tv [untitled] March 29, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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such as equal right or choice? >> that's your job to go look up who are these women and fibbed out which of the women that you can support and that supports the things that you care about. but what we are seeing, if you look at the party break down, there are more democratic women running than republican women. right now, in the united states house of roan sentives, democratic women make up 32% of the democratic caucus. part of what's happened is they tend to be a bit more moderate and have a very tough time making it through primaries. and i think for me, watching, a real training day has hatched this year. a moderate republican woman, one of the few voices that was really capable of of working across party lines and trying to seek some places of compromise.
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we would all agree that we soarly need. there are an array of women, more democrats than republicans. so that's up to you to take a look and see which other women. but they are out there and find the women that you can support and that you believe them if you're not going to run yourself. >> one more question? >> oh, would you like to go? >> i'm sorry. >> oh, okay. two thievings. one, i just want to encourage the younger women in this audience to reach out to older women to get them social media culturally limit. there is a divide in age of the social media which, you know, older women are -- if you just sit with them. goat them online. it's a generality. i know that. i know that.
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>> peppe awnings? >> no, i'm just saying it breaks at a certain point. ms. walsh, when'll i talk to people about running for office, they say i don't want to put in time on the school board. i west like to run. that is no tea the way they run do a little topic. our most recent study is we found well other half of them. and i think one of the things that we do particularly to women as we tell them no, no, no. you have to work your way up and then run for local council and then run for the state legislature. and i think what happens is we porned those women out. i mean, that is the touchest job there is. you can't go to the soup market. everybody knows you and you o'hare dealing with issues afacting their children. and you're crazy.
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>> i mean, if what you want to do is be on the school board, then be on the school board. but if you want to run for the state legislature, do it. just do it. >> i'll give martha best of your recollection, the money ed tour the last question. >> i just wanted to make sure that the other lady had a chance. so i'll try to be brief. this question was
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on the past panel, there were a myriad of examples in ways which women are retaining rights to reproductive health, you know, percent hills from being lost. to me, protecting the wrathiests in the real world is edge ka kalting women before they get there. remember the panelist who was asamed to use condoms because the shame of doing so, had been so engrained in her. that's not something that happens. and unless i could clutch a threat to education, i don't think women of my age are going to be able to move thingings forward. we have the rights to be
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rochette i have. we won't necessarily know how to use them. i think what she cede is applicable. she said early morning cakes poll sicks are often what we moves children. not people. in my question to everybody is what policies are we you are hp suing. what policies of a yam wichl, more mothers with your wooing soft of your generation are going to know about things before they half to talkle them. >> okay vmt place plays. >> what year of high school are you in? >> i attend al tend albert berns turks ein. i don't think we have to worry about the next wren jags so much.
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they're willing to take the bike. you know that we're -- the -- my two colleagues didn't wanted to answer it is that resupport qursh rehencive sex age caution. >> and the tragedy is we've got to do more to support it. real really, young women's lives, young men's lives depend on it because we have now, in our country, something like eleven stis, sexually transmitted infections at epidemic proporess or near eck demmeic proportions. and over the weekend, we have doctor smiths who will be talking about a new study which believes that in certain areas of our country, the under reporting of aides is by a factor of five times. so we are living right here in defrocks c ewe the uncertain
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wars. there is a very high i said dent. our younger generation has a right to comprehensive sexual education to protect their lives. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> martha? >> i'm just saying if we're out of time -- >> we're out of time. >> okay. >> unless you have a minute, i can't shut you up. >> i just want to say -- damn. >> but you have to ask a question. >> yeah. i jinxust wanted to -- as a certified older woman who does know how to use social meadia, want to say let's not forget about what media. you know most people that call into the radio are plehn: a lot of them are younger men who are pretty sbent woman and our voices need to be harrods thehr
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heard there, too. >> thank you very much. and thank you all for attending the 2012 women, money and power forum. you've been a marvelous team here. and participation, i hope there's been all kinds of networking. and i know there has been. we'll see you again, i hope, next year. thank you so much for all your sponsorship, your activity and your work for the advancement of women. thank you, good night.
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house committees begin looking for budget cuts to avoid awutomt it cuts. the president has set a 90 day extension in highway and transit programs. it continues on a temporary basis while house and senate negotiators work on a longer solution. >> ronald reagan was leaving this hotel after delivering a speech to the alfcio. he newlywed believe. he's 15 feet from the president. the first one hits jim brady in the head. he falls down. the second one hits tom delahante who had turned around to check on the president's progress. he gets hit in the back, falls down and screams i'm hit. now the path to the president is clear. hinkley has done target practice. >> march 30th, 1981. would-be assassin john hinkley fires six shots.
