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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2012 12:30pm-1:00pm EST

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rate includes convictions of rapists for things like adultery. so for example, ariana's rapist was convicted of adultery and that was considered a successfu prosecution by the military. there was a raist prosecute in the a prison, but not many. >> i wanted to ask about the treatment after their service after veterans? do you claim benefits from the military, have you suffered any retaliation from that and do you feel supportive that the health service -- like it's for women who have is suffered sexual assault and can get counseling? >> in terms of the v.a., i just got out in august. the court-martial is in december. so i would say that i'm too new to the process to say. >> i received a 30% disability for post-traumatic stress disorder stemming from military sexual trauma. that was in 2007, in october was
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when i was awarded that rating. i asked what my counseling nort carolina, and us told the only option they have right now for you is to go on wednesday nights in fayetteville at 7:00. so my response -- yeah. it was very, very hard. so i can't say no, there were -- there were zero opportunities available to me. i just think that driving two hours one way at 7:00 on a wednesday made it a little bit cumbersome and almost impossible for a resource standpoint. i did recently start counseling through the v.a. and that was two fridays ago. that was the first appointment
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they had available. and it had been almost six years. they just simply did not have a counselor for specifically women's issues, but i'd been transferred from the wilmington -- i'm sorry, the jacksonville, north carolina, to the wilmington v.a. after a four-year waiting list. so after waiting for four years, i finally was able to see them and at the first appointment they said, i'm so sorry, there isn't a sexual response coordinator or anything like that, but you can go to fayetteville. knowing that was my resource, i kind of made somewhat of a scene. just said you need to get someone here and you need to do it now. so they did and i had my first appointment. but, yeah, i was pretty dominant and forceful when saying you need someone here, this isn't fair. i had my first appointment two fridays ago, yes. >> thank you, everyone, for
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coming. and we appreciate your interest in the issue. thank you. president obama is continued a schedule of weekly visits to critically important states to a trip to north carolina. he'll be talking about the economy and jobs at a daimler truck manufacturing plant. we'll have live coverage
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starting at 1267:45 eastern. paul brown on the administration's handling of health care, gas prices and a number of other issues. >> and we're back with congressman paul brown, republican of georgia. and let me start with georgia results last night from the primary here. he wins his home state, 40% of the vote. mitt romney, 26%. >> surprise, surprise. >> rick santorum, 20%. did you vote? were you able to vote absentee? >> i voted a week and a half ago. >> will you tell us who you voted for? >> no. i have not gott eten involved i these races. i've focused on my own re-election bid. so i'm developing a lot of new friends. and new supporters throughout the new congressional district. so i focused on that more so than i have the presidential races. >> and you haven't endorsed anyone. why not? do you plan to jump in at any point?
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>> i know three of these candidates very well. mitt romney i met. i've had some brief conversations with him along the way. but the other three i know extremely well. all four of them have attributes that i really like. i think any of the four of them will be a great president. the thing is we have to look across the board as republicans about who's going to best represent the interest of this country. take us far. turn back from these failed policies, the policies that failed in this current administration. so it's absolutely critical that we have a republican in office starting in january 20th of next year because the policies of this president have failed. we have economy that just
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sputtering along. it's been the slowest recovery ever. it's because of the failed policies. in fact, the recovery we had thus far is i believe because of the resillency of our economy and doesn't have anything to do with what this president has done at all. but obama care or the affordable care act in itself is enough to destroy america. it's going to destroy our freedom. it's going to destroy the quality of health care. i'm a medical doctor, as you know. and it's going to destroy the doctor-patient relationship. it's going to destroy the quality of health care. it's going to destroy budgets from the federal budgets to state budgets to personal buckets and businesses budgets. so we've got to have somebody in office who will sign a bill to repeal obama care and replace it with something that literally lowers the cost of health care. right now the patient option act which will do that. >> you have a bill to do that. let me ask you about mitt romney's stance on this. >> sure. >> here is the atlanta journal constitution on romney's health
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mandate flip-flop exposed. back in july 2009 at the crucial point in the debate over obama care when the public option was still in play, romney did put out an op-ed in the paper offering obama his massachusetts plan as a substitute for the public option and explicitly recommended the insurance mandate be adopted. something that was included in the health care act. here is andrew mccarthy writing for the national review on that saying this seems very siic2009 opinion piece by mitt romney. a number of us expressed concerns that romney cannot effectively confront obama on obama care. the wrong unpopularity of which make it the republican's most crucial issue in the campaign. so if mitt romney gets the nomination, do you trust that he can make an effective argument against president obama? and do you trust that he would overturn it? a repeal and a bill.
