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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2012 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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difference. our tax cuts go to companies that create jobs over here. the romney tax cat create jobs overseas. it's a fundamentally different philosophy from ours. when china was dumpsing tires into the international marketplace, hurting american manufacturer's of tires and their workers, president obama stepped up and enforced our trade laws and won. governor romney at the time called what the president had done protectionism. that's his quote, protectionism. now, when its politically expedient he wants to get really tough on china. look, it's a different romney's called the president of the united states out of touch for encouraging young people to try to get manufacturing jobs. out of touch?
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romney? i mean -- [ applause ] >> pretty remarkable. as an old friend of mine says, that's chutzpah. romney appeared to scoff first in detroit, then in florida at the notion of manufacturing as a job engine four so look, folks, we have a choice in this election. between our philosophy that believes manufacturing is central to our economy, and their philosophy he scoffs at. between our philosophy that says there's nothing out of touch about fighting for the future of the middle class by creating manufacturing jobs. a philosophy that the
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folks at the top do well, everything else will do well. how many times have you heard about the job creators? look, governor romney's business practices and policies, have clearly benefited the wealthy and most powerful among us, often at the expense of working and middle class families. they actually believe it's the best way. i'm not doubting their belief. but it just doesn't work that way. as the president said, and i defining issue of our time. this is a make or break moment for the middle class. and for all those who are fighting to get into the middle class. folks, i stood outside of a lot of plant gates in my career, both here in this state, and in
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state of delaware, shaking hands and asking for support. i've also stood outside of those gates li motor gate in my home state asking when those workers needed my help. bee going somewhere else. those are the days that stick with me the most in my career. those are the days and the longest walk, these folks were taking. it wasn't from the factory floor to the parking lot for the last time. it was up that flight of stairs they had to go once they got home. into their child's bedroom, to y're not going to be able to go back to roosevelt high school or st. mary's. you're not going to be in the little league. daddy, mommy, i lost my job. we got to do something else.
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my dad made that walk when i was young, and an awful lotords i h. except the difference between then and now was my father said everything was going to be okay in the mid '50s. he believed it, i believed it. soy walk in the recent past five, six, seven years and thceanaintt their child up until now, it's going to be okay. but the good news is, that to e hes are replacing that a totall different journey. a journey that ends with workers who were able to come home and sa i've got a job. just like you were with able to. i got ajob.
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to be able to say, i've got a good job, building an amazing product that the world wants to buy. me so optimistic, we got a way to go yet. taking place again in the thousands, more than single day -- some you know me fairly well. my entire career i've been characterized as anp elected 29-year-old kid to the senate. i've never been morehe pspects for america. america today is better positioned than any country in the world to lead the 21st century. that's coming back, the middle class is coming back, america is coming back. worker byhome,
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neighborhood by neighborhood the country is coming so as my grandpop would say, keep tfa you. my god bless you all, and may god protect our troops. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ thursday, house budget committee leaders paul ryan and chris van hollen discuss the budget proposals. they'll look at both plans and discuss whether they think it's possible for a comprehensive budget to pass in both chambers of congress. it's hoeted by the national journal live 8:30 eastern on c-span2. here on c-span 3, a hearing on
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rising gas prices. why prices have risen quickly over the last few months. it's held by the senate energy and natural resources committee live at 9:30 a.m. eastern. ronald leaving his hotel after a speech -- reagan comes out -- the agents are surrounding him, he shoots. jime brady in the head. the second one hits tom delahante who turned around to chk progress. i'm hit, now the path to the president is clear, it's wide open. hinkley has an effective range of 20 to 30 feet. he's done target practice, can hit stationary targets 20 to 30 feet. >> march 30th, 1981, john hinckley fires six shots, this weekend on american artifacts, del quinton wilbur on the race to save a president sunday at 7:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern on
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american history tv this weekend on c-span 3. >> in march 19c-an began televising the u.s. house of representatives to households nationwide. and today ourpubl affairs, nonf books and american history is available on tv, radio and online. >> on or about friday november 21st, i asked admiral directly does the president know? he told me he did 25th, the day was reassigned back to the united states marine corps for service, the president of the united states called me. in the course of that call, the president said to me, words to the effect that i just didn't know. those are the facts as
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them. i was glad that when you introduced this, you said that you wanted to hear the truth. i came here to tell you the truth, the good, the bad and the ugly. i am here to tell it all, pleasant and unpleasant. and i am here to accept responsibility for that which i did. i will not accept responsibility for that which i did not do. >> c-span, created by america's cable companies as arvice. >> earlier this month, attorney general eric holder testified on the justice department's budget re the request is 36.5 billion in total spending, which is a $1.9 billion increase over 2012 held in fr appropriations subcommittee, this is 1:40.
