tv [untitled] March 31, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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paper, the "post," and we saw a story about a young amputee who was at walter reed who they gave a long story on and my husband thought, you know, i might be able to help him. we ought to go see him. so we very billionly walked into walter reed and asked to see this young man. and they let us see them and then we found out we shouldn't have been there without having on go through the course that peer amputee visitors go through. and so we looked into it and after a year, they took us into the course. and then the past 7 1/2 year, we have visited twice a week at walter reed before it was closed and we visited with the amputees and the main reason why, if you meet my husband today, you won't know he's an amputee. he walks beautifully. and they would think, well, when a young fellow just lost his legs and we would walk in the room, they position, well, if it
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that old geezer can do it, so can i. so we -- and we have seen -- about 20 women who were amputee as. and it's a little harder for a woman because especially if she loses an arm because of the appearance and wanting to hold her baby when she has one. but one of our women amputees is now running for congress and i hope she gets elected because she'll look out for the amputees and that's what we're interested in. and i was asked one question, what what's the greatest thing that happens to you that really means a lot to you. and it's the day that the amputee walks for the very first time on his legs. it's a big boost for us.
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and so we do now go over to bethesda, but we only go over twice a month. we're getting kind of old. >> thank you very much. [ applause ] you've touched a lot of lives. sergeant daisy lozak, your work at camp pendleton and your husband's experience as a survivor gave you a meet perspective on the korean war. can you describe this for us? >> well, first of all, it is mys distinct privilege to be here with all the korean women veterans today. my story began when i walked by the recruit station and saw this poster of this beautiful woman marine and it said join the marines, serve your country. well, i certainly wanted to do
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that. so here i was. my dad was this world war i. my four brothers were in the military, and my five brother-in-laws were in the military, so i chose to join them in the military. ten years ago, my husband and i attended a 50th celebration honoring the korean war veterans sponsored by the korean government in austin, texas. while we were waiting for the event to start, the auditoriums had not yet been filled, so we choose to visit with people around us. and in the course of the evening, a young couple from korea sat about three rows like you're being seated today, three rows in front of us were still vacant, but we were speaking with the couple from korea. my husband because speaking about his tour of duty. and when he said he made the
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land, you can just imagine the young lady jumped up over the seats, grabbed my husband around his neck, was hugging him and kissing him. but what she said changed my life forever. she said my mother told me when i was a small child that if you ever run across a marine that made the enchon land to hug him and you hug him to death because if it was not for the marines, we would not be here today. i learned by women serving in the military, we relieved a soldier, a serviceman, to execute his job to protect our country. i am so proud to have been able to serve my country in this capacity and i am still trying daily to make the marine corps
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proud of me. i want to stand and give my heartfelt thanks to all the women marines who have served in the past and are serving today to protect our magnificent country. accept practice guy, which means always faithful. >> beautiful. thank you. if you know a little bit about the history and her husband being a chosen survivor, they called it frozen chosen for a reason, it was unbearbly cold in the winter and they were landlocked in that area and the marines rescued help, the first marine division. that was beautiful.
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lieutenant patricia jochnson, i your work with female soldier, how is the woel in the war effort per eached and were there any who worked in combat zones? >> not to my knowledge. and i don't think that when i was in washington, d.c. too much thought was given to the people over in korea at that time. we didn't have much mention of it in the offices. which was sad. >> did you feel the training was adequate for some of the sold qu iers that you worked with? >> yes, i think so. it was viktly administrative and we were also trained in the uniform code of military justice. didn't have to use it fortunately. but i don't recall take any of the people either if washington, d.c. or los angeles where i was later had had any tours in
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korea. >> we'll talk a little bit more about that in a minute. >> i would like to say one thing about the navy. when we were in pyongyang korea, we didn't have a neurosurgeon, so we got captain blood off of the repost. that was a hospital ship. so he was our navy surgeon. in pyongyang as the brain surgeon. >> thank you. captain taylor u.s. air force, did you feel that your civilian training was adequate in preparing you for duty in korea during the war? >> yes, it was to the extent that i had a favorite army nurse in world war ii, north africa, sicily, and we were very close and she kept me up-to-date on all the things that went on, how
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the military murss were. but when i got core re, a it was a little bit different. we were in huts and support group for the third bound group which were b-26s. and our job was mainly to make sure that our crews were up and ready for whatever. we had a couple of crashes on base, but people were evacuated over to japan. but i think one of the funniest, if you want to call it that, incidents that happened was we had a patient who developed the mumps and we had to put him in the crash ward and i couldn't get a corpsman to go near the patients. so the nurses were doing double duty taking care of this one young man whoed that the mumps because they were so afraid that they would become sterile. that was their excuse. but on the whole, i think -- i was pretty well acquainted with what was going to happen because i had so much familiarity with
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what my aupt had done during world war ii, that i kind of knew what was coming. >> okay. and this leads to the next question for all of you. and you can answer in any order. and the reason i'm asking about this, again, with the history of the korean war, we were not quite prepared for this war. and as general purser mentioned, it was much more of a challenge for women than even world war ii. because we weren't ready for war at that time. american domestically wasn't really cognizant of what was going on in korea. we were so busy healing ourselves after world war ii. so consequently, we sent troops over there that were not quite prepared. we sent medical folks over there with no medical training. so you talk about a challenge. hence some of the stories that you see this m.a.s.h.
