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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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four joining us here at the national press club. national security on a shoestring, do we dare? thank you. president obama's nominee to head the nuclear regulatory commission testified on capitol hill today and was asked about nuclear waste storage. that's next on c-span3. then, the u.s. chamber of commerce holds a jobs summit. later a senate hearing on a bill that tries to prohibit employment discrimination because of sexual orientation. on tomorrow's washington journal, we'll get different perspectives on jobs, the economy and the november elections. we'll talk to former michigan republican governor john engler, and then former labor secretary
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in the clinton administration, professor robert reich joins us. later, the former head of the financial market sheila bair. president obama's nominee to head the nuclear regulatory commission, alison mcfarland said she would work to create a positive working relationship with her fellow commissioners. if confirmed she will replace the current chairman, who resigned after complaints about his management style. california senator barbara bomber chairs this two with-hour hearing. >> we've been discussing the best way to proceed. because we know senators have schedules, we'll withhold our opening statements and allow you to do your introductions.
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we'll start with with senator blumenthal, please, introducing the nominee for chairman. >> thank you, madam chairman, and ranking member inhofe, i'm very honored today to introduce alison mcfarlane, president obama's nominee to be a commissioner, in fact chairman of the nuclear regulatory commission. i want to thank the chair woman and members of the committee for giving me this opportunity. dr. mcfarlane is a native of connecticut, born in hartford, raised in avon, went to avon high school, which is an area a few miles north and west of hartford, our capital. i would like to say that's her most important distinction. but actually as you know, she is
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a geologist of national, indeed enter national stature, and supremely well qualified to head the nuclear regulatory commission in its critical point in its history and our nation's. she is a remarkable scholar and leader and person of genuine courage, and has been a professor of environmental science at george mason university since 2006. she's been in a variety of academic positions at harvard stan forward and other universities before the one that she has now. she's also served on the blue ribbon commission established by the president's 15-member commission which produced a report very recently that address one of the principle challenges for the nrc in the
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coming years, to develop an integrated nuclear waste program. and make sure we move from spent pulls to dry casts in as many of our nuclear facilities as possible. this issue is extraordinarily important to connecticut, because of our connecticut yankee and mill stone plants where some of our fuel is still stored in pools and where we have a substantial amount of nuclear waste. and the interest of connecticut in this issue is very, very profoundly significant. dr. mcfarlane is an academic and cleaning ailty.
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and i am proud to support her for this committee. the members of the committee will be as impressed by her professional, academic distinctions and qualifications for this profoundly important position. >> thank you, senator. senator sessions is going to reintroduce the commissioner. >> thank you, chairman bofler and rappinging member inhofe and members of the committee. it's a delight for me to be able to introduce you to christine saviniki. she's no stranger to the committee having appeared before us several times, i've penally known christine for seven years, time for me to know what an impressive person she is. she was born and raised in jackson, michigan, a mid sized town in the southern part of the state.
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her grandfather svinicki came to work in the iron mines of michigan. she's the youngest of seven children. her father was an army veteran of world war ii, although her father never spoke about his war experience experiences as is so often the case. she and her siblings were moved to learn after his death, he had two with bronze stars which he never talked. after the war, amol was the first of his family to go to college, attending the illinois institute of technology, in chicago studying architecture. she was raised to understand that her parents valued education, above all else. so although she lost both of her parents to illness by the time she was 20, she knew that they would want her to finish her college degree, which she did, graduating from the university
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of member misch with a bachelor of science and nuclear engineering appropriately. since then, christine has been a true public sefb ant applying her many talents to the nation she loves so dearly. approaching now three decades of public service. after college she worked for the state of wisconsin, at the public service commission where she learned about the regulation of electric power companies, from there she took a position with the u.s. department of energy at their idaho operations office, work withing on nuclear waste programs associated with the department of energy's idaho, nuclear laboratory. she eventually transferred to doe's headquarters in washington. she came to capitol hill as a brookings institute legislative fellow in 1997. she decided to continue working on the hill as a permanent staff. i came to know christine when