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i believe the man. let me give you another quote. quote, this is mitt romney now. "it's why states come up with their own solutions. i doubt other people will try to follow the one we put together. maybe they'll learn from our experience, maybe come up with something better. but the wrong course is to have the federal government impose its will on the entire nation". mitt romney. i think that back in 2009 that was before we started seeing what these individual mandates are all about. i think it's really before he really gotten gauged in this process of thinking about the consequences. we already see the cost of health care insurance going up for everybody in this country. in fact, i just talked to a businessman just this last week. his insurance costs went up 43% over the last year to this year. and he told me that year before last it was 43% raised from the
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year before. so in the last two years it's gone up 43% both years over what it was the year before. this is because of obama care. because of the affordable care act. it is going to be a destroyer. the administration already says itself, admits that they're not going to bend the cost curve down is what the president kept promising. but the administration itself is admitting that the cost is going to go up and has gone up already. so we see the dictates from this health and human services dictator really is what she is. and i use that word very advisedly because she's already dictated this attack on religious freedom and religious conscious. and that pronouncement by kathleen sebelius was not about birth control. it's about government control. it's about government dictating
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what everybody should do in this country. at fordable care act is a mechanism for the federal government to basically control everything in our lives, whether it's what kind of food we eat, what kind of car we drive, anything else. if obama care, if the affordable care act goes into full force, kathleen sebelius can be a tyrant in a skirt. just dictating to us every american across this country how we can live our lives and use health care as the os pisses of their government control. it must be ripped out by the roots and replace wtd something like my patient option act which would truly give patients the option. it's a market based patient centered health care program that will literally lower the cost of health insurance for everybody. and it will take care of the people that who uninsured today and make a lot of people who can't afford insurance, be able to buy it at a price that they can't afford. so that's the kind of policy
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that we need to go to. i believe very firmly that anyone of the four would sign a bill like my patient option act. >> let's get to phone calls here for you. rose is a republican. she's in california. >> caller: i want to comment on the article you read first coming on. and, you know, the fire star about rush limbaugh. ed shultz called laura ingraham a slut. i think they should pull the commercials from that network. it's a very left wing network. and let's get to fairness here. and also bill maher, he really ran elizabeth over the -- from "the view," he was terrible to her. told her she should be traded for someone else's prisoner. i think we should get some balance and fairness towards this. i don't think rush said anything that ed shultz didn't say. so i hope we can become more fair in this country.
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thank you. >> okay. >> rose, there is a duel standard. there's no question with the media about these issues. we see people on the left making just outrageous claims and nobody ever takes them to task or makes statements. just like you said. whereas anybody on the right that makes a statement is really just raked over the coals for that statement. but you're absolutely right. in fact, it's been fairness in media has been very out front about how unfair the media is on these issues. but you're exactly right. >> what was your reaction to the rush limbaugh comments? >> well, i thought it was unfortunate that he made that comment about this young lady. she obviously wants the government to take care of her. that doesn't make her a slut. it makes her part of that entitlement mentality here in this country. so there are opportunities for her to buy birth control pills for $5 a package.
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or maybe even get them for free. but she doesn't evidently want that. she wants the federal government to give her her free birth control pills. she wants for everybody in this country to pay for them. but as i said earlier this is not about birth control. it's about government control. and that's exactly what this president told us just before the affordable care act was passed. he went on national news -- i'm not sure what the word is. but he made a statement over national news where he said that he wanted everybody in this country in one pool. that means he wants the federal government to control all of health care. that's what the affordable care act is designed to do is to force everybody into socialized health care system where the federal government man tats everythi -- mandates everything to everybody. and the phrase that kathleen
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sebelius gave us about birth control pills and free sterilization is just the first attack on freedom. it's an attack on religious freedom, on religious conscious. but they don't care about that. but they didn't care when the affordable care act was passed. three out of four americans did not want that act passed into law. but it was forced down the throats of the american people. it's going to destroy the quality of health care and destroy us economically across the board. >> you said at the beginning of this that you're focused on your re-election efforts. "the washington times" front headline, gop losing side of birth control. 30% in the republican party of th that this is a health care issu. it quotes the pollster saying drop this baby right now. drop it. this is not a winner. i don't kwasmart enough to box republicans into a corner on this. i don't know fit was by plan.
