tv [untitled] April 24, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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actually, we are arriving this year to universal health coverage in the country, which means that any mexican people have a doctor, medicine, medicines, treatment and hospital if they require. we need to improve a lot quality, another factor. but part of the effort is in the infrastructure sector. and the same is education, infrastructure in education. of course, this is increasing the competitiveness of the economy as well. now, as long as we are investing in higher education, because we have created 105 new universiti universities, public and free tuition universities in these years, and we have built 52 new campuses for another public universities in the country, today we are graduating 121,000
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new engineers a year. so mexico today is graduating more engineers than germany, united kingdom, more than double than brazil, which actually has almost the double of our population, more engineers than italy, than spain, than canada, and several other countries. and with that we are improving the condition and competitiveness of our industry. we were talking a few minutes ago about the experience and a quite interesting tale about every industry. for instance, we established some years ago a new university in coretero especially oriented toward aerospace industry. and the goal at that time was to provide well-trained workers and technicians for our projects in
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aerospace industry. and in fact mexico during this year has been the most important receiver of aerospace industry in the world, the most important destination. but the interesting thing is, i was mentioning, that one of the companies that went to mexico to caretero was, for instance, ge, general electric. and today the mexican engineers coming from that university in queretero, are not only working for ge and other aerospace companies, some of them are designing the new engine for airbus 380, the biggest airplane in the world. so we are passing from manufacturers to talent factories, if i can say that. and that is important because investing in people, investing in human capital or human value
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i do prefer, is crucial to improve the condition of the people but also to improve the condition of the economy. so the reforms have yielded valuable results for the country. competitiveness, increased rate, and the development of high value added industries. so a result of that mexico has become a stable partner and source of economic growth for the whole north america and the whole region. let me tell you some figures about competitiveness. please observing the slide. the movement of mexico from 2006 -- this is the business index from the world bank. so mexico passed from to being the place 73rd five years ago to be in the place 53 -- 53rd
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today. so we surpassed a lot of countries, and today we are ahead of, for instance, for the rest of the economies of the bric's economies, so brazil, china, india, we are above them. and russia. and we are almost reaching -- well, better places in the region. so we need to advance much more, but we are doing very well in this index. you could observe the same, for instance, in the world economic forum. the economy that advanced the most in terms of competitiveness according to the world economic forum was the mexican economy, advancing eight places in the last year. i want to make a point in terms of -- this graph represents the
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relationship between manufacturing growth and tariff reduction. so in the horizontal axis you can see tariff reductions. it means that if you are more to the right you have more tariff reductions or almost zero tariff for those products. and you can see in the vertical axis the real growth for that industries. and you can see in the right side all these industries with almost zero tariffs like manufacturing, like automotive industry you can see above on the graph, transportation equipment. you can see basic metals, non-metallic mineral products, and so on.
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so all those are growing the most despite fact -- or probably nd due to the fact they have zero tariffs. and on the other side of the graph you can see the industries that are more protected still in mexico like clothing, leather, editorial industry, and others. so they are losing competitiveness as long as they are keeping or prefserving tariffs. and the same is with this graph right now, this is the clear correlation, direct correlation between the middle products, intermediate goods imports and manufacturing exports. the more intermediate goods we import, the more manufactured goods we export. so that is a clear correlation. more trade is more benefits. and that is crucial for the success of mexico in terms of
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exports. look at this. beginning nafta, we used to export only -- well, only. $52 billion. today we are exporting $350 billion last year. which means, as mr. donohue said already, more than $1 billion a day only between united states and mexico. so that is crucial for our country. and the quality of our exports, if i can say that, you can see in those pies in which by the '80s, 60% of mexican export used to be oil. but today oil represents only 16% of our export. the rest is non-oil products, which is another expression of mexican competitiveness. bilateral trade between the united states, you can see a little failure there in the year
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2009, but it's increasing dramatically, and in particular you can see the free trade agreement 234569a was in 1994. and how you can see dramatically increase in mexican and american bilateral trade. i wanted to point it out, the point is today, for instance, mexican manufacturers, if you observe this figure -- mexico, let me tell you this, mexico is exporting today more manufacturers than all latin american and caribbean countries including brazil combined. we are exporting 60% of manufacturers in the region. now another way to see the
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mexican increase in competitiveness is our market share in the american economy, the american imports. so you can see three years for several countries. '93, 2000, 2011. countries like japan or germany or korea or france, they are reducing their market share in american imports. but mexico is winning market share because we are passing from almost 70% in '93 to almost 12% in 2011. and with that it's clear we are not only increasing our export but we are increasing the proportion of mexican products here in the united states. but this is not one-way story. it is not only mexican export to the united states. it is also american products
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going to mexico. and that is the success of nafta's story. and that implies that a lot of mexican jobs -- a lot of american jobs, i'm sorry, depends on mexican imports. actually, mexico is the second largest buyer of american products. we love american products. i received this beautiful document enhaensing the u.s.-mexico economic partnership. it's a report of the partnership. if you have time to review, you can see on the last page this beautiful map about the united states of america. for each one you can observe the size of the export of that specific states and the number of american jobs that depends on the exports to mexico. so i strongly recommend to read