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good morning everybody. good morning everybody. the commerce justice appropriations subcommittee will come to order. we welcome the attorney general of the united states, and as is the usual and customary way, senator hutchison and i will make opening statements. we'l ty summarize with unanimous consent that all statements be included in the record. senator shelby, our colleague and former ranking member on this subcommittee has a banking hearing. with senator hutchison's concurrence, we'll go right to senator shelby for the first question. does that sound okay? we'll observe senators in their
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order of arrival. we expect ro p we're going to strictly adhere to the five-minute rule. just want to say good morning and ommiomee hearing. the attorney general of the united states, in which we will hear his presentation on the o. we have a very positive relationship with the attorney general. he's brought to the justice department the experience of a career prosecutor. he's been dedicated to fighting violent crime and terrorism. he knows he is pioneering work, now working with our administration on how to deal with the new and emerging threat of cyber security which is how recommendations on protecting our civil liberties. well, mr. attorney general, before we get into the numbers
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about the money, i would just like to thank you and in thanking you, want to thank all the hard working men and women who do work at the department of justice. there are 119,000 employees who work there, 25,000 are federal dea, the u.s. marshals, the alcohol and firearms.n guds and correctionta prosecutors and investigators. they've done some amazing accomplishments which i'll talk about in -- when i get to my question period. but we want to thank them because every day in every way they stand sentry, either to do prevention and intervention, to make sure they're out on the street doing traditional violent crime work, to really being all over the world. and fighting is
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as the chair of the cjs subcommittee, i have three priorities when examining the budget, community security, how does the budget support the mission of keeping our communities safe; national security, what resources are needed to keep america safe; and oversight and accountability, no boondoggles on the watch of this subcommittee. and i want to make sure the justice department has what it needs to do its mission. there's only -- as i looked at the president's budget, i saw noted that there was only one new initiative, and that's the expansion of mortgage and that request is $611 million. it's a modest $5 million targeted increase.we're going te about that because we in our own state of maryland have seen such a rising number of scams and schemes and predator
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predatory lending practices, and we need to know what you want to do with the money. we can't have a strong economically vibrant community unless they're safe, whether it's in our neighborhoods, whether it's protecting small business on main street. so i want to know how the budget will keep america safe at home on main street. the request for $2 billion for enforcement, i wonder if it's sufficient. this is $32 million w 2012. we would have to consider reorganizing priorities. the state and local funding seems to have born the brunt of budget cuts. since 2010, grants have been cut by a billion dollars in local now, part of this was the ax and acts of the congress itself. many of my colleagues don't realize that cuts havediretiona
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spending. we need to hear your view on what we can do. we know the gao has recommthd w and eliminate unnecessary duplication. we support that. we also want to look in community security at the protecting of our children. one of the areas of bipartisan support is in the money to catch predators who use the internet to talk children, break up pord track down and arrest these child molesters. we understand you're requesting $328 million. we'll look forward to seeing how you will allocate that and what to do. the southwest border, my colleague, senator hutchison has worked acidulously in that area. i want to know that this is not only a bipartisan support, we think it ought to be nonpartisan
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to support our border. i'll let her raise those questions in there. in the area of cyber threats, our nation faces a growing and hacker, cyber spies and cyber terrorists. we need safe and resilient networks. we worry about online banking and commerce, the safety of our power grids, air traffic control systems, digitized records. yesterday the congress held, with the administration -- the senate held a cyber exercise. the majority of the senators were there to listen to an exercise on an attack on a major city's power grid. it was chilling. it was terrifying to know what happened there and what we could do to protect it. so we need to know about cyber. finally i want to know how the justice department is improving its accountability to taxpayers. you know you've gotten a bad ab banquets, cost overruns, the ig
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doing its audits, and if should. we want to know how we stand sentry over the money we do th the number of people here, i'm or i'll turn now to senator hutchison and then to you. >> well, thank you, madam chairman, very much, not only for the deference on border security where i live, but also on the way you run this or uto what's right for america. mr. attorney general, i do want border security. first of all, scaap funding is something that continues to be short changed by your budgets. scaap, of course, is the reimbursement for local law -- counties that incarcerate
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illegal alien prisoners. along the border, our counties are generally very poor and of resources. each year you continue to not fund. we did put the money back in y. i would hope you would support increasing that as we go through this process because we must incarcerate these illegal alien criminals who are mostly in the drug cartel operations so this will not be borne by the counties on the border. in response to operation fast and furious, language was included in last year's bill that would prohibit federal law enforcement agencies from selling operable weapons to cartels. this request that you're giving us removes that language, saying
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it's unnecessary. mr. attorney general, we want to make positively sure that what happened does not happen again. i would hope that you would support our insertion of that language again. last year, our commerce justice state bill provided $10 million to expand the capacity at the overcrowded el paso intelligence center. and this is critical for our southwest border information sharing and has the potential to become the border's focal point to help stop the flow of narcotics, combat illegal immigration and end human trafficking and firearms smuggling. it is imperative that this el paso intelligence center and the dea take full advantage of the department of justice agencies, the fbi, the u.s. marshals and the atf, and i hope that you can give us an update on the status