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this week, on the race to save a president sunday at 7:00 and 10:00 eastern. this weekend owned c-span three. >> follow c-span's local content vehicles throughout the content a. explore the history and literary culture of little rock, arkansas. saturday, starting at noon eastern on c-span2, the little known riots and killing of croppers and sharecroppers. >> you had calls going all up and down by saying blacks were now in rebaffled. and the next morning, between 600 and a thousand men, white men, pour in foe phillips county to begin shooting down blacks. >> and on american history tv on
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c-span3, sunday at 5:00 p.m., bruce lindsey on integration and north little rock high school. >> it says they know what' going to happen. we don't don't realize what's going to happen. but they seem to. the crowd is with us now. they are behind us and they are pushing up the steps. in this weekend, on c-span2 and 3. >> north korea says it plans to send a satellite into orbit next month. to mark the anniversary of its founder. now that south korea and the international community say the launches cover for a long-range missile test. yesterday, the house arms services committee heard from general james they areman. this is about an hour and a half.
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>> the committee will come to order. good morning, ladies and gentlemen. the house armed services committee meets today to receive testimony about the security situation on the korean peninsula. >> commander u.s. forces korea. this is our first opportunity to have a dedicated hearing on this topic. but i cannot think of a more opportunity tune time. north east asia is a dynamic region to the global economy, regional stability and u.s. national security interests. what's more, the coming year, we'll bring a number of regional leadership transitions for north
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korea u south korea, china, japan and russia. as some might have forgotten, the korean war is over. it's home to one of the world's most militaristic states. in fact, although the north korean regime is willing to starve its own citizens, it maintains the world's lashlgest army. thousands of artillery systems, tanks aircraft and surface combatants. more than 70% of north korea's combat power is positioned within 90 miles of the demilitarized zone. this puts our citizens of soul, if world's forth largest city easily within the eh raddic
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jam's racial relation. last month, the regime would stop uranium enrichment and missile testing and allow international inspectors to return to the nuclear facility in exchange for traditional aid. but two weeks ago, north korea said they would launch in april. a clear administration. this is typical behavior shown by their regime. a cycleover provocations and reconciliations designed to get what they want without giving up their new collar weapons program. it's becoming clear that the same aggress wreckless cycle will continue under the new north korean dictator. meanwhile, there are reports that north korea and iran are
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working together in the production of ballistic missiles. in contrast, south korea is a vibrant democratic nation that is one of the world's largest economies and contributes to global security. just a few days ago, north korea hosted the 2012 summit. our troops stationed in south korea formed the backbone of our mutual defense treaty, promote and protect u.s. national security and economic interests. the readiness and posture are key to stopping a dangerous regime from destabilizing the region with unwarnted attacks. we look forward to your testimony. and we're glad to have you here with us today. >> thank you, member smith. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i concur completely in your
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opening marks about the importance of the region, the importance of our alliance, the threat that north korea poses to security in that region and, indeed, squirted in the world. i think general thurman for his leadership and fer all of those of you who serve earned him and trying to maintain the peace in that very, very unstable region. south korea is an absolutely critical ally and partner. our presence builds and shapes that relationship. my own state of washington has a very strong korean population that watches closely what goes on in the korean peninsula. so we appreciate your leadership. and, obviously, north korea is about as unpredictable and dangerous actor as we have to deal with in the world today. so it is a complicated job to make sure that we maintain security there without rising too much to the provocations and without ignoring them a the same time. it's a delicate balance.
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we appreciate your work and effort to do that. i look forward to your testimony particularly about the proposed missile launch. how you see that playing out with other partners in the region that we're working with to try to contain it and in particular, what you think about china and the role that they could play in trying to better contain north korea? is that improving? are they becoming anymore cooperative in terms of working with us to make sure that north korea stays under control? and no country in the region has greater power than china, given north korean's dependence upon china's support for energy and other issues. that's a critical part, as well. as the chairman mentioned, the whether or not he will region is important to our national security strategy and a big piece to mike sure that we make clear to those countries in asia that we are a pacific power. it's the role we play on the korean hp innocence law. so i thank you for your leadership and for all you are doing to represent us well in that part of the world and i
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look forward to your techl. testimony thank you very much. >> thank you for inviting us here today to discuss a security situation. general thurman will discuss an assessment on the security land assessment and i'll concentrate on our privacy pollties. for over 60 years, the united states has maintained presence to deter aggression against the republic of korea and to filth and win should deterrents fail. we must never forget that more than 36,000 members of the u.s. military gave their lives in support of this mission during the korean war. today, the u.s. korean alliance continues to be a corner stone
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of u.s. strategy in the asian pacific region. and the mission of our alliance remains today as it was six decades ago. mission of the alliance remains the same today as six decades ago. the department of defense rebalance towards the asia pacific region as laid out in the defense strategic guidance is a reafter mission of our commitment to the korean ally and our mission on the korean peninsula. as president obama stated during a joint press conference with president lee in seale two days ago, the united states as a pacific nation if x will play a larger and long-term role in shaping the region and its future. the cornerstone of our efforts is our strong alliances including our alliance with republican korea. the maker forces in korea for efficient and effective and then presence, power projection and deterants in the region. north korea's provocative