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this later. i don't want to lose your attention on this. mexico is supporting more manufacturers than the rest of latin american and caribbean countries combined. export by destination, that is the point. not only mexican export to united states but also american products going to mexico and that means jobs for american people and american workers. so the american exports, united states exports, almost $200 billion to mexico every single year. somebody says that china is quite important, economy is growing really fast, crucial. a lot of american exports used to go to china. but we mexicans are importing
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more american products than chinese or japanese people combined. so we are more important destination for american products than china and japan together or the rest of latin american countries or europe. we are really fans of american products. and that is important to talk to the people here in the united states when we are facing these blocks against free trade and other important issues. well, that is more or less in your document is by far more clear, but mexico's rank as an export market for the state. and you can see for a lot of states here mexico is the first or the second most important market for american products. that is quite important. finally, some comments about migration. this is a very tough issue, very
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sensitive. we said here the mexican workers are like invading the united states or something like that. of course we are in favor and we really express our gratitude to the u.s. chamber for the support for a comprehensive migration low in the united states, which is for the people to serve, the hard workers who used to pay a lot of taxes and so on, deserve comprehensive reform. but not only -- not only the people. businesses here in the united states need workers, in particular for instance in agricultural sector. agricultural sector in the united states is losing a lot of competitiveness and opportunities due to the restrictions to immigration. but i really respect the policy. but let me tell you about the facts. the migration flows between the
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united states and mexico. the numbers like 3 million mexicans came to united states. and it was -- it's very important difference between migration toward mexico and migration coming from mexico. but today we are tying the flows. what that means, that today we are reducing migration to the united states almost to zero in net terms. why? somebody told me that today appears an article in "washington post." i didn't read that. but the fact is due to several factors. because we are creating opportunities, job opportunities in mexico, educational opportunities for young people, health services and health care
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for an entire nation. another, probably restrictions and law enforcement immigration here in the united states probably due to the crime activities and so on. but the fact is that net mie grafgs toward the united states is zero today in net terms. probably is one of the most important news that we need to consider about these quite important debate. actually, a lot of people, mexican peoples here are thinking of coming back to our country. of course, there are another coming to the united states. but the fact is there is a swing in terms of the opportunities. i have not the other graph, but you can see how in these years we are observing year after year
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how the net rate of migration has been reducing and today is zero in net terms, which is quite important. finally, some conclusions, in these very difficult times of the world economy, the world needs more trade and not less trade. the world needs more freedom and not less freedom and more investment. and that is the reason why protection is -- excessive nationalism, expropriation procedures are against what the world is needing today. we need more trade, more investment, and more freedom. more private companies and more certainty for everyone. we believe in trade, and we have
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proved the benefits of trade with nafta, and today we want more. that is a reason why mexico is opening opportunities with other latin american countries. that is the reason we are organizing the alianza de pacifico, the pacific alliance, because we are building a free trade zone between chile, peru, colombia, and mexico. that is the reason why we are creating these specials on even the same, for instance, stock markets. we are planning to share even stock markets in our country and other quite interesting measures. that is the reason why we have free trade agreements with all the countries of central america. that is the reason we are planning and pushing for a free trade agreement with brazil even. unfortunately, some pressures under the brazilian government
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are moving back. then i'm putting some restrictions to free trade, which is in benefit of no one. but the point is we need and we want more trade and more benefits. and that is the reason why mexico is pushing a lot in order to be part of the tpp, the transpacific partnership project. because there is the future at least in the short and medium term. the economy is growing in the pacific sea. the economy is growing in latin american countries and the asian countries. if we are able to match this potential with the tpp initiative and others, i am very sure that we will get all the benefits of next decade for our countries. those are my comments, and thank you for all your attention. thank you. [ applause ]
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>> thank you for a terrific, comprehensive overview of mexico's competitiveness. let me see if i can summarize very quickly. first of all, you want to continue to enhance trade around the world between mexico and the rest of the world. 44 trade agreements. two, you've reduced public debt. three, you want to invest in education reform in the people. and fourth, of course, you want to deregulate. that sounds like the u.s. chamber's agenda here in the united states. and after a tenure as president maybe tom donohue will invite you back to the chamber to talk about how we can work together. i thought that was a terrific comprehensive speech, not only because you also plugged the u.s. chamber's mexico leadership initiative, and we thank you for your strong support, but because it gave you a true sense of what has happened in mexico under
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president calderon's leadership. i'd like to open up the floor for a few questions. go ahead. ahead. even though you are known to all of us, please introduce yourself. i want to congratulate the president for his great speech today. mainly because of the numbers you have presented to us today the i am sure i am speaking on behalf american chamber of commerce to mexico to congratulate you during the five years. you have really supported free trade. you have really supported foreign investment in mexico. and that is something that is helping the country and the numbers are showing it today. congratulations, mr. president. >> thank you. thank you. good luck. >> is there a question? question? go ahead. >> thank you, mr. president. steven donahue from mclarty
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associates. you have given us reasons why free trade works. it's something that we need to be reminded of often here as you said,s you instructed us, we need to remind our populations in both countries of that. some of the neighbors in the southern don't have quite the same attitude. as you take your leadership role at the g-20 meeting coming up what its the message for some participants in the meeting that have perhaps taken a less positive view towards free trade, being more protectionist and involved in expropriations. >> well, first, we are taking seriously our responsibility chairing the g-20. and actually we are working in several priorities. of course, stablizing the economic situation. and improving growth conditions.
