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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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legitimate concerns, what can the u.s. government do and what can private parties do? >> this is a wonderful question. thank you so much for asking it. >> the itu has contributed to the growth of the net. i'm a member of the broad band commission that seeks to find ways to expanding broad band access to the internet all around the world. in that sense i tip the hat to itud for that work. at google we found many opportunities in the private sector to help expand access around the world. we take our equipment which we don't need anymore and we donate it to organizations like the network start up resource center at the university of oregon. they repurpose that equipment and deliver it to people in the southern hemisphere and then they train them and get books and documentation from publications and they set them up to build and operate pieces of the internet which now get
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connected together to the rst of the global system. there are endless opportunities here for the private sector to engage. anything that you and the committee can do to help make that easier to do would be most helpful. legislation that makes it easier for us to repurpose equipment and to do training overseas will be very helpful. just to advocate for that would be a good thing. >> thank you. i'm out of time. >> we want to thank you for appearing. i would just end by saying totalitarian regimes may not care if they have systems that work. you have these regimes involved in international negotiations they may want a system that doesn't work across international lines and stuff. a cautionary note on my part. also i need to say that the record will remain open for ten days. you may get additional questions submitted to you by members of
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the committee. if you could reply to those if they come, we would appreciate that. again, we appreciate your time being here and this hearing is now adjourned.
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an appeals court in boston has luoled that a law that denies a host of federal benefits to same sex married couples is unconstitutional. first u.s. circuit court of appeals says the defense of marriage act, which defines union as between a men man and woman discriminates.
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since then many states have instituted their own bans on gay marriage while eight states have approved it led by massachusetts in 2004. a quick look at today's live coverage on the c-span networks. the u.s. house is in session live right now on v pan. members are debating u.s. intelligence policies, and veterans programs along with votes on gender selection bill. a hearing on transportation security. security inspections of freight. our live coverage here on c-span3 will continue at 1:30 eastern. show you a hearing on the obama administration's energy policy. the house subcommittee is looking into regulation of hydraulic tracking to pull more oil or gas from rock. all this week at 8:00 p.m. eastern, we're bringing you
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american history tv primetime. programs normally seen weekends here on c-span3. tonight one of the earliest settlements jamestown, virginia, a tour of origin logical sites and a lab with more than a million artifacts found so far. spend the weekend in wichita, kansas, with book tv and american history tv. saturday at noon eastern. literary life on book tv. and the founding of beachcraft. also browse the rare book collection at watermarket west rare books. and sunday experience early plains life at the old cowtown museum. the early days of flight at the kansas aviation museum. also two participants from the kansas civil rights movement in 1958 they sat down for service
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at the drugstore. once a month c-span's local content vehicles explore the history and literary life of cities across america. this weekend from wichita, kansas, on c-span2 and c-span3. and now remarks by u.s. solicitor general who delivered the commencement address to the university of iowa law school's class of 2012 in mid may. he argued both health care and immigration cases before the supreme court in recent months. he talks for 15 minutes. >> have to follow such an extraordinary address such as the one from mr. everett. you're very fortunate to have someone like that among you and it speaks so much about the nature of this class and this law school. president mason, the dean, distinguished faculty, alumni,
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proud parents and family members and most importantly members of the graduating class of 2012, thank you so much for inviting me to join in this wonderful celebration of all the achievements that have brought you to this day. and all that you will accomplish in the years ahead. today you graduate from one of the finest law schools in the country under the stewardship of a great dean and an outstanding faculty. you are brilliant and motivated. you have matured during your time here and you are well trained in the law. after you leave here, you will spread throughout the state and the country and you will take your place as the latest generation of this school's great tradition of successful leaders of the profession of business and of government. and that is fortunate because we really need you. we don't need me to tell you that you're entering a world of
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great challenges and more than a little uncertainty. we have fought our way back from the devastation of the 2008 financial crisis. but the economy still has a ways to go. and the legal profession continues to face its share of economic stress. specially from many of you who will begin your careers with the heavy burden of student loan debt. wrestling with the personal financial challenges you face in these uncertain times may seem like more than enough. that is a personally reasonable position but i'm here today to say to you that you can do more and to ask you to do more. the most important challenge you will face is not weathering the current economic climate. the nation has summoned the will to overcome economic challenges
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before and is doing so again now. the legal profession will weather the storm and so will you. there's a greater challenge before you as you enter the profession. one that have been increasingly evident over my decades of law practice, but was in my judgment starkly exposed during the 2008 financial crisis. the run up to that crisis was not the finest hour for our society's leaders in finance, business and government. and it was not the finest hour for the legal profession. too many in our profession by no means all, but too many have drifted away from the values that defined what it means to be a lawyer. loyalty to the compliant to be sure. but also prudence, judgment, stewardship, candor, in short a sense of public responsibility in everything you do. the point of your law degree is
