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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2012 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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almost 50,000 of the associations are working in morocco. fem feminist groups. human rights. groups, youth associations. religious association. working in the society. and they succeed in creating mitigation between the state and the society. and embracing the ideas of political reform and a culture of citizenship. a culture of human rights within the society. civil site has played a great role since the beginning of the '70s in morocco. and pushing the country towards many political and social reforms. and as of now they are playing a
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great role in the process of the implementation of the new constitution. and the civil society has been complying by the emergence of the youth moment. modern society is so young and many problems related to the employments, literacy, poverty, righted to political opportunities, related to corruption and bad governance. youth is the victim of all this illnesses. and this is the problem. and when they emerge are the driving force in the arab spring of the reform, they found an existing civil society that provides for them a platform.
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the third factor is the existence of a minimum of political pluralism that has been strained by the integration of a moderate political parties that they have and that they claim, the islamic reference. and may be the pgd, but there's not only the pgd. the oma party, the -- party and others. [ inaudible ] mainly the idea that since the middle of the '90s morocco decides to integrate parts of the islamic prauvs den. providence. much like happened in tunisia when they decided to hear the case. the islamic moderates.
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or in egypt when they decide to maintain them and their control and to -- in the case of morocco, no. i think that morocco with the arab spring took add vencher from thadventure. and not only to more islamic groups. also towards the group, the leftist groups, and i think now one of the elements that hits us in morocco in skell ar excelerag is the conception of -- why? because it succeeds not in the culture of working together between all different parts of the political spectrum.
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the culture helped us in establishing a strong governmental coalition. what are the main challenges of the future now? how much time? >> we have five minutes. go ahead. >> we have four images and the first is the implementation of the new constitution. yes, we succeeded in escaping from the risks, or the challenges of the arab spring that led to some countries to the collapse of the regimes. but the road map that heads us in the wind is the new constitution. and the new constitution is not only some text that we use for public diplomacy or public relation. no. the new constitution is really the ingredients, the elements of reshaping the relationship
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between executive branch, the judiciary branch. reshaping our system of governance is the -- of the implementation of the constitution and we have only five years. the new constitution clearly says that we should adopt several organic lows, but will implement the new constitution. for example, freedom of preft and freedom of expression. new constitution, article 28 is clear that we should provide all guarantees for the freedom of expression. so we should change the first code. that's the government should encourage the emergence of an independent, democratic council,
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that will urbanize the -- journalists. so we should do so. we should stop intervening in all matters related to the organization of the media. and have a real independence and democratic and professional and responsible media in our country. and this is one of the goals and objectives of the new constitution. like this in the level, in the judiciary level, there was many changes that the constitution is cutting -- calling for it. recently our government decided to adopt the international arguments against kidnapping. and we are moving to embrace what the international community
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has in terms of the recognition of the basic human rights you are moving towards this direction, but it's not only changing the text, but also establishing new councils and institutions that the constitution -- that the new constitution hab laid out. one of them is strengthening the rule of the -- of the an teg gra integrity constitution. what is fighting corruption? one of the biggest problems that we suffer from it, is the threat of corruption. the new constitution clearly recognizes this prop. said we should have a buddy, independent, very effective, credible to lift the moroccan policies against option.
