tv [untitled] June 15, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm EDT
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i'm figuring i'm 49 now. i might be able to finish it out. my last years are going to be doing a lot of combined interviewing between telephone, online, app, maybe we might even go back to the way we used to do years ago and that's goin to people's houses and we've done this in third world countries and maybe we'll bring that back to america. we're going to be doing a lot of different ways to get at people and not just one method. >> luke? >> i don't know if i can come up with a better word than gene. what you can do online and what you can do instantously to get a sense of folks across the country, dial testing, those kinds of things, broader sample and quicker turnaround on feedback is going to be invaluable. >> i think fusion was a great word. i was going to say mixed. you beat me to that.
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the other thing is to say mining. we'll be mining data. we'll look at what people are saying on twitter and facebook and we're going to be looking -- they won't be traditional polls. they will simply be other ways to get information and people don't really care about polls. they care about the topics. if we can get good information from data mining, we will use that. >> okay. so this is the last question. we'll begin with you, luke. we are now the day before the 2012 general election. what are the spreads and why? >> this is the type of question that i'm really glad is being record five months ahead of time. i'll give answers since it is being recorded. i don't know. i think a couple things that you have to look at. the weekend before voting day, election day, the most recent jobs report will come out. a lot of voters will be tuned in by that time of course. if you look at anything from the most recent jobs numbers that
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came, the fundamentals of the election, five, six months out really shifted when unemployment ticked up and when you saw that response and i think it's because that's going to be the number one issue. if the issue is the president's job performance and a referendum on his record, i think independent voters particularly ones that supported him in 2008 will say he didn't cause the problem but he hasn't made it worse and i think it's time to try something else. they need to come to an understanding that governor romney is up to do the job and that probably will take the presidential debates for them to really tune in and make that determination. i think that's going to be the ultimate thing. i think that's why he has a path forward to victory. so many things can change. >> scott? >> it depends on the economy. it's broader than jobs. only 49% of homeowners think their home is worth more than they paid for it a level of anger and frustration out there
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about the economy. my view i mentioned earlier, if people are feeling bitter about their personal finances in october than today, president obama will win a narrow victory. smaller margin of victory than four years ago. if people are not feeling better about their finances, governor romney will win and his margin will depend on how unhappy people are feeling about their own finances. >> i think mitt romney is going to win starting with every state that mccain won and add to that florida and ohio and north carolina. i think that he will win virginia by the closest of margins. i think he'll be very close in wisconsin but a republican hasn't won it since ronald reagan ron 49 out of 50 states. when that happens, he'll win one of the following states if not more. he'll win either new mexico, nevada, iowa and that will put him into the 280 range and like i said, starting it off by
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, the major khan of the jewish task force, faith and freedom coalition, jeff ballabon. [ speaking foreign language ] >> how pleasant and good it is for brothers to dwell together. how great is the idea of faith and freedom coalition? how great is an idea that says what brings us together, what matters, is not where we pray but what we pray for. [ applause ] what do we pray for? we pray for many things but i
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believe for one thing above all and one thing which unites them all and that is shalome. what is shalome? everyone knows that it is piece. rabbis teach us it is god's game. the word shallome means complete and whole. it means taking many diverse things and combining them into one unified truth because when we look at the world, we need to see the one unified truth of god. [ applause ] i'm thrilled to be here with you today and thrilled to bring outstanding news from america's heartland. new york. you are laughing but that is the
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jewish heartland. the good news is in the jewish partlan heartland, the polls show romney 53. why is that? everyone knows that in general jews vote democrat and liberal. why is it in the heartland all of a sudden we see a dramatic shift in such a short time? >> polls change but issues don't and the truth is issues that matter are coming to the fore more and more under what we have to call a fairly radical set of ideas being put forth by this administration. of course we know we need to free the economy and everyone agrees on that. beyond that, what's come to the fore in new york, if you pay