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of this funding and the project. there have been reports that cartels across the border are attempting to recruit college students to smuggle drugs into the country, and it says that minors are more appealing because criminal penalties are lighter for them. one of the good parts of your budget request is $312 million programs, and i will be interested in hearing if you think -- if you're aware of these border threats to our youth and if some of that money that you are requesting could be put on the border to try to make sure that we try to help our youth overcome the cartel overto in addition, there is a requested cut of 1.5% from state and local law enforcement grants which are very important grants,
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and the local law enforcement agencies along the border that have such a burden with the trafficking that is coming across the border. us restore that funding. the v.a.l.o.r. program, the violence against law enforcement anen and survivability is one that i applaud your efforts to put in place. and unfortunately, the number of federal, state and local officers who died in the line of duty in america last year increased from 153 to 173. the feedback from the training and research being conducted through v.a.l.o.r. is very t center at texas state university which was credited by the two
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officers who came into ft. hood when major nadal hasan started shooting unarmed military people. both of those officers survived even though sergeant munley was shot several times. but they both credited their swift response that day to the alert active shooter training program that they had received. so that's something that's very good that i applaud in your budget. i want to state a concern that i have about the u.s. national parks service pushing for construction which is in progress on an unmanned border crossing at the big bend national park in south texas. this is not a department of justice decision, but it is
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going to affect some of the personnel, and i'm concerned that this is an area where illegal immigrants can walk across. the water is knee deep and you and into big bend. and having an unmanned border crossing i think is insufficient. so we're going to talk about that at some point to see if we can get fbi, dea, atf, border patrol, somebody to man a place like that where it is so vulnerable. last but not least, general holder, i'm going to ask you q integrity unit. i'in credit for dismissing the case against senator ted stevens when you learned of the corruption within that division of your
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department. m because the report will be public within days, and if there is as your major responsibility, it is that the public corruption unit and the department of and clearly that was not the case in the prosecution of a great friend to many of us and a great patriot for our country who unfortunately was very badly abused by the department of justice. but i will say you did dismiss the case when you learned of the misbehavior, and i gave you credit on the senate floor for doing that and will again. but i do want to ask you about
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k questions. thank you. >> mr. attorney general. chairwoman mikulski, ranking member hutchison, other distinguished members of the subcommittee, i thank you for the opportunitfor ur continued support of the justice depant i look forward to discussing the president's fiscal year 2013 budget for the department and build on what i think is our extraordinary record of success. now, the president's budget proposal demonstrates a clear commitment to advancing the department's core missions an augments our about to fulfill our most important obligation. that's to protecting the american people. despite the significant fiscal constraints, the federal government has faced in recent years, the 116,000 dedicated employees who serve in the department offices around world have made significant and historic progress in protecting
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our citizens from a range of threats that often disproportionately threaten the most vulnerable members of our society. we've proven our commitment to acting as stewards of precious taxpayer dollars. as you can see in the budget request, proposed spending increases have been exceeded by proposed cuts. as a result of numerous steps taken to streamline operations, almost $700 million worth savings have been developed and reinvested in critical mission areas. i believe that the department is perhaps more efficient and more effective than ever before. underscore this point, especially when you consider our by continuing to work collaboratively alongside u.s. and international partners, we have identified and disrupted numerous alleged terrorist plots including one by two iranian natis saudi ambassador to united states. we have thwarted multiple plots deviced by home grown extremists and secured convictions and robust sentences by dangerous
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terrorists. in october the department received a guilty plea. last month abdulmutallab was sentenced to four life terms in november. in november we secured the conviction of victor boot, a notorious arms dealer who sold millions in weapons for use in killing americans. and in december al want pleaded guilty to 23 charges including conspiracy to -- transfer, possessions and export explosive devices against u.s. troops in iraq. the list goes on and on. with the sustained and increased investments included in the president's budget for the comprehensive national cyber security initiative, the high value detainee interrogation group, the joint terrorism task forces, the render safe program department will be able to
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strengthen our critical surveillance and intelligence gathering capabilities. it will also allow us to bring our fight against financial fraud to a new level.esident ob proclamation to mark the beginning of this year's consumer fraud protection week. i'm proud to note that the r protection branch has established a record of success in defending the interests of american consumers that is worth celebrating and will be expanded upon. in 2011 alone, our consumer protection branch obtained a 95% conviction rate, recovered more than $900 in criminal and civil fines, restitution and penalties and obtained sentences totaling more than 125 years imprisonment against more than 30 individuals. this represents remarkable and unprecedented progress. it really is only the beginning. in fact, since the start of the administration the justice department has signaled an unwaveriommbatg and preventing range of financial and health


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