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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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>> glen davis. >> it seems, mr. speaker, there is possibility, a rather strong possibility that greece may be forced out of the eurozone. we're obviously concerned about the impact on the economy that this orderly exit may have. and as my right honorable friend the prime minister agreed, we need to discuss with our european partners and develop contingency plans to energy the disorderly impact has the minimum impact possible on the united kingdom. >> i think my honorable friend is entirely right. obviously, this is not something we want to see happen. obviously, it's in our interests that the eurozone deals with its issues, strengthens its firewalls, strengthens its banks and starts to see the high interest rates in parts of europe that we see come down. but it would be irresponsible not to prepare proper contingency plans. and that's what the treasury and others have been doing. as i say, whether greece stays in the euro is not within our power. and we must prepare for all
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eventuality. obviously there would be real difficulties if it was a disorganized exit. >> dan jarvis. >> thank you, mr. speaker. our country has invested a lot in afghanistan, a lot of sacrifice and a lot of resource. so along with many others, i'm now increasingly concerned at the lack of progress with the critical issues of politics and governance in afghanistan, which by nearly all accounts are getting worse, not better. so will the prime minister pledge to reenergize this process in order to give afghanistan the best chance of surviving as an entity post-2014, and assuring that our efforts and our sacrifice are not wasted? >> i respect the honorable gentleman's views, not the least because he has served in the military and knows about what he speaks. in terms of the political surge in afghanistan, i think he is perhaps being a little too pessimistic, because if you take helmand province for what we have been responsible, you have seen an excellent governor make
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some real steps forward in terms of governance. you've got district governors in almost all of the province now. and you seen a huge amount of progress in terms of wheat seed distribution, in terms of building schools, hospitals, and providing basic levels of service. but clearly we need to do more. and it is going to be what happens politically and what happens in terms of r reconciliation that will determine the outcome of the nature of afghanistan. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i welcome the declaration at the nato summits about the interim missile ballistic defense system. russia, however, remains hostile to the scheme. has any progress been made in persuading them that the primary point of the scheme is to protect europe from ballistic missile threats from rogue nations and not have russia? >> obviously it's still a difficult discussion between nato and russia. but i think there is a level of understanding that the point of the ballistic missile defense is to protect europe from potential
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threats, including, for instance, iran. and that's the point of having a ballistic missile shield. i think it is important to remember that this is not instead of nuclear deterrents. it sits along side nuclear deterrents, which remains a key part of our defense posture. >> mr. and drew love. >> in its article 4 report published yesterday, the imf confirms if we needed it confirmed that not delivering growth. they've also made a number of suggestions and recommendations many of which have been talked about around the chamber today. indeed some will be implemented over coming months. but the report then goes on to suggest, recommend even a plan b to boost growth, to temporarily cut taxes. is the prime minister listening? >> i listened very carefully to what the imf says. to many two things stand out. the first is that they say
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reducing the high structural deficit over the medium terms, and they say the uk has made substantial progress towards achieving a more sustainable budgetary position. alongside the situation we inherited made them shiver. the second thing is the forecast for growth is the uk will grow fast their year than france, germany, or the eurozone. so they're not predicting that things will get worsement they're actually predicting that things will improve. >> mr. paul blackmon. >> thank you, mr. speaker. as our brave troops come home from afghanistan, one of the key issues is the sustainability long-term of the afghanistan economy. the biggest export in the past has been the poppy crop, which has fueled the illegal drugs trade worldwide. however, that self-same product could be used to alleviate medical suffering. >> here here. >> what consideration has been given to purchasing the poppy crop so we can use it for beneficial medical aims and then sustain the afghan economy as well? >> have i looked at this issue in some detail.
