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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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maybe lack of better word hope that there are practical solutions that people on both sides of the political spectrum could bring together and solve this rather than having this persistent continuing argument are you for or against 1070? must we secure the border first? >> i think that by having this conversation in this forum regardless of where you're at on the issue of illegal immigration, we can hear that there is a law enforcement perspective that recognizes the fact that with our current enforcement mechanisms, with the current policies of the federal government that in the last few years we've averaged 300 deaths in the so norrian desert in arizona. i've asked robin for a copy of his presentation. all those red dots every single
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one represents a human being. it is an absolute travesty that we have a system set up where that occurs where it is a draw that doesn't provide for a systemic lawful opportunity to be accounted for because without accounting for whose here, we can't allocate necessary resources and that there is a recognition of the human side of all of this even in the same sense of wanting to see that the law's enforced and that there is -- there is a law area of convergence for us to get to to be able to drive for a solution here. i think that's what people need to hear. is regardless of how you come at it, we get to the same place and there's a recognition that the federal government has failed all of us regardless of what the rational would be. you heard a variety of different reasons and problem definitions. all of them concluding with the
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fact that -- and concluding in agreement that our current immigration system is broken. we're all in agreement on, we have at least in that regard a shared interest to move forward from and hearing some of robin's ideas, i took notes. i think they're really good. >> for the 25 years i've been working with immigration related issues, central america refugees all kinds of things, we all agree, anyone who has a vested interest in this is that we have to work toward the actual legal, political machinery to affect change in order to achieve the normative goals that we want to see. in that sense, we're all in the same boat, period. no ands, ifs and buts about that. what i do always argue with and it's my job as a political
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philosopher to question assumptions of others. i will just boldly say if there were 2 50, 300 swedish hookers dying in the arizona desert, we would have done something about this. race is involved. we target if you're looking at the populations we target, we're targeting the brown population. 43% of the undocumented population in the united states are overstaters of visas. that includes the white irish nurse and the health care system in st. louis and she just has a technical violation with immigration. well that's all any of them are. so interior enforcement does not come anywhere near rivaling the
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frontier and border enforcement. brown is involved in this equation, i'm sorry. my job is to question some of the assumptions. some of the assumptions are that we can prosecute this out of existence. it's your job. my critique in my statement was enforcement only is not going to get it. there is an appropriate place for prosecution and the distribution of joys and costs et cetera. am i hopeful? i'm in the hope business. am i optimistic? i'm not anywhere as optimistic as doug is. we have some entrenched anti-forces to deal with here. the pirate politics and the
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group politics a raid against rational reform right now are significant. i just want to say that. i'm here. i'll go anywhere. somebody give me a plane ticket, i'll make my case or read my stuff. i'm in it for the long haul. i think we all should be. >> one last point to clarify. we're having these conversations, the racest approach towards wanting to have laws enforced is one extreme as well as get rid of all borders and apologists for whatever infraction there may be or an extreme on the other end. my goal is to find the overwhelming majority of americans who again consistent with our traditions and what it is to be an american in the first place and how our nation was founded and how we've developed to not ignore the role that immigration as played in our nation and the fact that
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this is a problem that we have to address, collectively at the right level of government to get this solution that we need. >> i have one last question i'll ask the whole panel. one of the things we hear all the time is this argument that the federal government isn't doing their job. in arizona we have a congressional delegation. in texas they have a congressional delegation. why haven't they done anything? are nay using immigration laws to say we're going to just kick the can down the road we don't have to do anything as long as states might do their own deal?
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>> the federal government makes out like a bandit on increased gdp, on taxes collected on all kinds of things, the states that border mexico suffer dramcally. particularly the counties that border mexico. there are different incentives. we have to deal with that reality. every once in a while, i'll take health care cost as one of the examples. when you get a humanitarian waiver at the border you get a chip from the federal government that says you can go anywhere and get your unreimbursed health care. no hospital. doesn't matter if it's city, state, county, frachling private, whatever it is. it's unreimbursed. so the counties end up bearing all these costs. that's simply not right.
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so every once in a while senator kyle or somebody will introduce a bill and say they won't reimburse me. what should happen is we need to be much more imaginative and say this is the federal government granting this benefit. every time that waiver is written then the bill gets sent to the federal government. just share the joys and costs of human migration. you don't have to change all of the things that we want to see today. you can change a whole bunch of things to quiet the political noise associated with migration. that's just one example. but the incentives are very, very different. all the other senators will say that's real nice, but there's 49 of us and there's one of you. we're not going to vote for that this year. there are some fundamental questions of fairness and equity that should be addressed. these are value driven questions.
