tv [untitled] March 28, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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department faces, it's an amazing job from community safety to national safety. just the -- and the last decade the expanti -- the expansion of national security portfolio and transformation of agencies, the fbi is not,kno your j. edgar hoover's fbi any more. for everybody who works, everybody out on the street, everybody tracking sexual predators, everybody who is doing their job, the prison guards, and all of the wonderful paraleal galparalee le -- para legals, secretaries. thank you. i think our c because of your work. and we have to look out for our civil service. because we need an independent judiciary. we need a justice department that functions with absolute
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integrity. but we, who fund the appropriations, need to know that if you are going to have a cracker jack civil service we have to also support that cracker jack civil service. so, thank you. and god bless you and god bless ic in recess until march thursday, 10:00. we will take the testimony of the director of the f ultimatel classified hearing. the committee is in recess. >> thank you, madam chair.
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>> tomorrow morning's "washington journal" jeff bingaman looks at the health care oral arguments before the supreme court and senate debate on tax writeoffsnd gas industries. and after that,or congressman, tom price on the republican 2013 budget proposal which the house will vote on tomorrow. washington journal live7:00 a.m. >> ronald reagan was leaving the hotel after delivering a speech. reagan comes out. hinckley can't believe he is this close. 15 feet from the president. he shoots. six shots. first one hits jim brady the press secretary. he falls down. second, a d.c. police officer,
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turned around to check on the president's progress the he gets hit in the back. screams i'm hit. hits the ground. now the path to the president is clear. wide open. hinckley has an effective range. he has done target practice. he can hit stationary targets. >> march 30, 1981, would be ss six shots. this weekend, the race to save a president. sunday, 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. eastern. >> follow c-span's local content vehicles throughout the weekend as book-tv and american history tv explore history and literary culture of little rock arkansas. saturday starting at noon eastern on book tv on c-span too. the little known riots and killing of at least 20 african-american sharecroppers. >> you had calls going the miss.
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and saying that blacks were now in revolt. and the next morning between 600 and 1,000 men, white men, pour into phillips county to begin shooting down blacks. >> on american history tv, sunday, former student bruce lindsay on integration and north little rock hi >> it's as if they know what i going to happen. we don't know what is going to happen. we don't realize what is going to happen when we get up those . because the crowd is with us now. the momentum is behind us. >> these stories and others from c-span's local content vehicles in little rock. this wee >> last month, homeland security secretary janet
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congress to pass cybersecurity legislation designed to strengthen government and private computer defenses from attack. she testified in front of the senate homeland security committee for close to three hours. >> the hearing will come to order. se on her way. i just saw senator, governor p congratulations of the centennial secelebration of the great state of arizona. hear, hear. i happen to have been on the floor of the senate. >> i was there at the time. >> you look very well for your
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age. very well.ka this -- this is tenth hearing our cybersecurity. and i hope it is the last before the comprehensive cybersecurity into law. the fact is that t our side. to melsike september 10th, 20and the question is whe will act to preventcyber9/11 before it happens instead of reacting after it the reason for this legislation is based in y, rival nations, terrorist groups, criminal syndicates and individual hackers probe the our most critical computer networks seeking to steal
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government and industrial secrets, plant cyber-agents. in the cyber systems that control our infrastructure. and what enable an enemy, for example, to seize control of a city's electric grid, water supplyti's financial or mass transit away.s with the touch of a key. the enng and growing cyberthreat, not only threatens our hers right now having a -- a very damaging impact on ouric prosperity. because extremely valuable intellectual property is being stolen regularly by cyberexploitation by people and
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individuals and groups and countries abroad that is then being replicated without the rey american companies meaning that -- jobs are being create add broad that be created here. when we talk about cybersecurity, there is a nachle r -- natural way people focus on the very real danger in which an enemy willub sub -- cyberspace. i have come to the conclusion this is actually one of the most important things we can do protect the treasures of america's intellectual innovation being stolen by competitors a very distinguish group of security experts led by former department of homeland security secretary mike chertoff and bill perry, g across