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i think the key thing is that if you can deliver in the country proper governments, proper rule of law, proper transport networks, then you can consider what you might do with the country's ability to grow poppy. that's what happened in turkey. i think if you suddenly introduced a poppy purchasing project now, i've got a feeling rather like blue peter, you would buy one and then produce another one made earlier. i don't think it would work. but i do believe the afghan economy can develop. and that's one of the reasons why we are spending a serious amount of money not just on supporting the afghan national security forces, but on the economic development in afghanistan. and clearly that is going to be key to its future. >> thank you, mr. speaker. recently i met with afghan sikhs in my constituent it is. under the taliban they were forced to wear yellow ribbons and were prohibited from cremating their loved ones. they have raised with me grave concerns about their freedom in the future, and also women's freedom in afghanistan.
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could the prime minister update the house on any discussions that took place in chicago on minority rights and women's rights so that we do not see a rolling back of social progress? >> i think the honorable lady raise as very important point. and i had a good meeting with president karzai in chicago. one of the points i made to him was that the quality of afghan democracy and afghan rights and afghan justice will be absolutely key in delivering success. the afghan constitution does guarantee some basic rights. and that's why we say that of course if the taliban put down their arms and stopped fighting, they can discuss a future political role rather as ira and sinn fein has done in northern ireland. but they have to accept the tenets of the afghan constitution. >> amber rod. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i'm immensely proud of the commitment to international aid made by this country. the concern about the levels of some other members of the g8. can i urge the prime minister to next year to remind some of the members of their commitment.
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>> i would be delighted to do that. one of the strengths of the g8 is that it does produce this accountability report. and i will make sure that a copy is put in the library house of the commons. it is very compelling. it really holds the promises they made about aid, about spending and about the different bits of that spending. a and you can see in black and white who has met their promises and who hasn't. we'll continue to do that next year. >> thank you. there are nearly 25 million people unemployed across the eu at the moment, and economic demand is continuing to fall in the eurozone and in this country, where as in america it's rising this year. will the prime minister therefore follow the lead of the u.s. and japanese governments and the advice of the if yesterday and bring forward much needed capital spending to boost infrastructure and get construction sector off its knees? >> we've said that we want to use the harder-won credibility we have, the low interest rates we have, the strong as it were national balance sheet we have to encourage that private sector vet. we made a series of important
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announcements about housing, including backing mortgages up to 90% loan to value to try to get the housing market working again. because the housing market is not functioning. i would just say with reference to america, if you look at their deficit reduction plans, they actually have plans to reduce their deficit faster than we do. >> gavin williamson. >> mr. speaker, does my right honorable friend agree that the g8 decision to create the capital market access initiative will help arab spring countries tap into international capital markets, bringing them both stability and prosperity? >> i think my honorable friend makes an important point. it is still i think a net bonus to the world that there has been the arab spring, and we need the wealthy countries of the world and the european union to get behind it. i think one of the problems that we face is that those north african and arab countries that have set themselves free, they were told in the past that it experienced a free enterprise economy, when in fact they've been having really a sort of crony capitalism economy. and we need to work very harder
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with them to encourage them to make a path to insure that their economies grow for the future. >> can i welcome the prime minister's alert on levels from the richest to the poorest countries? and following through on the commitment to sustainable hunger reduction, will he promote more report for small holder farmers who number over half the world's billion hungry people so that they and their families can grow and eat more and better food, and employee others, helping communities to thrive? >> i think the honorable gentleman makes an important point. and that was part of the presentation that was given to the g8 by the new alliance for global food security is through the proper use of fertilizers, through the proper use of things like exchanges, you can actually make sure that smaller farmers become more sustainable, grow their yields and actually feed not just their families, but can also build a small business. >> last but not least, we must hear from the voice of west
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worcestershire. >> i'm so pleased to hear the prime minister announce a day for discussing global hunger during the olympics. does he agree that the agenda should not just cover food security and food production, but also the hidden crisis of malnutrition, which literally stunts the growth solve many children around the world. >> i think the honorable lady is absolutely right. it just it seems to me that while we have the eyes of the world on britain for the olympics, and many african leaders will be coming to support their olympic teams, that it's a good opportunity to bring people together to say here we have a great initiative in the new alliance for food security. let's take it to the next level. let's encourage more countries to join. let's make sure that we lift more people out of hunger, out of poverty. the point she makes about nutrition is absolutely crucial for the future of the planet. >> next here on c-span 3, the senate appropriations committee looks at national guard spending and efforts to keep troop levels
