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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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martin county that need federal help immediately and should be included in this disaster declaration, calling the situation dire. of course, tennessee, kentucky, alabama, parts of ohio hit hard by a series of tornadoes last week. here's more from today's hearing. we'll begin with the questions from congressman rogers of kentucky. >> on monday, as you know, i requested the president to approve a request by our governor for a federal emergency deck layers. it seems that fema is working diligently to evaluate the info at its disposal and the president made a disaster declaration last night thank goodness, to provide individual assistance to seven counties in the region. i want to thank him for that. however, there are a number of counties, notably mcgoth an and martin, which remain in dire need of both individual assistance and public assistance because the devastation has torn
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up the roads, schools, courthouses beyond recognition. can you, mr. director, give us any indication on when a decision might be made about the remaining counties designated by the governor's letter to the president? >> yes, sir, chairman rogers. as soon as the president declared, we -- i've done this in several states. it bears explaining. rather than waiting until we have all the information, as soon as we saw that we had sufficient damages that would recommend in the counties we were in, we were able to get that to the president, the federal officer appointed by the president will be able to add on counties for individual assistance without that going back to the president. as soon as we know there are damages warranting it, working with the coordinating officer. we expect that to be a process in a day or so when we get the
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information to support it. we also made a conscious decision that our priority is individual assistance first and then a count for public assistance. many of the individuals are still responding. trying to find out about insurance and get the cost really for that, we are -- working with the state on getting back in for public assistance. as soon as we have those numbers, we'll process that request as well. but we put the premium on the individuals because we know it's going to be an issue about housing and their immediate needs. since we're working closely with the state -- this is the good news story as you pointed out. i think this goes back to some of the investment strategies and homeland security dollars. there's a lot more capability at the state and local level than before. i was sitting friday afternoon in fema's watch as the tornadoes were hitting and we knew what was going on as far as the initial impact and we were in contact with states and going we're standing by. if you need it, ask for it. again, it pointed out the
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resiliency that state do have these days and they made it clear, we got what we need, we're going to need you for recovery. we don't have direct federal assistance for the response. that was our testament to the local officials, to the volunteers, to the national guard. we focused on the individual assistance shall the federal coordinate nating officer will add on where we have damages based upon the request of the state. we'll work to get that quickly. mr. chairman, that may be where we'll turn on some counties. we may have counties we're still counting in. but we see the state's threshold. rather than wait until they're done, we'll keep counting until all the damages are identified. >> good. well, i can't say anything but praise so far on the effort that fema has done. it's extremely difficult situation because there's no communications. the storms took out the towers
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for communications. telephones and internet. and so it's difficult to even contact the county or the county executive or the mayors and besides that, the roads are so clobbered with trees and limbs and damage, it's been a remarkable thing that we've come this far this quick. but it's a devastating time and i really appreciate your commitment and your rapid decision-making. because that's all important given the time of year it is down there in the winter time. with devastation that's widespread as it is and the human factor is altogether important here. these people are hurting severely and i appreciate the rapid response that fema has devoted to this. i look forward to working with you further as we go on down the pike. >> yes, sir. >> thank you.