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our right, last year, was 85 in the national transparency -- in 2002 we there in 52. it's a big problem for us. and we can't escape from this reality. the only way is to recognize it and to present real credible, effective policies to deal with this. and not only this institution will fight corruption. another institution related to enhancing the political participation and social participation, economic participation of the women towards reauthority in our society, and in our political system. one of the problems that we are facing is that we have very limited political participation
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of women, and only are using a system of affirmative action to enhance the political participation of the women. now we are working to level out new policies. so the first challenge is the implementation of the new constitution. the second challenge is working to have real system of regi regionalization. in the past we have regions, but with limit power in the administration level. now we are working to develop political, economic, social culture, administrative originalization, and this will be a period of transition towards resolving first the con
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plex, a complex and allowing people in the region to deal with affairs socially and kmuk lly and econ. the third challenge is providing real answers to the economic and social problems. the people when they went to the streets asking for democracy, because they understand the link between the lack of democracy and the social and economic problems. em employments is the first. health problem. social, housing problem. educational problem. all these problems. the new government has lots of problems, ambitious problems, dealing with these critical issues. and since two weeks we are debating in the parliament t the -- the new national fund related to providing the necessary financial services to
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the poor people for help and education. for health and education, and this is the biggest challenge. poverty, illiteracy, employment, health services, health and services, and we are working on this. and the fourth challenge, the last is taking advantages from the new political environment that is emerging in the region to develop the real regional cooperation between all these countries. we think that is, that this is so crucial for us and we should work on this level, because we can't stay with economic problem, energy problem only by using the old policies. also we should take into account that europe is suffering from a deep economic crisis. two reasons, exportation, many
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transfer, all of them. in the past was connected with what is happening in europe. now we should develop regional cooperation with all countries in order to succeed in resorting the -- resolving the economic and social problem. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we're going to hear from the last speaker from jordan and then open the floor to questions for about half an hour. doctor, we heard from the minister about what is going on in morocco. jordan has been doing this, perhaps a slower pace. there have been constitutional elements but the country does not have an election yet. elections have not, therefore, taken place in respect is no prospects of sort of an elected
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government coming up, even after the elections. how do you compare the processes in morocco and jordan? a lot of people also think that the muslim brotherhood in jord haven't n jordan have not been as clear as its counter part in tunisia or in morocco or in egypt about the commitment to diversity or pluralism, and the commitment to peaceful rotation of power. so perhaps you can shed some light on the muslim brotherhood's program in the country, and how do you see the reform process going forward? >> translator: thank you. i would -- with respect to the three experiences that our speakers just shared with us i
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think there's one comment factor, which is that the arab peoples have suffered from the same problems. these peoples decided alone and without any assistance, not from the west in particular, to stand up and exercise its will. and not to remain on the margins of human civilizations. the arabs decided to be partners for the west in human civilization. the situation in jordan is very similar to what's happening in morocco, but a little unique on its own. and the common factor is that both monarchies do not have blood on their hands, and this is the main common factor and this is why both regimes decided to institute reform. among -- and in jordan in
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particular there's the problem of corruption, which exceeds the gmp. and jordan has high levels of education, which are very similar to western nations, but we have a budget deficit that exceeds 65% of total gmp, and there's also unemployment and poverty, which exceeds 20% of the labor force, and the population. certainly there are positive aspects in favor of the regime in jordan, but over the last ten years, several of these achievements were destroyed and reform in jordan started not just with the arab spring, but there were previous years in which the muslim brotherhood
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took part in the political process, and it had also very difficult experiences as the first and foremost which is the fraud lfraudulent elections in 2007 which is why we decided to boycott the 2010 elections which produced parliament that doesn't represent the people. not in terms of the political frameworks or the people that could possibly shoulder its responsibilities towards the people. unfortunately, i would like to say that the regime in jordan even though we're still hoisting the slogan of reforming the regime, the king and the government at parliament and the institutions, they are still stalling, and when it comes to
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reform, and that's why the regime in jordan is attempting, in spite of the neck of loud voices, protests until now are continuing in jordan. even to this date. and next to syria, jordan is the second arab country in which protests are still active. and calls for reforms are reflected in marches and demonstrations to attain the rights that were robbed, because of the constitution that stip lates th stipulates that the people are the constitution and article 24 of the constitution limits all the popular authorities in the hands of the king, and -- and the ministers are -- the
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ministers are of the king and so are the military forces, and the king has the right to dissolve parliament and also to sack ministers and to take decisions to go to war separately. therefore, at the reform movement in egypt is an attempt to reform the constitution to return to -- to restore to the people its rights as the constitution has under 39 amendments between 5 it -- 52 and the prnt time and the people are no longer the source of legislation. we would say that we are before two main problems. the main dilemma, the first dilemma, it's a dilemma that relates to the political system, and the fact that the regime itself does not, is not serious about reform.