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they were very innovative to say the least. but what i wanted to ask all the ladies was in regards to training address preparation in the provision of medical care, what was your perception of korea in comparison to world war ii and vietnam did you see any major differences? >> i don't know that much about the second world war, but we had 97% recovery going through the m.a.s.h. which is a big recovery when you think of that many patients coming through. and you're not aware of being prepared for that many casualties in real life. and i think all the nurses and doctors and also our enlisted corpsmen just did a fantastic job when you think of 97% survived. >> now, that had something to do with the fact that the m.a.s.h.
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was close to the front lines, correct? >> yes. we were about eight miles behind the front. >> the difference there was that they had to be able to move within six hours as the front you'ved. that was a new phenomenon for medicine. so that did make a difference. and the survival rates were incredibly improved. >> we also had with our unit the froth fight team which was great and we also had the bulletproof vest team with us. i mean, just different things which they probably are using today, you know. >> one thing i could add, it was just one of the things that i don't know if the nurses experienced where they were located, but i know the story is told many times of the chosen reservoir because it was so horribly cold in november and december of 1950 when that happened. the men at the veterans that i'm around and speak with on occasions, i think the one comment or two comments that is
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common throughout is how terribly cold it was and the recollection is that to use the morphine or the drugs to help them as they needed to be taken care of was frozen and they would have to hold to their chest to it thaw out. and use it for their services. so the training is going on to this day about the circumstances and what impluchrovements and ts are made to this day. >> that's right. because after that time, they started teaching the soldiers to put the bhood products and everything under tear arm pits just like you helped p.o.p. people with frostbite. good point. >> from the second world war until vietnam, i can be be-proc
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these prosthetics have changed immeasurable. and also the helicopter coming in in korea was quite a big difference from world war ii. they were out of the battle zones faster. but the helicopter rides weren't so good. >> can you describe that, can anyone describe how they were taken out by the helicopters? >> yeah, they're vaped on the side and we watched m.a.s.h. because it's really a lot of fun. my husband says, well, it's for the exactly like that, but he said he remembered the helicopter ride. and we have a funny thing because we found out that she was in the same m.a.s.h. unit
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but earlier than my husband was there, but her husband was will when my husband was there. and so that was kind of an interesting thing. >> you just did you evered tjus had a little while ago. >> and that was when it was raining so harain ing so, they couldn't get out. and now the young men are back in the states sometimes in two or three days.and now the young in the states sometimes in two or three days. back then, my husband didn't get to the states until september. so things are a lot better. and his legs are so much lighter now. >> now, do any other ladies have a comment? >> the 8063, this is as the war progressed, at first it was different because i went over in
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1950 and i was there in pyongyang when the chinese hit it so hard. but when i was back at the m.a.s.h. close on the 38th, but i went over to visit the 8063, they were taking care of all the head cases. and i'm telling you, those nurses were something else because it's a very sad to take care of all those head cases. and at that time, all the ivs, it was cold, it was january, and the i vcvs were all freeze aing. just the keep the ivs going were something. but i always thought the girls that worked withere were really something. >> did they originally do the neurosurgery -- well, there was neurosurgery done in all facilities? >> no, we had cap itain blood le i said, he came on for the head cases. but then later on, the 8063,
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they tried to get most of the head cases over there. and those are the girls that really post op i thought had to be given a lot of credit to. she was talking about the month the 8076 when i first went to korea, getting mail is one of the biggest things when you're in a combat zone. and so we had mail time. and i remember this anesthesiologist said that he'd gotten a letter from his mother and she's so golad he wasn't ata battalion 5id station. and the next three or four days later, he was dead because he got poll i don't. none of the rest of us got polio. it was really strange. and they did get him down on the hospital ship, but he at any time make didn't make it. so you just never know. his mother out he was safe being at m.a.s.h. >> follow i dony polio is anoth. after korea, we didn't see that.