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praise from republican congressman hal rogers. questions to fema director craig fugate. the overall issue for the hearing, the appropriations process for fema for the next fiscal year. one part of that budget is the disaster relief fund. right now it's funded at about $6.1 billion. it's a decrease of about $987 million from this fiscal year. you can get more information on this by logging on to and click on the box that includes craig fugate as he defended his budget before today's house hearing. this is "washington today." russell berman with this headline. speaker boehner making a final plea to rally support for a $260 billion highway bill. the house speaker in that last minute pitch to rally republicans around his signature transportation bill warning rank and file republicans against "punting on the opportunity to pass an infrastructure bill that
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bears our stamp." . the speaker made his speech today in washington where he and other party leaders implored conservative leaders to support a five-year, $260 billion highway bill that many in his caucus opposed. the speaker bluntly warned lawmakers that if the house does not pass it own bill, it will be stuck with a $109 billion senate bill or something that looks like according to sources inside the room. more from the senate side on this debate. here is senator harry reid, democrat from nevada. >> madam president, we were disappointed as i indicated yesterday and being able not to invoke cloture on this highway bill. i was satisfied yesterday that the speaker of the house indicated that he thought the best thing to do, at least as i read the reports, would be to take the senate version of a bill, if we can figure out a way to pass one and that they would
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use that as -- he would bring it to the floor for a vote. i hope that's the case. the press doesn't always get things right. but perhaps i hope in this case they did. my staff are exchanging paper as we speak and i hope we can work our way through this bill. i think it's unfortunate that we're going to have to have votes on a number of amendments that have nothing, nothing do with this underlying piece of legislation. this is one thing the american people don't like. i've come to the realization that they hate this so-called, what they call riders, things that have nothing to do with bills. senate rules allow them in most instances. and stow if it takes this to get this bill done, then we'll have to move forward in that way.
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i hope we can do that. as i said, we're going to exchange paper and i hope that both sides will react positively. i'm confident that we will over here and i hope we can work something out. >> the democratic leader of the u.s. senate on the floor earlier today. harry reid. from the hometown newspaper shall the las vegas sun writing about this, senator reid calls the transportation bill like republicans and the charlie brown football. here's how the l.a. sun reports. the long and winding road to a highway bill will keep winding and weaving its way through congress, at least for a while. this after senator reid failed to jump-start the legislative process which sputtered. more on this from the senate floor and here is senator bob corker, republican of tennessee. >> the reason i come down here today in a very hopeful way is i think all of us certainly support the highway bill. we want to see a bill like this
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passed. but i think we also want to see it passed in the appropriate way. some of the earlier renditions that have come out of the finance committee unfortunately have not paid for this bill. it's my sense that maybe what's happening in this right now is that maybe there's work being done to try to make that not be the case. i know the senator from new york is really familiar with the healthcare debate we had years ago. one of the things that many of the folks on this side of the aisle were concerned about and other folks also was some of the gimmickry used to pay for it. we had ten years of revenue and six years of spending. obviously people around the country, rightfully so, were very concerned about that. what we've ended up having at present anyway with this highway bill is something that's even worse than that. we have two years worth of spending and ten years worth of revenues to pay for it. everybody in this body knows
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that there's no family in new york and no family in tennessee that can possibly survive -- could survive under that scenario. >> senator bob corker on the senate floor. this is washington today on c-span radio. we're joined by johnson, contributing correspondent for national journal a all the news about the surface transportation reauthorization bill comes from behind the scenes. what are you tracking today? >> to see what happens in the house is the main thing. they've been having trouble figuring out just how to get a large surface transportation bill through their caucus. and there's been some questions about whether or not they would have a long-term bill which would be about five years or whether they would have to shorten it to as short as 18 months. the house republicans very much want to tie surface transportation legislation to new domestic oil drilling, which they feel is a good political point to be making. that of course, will not pass
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muster with democrats. we need to make sure that we can get all of the republican caucus on board. they're having a little trouble with that from what i understand. >> the conference, the republican conference had a meeting today. what do you know what happened there? >> as i understand it, house speaker john boehner told the members that the only option that would actually pass the house with the help of the democrats is a bipartisan bilk debated in the senate right now. he put forward the other options that are on the table asking them to please decide which one they would like to go for. as -- they may be going back to the drawing board and trying to do what they did a couple of weeks ago which would be pass a longer term bill without a measure that had some difficulties with some members of the caucus about transit. so the idea is five-year bill to reauthorize the federal highway program keeping mass transit in it for the time being and then
