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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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the river to investigate some shelling that the union maybe is doing, and there's conflicting reports. the union reports say that merrimac shows up, we withdrew trying to lure her further down so that vanderbilt and the other big rams could get a shot at her the confederates say, well, the union saw the "merrimack" coming and fled, went to hide under fortress monroe. the landing does take place. the union does fall. on may 11th the confederates blow up "the merrimack." in fact, chase, who finds it reluctant to praise lincoln writes to his daughter to say if lincoln had not come down, the lincoln would not be as great a
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terror as previously. his forceful insistence that something be done actually garnered results. but the ghost of the "merrimack" comes back to haunt the union after the end the war. we think "merrimack" blowing up, end of story. it's not really the end of story because one of the other things that i've run across in my wanderings through the national archives, the federal government has three contracts after the war with salvage firms to do something about the wreck of the "merrimack" which is the blocking the shipping channel. apparently two of the contracts fall through for whatever reason and the third contract, which is apparently executed and finished by may the 18th, 1871, the salvage outfit is not terribly happy. they basically don't make any money at all. they bring up about 30 tons of wrought-iron, which largely gets sold for souvenirs.
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again, they weren't terribly happy. they thought it would be a much more lucrative operation than it turned out. what was left of the hull and everything was left but most of the iron was brought up. the one portion of this paper that i regret not having to give to you is the confederate response. one thing i really wanted to see is if people in the confederacy are coming up with similar lunatic idea with how to deal with the monitor. unfortunately most of those records were destroyed when richmond fell and the confederates burned most of the archives. so unfortunately i don't have those to give you. a portion answer of course can be divined by the construction of experimental ships like the hundley or the use of stationary torpedoes. they were extremely inventive at creating and trying to find ways of equalizing naval combat with such a powerful enemy.
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in the words of gidion wells, it was the most remarkable naval combat of modern times perhaps of any age. the challenge of the "merrimack" had been met and repelled and thus a new history was opened in the history of maritime warfare. the war and naval combat have never been the same since. thank you. [ applause ] i'd be happy to take any questions, if there are any. i believe there's a microphone set up if you wish. no questions? hopefully i covered everything so thoroughly there can be no doubts in your minds. so anyway, thank you very much. [ applause ]
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for the last two weeks while congress has been on its spring recess, we brought you american history tv. we conclude friday with the look at the lives and careers of four military leaders. you can see those events friday starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span3. april 15th, 1912, nearly 1,500 perish on the ship called "unsinkable." >> once the lookout bells were sounded, once the lookout sighted an iceberg ahead, they struck the bells three times, ding, ding, ding, which is a warning saying that there's some
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object ahead. it doesn't mean dead ahead, it means ahead of the ship and it doesn't say what kind of object. the lookout went to a telephone nest and called down to the officer on the bridge to tell them what it is that they saw. and when the phone was finally answered, the entire conversation was what do you see? and the response was "iceberg right ahead." and the response from the officer was "thank you." >> samuel halpern on the truths and myths of that night, this weekend on c-span3. >> this is c-span3 with politics and public affairs programming throughout the week and every weekend 48 hours of people and events telling the american story on american history tv. get our schedules and see past programs at our web sites. and you can join in the conversation on social media
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sites. >> the president and ceo of boeing defense spoke to aviation experts and leaders on the future of the industry. held by the u.s. chamber of commerce, this is a half hour. >> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. we have the distinct pleasure this afternoon of introducing our key note speaker for the afternoon, dennis muilenburg, the president and ceo of boeing defense, space and security. dennis's long career with boeing has touched upon many of the keefe technologies that saffron provides and continues to provide to boeing. they include programs as diverse as all the engines for the 737 through our joint venture with our partner ge. those engines have powered the casey 135 fleet as well as the new p-8 for the united states navy and our new engines will continue that tradition on into the future. our company is producing wiring
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panels and harnesses for, again, a wide diversity of platforms that include the 737s, 777 and 787s, as well the v- 22s and chinoo chinooks. the landing gears, gears and brakes, air cells and safran engineering as well as power distribution capabilities continue that long that digs ra providing key support. they include things as diverse as global supply and support, future combat systems, joint strike fighter, air traffic management system. dennis as career has spanned everything from basic engineering to program management and leadership and