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not to give you an economic advantage over your fellow citizens. our entree into a life of wealth and power. you will do fine economically. in fact, you will probably do quite well. but being a lawyer is not a job. it is a profession or if you are lucky it is a calling. there is or at least there should be nobility in our work. taking on and solving other peoples' problems, being the voice for the voiceless. standing up for the rule of law in everything you do as a profession we need to reclaim these core values and restore them to the central place they deserve. that is only going to happen. renewal is only going to happen if you make it happen. from your first day on the job it starts with a recognition that law is a public profession
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and that being a lawyer means assuming public responsibilities. those responsibilities include devoting time to probono or community service. starting this year i might add it sounds like you're off to an astounding start given the numbers that the dean identified. but your sense of public responsibility should shape everything you do. it means having the integrity to tell your client no when the law will not permit what your client wants to do. it means being candid with the quarts even if you advocate for your clients' interests. it requires a constant appreciate of the consequences for your actions and those of the clients you advise and represent. i do hope that for many of you this sense of public
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responsibility will lead you into full fledged public service at some point in your lives. i hope sooner rather than later. it took me more than 20 years to take that step. i can attest from my last three and a half years of government service that is the most professionally rewarding thing you can do. whether it's putting the people in jail that need to be there or defending their liberty with everything you've got. being a watchdog for consumers, protects our environment. or holding elected office. the happiest lawyers i know are lawyers in public service and your community, your state, your country need your service and your leadership at this time of historic challenges. we really need you. that is a lot to ask. i know. i guess it's fair to say i'm urging you to aim high.
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a book aims to take the air out of midwest of the cliches graduates hear at this time of the year. as i was preparing for today's address i looked at the top ten list. i do not agree with one of the items of advice on his list which is don't make the world worse. i agree you're not striving to make the world worse. what i don't endorse is the core of the advice. he says i know i'm supposed to tell you to aspire to great things, but i'm going to lower the bar here. don't use your prodigious
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talents to mess things up. too many smart people are doing that already. the smart people he's talking about include the financial wizards that brought the economy to the brink of collapse and the lawyers. so he is right to remind us that talent and expertise can be misused. if you live out our professional lives using your talents and not mess things up, that is all right. if you set the bar at not messing up, you're not going to do what we need you to do, make a difference. having just implored you to aim high, i'm going to offer the one piece of career advice in this address and it may seem to
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contradict what i just said. it doesn't actually. the advice is this, do not think of your professional life as a ladder to be climbed. whatever you aspire to, don't try to plot out a straight line from here to that goal. it is almost certain not to get you there. if you're always asking yourself, what's the next rung on the ladder and how do i take that step up, you're going to miss out on the experiences that actually could make the biggest difference in helping you reach your goals. even more importantly, you will miss out on the experiences that could reshape or even revolutionize your thinking about what you really want and what really matters. commit yourself to what you believe to be important. take risks to do so. success will follow from your commitments in ways you likely could never have predicted or
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planned. success may end up looking different than you had originally imagined. but it will be success on your terms. as i look back on my own career, the single thing i can identify is having had more to do with any other with me being a lawyer i am today and being in the position i'm in today. there's something with a person plotting a course to become solicitor general would not have considered an especially savvy or wise move. that is taking on probono work on behalf of death row inmates which is obviously something that has been and remains quite controversial. back in 1984 when the dean and i were working together on the supreme court the pace of scheduled executions in the states had started to pick up considerably. a burdensome part of our job was reviewing the last minute stay applications seeking to halt executions. one thing that struck me in
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reviewing those petitions was the extremely uneven quality of the representation capital definites received at their trials and the difference of being on death row or not being on death row often seemed to come down to the competence of the defense counsel. based on that i resolved to do so. i started taking on probono cases for death row inmates almost as soon as i started practicing. i was very fortunate that the law firm that i worked at for more than 20 years strongly supported those efforts. i handled quite a few of those cases over the years. most of them involved claims of ineffective assistance from counsel. on five separate occasions my representation of death row inmates brought me before the supreme court as an oral advocate. so a good deal of the experience that ended up qualifying me to be concerned for the position i have now came directly out of my commitment to represent death
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row inmates. but even more to the point i learned essential lessons about what it means to be a lawyer. for these clients i was what stood between them and execution. it was my responsibility. even as a young lawyer, even a couple of years after graduating from law school to make the judgment calls about what arguments to make and how to make them it was my responsibility to do the work needed to make sure those judgments were based on the best information. and it was my responsibility to stand up in court from a county courthouse in jackson, georgia, or gulfport, mississippi to the supreme court of the united states. and give the best argument i could on their behalf. the sense of commitment and responsibility forged in representing those clients became the norm for all my norm. it came to understand what it mean for the a lawyer to be an advocate for a client. and i came to understand the centrality of the principal that every person deserves vigorous