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using energy drilling to pay for the shortfall that won't be made up with the highway trust fund. they had trouble with that a couple of weeks ago. it's not clear what's different now but they seem to be thinking that they can muster some votes over the recess that they have next week. >> why did the speaker pull representative john mica, the house transportation committee chairman off to replace him with bill schuster on the negotiations with this? >> i think there was a little confusion about whether he was pulled off. technically john mica is on the bill and will be the sponsor of what passes out of the house unless they decide to punt and take the senate bill. what is happening though is that john mica has been saying for weeks and months actually that he's in charge of making the transportation policy. he's not in charge of getting funding or the votes for it. that's really where the action is. to say that john mica has been pulled from the bill is a bit of an overstatement. it isn't entirely inaccurate to say that john boehner is looking
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to find whoever he can and bill schuster is a very good person to go and get the votes that he needs from the freshman members of congress. >> let's look over to the senate for a second. a two-year reauthorization bill. what can you tell us about the status there? >> well, it's going in a long, slow slug towards passage. they're debating about what the number and type of amendments that can be put on the bill. last i checked, they didn't have a deal on the -- on what those amendments would look like, aides on both sides think they will get one. most of the amendments that republicans are wanting to offer probably won't pass. so it's more a chance for making a political message. so eventually, i think, that they will pass that bill. it is a bipartisan bill. it passed out of the environment public works committee on a unanimous vote. there are some republicans who have a little bit of questions about the actual funding involved in it. they're going to need a little bit of time to look at it and make sure it doesn't violate any
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of their conditions tiff principles. >> fawn johnson is a contributing correspondent with national journal. you can read her work at national thanks for that update. >> you're welcome. this is washington today on c-span radio. the new york times writing that house republicans trying to get back on the political message on issues that they want to focus on. job creation. and surprisingly, they're getting some help from the president and senate democratic leaders who share in the need to appear cooperative on legislation to boost hiring. you may remember yesterday the white house releasing an official statement of administration policy urging house passage of a republican bill. we point that out because it's a rarity from a white house budget office that feels threatened to veto legislation before the republican controlled house of representatives. today the house beginning debate on six minor measures to help small businesses raise capital and take their companies public. it's all being packaged together under the title of the jobs act
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which is an acronym for jump-start our business startups. for the first time since the republicans took control of the house, gop leaders are claiming the high ground of bipartisanship and compromise and they're making common cause writes the new york times, with other people who have control over official washington, the president and senate democrats. so here's how the debate unfolded between democrats and republicans. scott garrett from new jersey, jim himes from connecticut. >> i also rise to express support for the jobs act today. i strongly believe that the jobs act will ease the burden on capital formation on the entrepreneurial growth companies that have traditionally served as the u.s. economy's primary job creators and provide a larger pool of investors with access to information and investment options on the companies that currently doesn't exist. with venture capital fundraising stagnant when the ipo market closed off innovative startup companies who can have access to the capital market they need have been forced literally to
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lay research on promising medical and scientific and technological breakthroughs. that's hurt our economy and the global competitiveness. companies need capital. developing medical cures to help people living loner and healther need capital. developing technology to improve the speed of communications need capital. developing alternative energy technologies to reduce dependence on foreign sources requires capital. with the pass a.m. of the bill, we'll provide those companies with innovative and creative to the marketplace. the cost effective means to access that capital and keep this country at the forefront of medical, scientific, technological breakthroughs. you know, economic growth occurs when companies go public. so just resntly i met with the new jersey technology council and then stressed the importance of removing the regulatory burdens of bringing companies that invest in the market and
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the job bill, this does that. it restores that innovation for early stage investors to provide the capital that american entrepreneurs need. so we do this by chipping away at the albatross of regulations that is strangled and held back the ipo market since the passage of way back of the sarbanes-oxley law. this bill provides american entrepreneurs to the access to the capital they need to seek their dreams. it provides the venture capital investors with the exit strategy to make the dreams a reality that creates a welcoming environment. with that, i believe the jobs acts is a common sense bill. >> the gentleman's time expired. the gentleman woman from california is reek niezed. >> i yield to mr. himes, three minutes. >> the gentleman from connecticut is recognized for three minutes. >> thank you, madam chair. i rise today very excited about what we're about to do on this floor.