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i had a patient who was in an iron lung and also had a 3-year-old boy who was a child of within of the men who had polio. and that's something that you just don't see anymore. >> that's true. ms. taylor. >> i remember that there were a lot of times that we went into the korean hospitals where we found the facilities there were very lacking. and we shared a lot of our supplies with them. and i noticed that they didn't have dietary facilities, that if a korean patient came in, he had to have a member of the family there with him to supply them with their meals and take care of them because they did not have any nurses in this particular hospital. but one incidence that i do remember that was quite funny, i went on a tour, and it wasn't a
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real large place, and at that time which was many years ago, my hair was quite red. and we were walking along the street sight seeing. the next they thinking he know, was a whole group of people following along in back of me. and i asked our guide what that was all about. they had never seen a female with red hair and that's why they were following me. >> that's wonderful. well, ladies, do you mind if we -- we have i'm fhave time fo of questions from the audience and then lieutenant drake asked knee read a small excerpt from the m.a.s.h. book. does anyone in the audience have any questions for the panel? >> for lieutenant drake and l u lieutenant taylor, how did you -- when you deployed to
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korea, what kind of transport, how did did you get there and also did you go as part of a unit or did you join a unit when you got there? >> i was stationed at walter reed hospital and i worked in the operating room at a walter reed here in d.c. and i got that i had to be in july right after the korean war started, that i was on alert and i got notified on a saturday night at 10:00 p.m. that i had to clear the post and go to ft. bragg, north carolina to join the 171st evac. so that's what i did. and down there, some of the girls stationed in ft. bragg had been on maneuvers to puerto rico, so they may have had a little bit bit training than most of us because none of us had any training for combat. and so from ft. bragg, north carolina, we went by troop oig
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train to san francisco, went 13 days to japan and from japan, we got there and went to the southern part of japan and then we were flown over to the nurses and doctors were flown over to korea. and that's when i was with the 8076 temporary duty. and then in the meantime, the 171st evac was sent up to pyongyang, korea, which is a big unit and we were set up in a russian medical school. >> i left a very lucrative job in new york city for basic raining. wound up in chanute on a made stern day ward which did not go over very well at all because i said i was supposed to go to korea, not deliver babies.go ove i said i was supposed to go to korea, not deliver babies. chief nurse came in and said i
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want three nurses to go to korea and i raised both hands and i got orders and i was on my way. the liso that's where i wound u. >> we appreciate your service all of you. are there any other questions? yes. >> it's not a question. i am so thankful first my friends they invite me to come here today. i just want to say thank you so much for saving -- my homeland, korea. [ applause ]
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i want to say something more, but i just can't. but thank you so much. before i knew who they was, my father and grandparents told me so much about general mccarthy, i feel like he's the korean president when i grow up. but thank you again. and so much for saving our homeland korea. >> that says it all, ladies and gentlemen. >> we all thank you, colonel clark and the d.o.d. committee to invite us here. i wish i could bring who are koreans. are there are people from community here so we can hear your testimony and be able to thank you personally. she make me cry.
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i apologize. anyway, we really deeply appreciate your service to the country and also we have a motherland which is back in korea and if you weren't there, the republic of korea would not be here standing. and i really hope that you had a chance to go back to korea recently to see such a huge progress and development. and it took basic steps to do that. since this is women's month and i have a question that the war is-
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is the place where you can get an opportunity as advancement for a nurse. was there any chance for you to advance to the physician's roles or educations, was that given any chance during the korean war? therefore, that well have a more doctors, female doctors in military services. >> i visited korea in 1992 to see it, and they were very nice to me there and they were very, very cordial. and my daughter was with me. and she is like 5'10" and a blond and she made quite a sensation. >> thank you, everybody. >> yes, sir.
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>> on behalf of the korean government at the minister of national defense, i would like to thank all of you who served in korean war. your dedication and your sacrifice became now korea is very wonderful country. big support of all of you. i appreciate again from the would t bottom of my heart. i would like give you small token that is my coin. [ applause ]
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[ inaudible ] >> thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, too. i enjoyed your company this 1974. i took my children over to saul seoul. >> i hope you have the another opportunity to visit. >> i'd like to. thank you. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> now to conclude the panel session, i would like to read an excerpt from the book m.a.s.h. this is a great book, by the way. a surgeon in the korean war
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wrote this this. and this is from lieutenant drake. this is about the m.a.s.h. surgeon. "it has finally quiet the down. what a rat race. i had no idea i could get sick and tired of surgery, but honestly, i don't care if i ever do or even see an operation again at this point. this sort of thing makes one so physically and emotionally tire that had it really defies description. it makes strong men break down and cry to see those boys caked with mud and blood, bled white under it all, all of them in shock of one type or other saying nothing, asking nothing, and not one out of 100 complaining about anything. they just lie there and say, yes, sir, no, sir, thank you, sir. until you want it tell them to yell or cry or do anything but just lie there. god never before nor ever will again make anything equal the
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gi. excuse me. at the are so wonderful, it makes a lump in your throat. see? it works. every time you look at them. i wish every last person in washington could be compelled to walk through our hospital during a push just to see what these poor guys are going through. god police the gi. and got bless you ladies and thank you so much for coming. thank you, ladies, for joining us today. it has been an honor to meet each of you. your stories will be remembered. i know i speak for all of my fellow women serving in the military today. we could not do what we do without the trail that you set for us. and now i would like to turn the program over to colonel clark.
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>> stay right will. don't move. nancy, thank you very much. ladies, thank you very much for joining us. it was fantastic panel. the questions were great. your remembrances were heartfelt and meaningful. and you made this a special day for us. thank you so much for your service. i would like at this time to ask general purse errands jet vott to join me here at the join me here at the podium. along with colonel cantrell. we have a special presentation. before we do our additional presentations for our lady panelists. please come on up. first, ma'am, the hospitality as i said earlier has been
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