programs should be strengthened against extreme right-wing ideology. i think it's very important if you're talking about security to see what's happening in neighborhoods. even if there has been bad things happening and people have paid with their life as we know we should be more aware. we also should all stick together against this trends and these ideologiment we could work together against them.
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and this will give a little bit more security to this country. you say the state must intervene and the they can't do everything. and the citizens do something together. what is important, what's interesting is that you could do it with the administration but also you could do it by yourself. you wanted the floor? you two. no. no. no. you decided to give the floor to people. it's all right. i'm very happy to be here. i come from angola. and germany is my home.
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and i feel good here. when you're talking about security and safety, i will tell that you our society lives under problem of judgment. value judgment. it's a problem. i think that we should no longer judgment against people wherever they come from or whatever the color of their skin. number two, we need to have a simple procedure when discrimination happens. or disadvantaging hem. we have ane tion law but it's not applied the way it should. it's difficult. i want to applaud you, mrs.
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chancellor. we need -- and you need full support for this. on the one hand you're saying that we should not have value judgment on people. have you been discriminated against yourself? often. often. it's sad. it's sad. so you come from angola and people are looking at youke you cannot -- you're somebody weird. it's bad. it's bad. you see, too, on value judgment? no, i was born here, germany. but i knew from the beginning that people would look at me twice, take a double take wondering where i came you must be strong. there are good people and bad people. and sometimes you have to take the bad like you take the good.
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you must be strong. you must be strong. but life g w god created me. so why shi you be ashamed for what i have? i don't have any problem with that. so we have to see around when you look at germany today and we have to see what we're going to look like in 10, 20 years. we're going to be a lot less people. we're going to be a lot older. and we're going to be a lot more diverse. we have people from many, many other nations. and so we're not going to look like we look today. and so i'm glad that you talked. and, of course, we should are the right to rules so that we can all live together.
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we have three children. security. i feel very safe. in germany, severing okay. i have no fear. but look at ten years from now. i'm still safe. but i have a little bit of a fear of the internet. the whole world now is connected to the internet. and i think that concerns me for the future. my id card is safe but what about ten years from now, am i still safe? so i'm a little bit concerned. i'm scared for the future. yes, that's a subject we have to deal with, absolutely. we're saying first the internet is useful. of course, it's freedom. we should have more and more freedom. on the other hand, as parents, we're saying well, of course i
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have to protect my child. and, of course, we are going to have a big societal discussion within and behave to find the right measure for us. and it's not easy for the parents. because we didn't grow up with the internet. of course, the kids today are born in it. born with it. and they are like fish in water. you said facebook, yes. i like that. good. who else? you and then this side. we have really neglected the other side. the lady. you already had the floor. no second chance. you didn't speak yet. the lady, the man with
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