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she was hied as a staff member of the senate armed services committee in 2005 by senator john warner, then chairman of the committee. chairman bomber and inhofe will probably control that senator warner gave her an especially warm introduction when her first confirmation hearing occurred here in 200. he referred to teen as one of the extraordinary persons that he had served with in his three decades in the senate. christine's work also supported me in my role as chairman of the strategic forces subcommittee and armed services. her knowledge of nuclear security and nuclear defense issues, which we dealt with or which she was the lead staffer was acknowledged and appreciated by the staff members on both sides of the aisle and her work was highly regarded. i was very impressed. she was one of the best i've ever worked with, i valued her
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opinion greatly. in fact, she was still working on the armed services committee staff when she was nominated in 2007 by president bush to serve on the nuclear regulatory commission. and her nomination was strongly supported by senators serving on the armed services committee on both sides of the aisle, she was confirmed in 2008 by unanimous consent as a commissioner, she's demonstrated a strong commitment to understanding the practical effects of nrc regulation at the facilities they regulate. she's visited promly half of the nuclear power plants in the united states. she takes a practical as well as a theoretical approach to her work. the nrc has seen its share of controversy in the past several years, through it all, christine has exhibited tremendous character and professionalism, and courage, although members of her family were not able to
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travel to washington to be here today. she has the enthusiastic support of her siblings spread across the country as well as her many nieces and nephews, some of whom are tuned in to the web cast, i'm sure, cheering her on today. i know her parents and grandparents would be very proud her today, as i am and as are many of her fellow supporters and friends. she's earned the respect of many employees at the nrc, who very much want to see her return to the commission for another term. thank you very much madam chairman. >> now, the senators are welcome to go on to their next activity. i'm sure the nominees are extremely grateful to both you for your wonderful introductions, we thank you very much. we'll do our opening statements and then we'll hear
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safety. that is the mission. nothing underscores the important role played by the nrc por more than the fukushima disaster. that disaster in japan was a wakeup call to each of us, that safety at our power plants, nuclear power plants can't be taken for granted. and must reflect the lessons of fukushima. i want to remind everyone here today what happened in japan about a year ago, a 9.0 earthquake struck off the coast, triggering a tsunami that
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reached up to 45 feet high and stretched up to miles inland. the fukushima daiichi power plant was hit hard. containment structures were damaged, three nuclear reactors melted down, and radiation poured out into the environment. people's lives were uprooted by evacuations to avoid the threat of radiation poisoning. many of those men, women and children have yet to return to their homes and some may never get back. as i reflect on the fukushima disaster i think of communities in my home state of california. those communities are right close to two nuclear facilities, the santa onofri power station. almost 500,000 people live within 50 miles of diablo
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canyon. the thought of those families facing an unimaginable accident, even a fraction of what the people of japan faced during the fukushima disaster makes me even more vigilant about safety, when it comes to nuclear power. much more work needs to be done by the nrc in the aftermath of fukushima. as i review the activities of the nrc, i feel without the leadership of the current chairman, we would be even further behind on safety than we are. i am impressed by the president's nominee, dr. macfarlane, who brings to this position the critical experience, intelligence, scientific background and integrity that we need so much at the nrc. i ask unanimous consent to place if the record statements of support for dr. macfarlane, including one from the union of concerned sign tests which stated we expect her to be a strong advocate for practicality steps to enhance nuclear power and safety and security. in addition, i'd like to replace
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the nuclear energy institute letter urging us to confirm dr. macfarlane expeditiously. i look forward to hearing your views on the role of the nrc and ensuring the safety of the american people. regarding commissioner svinicki's nomination, i am troubled by her statements that she did not work directly on yucca mountain, which she clearly did. i also believe she has not demonstrated the commitment to safety that the american people have a right to expect in this post fukushima era. just yesterday i learned that commissioner svinicki actively opposed my reasonable request for an nrc investigation into how a redesign of the santa onofri power plant. she did not support that request. now, that plant is shut down.