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now in his senior executive position as well as the board membership. it's with a distinct pleasure and honor that i introduce to you dennis muilenburg. >> well, good afternoon. it's a privilege to be here with you today. peter, thank you for that kind introduction and the wonderful partnership that we enjoy between safran and boeing. thank you for that. and i'd also like to thank the u.s. chamber of commerce and the chamber foundation for this event and for the opportunity to be here today and what you're doing for our country. thank you for that. and, russ, i'd like to acknowledge your well-deserved recognition today as well. i didn't realize until the introductions that we're fellow iowans. it's good to meet a federal iowan as well. and, carol, it's good to see you
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again. we were able to work together when i was working for air traffic control for boeing. you may be wondering why the leader of boeing's defense business is here today, given that this is often a commercially focused summit. don't worry, i'm not here to necessarily ask for your help on the defense budget, which has its own challenges these days, although if you'd like, i'd be happy to take any questions on that a little later. but i'm really here today to talk about where we see some very key, important intersections between what we do in the defense business and the commercial business and some of our collective interests. and that's where i'd like to spend my time today. now, on a personal note, the commercial business is very familiar to me. i've had the opportunity to work now for boeing for about 26 years and i've spent a good amount of that time working on the commercial side of our
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business and started with our business up in the puget sound area. that included work on some of our new airplane development programs, such concepts as high-speed civil transport back in the day and also the opportunity in the 2000 time frame to head up engineering and program management for boeing's air traffic management modernization work. and that's a place where i met many of you and it's so good to reconnect with many of you today and that air traffic management area is one area that i'll delve into in a little more detail. i think it's important to recognize i not only have an appreciation for those challenges but i think we see a lot of common challenges and common interest areas between defense and commercial. in fact, many of the technology that have made air travel possible, things like radar and gps arguably had their origination in defense and space programs and have now transitioned to commercial.
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there are a few questions in specifically four areas i'd like to touch on briefly today. the first is in nextgen atm. what do we need to do as a community to help make that as a reality? second topic around cyber security and the threats to the networks that we rely on and collectively some things that we can do there. thirdly, how do we move biofuels from today's demonstrations to being fully implemented and used in a manner that's productive for industry and our customers. and lastly, the topic of the talent pipeline and how collectively we have a mutual interest there. i think all four of those areas can resonate with all of us in this collective community. it certainly is all connected. and i think sometimes our public policy as a country perhaps doesn't recognize that connection and we have work to do as a country on that front. meanwhile competing nations around the globe stand it, they understand that those matters are connected, they're not
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sitting on the sidelines and they're certainly not trying to fight overture of. instead they are investing to win with the idea that their future depends on it. and it does. and i would argue that america's future depends on it as well. globally aviation generates and supports 56 million jobs. if we want america to win these jobs, we've got work to do. this is a serious economic matter. so i'm here today to suggest some ways that not only can we work together but we can speak with one voice and that we can partner between industry and government. and when we look at defense or commercial, we face some similar challenges. intensifying competition, economic uncertainty, environmental constraints, technological innovation, the rise of emerging markets, government regulations and talent mobility. these are some common challenges that we face. we need a strategy as a country to deal with these. as we all do in business today,
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we have a strategy. i can tell you from boeing defense space and security standpoint, we understand we're in a challenging defense environment. it's something that we've anticipated, something where we've been shaping and implementing our strategy over the years and while we have challenges ahead, we understand our game plan. i'm concerned that when we look at america's game plan for aviation, that strategy doesn't really exist. and i'm not talking necessarily about a formal industrial policy but i am talking about an industrial strategy that's thoughtful and competitive. now, the world is changing and we need to adapt. otherwise i feel that america will wake up -- let's take a few minutes to look at those fours areas i mentioned. first of all, nextgen atm. in 2000 i this a privilege of having a leadership role in boeing's air traffic management