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both parties, issued a stark warning. and i quote, the constant barrage of cyber assaults has inflicted severe damage to our nationalic n national economic security and privacy of individual citizens. worse. inaction is not an acceptable option. end quote. i agree. the bill is the product of hard work across both and committee jurisdictional lines. i particularly want to thank my colleague, senator collins an s rockefeller, intelligence committee chairman, dianne feinstein forll cooperative work in getting us to this point the we are going to be privileged to hear from all three shortly. i also want to thank, senator carper, not here yet fo ldershi contributions to this effort. and i want to thank the witness whose are here, we have chosen -- the witnesses, deliberately -- because nay have
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hold differing points of view o legislation, we have crafted. and the challenges we face. and we look forward to their testimony. so, this act of 2012 does several important things to beef up our -- our defenses. and the wlegrnd of cyberspa cyberspace. it ensures the cybersystems that privately owned and operated ey here.ucture are secured. privately owned and operated -- cyberinfrastructure. can well be, probably, some way will be the target of an enemy attack. it its it is today the target of economic exploitation. and we have got to work together with the private sector better secure those systems, both for their own defense and for -- for our national defense. in this bill, the systems that
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will be standards are defined as those that have brought down our would lead to mass casualties, evacuations of major population centers, the markets or significant degradation of our national security. this is a tight and, and high standard. after, identifying the systems that meet those standards, the secretary of the department of homeland security under the legislatiowo the private sector operators of the systems to develop cybersecurity performance rs o privately operated cybersystems flexibility to meet the ever hardware or software they choose, so long as it achieves the required level of security. the department of homeland security will not be picking and in my opinion there is nothing in the bill that would stifle innovation. in fact, a letter from cisco
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systems, oracle, two of prominent it companies concludes that this legislation, and i quote, includes a number of tools that will enhance the nation's cybersecurity without interfering with innovation and development processes of the american it industry end quote. if a company can show legislation that the -- show to the depart o it alreadys cybers met -- then it will be exempt from further requirements under this law. failure to meet the snapped ard that will be pro posed by the department during a standard rule making and comment it create is a streamlined cybe will work with existing federal
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regulators and private ensure that no rules or regulations are put in place that either duplicate or are in conflict with existing requirements. the bill also importantlyiss me information sharing between the private sector and the federal and among the private sector operators themselves. this is important. because computer security experts need to be able to come pair notes to protect us from this threat. but the bill also creates security measures and oversight to protect privacy. and preserve civil liberties. theiberes union reviewed our bill and said it offers privacy protections of any cyber legislation yet proposed. i am going to skip over some of e bill does. and just, just go to --
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hich we reached this -- this legislative proposal was very inclusive. we not only work to cross committee lines, but reached out to -- to people in business, ad privacy, security experts for advice on many difficult issues that any meaningf cybersecurity legislation would need to address. i can tell you that literally hundreds of changes have been made to this bill as the a result of their -- input. finally we have struck the right to describe br mention, some things that are not in this bill. first and foremost, this bill a kill switch. that would allow the president to seize control or all or part of the internet. in a national crisis. it is not there.
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neverwas. thank you. but we put exclamation point by dropping a section tha kill switch. just wasn't worth it because of. there lshat touches on the balae between, intellectual eeer spee public opinion over the proposed stop online privacy act and andy members of congress with -- with scars or at least of -- post dr stress syndrome. since that happened. he ultimate verification of my assertion that there is nothing here anywhere like what another, but with gratitude one of our witnesses, mr. stewart baker was a leading opponent of sopa of
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our bill. after the cyber security act of 2012 becomes law, thern user wi using the internet just as they do today. but hopefully, as a result the law, and outreach pursuant to it they will be far better equipped to protect their own privacy andsiber attack. bottom line have worked very hard to come so far in a very to face a real and present danger to our country. that we simply cannot allow this moment to slip away from us. i feel very strongly that we need to act now. to defend america's cyberspace. as a matter of national andic nom uk security. senator collins. >> thank you, mr.. chairman, le applaud you for your leadership in this very issue.