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as has been said over the course of many hours, we're about to pass legislation that will be good for the core strength of this country for our entrepreneurs. for our small banks that we trust to provide credit in our communities. this is a good bill. i'm sorry that it's been marred by a couple of things that have been the topic of much discussion today. i'm sorry that the republican majority has used this debate as an opportunity to promote the canard, not my word, bruce bartlett's word. which i think means baloney. that the main problem with our economy today is regulation. bruce bartlett, conservative economist and former adviser to president reagan said, in my opinion regulatory uncertainty is a canard invented by republicans allowing them to use current economic problems to pursue an agenda supported by the business community year in and year out. we have an obligation to make sure that our regulation is good. that it keeps us safe. that it keeps our air clean.
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that it keeps our banks alive without quashing the entrepreneurship and economic vitality. we should do that every day. but what we have heard the ideology, this notion that regulation is the problem in our economy is just what bruce bartlett, is a canard. i'm sorry that this bill has been spoiled by the antics of the republican majority. i'm thrilled that this bill includes hr-1965. at the end of the day, i mentioned reagan, reagan said you get a lot done in washington, d.c. if you didn't care who get the credit. there may be only one way to spell potato, but there are a lot of ways to skin a cat. if we're going to skin this cat this way, i'm okay with that. because small banks need the flexibility to go public when they should go public. because we should for those companies who want to go public,
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provide them with some relief from the regulations that might be more appropriate for larger companies. all of these things, though we have passed many of these measures on the floor, are important. and so marred though it has been by the antics of the republican majority, this is fundamentally a bipartisan, good bill. and it is a rare step forward for this house of representatives. something that i think will cause every american to say they can get something done. and for that i'm grateful and the urge the passage of this bill. comments earlier today from the floor of the house. scott garrett and jim himes on a republican supported jobs bill which also has the support of the democrats. it is expected to pass. if you pick up the washington post, a photograph of john kerry and members of congress with hockey garb. once a hockey nut write the washington post, always a hockey nut. during his last game on new
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year's eve, john kerry suffered a broken nose and black eye. he wore sunglasses. at 68 years old, you would think the senior senator might consider giving up the game to concentrate on gentler pursuits, such as politics. he loves hockey. they defeated the lobbyists in -- it's been a running joke. there's the golf players, the annual basketball game and baseball game every summer in washington, d.c. on the house floor today, two members of congress, mike quigley and others with some bragging rights you might say after they defeated the lobbyists. here's what happened earlier today on c-span. >> it is my great pleasure to stand with eric paulson, mike quigley and brian higgins and larry bucshon in a drew bipartisan fashion to deliver the exciting news to the entire house that this team skating
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together as part of the congressional hockey caucus after a two-year absence on sunday at the verizon center won back the important cup in a victory 5-3 over the lobbyists. [ applause ] now it's tough enough skating together, but quigley is awfully chip i. we have to watch his back. there's no question about that. but mr. speaker, this is a great game for the spirit of the conference. but in all honesty, [ gavel pounding ] the true value of this game is it is a charity. with the great cooperation and support of the national hockey league and the washington capitals and owner ted leone, we were able to raise in excess of $160,000
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[ applause ] and those dollars first will be dedicated to support a program that the national hockey league has, which is called hockey is for everyone. and that is to bring the game of hockey to inner city youth who would otherwise not have an opportunity. more significantly, mr. speaker, in connection with the national hockey league and for the first time there's been a commitment that has been made. part of the proceeds will be matched with commitments that will, with gary bettman, the commissioner of the national hockey league, to support scholarships now for the thorough good marshall scholarship fund, to the college fund they will help support four-year scholarships to one of the historically 47 public historically black colleges and university for inner city youth. so we're excited grateful to be part of it.