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but i think it work out that way. you don't sound like you're running away from the issue. >> it's not about birth control. it's about government control. it's about the federal government dictating everything to us and that's the thing about the affordable care act. it's going to give the federal government the opportunity to control every aspect of our lives and tell us what to eat. they can tell us what kind of clothes to wear. they can tell us what kind of air conditioner or heating we can have in our homes and how much we can use. they can dictate everything to us. it is opening the door to the proverbial pandora's box of government control. this is the greatest attack upon our freedom. this is an attack on religious freedom. it wasn't about birth control. it's about the federal government controlling our lives. and that's exactly what this administration wants to do. they want to control every aspect of our lives. so this doesn't have anything to
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do with birth control. it really has to do with government control. >> let me get a tweet in here from michael. he says representative brown, which particular parts of obama care is going to destroy the doctor/patient relationship? >> well, the obama care ipad is going to make decisions for doctors like me already cms, the federal agency that controls medicare and medicaid already makes those decisions. doctors all over this country today have to get permission from the federal government just to put a patient in the hospital. the independent payment advisory board is a rationing board. they're going to make decisions for doctors and for patients about whether a person could have a treatment or not. whether they be put in the hospital or not. and they're going to use dollars as the determining factor so it's all going to be economically based. the answer is lowering the cost for everybody so that doctor
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visits are less expensive, hospital visits, medicines in the drug stores are less expensive. my patient option act will do just that. but the affordable care act is already rising the cost -- it's raising the cost of all health care goods and it wases today and will continue to do. so. >> let's go to brian in continually park, indiana. go ahead. >> see washingtong jive at 7:00. we're going live now this afternoon for remarks from the daimler truck manufacturing plant in mt. holly, north carolina. the company says greater demand pushed them to higher workers, 450. the president is introduced. [ applause ] afternoon, everyone. before i introduce thspeaker,
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i'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. my name is juan smith. i've been employed here at daimler trucks in north america for 32 years. i was born and raised in gastonia. [ applause ] i've been married to my wonderful wife. we raised three outstanding children. now some of you know i coach girls basketball in high school. so i have to give a special shoutout to my players. go greenways! [ applause ] now over the past three decades, i worked at various roles here at the plant. i'm proud of the work we do here. i'm proud to standi co-workers these no better plak than right here on this factory
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and right here in mt. [ applause ] i would like to thank daimler trucks of north america and the uaw for working together to make this event possible. this is just another example ca partnership. on behalf of daimler trucks of north america, uaw local 5285 and uaw international union, it is with much humility and a great honor that i stand here before you today to introduce our speaker for the hour. he is a man that really needs no introduction because of the great work he is doing here in our country and abroad.