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steady. in about two hours, new york university law school hosts a discussion on race and law enforcement. that's followed in 3:20 by a forum looking at terrorist financing since the 9/11 attacks. on friday, a debate between the candidates running in wisconsin's june 5th recall election. incumbent republican governor scott walker debates milwaukee mayor, democrat tom barrett. voters in that state will decide whether to recall the governor less than two years after he was first elected. live coverage friday starting at 9:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. yee-ha! >> welcome to old cowtown museum, wichita, kansas. yee-ha! >> here in the city of wichita, and trace of course waking up the city for 22 years. well think we have a heck of a start. that's why the mayor comes in every wednesday. today he is going to be talking
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a little bit about the problem we're having in the city with taxi cabs. so 9:20, hang on for that, if you will, okay? >> june 2nd and 3rd, book tv and american history tv explore the heritage and literary culture of wichita, kansas. >> a rather modest looking paper-wrapped binding. but what it contains is an alphabetical list of the members of telephone senate and the house of representatives done in 1831. i believe this was issued only as it says here for the members' immediate use only. not that they had xerox machines, but they were not supposed to loan this out, because, as you can see, it would tell you exactly where everybody lived. so you could go and button hole them and punch them if you didn't like it. >> watch for book tv and american history tv in wichita on june 2nd and 3rd on c-span 2 and 3. this is c-span3, with
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politics and public affairs programing throughout the week and every weekend, 48 hours of people and events telling the american story on american history tv. get our schedules and see past programs at our websites. and you can join in the conversation on social media sites. now the senate defense appropriations subcommittee looks at national guard spending and efforts to keep troop levels steady. last month defense secretary leon panetta said he'll restore some of the cuts in the budget proposal sent to congress earlier this year, including at least 22 guard positions. this hearing is just under two hours. >> this morning the subcommittee meets to receive testimony on qy 2013 budget of the national guard and reserve components. from the national guard i'd like
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to welcome chief of the national guard bureau, general mckinley, the director of the army national guard, general ingram, and the director of the air national guard, general wyatt. our witnesses from the reserve include the chief of the army reserve, general stults, the chief of the navy reserve,ed a dirl debbinnk, steven hummer, and the chief of the air force reserve, general charles stener. and i would like to think all for joining us today as the committee reviews fy '13 budget for the components. this year's budget proposal significant force structure changes for the air national guard, reducing end strength by
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5100 bill lets and aircraft inventory of 134 aircraft. this proposal has come under intense scrutiny from the members of congress, the council of governors, and many eyes and generals. and i'd like to hear from you on how involved you were in the deliberative products that preceded the announcement and what input you were asked to give. in addition, over the last several years, the guard and reserve have made important changes as they transitioned from a strategic to an operational reserve. this shift requires you to have deployment-ready units available at all times. as we draw down our military forces in afghanistan, the defendant will need to figure out how to best utilize this view operational reserve.
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many challenges remain for the guard and reserve. reserves and their families lack the support network provided for active duty installations. so it is important that our reserve families get the support that they need during the deployments. and as a reservist transitioned back to civilian life. the guard and reserve still face significant equipment shortfalls. congress has provided additional equipment funding for the guard and reserve in each of the last 32 years, because year after year, the president's budget fails to sufficiently fund reserve components. i'm certain that the witnesses here this morning agree that without this additional funding, our reserve components would be woefully underequipped.
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it is our duty to our men and women of the guard and reserves who are called on to deploy in harm's way just like their active duty counterparts to make certain they're adequately trained, adequately equipped. so gentlemen, i look forward to hearing your perspective on these issues. and working with this you this year in support of our guardsmen and reservists. and i would like to thank you all of you for testimony this morning. your full statements will be made part of the record. we'll begin with our hearing with the panel of the national guard. but i'd like to call on mr. alexander, because our vice-chairman has been slightly delayed. he has just called to say he'll be coming in shortly. >> thank you, mr. chairman.