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attention for the district nine district where i grew up and my parents still live, there was a democrat, anthony weiner, who had to leave as you may know. his replacement was a tough battle between a well known jewish democrat and a relatively unknown bob turner. and the orthodox jewish community and jewish communities traditional ones in new york, and there are many, gathered together and created a true grassroots campaign and what were the issues? the issues were protecting marriage first and foremost, that's right. exactly right. protecting marriage in certain segments of the community and simultaneously, sending a message to barack obama about his treatment of the state of israel. i want to tell you a story. a true story. i told you i come from that
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district. i got a call from the turner campaign. it was grassroots getting toward the end and they were sailing and wanted help from people who had done campaigns so i came onboard. before i did that to get a sense on the ground, i called my parents up. my father answered. i said, dad, who are you voting for? he said i'm voting for turner. terrific. i want you to do one favor. just ask mom to stay home and not vote that day. no. no. she's voting for turner as well. yeah. i said, please put her on the phone. i said, mom, you're voting for turner? yes, i am. please tell me why. why? because we have to send a message to barack obama. that's what she said. we have to send a message. what's the message you want to send? the message i want to send is that the united states of america needs to remember who our friends are and we can't treat the state of israel this way. in synagogues all around the
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world, we read over the cycle of a year. and this week what we're reading is about the story of the spies that moses sent into the land of israel. the spies go in and come out and say terrible things about israel. and that day is considered the worst of all events in jewish history and all strategies and destruction of temples and those tragedies happen on that day even though they are centuries apart because they spoke lies about israel but started by saying it's truly a fruitful country. why did they say that? why didn't they say not only are people fierce but it's barron and no way to make a life there. if you want to get away with a big lie, you fool people by starting with a small truth. we know as this has been going on how much we hear from the administration about how much they love israel and what they do for israel and point to little things here and there
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that they have no choice but to do or constituencies or whatever and they are pushing them to do it. it's not coming from a feeling that they want israel to be strong and to survive and to thrive. we'll be hearing a lot of big lies prefaced by small truths. i think you all know. we'll keep an eye on that lesson. as we go forward, it's our job to tell the big truth. how do we tell the big truth? well, we're the faith and freedom coalition. we join together in the field. we work for what we believe to be true. and we send our work, our good works up to god as our prayers and that's what we do together. that's what unites us together and unites us as american and that's why this is faith and freedom coalition, jewish, christi christian, as we look for the same thing and push for an america welcoming of our values and protects morality and
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safeguards its best friends, we're praying together to god. we send that prayer up to god what we hope is may he who makes peace on high, he will make peace amongst us. he will make shalom among us. he'll unify us. all we can do is give our lives in our effort. blessings of peace, most important blessings of all, they have to come from god. i'm so excited to be with you today. i'm looking forward to working with you. and together we can hopefully have the blessings of god on all of our work. amen. god bless. [ applause ] ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to the stage, the chairman of the wisconsin faith and freedom coalition, mr. tony.
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>> hello, everybody. what a great year to be a conservative. i am personally thrilled to have this next honor and i can't wait for him to come out and share with you his vision for not just the party but for our great state in wisconsin and also for the united states as a whole. our next speaker has been fighting for our values since he was 16 years old. best known for strong leadership of the wisconsin republican party where he helped engineer one of the biggest tsunami wins of 2010. his leadership moved wisconsin from a liberal democrat controlled senate, assembly and governorship to a courageous conservative senate and assembly and state government led by -- man, what's the guy's name here again?