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but they respond to, partially, to some of the pressure out on the streets, and, also, responding to the general state of unrest in the region. that's why there's a continuous attempt to absorb the reform movement, and overpower it. for example, the king brought a government who's head was involved in the biggest fraud election -- election fraud in 1997. in 2007, he was involved in a scandal and yet this prime minister was brought back to lead the reform movement. but the people has, the poeople refused this government and the reforms that it proposed and another government was brought to power, and also this
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government was robbed of any powers, even though it has, its led by an international judge, well respected judge. and he promised to reform the election law, which is the access for reform in jordan. but the government continues to isolate parliament. or that would lead to any political competition that would put an end to corruption in the state. therefore, this is a very important issue for us in jordan and we hope that the jordanian people will continue to pressure the political system so that it
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can institute real changes. so that the king would also be a direct source of power, but also would shoulder his responsibilities towards the people. and would be the head of government and also a source of unity for all forces and patterns and ideologies. but -- but we insist that the king should be part of the efforts to solve the problem in jordan, but some insist that he's part of the problem in jordan. many of them try to circumvent these reforms. we in jordan are not very different from other countries in that we would like to have a constitution and political
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pluralism. and gol almighty who's sent this religion to us the islamic world and jordan did not witness anything in its history over 1400 years that is called religious oppression. our christian brothers continue to live among us in peace and social harmony. we don't say this person is christian and this person is muslim. the islamic movement has also had its own experience in supporting and getting the support of the christians in jordan. and the islamic movement has on several occasions also elected the christian representatives. and we also have witnessed over 20 years since the formation of
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parties in 1990 we've seen several coalitions that have overcome the -- the religious and idealogical differences among the parties. the islamic brothers have also stood by all the laws that call for freedoms and pluralism. but unfortunately some of these issues have not been dealt with, for example, political reforms have not been dealt with so far. including some very important procedural changes. for example, it's -- it's not, for example, in the constitution in the 21st century to have a
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military tribunal that will put people to trial on the accusation of harming the reputation of the state. but this is being done by the state security court even to this date. and these accusations are still common place and there is intervention and control by the intelligence apparatus in particular. the army is very peaceful as far as the political aspect is concerned. but unfortunately, the general intelligence service is still authortarian and continues to play this role in terms of the strangulation and oppression against people.
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even when i travel to such a place i am being subjected to interrogation. what we would like to seek to achieve in jordan is to achieve stability in the country and restore the powers of the people and also find or establish an electoral law that guarantees all the rights of jordanians. some of you are not aware of the characteristics of jordanian society. some jordanians come from the west of the river jordan and they came to jordan after the israeli occupation. this considered half the population and they are being used as a way to threaten all jordanians.
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but we believe that all jordanians of various origins have overcome this problem. and another issue that is being used to threaten people is also to raise the specter of the islamic movement. this movement has made major contributions to the history of jordan and also in other countries. and has made several sacrifices. what we seek to achieve in particular is to hold elections in the near future according to a fair law that encourages political participation in jordan and the peaceful transition of power. and the islamic movement is the only party in jordan that has a peaceful transition of organization eneven women in the islamic brotherhood is being
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elected to positions. this is not language we use in jordan. we don't hear about the problem of women participation in jordan. therefore it's not appropriate for jordanians to pay the price for -- jordanians feel shame that the heads of the intelligence services that were appointed by the king. and i would say who is the highest authority in jordan to be tried on fraud charges. this is a major problem and challenge. and also harms the integrity of the governance and also with respect to the jordanian economy it suffers from structural
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imbalance and we have a trade deficit. and this is equally dangerous and serious because it shakes the foundations of the values and the way in which the government supports its own citizens. and to be loyal to the government in return for the subsidies and that the government provides to people. this is also a challenge that we at the muslim brotherhood would like to address and we know that if there were free elections and fair elections this would be an issue that will be addressed. and we also believe if such free elections were held, we as a
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muslim brotherhood will make the same gains that our brothers in neighboring countries have made. and we believe this is a right that will be realized no matter what. if the elections were to be held according to a fair system -- we're not seeking a law that favors us, but we would like to say a fair -- a fair election law. and one last problem i'd like to point to, which is the arab israeli conflict and its use in the internal politics of jordan because it's being used as one of the reasons and justifications for the regime to stall in instituting the


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