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and i'll condense my remarks to welcome, gentlemen. we look forward to your comments. reequipping the guard is one of the biggest challenges facing the department of defense. i think our chairman has outlined that very adequately, and the president's proposed budget does not adequately support the reserve and guard. each of our states are very proud of the role that our men and women have played, our army guards to 78th army armored cavalry regiment to which i'll be asking some questions who have been deployed twice. many are serving in afghanistan or iraq, flying c-5 operations, installing fiberoptic communications and getting wounded in harm's way. so we're grateful to them, and we're grateful to the efforts that have been made to modernize the guard. and we've seen great changes in what men and women who join the guard expect to do over the last 10, 15 years.
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and we need to be responsive to the changed conditions and the changed expectations of guard members. so i'll be listening closely to the testimony. and i appreciate very much your service and your being here today. thank you, mr. chairman. >> may i now call upon the vice-chairman. >> mr. chairman, thank you very much for convening the hearing. i am pleased to join you and other senators in welcoming our panel of distinguished witnesses this morning. we thank you for your service to our nation, helping protect the safety and security of our citizens and our interests around the world. thank you. >> may i recognize general mckinley. >> chairman inouye and ranking member cochran and distinguished members of the committee, thank you. it's a privilege to be here today with my two directors bud wyatt as well as the other reserve chiefs. we have a very close affiliation with each other.
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and it's a pleasure and an honor, again, to testify before you. i wanted to take this opportunity as i always do to thank you all for your dedication to the soldiers and airmen that we represent. bud and bill will make some brief statements after i do. both of them distinguished former ajutnats. so they have the state of our soldiers in the title 32 status. we find ourselves obviously in the midst of constrained budgets and tough decisions. no doubt we must all curb spending, but should not at the expense of our security. that is why i must tell you that sequestration would hollow the force substantially and devastate our national security. it would result in further severe reductions to the national guard, reserve, and the active component. the national guard is already facing difficult budget cuts as
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you have alluded to, cuts that impact equipment and personnel. further reductions would significantly limit the guard's ability to function as an operational force, decrease the total forces all right capability, and reduce department's capacity to protect the homeland and to respond to emergencies. the national guard is a more ready, more capable, and more rapidly deployedable force than ever in our nation's history, as all of you know so well from your visits back home. we have and will continue to answer the call for mobilizations and volunteer support of our combatant commanders. today more than 50% of our guardsmen have combat experience. as part-time force, the national guard is a proven, affordable defense option for america. during a time of constrained budgets, we should be continue to be used as an operational force to ensure the nation is getting the most defense capability at the lowest cost.
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as an operational force, the national guard is ideally suited to meet the new strategic guidance, to meet steady state demands and act as a strategic head for unforeseen world events. at any time the national guard can and will augment the active duty, both the army and the air force to surge and regenerate forces. the nation also counts on the national guard to protect the homeland. your home states, commonwealths, territories and the district of columbia. the national guard is the best and primary military force to respond to complex catastrophes and contributes to our security by protecting our airspace and borders. while representing only a small portion of the guards' response capability, last year federal and state authorities called on one of our 57 civil support teams to use their unique weapons of mass destruction assessment skills almost twice a day. every day in our hometowns. the national guard is crucial to our governors. over the past three years,
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guardsmen and women responded to an unprecedented spring of disasters. we're poised and ready to provide that support again. according to fema administrator craig fugate, speed is critical to domestic response. he has stated recently at the national governors association conference that aviation assets need to be organic to the national guard. other options he added may not provide the same speed and capacity. we're obviously located in over 3,000 communities across the country, and the national guard is positioned to respond quickly and efficiently and work very close with our civilian first responders to any domestic emergency. our dual role requires that we continue to improve the quality and quantity of our equipment. the national guard reserve equipment account has been and will continue to be crucial to that endeavor. negria is vital to the guard as i'm sure it is to the other chiefs, including homeland
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defense needs. after 11 years of war, we continue to work closely with the united states army and the united states air force to reset our force to ensure our equipment levels meet the defense strategy. as citizen soldiers and airmen, guardsmen are able to blend their unique combination of military training, civilian-acquired skills to provide innovative approaches to support our nation's security strategy. the state partnership program is a cornerstone of the new strategic guidance and demonstrates the guard's versatility. our partnership with more than 60 foreign countries has strengthened their military capacity and competence, as well as our alliance. most recently demonstrated in chicago with our nato summit. national guard partner nations have reduced the demand on u.s. forces. 22 partner nations have provided 11,000 troops to afghanistan, and 40 partner nations have provided over 31,000 personnel and support of u.n. peacekeeping operations.