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shut down due to unexplained deterioration of steam generation tubes due to radioactive material. had her commission prevailed we would have seen stonewalling by the nrc. i want to thank commissioner ostendorf for not allowing the stonewalling to occur. and i ask unanimous consent to place in the record les of opposition to commissioner svinicki's renomination. now, one of these was a letter written by 94 organizations who said during her first term as an nrc commissioner, she voted for nuclear interest at the expense public health and safety. and a letter that came from another set of concerned americans said "since the fukushima catastrophe began, commissioner svinicki voted
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against an advisory committee on reactor safety recommendation for member ours to address accident risks posed by the reactor cores and higher pressures associated with power up rates against measures to improve security screening for personnel gaining access to reactors against measures to increased nrc enforcement direction. discretion for reactors that do not comply with fire regulations and against measures to gather more information to enhance control of leaks and radioactive materi materials. she voted in favor of the consideration of regulations to the industry, by requiring nrc staff to analyze the cumulative financial impact on all the regulations of licenses. what's key here to me is the safety of the people. now, my two nuclear power plants happen to be located on or near
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earthquake faults and tsunami zones. sean all i could tell you is this, the burden on the nrc should be taken seriously by every commissioner. the safety of millions of people, women, men, children receipts on your shoulders. and so for me post fukushima, i will be supporting people who i believe will put the safety of the people ahead of the special interests. that is critical to me. and so as we move on, i will be asking questions. the american people have a right to expect the best public servants in these critical positions. and i now turn to ranking member inhofe for his opening statement. >> thank you, madam chairman. one of the senate's most important responsibilities is to provide consent to the president's nominations, that's what we're doing today. the nomination of kristine
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svinicki to continue to serve on the nuclear regulatory commission, is crucial especially as the commission enters a tumultuous time of trans penant leadership. five years ago she was confirmed by this committee as was with stated in her introduction, and in the senate by unanimous consent. president obama has taken the step to continue her service in a five-year term. she had many years of experience on capitol hill serving as a second rarpging member. if her current role as commissioner, her contribution has been essential as the commission has worked to unravel lessons learned. the commissioner's perspective
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was with crucial in finalizing the commission's view of vogel and summer nuclear plants, the first two new nuclear plants licenses in over 30 years. her voting record at the nrc shows that she is a conscientious and objective policy maker and a strong dedication to safety. her demonstration collaborated with her commission colleagues shows her to be a studious, thoughtful colleague. we're considering also the nomination of dr. alison macfarlane to complete the term of chairman yasco. given the numerous reports of chairman yasco's distraction, it was appropriate for him to resign last month. the commission can focus on its mission of nuclear safety.
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it's my expectation that dr. macfarlane can step in to be a valuable member of the commission. i have some concerns in the lack of management experience. that she'll pick up quickly as well as areas of nuclear safety. she's very well informed on the back end of the field cycle, i hope that her previous research and public sayings won't inhibit her ability to be a fair judge of the licensing of nuclear waste repository. despite those modest concerns, i think we can agree the nrc functions most effectively as a full commission. i'm encouraged to hear with her individual meetings with my staff that she intends to treat her peers at the nrc as equals and as valuable knowledge base. certainly expecting that will happen, i had a chance to visit with dr. macfarlane and i
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probably shouldn't say this in a meeting like this, but i said i -- i'd like to have the same relationship as i do with lisa jackson. the director of the epa. she's always been very honest with me. while we have disagreements, i'm sure we'll have the same relationship and i look forward to it. thank you, madam chairman. >> thank you so much. senator carper. >> thank you, madam chair. i want to start my statement with a question. of dr. macfarlane. how do you pronounce your name? >> due want an answer? >> yes. >> macfarlane. >> we've never mispronounced commissioner svinicki's name. we have the potential to butcher names badly here. hopefully we'll get yours right. your name is misspelled i would note that, dr. macfarlane. i look forward to today's
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hearing. quite favorably impressed by the technical breadth and depth our two nominees and by the set of skills that each one has already brought. the other would bring if confirmed to the nuclear regulatory commission. i'm encouraged the president would move to nominate dr. macfarlane to serve as commissioner and chair the nrc. i'm pleased he submitted the name of christine is a vinity to serve a full five year term. hopefully we can make a decision on both these nominees before june 30th of this year, so the commission will have a full compliment of commissioners and new chair to lead it. i believe it's important to have a fully functioning commission. the nrc is addressing some of the most pressing issue the nuclear industry has faced in yearsp the nrc is reviewing our domestic nuclear fleet and