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effort and trying to work with the community to bring solutions forward and i can recall the summer of 2000. many of you do and we remember the environment in the commercial flight networks. we remember the capacity pressure in the system, some questions about the reliability of flight times and the reliability of the system overall and then 9/11 happened. and overnight we went from an emphasis on capacity and efficiency to an emphasis on security. and i will say that over the last decade certainly some improvements and some enhancements have been made in the security of the system have been made and those are needed and still needed. but we haven't made as much progress on capacity and efficiency as we need to make. this is not so much about the technology as it is about the political alignment and the will to implement. i they we all understand there are some very significant benefits to nextgen atm. it will make air travel faster
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and greener. it would reduce delays by at least 21% and greenhouse gasses by up to 12% by 2025. i can tell you boeing spends billions of dollars to introduce new product lines like the 787 and the investment that's been made in the 787 to drive efficiency and reach duduce emi was significant and that resulted in about a 20% improvement on that front. but with a similar investment in nextgen, the u.s. can conceivably make all airplanes up to 12% more efficient, regardless of the individual platform. think about the implications that has to our country and to our leadership in aviation. now what's needed to achieve that? i would say fortunately after 23 extensions, the faa was finally reauthorized and i know many of you worked hard to make that happen. obviously that's a positive
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thing but this battle that russ referenced on funding and stability and the process i think is important. . we need stake holders to aggressively pursue alternative financing rather than traditional appropriations. the administration we believe must step forward with an implementation program to make the business case for investment. that's been a hurdle in this area. the government needs to encourage technologies that fit with nextgen and offer significant, immediate operational efficiencies. these cost government and taxpayers next to nothing other than the political will and a focused effort to implement them expeditiously. faa and other air traffic providers must be open to new ways to relieve geographic bottlements. this is about finding new and creative procedures that take advantage of technology and nextgen thinking. and governments around the world need to start providing incentives airport by airport,
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region by region, for aircraft operators to be nextgen equipped. this could be the snowball effect around the world that could lead to full implementation. this is too important not to plsh this task. on a somewhat related note is the introduction of unmanned aircraft into today's unmanned system. this is a technology system we're all working on, another intersection between defense and commercial. this is something that nextgen technology will allow and another area that will allow america to stay on the leading edge of aviation. i'd like to move now to the second topic, psycher securi cy. collaboration is also required. we are more dependent on networks to control everything from energy to finance. damage to have serious consequences for national security and our kwi kmi. threats are constantly changing and a complacent network can
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quickly become a compromised network. as a country we need to invest in protecting our critical infrastructure. i could argue the air traffic system is one. most critical things in that critical infrastructure. imagine if somebody hacked into the system or airplanes were directed to go somewhere they didn't want to go. imagine the impact on lives and the economic impact if all or portions of the air traffic system were shut down for those kind of cyber security reasons. we simply cannot afford that. pilots and controllers need to know the messages they're receiving, the information on their displays are authentic and accurate. coordinated efforts can help ensure the integrity of the information and the security of flight plans. and when it comes to cyber security, no one of us has all the answers, but we each have a role to play. i believe industry can bring innovation, speed and technical expertise. at boeing certainly we are investing in that area and i know many of my industrial counterparts here in the room
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are also investing in cyber security. we recently opened up a cyber engagement center here in the national capital region as an area where customers can come in and test out new cyber security strategies. because cyber threats are continuously evolving, this is an area that demands government-industry alignment and partnership. this i believe is a very, very important matter to our national security and economy and one that this group should take on with full effect. the third area i'd like to touch on briefly is biofuels. commercial aviation has set a goal to reduce its carbon footprint of commercial aviation by 350% in 2050. certainly a tough goal by a very good goal. on the defense side, the pentagon is working to derive
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25% of its fuel by renewable resources by 2025. the navy has set a goal to get 50% of renewable fuel by 2020. biofuels can help us reach those goals. wllt defense side makes big commitments like the navy and defense department has made, it can be a down payment on progress on the civilian side. it can help us drive infrastructure and capacity that we all need. to be successful, biofuels as we node need to be -- require no modification to the line they are fueling. boeing has been involved in biofuel testing. we've been doing that since 2008. last summer we flew a new 747-8 to the paris air show on a biofuel blnend.