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that guy. yeah. thank you, thank you, thank you. all of this helped propel him to become the chairman of the republican national committee where he was instrumental in beating back liberal -- you hear this a few times -- beating back liberal special interest groups in winning the historic recall elections of this year in our state. [ applause ] on a personal note, i truly believe that god has raised this man up for such a time as this. we need courageous leadership. this is the person that's going to do that here in washington knowing that he's going to stand up toe to toe to ensure that obama is a one-term president. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome to the stage a friend of the freedom coalition,
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a personal friend, chairman of the rnc, reince priebus. >> all right, tony. thank you so much, tony. i don't know about you, but are you ready to fire barack obama and save america? well, i got to tell you, it is an absolute blessing to be here. you're a blessing to us and i just have so much appreciation and love for ralph reed, founder and chairman of the faith and freedom coalition. he's done an extraordinary job. i will tell you. tony just talked about wisconsin. he was just talking about what that was all about. when i was there in wisconsin over the weekend and we were fighting this thing out, i ran into teams from faith and freedom coalition from all over the country so thank you. i appreciate everything you have done for what we've gotten done
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in wisconsin. people ask about wisconsin. what was wisconsin about? you know, i used to start every speech like this. i would ask the question to our party. i know you're not just all party people but let me just tell you. even in our own party, we would ask the question, what does this party need? and the answer to that question is real simple stuff. we need people of their word to run for office and govern like they campaigned. and sometimes if you have to do a whole lot of number three, governing like a campaign, before you prove number one. that you're someone of your word. now, i happen to believe like i know you believe, that politics is not the answer to our problems. we know that. we know that god is the answer to our problems. we also know -- we also know that god has called us to live a
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mission. god called us to be involved in our government and in the world around us. so we're living the mission. i happen to believe that we're in a battle for freedom in this country. we're in battle for freedom. it's the same battle that founded this country. it's the same battle that james madison reaffirmed in the bill of rights. it's the same battle that founded our party in 1854 in p ripon, wisconsin, and here we are today. as a matter of principle, a country that has to surrender its sovereignty to its bond holders can't guarantee prosperity or freedom to anybody. a country that has to watch an avalanche of debt bury its kids and its grandkids can't rest in
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any vestage of the moral high ground. a country that is controlled by china can't compete with china. and yesterday you may have heard that the president gave a speech, right? someone who is in love with the sound of his own voice but can't followthrough on a simple promise. it's no surprise giving speeches is his favorite pastime. his speech was 54 minutes long, had zero new ideas, more of the same, more taxes, more big government. i feel bad for anyone that actually had to endure it and listen to it. but his campaign called it a major address. i think we can call it together a major flop. but the president said one thing that i think we can all agree with. he said that this country is
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facing a choice between two paths for our future. our country is facing a choice of two paths. a cradle to grave path, the life of julia path, and the path of individual and economic freedom. our path is the path of opportunity and personal liberty. i think you know which path is a better path for our kids and our grandkids. this president offers a path of regrets. we offer a path of recovery. i'm sure you heard last week the president said the private sector is doing fine. i think you heard that at maybe one of his hollywood fundraisers perhaps. this president's priorities are not america's priorities.
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and barack obama is not your daddy's democrat. he's not kennedy. god forbid, he's not bill clint either. he is the first, unabashed, committed leftist to live at 1600, pennsylvania avenue because this president, this president would rather bow to foreign leaders than stand up for america's greatness. [ applause ] this is a president that would rather trash the constitution than preserve our rights. he's a president that would rather defer to the united nations and defend the united states and our allies. we serve the principles of
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washington, lincoln and reagan. obama serves the principles and the demands of union bosses, the central planners and elitist bureaucrats. we believe in the philosophy of our founding fathers, but barack obama believes in one man's philosophy. the philosophy of barack obama. you know, after the conservatives and by the way, when i say that i want you to know that the republican party is not in competition with the conservative movement. we're just part of it. and when the conservatives won big in 2010 the pundits said that the president would move to the middle. does it look like he's moved to the center? we're still marching to the far left. this is a president who would
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trade the american dream for the european nightmare. europe doesn't work in the white hou house. europe doesn't work in europe. we have to win this election or we're going to lose this country. >> that's right. >> collectivism will replace individualism, and the dreams of obama will replace the vision of our founding fathers. when washington runs the economy, washington runs our lives and when washington can tell us what to do we can't tell it to stop. we're in a battle for freedom. it's a battle between governments' insatiable appetite to grow and what's born in every americans' heart for individual and economic freedom.