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>> i think to dove tail of that is having an address in a way that effectively communicates the problems that have been identified and the solutions to be applied. up until now, the rhetoric has crowded out real approaches that are going to result in real solutions. and i think we've -- we as a nation whenever we're dealing with major issues such as this, we're still talking about associate security and medicare and health care, it takes a while for it to sink in and resonate at a level that the american people start demanding the appropriate level of government that something happens and i think we're getting there. >> i think there's unrealized political potential here. before the 199 o's immigration went to a handful of states. those governors could go and congressional delegations could go to washington and say, you
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know, all the benefits accrued to the nation as a whole, but we're paying all the costs locally. we need a revenue sharing formula to take account of the fact we're educating and integrating all these immigrants and their kids. they wouldn't find many partners. now immigration is a 50 state phenomenon. and lots of places have large immigration populations and are facing these same costs. so there's a lot more potential for coalition building now than there was in the past. the problem is that be politicians tend to take the cheap and easy way out which is demobbize the immigrants and not deal with the problem. it's more beneficial to stir up feelings about imimmigrants and illegals. >> i want to thank all of you
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for attending. yes, you can applaud. [ applause ] david, we have their email addresses. we will make the presentations available to all of you and we post on the arizona immigration reform website. thank you for your attendance and we have some extra lunches and soda, please feel free to take them with you.
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>> here's what's coming up later on the c spab networks, about an hour from now c-span will have a discussion with joint chiefs of staff chairman general dempsey. live coverage starts at 2:00 p.m. eastern. it will be closer to 45 minutes from now. 2:00 p.m. on c-span. c-span2 has been showing a day long live look at the u.s. economy focussing on government spending, the housing market, federal banks, tax rates and a number of other topics. they are on break right now for lunch. live coverage at 1:30 eastern on
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c-span2. later tonight here on c-span3 american history tv is in primetime all this week while congress is on break. tonight historians talk about the history and fight against slavery. that's at 8:00 p.m. eastern. join american history tv and book tv this weekend as we feature the history and literally culture of oklahoma's capital city. we'll visit the memorial site of the 1995 oklahoma city bombing and delve into the history of the city's land run of the 1890s and native american tribes of the area. that's this weekend here on c-span3. >> four years ago i was a washington outsider. four years later i'm at this dinner. four years ago i looked like this. today i look like this. and four years ago from now, i
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will look like this. [ applause ] that's not even funny. >> mr. president, do you remember when the country rallied around you in hopes of a better tomorrow? that was hilarious. that was your best one yet. but honestly, it's a thrill for me to be here with the president. a man who i think has done his best to guide us through difficult times and paid a heavy price for it. there's a term for guys like president obama, probably not two terms, but -- there is. >> miss any part of the white house correspondents' dinner? you can watch anytime online at the c-span video library behind the scenes, the red carpet and all the entertainment at
1:15 pm >> remarks now from secretary of state hillary clinton. in her remarks she talked about some of the international challenges facing the u.s. and the importance of engaging in multiinternational diplomacy. first you'll hear remarks from congresswoman jane harman who leads the center and imf managing director christine lagarde. >> good evening. how'd you like it? i'm jane harman the first president and ceo of the wilson center who happens to be a woman. >> and we're delighted to welcome honored guests, friends from congress and the diplomatic core. senator clinton and some very
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special guests. the zacaro family. it was very important to me. geraldine ferraro was a mentor to me. a special welcome to you. [ applause ] so i'm about to tell you something henry kissinger wouldn't. where to begin in the trajectory of hillary clinton's career stuns. i'm pleased to have known her and worked with her throughout much of it. while this is no retirement dinner, hear that hillary, no retirement dinner, tonight we honor you for the entire arc of your remarkable career from pioneering attorney and chair of the legal services corporation during the carter administration, a white house where jim free and i served to fist lady of arkansas to first lady of the united states to u.s. senator from new york and
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of course, secretary of state. i was in beijing in 1995 as part of the special delegation for the u.s. conference on women when first lady hillary clinton uttered the iconic rallying cry for female equality. you just heard it in our film. that same year saw the formation of the council of women world leaders. the only organization for women who had countries. now it has 47 members and just last year relocated where else to the wilson center. and with strong support from hillary clinton and her ambassador at large for women's issues, who is here. [ applause ] we are billing it into a major platform to show women's leadership and mentor emerging women leaders. i spoke personally to all six
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living secretary of states who just starred in that charming film. each applauds the extraordinary accomplishments of secretary clinton, but also her humanity and her humor. a couple of personal vignettes. one, most of you know that my husband sydney died a few days after our last big washington gala. an early phone call came from hillary. who had lots of time to chat. and then came a personal dinner. two, in 2007 one of the wilson centers stars who is here, was imprisoned in iran for eight months including 105 days in solitary confinement. a heroic effort to achieve her release occurred and of course