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i'm glad he came here to mt. holly to discuss the importance of american energy. there is no there's no better place to talk about our energy future than right here on this factory floor. so without further hesitation, i would like for all of us to stand to welcome our president of the united states of america, barack obama. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> hello, north carolina! hello, mt. holly. >> hello! >> thank you, juan, for that introduction! i did not know he was a preacher. he must be at least a deacon. i'll start, welllll. he was starting to get the spirit up here. i'm going to take juan on the road to introduce me everywhere. can i hear an amen? >> amen! >> amen. i want to thank you mark hernandez, ricky mcdowell, and
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mark dohm for hosting us and being such great tour guides. thank you so much, guys. give them a big round of applause. we've got a few outstanding north caroli north carolinans in the house. you've got your governor, bev perdue is here. your mayor, brian huff and anthony fox are here. two outstanding congressmen, mel watt and heath shuler are here. thank you all for being here. it is good to be in north carolina. anthony fox pointed out that i decided to wear a tie that could be a tar heel, but it's got a little duke color in there too. i didn't want to get in trouble
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with anybody, so i was hedging my bets. this is -- i always tell people, i am one of the best advertisers for north carolina. i love this state. love this state. everybody here is so nice, so welcoming. even the folks who don't vote for me. they're mice to me. they usually wave five fingers. so it's just a great pleasure. and i just had a chance to see some of the folks who are doing the work here today. i couldn't be more impressed. some people have been here, like juan, 32 years, 25 years. some folks have been here for four months or six months, had just gotten hired. but everybody had such pride in their work. and, you know, the freighter line trucks that you're making
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here at this plant, run on natural gas and that makes them quieter, it makes them better for the environment, it makes them cheaper to fill up than they would be with diesel. i hear you sold your 1,000th natural gas truck last november. [ cheers and applause ] the first company to reach that milestone, and it was made right here in mt. holly. and last year this plant added more than 1,000 workers, hiring back a lot of folks who were laid off during the recession. that is something to be proud of. now, here at daimler, you're not just building trucks. you're building better trucks. >> that's right! >> you're building trucks that use less oil andht know, because most of you have probably filled up your gas tank a time or two in the last week.
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and you've seen how quickly the price of gas is going up. a lot of you may have to drive a distance to work. higher gas prices are like a tax straight out of your paycheck. and for companies that operate a whole fleet of trucks, the higher costs can make a big difference in the terms of the profitability of the company. now, here's the thing, though. this is not the first time we've seen gas prices spike. it's been happening for years. every year about this the time, gas starts spiking up, and everybody starts wondering, how high is it going to go? and every year, politicians start talking when gas prices go up. they get out on the campaign trail, and you and i both know, there are no quick fixes to this
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problem. but listening to them, you'd think there were. as a country that has 2% of the world oil reserves, but uses 20% of the world's oil -- i'm going to repeat that. we've got 2% of the world oil reserves. we use 20%. what that means is that as much as we're doing to increase oil production, we're not going to be able to just drill our way out of the problem of high gas prices. anybody who tells you otherwise either doesn't know what they're talking about or they aren't telling you the truth. here is the truth. if we are going to control our energy future, then we've got to have an all-of-the-above strategy. we've got to develop every source of american energy, not just oil and gas, but wind power and solar power, nuclear power, biofuels. we need to invest in the technology that will help us use
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less oil in our cars and our trucks. in our buildings, in our factories. that's the only solution to the challenge. because as we start using less, that lowers the demand, prices come down. it's pretty straightforward. that's the only solution to this challenge. and that's the strategy that we've now been pursuing, for the last three years. and i'm proud to say we've made progress. since i took office, america's dependence on foreign oil has gone down every single year. in fact, in 2010, it went under 50% for the first time in 13 areas. now, you wouldn't know it from listening to some of these folks out here. some of these folks. but a key part of or energy
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strategy has been to increase safe oil production here at home. and under my administration, america is producing more oil today than at any time in the last eight years. under my administration, we've quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs to a record high. we've got more oil rigs operating now than we've ever seen. we've opened up millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration. we've approved more than 400 drilling permits that follow new safety standards after we had that mess down in the gulf. we're approving dozens of new pipelines. we just announced that we'll do whatever we can to speed up construction of a pipeline in oklahoma that's going to relieve a bottleneck and get more oil to the gulf, to the refineries down there, and that's going to help create more jobs, encourage more production. so these are the facts on oil production. if someone tells you that we're not producing enough oil, then they just don't know the facts. but how much oil with we produce
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here at home, because we only have 2% and we use 20, that's not going to set the price of gas worldwide, or here in the united states. oil is bought and sold on the world market. and the biggest thing that's causing the price of oil to rise right now is instability in the middle east. you guys have been hearing about what's happening with iran. there are other oil producers that are having problems. and so people have gotten uncertain. and when uncertainty increases, then sometimes you see speculation on wall street that drives up gas prices even more. but here's the thing. over the long term, the biggest reason oil prices won't go up is they're just growing demand in countries like china, india, and brazil. there are a lot of people there. in 2010 alone, china added nearly 10 million cars on its road


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