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i yield to my friend, mr. quigley. >> thank you, mr. speak speaker. i want to thank the lobbyists for the game. nick louis who helped organize this. the game did get a little chippy, that's true. no connection with the loib and reform measure that we're putting out tomorrow. i want to thank the staff who helped carry this older team of guys, our captain over here, for helping us win this game and bring back the cup and beat back the evil horde. thanks to everyone. >> the evil horde, of course, those lobbyists and you heard them mention to the thorough good marshall fund. the money raised was the fourth annual hockey challenge. senator john kerry not only boasting a victory but bringing to washington the stanley cup which of course the bruins won last year. here's how the washington post described what happened. that the lawmakers want a
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payback. they had won in 2009, then lost to the lobbyists two years in a row. so sunday's game, it first looked like a route. lawmakers scoring two goals in the first 8:00 of the game. another two in the second period. despite no slashing and tripping rules, there were tough hit, penalties and a passing moment when it looked as if the teams would start an old-fashioned kick butt fight on the ice. cooler heads prevailed. the lobbyists managed to put in three goals on the scoreboard. the final was 5-3. the congressional team won. this is washington today on c-span radio and tonight, from politic politico's playback. political humor beginning with conan o'brien, jon stewart and some of the words of benjamin netanyahu. >> big big night tonight. today is the multistate primary known as super tuesday. excited about that? no, it's super tuesday. it's going to be followed by -- are we really stuck with romney
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wednesday? >> the nation with 0% report. the colbert report can officially report nothing. because we tape the show at 8:00 and polls close at 9:00. but i have gone to a lot of trouble here, so i'm going to report the result of something. so folkslet go to russia where we're prepared to project that vladimir putin will once again be the president of the russian republic. the voters responded to his slogan, putin 2012 or he'll shoot your family. >> yesterday president barack obama broke out the good chairs to welcome benjamin netanyahu in town for a quick nosh and a schmooze. while here, facing -- >> ladies and gentlemen, if it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a
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duck, then what is it? >> nuclear duck sounds the name of a terrible adult swim show. it doesn't actually -- actually it sound like an awesome adult swim show. >> newt gingrich apparently optimistic about his chances tonight. this is a quote. newt gingrich said that soon he'll be back on top. after hearing this his wife said please tell me he's talking about the campaign. >> some of the late night humor from jon stewart and stephen colbert, conan o'brien on super tuesday last night. this is "washington today" on c-span radio. author maggie anderson discusses a book, one black year, in which her family tried to buy everything it needed from black-owned businesses. >> we assumed that stuff was there but weren't living up to our duty to find and support it. we had no idea if we went to the west side, we would not find those businesses owned by the people who lived there.
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like you do if you were to look for an asian owned business or chinese owned business in chinatown or greek owned business in greektown. we assumed that the same phenomena would exist in a black community. >> maggie anderson discusses her book, one black year this friday on c-span radio, 7:00 p.m. eastern on afterwards. c-span radio is wc -- around the country on xm satellite radio and washington today continues. > we're getting the support i need to become the nominee. >> we had a good night but so did governor romney. that's why we have to start anew here. we have to do well here in kansas. no, we have to win here in kansas and win big. [ applause ] >> and so the campaigning continues one day after super
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tuesday which in past president primaries, kind of a benchmark into why we're going and coalescing around a candidate. we saw that four years ago with john mccain. but all four candidates vowing to stay in the race. the next focus will be kansas and next week two southern primaries in mississippi and alabama. welcome to hour two of washington today on c-span radio. i'm steve scully. thanks for being with us. mitt romney's campaign saying it raised over a million dollars in february. comparing to $9 million for rick santorum efforts. you get a sense that these two candidates are going to battle it out over the next couple of months. in other news today, the pentagon saying that the suggestion by senator john mccain for u.s. air strikes in syria will not work. that was the message delivered earlier today by the defense secretary leon panetta as well as the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general john dempsey. senator mccain questio


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