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this year we will celebrate 20 years of the state partnership program, and we look forward to continuing to work with the ajutants general to continue this approach to security cooperation for the future. each year we continue to adapt our skills to better serve the nation's strategy, and that is why this year we are instituting a threat-based resourcing model for our counter drug activities. this will direct funding to states facing the most direct narcotics threats to our communities. the breadth of our skills allows the guard to take on new and emerging missions. i would also like to address our most important asset, as you have so aptly stated. our soldiers and airmen are the reason the national guard has been so successful over the last decade. indeed, for the last 375 years. today your national guard is the most capable and competent in history, and that is because we are recruiting the highest quality soldiers and airmen. our noteworthy enlistment and
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retention numbers since september 11th, 2001, are proof that they join because they want to be used and expect to be used. this dedication would not be possible without the support of our families, communities, and the employers. that's why i'm dedicated to working closely with the army and the air force to provide our service members, their families, and employers with the best and most effective support available. thanks for the opportunity, mr. chairman to appear before you today. i'd like to ask my wingman, bud wyatt to speak, followed by bill ingram. >> chairman inouye, i'd like to open with a brief review of the events of 2011 before looking to the future of the air national guard. your guard airmen continue to make significant contributions to our nation's defense both here at home and around the globe. last year guard airmen filled approximately 54,000 requests
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for manpower. 91% of these requests were filled by volunteers. the air national guard's responsiveness and adaptability was clearly demonstrated a year ago when on 17 march, 2011, as the united nations security council passed regulation 1973 authorizing a no-fly zone over libya, the air national guard kc-135s from the refueling wing tennessee and the 168th aerial refueling wing alaska were diverted in route to forward operating bases. these guard airmen began flying operational missions in support of operation odyssey dawn 48 hours later, clearly demonstrating that the air national guard is both accessible and ready to serve. last year national guard airmen spent over half a million man days performing domestic civil support missions, a third of it on state active duty. this included assisting local authorities with explosive ordnance disposable, helping with security at special events
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such as the arkansas governor's inauguration and the boston marathon, done at state expense, not federal expense, and helping victims of floods and other natural disasters, and helping to save lives by assisting in search-and-rescue efforts. additional to supporting civil authorities, guardsmen spent an additional million man days in homeland defense. this included helping to defend u.s. airspace and aerospace control missions, assisting u.s. customs and border protection on our southwest border, and supporting america's counter drug program. your national guard airmen and soldiers have spent countless volunteer hours in their local communities, aiding their fellow airmen, sailors, soldiers and marines through yellow ribbon and wounded warrior projects, and volunteering for public project services such as youth challenge and habitat for humanity. congressional funding through the national guard and reserve equipment account has been essential to the air national guard for fulfilling both its federal and state missions.
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air national guard f-16 and a-10 squadrons deployed to afghanistan with lightning generation 4 targeting pods for the first time as a direct result of ngria funding. the funds were also used to install allowing air national guard units to train and develop tactics and procedures for cyberwarfare without disrupting networks used to accomplish day to day missions. while the fy '13 budget has challenges for the air national guard, it also has opportunities, and we adjusted our priorities to take full advantage of those opportunities. the air national guard's priorities in preparing this budget were, number one, posture the air national guard by aligning for size and composition to be flexible, agile and ready with special attention to new missions such as the mc-12 and remotely piloted aircraft. number two, maintaining a combat ready force able to quickly surge and a integrate seamless


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