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in addition we see the military moving forward with bioflul implementation as well. the secretary of the navy and agriculture announced the largest purchase of biofuel in government history, nearly a half a million gallons of advanced dropped in biofuel. in 2010 the navy flew a super hornet, f/18 super hornet on a bioblend. we now affectionately call that airplane the green hornet. it is allowing us to drive implementation of biofuels the air force haas certified the c-17 for unlimited use on biofuels and it has tested and certified biofuel as a 50% blend with regular jet fuel on the f-15, the a-10 and the f-22. just last year we flew the first apache with our royal netherlands air force customer, the first apache on biofuel,
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making it the first roto craft to use that system. i would argue that by defense and commercial sectors working together, we can work more quickly. >> now perhaps to the most important of the four categories. consider according to aia, america's aerospace and defense industrial space is at its smallest since world war ii. not a well-known fact. in my company about 28% of our engineers are eligible to retire today. looking ahead there aren't enough young people pursuing engineering and technical degrees. only 5% of american bachelor degrees are in engineering compared to 20% in asia. to me america's workforce is no different than any other element of our industrial base. the u.s. need as strategy to preserve what we have and to
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grow what we need when it comes to talent. let's start with preserving what america has. certainly as defense budgets are being cut, we're taking a close look at this and looking for opportunity to share talent across the defense and commercial sectors. for example, at our long beach plant with c-17 engineers, we have revectored some of them to support commercial development activities on the new 737 max. not all skills are interchangeable, but certainly there are opportunities for making those redeployments. as the space shuttle program has come to an end, perhaps a premature end, we have moved some of our space engineers to work on commercial aircraft. in fact, they've had a pivotal role in standing up our new charleston 787 production factory. now, just as we're able to move people around to different programs, that's not the only thing that we can do to retain talent. we need to be thoughtful about
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how do we build the pipeline for the future. one of the ways we're doing that is by tapping into a rich source of talent and leadership in our military veterans who are returning to civilian life. currently at boeing about 16% of our employees are veterans. that high percentage doesn't just happen. we actively recruit these experienced veterans because of the leadership skills that they bring. last year we hired more than 1,800 veterans, and again i know many in industry are moving forward with similar initiatives. these are great americans who have done great things for our country and they deserve to be engaged in our industry. this is another way that we can build the talent for the future. but beyond that, we need to build the talent pipeline. when we design a new airplane, we think about the entire life cycle of that product line. when we think about people, skills and the talent pipeline, we need to think about that same life cycle. let me give you just one small
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example here of what that life cycle or lackof is producing today. each year 4 million children enter preschool. 25% will complete algebra. 9% will declare a stem major, only 4.5% will graduate with a stem degree and only 1.7% will graduate with an engineering degree. if you do the math there really quirk it's 60,000 to 70,000 engineers, which is woefully short of what our industry alone needs, let alone all engineering categories. we simply have an insufficient talent pipeline. and without a life cycle approach that not only looks at investing in the front end of that pipeline but engaging student, getting them into success african-american, stem-related engineering career and helping them achieve r rotations early so they can
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expand have and successful life span careers, we will not be success. . so it's important we are all here participating in this process. let me give you one data point i think you'll find enjoyable. today we find if you survey young people, it's important to know that 8 4% of american kids in the 11 to 13 age range would rather clean their rooms, eat their vegetables or go to the dentist than do their math homework. now having a couple of youngsters of my own, i can vouch for that data. something to consider. now, one way we engage kids and get them interested is in programs like first robotics. i know many of you are involved in that. this is just one example of a program that's a hands-on, technology-driven program that gets kids interested in their ability to become scientists,
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engineers and be technology driven. and it's opened up career options for kids who may have thought technology was not an option for them. i would suggest there are many other programs like this and we can all invest and have an impact on the pipeline. so if closing, whether it's air traffic management, cyber security, biofuels, industrial base in the talent pipeline, these are big challenges. together we can solve these challenges. our country will only move ahead if bebawe band together in thes areas and together we can reap the economic and security benefits that go with these investments. have i no doubt we can solve the technical challenges associated with these items. i think more importantly it's the human challenge of realizing we're all in this together and that's the hardest part to solve, to bring us all together to move in a political and financial framework that allows
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us to be successful. we must do it for the sake of our country, for our security and for our economy. and i believe we can. now, just to wrap up and then i'll be happy to take any questions, i want to tell you just one final story and last year i had the privilege of bringing my children to a space shuttle launch and i don't know how many of you have been to a space shuttle launch. a few hands out there. if you've been there before, my favorite spot to watch it from is an area called banana creek, which is across the water from the pad as close as you can get. and at this point my son, who is 9 years old, and my daughter was 6 and i had the privilege of watching what was then the last night launch of shuttle discovery. and the timing was just right that the setting sun was still casting a glint on the space station as it came across the sky and then just a few minutes after the space station departed
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our view, the shuttle lifted off to rendezvous. and we stood there watching the shuttle rise up through the night sky. for those of you who have been to a night shuttle launch, it is amazing, literally lights up the sky. we watched the shuttle go up, felt the rumble coming across the water and as i was watching it, i felt this tug on my sleeve and it was my son looking up at me, luke and said "dad, i think i want to be an astronaut." that was a great moment, a very memorable moment, one, because of the impressiveness of the shuttle and the u.s. space program and all of the things that have come out of that program. it also made me a little bit reflective understanding the space shuttle program was coming to an end without a clear path forward on what next on human space exploration, but perhaps most importantly it reminded me of the inspirational nature of what we all do. nothing is more inspiring in the woth


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