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the efforts of then senator clinton were involved and senator -- secretary clinton just recently recalled the event. few could match secretary clinton's grueling schedule. one person sell grated with hillary clinton in time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world. thank you mack and fred for co-chairing this gala. it pains me to give well deserved credit to news week's rifle, but i must. of course, i'm talking about the first imf director who happens to be a woman, my friend christine lagarde. [ applause ] christine rearranged her travel plans in order to offer
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tonight's introduction before leaving on yet another foreign trip. not long after i joined the wilson center christine honored us by making her first public remarks in washington as imf director in a morning speech at the center. in that speech, she credited woodrow wilson for sowing the seeds for bold action to achieve global economic stability. surery woodrow wilson would be proud of her. before that speech, i invited a group of former female colleagues from congress to breakfast with her. i keep a picture of that meeting in my office. there she is. towering over the vertically challenged senator barbara mccull ski and me. one senator present said something i haven't forgotten. said she, thank you for doing this. we never talk to each other
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anymore. many former colleagues in this room will agree. our current es kwis it congressional dysfunction highlights why the safe political space at the wilson center is so critical. and why it is so critical to salute problem solvers like secretary clinton and director lagarde. from sin kronized swimming to strategic networking, christine lagarde's career includes managing director of a major international law firm, finance minister of france, now head of the world's primary financial institution and maybe a little later president of france? [ applause ] she is a big player with big ideas. with courage, insight and humor. at the women in the world summit
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in new york last month, she observed that we might have avoided financial meltdown in lehman brothers had only been lehman sisters. you should applaud that. come on. [ applause ] at the first spring meeting of the imf last week, director lagarde gave a mixed report on the economic climate. she said we are seeing a light recovery blowing in a spring wind, but we are also seeing some very dark clouds on the horizon. those dark clouds, of course, include massive protests worldwide reflecting a growing disconnect between citizens and their government, grave threats to arizona stability, stubbornly high unemployment in many countries, skyrocketing energy costs, things like that. if the problems facing the world
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economy are dark clouds, christine lagarde said, funding from imf members including japan and korea which i visited earlier this week is like an umbrella. thanks to her fundraising prow es, that umbrella just added $430 billion. [ applause ] so what an honor to introduce this power house and great girlfriend. imf director, christine lagarde. [ applause ]
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>> uh-huh ever so much, jane, it's a lovely, lovely sbrurks. i know there are a few ambassadors here in the world. i'll say embassies -- [ speaking french ] >> it is my great, great privilege immense privilege to introduce to you tonight secretary of state hillary rodham clinton. madam, i have long been an admirer of yours from afar. but now we both live and work in the same town, washington, d.c. and we both have the same goal trying to make this world a bit of a better place. and we travel the same journey. but although we've been traveling the same journey. we are a little bit alike.
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we're both lawyers. we both served our respective government. we both have deep ties to chicago. which night explain our very soft and gentle personalities. of course, she was a first lady. i'd better tell my husband to get into politics real quick. brew whatever happened, i always found secretary clinton, hillary, always a little bit ahead of me, a few steps. i'll give you a couple of examples. we were both young political animals in 1973, 1974. i was interning for bill cohen and i was spending most of my time dealing with his post, his mail from french speaking constituents north of maine.
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impeach, don't impeach, yes, no, for it, against. and while i was dealing with these french speaking constituents in the darkroom of the rayburn building, there she was. hillary was in the thick of the action. she was on the case. on the impeachment stuff and advising the committees, let's face it. we both served cabinet level in our governments. i was most recently minister of finance for france and hillary of course as the film beautifully showed is still today serving as one of the most outstanding secretaries of state of the united states of america. [ applause ] she's always ahead of me. secretary of state, madam
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clinton. you shattered the glass ceiling like no one else with 18 million votes. and i was struggling very hard with zero vote. when i last saw hillary she was being introduced by meryl streep at the woman of the world summit in new york. and meryl handed her an oscar. i can surely say that nobody has ever given me an oscar. although, inside job got the oscar for documentary films. holy cow. i thought maybe i could outdo madam secretary of state.
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i worked hard on my twitter account. i have hundreds of thousands of chinese followers. but you know the tweets from lagarde, forget it. they can't possibly compete with the texts from hillary. and i'm sure you've all seen the photo. there she is hillary sitting in a military plane with dark glasses on, reading her messages on blackberry surrounded by very tense and anxious men. very cool. very cool. my favorite text from hillary is the one where rachel maddow asks her who runs the world? 140 character response forget it, one word. girls. love it.
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let's be very serious for a second. hillary rodham clinton is not only very sblegt, witty, charming and beautiful woman, she's also a great public servant, a great global leader, a great inspiration to women all beijing 1995, i do. of you migh and a great inspiration to people everywhere in the world. so of course she's the ideal recipient for the woodrow wilson award for public service. we all know that president wilson said and i'm quoting him carefully, there's no higher religion than human service to work for the common good is the greatest creed. and hillary has devoted her life to this common good. she's been incredibly impressive from an early age. when she was at wellesley she was the first student to deliver a commencement address and


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