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implementing lessons learned from the fukushima daiichi crisis that occurred last year. we need to make sure that every precaution is being taken to safeguard the american people from a similar nuclear disaster here. just a few months ago the nrc approved the construction of four new nuclear reactors and undertaken the united states has not witnessed in some 30 years. the events that disabled the fukushima daiichi plant is a reminder that they will replace injury and death when it does happen. there have been no direct deaths from nuclear power plant radiation exposure in this country. while i'm a strong proponent of clean energy, my top priority has been and remains public safety. the past 11 years i work with the nrc, my colleagues and the industry to ensure that we build
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and maintain a culture of safety in every one our 104 nuclear power plants. i expect and i believe the public expects the nrc to be a strong independent and effective regulator. a regulator that acts prudently firmly and decisively. a regulator that acts openly and transparently. and a regulator that produces results and is worthy the public's confidence in the legislative branches of our government. in somes the nrc must continue to work every day to ensure our nation's health safety and security while endeavoring to protect our environment. commissioner svinicki has been a member of the commission for five years now. she's been in front of this committee a number of times to answer questions. i've had the opportunity to discuss a wide range of nuclear power issues with the commissioner and while i may
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mott have agreed with her on every single one of them. i found her hard working. while i do not know dr. macfarlane, i welcome the opportunity to meet her, i met with her earlier this week for a twid ranging issues. by the conclusion of that meeting, i'm encouraged that her expertise, her experience, past leadership on some of the most pressing issues facing our country could bring a valuable and unique perspective on policy issues. i look forward to learning moyer about her and her views on the nuclear policy on the nrc today and 2349 days ahead. i hope this proves to be a productive hearing that will enable us to move forward through the nomination process. in conclusion, i believe that
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both these nominees clearly have the potential to play important leadership roles, that will help to strengthen the nuclear regulatory commission and their critical work that it does for our nation in coming years. i hope when the hearing is conclude concluded my colleagues will share my belief. i notice there are two young men sitting over your right shoulder, your 10-year-old son graham, thank you for sharing your mom. and to your dad, thank you for sharing your wife. christine, i don't know if you have any of your family here. >> no. >> we wish them well. thank you both. >> thank you for recognizing the family of our soon to be chairman, i hope. i didn't know she had her family here. i'm thrilled you noted them. senator alexander, you're next. >> narngs, madam chairman. senator inhofe.
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dr. macfarlane, commissioner svinicki we're glad you're here. i've been very impressed with president obama's nominees to the nuclear regulatory commission. that includes commissioner svinicki. and i do not know dr. macfarlane, i began to get to know her, i noticed her distinguished background. i took believe it's important for our country to have a full compliment of members of the nuclear regulatory commission, i hope we can make a prompt decision soon. i would like to -- rather than surprise you with the questions i'm going to ask when my time comes, i'd like to tell you about them in advance, that will help express my concerns and my attitude as i look forward to talking with you. fist, and this is -- will be especially for dr. macfarlane is the management question.
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i've never seen anything in my life and public life in and out of government over the last 40 years as the dispute that has occurred among very well qualified members of the nuclear regulatory commission. and without with even getting very far into why that happened or how that happened, if you're going to be the chairman designee, i'll be asking you about what you intend to do about that. what your manner and attitude will be in terms of leadership in an organization where you have well qualified colleagues and 4,000 or so employees second i'll be asking about nuclear waste, what are we going to do about it. you may get some questions about whether you're for or against yucca mountain. i'll be asking whether or not you're for or against it, should we not move ahead to find a
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repository and consolidation sites along parallel tracts as recommended by the bipartisan commission on nuclear waste on which dr. macfarlane served. three, i'll be asking about small nuclear reactors and your attitude toward that. that's an opportunity our country has, has broad support here in the congress. we're fund ing a jump start of it, the nuclear regulatory commission's nurturing of that process over the next three or four years will make a difference whether the united states is able to move ahead with it successfully. i'll be asking about that. >> two other things, one is the mox fuel. tba is a federal agency that's volunteered to use it in the nuclear regulartory commission, will have to qualify it and license the reactor. this is all part of the united states effort to take nuclear weapons that were intended to blow us up


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