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advocacy on his or her behalf. i will say in working on these cases disabused me of the notion that everyone on death row is some gentle soul misplaced inside a jail. i forged good relationships with some of my clients others were shall we say more difficult. but the very legitimacy of our adversarial system of justice depends on vigorous advocacy on behalf of criminal defense. that is most at stake when the defendant faces the most serious consequences. so it was imperative that i give my best for all of these clients no matter what i thought of them or their actions. and that lesson also infused itself into my work for all my clients. that kind of commitment is the essence of what it mean for the a lawyer to represent a client. i became better at everything i did as a lawyer because of the lessons i learned during those cases. even though that was not the
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path had i taken if i was thinking about the next rung on the ladder. so one more thing, while it's surely right to focus this afternoon on the bright promise the future holds for you, an important milestone like today should not pass without a reminder that life is not always going to be smooth sailing. adversity will come your way. the more you put yourself ton line for something you believe in, the more adversity you may face. there will be times when things just break badly for you. you won't always live up to the expectations you have for yourself or that others have for you. it happens to all of us. nobody no matter how successful drives through life hitting every like green. when it happens, it can be really tough. but what ultimately matters in life is how you respond when diversity hits you. that is when you show what you are made of. and what you are made of is
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going to be the product of the choices you make along the way. if you have integrity through the your life, you will respond with sbegfy if in times of tough. if you have shown courage, you will respond with courage. if you have shown deansy and respect for your colleagues and your adversaries you will know that you should continue to do so. and you may find surprising sources of support when you do. if you have committed yourself fully to your clients' cause, you will know that you have done what you could and you will know what to do on our next case. and if you have for the yourself on the line publicly for something you believe in, you will know that a little adversity is no reason to stop doing the work that makes a difference. so as you leave here, remember that what you do every day as a lawyer matters.
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each day's choices shape what you will become. and those choices determine the reserves you will have to draw on when you need them. one of the most important lessons in such times, this is something i hope you already know is that in your most difficult moments you'll be sustained by the people who love you, your family and your friends. and that will surely include the friends you have made at this great law school. so take a moment now to look around and reflect to see how fortunate you have with your friends. odds are they're the ones that will be there for you ten, 20, 30 years from now. right now let's get back to why we're here today. to celebrate to launch you on your way. thank you iowa college of law class of 2012 for the great things i know you are going to do for our profession, our
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country, and our world and good luck to you. it's been a privilege to be here. [ applause ] >> coming up, our live coverage continues on c-span3 at 1:30 eastern, we'll show you a hearing on the bm administration's energy policy. the house subcommittee is looking into hydraulic fracturing to pull more oil or gas from rock. that's at 1:30 eastern here on c-span3. right now arizona senator john kyle delivering the commencement address at arizona christian university in phoenix. he spoke about his faith and advised graduations that preparation for whatever life brings is indispensable to success. the commencement took place at scottsdale bible church in scottsdale, arizona. it's about 15 minutes. >> and i would say thankfully so. good morning, graduates. and good morning, proud maems of graduates, members of the
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faculty and administration of this fine biblically integrated education. confession is good for the soul at that time on that top 100 list, i ranked just below lady gaga. i had to ask who lady gaga was. well today you celebrate. and your sense of accomplishment in earning your degree is justified. you've completed a crucial phase in the beginning of life learning. and i'm sure that you join me in thanking all of the people who put their faith in you. your family. your professors, your other mentors. as one of america's best educators booker t. washington observed few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him.
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and to let him know that you trust him. this university has done that for you. you entered this school to advance your christian education and to learn how to engage the world as servants of jesus christ. you've learned to think critically and to communicate effectively. you've had wise teachers and advisors. the truly exceptional acu faculty includes psychological lohrs of diverse talents who helped you discover great ideas and truths about life, about oneself and most importantly about god and his will. this has helped prepare you for different career paths and that's that i want to talk to you about today. after all no father or grandfather can resist sharing some lessons of life when given the opportunity. so let's first look at the
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governing philosophy of your school. it is to teach you how to become productive conscientious adults who serve the lord, engage the world in the example of jesus christ and contribute to the world in various and meaningful ways. now you have to begin making career choices to provide for your families and yourself in the years ahead. this leads me to the first of the two thoughts that i'd like to lead with you today. goals are great, but preparation is key. almost all of you are a bit anxious about what you're going to do after graduation. some of you don't have jobs lined up. others do, but aren't sure about long range plans. my advice is think less about long-term goals than performing well at what you're doing now.
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work hard to prepare for whatever may come. if you possess a high quality education, if you're willing to work and if you're receptive to opportunity, you need not chart right now every turn that your professional career ought to take. becoming fixed on one specific path, in fact, can sometimes lead to disappointment. as i said, goals are important, but preparation is indecember penceable to success. as americans we can have many jobs. we can have several careers as a lifetimes as an undergraduate i wasn't sure what i wanted t


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