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redefining, reinforcing international financial architecture, food security, green growth, among others. talking specifically about your point, for us it is absolutely clear that one of the most important alternatives in order to recover growth in the world economy is trade. investment, private companies. freedom. so in that sense, the measures from the world group must be the same. we need more and not less trade. and we need more certainty, not less certainty. i do believe with full respect to other colleagues that expropriation process are really things about the past.
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and no one loses more in expropriations than the country who used to do that. because what a developing economy needs is more foreign investment and not less. not too much people will invest in all those countries that will expropriate. i hope on this issue, particular stories. particular taste, particular cases i'm sure will avoid to reach agreements in the g-20. we need to express in principles and we need to stand for them at the same time we need to move forward with the complex scenario we are looking. that is important. we are making really bold steps
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in terms of international problems we are facing. i remember very well that -- in december, it was crazy, the financial outlook especially in europe. and remember, last january -- dallas, i spoke at the forum. and i told for instance we need to address with very strong leadership and decisive act, the problems in europe. we are all passengers of the same boat. we need to take care of the ship together. it is not only problem with european friends. it is not a question that they need to face alone fwheshg, we face quickly the body solution we are requiring. and the solutions are not only making internal adjustment in the economies which is
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absolutely needed, in spain, italy, greece, so on. and international support is crucial. and in that sense it is necessary, more action coming from the european countries and their central bank and other mek nizp they have already in place. but also international action. what happened later? we organized a summit of minister of finance in mexico. it was a very successful one. let me tell you. and we started to -- to open this great lock. it is like a chicken game, no? the rest of the world is waiting. we are not going to do anything at least, until european do's your own home work. you have a lot of money. do yourself. and the europeans say, well, come on. it is not my problem. i will wait for your support. and so we started to grow.
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the gridlock. and then, the countries started to cooperate. and last march -- as the european countries arrived at very important conclusion, financial support. is it enough, probably not in terms of response of the markets. but we are moving. we are on track. in my opinion, to a bold solution. and last friday, here in the united states, there was another meet of financial ministers. and they, we arrived at a very important conclusion. we committed more than 430 billion dollars to imf. what that means? we are more than double -- doubling sat part to imf in order to prepare this institution to support local action in europe or other part of the worlds. it is a very important news.
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very important news. you need to realize this -- that support to imf is without the united states. unfortunately. i don't want to say that they're not helping or you are not helping. the treasury is doing a lot. but we realize the american government has a lot of political restrictions and need to pass a special law into congress inned or ti orin order. even what the united states, we got to the imf, the support its needed to be ready to participate in the solution. so the cavalry is coming. and i say that we can see solutions. so i can see the end of the tunnel. i hope that we can provide good news for the world economy. in terms of resources. the new financial architecture
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and agenda for the future in terms of the issues, the most. which its food security and green economy. >> i think the cavalry is going to come for you soon. let me wrap up by saying a few things. first of all, you absolute loo have t -- absolutely have the commitment of the u.s. chamber supporting your meetings in los cabos, we will be present, active. supportive, food security, demg with financial risks and many other issues that are on your plate. count on the commitment of the business meeting. second you have the commitment of the u.s. chamber, you heard it from tom donahue and corporate members to continue to work to see that mexico joins the transpacific partnership agreement. you have our support. you have our commitment. and third -- you spell out in the report. you have seen it since you helped launch this is nush tiff in 2010.
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you have our commitment to continue to grow the competitiveness of the north american region in particularly with the focus on u.s. and mexico and our report highlights some of the areas we would like to continue to work with your government. finally this is a man of great courage. a man of great conviction. a man who is clearly led his country to greater prosperity. we unkun garacongratulate you. good luck in your final period of time as president. you came here as president-elect. you have come here as president. we expect you back after you have been president. so, thank you very much. thank all of you for being here. >> thank you. thank you very much. [ applause ] if everyone could stay seated as the president leaves the stage. and another warm round of applause for him. thank you.
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