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as well as the leadership of our two leadoff witnesses, senator rockefeller andenat feinstein who contrub oibuted s for to this issue and this k y holding this important hearing today. after the 9/11 attacks, we learned of many early warnings that went unheeded including an fbi agent who warned that one day people would die the wall that kept law agencies apart. when a major cyber attack occurs, the ignored warnings would be even more glaring. because our nation's vulnerabilityady en
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attempts bynation-states, terrorist groups, cyber criminals and hackers to penetrate our warnings of our vulnerability to a major cyber attack directions and countless experts. undersco intrusions that have already occurred. earlier this month, the fbi directar threat will soon equal o threat terrorism. he argued that we should be addressing the cyberthe same d applied to the threat. the director of national intelligence made the point strongly describing thbe threat as a profound threat to this ure, its
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economy, its very well being. in november the darpa warmed that malicious cyber attacks threatened a very ng number of the systems day, the electric grid, water treatment plants, key financial systems, similarly, general keith alexander, the commander of u.s. cyber command and the director of nsa has warned that our cyber vulnerabilities are extraordinary. and characterized by a distur t exploitation too destruction. these statements are just the latest in a chorus of warnings officials. and the threat as the chairman has pointed out our national security -- but
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also to our well being. a norton study calculated the cost of global cyber crime at when combined with the value of time victims lost due to cyber crime, this figure grows to $388 billion. orton described this as global black market and marijuana, cocaine, and heroin combined. in an op-ed last month entitled "china's cyber thievery as national policy must be challenged" former dni, mike mcconnell, former homeland security secretary, michael chertoff and former deputfens w lin noted ability of cyber terrorists to cripple --
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cripple -- our critical infrastructure. they sounded an even more urgent alarm about the threat of economic cyberel espionage. citing a report by office of national counterintelligence executive, the of the catastrophic impact that cyber espionage, particularly that pursued by china, could have on our economy and competitiveness. they estimated that the cost easily means billions of dollars and millions of jobs. this threat is all the more menacing because it is being pursued by a global competitor, seeking to steal the research and development of american firms to undermine our economic leadership. the evidence of our cyber
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security vulnerability is overwhelming. it compels us to act now. some members have called for yet more studies. even more hearings, additional markups. in other words, more delay. the fact is since 2005 alone, our committee alone has held 10 hearings on the cyber throat, including today's hearings. i know the commerce and the in tee jens committees have held many more. in 2011, chairman lieberman, senator carper and i introduced our cyber bill. reported by this committee later that same year. since y working with chairman rockefeller to merge our bill with legislation that he
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championed. which was reporte commerce committee. ground breaking work on information stharg which she has been kind enough to share with this committeewe cnges based on the feedback from the private sector, our colleagues and the administration, we have produced a refined version which is the subject of today's hearing. and it is significant that three senate chairmen with jurisdiction over cyber security have come together on these issues. we fail to act the threat increases to our national and economic security. now, others of our colleagues have urged us narrowly on the federal information
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security management act. asl r & d and improved information sharing. we do need to address those issues -- and our bill does just that. with 85% of our nation's critical infrastructure owned by the private sector, the ensuring that has the critical the most vital parts of that ouy catastrophic consequences, meet reasonable risk based performance standards. in an editl "the washington post" concurred. writing that our critical systems unprotected. some of the colleagues are skepticaounew regulations.
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i have opposed efforts to expand regulations that would burden our economy. but regulations that are natio security and that than hinder our prosperity strengthen our country. they are in an entirel the fact is the risk based performance requirements in our bill are targeted they apply only to specific systems and assets not companie result reasonably in mass evacuations, catastrophic economic damages, or sev our national security. in fact, some of the witnesses think that we have gone too dir.
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senator lieberman has deskrubd what the bill contains. so i will not repeatterest of t. let me just say that th urgent. we cannot wait to act. we cannot wait until ours a cat it would be irresponsible of congress not to pass legislation due to turf battles or due to claims by some businesses that we are some how harming our economy. in f are doing is protecting our economy. and our way of life. an >> thank you, senator collins for that very strong statement. i agree with you the i would
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correct one part. you said, how pleased you were that three committee chairs, with jurisdiction here have com co-chair of this committee, i would say it was four. >> thank you. awe i appreciate your very much your contribution to this effort. we are really grateful to have senator rockefeller andenor feinstein here. again i can't thank you enough for theve done together. i think it is a very powerful statement that we agreed it enas us to move it through the senate. i know the majority leader is really concerned committed to g this bill time on the floor as soon as possible. senator rockefeller, mr. our im, chairman lieber a member collins. you are quite right about that. senato frankly the thing that scares me more than anything is the fact that we have had so many
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necessary to get to the agreements that we have all come to, and they're solid, rock solid. but we still have to find the floor time for it. an easy time to do that. so the pressure is on this congress on both the house and the senate to come through o th danger is huge. and not yet guaranteed. i a -- a lead agency. to coordinate our civilian cyber se be the department of homeland security. under this superble of janet napolitano. our bill represents, expertise, hard work as both o said, three senate committees. and that as it should be. we have eagerly sought, as you mention senator lrm constructiv criticism and input from a whole lot of places.
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i can remember giving a speech, i think two years ago to a business group presenting ideas that olympia snow and i hadd th hear somebody was willing toto complaints. there were a lot of them. it's refuse to engage with us. there have been that -- even withino discuss with our staff, have discussions. that doesn't mean we don't take some of their suggestions. we have done that because if engage. ify put em in. make it a stronger bill.ncal authors, lieberman, collins, feinstein and se input, requesz senators on both sides of the gives me hope for final my co-a the bill, commerce reported out last yearastor carper was a copu
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