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now, we can get one thing out of the way. i've got a really bizarre name. would you agree with me on that? who is this guy named reince priebus, anyway? half of my family lives in greece, and i want to tell you a little story and it's a story of a family like mine. it's a little like "my big fat greek wedding," but that's a long story. my yaya and pupu were like the king and queen, we call him papu in greek. i loved my papu and as a grandkid and for you grandpas you know exactly what i'm talking about and everything my papu did, i loved, and it didn't matter what it was, and he loved
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politics and he lived out in greece with my grandmother, my yaya and we'd go and visit my yaya and papu and i'd walk out on the balcony in athens and he lovered the democracy party. and there's the democracy party and the socialists and at the time the kke who were the communists and those kind of come and go, but you can figure out who the good guys are, right? he loved the new democracy party so i'd walk out on the balcony and out on the balcony there would be this huge flag that said new democracy and there was a huge american flag in downtown athens and they would come to kenosha, wisconsin. they don't come for a week and a long weekend, it's a few months, right? so yaya and papu are with us in
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kenosha and my papu loved reading the world books and a lot of time he'd have a little johnny walker next to him as he's reading this thing, but he'd take the letter p off the shelf for presidents and i'd sit next to him for hours as an 8 or 9-year-old little guy, and he would read me stories and it didn't matter who it was. it really didn't. it could be republican, democrat, wigg, lbj and here was a story about him or the next guy, but here's what i took from all of this that the person that i loved and looked up to the most in my life, he loved this country, and he wasn't from here, but he loved america, and he loved every little crumb about this country, and i've got to tell you it's time to end the
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barack obama presidency before his presidency ends our way of life. are you with me? [ applause ] >> we have a battle for freedom that brings us all together. i have a son. his name is jack, a normal name. my daughter's grace, the opposite direction. let me just tell you my little guy who is 7, he loves this country, and i try to instill those stories about my grandpa. i try to play that role, and how many of you have been to the world war ii memorial? well, i think you would agree with me, it's one of those things that you get out of it that you're willing to put into it so a lot of times i like to take jack around to different places while we're here and we went to the world war ii memorial and he's a good little reader and we looked around and
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read the quotes from nimitz and eisenhower and truman and the heroes of that time and then we went up to that wall with the 4,000 stars that are on the wall and you look at it and you're facing the lincoln memorial and you're reading what it all stands for and you see that for every one of those stars was a hundred little guys that didn't come home to mom and dad, and for a lot of you, you know that moment when you're a young parent like i am when you think -- you never get there, of course, it's an enormous sacrifice and unbelievable, i can't even imagine, but you're looking down at your little son and you think about what could that possibly be like, you know, if jack represented 1/100th of one of those stars of the 4,000 that are up there, it just hits
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you. in front of that wall you look down and read it, it says in gold on the black granite here we mark the price of freedom. we're in a battle for freedom in this country. we have a person that has made a lot of promises and hasn't fulfilled one of them and a couple that he has fulfilled. he doesn't want to talk about obama care and he doesn't want to talk about the massive amount debt through the stimulus bill and we have a choice to make and someone on the other side who has made a life and career of making promises and keeping promises in governor romney, we've all been blessed in different ways and we may not agree on every little thing, on every little detail in the republican party and the conservative movement or however we want to debate it and one thing we need to agree on is we
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need to make sure that we build this coalition on the concepts of addition and multiplication, not division and subtraction because if it's really about liberty, if this is really about the future of america that we love, then we need to deliver to this country the biggest stimulus plan that we could ever put forward and the stimulus plan is elect mitt romney, fire barack obama and save america. thank you very much. god bless you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. god bless you. thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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