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behavior, large conventional military, proliferation activities, and pursuit of asymmetric advantages through the ballistic missile and weapons of mass destruction program including uranium enrichment continue to present a serious threat to the united states, our allies and the region as a whole. it was almost two years ago that north korea brazenly sank the rock naval vessel chonan. that event coupled with the unprovoked shelling of the island in 2010 provides reminder that yang is willing to utilize military capabilities with deadly consequences. these demonstrates the united states and iraq need to take further steps to bolster deterants and preserve security. we're working closely with iraq allies and armed forces to ensure the responses to any future north korean profs
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indication are effective and appropriate and integrated into alliance plans and conducted from an alliance perspective. further more through our extended deterant's policy committee we meet by annually to identify ways in which the full range of alliance capabilities including conventional forces, missile defense, nuclear capabilities, strategy and doctrine can be leveraged to maximize deterants. the potential for a north korean provocation in 2012 remains a major concern. the april 15th sentinel celebration commemoration of kim ill song's birth provides a milestone to show this become a strong and prosperous nation. kim joperhaps through a provocative act or display of force is a real possibility. the upcoming iraq particle men
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try and presidential elections in april and december respectively are opportunities for yang to disrupt and potentially influence south korean outcomes. our suspicions using the celebration this year to enhance its missile program were confirmed when north korea announced on march 16th that a plans to conduct a missile launch between april 12th and 16th. this plan launch is highly provocative because it man tests north korea's desire to test and expand its long range missile capability. in addition, the launch if it occurs would be in direct violation of yang's international obligations including u.n. security council resolutions 1718 and can 1874 which prohibit north korea from conducting any launches that use ballistic missile technology. north korea's announcement is troublesome because only two weeks prior in a february 29th
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statement after three rounds of by lateral talks north korea agreed to implement a mother tore you mean on long range missile launches. the united states made it very clear a satellite launch would be a deal breaker. let me turn briefly at just if you permit me one more minute to south korea. over the last year the united states and iraq have sought to transform the alliance so it remains available not only for the security of the decree an peninsula but also regionally and globally. we have frequently consult and coordinate with iraq counterparts across a variety of issues with the media focus being on preparation for the transfer of wartime operational control and the relocation of u.s. forces on the korean peninsula. to ensure the alliance remains well positioned to promote peace and stability for decades to come, our two countries have a comprehensive plan under
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strategic alliance 2015 framework to transition wartime operational control from the u.s. iraq combined forces demand to the rock joint chiefs of staff by december 2015. this transition will enable them to take the lead role in the defense of its nation while maintaining an enduring u.s. defense commitment and capability. as part of that effort general ther man will speak in more depth we are working to relocate u.s. forces and the metropolitan area south of seol. the movement of units and securities south of the hahn river improves efficiency, reduces costs, contributes to the political sustainability of our forward presence and enhances forced projection or protection and survivability of placing the majority of personnel and equipment outside
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the effective range of north korean artillery. thank you. >> thank you. general thurmam. >> thank you, mr. chairman. chairman mckin, congressman smith and distinguished plebs of the committee, thank you for this opportunity to update you on the united nations command combined forces command and united states forces korea. it is a great honor to soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines serving our country in the republic of korea. i think the members of this committee for their support for our warriors. the relationship is the finest military partnership i have experienced in my 37 year career. together our militaries deter aggression and maintain peace and stability on the korean peninsula. the presence in the republic of korea supports u.s. national interests in a key ally in northeast asia. since the united states and the
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republic of korea forged an alliance in battle over 60 years ago, the republic of korea has become a vibrant democracy, economic success and global security partner. currently serving beside us in afghanistan and off the horn of africa. in stark contrast one of the world's poorest, most closed and most mill tarized countries, north korea lies less than 20 miles from the northern districts of seoul, a city of over 24 million people. the change in north korean leadership led to a period of increased uncertainty on the korean peninsula. the new leader appears to be following the same pattern of his late father and grandfather, examples of this are north korea's recent announcement of their intention to launch a satellite with a ballistic missile and their continued denounsing the nuclear security summit and alliance military
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exercises. these actions are increasing tensions on the peninsula. additionally, north korea continues to adhere to its military first policy, they maintain the fourth largest conventional military force in the world, the world's largest special operating force and significant long range artillery capabilities. over 70% of their combat powers are right within 90 miles of the demill tarized tone and north korea continues to pursue a symmetric capabilities in the areas of nuclear, missile and cyber. the development of these capabilities and the stationing of the conventional forces provide north korea the ability to attack or provoke the republic of korea with little warning. the recent appearances including a visit to the joint security area continue to stress his role as military commander and further re enforce the importance north korea places on its military first policy.
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it is undetermined at this time whether or not he will change any north korea strategies or policies in the future. disagreement keeps our force separated from north korean forces. the 16 sending state members of the united nations command maintain the armistice from the republic of korea promoting stability and investigating any alleged armistice violations. the participation of the states in the republic of korea demonstrates the commitment of the international community to stability on the korean peninsula and enhances our ability to successfully deter aggression. our deterant capability is based on u.s. and roc military readiness. this is my primary focus. i have conducted a thorough review including two combined exercises and i have determined our forces remain ready to defend the republic of korea peninsula. the roc military is
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